
BACTEmmoLGIcAL REVIEWs, Sept 1976, p. 698-721Copyright X 1976 American Society for Microbiology

Vol. 40, No. 3Printed in U.S.A.

Sulfate Ester Formation and Hydrolysis: a PotentiallyImportant Yet Often Ignored Aspect of the Sulfur Cycle of


Department of Microbiology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602

INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 698STATUS OF SULFUR IN AEROBIC SOILS..................................... 698

Inorganic Sulfur ........................................................... 698Carbon-Bonded Sulfur ....................................................... 699Ester Sulfate ............................................................... 700

ORIGINS OF SOIL ESTER SULFATE ......... ............................... 702Mammalian Sources ......................................................... 702Microbial and Plant Sources .................................................. 702Generation of Choline Sulfate ..................... ........................... 703

MINERALIZATION OF ESTER SULFATE .......... .......................... 704PHYSIOLOGICAL FUNCTION OF MICROBIAL SULFOHYDROLASES ....... 705Regulation of Sulfohydrolase Synthesis and Activity ........ ................... 705Localization of Sulfohydrolase Activity ............ ........................... 707Sulfohydrolase Stability In Vivo and In Vitro ......... ........................ 709

SOURCES OF INORGANIC SULFATE FOR AEROBIC SOILS ...... .......... 709Elemental and Sulfide Sulfur ................................................. 709Sulfate Ester Hydrolysis...................................................... 710Atmospheric Pollution ....................................................... 710Sulfonates, Sulfamates, and the Sulfated-Thioglycosides ....... ................ 710S-Containing Amino Acids................................................... 711

PRACTICAL AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS ........ ...................... 711LITERATURE CITED......................................................... 713

INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this article is to examine the

potential importance of the microbial hydroly-sis of sulfate esters as a means of generatinginorganic sulfate (SO42-) in aerobic, well-drained soils. In many recent articles dealingwith the sulfur cycle (53, 87, 138, 150, 204-206,212), the involvement of sulfate ester metabo-lism appears to have been either ignored or notexamined in depth. In 1965, Dodgson and Rose(51) considered the hydrolysis of these esters tobe of minor importance as a source of SO42-. Inview of data on the occurrence, formation, andhydrolysis of these esters which has accumu-lated since then, it is significant that theseauthors (53) have recently assigned to this as-pect of metabolism a role of major importancefor the sulfur cycle. This latter prospect will beexamined here, particularly with the view ofestablishing a firm basis for the occurrence ofester sulfate in aerobic soils.

Previous reviews have dealt primarily withthe man-made and the traditional biologicalsources of this anion such as the oxidation ofelemental sulfur, but few attempts have beenmade to consider in the same article all possiblesources ofSO42- for aerobic soils. Thus, in addi-

tion to sulfate ester hydrolysis, an attempt willalso be made to consider these aspects as wellas other less recognized sources of SO42-, suchas possible contributions made by the S-con-taining amino acids, the sulfonates, the sulfa-mates, and the sulfated-thioglycosides.


The close relationship between organic car-bon, total nitrogen, and the total sulfur contentof soil was considered by Freney and Stevenson(92) to mean that most of the sulfur in soilsthroughout the world occurs in the organicrather than the inorganic state. This generali-zation has been substantiated by the results ofsoil sulfur analysis, which show (Table 1) thatvery little sulfur is found as SO, S-2 or as SO,2-.Of 208 different soils investigated, only 5.2%(average value) of the total sulfur was presentas S042-, and little, if any, sulfur was found inthe elemental (SO) or sulfide (S2-) form (SO +S2- represented 2.8% of total S in 14 soils).Indeed, Tabatabai and Bremner (249) were un-able to detect sulfur in the latter two forms inan investigation of the sulfur content of 37 rep-resentative samples of the major soil series in


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TABLz 1. Sulfur status of soils from various geographical locations

No. of L ab % HI-re- % Ester Sourcesamples Location and depth % SO,2- % SO. 2 bonded ducible S sulfate'

10 Eastern Australia, depth not re-ported

1 Solonized soil24 Eastern Australia, 0-6 inches3 New South Wales, Australia, 0-4

inches15 Australia, 0-10 cm3 Australia, 0-10 cm2 New South Wales, Australia,

Crookwell region, 0-10 cmVirgin Podzolic soilFertilized Podzolic soil

2 Same as above, different samples(?)

Virgin Podzolic soilFertilized Podzolic soil

11 New South Wales, 0-10 cm20 Northern Nigeria, 0-15 cm14 England and Wales, U.K., 0-15 cm2 Calcareous soils3 Wales, U.K., 0-15 cm3 Quebec, Canada, depth not reported7 Quebec, 0-6 inches5 Quebec, 0-6 inches3 British Columbia, Canada, depth

not reported1 Saskatchewan, Canada, depth not

reported64 Iowa, 0-15 cm37 Iowa, 0-15 cm

"Webster" soil0-15 cm30-60 cm90-120 cm

4.6 NDc ND 48.3 43.7 270

ND ND 59.1 41.8 2701.0 41.0 59.0 52.0 86, 87ND ND 41.4 40.0 88, 176

ND ND 30.0 50.01.3 ND 68.7d 31.2d

ND ND 46.2 53.8ND ND 64.7 35.3




ND 56.6 43.4 43.4 91ND 71.8 28.2 28.2 9128 ND ND 177ND ND 52.0 42.2 32ND ND ND 127ND ND ND 127ND ND 36.2 35.6 113ND ND ND 160ND 38.4 ND 161ND 35.2 59.2 52.6 158ND 43.3 27.4 25.3 145, 146

ND 26.8 44.7 44.0 145, 146

3.1 ND ND ND2.6 0.0 10.7 52.8

24850.2 249

3.0 0.0 8.3 46.2 43.2 2494.6 0.0 8.3 73.4 68.8 2491.4 0.0 1.9 94.5 93.1 249

a See text for a description of and methods for determining C-bonded S (carbon-bonded sulfur) and HI-reducible S (hydriodic acid-reducible sulfur).

b Calculated by subtracting percentage of SO42- from percentage of HI-reducible S. Values also correctedby subtracting percentage of S and percentage of S2- when determinations for S and S2- were reported.

c No determination reported.d Values calculated from 1-day incubation data (Table 5; reference 90). Samples treated to remove S042-

before reduction.

Iowa (Table 1). Although Lowe (158), and Ko-walenko and Lowe (146), stressed that a thirdfraction may exist in some soils, soil organicsulfur is generally believed to consist of twomajor fractions called hydriodic acid-reduciblesulfur (HI-reducible S) and carbon-bonded sul-fur.

Carbon-Bonded SulfurCarbon-bonded sulfur is defined as soil sulfur

that is reduced to S2- by Raney nickel (42, 89,161, 195). This catalyst will reduce cystine andmethionine (89) but not ester sulfate (87, 89),and Freney et al. (91) found a close correlationbetween the concentration of Raney Ni-reduci-

ble S and the sum of the concentrations of thesetwo amino acids in two Australian soils. It wassuggested (91) that the Raney Ni-reduciblefraction consisted mainly of amino acid sulfur,although this may not be true for soils in gen-eral. Thus, using the Raney Ni-reductionmethod (161), Lowe (159) determined the car-bon-bonded sulfur content of the humic acidfraction ofnine major soils in Alberta and foundthat only 39% of this fraction consisted ofaminoacid sulfur. Recent reviews dealing with thenature of the fulvic and humic acid componentsof soil are available (61, 117, 217, 262).There is also evidence suggesting that some

soils may contain carbon-bonded sulfur that is

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not reduced to S2- by Raney Ni. In an investiga-tion dealing with 17 Australian soils, Freneyand co-workers (89, 91) found that, even underoptimal conditions, the amount of Raney Ni-reducible sulfur was 50% less than the theoreti-cal quantity of carbon-bonded sulfur (calcu-lated by subtracting the HI-reducible S fromthe total sulfur determined for these soils).Similar observations were reported by Loweand DeLong (161) and by Kowalenko and Lowe(146) for Canadian soils. These results are notsurprising, since Raney Ni will not reduceother compounds containing the C-S linkagesuch as the aliphatic sulfones or the sulfonicacids (T. H. Arkley, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Cali-fornia, Berkeley, 1961). These compounds maybe present in soil (see section, Sulfonates, sulfa-mates, and the sulfated thioglycosides). Al-though our understanding of the precise natureof carbon-bonded sulfur is not clear, a consider-ation of this fraction is pertinent to the objec-tives of this article, since the sulfur-containingamino acids and the sulfonic acids can act assources of S042- for these soils (see section, S-containing amino acids). In addition, the aminoacids may act to regulate the synthesis of en-zymes concerned with the release of S042- fromester sulfate (see section, Physiological Func-tion of Microbial Sulfohydrolases). Of 99 soilsthat were tested (Table 1), carbon-bonded sul-fur (Raney Ni-reducible S) represented, on theaverage, 37.4% of the total sulfur present.

Ester SulfateHI-reducible sulfur is more precisely defined

as that fraction of organic sulfur that is reducedto H2S by a mixture of hydriodic, formic, andhypophosphorous acids (83, 86, 234). This mix-ture produces H2S only from compounds con-taining the C-O--S linkage (ester sulfate),C-N-S linkage (sulfamate), and from someorganic sulfites such as dimethyl sulfite or die-thylsulfite (86). The C-S bond is not rupturedunder these conditions (83, 126). Lowe and De-Long (160) found that roughly 33% of the totalsulfur of an alkaline soil extract was releasedas S042- after treatment of the dialyzed extractwith 6 N HCl at 90'C for 12 h. In a moredetailed study, Freney (86) quantitatively re-covered the HI-reducible S present in the fulvicacid component of soil as S042- under similarconditions. The liberation of S042- after acidhydrolysis is a unique characteristic of com-pounds possessing either 0-sulfate or N-sulfategroups (see, e.g., references 52, 212). Moreover,Freney (86) demonstrated that the sulfur pres-ent in heparin and agar (which possess theseester linkages) was quantitatively recovered asH2S by the HI reduction method.

As further evidence for the existence of estersulfate in soil, Freney (86) extracted a substan-tial quantity (45 to 81%) of the total HI-reduci-ble S from five different soils with methanolichydrogen chloride. This reagent is known toremove ester sulfate as methyl sulfate from themucopolysaccharide, chondroitin sulfate (133).Although pure methyl sulfate was not isolatedfrom the extracts, Freney (86) showed (i) thatthe sulfur present was not precipitated by theaddition of Ba2+ (which normally distinguishesester sulfate from S042-), (ii) that infrared spec-tra ofthe extracts exhibited absorptions charac-teristic of covalently bound sulfate, and (iii)that all of the sulfur present in these extractswas reducible to H2S by the HI reductionmethod. According to Freney (86), these resultssuggested that methyl sulfate was extractedfrom soil treated with methanolic hydrogenchloride. It would appear that compounds bear-ing the C-O-S or C-N-S linkages are con-fined to the HI-reducible S fraction of total soilsulfur; and the general concensus (32, 86-89,159, 160, 249) is that this fraction is largely, ifnot entirely, composed of N-linked or C-linkedester sulfate. Although sulfamates are notknown to occur widely in nature (52), there isno evidence that such compounds are absentfrom soils, and Tabatabai and Bremner (249)suggested that the term "organic sulfate" beused in place of "ester sulfate" to describe thesulfur linkages present in this fraction. As inother reviews (52, 53), the term "ester sulfate"will be used in this article in reference to anycompound possessing N-0-SO3-, N-SO3,and/or C-0-SO3- linkages.

Since the HI reduction method will also con-vert SO and SO42- to H2S (83), the true percent-age ofester sulfate in soil is usually obtained bysubtracting the percentage of total S as SO, S2-,and S042- from the percentage of HI-reducibleS (unless So42-, for example [90], was extractedbefore reduction). With two exceptions (86,249), values for S and S2- are lacking from soilsulfur analysis (Table 1). Thus, most ester sul-fate values reported here (Table 1) are not cor-rected for these forms of inorganic sulfur. Dueto the limited concentrations of S and S2- insoil (Table 1), it is believed that HI-reducible Svalues, uncorrected for S and S2-, still repre-sent a reasonable estimate of the ester sulfatecontent of soil. Despite these limitations, thedata presented in Table 1 show that ester sul-fate (corrected for SO and S2- [86, 249] or uncor-rected) represents a substantial proportion ofthe total sulfur in soils from various geographi-cal locations. Of 112 different soils analyzed forSO42- and HI-reducible S, ester sulfate repre-sented 40.8% (average) of the total sulfur pres-


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ent. The lowest value reported (25.3%) was thatfor a soil belonging to the black chernozemicgroup taken from British Columbia (145, 146),whereas Tabatabai and Bremner (249) reportedvalues as high as 93.1% for subsoils taken fromIowa. These workers (249) further demon-strated that the percentage of total sulfur asester sulfate increased with increases in sampledepth, thus illustrating that this parametershould be considered in soil sulfur analysis ingeneral. Available sample depth values forother studies, along with representative datafrom the soil profile studies of Tabatabai andBremner (249), are included in Table 1.Although Freney (86), in a study of several

Australian soils, found that most of the HI-reducible S was associated with fulvic acid, it isnow apparent (88) that this was a result of theextraction procedure. Thus, using a variety ofmild extractants (176) unlikely to degradehumic acid, Freney et al. (88) found that moreHI-reducible S was associated with this lattersoil colloid than with fulvic acid. This result isconsistent with those ofLowe (159) and Hough-ton and Rose (113) who found that HI-reducibleS represented 39 and 51% of the total S presentin humic acid isolated from Alberta and Welshsoils, respectively. In the latter study (113), thepresence of sulfate ester groups in the humicacid fraction was confirmed by extraction withmethanolic hydrogen chloride and by release ofS042- after hydrolysis in 6 N HCl at 1000C. Thecollective results of these studies (88, 159, 176)and others (90, 91, 158) suggest that no oneprocedure is entirely suitable for assessing theheterogeneity ofcompounds comprising the HI-reducible S fraction of soil. It is likely that asignificant proportion of this fraction occurs asa nonintegral part of soil colloids such as thehumic and fulvic acids. Using extractants de-signed to remove S042-, Lowe (158) extractedsubstances from soil which he considered to besulfated polysaccharides. Similarly, Freneyand co-workers (86, 90) found that HI-reducibleS could be extracted from soil using a dilutepotassium phosphate solution at pH 7. Al-though some soils have little capacity to adsorbS042- (90, 248), other soils adsorb substantialquantities of this anion (14, 108, 113, 132, 158),and there is evidence that HI-reducible S mayalso be adsorbed to soil particles. Thus, Hough-ton and Rose (113) found that a wide variety ofdifferent mS-labeled sulfate esters were ad-sorbed to Welsh soils to the extent of67% (aver-age) of the total concentration of the ester thatwas initially added to these soils. Furthermore,procedures that do not release S042- fromhumic acid (such as heating at neutral pH [13,234, 270] or simple grinding of soil before ex-

traction [861) caused a substantial increase inthe S042- content of some soils. This observa-tion suggests that sulfate ester linkages of dif-fering labilities are present but are not firmlybound to soil colloids. In terms of the possibleoccurrence of sulfamate linkages in soil, it maybe pertinent to mention that the N-sulfategroup is more unstable than the 0-sulfate link-age to acid hydrolysis. Thus, N-desulfated hep-arin is prepared under mild conditions that donot cause the hydrolysis of 0-sulfate groups inthis polysaccharide (52). The instability of theN-sulfate linkage was also demonstrated forsimpler sulfamates that are excreted after theadministration of arylamines to mammals (24,196) and spiders (228). Authentic sulfate estersare known to differ in stability toward nonenzy-mic hydrolysis (i.e., the arylsulfates are easilyhydrolyzed, whereas esters such as choline 0-sulfate [232] and keratan sulfate [141] are re-portedly resistant to autoclaving). Indeed, Se-gel and Johnson (224) reported that cholinesulfate underwent only one-half hydrolysisafter 30 min at 10000 in 1 N HCl.Freney and co-workers (90, 91) recently dem-

onstrated that the HI-reducible S fraction is notan inert or stable end product of sulfur metabo-lism in soil. Thus, when fallow soils or soilsawaiting planting were incubated in the pres-ence of 35S-labeled 542-, 35S was incorporatedinto both the HI-reducible S and the carbon-bonded S fractions. The HI-reducible S fractionexhibited greater specific radioactivity; using amild extractant, Freney et al. (90) found that75% of the mS was present in the fulvic acidcomponent of these soils. Approximately 90% ofthe fulvic acid sulfur was reduced to MS2- byhydriodic acid. Soil sterilized by autoclavingfailed to incorporate mS, suggesting that micro-bial activity was responsible for the incorpo-ration of the isotope (90). Plants (Sorghumvulgare) were found to utilize sulfur from boththe HI-reducible as well as the carbon-bonded Sfractions (91). Results obtained by incubatinginitially S042-free soils, after incorporationwith 35SO42, in the presence of S. vulgare sug-gested that immediate utilization of sulfur forgrowth involved the HI-reducible fraction.Thus the radioactivity present in this fractiondecreased considerably during plant growth,whereas no measurable decrease occurred inthe mS-labeled carbon-bonded fraction. In fact,the radioactivity in this latter fraction tendedto increase, suggesting that some of the HI-reducible S was converted to carbon-bonded Sduring plant growth. Incubation of soils in aparallel experiment in the absence of S. vul-gare resulted in the release of S042- (labeledand unlabeled) and most of this anion was de-

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rived from the HI-reducible S fraction. Indeed,many of the changes observed in the carbon-bonded fraction were considered not to be sig-nificant by the authors (91). Changes in theindigenous (nonradioactive) sulfur present inthese fractions were also followed during plantgrowth (91). The findings suggested that S.vulgare obtained 40 and 60% of its sulfur re-quirement (for a 36-week growing period) fromthe HI-reducible and carbon-bonded S frac-tions, respectively. The authors (91) stressedthat this experiment did not take into accountinterconversion and exchange ofsulfur betweenthe two fractions. Thus, the quantity of HI-reducible S that may have been converted tocarbon-bonded S is not known. It is unfortunatethat this already detailed study (91) was notextended to include changes in the HI-reducibleS present in the humic and fulvic acid compo-nents of these soils. These soil colloids havebeen considered (53) to be resistant to S042-release by microorganisms, but the availableevidence for this is still not convincing. In theonly reported study of the degradability ofhumic acid sulfur, Houghton and Rose (113)found that the sulfate ester groups present inthis colloid were resistant to hydrolysis by ex-tracts possessing alkylsulfatase, arylsulfatase,and glycosulfatase activities. It is well estab-lished that depolymerization occurs before thedesulfation of other sulfated macromolecules(52, 53) and, as the authors (113) pointed out,the desulfation ofhumic acid may result from asequential attack by depolymerizing and desul-fating enzymes.


The presence of high concentrations of estersulfate in soil is not surprising in view of nu-merous reports dealing with the natural occur-rence of these esters. Mammalian connectivetissue consists of keratan sulfate (keratosul-fate), dermatan sulfate, and chondroitin sulfateas well as heparin and heparan sulfate. Thelast two polysaccharides possess the CS-O-Sand the C-N--S (sulfamate) linkage and rep-resent the only known naturally occurring sub-stances with the latter sulfur linkage (52). Re-cently, Rahemtulla and Lovtrup (208, 209) dem-onstrated the presence of chondroitin sulfate inmany invertebrates that inhabit soils. Collec-tively, these polysaccharides are released intosoil from decaying animal matter. A number ofsulfate esters are returned to soil in animalexreta (arylsulfates [1, 34, 35, 38, 52, 57, 110],sulfate esters of steroids [97, 99, 101, 175, 215,260], the amino acid 0-sulfates [112, 125, 253]

and ascorbic acid 2-0-sulfate [10, 183]). To em-phasize the magnitude of this latter contribu-tion, Dodgson and Rose (53) stated that "arough estimate suggests that in terms of hu-man excreta alone almost 50 tons of sulfur aredaily returned to the sulfur cycle in the form ofsulfate esters." Although the above-mentionedesters probably represent the major contribu-tion of the mammals to the organic sulfatecontent of soil, other esters of animal originmay be returned to soil less frequently. Theseinclude the sulfate esters of glycoproteins (59)and of bile alcohols (23, 231), lactose 6-0-sulfateand neuramin lactose 6-0-sulfate of mammaryglands (12, 213), heparin from mast cells (53),the mammalian sulfated glycolipids (80, 124,242), the polyhexose sulfate esters of primitiveanimals (55, 116, 122, 123, 137), uridine 5'-di-phosphate-N-acetyl-D-galactosaminesulfate, andisopropyl sulfate from the hen's oviduct (240)and egg (274), respectively.

Microbial and Plant SourcesTo these animal sources of ester sulfate can

be added a growing list of esters that are syn-thesized by other forms of life. Taylor and Nov-elli (Bacteriol. Proc., p. 190, 1961) reported thatan unidentified bacterial isolate from soil wascapable of synthesizing an extracellular poly-saccharide possessing ester sulfate groups. Sul-fate esters of short-carbon-chain monocarbox-ylic acids similar to those formed and releasedinto the medium by Pseudomonas fluorescens(67-69) were also detected in soils incubatedwith 35S-labeled 1)-glucose 6-0-sulfate (C.Houghton, personal communication). Theseacids may also occur in soils as a consequence ofthe mammalian (44, 194) and microbial (56)degradation of the primary alkylsulfate deter-gent, sodium dodecyl sulfate. Both primary andsecondary alkylsulfate esters are employed ascomponents of commercial surface activeagents (5, 21) and, in at least one case, analkylsulfate ester was used as a herbicide (266).Other alkylsulfate esters were detected in avariety of microorganisms (100, 171, 172), andthe possibility that naturally occurring alkyl-sulfates are widely distributed is strengthenedby the observations that mammals (231, 263)and lower vertebrates (222) are capable of sul-fating a wide variety of alcohols.Burns and Wynn (27) recently demonstrated

that extracts ofAspergillus oryzae can synthe-size tyrosine 0-sulfate as well as a number ofother arylsulfate esters. Phenol sulfotransfer-ase activity was thought heretofore to be re-stricted to mammals (98, 170, 192, 212, 223), butit appears now that the fungi and possibly the


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bacteria as a group may also possess this type ofactivity. In this regard, Burns and Wynn (27)stressed that the presence of phenol sulfotrans-ferase in A. oryzae suggests that sulfate estersof phenols may be of more widespread occur-rence in microorganisms than has hithertobeen thought. The point that should be borne inmind when assessing the natural occurrence ofany sulfate ester is that the demonstration ofsulfotransferase activity depends, in may cases,upon the fortuitous choice of a suitable sulfatedonor and alcohol acceptor. We may thereforebe underestimating the number and variety oforganisms contributing to the production ofthese esters. The additional occurrence of com-pounds possessing the N-O-S03- linkage(sulfated thioglycosides) in most cruciferousplants (142, 264) and of bacterial lipids bearingsulfate ester linkages (95, 96, 102, 135, 136, 147)stiggests that nonmammalian sources of estersulfate may be prevalent in soil. The actualmagnitude of this contribution will not be ap-preciated until investigations are conducted toassess the ability of various microorganisms tosynthesize these esters. In many cases, the ob-servation of the biological occurrence of a sul-fate ester is accidental, arising as an interest-ing sideline from a sometimes totally unrelatedstudy. My observation (64) that bacteria cansynthesize the O-sulfate ester of choline (seebelow) represents a good case in point.

Generation of Choline SulfateCholine 0-sulfate (choline sulfate) is re-

turned to soil from a variety of sources. Thisester was found in high concentration as a con-stituent of lichens (60, 107, 154, 230), algae (121,155, 257), plants (190, 258), and numerous fungi(11, 15, 30, 104). Since choline sulfate-producingfungi are able to transport the ester even underconditions that permit intracellular synthesis,this ester was considered as an importantsource of sulfur for microbial growth (15) and,by virtue of its resistance to nonenzymic hydroly-sis (64, 224, 232, 250), as an important nonacidstorage form of soil SO42. Sulfate esters canoccur in the free acid form; but choline sulfate isan internally compensated salt. As such, itspresence in soil does not alter pH.

In agreement with the results of Ballio et al.(11), choline sulfate was found to be synthesizedby most of the higher fungi but was absent inmembers of the orders Mucorales and Endomy-cetales when these fungi were grown in en-riched media supplemented with sodium sul-fate (104). Even when grown under conditionsin which the sulfate for choline sulfate must bederived endogenously from taurine, the ester

can accumulate in the mycelia of Aspergillusnidulans to a concentration of 0.6% of the dryweight (233). Similar results (0.2 to 0.3% of thedry weight) were reported for A. sydowi (273)and Penicillium chrysogenum (39, 238). In con-trast with various Pseudomonas species thatform this ester (see below), choline sulfate wasnot detected in culture filtrates of the cholinesulfate-producing fungi (39, 104, 238, 273). Theformation of the ester in fungi required theinitial formation of 3'-phosphoadenylyl sulfate(131, 232), with the subsequent transfer ofS042- to choline catalyzed by choline sulfoki-nase (232). Orsi and Spencer (193) purified thecholine sulfokinase from A. nidulans and dem-onstrated that this enzyme did not requireMg2+. They suggested that this cation was re-quired for 3'-phosphoadenylyl sulfate formationrather than for choline sulfate formation per se.The activity of choline sulfokinase of A. nidu-lans (193) was not inhibited by L-cysteine. How-ever, factors regulating the synthesis of thisand other enzymes of the choline sulfate path-way in fungi remain to be determined.

Choline sulfate is also present in conidio-spores of several species of Aspergillus, ac-counting for as much as 1.5% of the dry weightand 40% of the total sulfur present. Spores con-taining similar quantities of choline sulfatewere formed when either an enriched butSo42--unsupplemented medium or a syntheticmedium containing Na2SO4 was employed(250). In contrast, the formation of this ester bymycelia and conidia of Neurospora crassa isrelated to the S042- content of the environ-ment. Thus, a 98% increase in the choline sul-fate content of both developmental stages wasobserved after growth on 2.0 mM Na2SO4, asopposed to growth in the presence of 0.1 mMNa2SO4 (173). No similar increase occurredwhen conidia were formed in media containingincreasing concentrations of L-methionine. As-cospores ofN. crassa possessed the highest lev-els of choline sulfate (80% of the total solubleS), but the formation of the ester by this devel-opmental stage was independent of the exter-nal S042- content of medium before and forperiods up to 40 h after germination (173).When various choline sulfate-producing fungiwere grown under conditions that permit cho-line sulfate formation (0.05% [wt/vol] MgSO4)and then transferred to a sulfur-deficient me-dium, the fungi continued to grow, whereas, ina parallel experiment, fungi incapable of form-ing the ester failed to grow further in the sul-fur-deficient medium (232). Similarly, 35S-la-beled conidiospores ofA. niger were observed toundergo complete germination in a sulfur-free

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medium (252, 276). Under these conditions,about 50%o of the total radioactivity present inthe choline sulfate of the spores was recoveredin various sulfur-containing amino acids aftergermination (252). These findings led Spencerand Harada (232) and Takebe (250) to concludeindependently that choline sulfate acts as areserve source of sulfur for fungal growth andconidiospore germination, respectively.Choline sulfate may also occur in soils as a

result ofbacterial synthesis. Ofeight randomlyselected Pseudomonas species, all formed theester when cultured on growth-limiting concen-trations of S042- (64). Unlike fungi, which re-tain most of the choline sulfate that is synthe-sized, a large proportion of the ester was re-leased by these bacteria into the culture me-dium. Factors regulating the formation of cho-line sulfate were investigated further (64) usinga Pseudomonas species isolated from soil (197,198), and with this isolate (designated as Pseu-domonas C12B [198]), the ester was found in theculture medium at all stages of the culturecycle. Maximum quantities were discerned instationary-phase culture supernatants (64).Adenosine 5'-triphosphate and Me+ were re-quired for the formation of the ester by cellextracts. In this respect, the choline sulfatesynthesizing system in Pseudomonas C12B (64)is similar to that present in various fungi (130,131, 232).The exact mechanism for the formation ofthe

ester by Pseudomonas C12B is presently unde-fined. It is known (64) that this system is notrepressed by the presence during growth ofSo42- or L-methionine but is inhibited in vitroby L-cysteine. These results were interpreted(64) to mean that, at growth-limiting concen-trations ofS042, the endogenous concentrationof cysteine was not sufficient to inhibit cholinesulfate formation. Choline sulfate has also beendetected as an intracellular component ofLac-tobacillus plantarum when this bacterium wasgrown in an enriched medium in the absence ofadded sulfur-containing compounds (120).


The reentrance into the sulfur cycle of S042-immobilized in organic sulfate esters is depend-ent upon the ability of microorganisms, plants,and mammals to produce enzymes (sulfohydro-lases) that hydrolyze these esters. Bacteria andfungi appear to be the major source of theseenzymes in soil. However, plant roots areknown to hydrolyze choline sulfate (188), andthe possibility exists that mammalian urinemay contain such enzymes. It is known that

arylsulfatase is present in human urine inquantities that permit the purification of theenzyme from this source (26, 239). The almostubiquitous occurrence of this enzyme in theorgans of mammals (51, 52, 212) suggests thelikelihood of its eventual discovery in the urineof other mammals.

It has been known for some time that soilscontain a number of different classes of en-zymes that originate from, but exist outside of,living tissue (for a review, see [227]). Recently,it was demonstrated that sulfohydrolases, pres-ent in soils, are capable of desulfating esters ofmany different types. Cooper (32) found thatwetting Nigerian soils caused the release ofSO42-, and that SO42- liberation was associatedwith a corresponding decrease in the size of theHI-reducible S fraction of these soils. Inorganicsulfate release was inhibited completely only inthe presence of compounds that both suppressmicrobial growth and inhibit the activity ofextracellular enzymes. Twenty different soilswere found to contain arylsulfatase (arylsulfatesulfohydrolase EC activity, and in allcases the activity was positively correlated withthe HI-reducible S fraction of each soil (32).Although arylsulfatase plays a major role in

mineralizing ester sulfate for the sulfur cycle inNigerian soils, there are suggestions that thisparticular sulfohydrolase may not be involvedto the same extent in soils from other parts ofthe world. Thus, Tabatabai and Bremner (245-247) assayed 21 different Iowa soils and foundthat all samples possessed appreciable arylsul-fatase activity. Soils sterilized by gamma irra-diation still possessed the enzyme, but at re-duced levels, suggesting that a large proportionof the activity was due to arylsulfatase presentin or released by nonviable microorganisms(245). This result implies a high degree of sta-bility for the enzyme, and Tabatabai and Brem-ner (246) reported only an 18% decrease in aryl-sulfatase activity of field moist soils after stor-age at 22 to 24°C for 3 months. This enzyme alsoappears to function well under adverse condi-tions of temperature. Optimal activity for aryl-sulfatase in six different soils was detected atan incubation temperature of roughly 67°C(245). Stability studies with the purified en-zyme from microbial sources complement thesefindings (see section, Sulfohydrolase stabilityin vivo and in vitro). Factors other than aryl-sulfatase content appear to be involved in me-diating SO42- release from Iowa soils. Althougharylsulfatase activity was significantly corre-lated with the organic carbon content of eachsoil examined (246), this activity was not signif-icantly correlated with the total amount of


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SO42- released after incubation of these soils inthe absence of added substrate. For example,only 0.6% of the total S was mineralized in thesoil with the highest initial level of arylsulfat-ase after aerobic incubation at 300C for 10weeks. However, 3.0% of the total S was con-verted to SO42- in the soil with the lowest ini-tial level of the enzyme (248). Unfortunately,the HI-reducible S content of these particularsamples was not reported (246, 248). Kowa-lenko and Lowe (146) found that that a Prestsoil from British Columbia (145) possessed thehighest initial level of arylsulfatase offour soilsexamined and demonstrated that this same soilalso released the greatest amount of SO42- dur-ing a 14-week incubation period in the absenceof added substrate. Maximum SO42- release oc-curred during the first 2 weeks of incubation,after which a plateau was reached. Moreover, itwas also shown that the arylsulfatase activitywas correlated with SO42- release over the en-tire incubation period. However, the arylsulfat-ase activity of this soil decreased sharply overthe first 4 weeks, and the authors (146) con-cluded that the presence of this enzyme was nota major factor controlling the release of SO42-in this soil. Similar results were obtained withthe other three soils examined, but supportingdata were not presented (146). As will becomeapparent (see section, Physiological Function ofMicrobial Sulfohydrolases), microbial arylsul-fatase synthesis is subject to end product regu-lation by S042. If microbial activity is respon-sible for S042- release under these conditions,then a decrease in the intracellular as well asthe extracellular levels of the enzyme would beexpected once maximum S042- release wasachieved.

Arylsulfates are not the only sulfate esterspresent in soils (see section, Origins of SoilEster Sulfate), and it follows from this that,irrespective of the involvement of arylsulfat-ase, other sulfohydrolases may also be responsi-ble for sulfur mineralization in soil. Such apossibility is currently being investigated inthe laboratories of F. A. Rose, and this work todate shows that Welsh soils (Table 1 and refer-ences 53 and 113) possess enzymes capable ofhydrolyzing M5S-labeled choline sulfate, dodecylsulfate, glucose 6-0-sulfate, and tyrosine 0-sulfate, as well as arylsulfate esters such as 2-hydroxy-5-nitrophenyl sulfate and phenyl sul-fate.

It can also be demonstrated that for everysulfate ester that could be found in soil, at leastone soil microorganism has been isolated thatreleases SO42- from that ester. By far the great-est effort has been directed toward a study of

arylsulfatase, and there are numerous detailedreports on the occurrence of this enzyme inbacteria (41, 47, 74, 78, 81, 106), fungi (8, 17, 28,105, 157, 181, 214, 221), and algae (152). Otherenzymes of microbial origin have been reportedto desulfate mono-, di-, and tetrasaccharide sul-fate esters (149, 156, 211, 225, 268, 275), carbo-hydrate-related sulfate esters (68, 69), polysac-charide sulfate esters (46, 140, 184), amino acidsulfate esters (76, 103, 241, 261), alkylsulfateesters (56, 70, 114, 199, 200, 201, 202, 241), andcholine sulfate (79, 103, 118, 120, 162, 224, 241,251).


To asses the involvement of microorganismsin the conversion of ester sulfate to SO,2-, it isnecessary to know: (i) the physiological (envi-ronmental) factors that regulate the synthesisof the enzymes concerned with SO42- release,(ii) the location of these enzymes within thecells that produce them, and (iii) the stabilitycharacteristics of the enzymes when they existoutside of the cell.

Regulation of Sulfohydrolase Synthesis andActivity

With some exceptions (70, 73, 275), the sul-fohydrolases (sulfatases) are not constitutive inbacteria or fungi. The synthesis of these en-zymes is controlled by either the sulfur or carboncontent of the environment. Pseudomonas C12B(a soil isolate) synthesizes two substrate-induc-ible primary alkylsulfatases, P1 and P2 (65, 71,76, 271), and a secondary alkylsulfatase (S3)whose formation is induced by sulfate esters ofsecondary alcohols in the presence of the corre-sponding parent alcohol (48). The induction ofnone of these enzymes is sulfate ester specific,and the synthesis of the P2 form of primaryalkylsulfatase, for example, is induced by sec-ondary as well as primary alkylsulfates (48).Knowledge of factors controlling sulfatase in-

duction is necessary for an assessment of therelative importance of these enzymes in sulfateester mineralization. For example, sulfatase in-duction that is regulated by the carbon or bythe sulfur status of soil would be expected tohave a greater role in the microbial mineraliza-tion process than would an enzyme whose syn-thesis was inhibited in the presence of bothcarbon- and sulfur-containing compounds. Anexample of this latter circumstance is the for-mation of choline sulfatase in Pseudomonas 5-A (a sewage isolate). The induction of this en-zyme by choline sulfate is inhibited by S042-,cysteine, methionine, and choline chloride (79).

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Microorganisms having sulfohydrolase en-

zymes regulated in this way will synthesizeonly enough enzyme to satisfy their growthrequirement. A less rigidly controlled system isthe induction of both primary and secondaryalkylsulfatases in Pseudomonas C12B. The for-mation of these enzymes was unaffected by thepresence or absence of SO42- or the S-contain-ing amino acids but was inhibited by some

alcohols and Krebs cycle intermediates (77).Fitzgerald and Payne (77) suggested that themain function of these enzymes was to obtaincarbon and energy for the growth ofPseudomo-nas C12B. This possibility may also apply toother alkylsulfatase-producing bacteria of soilorigin. Thus, the synthesis of secondary alkyl-sulfatase by Comamonas terrigena is unaf-fected by the sulfur status of the culture and isconfined exclusively to the stationary phase ofthe culture cycle (70). These results suggestthat a depletion of carbon triggers the forma-tion of the enzyme. Similarly, primary alkyl-sulfatase induction in a recently isolated soilbacterium is subject to inhibition by glucose,catabolites of glucose, and by adenosine 5'-tri-phosphate (unpublished data, these laborato-ries).The same type of sulfatase may be regulated

differently depending upon whether it is syn-thesized by bacteria or fungi. Thus choline sul-fatase is substrate inducible in bacteria (79,103, 162, 251), but its synthesis in A. nidulans(219, 233) and N. crassa (168, 174, 178) is regu-lated by a sulfur-mediated derepression mecha-nism. Although the enzyme was synthesizedonly when these fungi (mycelial stage) were

cultivated in sulfur-deficient media, this was

not true for the choline sulfatase ofPenicilliumchrysogenum. Lucas and co-workers (162)found that the formation of this enzyme bymycelia was repressed to only 20% of the maxi-mum level by excess SO42- or methionine. Thework of McGuire and Marzluf (174) demon-strates that factors regulating the synthesis ofcholine sulfatase may vary depending upon thefungal developmental stage. Although cholinesulfatase formation by N. crassa during themycelial stage was repressed by 2 mM methio-nine or S042-, the same concentration of S042-was ineffective as a repressor of the synthesis ofthis enzyme by N. crassa conidia. Choline sul-fatase formation by conidia was regulated onlyby the methionine content of the medium withfull repression and derepression taking place at5 and 0.25 mM, respectively (174).The sulfohydrolases that are required for the

degradation of heparin (45) and keratan sulfate(140, 184) are induced respectively by these mu-

copolysaccharides, but reports on factors regu-lating the induction process are unavailable.

Arylsulfatase formation by many bacteria (4,78, 103, 106, 180, 210) and fungi (53, 105, 119,178, 181) is repressed by SO42- and, in mostcases, by other components of the cysteine bio-synthetic pathway. The actual co-repressor(s)is not known with certainty for any one system,and some evidence suggests that different effec-tors may be involved. Thus, work with cysteineauxotrophs suggested that SO42- was most di-rectly involved in repressing arylsulfatase for-mation by Aerobacter (Enterobacter) aerogenes(210). However, cysteine was much more effec-tive than SO42- as an effector regulating thesynthesis of this enzyme in Pseudomonas C12B(78) and, based upon work with a number ofmutants of Klebsiella aerogenes, Adachi et al.(4) suggested that both S042- and cysteineacted independently to repress arylsulfataseformation in this particular bacterium. Haradaand Spencer (105) suggested that SO42- was theco-repressor of arylsulfatase synthesis by anumber of fungi, but Metzenberg and Parson(178) suggested that S2- was most directly in-volved in repressing the synthesis of this en-zyme by N. crassa.

Derepression of arylsulfatase formation oc-curs when various bacteria are grown on methi-onine as the sole source of sulfur (4, 78, 106, 180)and, for the synthesis of this enzyme by A.aerogenes, Rammler et al. (210) interpretedthis result to mean that methionine is not con-verted directly (or rapidly) to cysteine in thisbacterium. In these studies, the various bacte-ria responded to increasing concentrations ofmethionine by synthesizing increasing levels ofthe enzyme. Methionine does not exert a simi-lar effect on arylsulfatase formation by fungi.This amino acid acted as a repressor at high (5mM) concentrations (105, 168, 174, 178), andderepression occurred when N. crassa wasgrown on low (0.25 mM) concentrations (168,174). Metzenberg and Parson (178) suggestedthat methionine acted independently of S2- asan additional co-repressor of arylsulfatase for-mation in this latter fungus. In light of resultsobtained by Benko et al. (16), it is not surpris-ing that methionine and components of the cys-teine pathway might act independently in thisway. Thus, in a study of the transport of 35S-labeled methionine by various fungi, theseworkers (16) found that most of the isotope wasassociated with cystathionine and little, if any,35S-labeled cysteine or cystine was detected inmycelial extracts. The regulation of arylsulfat-ase synthesis is equally complex in motile andnonmotile strains of A. aerogenes. The forma-


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tion of the enzyme in these bacteria is con-trolled not only by the sulfur status of the envi-ronment (4, 106, 210) but also by glucose-me-diated catabolite repression (3) and derepres-sion by tyramine (2).The oceans are rich in SO42- (see, e.g., refer-

ence 138), and there are indications of the exist-ence in marine environments of arylsulfatase-forming systems of microbial origin that arerefractive to repression by SO42- or cysteine.Thus, marine sediments possess arylsulfataseactivity (31), and Dodgson et al. (50) isolated astrain of Alcaligenes metalcaligenes from thissource which, when grown in nutrient broth,was capable of synthesizing arylsulfatase inquantities suitable for its isolation (54). Thisenriched medium generally contains enoughsulfur to repress the synthesis of arylsulfataseby other bacteria. The finding that the inclu-sion of tyramine in the medium caused a sub-stantial increase in the arylsulfatase activity ofundialyzed extracts of A. nidulans was inter-preted as an effect on arylsulfatase synthesis(119). This possibility should be reinvestigated,since Burns and Wynn (27) recently found thattyramine caused an activation per se of two ofthe arylsulfatase isozymes in A. oryzae. Thislatter study also stresses the fact that the inclu-sion of hydroxyl-containing compounds in sul-fohydrolase assay media should be avoided un-less it is known that the enzyme does not pos-sess a sulfotransferase function for that com-pound. In A. oryzae, "arylsulfatase II" ex-hibited sulfotransferase activity not only fortyramine (27) but also for a number of otherphenols (see also section, Microbial and plantsources), thus accounting for the apparent acti-vation ofthe enzyme with respect to its sulfohy-drolase activity.

Arylsulfatase formation may also be dere-pressed when bacteria (40, 78, 210), fungi (9, 43,119, 168, 174, 181, 220), and algae (218) arecultivated in sulfur-deficient media. Conse-quently, it has been suggested (53, 210) that thefunction of this enzyme is the provision of S042-for microbial growth in S042-deficient environ-ments containing arylsulfate esters. These re-sults may explain why S042-deficient soils (seesection, Mineralization of Ester Sulfate andTable 1) possess appreciable levels of the en-zyme. However, small differences in arylsulfat-ase activity among the soils assayed (32, 146,246, 248) were not related to either the totalsulfur content or the S042- content of thesesamples. Since the soils contained high levels ofcarbon-bonded S (Table 1), it is likely that cys-teine and methionine may also be present.These amino acids may act to regulate sulfate

ester mineralization in soil mediated by micro-organisms that are able to synthesize eitherarylsulfatase or choline sulfatase. The concen-trations of cysteine and/or methionine requiredfor complete repression or derepression of aryl-sulfatase formation by a bacterial culture canbe as low as 10-2 mM (for repression by cys-teine) or 10-4 mM (for derepression by methio-nine) (78). Unfortunately, the ability of soils tohydrolyze choline sulfate has been reportedonly once (113), and data correlating soil aryl-sulfatase activity with the cysteine and/or me-thionine content of the same soils is unavaila-ble. In addition, it is not known to what extentthese amino acids occur free of peptide bondlinkage to other amino acids in the soils wherethey have been detected (91, 93).

Localization of Sulfohydrolase ActivityA knowledge of the location of the sulfohy-

drolases in microorganisms is essential to eval-uate the contribution made by viable cells tosulfate ester mineralization in soil. If a particu-lar sulfohydrolase is not found on the cell pe-riphery, then its action on a sulfate ester willmore likely yield SO42- for microbial growthrather than plant growth. For example, pri-mary alkylsulfatase is cell wall associated inPseudomonas C12B (73), and high concentra-tions of the enzyme (73) and S042- (71) werefound in the culture medium when this soilisolate was grown in the presence of a primaryalkylsulfate ester. Similar considerations applyto the secondary alkylsulfatases of this isolate(72, 73) and to the choline sulfatase present inanother Pseudomonas isolate (79). InorganicS042- accumulated in the medium during thegrowth of this latter bacterium on choline sul-fate (79). The sulfohydrolases involved withheparin (45) and keratan sulfate degradation(141) may also be cell wall associated, sinceroughly 50% of the total activity after growthwas found in the culture medium. Unlike manyother enzymes (see e.g., references 163, 255,256), the alkylsulfatases are resistant to dena-turation in the presence of sodium dodecyl sul-fate (K. S. Dodgson, this laboratory, unpub-lished data; 53). These enzymes share thisunique characteristic with alkaline phospha-tase (169), and there are good theoretical rea-sons for expecting that enzymes that deal withprotein-dissociating agents such as sodium do-decyl sulfate (267) would be located on the cellperiphery as are other hydrolases (see, e.g.,references 185, 186, 187, 269). It may be unwise,however, to generalize at this stage, especiallysince the secondary alkylsulfatases of Coma-monas terrigena were not released by osmotic

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shock or during spheroplast formation (70). Re-cent unpublished data obtained from mem-brane vesicles by G. Matcham in this labora-tory suggest that these enzymes are associatedwith the cytoplasmic membrane (inner mem-brane) in this bacterium.Although concrete visual evidence is lacking,

the fact that arylsulfatase can be assayed usingintact cells or mycelial pellets suggests thatthis sulfohydrolase also occupies an exocyto-plasmic location within the bacterial cell (4,179, 210, 241), the algal cell (152), the fungalmycelium (43, 157, 181), and the fungal conid-ium (220). Rammler et al. (210) used intact cellsuspensions to measure arylsulfatase activityin A. aerogenes and reported a complete recov-ery of activity in the supernatant after cellrupture and centrifugation. With the exceptionof the temperature optimum, Lien and Schrei-ner (152) found that arylsulfatase, present inwhole cells ofChlamydomonas reinhardti, wassimilar in a number of properties to the sameenzyme purified to the single-protein stagefrom this source. No increase in activity accom-panied cell rupture, and the authors (152) sug-gested that the enzyme was attached to the cellsurface of this alga. Preliminary results of aninvestigation ofthe cytochemical location oftheenzyme (referred to in reference 152) supportedthis conclusion, but these results have not, asyet, been published. Rammler et al. (210) con-cluded that arylsulfatase was also located onthe surface ofA. aerogenes, and a similarity inproperties ofthe enzyme present in intacts cellsas opposed to cell extracts of Proteus rettgeriwas also noted. In these latter studies, the samesubstrate-dependent activation of arylsulfataseby P043- was observed with intact cells (179)and with partially purified cell extracts (75).Results ofwork by Metzenberg's group indicatethat the location of this enzyme in N. crassa isdependent upon which developmental stage isexamined. Thus, in young mycelia arylsulfat-ase is associated with particles resembling thelysosomes of mammalian cells (221), but in co-nidia the enzyme was found to be surface asso-ciated as well as intracellular (220). Approxi-mately 70% of the arylsulfatase present inPseudomonas C12B (see reference 78) was re-leased either after osmotic shock or duringspheroplast formation. This suggests that theenzyme is cell wall associated in this soil isolate(unpublished data, this laboratory).Data from studies of the transport of choline

sulfate by fungi (15, 33, 166, 233) suggest thatcholine sulfatase is not cell surface associatedin these microrganisms. Bellenger et al. (15)found that a mutant of Penicillium notatum,

deficient in S042- activation, accumulated cho-line sulfate to an intracellular concentration of0.075 M after suspension for 3 h in a mediumcontaining 5 mM ester. The intracellular con-centration of So42- (from the subsequent hy-drolysis ofthe ester) was 0.035 M, and no S042-was detected in the assay medium (15). Cholinesulfate was transported unchanged by myceliawhen short (2-min) incubations were employed.The transport of this ester by P. notatum aswell as by a number ofother fungi (15) is due toa highly specific permease whose synthesis inP. notatum and P. chysogenum is regulated bya sulfur-mediated repression-derepression typeof control similar to that regulating the synthe-sis of some sulfohydrolases (see section, Regu-lation of Sulfohydrolase Synthesis and Activ-ity). In a similar study, Marzluf (166) used amutant of N. crassa, deficient in S042- trans-port, to confirm that the intact ester (and notits hydrolysis products) was taken up by myce-lia. Inorganic sulfate was not detected in theassay medium when this mutant was incubatedwith choline sulfate for 2 h. It was concluded(166) that extracellular hydrolysis did not takeplace. Using a mutant, incapable of activatingS042-, Marzluf found that 70% of the trans-ported choline sulfate was hydrolyzed by N.crassa intracellularly during this time inter-val. N. crassa also has a specific choline sulfatepermease, and the synthesis of this transportprotein is also regulated by the sulfur status ofthe culture, being repressed by methionine orSo42- (166). These effectors did not inhibittransport activity (166, 167). It is important interms of assessing the contribution to the S042-content of soils made by viable fumgi to pointout that liberated S042- was observed to beretained by mycelia against a concentrationgradient in both investigations (15, 166). Theseresults disagree with those obtained with bacte-ria in which excess S042- originating from thehydrolysis of primary alkylsulfate (71) or cho-line sulfate (79) was found in the culture me-dium. Although choline sulfatase may have asurface location in this latter isolate, Nissen(188) reported that a wide variety of other soilbacteria were capable of transporting cholinesulfate. The ability or inability of these bacte-ria to hydrolyze the ester was not reported.Potassium -glucose 6-0-sulfate (glucose sul-

fate), an ester that is analogous to those com-prising some sulfated polysaccharides (49), isutilized byN. crassa via a mechanism that alsoinvolves the transport of the ester followed byits hydrolysis within the mycelium (211). Amutant of this fungus that is deficient in S042-transport was nevertheless capable of trans-


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porting glucose sulfate and of growing on thisester as a sulfur source (211). The observationthat So42- could not be detected in the trans-port assay medium even after a 6-h incubationwas interpreted to mean that the SO42- re-quired for growth was obtained by intracellularhydrolysis. Although SO42-was found to in-hibit the transport of glucose sulfate, the up-take system for this ester is distinct from thosethat act to transport SO42- (165), choline sulfate(166), or glucose (216). The glucose sulfate sys-tem is subject to a repression-derepression typeof control mediated primarily by methionine(211). It is fortunate that tris(hydroxylme-thyl)aminomethane was not used as a buffercomponent for these transport studies (211),since it was recently demonstrated that thisprimary amine (_25 mM) can catalyze theisomerization of glucose sulfate as well as thepartial hydrolysis of the resulting fructose sul-fate (66). In work that established for the firsttime the existence of a glycosulfatase in fungi,Lloyd and co-workers (149, 156) found thatTrichoderma viride released SO42- into the cul-ture medium when grown on the 6-0-sulfateesters of either glucose or galactose. Since noattempt was made to localize the sulfohydrolasein this study, it is tot known whether theseresults indicate a surface location for the en-zyme or whether this fungus differs from N.crassa (211) and various Penicillium spp. (15)in being unable to retain the SO42- that wasgenerated by intracellular hydrolysis.

Sulfohydrolase Stability In Vivo and In VitroObviously, a soil microorganism having a

sulfohydrolase that lacks pH and/or thermosta-bility will make little contribution to the sulfurcycle in terms of sulfate ester mineralization.Although published data are unavailable onthe stability of these enzymes in a crude state,it has been noted in this laboratory and else-where that the sulfohydrolases as a class ap-pear to be very stable to elevated temperaturewhen present in crude cell extracts. Presum-ably in this state, the enzyme is protected fromdenaturation by the presence ofextraneous pro-teins and polysaccharides. Soils are known tocontain these substances in addition to a highlycomplex mixture of other organic compounds ofunknown origin (see, e.g., references 25, 63)and the protective environment found in soilmay be similar to that existing in a crude cellextract. Previous reference has been made tothe stability of arylsulfatase in soil samples(see section, Mineralization of Soil Ester Sul-fate).

Results of stability studies on arylsulfatase,

purified to the single-protein stage, attest tothe inherent durability of these proteins. Thus,no appreciable loss in activity was noted whenthe enzyme (purified from Chlamydomonasreinhardti) was incubated for 16 min at a tem-perature as high as 60'C. The optimum temper-ature for activity of arylsulfatase in intact cellswas also 600C (152). The a and /8 isoenzymes ofarylsulfatase from Pseudomonas aeruginosawere stable to the same temperature for 5 min(41). Delisle and Milazzo (41) also observedthese enzymes to be equally stable to pH overthe range 6.5 to 10.0 for periods of storage at37.50C up to 24 h. The enzymes also exhibitedappreciable activity over this pH range. Simi-lar results were obtained with a partially puri-fied source of the enzyme from A. aerogenes. Inthis study, Fowler and Rammler (81) found, inaddition, that this enzyme was maximally ac-tive over a wide temperature range extendingfrom 28 to 60'C. With the exception of work byPayne et al. (201), stability studies of otherpurified sulfohydrolases of microbial originhave not been reported. In this study, it wasdemonstrated that primary alkylsulfatase,present in (NH4)2SO4-fractionated extracts ofPseudomonas C12B, hydrolyzed sodium dodecylsulfate best at 700C. This enzyme was stable inthe presence of its substrate for 1 h at 60'C(201). Primary alkylsulfatase was active over apH range of 5 to 9, but its stability over this pHrange was not reported. It may be anticipatedfrom observations made with crude cell extractsthat similar studies with other purified sulfohy-drolases will reveal these enzymes to be inher-ently stable as well.


Elemental and Sulfide SulfurAlthough the oxidation of reduced forms of

sulfur (So and S2-) represents a major mecha-nism for the generation of S042- in anaerobicenvironments (see, e.g., references 62, 129, 150,205, 206), there is evidence suggesting that thisis not necessarily the case for well-drained ter-restrial soil. Thus, although many bacterialphotolithotrophs are capable ofthese oxidationsin aquatic environments, soil is not a suitablemedium for their survival. Light and anaerobi-osis cannot occur together in this kind of envi-ronment. The aerobic oxidation of SO is carriedout principally by three species of the genusThiobacillus, and the ability to oxidize S2- ap-pears to be even further restricted, being con-fined to a single bacterial species, Thiobacillusthioparus (58). Indeed, over 50% of the 329 Aus-

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tralian surface soils investigated by Swaby andco-workers oxidized added SO either very slowlyor not at all (243, 244, 265). The inability tooxidize this form of sulfur was correlated withthe absence of the thiobacilli from these soils(244).

Sulfate Ester HydrolysisThe occurrence of sulfate esters in aerobic

soils and the additional presence of microorga-nisms capable of liberating SO42- from theseesters suggest that sulfate ester hydrolysis doesrepresent a source of this anion for the sulfurcycle. This possibility is further substantiatedby the stability characteristics of the sulfohy-drolases that catalyze this reaction and by thecell surface location of many of these enzymes.However, due to the limited data available, it isnot possible at present to evaluate the extent ofthis contribution to the sulfur cycle. Certainlythe hydrolysis of these esters may represent amajor means of generating SO42- in Australiansoils that lack the thiobacilli (244), but containhigh concentrations of ester sulfate (Table 1).Detailed studies on sulfate ester mineralizationby microorganisms in these particular soils areclearly warranted. In addition to the mamma-lian formation and excretion of ester sulfate,soils are also capable of synthesizing these es-ters, and sulfate ester formation by soil micro-organisms may represent an important mecha-nism for regulating the availability of SO42- forthe cycle. Again, insufficient data obviates anevaluation of the general applicability of thislatter possibility, since much of this work (seesection, Generation of choline sulfate) was con-fined to studies of the generation of a singlesulfate ester, viz., choline sulfate. Althoughfungi are capable of forming this ester in largequantities, almost all of the ester is retainedintracellularly, and thus it will be released onlyafter cell lysis (see section, Generation of Cho-line Sulfate). On the other hand, bacteria ofthegenus Pseudomonas form and release this esterwhen SO42- is growth limiting (64), and thismay represent a mechanism for storing readilyutilizable SO42- in a form that will not alter theexisting soil pH. The release of S042- from thisester need not necessarily be mediated only bymicroorganisms since plant roots (189, 191) andleaves (189) are capable of transporting andhydrolyzing (188) the ester.

Atmospheric PollutionAtmospheric pollution represents a major

source of SO42 for inland aerobic soils (138,150, 153), and seawater aerosols (138) contrib-ute some of the SO42- entering coastal soils.

There is evidence that highly industrializedareas receive proportionally more sulfur frompollution than rural areas of low industrializa-tion. For example, in coastal areas such asNorfolk, Va., 33.5 pounds (ca. 150.8 kg) of sul-fur per acre per year were deposited in rainfall,whereas in a less industrialized area such asHalifax, Nova Scotia, only 12.5 pounds (ca. 56.3kg) were deposited (150). The pollution-derivedSO42- in rain and snow (138, 150, 153) origi-nates as a consequence of the oxidation (by anumber of different mechanisms; see refer-ence 138) of SO2 and S03 which occur in air aspollutants. The results ofstudies by Freney andco-workers (90, 91) suggest that this SO42- willbe either used directly for plant growth or willbe converted to ester sulfate (90) and later uti-lized for plant growth (91). In fallow soils orsoils weeded before planting, exogenously de-rived SO42- does not accumulate as such beforeutilization by growing plants. Freney et al. (90)found that 35SO42- was readily incorporatedinto HI-reducible S (see section, Ester sulfate)in soils of this type. Sulfur dioxide can alsoenter soils directly (51). Smith et al. (229) foundthat many agricultural soils sorb substantialamounts of this gas, but it is uncertain as towhether this SO2 can be subsequently oxidizedto S042.

Sulfonates, Sulfamates, and the Sulfated-Thioglycosides

Apart from S042- returned to soils from at-mospheric pollution, a review of factors gener-ating S042- for the sulfur cycle would not becomplete without a consideration of the metab-olism of compounds that possess C-S03- (sul-fonate), N-S03- (sulfamate), and the N-O-S03- linkages. Sulfolipids and sulfocarbohy-drates possessing the sulfonate linkage arewidely distributed in green plants (18, 19, 36,109, 134, 151, 272) and to a lesser extent in algae(226), protozoans (36, 37), bacterial membranes(18, 19, 148), and bacterial spores (22). Al-though a sulfonate has never been isolatedfrom soil, it is obvious that these compounds(like compounds possessing the C-O-S link-age) may be easily released and possibly miner-alized in this environment. This latter consid-eration is given some support by the isolationfrom soil of several Flavobacterium species thatliberated S042- from a lipid sulfonate found inplant tissue (164). The existence of an analo-gous enzyme, capable of hydrolyzing a phos-phonate linkage, was demonstrated recently inplants, insects, animals, and microorganisms(139). Moreover, many of the alkyl-benzene sul-fonates, which arise in soils and waters as pol-


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lutants, are readily degraded by microorga-nisms (see, e.g., references 115, 197, 198). Thesulfated-thioglycosides (oxime 0-sulfate esters)that possess the N-O-S-03- linkage are syn-thesized and released into soil by most, if not byall, members of the Cruciferae family of plants(142, 264). Once acted upon by a thioglycosidaseof widespread occurrence in plants and fungi(53, 212), these esters can serve as sources ofSO42-. At present a great deal of confusion ex-ists as to whether the subsequent release ofS042- occurs enzymatically or by a nonenzy-matic rearrangement; evidence for and againstthe involvement of a sulfohydrolase was consid-ered in reviews by Roy and Trudinger (212) andby Dodgson and Rose (53). Irrespective of themechanism involved, it is clear that these es-ters may represent a major source of S042- forsoils possessing cruciferous plants. Unfortu-nately, information is not available regardingthe quantity of this anion that is returned tosoils from plant life.Korn and Payza (144) and Dietrich (45, 46)

demonstrated the existence of an enzyme inFlavobacterium heparinum (a soil isolate [203])which liberated SO42- from the sulfamategroups present in heparin. The occurrence ofthis sulfated polysaccharide in soil has alreadybeen discussed (see section, Origins of Soil Es-ter Sulfate).

S-Containing Amino AcidsA consideration of cystine and cysteine deg-

radation as a source of SO42- is necessary, sincethis may represent the major means of complet-ing the sulfur cycle in aerobic soils that lackenzymes capable of oxidizing SO. Various fungi(94, 182, 235-237) and bacteria (82, 236, 237) ofsoil origin converted cysteine and cystine toS042- aerobically, and Freney (84, 85) demon-strated that aerated soils also possessed en-zymes capable of degrading these amino acidsdirectly to S042. In addition, the sulfur presentin methionine was converted aerobically to thisanion by a mixed population of soil microorga-nisms (111) and by A. niger (94). Possible path-ways for the direct aerobic conversion of cys-teine to S042- were considered in a review byFreney (87). The sulfur in this amino acid wasalso degraded aerobically to S2- by Escherichiacoli (143, 236) and byP. vulgaris (6, 143), but themechanism for this transformation is not wellunderstood. In more recent work, Swaby andFedel (244) found that 41% of 56 Australiansoils converted cystine to S2-, but results ofexperiments designed to test the further oxida-tion of S2- were not reported. Although S2- canbe oxidized nonenzymatically to S, only 14% of

these soils rapidly oxidized S to SO42- (244),demonstrating that S0 and cystine are not suit-able precursors of SO42- for these soils. Withthe exception of a recent but brief report (C.Hagedorn, Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Micro-biol. 1975, I126, p. 137), similar published ac-counts of the ability of other soils to oxidize S5are unavailable. Although the application of S5is sometimes used to lower soil pH, it is notknown to what extent SO oxidation acts as asource of SO42- for soils in general. It is possiblethat Australian soils that are deficient in theability to oxidize S may depend largely ontheir reserve of ester sulfate (see Table 1) as amajor source of S042. Possible sources of thisanion for well-drained, aerobic soils in generalare summarized in Fig. 1.


Although a great deal is known of parame-ters regulating the supply of5042 in anaerobicenvironments, much less is known of the analo-gous processes in aerobic soils, and yet aerobicsoils are more extensively used for agriculture.Indeed, the question may be asked, does acyclic transformation of sulfur always occur inaerobic soils? At present, there is insufficientinformation to answer this question eventhough an affirmative answer has been ob-tained for partially anaerobic environments(see, e.g., references 29, 129, 205).Since aerobic soils provide the major source

of the world's food, factors that generate S042-for these soils are not only related to an under-standing of the sulfur cycle but also determinehow much SO42- will be available for plantgrowth and hence animal survival. Toward thisend, Tisdale (259) stressed that a "greaterknowlege of the factors affecting the release ofsulfur (from organically bound ester sulfate)would be of immense value in predicting thesupply of this element available to growingcrops." Despite the S042- that is returned in theform of air pollution and ocean aerosols, sulfurdeficiencies have occurred in inland aerobicsoils (see, e.g., references 7, 20, 128, 244, 259).The belief held by some ecologists that sulfur isnonlimiting in this environment may now needto be reevaluated, especially if the proposedtransfer and use of nitrogen-fixing genes to im-prove plant growth becomes a reality. In thisconnection, Postgate (207) stressed that in soilswhere nitrogen is not the nutrient limitingplant growth, then a limitation of sulfur as wellas other elements could be expected if plantgrowth is intensified. In view of the continueduse of fertilizers of limited sulfur content (20,

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oxime sulfat

SO SO2' 3

Atmospheric pollutionand

Oceans? see, (138)

Organic sulfate




ester sulfate LI

I- \ / . R-N-SO3 3e sulfamate

s o2 Ocean aerosols


S-containingamino acids andOther C-bondedsulfur compounds


Oceans?see, (138)

FIG. 1. Sources of inorganic sulfate for aerobic, well-drained soils. S042-, inorganic sulfate; S-containingamino acids, cysteine, cystine and methionine; S2-, sulfide; So, elemental sulfur.

259), existing and proposed restrictions on S02-S03 pollution may mean that a greater futuredemand by plants will be made on the soil'sreserve of ester sulfate rather than free S042.This possibility is particularly pertinent inunderdeveloped countries in which land is stilllargely fertilized with animal excreta.

It is clear that sulfate ester hydrolysis repre-

sents a source of S042- for soil, but it is impossi-ble at this stage to evaluate the magnitude ofthis contribution. Apart from the elegant stud-ies of Freney and co-workers, further investiga-tions of the nature, formation, and release ofS042- from organic sulfate need to be carriedout not only for Australian soils but for aerobicsoils throughout the world. Although it is clearthat sulfur is present in this fraction as estersulfate, the kind(s) of ester linkage(s) involvedand other properties of the macromoleculescomprising this fraction remain to be deter-mined. Soil is decidely the most complex mix-

ture on this planet not only from a microbiologi-cal but also from a physical and chemical view-point. Since it is impossible to control all thevariables involved, it is believed that questionsregarding the generation of SQ42- in this envi-ronment will not be totally answered by studiesdealing entirely with the natural system. Theseinvestigations should be complemented by fur-ther studies of the localization of enzymes cata-lyzing the release of SO42- and of factors gov-erning the synthesis of these enzymes in micro-organisms and plants grown or maintained inpure culture. These latter investigations shouldbe directed toward determining the propertiesof the appropriate enzymes in microorganisms,isolated from soils that are known to containhigh concentrations of ester sulfate. To datethis has not been done, and yet the exhaustivestudies by Tabatabai and Bremner of the sulfurstatus of Iowa soils represent an ideal founda-tion for such an investigation in the United


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States. Considering the direction of future re-search on sulfur in agriculture, Tisdale (259)listed factors influencing mineralization andimmobilization of sulfur in soils as having highpriority second only to the definition of thepathways of sulfur metabolism in cells, andstated that "when this knowledge is translatedinto agricultural practice, it will contribute im-measurably to more efficient crop and animalproduction."

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSI am grateful for assistance provided by the Uni-

versity of Georgia's Computer Center for Informa-tion Retrieval. I also wish to thank K. S. Dodgsonand W. J. Payne for their constructive criticism ofthe manuscript, and I. H. Segel and B. Spencer forhelpful discussions.

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VOL. 40, 1976

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