Page 1: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Systematic Theology 系統神學

ST101 – 2014 –

Bread of Life Theological Seminary 靈糧神學院美北分院

Page 2: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Introductions 簡介• Personal introductions 個⼈人介紹 – Name 姓名 –Where do you live? 住在哪裡? – Tell us about your ministry or job 事奉/⼯工作 –What excites you about this course?什麼引發你對這個課程的興趣?

Page 3: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”
Page 4: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Introduction to the course 課程介紹

• Syllabus overview 教學⼤大綱 – Objectives and Learning Activities ⺫⽬目標和學習活動

– Readings 閱讀 – Quizzes 測驗 – Scripture Reflections 經⽂文反思 – Doctrinal Statements 教義論⽂文 – Schedule 時間表

• Questions? 有問題嗎?

Page 5: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章• What is theology 什麼是神學? – Theos (God 神) and logos (speech 話語) – The study of God and all things related to God研究神和有關神的事

– But, we know God from Scripture. Therefore, theology is primarily the study of Scripture我們從聖經中認識有關神的事。的因此,神學是以研究聖經為主

• What is “Systematic Theology 系統神學”? – Grudem defines it as “any study that answers the

question, ‘What does the whole Bible teach us today?’” (p. 21) Grudem 的定義: “任何回答這個問題的研究: ”整本聖經對今天的我們有什麼教導? (第21⾴頁)

Page 6: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章• Systematic Theology is 系統神學是:

– Biblical, structured, contextual, and worshipful合乎聖經, 有系統, 合乎現代背景, 具敬拜的意義

• Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理” (第3世紀)

– John of Damascus, Exposition of the Orthodox Faith (8th century) ⼤大⾺馬⾊色的約翰 "正統信仰之闡明"(第8世紀)

– Peter Lombard, The Sentences (12th century) 倫巴都, “教⽗父名⾔言集" (第12世紀)

– All three follow a different order, but are divided into four books 這些著作都有不同的順序, 但均分為四冊

• Terms: Systematic Theology, Christian theology, Christian doctrine, and dogmatics are nearly synonymous 系統神學, 基督教神學, 基督教教義, 教義同義

Page 7: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章• Question: why do we need theology when we

have Scripture? 我們已有聖經, 為何需要神學 • “We need theology in addition to Scripture

because God has authorized teaching in the church, and because we need that teaching to mature in the faith.” ~ John Frame, Systematic Theology, p. 7 “除了聖經, 我們還需要神學, 因為神吩咐教會要教導聖經, 因為我們需要這樣的教導才能在真道上成⻑⾧長.” 傅瑞姆, 系統神學, p. 7

Page 8: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章• Doctrines are 教義: – Rooted in Scripture 以聖經為根基 – Developed by the church over centuries (for

example, heresies) 教會歷世歷代發展⽽而成 (例如異端的教導)

• Big issue 主要的問題: – Doctrine promotes unity, but can also be divisive 教義應當促進合⼀一, 但也可能導致分裂

– How should we navigate this issue?我們應當如何為這個問題定位?

Page 9: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章





Page 10: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章• Absolutes define the core beliefs of the

Christian faith 絕對的真理是基督教信仰的核⼼心 • Convictions may have significant impact on the

health and effectiveness of the church 信念對教會的健康和成效可能有很⼤大的影響

• Opinions are less clear issues that generally are not worth dividing over 觀點是較不明確的問題, ⼀一般⽽而⾔言不值得為此⽽而分裂

• Questions are currently unsettled issues 問題意指⺫⽬目前懸⽽而未決的議題

• Where would you place particular doctrines? 你如何為某些特定的教義分類?

Page 11: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章• Doctrine and life 教義和⽣生活 – Are doctrines merely beliefs unrelated to our lives? 教義是否只是和我們的⽣生活無關的信仰?

– How we live is intimately connected to what we believe 我們的⽣生活與我們的信仰息息相關

– Doctrine provides instruction for how to live the Christian life by knowing who God is, what he has done, who we are, etc. 教義幫助我認識神, 認識神的作為, 認識我們⾃自⼰己, 藉此指導我們應當如何⽣生活⾏行事

– Theology states the truths of Scripture for the edification of the people of God 神學陳明聖經真理, 使神的⼦子⺠民得到造就

Page 12: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章• Doing Systematic Theology 系統神學的形成 – It is done in community 必須是在基督徒群體中間發展成形

– It sometimes provides new terms and concepts such as Trinity, inerrancy, or original sin有時會產⽣生新的⽤用語和概念, 例如三位⼀一體, 無誤, 或原罪

– It is structured or ordered 有系統, 有次序 – It draws on a variety of sources 有不同的資訊來源 • Scripture, tradition, nature, experience聖經, 傳統, ⾃自然, 經驗 • Culture ⽂文化?

Page 13: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章

• The necessity of theology 神學的必要 – To provide clarity and unity to diverse biblical

materials 為各類的經⽂文提供清晰和⼀一致的解釋 • What kind of clarity 什麼樣的清晰? • Translation 翻譯?

– To respond to contemporary challenges為了應對當代挑戰

– To maintain the integrity of the faith we profess 為要保持我們信仰的完整與準確

Page 14: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

• Other issues when doing Systematic Theology 營建系統神學的其他問題: – Should all Systematic Theology follow an identical

order? Does order matter? 所有的系統神學都應該遵循相同次序嗎? 次序重要嗎?

–Where should certain doctrines be located? For example, the doctrine of Scripture: on its own? under the doctrine of God? or the Holy Spirit? 教義如何歸類? 例如,聖經的教義應當⾃自成⼀一格? 歸類為神的教義? 聖靈論?

– Is there a central doctrine 是否有⼀一個核⼼心教義? – How much weight should we give to particular

doctrines over others? Are they all equal? 每種不同的教義全都是⼀一樣的重要嗎? 應該如何衡量其重要性?

– Is Systematic Theology ever finished? 系統神學有完成的可能嗎?

Page 15: Systematic Theology 系統神學 - · • Early Systematic Theology 早期的系統神學 – Origen, On First Principles (3rd century) 俄利根 “基督教原理”

Grudem, chapter 1 古德恩第1章• Questions 有問題嗎?

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Next week 下週• Read Grudem, chapters 2–3 –Word of God 神的道 – Canon of Scripture 聖經乃正典

• Scripture Reflection 經⽂文反思 • Quiz #1 – Due July 27th

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