Download - Survey results

Page 1: Survey results


Page 2: Survey results

What is your gender?This diagram describes the gender ratio of my survey sample population. I distributed my survey to 50 students at my Sixth Form evenly between both genders in order to gain equal feedback as my products will both aim at young males as well as young females. This is effective as it helps me to understand what both genders expect to find in a music video and Digi-pack. Doing this also allows me to compare the answers of both genders and see the difference in their expectations.

Page 3: Survey results

What is your age? I distributed my survey to 50 students at my Sixth Form but also to younger pupils in the years below. This information gathered reflects the feedback from all ages ranging from pupils of year7, aged 11, to the eldest pupils in year13, aged 19. This information allows me to understand who my product should be aimed more towards, so I can base ideas for my final product around what my target audience want. My findings presented the ages 16-19 as the most popular, therefore I have chosen to aim my music video at people of this age group. Therefore, the content of my music video can be a lot more mature and does not need to be censored. This also means that attracting a larger target audience will be a lot easier as this age range tend to be more interested and up to date with the music industry.

Page 4: Survey results

What is your favourite music genre? My findings show that HipHop,

R&B and Pop are the top three music genres amongst my sample population. Asking this question has allowed me to narrow down my genre choices based on what my age range enjoy listening to also then allowing my group and I to choose a song wisely based on what my target audience will want to hear and be interested in. This is very helpful and also gives me a clearer understanding of which genres are in decline amongst the youth of today such as Rock and Jazz.

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How often do you listen to music? Finding out how often my

targeted audience listens to music is important as it allows me to gain more knowledge on how much music is involved in their daily lives. The majority of my feedback said they listened to music everyday, meaning it is something they encounter daily, therefore in order to gain daily views, my music video must reach my audience’s expectations.

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Do you watch music videos?From my feedback, I understand that there is a large majority who actually watch music videos, and less than a quarter who do not. Asking this question, allows me to estimate the percentage of viewers I should expect, if my final product is successful.In terms of reasons behind this, the increase of digital media and the rise in technology which has also increased they ways in which people can access music. For example, sites such as YouTube and Vevo have created apps to widen their target audience. This information then allows me to consider making my final product accessible through these apps.

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What entices you to watch music videos? The results for this question is

crucial to my market research as this data will enable me to apply the majority of votes to my final product. It is clear from my findings that both word of mouth and the artist are the top enticements of young people. Therefore in order to gain a wider target audience I must understand what makes young people want to watch music videos. It was expected for the artist to be a top enticement. This will enable my group and I to apply this feedback to our final product, applying Dyer’s Star Theory where the artist is solely receiving the attention from the camera.

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Do you buy music albums? The feedback from this

question allows me to use this information and apply it to the creation of the my group’s Digi-pack. My findings show that the majority of my target audience stated ‘no’, which suggests that the increase of technology and internet means that people are downloading more, legally as well as illegally. The rise is technology and the web has dominated the purchasing of products; resulting to vast closures of music companies such as HMV.

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If Yes, how much would you pay for an album? As established, due to the

increase of downloading and decrease in purchasing actual albums, the small minority who did say yes answered this section. As shown on the diagram, the majority said they would spend between £5 and £15. THis makes sense as the average price for an album is can go from £6.99 to £12.99 which is reasonable for the age group of my target audience as many must have an increasing income. This will allow my group and I to plan effectively a pric

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What attracts you to buy a music album? This question is important to

my market research as it gives me an insight on what attracts the young people of my target audience into buying a music album. As shown in my findings, the artist is the biggest attraction to buying a music album which is expected as young people generally purchase their favoured artist’s music. This feedback will help my group and I when creating our Digi-Pack as we will make sure that the artist of the album is clear, perhaps including their name on the cover to highlight their significance.

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Do you visit any artists’ website? The feedback shows that quite

a few people do visit artists’ websites, which is most likely due to the increase in digital media. The main purpose of the website is to have the latest news feed about making it easier for fans to check up on what their favourite artist is doing and to also keep up to date with any upcoming events to do with this artist.

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Which is the most significant feature that will entice you into going on an artist’s website?

Asking this question, gives me a better understanding of what my target audience expect to see, in order for me to work around this feedback and offer my target audience the best pleasures. The majority of responses said that having music videos on the website and images are the most significant features. Also, colour is another significant feature, so to please my target audience, my group and I must decide on appropriate colours to attract both genders.

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What is the most important thing that you would like to see on an artist’s website? Asking this question allows me to

understand what my target audience want to see on a website. This information will help when creating a website to accompany my groups final products. It is unsure whether we will be doing this or creating a magazine but this information is helpful for us know and understand. A lot of these features are crucial for a music website, and the majority of responses said they would like to see music videos, tour dates, a fan club, a photo gallery and gossip which is understandable as they are all relevant to the artist. This is a good idea for expanding target audience for artists as it entices fans to stay updated. My group and I will definitely consider this when producing our music video.

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