

Tillamook Beock,


Office : Opposite Court House.


RESIDENT DENTIST, Office : Commercial Block,

Store in Heins Photographic - Gallery.

(Over F. R. Beals office.

Tillamook - Oregon

Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing

a Specialty.

A. C. EVERSON,Loan Agent,

s For Sale or Trade-Tillamook Co. Land, City Property, ) Vacant lots in all additions and Merchandise Stock.


(Successor to Dr. Sharp),


Tllamook Headlight, July I , IOI3

Advertising Rates 7>







Editorial Snap Shots Til!

Room No. 261.


Notice of Guardian's Sale.


Tillamook Block,


Bay City

Tillamook -



Tillamook -


Tillamook * Oregon.

To Water Consumera.

PHYSICIAN & SURGEONJones-Knudson Furniture Co



■S Put*




Tillamook City will always have the glad hand extended to the Third Regiment.

leaving the senator had every |M»rt cf

•tree« broker

genuine boost, wav, for it is no in


American ambassador has rented a house in $18,000 a year which is his salary. The rich

Entered as second class mail mat­ter July, 1888, at the post office at Tillamook, tire., under the act of March 3. 1879.

Tillamook City offers the glad hand to “Pap."

(tbe ^illamoob Mjeabligbt,

J~)R- jack OLSEN,


CO (N)

... 10 00


One year..........Six months.....Three months.


icg false drafts to fia th® ike or deaden it

Tsj Arjxliao tun wilt srrtr t’V W»» 4.*fu-it »Jt atw.n de tyrl.ct b.k,nt. , tha4fuel tksfl core-non ran^e%need io u*e bUcknninsr—* »h wtth

27.—7." 21?**0* »» »nwr iiv» a«. 1« 1*7* or*? anti oreriD it»« fa®! itwork Mkr anSaMow bar to do nerfaet baMia*.

THH ARCADIAN IS SOLD BY US. ~U- invltw m M w> wfoh den

Wb. th.r^odk.iraurioyon.

AMZRJCVS 2E3T RANGS* he 1 irciiLxa Lap sr'cct bcklng i

for a-- ir. 1. L.;.c ; i=allç.L:eiro3«=d charcoal §

Lfgal Advertisements:First Insertion, per lineEach subsequent insertion, line Business and professional cards,

1 month..................................... 1Homestead Notices.................... 5Timber Claims l ocals per line each insertion Display advertisement, an inch,

month........................... . ■All Resolutions of Condolence and

Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line.

Notices. Lost, Strayed or Stolen, etc. miniuiun rate, 25c. not exceed­ing five lines.

have proved themselves to be gentlemen, so much so that w hen the Third Regiment left here on Monday morning it carried with it the respect of the people of this city Chap lain Gilbert on Sunday made a statement to this effect that made most of us take ..otice. Jle said, take 590 men from the Third Regiment ami 50i) from t he city of Tillamook, there would be more religious men

.and men of higher moral stand- , ard in the former than in the i latter.

Everything passed off satis­factorily in connection with the visit of the Third Regiment to this city, the hoys going away pleased with the kind, friendly treatment they received while here. It is safe to say that they will always have a good word to say for Tillamook.

Remember the date. Tilla­mook County Fair Association's first fair will be held on Septem­ber 3rd, 4th and 5th. Every­body should help make it a suc­cess by exhibiting that which is of interest. Get the fair spirit and hIiow visitors that Tilla­mook county can make as cred­itable fair as other counties.

A« a result of the visit of the Third Regiment to this city, a movement is on foot amongst the young men to have Tilla­mook represented in the Third Regiment By request, the president of the Commercial Chill took the matter up with Colonel Martin ami Adjutant- General Finzer. Company A is vacant, and if a sufficient num­ber of young men will sign a request to form ii company. w<*i beliew there will he no trouble ' when the matter is placed be­fore the staff.

In iiImiiiI n week the road to Netarts will be finished. The improvement on this road took many years to bring about, and when It in finished it makes the bearli at that place easv to reach from this city, for a little over 30 minutes is nil the time it will take in amachine. This places Netarta in n position to accommodate mon* campers tlinii usual, for the new road makes it easy for caiu|>«:rs and autos to rendi then*. With that road finished, the pmposed road to Hayocean should In* com nieiiced. bi fact, we believe it is a wise move to give nil the twitch resorts gissi roads as soon ns possible, for then* is no ile living the fact that Tillamook Countv will grow in imi>ortancc ns a summer n*sort of consider able magnitude.

A county in a Southern state in­vested in a pike road and a colony of truck raisers moved in at once. Pickers of thia kind are up to date.

When all other forms of excite­ment pall on the public taste in Ma­drid somebody aims a shot at King Alfonso or explodes a bomb under his carriage.

An Artic exployer says that 1.000,- 000 square miles in the region of the North Pole have never been visited. There is no occasion yet for the Artic Alexanders to weep.

When they get a chance suffra­gettes burn an old castle in Scot­land. The haunts of Burns and the mansion that Scott built must be in danger from these strange logic­ians.

A Chinaman on his way to Cana­da, and claiming to be 149 years old, confines his nourishment to a tablet and cold water. There is hope for the ultimate consumer if he lives long enough.

Missouri railroads will make a trial of the 2-cents-a-mile rate. The experience of the Post Office De­partment is that a reduc ion in postage results in increased revenue- to a satisfactory extent.

The Oklahoma Indian« who are engaged in agricultural pursuits have a distinct advantage over their white competitors. When the picking is slim on tie farm they can go back to the lava beds.

The new to England London for more thancannot be accused of growing rich­er in the diplomatic service of the U. S.

Japan has halted the preparation of our surrejoinder to her rejoinder to our reply to her note by adding an amendment to her rejoinder. Until we learn what it was she for­got to say we cannot surrejoin properly

An aeronaut has arranged to communicate by wireless with sev­eral ships in the open Atlantic when he undertake« shortly to tly accroas the ocean, A few years ago the item would have been un­intelligible.

A Mississippi judge has decided that a razor carried in a negro’s pocket is not a weapon, but a toilet article, rien though intended for the facialnegroes.

decoration of other A wagon spoke carried

as a club would still lie a harmless agricultural implement attachment.

Abandonment of the compulsory use of parcel post stamps on mer­chandise is another step toward making the parcel post system popular. The chief drawback still left is the necessity of going to the Post Office to mail packages in­stead of dropping them in a box. Thia is a result of the zonal system,

ly | which makes the figuring -if th“ it , proper rate somewhat complicated.

Yet, even this will be overcome, probably by a system of collecting iiny shortage of postage from the consignee, as is done with first- class mail. The freest possible use of the parcel post is what is needed.

Quit* h number of citizens entertained a wrong impression us to the moral conduct of the citiscn soldiers who visited this city last week, mid tlieir pre d ctiona, linppih .t<lid not prove correct, for no one have heard of the town living painted red, chicken coops raided, or young girls insulted. The Third Regi­ment is not made up of that cIsm. The boys behind the guu

Things keep on happening in con­nection with the lobby investiga­tion which liegsn in ■ vain etfort to find the trail of n protectionist lobby, and which now finds itself in a maise of hot trails leading in a number of directions toward big

I game. It is too late to call a halt. ' I'he game has been played to a point where a number of members

1 in Kith houses, finding the entire membership under n cloud, are re­solved upon the drawing of a line tietween real and imaginary lobbies and between men clean and unclean Missouri is rather proud of the spirit shown bv Senator Sti ne Wed­nesday when, finding that his name, like that of other senators sn<l con­gressmen, had been dragged into lobby talk by malodorous Wall street birds, he demanded the pri­vilege of taking the stand at once and cliaracteriaing such conduct as it deserves. Before committee room the forced a retraction of the story ot the WsllLamar, so fat aa it related to him. officially or personally. This atti­tude, we take it. represents what must tie a growing feeling among members ol both houses aa to what they owe to themselies and to tteir constituent,!««.

Reports indicate that when it! comes to mistreatment of Americans in Mexico there is not much to choose between the federal« and the rebels.

In Eng'and incomes of $750 and over are taxed. The tendency to reach the same figure in the United States depends on the length of time the Democratic party remains in power.

“ You will always be mv beauti­ful dream,” wrote an English noble­man to an actress, and it cost him $250,000. The incident suggests that insubstantial is not the right word to apply to dreams.

Creditable advices from Washing­ton are all of a tenor to confirm the apparent fact that our ambassador at the City of Mexico has the full confidence of the administration It is due Ambassador Wilson to make this statement aa broadly, and and as widely, as possible, since few men have, in recent years, been placed in a more trying position than his. During the greater part of his service, owing to internal conditions in Mexico, relations at all times delicate and sometimes tense between his government and ttie one to which he was accredited have vastly increised his difficul­ties and responsibilities. During a long pe'iod of days and nights in which civil war was raging in the Mexican capital, and threating the lives and property of foreign resi­dents looking to his government for protection, it was possible for unprejudiced minds to realize how well he was discharging a most dangerous duty. When successful revolt against the Madero Govern­ment was immediately followed by the assassination of Madero and his constitutional successor in the presidency, the perplexities of his situation could be seen to grow. The incoming of a new administra­tion at Washington, hostile to the

“party to which he belongs, could not increase his perplexities but it could, and did, add to his embar­rassments.

invest your 5 and Invest- ?

is now open 5

It s Import ! Where you money. The Western Loan inent Co., of Salt Lake, I tali, to make you a loan or build you a home on the small monthly payment plan.

A McNAIR, President.D L. SHRODE, Vice-President.CAN/ \I»A EVERSON, Sec. and Treasurer

Board of Appraisers — F '1 BAI ES. F. IL MIICNK.R. i*. ZACHMAN E. J. CLAUSSEN.

Board of Trustees—'.((<») JOHN I.EI.AND HENDERSON. B. L. BEALS.




>> a M. 4. ,Residence and Office in Wh,.^,

Residence, '***


Commercia! Building, Tillamo.k.

The 30 h.p. car, four or five passenger, $1,150 ; with electric equipment and starter, for $1,325 ; 45 h.p., fully equip­ped with electric starter and lights $1, at reasonable prices



Tillamook Block, mook


| ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Books

Office.Taxes Paid for Non Residents,

Tillamook Block, Tillamook .... Oregon,

Both Phones.



»A few exceptionally good Oregon

Notice is Hereby Given,—That pursuant to and by virtue of an or­der of the County Court of Tilla­mook County, Oregon, duly made and entered on the 13th day of June, 1913, licensing, authorizing and di­recting the undersigned to sell the real property hereinafter describ­ed, the undersigned will on and after the 24th day of July, 1913. sell for cash, at private sale, to the person offering the highest price therefor all the right, title and in­terest of Frances Xavier Moreau (Frank Marey) in anil to the follow­ing described real property, towit: Situate in Garibaldi, County of Tillainook State of Oreg on; Beginning; at a point 58.16 chains west and 42.15 I chains south of the northeast cor-I ner of Sec. 21, Township one Norih, Range ten west of Willamette Me­ridian. thence north 74 degrees east 7 08 chains for inital point of tract herein conveyed, said point being the southeast corner of. what is known as the Ralston 5 acre trai t, theme north 16 degrees west 229 feet, south 74 degrees west 23,456 feet to the uortheast corner of tract sold by Geo. W Kiger and wife to

deed dated Octo- I recorded in book page 31, records of

, thence east 220 feet to of Marey tract, east 23 450 feet to

made subject to '

Frank Marey by ber 10, 1902, and "z” of deeds, | Tillamook County, Oregon, south 16 degrees southeast corner north 74 degrees inital point

Such sale to be confirmation by the above named co u rt.

Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this 26tll day of lune, 1913

N. McMillian,Guardian of the person and estate

of Frances Xavier Moreau (Frank Marey.

StatementOf the Tillamook County

Tillamook City, County mook. State of Oregon,...... ........„the amount standing to the credit to every depositor July 1, 1913. who has not made » deposit, or who has not withdrawn any pait of his deposit, principal or in­terest, for a period of more than seven (7) years immediately prior to «aid date, with the name, last known place of residence or poetoftice address of such de­positor. and the fact of his death, if known.

W. A. Eggers, Balm. Ore., 10c.A. J. Knightly, Nehalem, Ore.,

Ftl. 10.Win. Scott, Woods. Ore.. 37c.

State of Oregon, ( ™ County of Tillamook, j

I, Erwin Harrison, being first duly sworn, depose and say upon outil, that I am the Caahier of the Tillamook County Bank, of l'ilia mook City. County of Tillaniuok. State of Oregon ; that the foregoing statement ia a full, true, correct anil complete at itement, showing the miiiie last known residence or Iiostoffice address, fact of death, if mown, and the amount to the

credit of each depositor r.a required by lite provisions of Chapter 148, , >( the General l.awa of Oregon. ll<)7.

Erwin HarrisonSubscribed and sworn to l>efore

me this 14th day of June A D . C. A. McGhe*. Notary Public Oregon.

Overland Model 69T

See A. K. CASE, Tillamook,

Tillamook Block,

Tillamook - . . . i


Monthly Installment Loans.On Completed City Residence Property,

Or for Building Purposes.If You Want to Buy,

Or Build a Home,Or Repay a Mortgage,

And desire the aid of borrowed money, we ask yout i at el ul consideration of the advantages afforded by our monthly installment plan of loans we will gladly explain onr plan of a loan to von if interested,

ROLLIE W. WATSON,Realty, Loans, Ins, Rents, Collections

Tillamook -I_______________ ___!Q^EORGE WILLETT,


Tillamook Commercial Building,

Tillamook - • Oregon.




• Oregon.



TSARCHET,• The ¡Fashionable Tailor

Bank, of of Tilla


lhe Water Commission hasgnen Mr. Hosg positive instructions to shut off water from all consumers who have not paid their water rent by the 10th of each month. j

By Order Water CommiMion.

rp1 H. GOYNE,


The best

Baker ever built

ßuilt like o

locomotive boiler


,V° stci

. Oregon.



213 Tillamook Block.


Office £ Next door to Star Theatre.

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