

What is T E S T Magazine? .......................................................................... 4

Bird's Eye View .......................................................................................... 5 Views of the Business District ..................................................................... 7

A Note From the Editor ................................................................................ 8

Meet the Staff ............................................................................................... 9

Interview with the Editor ............................................................................. 10

My First Day at T E S T ............................................................................... 11

Business District - Parks and Entertainment................................................. 12-14

Business District - Business............................................................................ 15, 16

Get-Away (Mini Vacation Spots).................................................................... 17, 18

Credits ............................................................................................................ 19

What is T E S T Magazine?

TEST Magazine is a magazine created and published by sims in my game!

The idea started from a building I created in 2010 that was initially for testing a cubicle mesh I had made for an office building. While testing the mesh I started building an office environment that I thought would benefit the cubicles, and before I knew it I had built a whole office building. So of course, now it had to be completely furnished!

After finishing the building I liked the way it looked but I really didn't have any use for it. It was named TEST Building because that was what it was...a testing lot!! And there it sat in my test game without any thoughts of using it in the near future.

Now, more than a year later I've decided that I want to use this building so I added it to my Pleasantview Uptown Business District, which is a new location (sub to my base Pleasantview).Some of the ideas I thought about using this building for were: Book Publications, Fashion House, Book Editor's Offices, and a few others I can't even remember anymore! However, they all seemed like a lot of work and I wasn't sure I wanted to go on a hunt or try to make some of the downloads I would need. Besides, I really want to play my game more and not have to do a lot of outside work!

So then I thought about a magazine publishing house, which I thought was a good idea, but then I would still need some publishing objects which I didn't have. That's when the idea of an online magazine came to mind, and since it was online, why not use the sims who are going to work there actually publish the magazine on line for real!

OK, so now we have a plan, but what about a name! I had already named the building TEST Building when it was built but I had always meant to change it when I decided what I would use if for. While giving it more thought (someone had suggested that I should leave the name, sort of a mystery building thing, where one could make up their own title for the T E S T!!) Now I'm thinking T E S T, what can these letters stand for in regards to a magazine! Thus a new name came to mind...

The Envisioned Sim Trend = TEST Magazine

From the Editor's Desk

Here at T E S T Magazine our goal is to bring you all the sites and views, along with the resident opinions and preferences in Pleasantview and all it's sub districts which include:

Pleasantview: Invasions Pleasantview Uptown Business District

Beachview (where it's always summer!) Pleasantview Winter Resort (where it's always winter!)

The main focus of the magazine is architectural design and decorating so we will be featuring vacation spots, restaurants, shopping and entertainment locations, parks,unique homes, and much more.

We will also be doing interviews with various business and home owners to find out their architectural and decorating preferences. T E S T Magazine is a quarterly magazine so look for the next issue in mid-March.We hope you will enjoy our publications and maybe even find some useful information.

In the near future we will be venturing out to some of your neighborhoods for exclusive interviews and photos so if you have freelance photographers and writers in your game we invite them to send us articles of your favorite locations.

We encourage feedback and would be very interested hearing from you.

Gina CwikThe Staff


Thanks to everyone who contributed to making our for edition of the magazine possible.

Mod the Sims for lots & Hood Deco in Pleasantview and Substwoflower, squeam, stofflesim, aixlachaise, Phaenoh, Gwenke33, Psychsim, Criquette

N99 Pak Team Site for lots in Pleasantview and SubsBoardwalk Sims, CTNutmegger, Chaisipper, Deb, Bibi, Hannah

N99 Forum Members - for lots in Pleasantview and SubsPrudence, Starr, Carla, Maisie, Danielle

Nengi65 @ Sim Crossing

Mocha at Sims Urbania

Selenaq13 @ Live Journal

And to anyone I forgot to's not intentional. Please feel free to pm me for credits.

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