

Kochouseph Chittilappilly

• An eight year old boy once went to a beach, for the first time in his life. He was accompanied by his parents and they played with the waves for quite a while. The boy was thrilled to see the waves and experience the force with which they hit the beach. When he had finished playing with the waves and was about to leave, the boy noticed an empty mineral water bottle lying on the beach. He picked it up and filled it with sea water. Noticing this, his father asked him, ’What are you going to do with this water?’. The boy replied, ‘I love the sea water very much and I want to take some home’.

• As soon as the boy reached home, he emptied the contents of the bottle into a bucket. He then keenly watched the water and seemed to be waiting anxiously to see something happening. After some time, the boy approached his father tearfully and said, ’The sea water which I brought here, is not making any waves in the bucket’. Having seen the waves at the beach, the boy had mistakenly believed that sea water would generate waves, wherever it is ! With a smile on his face, the father explained,'Dear son, the water gets the energy only when it is in the sea. When we remove it from there, it loses its energy and is unable to produce waves’. The father went on to give the boy a detailed explanation, which pacified him.

• Organizations and individuals can be compared with the mighty ocean and its water. Water gets the strength only when it is part of the ocean. As we know, water in the sea is extremely powerful and it can generate a lot of energy. The same principle can be applied to the staff members within an organization. The moment a little water is taken out from the sea and placed in a bucket, it loses its energy and remains still. Similarly, individuals lose their energy and space, the moment they cease to be part of the organization. I am a person who has really witnessed the power of teamwork. V-Guard was literally a one-man show in the initial days. Now, after several decades, it has grown big and I believe that the combined effort of the team & their concerted effort is the real driving force behind the success.

• The crux of teamwork revolves around the slogan, ‘We believe in each other and rely on each other’. The success of a team depends on the way the members share common ideals and embrace a common goal. Regardless of differences, the members strive shoulder-to-shoulder, confident in one another’s faith, trust and commitment. If the team is vibrant and active, we can literally experience the above qualities. The duty of a team leader is to create a feeling of belonging among the members, and to develop team spirit. In the long run, it can work wonders. Leaders may keep in mind that, the ‘Do what I say’ approach is against the basic concept of teamwork.

Thank You For Reading : SYNERGY

Kochouseph Chittilappilly

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