Page 1: Summary Report PertaminaPBMSJ BTJ-206 HendrikSahertian 4August-13August2013




Well Name : BTJ-206

Report By




Page 2: Summary Report PertaminaPBMSJ BTJ-206 HendrikSahertian 4August-13August2013


I. WELL INFORMATION BTJ-206 is the name of the third well of Pertamina PBMSJ in Betung, Jambi. From

the picture below, we can see the location mark with “A”. This location is in Sumatra island.

Coordinat Loacation :

South : 870 5’ 7.176” East : 580 20’ 37.844”

Well and Rig Information.

Well Name BTJ-206 Field BETUNG Area JAMBI Drilling type Vertical Drilling Well Type Development Well Clasification Production Well Target Zone L2, L3, L4, L6, L7, and L8. Benakat Water

Formation Total Depth 535 m Rig Type 350 HP – Land Rig, Mobile Truck Mounted Drilling Floor Level ± 5 m from ground level Ground Level ± 64 m from sea water

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We use Skid Unit with serial number ESSS 9724 in this location. For downhole tools, we can

see the information below : No. Description Serial Number ASSET NUMBER Qty. 1 Insulation Bar EIST63 281014 SY XJ,11-08-

03 SY XJ11-08-04

3 EA

2 Swivel tool EPLT61XA 281016 73678 2 EA

3 Temperature/Tension/Fluid Resistivity Sub

ERMT61XA 292421 260115 2 EA

4 Remote Transmitting Tool ERTT71XA 292411 270003 2 EA

5 Digital Spectra Logging Tool EDST61XA 281276 281277 2 EA

6 Compensated Neutron Logging Tool ECNT62XA 270058 260215 2 EA

7 Litho-Density Logging Tool

EZDT61EA 281295 260180 2 EA

EZDT61MA 281295 260180 2 EA

8 Isolation Sub EIST61XA 281004 281001 2 EA 9

Dual Laterolog Tool EDLT72EA 270082 270086 2 EA

EDLT72MA 270084 2103086 2 EA 10 Micro Spherical Focused Laterolog EMSF61XA 272407 5302908 2 EA

11 Digital Acoustic tool

EDAT61EA 270072 292171 2 EA EDAT61MA 270072 292171 2 EA EDAT61FA 270072 292171 2 EA


EDIB Slam Adapter




2 EA

13 Collar Locating Logging tool ECCL61XA 270098 270104 2 EA 14 Knuckle tool EKJT61XA 280965 HE0702-

03 2 EA

15 GR/CCL tool(1392XA) GR/CCL

16 Collar Locating Logging tool(2315XA) 2315XA 17 Collar Locating Logging tool(2312XA) 2312XA YN-04 CCL05-

125210 2 EA

18 Neutron tool decentralizer N/A N/A N/A 1 EA


20 Sink Bar N/A N/A N/A 1 EA

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For radioactive source we use in this location we can see in table below :

Item Isotope name R/A Substance Intensity Source No Qty. 1 Ice Block Am-241Be 400mCi 7220NN 1ea 2 Neutron Source Am-241Be 18Ci 83464B 1ea 3 Density Source Cs-137 2.5Ci 77794B 1ea 4 GR Calibrator RA-226 2.5μCi DA-377 1ea 5 JIG Block Cs-137 500/40μCi CSII-0275,CS-

0260 1ea

For Total equipment we have in location we can see in table below :

No Description QTY Unit

1 Skid Unit ESSS 9724 1 Ea

2 Power Pack 1 Ea 3 Generator 1 Ea

4 Blue Box 1 Ea

5 Source Container 1 Ea

6 Tool Basket 1 Ea

7 Material Container 1 Ea

8 Compressor 1 Ea

9 Rig Up Equipment Box 1 Ea

10 Cable Drum 1 Ea

11 VSP Box 1 Ea

All equipments are still in good condition when arrived in location. We didn’t get any

problem when we do check tools.

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After arrived at location, we contact the geologist or company man to get job

programmes so we can know and arrange our plan to all crew before job.

We must do Pre Job Safety Meeting with safety officer in wellsite, we also give them JSA.

Before job we must pay attention to all of our tools condition because if some tools error

when we run logging, it will be big problem for us.

Make sure we check the tools condition for main tools and backup tools. We must use the

tools in best condition. After that give some mark on it, so easy for us to pick those tools

when we want to do our job.

Check the cable head condition (continuity and insulation) and pump some grease to

prevent the water enter into it. If neccesary, make another cable head as a backup.

Make sure diesel oil for our generator is enough until our job finish. Fill the tank until

full. If something happend to our tools, find out the cause of the problem and try to fix it.

Make sure all the auxiliary tools is good condition and ready to use. Put the auxiliary

tools in proper place so we can easy to use when we do our job.

Make sure the radioactive source and calibrator in good condition and place it on the

safe area from people.

As an engineer, we have to make sure our unit inside the cabin in good condition,

check the LSP make sure the insulation and continuity test produce good result. Beside that,

we also make sure for another panel must be in good condition.

Make sure our computer also in good condition, and screen can be used for our job.

After all the stuffs above is done, then we are ready to do our job.

Before job, we must contact the geologist to confirm the sequence and the tools they

need to logging. After confirm we just wait the information from company man to start the

logging job. After we get information from company man, we go straight to location and

prepare the tools and rig up.

We set the skid unit straight to well. Remember the position must be straight, so our

cable can easy to move.

We ask for crane operator to move our tools in basket next to catwalk and pick our

tools from basket one by one and lay those down on catwalk. While doing that another

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operators can pull the wireline cable from cable drum and form it become “8” on the ground

as much as neccesary.

Move all the rig up equipments to drilling floor, set the upper and lower sheave wheel

and thighten the lower sheave wheel with proper chain on BOP. Make sure the tension cable

on tension device can bring tension information to our computer. Also make sure the speaker

is work. Prepare the clamp, make up table, spaner, and grease and put in proper place on the

drilling floor.

After finish now we can connect our tools to start our job.

Here are JSA when we want to do our Job.

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46.8 m – 545 m1


Here is the table that show our programme we do in location No

Interval (m)

Bit (inch)

Casing (inch)

Mud Properties

Logging Job

Type SG Visc PV/YP

1 0 - 50 12 ¼ 9-5/8 Pre-Hydrated Gel

8.4 - 8.5 35-40 Not Required


50 – 400

8 ½


KCL PHPA Polymer

8.4 - 8.6



DLL-MSFL-GR-SP Sonic, Densitiy, Neutron, Caliper, CBL-VDL-GR-CCL

Picture beside show the interval we must do the logging job. There only 1 interval as seen in

the picture.

Section 1

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Open Hole Interval : 46 – 535 m

Hole Size : 8 ½ inch

Job : (1) Resistivity Log (DLT & MSFL)

(2) Radioactive Log (ZDT and CNT) and Sonic Log (DAT)

(3) CBL & VDL

Time Of Job : Opeh Hole Job : August/5/2013

CBL Job @ 7” Casing : August/9/2013

Section 1 is 8 ½ in Open Hole. TD is set at 535 m and the previous casing shoe at 46

m. Logging sequence was based on client request start from Resistivity log, Radiocative and

Sonic log, and the last was CBL-VDL.

CBL job was held in defferent time after they set 7” casing along this interval.

(1). Resistivity Log

Here are the list of tools we use when we do resistivity log

Tools Serial Number Asset Number

















SY XJ,11-08-03 / SY XJ11-08-04

3944XB 73678







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Logger depth @ 533.7 m

While the operator connect the resistivity tools, we load the calibration and

verification data for our tools in ELIS computer. Also we put some data about

Wellsite information and fill some information in Proccessing Parameters. These are

important engineering things we should never forget. Another thing we must ask

report about mud properties from Mud Engineer at wellsite, we also request for

sample of Rm, Rmf and Rmc and after that we must measure those values.

Those data are :

Rm@78°F = 0.48Ω, Rmf@78°F = 0.1Ω and Rmc@78°F = 0.85Ω.

After operator complete the tool string connection, then we can power on our tool

string, make zero point and after that we can start our job.

Logging Job :

From the Record up result, we

get the logger depth at 533.7

m while the driller depth at

535 m. Casing logger and

casing driller at the same

depth 46 m because we make

depth correction at casing

shoe 9 5/8”.

For Repeat Log we start from

465 m until 290 m.

Some of logging results can

be shown like pictures below :

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Casing logger @ 46 m

From that result we can see that Rmsfl is separated with Rd and Rs. But Rd and Rs

itself have small separation. We can assume the permeability of this formation is not

so good

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(2). Radioactive and Sonic Log

Here are the list of tools we use when we do radioactive log

Before we do this job, radioactive source must be placed at the proper spot on the drill

floor so is makes easy for operator to install or uninstall the source. Don’t forget to

prepare the cover to prevent something down fall into the hole.

Before install the source, make sure the source chamber of CNT and ZDT in clean

condition. If not, then we must clean it first. The direction of CNT’s decentralizer and

ZDT’s caliper also must be same.

We also put the rubber stand off at EDAT upper and bottom body.

After that, install the source from CNT to ZDT. If uninstall from ZDT to CNT.

Make sure we already set the police line arround the well so nobody can come closer

to the well. Also for operator who install or uninstall the source, he must wearing the

protector to cover his body.

After Install, now we can Power On the tool string, make zero point at ERMT and

after that RIH the tools.

Logging Job

While RIH, we must catch first arrival wave along the cased hole (DT24 arround

57µs/ft) by set the gain and other parameters like search window and threshold to

certain value. After pass cased hole, we also keep to catch first this arrival wave. After

reach TD we open the EZDT caliper and start to record up untill passing casing shoe,

and after reach the cased hole we stop pull out the tools and make verification for

EZDT caliper.

Tools Serial Number Asset Number















3944XB 73678







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Logging Result

From the logging job we get result like some pictures below

From both pictures above we can see there is no crosplot between density-neutron log

along this interval.

Along the collapse hole interval we can see that density is acting like have small

density, but in the smooth hole the value of density become normal again.

Sonic log is stable along this interval because we catch good arrival wave.

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From bottom interval

the quality of cement

bonding is already


(3). CBL and VDL

Here are the list of tools we use when we do CBL and VDL

After set casing 7” we run CBL and VDL job. We use rubber stand off on EDAT so

the movement of the tools become smooth while rocord up and we can get better data.

After operators connect the tools, we can power on, set zero point and RIH.

Set the Search window at the first wave and observe the AMP3 data along the casing

hole interval.

Before record up fill the data we get in Max Observed Amp and then fill 100 in

Target Amplitude. After that we can start to record up until surface.

Logging Result

Here are some pictures about CBL and VDL

Tools Serial Number Asset Number
















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Along this interval the cement bonding is


From this interval until top is

bad cement bonding

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Before do the job, we check our downhole tools condition and we found that there is

no problem with our tools. All the tools was in good condition.

The only one problem was bad reading of our cable head, and after checked it comes from

torpedo, one cable already broken, so we make a new torpedo. After that the reading is good


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VI. CREW EVALUATION Here are the list of Jambi crew member :

Engineer : Hendrik Sahertian

Operator : Qian Jun (Chief)





This time after we arrived in Jambi, we strightly go to location because our job will be

start after several hours. All operator actually ready with this condition and even we are tired,

we can do our job correctly.

Before we do our job, we checked our tools condition and found that torpedo is not good,

because bad reading continuity.

I wish Mr Qian can respons quickly to solved this problem because our job will start in a few

moment, but he didnt. Maybe next time, he can do better.

Bagus have good attention to this job, he dirrectly take responsibility to make new torpedo

and helped by Antoni and Dika.

Kesyanto still new and must learn about the whole operation in location. He still looks

confuse about how to do, but i think he learn about this. Me and others already try to explain

how to do our job effectively.

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1. Both open hole and cased hole job is done without any problem. We have good

communication with client and they satisfy with our service.

2. Both Main and Backup computer in Skid Unit ESSS9724 salready in English for

ELIS Software, i wish all of our unit will be like this.

3. From the begining until job finish, there are no injuries among our crew. We have

to pay attention to this and try to do something with safety first so the risk of

injuries is small every time we do our job.

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