Page 1: Support under the Least Developed Countries Fund for the LDCs (GEF and Agencies)

Support under the Least Developed Countries Fund for

the LDCs (GEF and Agencies) Monday, 11 July 2016, 14:00-16:00

NAP Expo, Bonn, Germany

The Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF) was designed to address the special needs of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The LDCF was among the first global sources for adaptation financing and, as such, has been at the forefront of international efforts to strengthen the resilience of the developing countries to climate change. With more than US$1 billion of voluntary contributions from donors, the LDCF holds the largest portfolio of adaptation projects in the LDCs. The LDCF has financed the preparation of National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) in 51 countries, of which 50 are completed and submitted. Most LDCF financing, however, has been targeting NAPA implementation and therefore provide concrete, on-the-ground adaptation benefits to those who are most vulnerable to the adverse impacts of climate change. Following guidance by the Conference of the Parties (COP), the LDCF has further financed projects that give each LDC the opportunity to access one-on-one support tailored to their specific needs and circumstances, in order to strengthen their institutional and technical capacities to start or advance their process to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). LDCF support for NAPA implementation also entails considerable benefits for NAPs, by promoting policies, plans and budgeting for adaptation at the national, sub-national and local levels, as well as by providing information on climate risks and impacts and potential solution approaches across various sectors. This session is an opportunity to discuss how the LDCs can further benefit from NAPA implementation as well as toward strengthening their institutional and technical capacities to advance their process to formulate and implement NAPs. This interactive workshop explores the following questions:

1. What are the key benefits to adaptation processes provided by the LDCF? How can countries further access support for further implementation of their NAPAs and other elements of the LDC work programme from the LDCF?

2. What have been the main lessons learned in addressing adaptation through the NAPAs and what are the implications for support toward formulating and implementing NAPs?

3. How and where can the GEF and its Agencies help to support enabling environments that help strengthen the process to formulate and implement NAPs at the country level in an effective and efficient manner?

Insights and exchange of ideas are also expected to help enrich the NAP Expo discussions to follow.

Page 2: Support under the Least Developed Countries Fund for the LDCs (GEF and Agencies)


Time Agenda item 14:00-14:20 Background on the LDCF

• Dustin Schinn, GEF • Introduction of participants

14:20-14:50 Impact potential of LDCF support – country perspectives

• Fred Kossam, Malawi • Sum Thy, Cambodia

14:50-15:30 Ongoing LDCF support toward LDC Work Programme

Representatives of the GEF Agencies will provide insights in their experience with the LDCF, and highlight main lessons learned in supporting adaptation planning processes, including through NAPA implementation and support toward starting or advancing the formulation and implementation of NAPs. (20 minutes each).

• Barney Dickson, UNEP • Rohini Kohli, UNDP

Questions and answers, and discussions will follow.

15:30-16:00 Wrap up and Q&A • Dustin Schinn, GEF • Rohini Kohli, UNDP • Barney Dickson, UNEP

16:00 Adjournment

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