
Sustainability: ethical challenges for 21st century business

Sustainability:Ethical Challengesfor 21st Century Business


OverviewWhat is sustainability?How are sustainability & business ethics related?What can sustainability do for business?Why dont all businesses embrace sustainability?When will businesses grow sustainably?


What is sustainability?Everything people need to survive and flourish depends on our natural environmentSustainability maintains harmony between people and natureSustainability fulfills peoples economic, social and other needs


How are sustainability and business ethics related?Unfettered capitalism devours natural resources, broadens socio-economic dividesExisting legal frameworks, globalized market forces cannot mend these riftsBusinesses can no longer ignore environmental impact for increased profits


What can sustainabilitydo for business?Terror attacks sometimes result from Western companies disregarding peoples welfare

Business strengthens its license to operate by protecting the environmentSustainable practices value customers well-being; improve brand loyalty


Why dont all businessesembrace sustainability?Complexity of putting practices to workCompeting strategic prioritiesVarious other reasons: Lack of recognition from financial markets Differing ideas of what social responsibility is Challenges of engaging with external groups


When will businessesgrow sustainably?Around the world, some businesses already embrace sustainabilityUnited Nations Global Compact shows promise through international collaborationConsumers ultimately determine tipping points for sustainabilitySource: UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study 2010


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