  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    White Paper on Prospective Supplier Registration

    and Evaluation

    (Using i-supplier and Sourcing Modules)


     Samba Siva Reddy arayana

    !able o" #ontents

    Prospective Supplier Registration...............................................................................2

    Supplier Registration............................................................................................... 2

    Buyer Administrator actions....................................................................................5

    Creating an Request for Information - RI................................................................!"

    Creating #e$ #egotiations.................................................................................... !"

    Add prospective suppliers to t%e RI.....................................................................!&

    Revie$ and Pu'lis% t%e RI to Supplier.................................................................!(

    Supplier Response for RI......................................................................................2!

    Supplier )valuation Process......................................................................................2&

    )nter t%e Scores....................................................................................................*"

    +oc,ing Scores...................................................................................................... *

    noc,out Scores.................................................................................................... *&

    /anage Requirements...........................................................................................*(

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    Prospective Supplier RegistrationProspective 0endor Registration and Supplier Pro1le /anagement ease t%e

    administrative 'urden faced 'y trading partners conducting 'usiness. #e$ suppliers

    can register $it% t%e 'uying organiation to indicate t%eir interest in esta'lis%ing a'usiness relations%ip. Suppliers are also a'le to access and update a pro1le of ,ey

    company details online. 3%is information is used 'y 'uyers to directly modify supply

    'ase information in t%eir purc%asing and paya'les system. /odifying supply 'ase

    information results in a signi1cant reduction in t%e volume of forms and direct

    contact 'et$een t%e t$o organiations.

     3%e Prospective 0endor Registration feature allo$s 'uyer organiations to accept

    unsolicited registration requests t%roug% t%eir o$n 4e' page from suppliers $it%

    $%om t%e company %as not previously conducted 'usiness. 3%is self-service

    registration process provides prospective suppliers $it% a 4e' page $%ere supplierscan complete a simple registration form and t%en su'mit it for approval 'y

    administrators at t%e 'uying company. After a 'uyer administrator approves t%e

    suppliers registration request and information on t%e supplier is added to t%e

    'uying companys purc%asing and paya'les system6 supplier user accounts for t%at

    supplier can 'e created and t%e supplier users can 'egin accessing and using t%e


    Supplier Registration- Supplier user clic,s registration lin, on 'uyers $e' site.

    Company 7R+ in 4e' Site



  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Supplier 1lls out and su'mits registration page.

    - Clic, on Continue- Create Address Boo,

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on Apply

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on Register

    - Registration Completed 'y t%e Supplier 7ser- )-mail noti1cation is sent to administrator requesting registration approval

    Buyer $dministrator actions+ogin in to Buyer $%o registers and #egotiate $it% suppliers

    #av 8 - Select Supplier Pro1le Administration Supplier Searc%

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on Prospective Supplier Registration

    - Clic, on Revie$

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on Approve or Re=ect for Registration

    After a supplier companys registration request is approved 'y a 'uyeradministrator6 a company pro1le is created for t%at supplier. Supplier pro1les

    contain company information suc% as taE Is6 un and Broadcaster num'ers6

    supplier addresses and contact names6 descriptions of goods and services provided

    'y t%e supplier6 classi1cation details suc% as o$ners%ip status Ffor eEample6

    minority-o$nedG and 'an, account details. Suppliers maintain t%e information and

    update it as needed. Suppliers %ave t%e responsi'ility for ensuring t%e information

    a'out t%eir company is current and correct.

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    If approved6 prospective supplier is created6 and a user account is set up for user

    $%o registered t%e company. 7ser is assigned eEternal user default responsi'ility.

    #ote8 Added Sourcing Supplier Responsi'ility6 as pro1le is not set to default t%e

    Responsi'ility $%ile doing registration

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    #reating an Re%uest "or &n"ormation - R'&RIs are used to qualify suppliers and t%eir goods and services for su'sequent

    procurement activities. RIs are used more for gat%ering information on goods and

    service provided 'y a supplier t%an to loc, in particular price information. 3%erefore6one unique feature of an RI is t%at 'uyers can c%oose to de1ne negotiation line

    items $it%out price and quantity and specify lists of criteria to $%ic% suppliers must

    respond. RIs can 'e ta,en to multiple rounds until t%e 'uyer %as enoug%

    information to identify supplierFsG $it% $%ic% to deal. At t%e conclusion of t%e RI

    cycle6 t%e information contained in t%e RI can 'e copied into an RH or 'uyers


    #reating e egotiations#av8- Sourcing Super 7ser  Sourcing

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - )nter t%e 3erms

    • Bill-3o Address - Address to $%ic% your RI s%ould 'e sent. Clic, t%e Jas%lig%t

    icon to 'ro$ser for ot%er addresses. ou can select any of t%e addresses

    address is de1ned in :racle Purc%asing.

    • S%ip-3o Address - Address to $%ic% t%e RI items $ill 'e s%ipped. Clic, t%e

    Jas%lig%t icon to 'ro$se for ot%er addresses. 3%e possi'le values for youroperating in :racle Purc%asing.

    • :B - 3%e :B terms for your supplier. 3%e possi'le values and t%e default

    are de1ned in :racle Purc%asing.

    • Payment 3erms -  3%e payment terms for your suppliers. 3%e possi'le values

    are de1ned in :racle Paya'les. 3%e default is set in :racle Purc%asing.

    - e1ne Scoring Settings

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Select t%e Requirement add t%e Sections

    Request information on suppliers at t%e negotiation level 'y de1ning negotiation

    Requirements. Requirements can 'e eEternal6 in $%ic% case responses are provided

    'y t%e supplier. )Eamples of eEternal requirement information mig%t 'e a suppliers

    years in 'usiness6 o$ners%ip6 or personnel quali1cation. Requirements can also 'e

    used internally6 in $%ic% case t%e response is provided 'y some ,ind of internal

    evaluator. Internal requirement responses mig%t include level of customer service

    provided6 or prior on-time %istory. )it%er $ay6 responses to requirement requests

    can 'e evaluated and used 'y personnel $%en a$arding t%e negotiation.

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Assign Section to Scoring 3eam

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - C%ec, t%e Controls

    4%en you create a ne$ RI you set response controls to determine t%e negotiationlengt%6 participants6 responding frequency6 open and closing times and many ot%er


    • Previe$ ate 7se t%e pop-up calendar to specify a date9time after $%ic% t%e

    negotiation information can 'e accessed 'y potential suppliers. 3%ey can

    vie$ t%e negotiations details 'ut cannot place responses.

    • :pen ate 7se t%e pop-up calendar to select t%e date9time after $%ic% all

    eligi'le suppliers are allo$ed to participate in t%e negotiation or c%oose to

    open t%e negotiation immediately.

    • Close ate 7se t%e pop-up calendar to select t%e date9time $%en t%e

    negotiation $ill 'e closed. :nce closed6 no furt%er responses may 'e

    accepted. If you allo$ t%e control manual close9close early6 t%e negotiation

    can 'e closed prior to t%e de1ned close date. If you allo$ t%e control manual

    eEtend6 t%e time limit for t%e negotiation can 'e eEtended past t%e original

    close date. 4%en you eEtend a negotiation you specify t%e ne$ close date.

     3%e Close ate cannot 'e later t%an t%e #eed-By ate.

    • Allo$ supplier to see ot%er suppliers contract terms6 notes and

    attac%ments ou can specify t%at suppliers in t%e negotiation $ill 'e allo$ed

    to see any notes and attac%ments included $it% ot%er suppliers quotes or

    'ids6 or you can restrict suppliers from seeing ot%er suppliers notes and


  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    • Allo$ supplier to select lines on $%ic% to respond ou can allo$ participants

    to respond to individual linesFsG in t%e negotiation6 or specify t%at t%ey must

    respond to all lines in t%e negotiation.

    • Require full quantity you can specify t%at participants must su'mit responses

    for t%e full quantity speci1ed in t%e line. Alternatively6 participants can su'mit

    responses for partial quantities. If you %ave scored t%e quantity attri'ute6 you

    must set t%is to #o

    • Allo$ multiple responses you can specify t%at respondents must su'mit a

    single6 'est response in t%e negotiation6 or may su'mit multiple responses

    during t%e negotiation open period.

    Allo$ multiple rounds of negotiation you can specify t%at t%e negotiation cancontinue into additional rounds after t%e close date6 or you can specify t%at

    t%e negotiation $ill not 'e allo$ed to continue into additional rounds past t%e

    close date.

    • Allo$ manual close 'efore t%e Close ate ou can c%oose to allo$ t%e

    negotiation to 'e closed 'efore t%e close date. :t%er$ise6 t%e negotiation

    cannot 'e closed until t%e close date and time speci1ed a'ove .

    • Allo$ Alternate lines on Supplier Responses 3%e c%ec,'oE Allo$ Alternate

    lines on Supplier Responses ena'les suppliers to enter Alternate lines only if 

    t%e c%ec,'oE is selected. If t%is c%ec,'oE is Allo$ Alternate lines on Supplier

    Responses not selected6 t%e Allo$ Alternate +ines column in t%e #egotiation

    line summary page and in t%e line details page is not 'e displayed. If6 in t%e

    1rst round of t%e negotiation6 t%e 'uyer ena'les Allo$ Alternate lines on

    Supplier Responses on t%e Controls page t%en Allo$ Alternate +ines is

    displayed on line levelK %o$ever6 in t%e second round of t%e negotiation6 if t%e

    'uyer does not select Allo$ Alternate lines on Supplier Responses in t%e

    Controls page6 t%en t%e c%ec,'oE Allo$ Alternate +ines on line level is not

    displayed on t%e +ines Summary and +ine etails pages. 3%is c%ec,'oE

    ena'les alternate lines to 'e cascaded to ne$ rounds or amendments of t%e

    negotiation as $ell.

    • Allo$ manual eEtend $%en t%e negotiation is open you can c%oose to allo$ a

    negotiation to 'e eEtended. 4%en a negotiation is eEtended6 you enter a ne$

    close date and time.

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Contract 3erms

    - Save RI as raft

    $dd prospective suppliers to the R'&- Clic, on raft RI

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on Add to Invite Supplier

    - Supplier added to Invite +ist

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on Apply

    Revie and Publish the R'& to SupplierAfter Revie$ing RI 'y approver6 RI $ill 'e Pu'lis%ed

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on Su'mit for Approval

    - +ogin as user #BRW for Approval

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on noti1cation and Approve t%e RI

    - #o$ login as :perations FBuyerG user for pu'lis%ing t%e RI to supplier

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    - Clic, on Pu'lis%

    Supplier Response "or R'&- +ogin in to Individual supplier to respond on RI

    #ote8 /ail server not set up in vision instance6 email $ill not 'e sent6 so $e %ave

    login to individual supplier and complete t%e RI process

    - Clic, on #oti1cation

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on #egotiation etails

    - Clic, on #egotiation #um'er

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Select Create Response from Actions

    - Clic, on Accept

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - ill t%e Huestionnaire or Requirements- )nter t%e 0alues ! or 2

    !- es2- #o

    #ote8 4e can ma,e Response value as 3eEt in place of num'er at t%e time of RI


  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - ou can save t%e RI as raft 'y clic,ing Save as raft6 if you are comfort

    Clic, on Continue for urt%er process

    - Clic, on Continue

    - Clic, on Su'mit

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    #ote8 o same procedure for remaining suppliers

    - After completion of Supplier response- +ogin as Buyer user :perations- Buyer Pat gets noti1cations from supplier as Return Response

    Supplier Evaluation Process- Close t%e RI for Revie$ and S%ort +isting t%e suppliers

    - Clic, on #egotiation #um'er

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    #ote8 RI close automatically after reac%ing t%e Close ate and $e can also close 'y

    manually if required 'y selecting t%e c%ec, 'oE in #egotiation rules at t%e time of

    negotiation creation

    - @o to Actions and Select Close RI FClose /anuallyG

    - Clic, on @o

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - )nter t%e close ate or Immediately FSelected Immediately for testing


    - Clic, on Apply

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    Enter the ScoresIf t%e negotiations creator de1ned Requirements for a negotiation6 you may 'e

    as,ed to evaluate and score t%e responses to t%is Requirement. If team scoring %as

    'een ena'led for a negotiation6 you must 'e a mem'er of a scoring team to enter

    scores. If team scoring is not ena'led6 you must 'e a negotiation editor Feit%er t%e

    negotiation creator or a Colla'oration 3eam mem'er $it% ull accessG to enter

    scores. If t%e scoring met%od for t%e Requirement is #one or Automatic you do not

    enter scores Ffor Automatic scoring6 t%e system assigns a score to t%e response

    'ased on t%e accepta'le values de1ned 'y t%e negotiation creatorG.

     3%e negotiation must 'e closed 'efore entering scores.

    !o enter scores*

    !. rom t%e egotiation +ome page6 access t%e negotiation for $%ic% you

    $is% to enter scores.

    2. Select )nter Scores from t%e Actions menu.

    *. :n t%e Enter Scores by Response page6 clic, t%e pencil icon in t%e )nter

    Scores column for t%e response $%ose Requirements you $is% to score.

    . :n t%e Enter Scores page6 vie$ t%e Requirement and its response and enter

    a value in t%e Score column. #ote t%at you can not enter a value %ig%er t%an

    t%e maEimum score t%e negotiation creator de1ned for t%at Requirement. ou

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    may optionally enter an internal note. #ote t%at is it mandatory to enter a

    value for at least one of t%ese t$o 1elds.

    5. Clic, Su'mit Score.

    . Continue scoring su'sequent responses.

    @o to Actions and Select t%e )nter Scores and clic, on @o

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Select eac% Supplier and )nter t%e Score

    - Su'mit t%e Score for Supplier

    #ote 8 o Same Process for :t%er Suppliers

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - o t%e same process for ot%er Scoring 3eams- After )ntering Scores 'y All Scoring /em'ers

    - Analye Scores 'y Response or 'y Spread S%eet

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    ,ocing Scores:nce all your evaluators %ave scored t%eir Requirements6 you may $is% to loc, t%e

    scores. +oc,ing scores prevents mem'ers of t%e scoring team $%o %ave scoring

    access only from entering ne$ score values. It also allo$s t%e system to use t%e

    score values entered manually to calculate t%e total score for t%e Requirements

    Funtil t%e scores are loc,ed6 a Requirement $it% a scoring met%od of /anual %as a

    score of eroG. #ote t%at once t%e manual score for a Requirement is calculated6 t%e

    overall score for t%e 'id9quote is also updated. )ven t%oug% scores are loc,ed6

    scoring team mem'ers $it% full access can override t%e scores entered and9or

    unloc, t%e scores.

    !o loc.unloc scores*

    !. Access t%e negotiation.

    2. rom t%e Actions menu6 select /anage Scoring 3eams and clic, @o.

    *. :n t%e Manage Scoring !eams page6 clic, +oc, Scoring Fif scores are

    unloc,edG. Scores can no longer 'e entered for Requirements. Alternatively

    clic, 7nloc, Scoring Fif scores are loc,edG. After scores are unloc,ed6 all

    scoring team mem'ers can enter ne$ scores.

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on Apply

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    Manage Re%uirements

     3o S%ort list t%e Supplier 'ased on t%e Scores given 'y Scoring 3eam

    - Clic, on @o- )nter t%e noc, out score

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Clic, on Perform noc, :ut

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - 0ie$ t%e Current s%ort listed Scores

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


    - Complete t%e RI

  • 8/15/2019 Supplier Evaluation - Sourcing


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