Page 1: Survey analysis results

Survey Analysis Results

Who my audience are & what they want

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How old are you?

Through asking peoples age, I found out that the majority of my audience would be 15-20. This means that I would have to design a Pop magazine that suits their age; fairly sophisticated layout but colourful. As they are teenagers, the style of writing could be slang or I could use common phrases that would catch their attention. Although I thought that the general market for a Pop magazine would be younger than 15, around the age of 13. As a Pop music magazine, I would expect younger people to be more interested in it as it is quite a fun genre of music.

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Are you male or female?

These results tell me that the main audience for my Pop music magazine is females. With 76.9% out of 100%, I will have to use colours that will attract females to buy the magazine and read it. Using purples and pinks as main colours, as these are stereotypical female colours. These results will also influence the pictures and photography I use, because girls think of female artists as role models and copy their fashion and style.

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Do you like pop music?

Over half of the people who filled out my survey said they do like Pop music, this tells me that my magazine will have an audience and hopefully buyers too. As well as 23.1% of the people saying that ‘It’s Alright’, which could mean they are my audience too if they see something they like. The results tell me that Pop music is a fairly popular genre of music and it is likeable, so I am definitely going to create a Pop magazine. I could show the latest pop music albums, artists and any upcoming gigs.

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How important is music to you?

These results show that over half of the people that did my survey say that music is important to them. The next highest percentage is 16.7% of the people saying it is very important, but this percentage is still much lower than the 58.3%. These results help me as they show that there is a market for my magazine, as music is involved in many peoples day to day lives; although this question doesn’t specify the genre of music so it doesn’t help narrow it down that much.

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Who is your favourite band/artist?

These results show that there is a range of music that people like, there is not one band or artist imparticular that is a favourite. It also shows that Rock and R&B music is popular to people aged 15-20, along with Pop. Getting these results helps me by thinking of people I could use within the magazine so that it is read, if I used an artist that my audience didn’t like or know, then the magazine would not sell.

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What do you like to see in a music magazine?

People like to see pictures in music magazines, this is obvious as 3 people have put it as the answer. Other things that people want to see in the magazine are information about gigs and tour dates, new songs, and interviews from artists.There is a wide range of things that people would like to see in a magazine so I can use these results to make sure my magazine contains as many of them as possible. This will get me a larger audience and the magazine will sell better as I will be meeting the markets wants and needs.

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Does music reflect on your personal appearance?

These results surprised me as I thought that many females used artists as fashion icons, but these results tell me that over half, 69.2% of the people do not use music to influence the way they dress. Although there is still 30.8% that say that it does reflect the way they look, this means that I could still use the photography as a way of drawing the reader in and thinking carefully about the costumes used.

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A lot of peoples reasons are negative, and tell me that music shouldn’t influence the way you look. Although they realise that certain genres of music are more prone to people dressing like the music, such as Punk or Rock. These results help me determine the photography that is going to be within the magazine, as I will have to think about the audience and what they would like to see.

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Why do you like the music that you like?

The main result I got from this question, was that the music they enjoy and listen to, makes them happy. I could use this idea in my magazine by presenting Pop music as a fun, funky genre.

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How much would you pay for a music magazine?

I asked this question so that I can set a reasonable price to put on the front cover of my magazine. The results tell me that the average price people are willing to pay is £2. I think this is a reasonable price to use as it will mean people will buy it, whereas if I set it any higher, people may not think it is worth it.

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What are your interests/hobbies?I asked this general question so that I could find more out about my audience and what they like. This could help me think about the types of adverts that are going to be in the magazine and also the way it is designed.

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