  • Preamble

    Short title




    ~,~ t-;

    35-36 ELIZABETH 11


    An Act to implement an agreement betweenthe Government of Canada and theGovernment of Newfoundland andLabrador on offshore petroleumresource management and revenue shar-ing and to make related and consequen-tial amendments

    [Assented to 25th March, 1987]

    Whereas the Government of Canada andthe Government of Newfoundland andLabrador have entered into the AtlanticAccord and have agreed that neither Govern-ment will introduce amendments to this Actor any regulation made thereunder withoutthe consent of both Governments:

    Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with theadvice and consent of the Senate and Houseof Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


    I. This Act may be cited as the Canada-Newfound/and At/antic Accord lmp/emen-tationAct. S.c.. Iqt)/ c.:'


    2. In this Act,"Atlantic Accord" means the Memorandum

    of Agreement between the Government ofCanada and the Government of the Prov-ince on offshore petroleum resource man-agement and revenue sharing dated Febru-ary 11, 1985, and includes anyamendments thereto;

    T I

    35-36 ELIZABETH 11


    Loi concernant la mise en oeuvre de l'accordentre les gouvernements du Canada etde Terre-Neuve et du Labrador sur lagestion des ressources en hydrocarburesextrac6tiers et sur le partage desrecettes correspondantes et apportantdes modifications corr6latives ou con-nexes

    [Sanctionnee /e 25 mars 1987]

    Vu que les gouvernements du Canada etde Terre-Neuve et du Labrador ont conclul'Accord atlantique et sont convenus desubordonner a leur consentement mutuellesmodifications de la presente loi ou de sesreglements,

    Sa Majeste, sur l'avis et avec le consente-ment du Senat et de la Chambre des commu-nes du Canada, edicte :


    I. Loi de mise en oeuvre de ['Accordat/antiqueCanada- Terre-Neuve.



    2. Les definitions qui suivent s'appliquenta la presente loi.

    «Accord atlantique» Le protocole d'ententedu 11 fevrier 1985 entre les gouvernementsfederal et provincial sur la gestion desressources en hydrocarbures extrac6tiers etsur le partage des recettes correspondan-tes, y compris les modifications apporteesau protocole.




  • 2


    "Canada-Newfoundlandbenefits plan"«plan deretombeeseconomiques>


    "developmentplan"«plan de miseen valeu,..







    C. 3 Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation

    "Board" means the Canada-NewfoundlandOffshore Petroleum Board established bythe joint operation of section 9 of this Actand section 9 of the Provincial Act;

    "Canada-Newfoundland benefits plan"means a plan submitted pursuant to sub-section 45(2);

    "Chief Executive Officer" means the ChiefExecutive Officer of the Board appointedpursuant to section 24;

    "developmentplan" means a plan submittedpursuant to subsection 139(2) for the pur-pose of obtaining approval of the generalapproach of developinga pool or field asproposedin the plan;

    "Federal Government" means the Governorin Council;

    "Federal Minister" means the Minister ofEnergy,'Mines and Resources;


    (a) means a general surface area under-lain or appearing to be underlain by oneor more pools, and(b) includes the subsurface regions ver-tically beneath the general surface areareferred to in paragraph (a);

    "former regulations" means the Canada Oiland Gas Land Regulations made pursuantto the Public Lands Grants Act and theTerritorial Lands Act and includes ordersmade pursuant to those Regulations;

    "fundamental decision" means a decisionmade by the Board respecting the exerciseof a power or the performance of a dutypursuant to a provision of this Act thatexpressly provides for the exercise of thepower or the performance of the duty sub-ject to sections 31 to 40;

    "gas" means natural gas and includes allsubstances, other than oil, that are pro-duced in association with natural gas;

    «anciens reglements» Le Reglement sur lesterres petroliftres et gaziftres du Canadapris sous le regime de la Loi sur les con-cessions de terres publiques et de la Loisur les terres territoriales et ses textesd'application.

    «champ» Zone de surface dont le sous-solcontient ou pourrait contenir un ou plu-sieurs gisements, y est assimile ce sous-solmeme. .

    «decision majeure» Decision de I'Officevisant l'exercice d'attributions sous leregime de la presente loi expressementassujetties aux articles 31 a 40.

    «gab Le gaz naturel et toutes les substancesproduites avec le gaz naturel, a l'exclusiondu petrole.

    «gisement» Reservoir souterrain naturel con-tenant ou paraissant contenir un depOt depetrole, de gaz, ou des deux, et separe ouparaissant separe de tout autre depot de cegenre.

    «gouvernement federal» Le gouverneur enconseil.

    «gouvernement provincial» Le lieutenant-gouverneuren conseilde la province.

    «hydrocarbures» Le petrole et le gaz.

    «loi provinciale» Le chapitre 37 des Lois deTerre-Neuve de 1986 intitule TheCanada-Newfoundland Atlantic AccordImplementation (Newfoundland) Act.

    «ministre federal» Le ministre de I'Energie,des Mines et des Ressources.

    «ministre provincial» Le ministre provincialcharge par le gouvernement provincialsous le regime de la loi provinciale del'application de celle-ci ou de telle de sesdispositions.

    «Office» L'Office Canada - Terre-Neuvedes hydrocarbures extracotiers constituepar l'application conjointe des articles 9 dela presente loi et de la loi provinciale.

    «petrole» Le petrole brut, quelle que soit sadensite, qui est extrait a la tete de puits,



    35-36 ELIZ. IJ









    «Ioi provinciale."ProvincialAct"


    .ministreprovincial>"provincial... "



  • 1987



    "offshore area"«zoneextracat fer/!>oueZOne>






    "Provincial'. Act"

    Joi proYincial/!>



    Ue' '

    Accord Canada - Terre-Neuve ch. 3.-)

    "government" means the Federal Govern-ment, the Provincial Government or both,as the context requires;

    "Minister" means the Federal Minister, theProvincial Minister or both, as the contextrequires;

    "offshore area" means those submarine areaslying seaward of the low water mark of theProvince and ext~nding, at any location, asfar as

    (a) any prescribed line, or(b) where no line is prescribed at thatlocation, the outer edge of the continen-tal margin or a distance of two hundrednautical miles from the baselines fromwhich the breadth of the territorial seaof Canada is measured, whichever is thegreater;

    "oil" means

    (a) crude oil regardless of gravity pro-duced at a well head in liquid form, and(b) any other hydrocarbons, except coaland gas, and, without limiting the gener-ality of the foregoing, hydrocarbons thatmay be extracted or rc::covered fromdeposits of oil sand, bitumen, bitumi-nous sand, oil shale or from any othertypes of deposits on the seabed or sub-soil thereof of the offshore area;

    "petroleum" means oil or gas;

    "pool" means a natural underground reser-voir containing or appearing to contain anaccumulation of petroleum that is separat-ed or appears to be separated from anyother such accumulation;

    "prescribed" means prescribed by regula-tions made by the Governor in Council;

    "Province" means the province of New-foundland;

    "Provincial Act" means The Canada-New-foundland Atlantic Accord Implementa-tion (Newfoundland) Act, chapter 37 ofthe Statutes of Newfoundland, 1986;

    "Provincial Government" means the lieuten-ant governor in council of the Province;

    sous forme liquide et les autres hydrocar-bures, a l'exclusion du gaz, notammentceux qui peuvent etre extra its ou recuperesde gisements des fonds ou des sous-solsmarins de sables petroliferes, de bitume,de sables ou de schistes bitumineux oud'autres sortes de gisements. La presentedefinition ne s'applique pas au charbon.

    «plan de mise en valeur» Plan depose enapplication du paragraphe 139(2) en vued'obtenir l'approbation de la strategie glo-bale de mise en valeur d'un gisement oud'un champ.

    «plan de retombees economiques» Plandepose en application du paragraphe45(2).

    .«premier dirigeant» Le premier dirigeant de

    I'Office nomme conformement al'article 24.

    «province» Terre- Neuve.

    «reglement» Texte d'application pris par legouverneur en conseil.

    «zone extrac6tiere» ou «zone»Les zones sous-marines qui s'etendent au-dela de la laissede basse mer de la province jusqu'auxlimites fixees par reglement ou, en l'ab-sence de tel reglement, jusqu'au rebordexterne de la marge continentale, ou jus-qu'a deux cents milles marins des lignes debase a partir desquelles est mesuree lalargeur de la mer territoriale canadiennela 0\1le rebord de la marge continentale setrouve a une distance inferieure.



    .plan de miseen valeur.


    «planderetombecsCconomiQucs"Canada'-New-foundlandbenefits plan"



    creglemenbFrench versiononly

    «zoneextrac6tiere. ou

  • 4



    Precedence overother Acts ofParliament


    Issue of charts




    C. 3


    Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation 35-36Euz. IJ

    "Provincial Minister" means the Minister ofthe Crown in right of the Province desig-nated, pursuant to the Provincial Act, bythe Provincial Government as the provin-cial minister for the purposes of the Pro-vincial Act or any provision thereof.

    3. For greater certainty, the provisions ofthis Act shall not be interpreted as providinga basis for any claim by or on behalf of anyprovince in respect of any interest in orlegislative jurisdiction over any offshore areaor any living or non-living resources of anyoffshore area.

    4. In case of any inconsistency or conflictbetween

    (a) this Act or any regulations madethereunder, and(b) any other Act of Parliament thatapplies federal laws and provincial laws tooffshore areas or any regulations madeunder that Act,

    this Act and the regulations made there-under take precedence.



    5. (1) Subject to section 7, the Governor'in Council may make regulations prescribinglines enclosing areas adjacent to the Provincefor the purpose of paragraph '(a) of the defi-nition "offshore area" in section 2.

    (2) The Federal Minister may causecharts to be issued setting out the offshorearea or any pottion thereof as may be set outconsistent with the nature and scale of thechart.

    (3) In any legal or other proceedings, achart purporting to be issued by or under theauthority of the Federal Minister is conclu-sive proof of the limits of the offshore area orportion thereof set out in the chart withoutproof of the signature or official character ofthe person purporting to have issued thechart.

    6. (1) In this section,"agreement" means an agreement between

    the Government of Canada and the gov-

    3. 11demeure entendu que la presente loin'a pas pour effet de permettre a une pro-vince, ou a quiconque en son nom, de preten-dre a des droits ou a une competence legisla-tive sur la zone extracotiere ou sur sesressources biologiques ou non.


    4. Les dispositions de la presente loi et deses textes d'application l'emportent sur lesdispositions incompatibles de toute loi fede-rale sur l'application extracotiere des loisfederales et provinciales et de ses textesd'application.



    5. (1) Sous reserve de l'article 7, le geu-verneur en conseil peut, par reglement, fixerles limites des zones adjacentes a la provincepour l'application de la definition de «zoneextracotiereJl.

    (2) Le ministre federal peut faire publierdes cartes indiquant tout ou partie du tracedes limites de la zone extracOtiere.



    (3) Les cartes censees publiees par le,ministre federal, ou sous son autorite, fontfoi du trace total ou partiel des limites danstoute procedure judiciaire ou autre sans qu'ilsoit necessaire de prouver l'authenticite de lasignature qui y est apposee ou de la qualiteofficielle de la personne censee l'avoirpubliee.

    6. (1) Les definitions qui suivent s'appli-quent au present article.





  • 1987

    "frontier lands"c/erresdomaniales.


    Proceduresdetermined byFederalMinister

    Principles ofinternationallaw to apply


    Accord Canada - Terre- Neuve ch. 3,I>

    ernment of a province respecting resourcemanagement and revenue sharing in rela-tion to activities respecting the explorationfor or the production of petroleum carriedout on any frontier lands;

    "frontier lands" means lands that belong toHer Majesty in right of Canada, or inrespect of which Her Majesty in right ofCanada has the right to dispose of orexploit the natural resources and that aresituated in

    (a) the Yukon Territory, the NorthwestTerritories or Sable Island, or

    (b) those submarine areas, not within aprovince, adjacent to the coast ofCanada and extending throughout thenatural prolongation of the land territo-ry of Canada to the outer edge of thecontinental margin or to a distance oftwo hundred nautical miles from thebaselines from which the breadth of theterritorial sea of Canada is measured,whichever is the greater.

    (2) Where a dispute between the Provinceand any other province that is a party to anagreement arises in relation to a line orportion thereof prescriQed or to be prescribedfor the purpose of the definition "offshorearea" in section 2 and the Government ofCanada is unable, by means of negotiation,to bring about a resolution of the disputewithin a reasonable time, the dispute shall, atsuch time as the Federal Minister deemsappropriate, be referred to an impartialperson, tribunal or body and settled bymeans of the procedure determined inaccordance with subsection (3).

    (3) For the purposes of this section, theperson, tribunal or body to which a dispute isto be referred, the constitution and member-ship of any tribunal or bodf~nd ~-


    e roce-dures for the settleD1entof a disputeShalIDedtlcrmlrred-by11ieFooeraT MffiiSfef afterconsultation with the provinces concerned inthe dispute.

    (4) Where the procedure for the settle-ment of a dispUte pursuant to tbis section- ----

    «accord» L'accord conclu entre le gouverne-ment du Canada et celui d'une provincesur le partage des recettes provenant d'ac-tivites liees a la recherche ou a la produc-tion d'hydrocarbures exercees dans lesterres domaniales.

    derres domaniales» Les terres qui appartien-nent a Sa Majeste du Chef du Canada oudont elle peut legalement aliener ou exploi-ter les ressources naturelles, et qui sontsituees :

    a) soit dans le territoire du Yukon, lesterritoires du Nord-Ouest ou I'ile deSable;b) soit dans les zones sous-marines, horsdes limites d'une province, qui sont con-tigues a la cOte canadienne et s'etendentsur tout le prolongemedt naturel du ter-ritoire terrestre canadien jusqu'aurebord externe de la marge continentale,ou jusqu'a deux cents milles marins deslignes de base a partir desquelles estmesuree la largeur de la mer territorialecanadienne la ou le rebord de la margecontinentale se trouve a une distanceinferieure.

    (2) Tout litige entre la province et uneprovince partie a un accord sur tout ou partiedes limites fIXeesou a fixer par reglementpour l'application de la definition de «zoneextracotiere» a l'article 2 est, si le gouverne-ment du Canada ne peut le resoudre parnegociation dans un delai raisonnable, deferequand le ministre federall'estime indique, aune juridiction neutre pour reglement selonla procedure visee au paragraphe (3).

    (3) Pour l'application du present article, leministre federal, apres consultation des pro-vinces en cause, etablit la juridiction, y com-pris sa constitution et sa composition et laprocedure.

    (4) En cas d'arbitrage, l'arbitre appliquecompte tenu des adaptations de circonstance






    Etablisscmentpar le ministrcfederal

    Principcs dudroit internatio-nal

  • 6

    Approval ofProvincialMinister notrequired beforeregulationmade

    Approval ofProvincialMinister priorto makingcertainregulations




    Treated asProvincialentity

    -- -- . -.-.

    c. 3 Canada- Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation

    involves arbitration, the arbitrator shallapply the principles orinternationallaw gov-erning maritime boundary delimitation, withsuch modifications as the circumstancesrequire.

    (5) Notwithstanding section 7, where adispute is settled pursuant to this section anda regulation under subsection 5(1) prescrib-ing the line in relation to which the disputearose is made in accordance with the settle-ment, the regulation is not subject to theprocedure set out in section 7 with respect tothe portion of the line to which the disputerelated.


    7. Before a regulation is made pursuant tosubsection 5(1) or 41(7), section 64, subsec-tion 67(2), section 118, subsection 122(1),125(1), 149(1), 152(5) or 160(4) or section203, the Federal Minister shall consult theProvincial Minister with respect to the pro-posed regulation and no regulation shall beso made without the approval of the Provin-cial Minister.


    8. (1) This Act applies within the offshorearea.

    (2) Subject to section 101, the CanadaPetroleum Resources Act and the Oil andGas Production and Conservation Act andany regulations made under those Acts donot apply within the offshore area.

    PART I


    Establishment of Board

    9. (1) There is established by the jointoperation of this Act and the Provincial Acta board to be known as the Canada-New-foundland Offshore Petroleum Board.

    (2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), theBoard shall for all purposes be treated ashaving been established by or under a law ofthe Province.

    les principes du droit international relatifs autrace des limites maritimes.

    (5) Echappea l'obligation enoncee a l'arti-cle 7 le reglement pris sous le regime duparagraphe 5(1) qui fixe le trace des limitesa la suite du reglement d'un litige a ce sujet.


    7. Avant la prise des reglements vises auxparagraphes 5(1) ou 41(7), a l'article 64, auparagraphe 67(2), a l'article 118, aux para-graphes 122(1), 125(1), 149(1) ou 152(5),160(4) ou a l'article 203, le ministre federalconsulte son homologue provincial sur lesprojets de ces reglements, lesquels ne peuventetre pris sans I'approbation de ce dernier.


    8. (1) La presente loi s'applique a la zoneextracotiere.

    (2) Sous reserve de l'article 101, la Loifederale sur les hydrocarbures et la Loi surla production et la conservation du petrole etdu gaz et leurs textes d'application ne s'ap-pliquent pas a la zone extracotiere.



    Constitution de rOfflce

    9. (1) Est constitue, par l'application con-jointe de la presente loi et de la loi provin-ciale, l'Office Canada - Terre-Neuve deshydrocarbures.

    (2) Sous reserve des paragraphes (3) et(4), I'Office est repute avoir ete constituesous le regime d'une loi de la province.



    35-36ELIZ. 11








  • 1987t-

    Accord Canada - Terre- Neuve ch. 3.-~

    (3) The Board has the legal powers andcapacities of a corporation incorporatedunder the Canada Business CorporationsAct, including those set out in section 20 ofthe Interpretation Act.

    (4) The Board may be dissolved only bythe joint operation of an Act of Parliamentand an Act of the Legislature of theProvince.

    Board. 10. (1) The Board shall consist of sevenconsIsting ofsevenmembers members.

    Powers ofcorporation

    Dissolution ofBoard

    Federal andProvincialappointees


    Designation byboth govern-ments


    Joint appointees



    "civil servant"cjonctionnaire»

    "Public Serviceof Canada ...administrationfederale»

    (2) Three members of the Board are to beappointed by the Federal Government, threeby the Provincial Government and the Chair-man of the Board is to be appointed by boththe Federal Government and the ProvincialGovernment.

    (3) One or two members of the Board maybe designated to be vice-chairmen of theBoard if they are so designated by both theFederal Government and the ProvincialGovernment.

    (4) The designation of a vice-chairman ofthe Board pursuant to subsection (3) is effec-tive after both governments have each madethe designation.

    (5) Each government may appoint onealternate member to act as a member of theBoard in the absence of any of the membersof the Board appointed by that government.

    (6) Notwithstanding subsection (2) or (5),any member or alternate member of theBoard may be appointed by both the F~eralGovernment and the Provincial Government.

    11. (1) No member of the Board shall,during the term of office of that member onthe Board, be employed in the Public Serviceof Canada or be a civil servant in theProvince.

    (2) In this section,"civil servant" has the same meaning as in

    the Provincial Act;

    "Public Service of Canada" has the meaninggiven the expression "Public Service" inthe Public Service Staff Relations Act,and includes any portion of the publicservice of Canada designated by order in

    (3) L'Office est assimile a une personnemorale constituee sous le regime de la Loisur les societescommercialescanadienneseta les attributions visees a l'article 20 de laLoi d'interpretation.

    (4) L'Office ne peut etre dissous que parl'application conjointe d'une loi federale etd'une loi provinciale.

    10. (1) L'Office est compose de septmembres.

    (2) Les gouvernements federal et provin-cial nomment respectivement trois membres;.ils nomment le president conjointement.

    (3) Les deux gouvernements peuvent desi-gner un ou deux membres comme vice-presi-dents.

    (4) La designation d'un vice-presidentprend effet immediatement.

    (5) Chaque gouvernement peut nommerun suppleant en prevision de l'absence dumembre titulaire qu'il a nomme.

    (6) Par derogation aux paragraphes (2) ou(5), les membres ou les suppleants peuventetre nommes par les deux gouvernements.

    11. (1) Les membres de I'Office ne peu-vent, pendant leur mandat, faire partie del'administration f6derale ni etre fonctionnai-res provinciaux.

    (2) Les definitions qui suivent s'appliquentau present article.«administration f6deraleJl Fonction publique

    au sens de la Loi sur les relations detravail dans la Fonction publique. Y estassimile tout secteur de l'administrationpublique federale qui y est integre surdesignation par decret en conseil pris sous






    Nomination desmembres





    Interdiction ducumu!


    .administrationfCderale»"Public Serviceof Canada"

  • 8

    Deemedconsultationbetweengovernments reChairman

    Where noagreement onChairman

    Appointment ofmembers ofpanel

    Chairman ofpanel

    Selection ofChairman ofBoard withinsixty days

    - -----------

    C.3 Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation

    council pursuant to this subsection and forthe purposes of subsection (1) as part ofthe Public Service of Canada.

    12. (1) Consultation between the two gov-ernments with respect to the selection of theChairman of the Board shall be deemed tocommence

    (a) six months prior to the expiration ofthe term of office of the incumbent Chair-man, or(b) where applicable, on the date ofreceipt by the Board of notice of the death,resignation or termination of appointmentof the incumbent Chairman,

    whichever occurs earlier.

    (2) Where the two governments fail toagree on the appointment of the Chairman ofthe Board within three months after the com-mencement of consultation between the gov-ernments, the Chairman shall be selected bya panel, consisting of three members andconstituted in accordance with this section,unless, at any time prior to the selection ofthe Chairman by the panel, the two govern-ments agree on the appointment.

    (3) One member of the panel shall beappointed by each government within thirtydays after the expiration of the three monthsreferred to in subsection (2).

    (4) The chairman of the panel shall beappointed

    (a) jointly by the two members of thepanel appoi~ted pursuant to subsection (3)within thirty days after the later of the twoappointments made pursuant to that sub-section; or(b) where the two members of the panelfail to agree on the appointment of thechairman of the panel within the thirtyday period referred to in paragraph (a), bythe Chief Justice of Newfoundland withinthirty days after the expiration of thatperiod.

    (5) The Chairman of the Board shall beselected by the panel within sixty days afterthe appointment of the chairman of thepanel.

    le regime du present paragraphe et pourl'application du paragraphe (1).

    «fonctionnaire» Civil servant au sens de la loiprovinciale.

    12. (1) Les consultations entre les gouver-nements pour le choix du president sontreputees avoir commence six mois avant l'ex-piration du mandat du titulaire ou, si elle estanterieure, a la date Olll'Office a ete avise dela vacance du poste.

    (2) A defaut d'accord dans les trois mois- qui suivent le debut des consultations, le

    president est designe par un comite de troisarbitres constitue en application du presentarticle. Les deux gouvernements peuventcependant en arriver a un accord tant que lecomite n'a pas procooe au choix.

    (3) Chaque gouvernement nomme un arbi-tre dans les trente jours qui suivent l'expira-tion du delai vise au paragraphe (2).

    (4) Le president du comite est nommeconjointement par les deux arbitres dans lestrente jours qui suivent la nomination dusecond d'entre eux ou, a defaut d'accord, parle juge en chef de Terre-Neuve dans lestrente jours qui suivent l'expiration de cedelai.

    (5) Le president de l'Office est choisi parle comite dans les soixante jours qui suiventla nomination du president de celui-ci.



    35-36 Euz. IT

    .fonctionnaire."civil servant"

    Debut desconsultations

    Defaut d'accord


    President ducomite

    Delai denomination

  • 1987

    Decision ofpanel binding

    Salaries of jointappointees

    Salaries ofseparateappointees

    Absence orincapacity ofChairman

    Term of firstChairman

    Terms of firstmembers

    Terms of officeafter initialterm

    Good behaviour





    Accord Canada - Terre-Neuve cb. 3,...

    (6) The decision of the panel selecting aChairman of the Board is final and bindingon both governments.

    13. (1) Subject to section 15, the salaryand other terms and conditions of theappointment of the Chairman of the Boardor any other member or alternate memberappointed by both governments, includingthe effective date of the appointment, shallbe fixed by an order of the Federal Govern-ment and an order of the Provincial Govern-ment after agreement has been reached byboth governments on the salary and otherterms and conditions.

    (2) The salary and other terms and condi-tions of the appointment of any memberappointed by either the Federal Governmentor the Provincial Government shall be agreedon by both governments.

    14. The Board shall designate a memberto act as Chairman of the Board during anyabsence or incapacity of the Chairman orvacancy in the office of Chairman, and thatperson, while acting as Chairman, has andmay exercise all of the powers and performall of the duties and functions of theChairman.

    15. (1) The first Chairman of the Boardshall be appointed for a term of seven years.

    (2) The first three members of the Boardto be appointed by each government shall beappointed for terms of four, five and sixyears, respectively.

    (3) On the expiration of the initial termsof office referred to in subsections (1) and(2), the Chairman and members of theBoard shall be appointed for terms of sixyears.

    (4) A member of the Board, including theChairman, shall hold office during goodbehaviour, but may be removed for cause

    (a) where the member is appointed byeither government, by that government; or(b) where the member is appointed byboth governments, by both governments.

    (5) On the expiration of a term of office,the Chairman or a member of the Board is

    (6) La decision du comite est definitive etlie les deux gouvernements.

    13. (1) Sous reserve de rarticle 15; letraitement et les autres conditions d'emploidu president de rOffice et des membres titu-laires ou suppleants nommes conjointement,y compris la date de prise d'effet de leurnomination, sont fixes par decret de chaquegouvernement, apres accord entre eux a cetegard.

    (2) Les deux gouvernements conviennentdu traitement et des autres conditions d'em-ploi des membres qu'ils nOmment separe-ment.

    14. En cas d'absence ou d'empechementdu president ou de vacance a son poste, soninterim est assure, avec plein exercice de sesattributions, par la personne que designerOffice.

    15. (1) Le mandat du premier presidentest de sept ans.

    (2) Le mandat des trois premiers membresnommes par chacun des gouvernements estrespectivement de quatre, cinq et six ans.

    (3) Les mandats ulterieurs du president etdes autres membres sont de six ans.

    (4) Le president et les autres membresoccupent leur poste a titre inamovible sousreserve de revocation, pour motif valable, parles deux gouvernements ou run d'eux, selonles modalites de leur nomination.

    (5) Tous les mandats sont renouvelables.



    Effetde ladecision









  • 10

    Connict ofinterestguidelines


    Expendituresfor insurance

    Power toindemnify

    C.3 Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation 35-36Euz. IJ

    eligible for re-appointment for one or morefurther terms.

    16. (1) Members of the Board, includingthe Chairman, and the Chief Executive Offi-cer appointed pursuant to section 24 shall besubject to conflict of interest guidelinesestablished jointly by the Federal Ministerand Provincial Minister and are not subjectto any conflict of interest guidelines estab-lished by the Federal Government.

    (2) The Board shall purchase and main-tain insurance for the benefit of a person whois a present or former member, officer oremployee of the Board, and the heirs or legalrepresentatives of that person, against anyliability incurred by that person in thecapacity as such a member, officer oremployee, except where the liability relatesto a failure to act honestly and in good faithwith regard to the best interests of the Board.

    (3) For greater certainty, the expendituresof the Board associated with purchasing andmaintaining the insurance referred to in sub-section (2) shall form part of the budget orrevised budget of the Board in respect of afiscal year.

    (4) Notwithstanding subsection (2), wherethe Board has established to the satisfactionof the Federal Minister the impossibility ofpurchasing and maintaining the insurancereferred to in subsection (2), the Governmentof Canada shall, subject to subsection (6),indemnify a person who is a present orformer member, officer or employee of theBoard, or the heirs or legal representatives ofthat person, against all costs, charges andexpenses, including an amount paid to settlean action or satisfy a judgment, reasonablyincurred in respect of any civil, criminal oradministrative action or proceeding to whichthat person is a party by reason of being orhaving been such a member, officer oremployee, if that person

    (a) acted honestly and in good faith witha view to the best interests of the Board;and

    (b) in the case of any criminal or adminis-trative action or proceeding that isenforced by a monetary penalty, believed,

    16. (l) Le president, les autres membreset le premier dirigeant de l'Office nomme enapplication de l'article 24 sont soumis auxdirectives sur les conflits d'interets etablisconjointement par les ministres federal etprovincial, mais non a celles du gouverne-ment federal.


    (2) L'Office assure ses membres et sonpersonnel, meme apres la cessation de leursfonctions, ou leurs h6ritiers et ayants droit,contre toute responsabilite decoulant de cel-les-ci qui ne resulte pas du defaut d'agir avecintegrite et bonne foi au mieux des interetsde l'Office.


    (3) Les frais decoulant de l'assurance sontinscrits au budget, original ou rectificatif, deI'Office pour l'exercice en cause.


    . (4) Cependant, lorsque l'Office a con-vaincu le ministre federal de l'impossibilited'obtenir l'assurance visee au paragraphe(2), le gouvernement federal est, sous reservedu paragraphe (6), tenu d'indemniser, memeapres la cessation de leurs fonctions, lesmembres et le personnel de l'Office, ou leursheritiers et ayants droit, de tous les frais etdepens, y compris les sommes versees pourtransiger ou executer un jugement, entrainespour eux lors de procedures civiles, criminel-les ou administratives auxquelles ils etaientparties en cette qualite s'ils ont agi avecintegrite et bonne foi au mieux des interetsde l'Office et si, dans le cas de procedurescriminelles ou administratives aboutissant aupaiement d'une peine pecuniaire, ils avaientdes motifs raisonnables de croire a la legalitede leur conduite.




  • t-Accord Canada - Terre-Neuve ch. 31987

    ,"on reasonable grounds, that the conduct inissue was lawfut.

    (5) Where the Board has purchased andmaintained insurance referred to in subsec-tion (2), the Government of Canada shallindemnify a person referred to in that sub-section, or the heirs or legal representativesof that person, for any liability incurred bythat person in accordance with this section tothe extent that the insurance purchased forthe benefit of that person does not cover suchliability.

    (6) The Government of Canada is notobliged to indemnify anyone pursuant to sub-section (4) against an amount paid to settlean action unless the amount so paid wasapproved by the Government of Canada.

    (7) Where the Government of the Provincehas indemnified a person referred to in sub-section (4), or the heirs or legal representa-tives of that person, pursuant to section 16 ofthe Provincial Act, the Government ofCanada may pay to the Government of theProvince one-half of the amount so indemni-fied.

    Payabl~outof (8) Any amount payable in respect ofConsolidated . d .fi ' d h.. bRevenueFund 10 emm lcatIOn un er t IS sectIOn may epaid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.


    Amount tosettle an action

    Botb govern-ments sharecosts ofindemnification

    Functions ofBoard

    Functions of Board

    17. (1) The Board shall perform suchduties and functions as are conferred orimposed on the Board by or pursuant to theAtlantic Accord or this Act.

    (2) The Board may make recommenda~tions to. both governments with respect toproposed amendments to this Act, the Pro-vincial Act and any regulations made underthose Acts.


    Acccsstoinformation bygovernments

    18. (1) The Federal Minister and the Pro-vincial Minister are entitled to access to anyinformation or documentation relating topetroleum resource activities in the offshorearea that is provided for the purposes of thisAct or any regulation made thereunder andsuch information or documentation shall, onthe request of either Minister, be disclosed tothat Minister without requiring the consent

    (5) Lorsque l'Office a obtenu la couver-ture visee au paragraphe (2), le gouverne-ment federal est tenu d'indemniser les per-sonnes visees au paragraphe (4) pourl'excedent non couvert par l'assurance.

    (6) Le gouvernement federal n'est pas tenua l'indemnisation si le montant du reglementd'une action n'a pas ete soumis a sonapprobation.

    (7) Le gouvernement federal peut rem-bourser au gouvernement provincial la moitiedes frais exposes par celui-ci pour l'indemni-sation, au titre de l'article 16 de la loi provin-ciale, d'une personne visee au paragraphe(4).

    (8) Les indemnites a verser eventuellementsont prelevees sur le Tresor.

    Attributions de I'Office

    17. (1) L'Office exerce les attributions quilui sont conferees ou deleguees en vertu deI'Accord atlantique ou de la presente loi.

    (2) L'Office peut proposer aux deux gou-vernements des modifications a la presenteloi, a la loi provinciale ou a leurs textesd'application.

    18. (1) Les ministres federal et provincialont acces a tout renseignement relatif auxactivites petrolieres et gazieres dans la zoneextracOtiere et fourni pour I'application de lapresente loi ou de ses reglements. Chacund'eux peut se les faire communiquer sans leconsentement de celui qui les a fournis.



    Couverture. additionnelle


    Partage desfrais d'indemni-sation





  • 12


    Meetings ofBoard

    c. 3 Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation 35-36ELIZ. II

    of the party who provided the information ordocumentation.

    (2) Section 119 applies, with such modifi-cations as the circumstances require, inrespect of any disclosure of information ordocumentation or the production or giving ofevidence relating thereto by a Minister as ifthe references in that section to the adminis-tration or enforcement of a Part of this Actincluded references to the administration orenforcement of the Provincial Act or anyPart thereof.


    19. A meeting of the Board shall be held(a) once every month unless the membersof the Board unanimously agree to defersuch a meeting; and(b) at any other time

    (i) at the call of the Chairman of theBoard,

    (ii) on the request of any two membersof the Board, or

    (Hi) on the request of the Federal Min-ister or the Provincial Minister to reviewany matter referred to it by thatMinister.

    20. (1) Four members constitute aquorum of the Board.

    (2) Where, in the absence of unanimousagreement, a vote is required to be taken inrespect of a decision of the Board, the deci-sion shall be made on the basis of a majorityvote of the members of the Board.

    ~tionndf 21. The principal office and staff of the0 Icesa staff Board shall be located in the Province.


    Majority vote



    22. The Board shall establish, maintainand operate a facility in the Province for thestorage and curatorship of all geophysicalrecords and geological and hydrocarbon sam-ples relating to the offshore area.

    23. Subject to this Act and the AtlanticAccord, the Board may

    (a) make by-laws respecting(i) the members, officers and employeesof the Board,

    (2) L'article 119 s'applique, compte tenudes adaptations de circonstance, a la commu-nication de renseignements et a tout temoi-gnage lie a ceux-ci par un ministre comme siune mention a cet article de I'applicationd'une partie de la presente loi etait une men-tion de I'application de la loi provinciale oude telle de ses parties.



    19. L'Office tient ses reunions au moins..une fois par mois, sauf decision unanime dereport par les membres. Il se reunit egale-ment sur convocation du president, a lademande de deux membres ou a celle duministre federal ou provincial pour etudiertoute question que celui-ci lui renvoie.


    20. (1) Le quorum est de quatre membres. Quorum

    (2) A defaut d'unanimite, les decisionsdeI'Office sont prises a la majorite desmembres.


    21. Le siege de I'Office et son personnelsont situes dans la province.

    22. L'Office etablit et gere un centre, dansla province, on sont conserves les donneesgeologiques et geophysiques et les echantil-Ions d'hydrocarbures extracotiers.



    23. Sous reserve des autres dispositions dela presente loi et des stipulations de l'Accordatlantique, I'Office peut :

    a) prendre des reglements administratifsconcernant :



  • 1987

    Chief ExecutiveOfficer


    Panel to chooseChief ExecutiveOfficer in theabsence ofagreement

    1;::'"".Accord Canada - Terre- Neuve ch. 3

    .(ii) the attendance and part\cipation,including voting rights, at meetings ofthe Board of alternate members of theBoard appointed pursuant to subsection10(5),(iii) the manner of appointing the offi-cers and employees of the Board on thebasis of selection according to merit,including the holding of open competi-tions therefor,

    (iv) the procedures to be followed in theperformance of any of the duties andfunctions of the Board,

    (v) the conduct of meetings of theBoard,(vi) the manner of dealing with mattersand business before the Board, and

    (vii) generally, the carrying on of thework of the Board and the managementof the internal affairs thereof; and

    (b) establish conflict of interest guidelinesrespecting persons employed by the Boardpursuant to subsection 25(1).

    24. (1) There shall be a Chief ExecutiveOfficer of the Board who

    (a) where both the Federal Governmentand the Provincial Government appointthe Chairman as Chief Executive Officer,is the Chairman of the Board; or(b) in any other case, is to be appointedby the Board by means of an opencompetition.

    (2) The appointment of a Chief ExecutiveOfficer pursuant to paragraph (1)(b) is sub-ject to the approval of both governments.

    (3) Where either government fails to makean appointment pursuant to paragraph(1)(a) or to approve the appointment of aChief Executive Officer pursuant to para-graph (1)(b), the Chief Executive Officershall be appointed by both the Federal Gov-ernment and the Provincial Governmentafter having been selected in accordance withsection 12 and that section applies, with suchmodifications as the circumstances require,to the selection of the Chief ExecutiveOfficer.

    (i) ses membres, ses cadres et sonpersonnel,(ii) la participation aux reunions - ycompris le droit de vote - des membressuppleants nommes en application duparagraphe 10(5),

    (Hi) le mode de nomination des cadreset du personnel fonde sur la competence,y compris la tenue de concours publics,(iv) l'exercice de ses attributions,(v) ses reunions,(vi) les questions dont il est saisi,(vii) globalement, ses activites et sonadministra tion;

    b) etablir, a l'intention de son personnel,des directives sur les coriflits d'interets enapplication du paragrapho 25(1).

    24. (1) L'Office nommeson premier diri-geant par voie de concours publics; cepen-dant, les gouvernementsfederal et provincialpeuventnommer le presidentde l'Office a ceposte.

    (2) Est a approuver par les deux gouverne-ments la nomination qui resulte d'unconcours.

    (3) Si l'un des gouvernements n'approuvepas la nomination ou n'y procede pas, celle-cileur incombe a tous deux sur choix effectueconformement a l'article 12, lequel s'appli-que compte tenu des adaptations de circons-tance.





    DCfaut d'accord

  • 14

    Application cifsubsection13(1)

    Absenceorincapacity ofChief ExecutiveOfficer

    Staff of theBoard




    --- - --- - -- - - --

    C. 3 Canada-NewfoundlandAtlanticAccordImplementation 35-36 ELIZ. 11

    (4) Subsection 13(1) applies, with suchmodifications as the circumstances require,to the appointment of the Chief ExecutiveOfficer pursuant to paragraph (1)(a) or sub-section (3).

    (5) The Board shall designate a person toact as Chief Executive Officer during anyabsence or incapacity of that Officer orvacancy in the office of Chief ExecutiveOfficer and that person, while acting asChief Executive Officer, has and may exer-cise all the powers and perform all of theduties and functions of that office.

    25. (1) The Board may, on the recommen-dation of the Chief Executive Officer,employ such other officers and suchemployees as are necessary to properly per-form the duties and functions of the Boardunder this Act and the Atlantic Accord.

    (2) The appointment of every personemployed pursuant to subsection (1) shall bebased on selection according to merit.

    (3) Except as provided in subsection (4),every person employed pursuant to subsec-tion (1) is deemed not to be employed in thepublic service of Canada or of the Province.

    (4) For the purpose of being eligible forappointment to a position in the Public Ser-vice by competition or other process of per-sonnel selection pursuant to the Public Ser-vice Employment Act,

    (a) any person who, immediately prior tobeing employed by the Board, wasemployed in the Public Service shall bedeemed to be a person employed in thePublic Service in the Department ofEnergy, Mines and Resources in the loca-tion where that person is performing dutiesfor the Board and in a position of anoccupational nature and at a level equiva-lent to the position in which that person isemployed by the Board; and(b) any person who, immediately prior tobeing employed by the Board, was notemployed in the Public Service shall, twoyears after being employed by the Board,be deemed to be a person employed in thePublic Service in the Department ofEnergy, Mines and Resources in the loca-

    (4) Le paragraphe 13(1) s'appIique,compte tenu des adaptations de circonstance,au cas du premier dirigeant nomme par lesdeux gouvernements.

    Application duparagraphe13(1)

    (5) En cas d'absence ou d'empechementdu premier dirigeant ou de vacance a sonposte, son interim est assure, avec plein exer-cice de ses attributions, par la personne quedesigne I'Office.


    25. (1) L'Office peut recruter, sur recom-mandation du premier dirigeant, les person-nels necessaires a l'exercice des attributionsque lui conferent la presente loi et I'Accordatlantique.


    (2) La competence est le critere de nomi-nation du personnel de I'Office.


    (3) Sous reserve du paragraphe (4), lepersonnel est repute ne pas faire partie deI'administration federale ou provinciale.


    (4) Pour ce qui concerne leur admissibiIitea une nomination a un poste dans la Fonctionpublique a la suite d'un concours ou selon telmode de selection etabIi sous le regime de laLoi sur l'emploi dans la Fonction publique,les membres du personnel de I'Office quifaisaient partie de la fonction publique sontconsideres comme des fonctionnaires duministere de I'Energie, des Mines et des Res-sources du lieu ou ils exercent leurs fonctionsdans un poste dont la nature et le niveauequivalent aceux de leur poste de I'Office, etceux qui n'en faisaient pas partie sont consi-deres tels deux ans apres leur entree enfonctions.




  • 1987

    Definition of"PublicService"



    Submission togovernments

    Revised budget

    Payment ofoperating costs


    -- n - -- -

    t:o- Accord Canada - Terre-Neuve ch. 3

    tion where that person is performing dutiesfor the Board and in a position of anoccupational nature and at a level equiva-lent to the position in which that person isemployed by the Board.

    (5) In this section, "Public Service" hasthe same meaning as in the Public ServiceStaff Relations Act.

    26. The Board shall appoint .an auditor,for such term as is set by the Board, for thepurposes of auditing the financial statementsof the Board.

    27. (1) The Chief Executive Officer shall,in respect of each fiscal year, prepare abudget for the Board sufficient to permit theBoard to properly exercise its powers andperform its duties and functions.

    (2) Following approval of the budget bythe Board, the budget shall be submitted tothe Federal Minister and the Provincial Min-ister, at such time as may be specified byeach Minister, for their consideration andapproval.

    (3) Where it appears that the actualaggregate of the expenditures of the Board inrespect of any fiscal year is likely to besubstantially greater or less than thatestimated in its budget in respect of thatfiscal year, the Board shall submit to bothMinisters for their consideration and approv-al a revised budget in respect of that fiscalyear containing such particulars as may berequested by either Minister.

    (4) The Government of Canada shall payone-half of the aggregate of the expendituresset out in the budget or revised budget,where applicable, submitted and approvedpursuant to this section in respect of eachfiscal year.

    (5) Subject to any other Act of Parliamentthat appropriates moneys for the paymentrequired by subsection (4), the sums requiredfor such payment shall be paid out of theConsolidated Revenue Fund from time totime as required.

    Accesstobooks 28. Subject to subsection 18(2), both theandaccounts Federal Minister and the Provincial Minister

    (5) Au present article, «fonction publique»s'entend au sens de la Loi sur les relations detravail dans la Fonction publique.

    26. L'Office nomme un verificateur, pourle mandat qu'il determine, charge de l'exa-men de ses etats financiers.

    27. (1) Le premier dirigeant etablit pourchaque exercice de I'Office le budget neces-saire a l'exercice de ses attributions.

    (2) Vne fois approuve par l'Office, lebudget est soumis a l'aval des ministres fede-ral et provincial dans les delais prevus parchacun d'eux.

    (3) Si, en cours d'exercice, il survient unecart entre les previsions budgetaires et lesdepenses effectives, I'Office soumet unbudget rectificatif a l'aval des deux minis-tres, assorti des precisions qu'ils demandent.

    (4) Le gouvernement du Canada prend encharge, pour moitie, le total des depensesinscrites au budget primitif ou rectificatif dechaque exercice.

    (5) Sous reserve de toute autre loi federaleportant affectation de credits a l'Office, lessommes necessaires a cet effet sont preleveessur le Tresor federal en tant que de besoin.

    28. L'Office met, sous reserve du paragra-phe 18(2), ses documents comptables a la



    Definition de.fonctionpublique.








  • 16

    Annual report

    Contents ofreport

    Tabling ofreport

    Board'sdecisions final

    Notice offundamentaldecisions

    Advice byMinisters toBoard

    C.3 Canada-NewfoundlandAtlanticAccordImplementation 35-36 ELIZ. 11

    are entitled to have access to the books andaccounts of the Board.

    29. (1) The Board shall, in respect of eachfiscal year, prepare a report and submit it tothe Federal Minister and the Provincial Min-ister not later than ninety days after theexpiration of that fiscal year.

    (2) Each annual report submitted pursu-ant to subsection (1) shall contain an auditedfinancial statement and a description of theactivities of the Board during the fiscal yearcovered by the report.

    (3) The Federal Minister shall cause theannual report referred to in this section

    (a) to be laid before each House of Parlia-ment on any of the first fifteen days onwhich that House is sitting after the daythe report is submitted to the Federal Min-ister; or(b) where it is not possible to cause thereport to be laid pursuant to paragraph (a)within thirty days after the day the reportis submitted to the Federal Minister, to bepublished within that thirty day period.

    Decisions in Re/ation to OffshoreManagement

    30. Subject to this Act, the exercise of apower or the performance of a duty by theBoard pursuant to this Act is final and notsubject to the review or approval of eithergovernment or either Minister.

    31. (1) Where a fundamental decision ismade by the Board, the Board shall, forth-with after making the decision, give writtennotice of that decision to the Federal Minis-ter and the Provincial Minister.

    (2) Within thirty days after receipt of anotice of a fundamental decision pursuant tosubsection (1), the Federal Minister and theProvincial Minister shall each advise, in writ-ing, the Board and each other whether thatMinister approves or disapproves that deci-sion and where the Board does not receivethe advice within those thirty days, theBoard shall be deemed, for the purposes ofsection 32, to be advised, in writing, on the

    disposition des ministres federal et provin-cial.

    29. (1) Dans les quatre-vingt-dix jourssuivant la fin de chaque exercice, l'Officeetablit un rapport pour l'exercice precedentet le presente aux deux ministres.

    Rapport annuel

    (2) Le rapport rend compte des activitesde l'exercice et inclut les etats financiersdfiment verifies.


    (3) Le ministre federal fait deposer lerapport devant chaque chambre du Parle-ment dans les quinze premiers jours deseance de celle-ci suivant la date de sa recep-tion. Toutefois, il le fait publier dans lestrente jours suivant cette date si le depOt enest impossible au cours de ce delai.


    Decisions portant sur /a gestion extraeotfere

    30. Sous reserve des autres dispositions dela presente loi, l'exercice par l'Office desattributions conferees par la presente loin'est sujet ni au reexamen ni a l'approbationdes gouvernements ou des ministres.


    31. (1) L'Office avise sans delai par ecritles ministres federal et provincial de la prised'une decision majeure.


    . (2) Dans les trente jours suivant la recep-tion de l'avis, les deux ministres, par ecrit,notifient l'un a l'autre, ainsi qu'a l'Office,leur approbation ou desapprobation quant ala decision majeure. Le defaut de notificationa l'Office dans ce delai vaut, pour l'applica-tion de l'article 32, approbation par le minis-tre interesse.






  • 1987

    Conditions forimplementationof fundamentaldecision

    Compliancewith advice ofgovernments


    "security ofsupply".securite desapprovisionne-ments.


    -"suitable crudeoil andequivalentsubstances".petrole brut etsubstancesassimileesacceptables.

    t- Accord Canada - Terre- Neuve ch. 3

    expiration of that period, of the ap~roval ofthat decision by that Minister.

    32. (1) A fundamental decision shall notbe implemented unless the Board is advised,in writing, that

    (a) both the Federal Minister and theProvincial Minister approve that decision;or

    (b) in any other case, the Minister havingauthority in relation to that decision, asdetermined under section 34, approvesthat decision and, where the other Minis-ter has exercised the power to suspend theapproval of that decision pursuant to sec-tion 39,

    (i) the period of suspension referred toin that section has expired, or(ii) agreement is reached between bothMinisters to approve that decision,

    whichever occurs first.

    (2) Where the conditions referred to insubsection (1) have been satisfied in respectof a fundamental decision, that decision shallbe implemented forthwith by the Board.

    33. In this section and sections 34 to 37,

    "security of supply", in respect of any period,means the anticipation of self-sufficiencyduring each of the five calendar years inthat period, taking into account the aggre-gate of anticipated additions to producingcapacity and anticipated adjustments torefining capacity;

    "self-sufficiency" means a volume of suitablecrude oil and equivalent substances avail-able from domestic Canadian hydrocarbonproducing capacity that is adequate tosupply the total feedstock requirements ofCanadian refineries necessary to satisfythe total refined product requirements ofCanada, excluding those feedstockrequirements necessary to produce special-ty refined products;

    "suitable crude oil and equivalent sub-stances" means those substances that areappropriate for processing in Canadianrefineries and that are potentially deliver-able to Canadian refineries.

    32. (1) Avant la mise en oeuvre d'unedecision majeure, l'Office doit etre avise parecrit que les ministres federal et provincial1'0nt approuvee ou que le ministre habilitepar l'article 34 I'a approuvee et qu'en cas deveto suspensif de son homologue exerce con-formement a l'article 39, le delai a expire ouque les deux ministres I'ont finalementapprouvee.

    (2) Une fois les conditions respectees, l'Of-fice procede sans delai a la mise en oeuvre dela decision.

    33. Les definitions qui suivent s'appli-quent aux articles 34 a 37.cautosuffisance» Volume de petrole brut et de

    substances assimilees acceptables suscepti-ble d'alimenter les raffineries canadiennes,a partir de la capacite de production natio-nale en hydrocarbures en quantite suffi-sante pour satisfaire l'ensemble des besoinsdu Canada en produits raffines, exclusionfaite des quantites necessaires a la produc-tion de produits raffines speciaux.

    cpetrole brut et substances assimilees accep-tables» Substances aptes a etre transfor-mees dans les raffineries canadiennes etsusceptibles d'y etre livrees.

    csecurite des approvisionnements» L'autosuf-fisance prevue pour chacune de cinqannees d'une periode determinee, comptetenu globalement des previsions d'augmen-tation de la capacite de production etd'adaptation de la capacite de raffinage.



    Conditions demise en oeuvre

    Mise en oeuvre



    .petrole brut etsubstancesassimileesacceptables."suitable crudeoil andequivalentsubstances"

    cSCcuritedesapprovisionne-ments."security ofsupply"

  • 18

    Role ofMinisters priorto self.sufficiency andsecurity ofsupply

    Developmentplan approval

    FederalMinister'spower tooverridedevelopmentplan approval

    Role ofMinisters afterself-sufficiencyand security ofsupply



    Initial period


    C.3 Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation

    34. (1) Where, in respect of any periodreferred to in subsection 35(2) or (3), adetermination is made that self-sufficiencyand security of supply do not exist, the Fed-eral Minister has authority in relation to anyfundamental decision, other than a funda-mental decision referred to in subsection (2),made during that period.

    (2) Subject to subsection (3), the Provin-cial Minister has authority in relation to afundamental decision referred to in para-graph 139(4)(a).

    (3) Where the approval or disapprovalbythe Provincial Minister of a fundamentaldecision referred to in paragraph 139(4)(a)would unreasonably delay the attainment ofself-sufficiency or security of supply, theFederal Minister may substitute therefor theapproval or disapproval, as the case may be,of the Federal Minister, and where the Fed-eral Minister does so, that Minister shall, forthe purposes of this Act, be considered tohave authority in relation to that fundamen-tal decision.

    (4) Where, in respect of any periodreferred to in subsection 35(3), a determina-tion is made that self-sufficiency and securityof supply exist, the Provincial Minister hasauthority in relation to any fundamentaldecision made during that period.

    35. (1) For the purposes of this Act,where a determination referred to in subsec-tion 34(1) or (4) is made by both govern-ments or by a panel pursuant to section 36 or37 or is deemed to have been made pursuantto subsection (J), it is final and binding forthe duration of the period in respect of whichit is made.

    (2) For the purposes of section 34, the firstperiod shall commence on January 1, 1986and terminate on December 31, 1990 and, inrespect of that period, a determination shallbe deemed to have been made, for all pur-poses of this Act, that self-sufficiency andsecurity of supply do not exist.

    (3) For the purposes of section 34, eachperiod following the period referred to insubsection (2) shall commence on the expira-tion of the period immediately preceding that

    34. (1) Lorsqu'il est constate que l'auto-suffisance et la securite des approvisionne-ments ne sont pas atteints pour toute periodevisee au paragraphe 35(2) ou (3), le ministrefederal est habilite a intervenir dans toutedecision majeure prise pendant cette periodeautre qu'une decision visee au para-graphe (2).

    (2) Le ministre provincial est habilite aintervenir quant a l'approbation de la partie Id'un plan de mise en valeur vise au paragra-phe 139(4).

    (3) Le ministre federal peut cependantsubstituer son approbation ou sa desapproba-tion a celle du ministre provincial a l'egardde cette decision s'il estime qu'elle pourraitindument retarder la realisation de la secu-rite des approvisionnements ou de l'autosuffi-sance. Il est alors repute habilite a intervenirdans cette decision.

    (4) Lorsqu'il est constate que l'autosuffi-sance et la securite sont atteintes pour uneperiode visee au paragraphe 35(3), le minis-tre provincial est habilite a intervenir surtoute decision majeure prise pendant cetteperiode.

    35. (1) Pour l'application de la presenteloi, est definitive pour toute la periode encause la conclusion mentionnee aux paragra-phes 34(1) ou (4) qui provient des deuxgouvernements ou d'un comite vise a l'article36 ou 37 ou qui decoule de la presomptionprevue au paragraphe (2).

    (2) Pour l'application de l'article 34, lapremiere periode s'ouvre le le' janvier 1986et se termine le 31 decembre 1990; a cetegard, il est presumement constate que, pourl'application de la presente loi, l'autosuffi-sance et la securite des approvisionnementsne sont pas atteints.

    (3) Pour l'application de l'article 34,chaque periode ulterieure s'ouvre a l'expira-tion de la precedente et dure cinq ans.




    35-36 Euz. 11

    Role initial duministre federal

    Role duministreprovincial


    Role ulterieur




  • 1987

    Where noagreement ondeterminationsre self-sufficiency

    Appointment ofpanel members

    Determinationof unreasonabledelay

    Constitution ofpanel

    Determinationnot subject toreview

    Sus pensivevetoes

    t- Accord Canada - Terre- Neuve 19

    period and shall be for a duration of fivesuccessive calendar years.

    36. (1) Consultation between the two gov-ernments with respect to the making of adetermination referred to in subsection 34( 1)or (4) shall be deemed to commence one yearprior to the expiration of every period inrespect of which such a determination ismade.

    (2) Where the two governments fail toagree on a determination referred to in sub-section (1) within three months after thecommencement of consultation between thegovernments, the determination shall bemade by a panel consisting of three mem-bers, constituted in accordance with subsec-tions 12(3) and (4), within sixty days afterthe appointment of the chairman of the panelunless, at any time prior thereto, the twogovernments agree on the determination.

    37. (1) Where, within sixty days after anapproval or disapproval by the ProvincialMinister pursuant to subsection 34(2), thetwo governments fail to agree whether theapproval or disapproval would unreasonablydelay the attainment of self-sufficiency orsecurity of supply, that determination shallbe made by a panel consisting of three mem-bers constituted in accordance with subsec-tion (2), within forty-five days after theappointment of the chairman of the panel.

    (2) For the purposes of subsection (1), onemember of the panel shall be appointed byeach government within thirty days after thesixty days referred to in subsection (1) andthe chairman of the panel shall be appointedin accordance with subsection 12(4) and forthat purpose, subsection 12(4) applies, withsuch modifications as the circumstancesrequire.

    38. Where a determination referred to insection 36 or 37 is made by a panel pursuantto that section, that determination is notsubject to be reviewed or set aside by anygovernment, court or other body.

    39. (1) The Minister who does not haveauthority in relation to a fundamental deci-sion, as determined under section 34, may,

    ch. 3

    36. (1) Les consultations entre les deuxgouvernements au sujet du constat men-tionne aux paragraphes 34( 1) ou (4) sontreputees avoir commence un an avant I'expi-ration de chaque periode en cause.


    (2) A defaut d'accord trois mois apres ledebut des consultations, le constat est rendupar un comite forme de trois arbitres, consti-tue conformement aux paragraphes 12(3) et(4), dans les soixante jours qui suivent lanomination du president du comite. Les deuxgouvernements peuvent cependant en arrivera un accord tant que le comite n'a pas rendule constat.

    Defaut d'accord

    37. (1) A defaut d'accord, soixante joursapres I'intervention du ministre provincialsous le regime du paragraphe 34(2), entre lesgouvernements sur le fait que I'approbationou la desapprobation pourrait indumentretarder I'autosuffisance ou la securite desapprovisionnements, le constat est rendu parun comite de trois arbitres constitue confor-mement au paragraphe (2) dans les qua-rante-cinq jours qui suivent la nomination dupresident du comite.

    (2) Pour I'application du paragraphe (1),chaque gouvernement nomme un arbitredans les trente jours qui suivent le delai desoixante jours vise au paragraphe (1), lepresident etant nomme conformement auparagraphe 12(4) qui s'applique, comptetenu des adaptations de circonstance.



    38. Le constat rendu par le comite enapplication des articles 36 ou 37 est definitifet ne peut faire I'objet d'un reexamen.


    39. (1) Le ministre non habilite a interve-nir sous le regime de l'article 34 peut, suravis ecrit a son homologueainsi habilite et a



  • 20

    Commence-ment of period

    Supply sbortfall

    Canada'sobligationsunder lEA

    Definition of"shortfall ofpetroleumdeliveries in tbeProvince"

    -- --- -------- u -------------

    c. 3 Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation 35-36 ELIZ. 11

    on giving written notice to the Board and theMinister who has such authority, suspend,during a period of ninety days, the approvalof the fundamental decision by the Ministerwho has that authority.

    (2) The period of ninety days referred toin subsection (1) commences on the day theBoard is advised, in accordance with subsec-tion 31(2), of the approval of the fundamen-tal decision by the Minister having authorityin relation to the fundamental decision.

    40. (1) Notwithstanding any other provi-sion of this Act, in the event of a suddendomestic or import supply shortfall of suit-able crude oil and equivalent substances, theBoard shall, on request by the Federal Minis-ter, cause production of suitable crude oiland equivalent substances to be increased,consistent with good oil field practice.

    (2) Notwithstanding any other provisionof this Act, where the Government ofCanada has obligations with respect to theallocation of petroleum pursuant to theAgreement On An International Energy Pro-gram dated November 18, 1974, the Boardshall, where directed to do so by the FederalMinister and during the period that thoseobligations continue, take such measures asare necessary to comply with those obliga-tions and as are fair and equitable in relationto other hydrocarbon producing regions ofCanada.

    Regional Security of Supply

    41. (1) For ,the purposes of this section,"shortfall of petroleum deliveries in the Prov-ince" means deliveries of petroleum that areinadequate to supply, on commercial terms,

    (a) the end use consumption and feed-stock requirements of industrial facilitiesthat are in place in the Province on the dayof the coming into force of this Act;(b) the feedstock requirements of therefining facilities at Come-by-Chance ifthose facilities were operating at capacityon the day of the coming into force of thisAct or any refining facility constructed inthe Province to replace those facilities; or

    1'0ffice, suspendre pour quatre-vingt-dixjours I'effet de l'approbation par celui-cid'une decisionmajeure.

    (2) Les quatre-vingt-dix jours courent acompter de la date 011l'Office est informe, enapplication du paragraphe 31(2), de I'appro-bation du ministre habilite.


    40. (1) Par derogation aux autres disposi-tions de la presente loi, en cas de baissesubite des approvisionnements - d'originenationale ou non - de petrole brut et sub-stances assimilees acceptables, 1'0ffice, a lademande du ministre federal, en fait aug-menter la production, compte tenu des impe-ratifs d'exploitation des champs petroliferes.

    (2) Par derogation aux autres dispositionsde la presente loi, 1'0ffice, sur instruction duministre federal, prend les mesures qui s'im-posent pour respecter les obligations du gou-vernement du Canada decoulant de l'Accordrelatif a un programme international deI'energie du 18 novembre 1974, dans lamesure 011il s'applique, et qui sont equitablesa l'egard des autres regions canadiennes pro-ductrices d'hydrocarbures.



    Securite des approvisionnements regionaux

    41. (1) Pour l'application du present arti-cle, il y a penurie d'hydrocarbures dans laprovince quand les livraisons de ces sub-stances ne peuvent, compte tenu des condi-tions du march{:, suffire :

    a) a la consommation finale et aux besoinsdes industries en place dans la province ala date d'entree en vigueur de la presenteloi;b) aux besoins des raffineries, en coursd'exploitation, de Come-by-Chance a cettedate ou de telle raffinerie de remplacementimplantee dans la province;c) aux besoins des raffineries situees dansla province mais non en place a cette date,

    Definition de





  • 1987

    Notice byProvincialMinister toholders ofproductionlicences

    Later contractssubject tonotice

    t:-Accord Canada - Terre-Neuve ch. 3

    (c) the feedstock requirement;: bf anyrefining facility located in the Provincethat was not in place on the coming intoforce of this Act, other than a facilityreferred to in paragraph (b), where thefeedstock requirements required to satisfythe demand of industrial capacity, on theday of the coming into force of this Act, inthe Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Bruns-wick, Prince Edward Island and New-foundland have been met.

    (2) Where there is a shortfall of petroleumdeliveries in the Province, the ProvincialMinister may, after consulting with the Fed-eral Minister, give notice to holders of pro-duction licences in the offshore area that thefacilities in paragraphs (1)(a), (b) and (c)that are specified in the notice have, duringthe term of the notice, the first option toacquire, on commercial terms, petroleumproduced in the offshore area unless a salescontract with respect to that petroleum hasbeen entered into prior to the giving of thenotice.

    (3) Any contract entered into after thegiving of the notice referred to in subsection(2) shall be deemed to be varied or suspend-ed to the extent necessary to give effect tothat notice.

    Termofnotice (4) The term of a notice given under sub-section (2) is the period during which ashortfall of petroleum deliveries in the Prov-ince continues to exist.

    Arbitration incase of disputewhethershortfallexists

    Notice ceases tohave effect

    (5) Where the Federal Minister or aholder of a production licence to whom anotice has been given under subsection (2)does not agree with the Provincial Ministerthat a shortfall of petroleum deliveries in theProvince exists or continues to exist, thematter shall be referred to arbitration in themanner prescribed.

    (6) Where it is determined pursuant toarbitration that a shortfall of petroleumdeliveries in the Province does not exist orcontinue to exist, the notice given under sub-section (2) shall be deemed to be revokedand ceases to have effect on the date onwhichthe determinationis made. .

    autres que les raffineries visees a l'alineab) lorsque les besoins de l'industrie, a cettememe date, dans les provinces du Nou-veau-Brunswick, de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, deI'lle-du-Prince-Edouard et de Terre-Neuveont ete combles.

    (2) En cas de penurie, le ministre provin-cial peut, apres avoir consulte son homologuefederal, informer par avis les titulaires delicences de production extracatiere que tellesdes industries ou raffineries visees aux ali-neas (I)a), b) et c) ont le premier choix,pendant la duree de validite de l'avis, pouracquerir, dans les conditions du marche, deshydrocarbures extracotiers, a moins qu'uncontrat de vente n'ait ete conclu a leur egardavant la transmission de l'avis.

    (3) Tout contrat posterieur a l'avis estrepute modifie ou suspendu de fa~on adonnerpleineffet a l'avis.

    (4) L'avis reste valide tant qu'il y a penu-rie dans la province.

    (5) Tout litige entre le ministre federal oule destinataire de l'avis et le ministre provin-cial sur l'existance ou la persistance de lapenurie est soumis a l'arbitrage prevu parreglement.

    (6) Sur constat, a l'arbitrage, d'absence depenurie dans la province, l'avis est reputeannule a la date du contrat.






    Litige sur lapenurie

    Caducite deJ'avis

  • 22




    Directivesdeemed not tobe statutoryinstruments

    Notice inCanada Gazette

    c. 3

    --- - -- _u -._u.uu -- U . u-.

    Canada- NewfoundlandAt/anticAccord Implementation 35-36 ELIZ. II

    (7) Subject to section 7, the Governor inCouncil may make regulations for carryingout the purposes and provisions of this sec-tion and, without limiting the generality ofthe foregoing, may make regulations

    (a) defining the expression "commercialterms" or providing for arbitration toestablish commercial terms in any particu-lar case;(b) governing, for the purposes of this sec-tion, arbitration and the making of arbi-tration orders and appeals from andenforcement of arbitration orders; and(c) prescribing the manner of exercising afirst option to acquire that is granted pur-suant to a notice given under subsection(2).

    Ministerial Directives

    42. (1) The Federal Minister and the Pro-vincial Minister may jointly issue to theBoard written directives in relation to

    (a) fundamental decisions;(b) decisions made by the Board respect-ing the exercise of a power pursuant toparagraph 56(I)(b);(c) public reviews conducted pursuant tosection 44;(d) Canada-Newfoundland benefits plansand any of the provisions thereof; and(e) studies to be conducted by the Boardand advice with respect to policy issues tobe given by the Board to the Federal Min-ister and the Provincial Minister.

    (2) The Board shall comply with a direc-tive issued under subsection (I).

    (3) Directives issued under subsection (1)shall be deemed not to be statutory instru-ments for the purposes of the StatutoryInstruments Act.

    (4) Where a directive is issued under sub-section (1), a notice shall be published in theCanada Gazette that the directive has beenissued and that the text thereof is availablefor inspection by any person on request madeto the Board.

    (7) Sous reserve de l'article 7, le gouver-neur en conseil peut, par reglement, prendreles mesures necessaire a I'application du pre-sent article et, notamment :

    a) definir «conditions du march{:. ou pre-voir un mecanisme d'arbitrage pour deter-miner cas par cas ce que sont les condi-tions du march{:;b) prevoir les modalites et la prise desdecision d'arbitrage, ainsi que les procedu-res d'appel et d'execution a cet egard;c) fixer les modalites d'exercice du pre-mier choix vise au paragraphe (2).


    Instructions ministerie/Jes

    42. (I) Les minlstres federal et provincialpeuvent donner par ecrit des instructions aI'Office sur les points suivants :

    a) les decisions majeures;b) les decisions de I'Office visees au para-graphe 56(1) a l'egard des conditionsclimatiques;c) les enquetes publiques prevues a l'arti-cle 44;d) les plans de retombees economiques;e) les etudes a mener par l'Office et lesrecommandations d'orientation qu'il doitleur donner.


    (2) Les instructions lient I'Office. Effet

    (3) Les instructions ne sont pas des textesreglementaires au sens de la Loi sur lestextes reglementaires.


    (4) Est publie dans la Gazette du Canadaun avis du fait que des instructions ont etedonnees sous le regime du paragraphe (I) etque leur texte est a la disposition du public.





  • 1987

    Plan forinterests

    Revised plan



    Plan for Interests.


    Accord Canada - Terre-Neuve ch. 3

    43. (I) During the first month of eachcalendar year, the Board shall submit to theFederal Minister and the Provincial Ministera plan outlining the anticipated decisions ofthe Board during that calendar year respect-ing the making of calls for bids pursuant toPart 11 with respect to interests to be issuedin relation to portions of the offshore areaand the issuance and terms and conditions ofsuch interests.

    (2) Where the Minister having authorityin relation to fundamental decisions, asdetermined under subsection 34(1) or (4), isof the opinion that a plan referred to insubsection (1) does not provide adequatelyfor the attainment or maintenance of self-sufficiency and security of supply within themeaning of section 33, that Minister mayreject the plan and where that Minister doesso, shall inform the Board of the reasons forso doing.

    (3) Where the Board is informed of aMinister's rejection of its plan and the rea-sons therefor, the Board shall, within sixtydays after being so informed, prepare arevised plan outlining the anticipated deci-sions of the Board referred to in subsection(I), taking into account those reasons, andsubmit the revised plan to the Federal Minis-ter and the Provincial Minister.

    Appli~tionof (4) Subsections (2) and (3) apply, withsubsections (2) h d



    .and(3)to sUC mo 1lcatJons as t e cIrcumstancesrevisedplan require, with respect to a revised plan sub-

    mitted pursuant to subsection (3).

    Public review


    Public Review

    44. (1) Subject to any directives issuedunder subsection 42(1), the Board shall con-duct a public review in relation to any poten-tial development of a pool or field unless theBoard is of the opinion that the public hear-ing is not required on any ground the Boardconsiders to be in the public interest.

    (2) Where a public review is conducted inrelation to any potential development of apool or field, the Board may

    (a) establish terms of reference and a:timetable that will permit a comprehensive

    Exposes relatifs aux titres

    43. (1) L'Office soumet aux ministresfederal et provincial au plus tard le 31 jan-vier de chaque annee un expose des decisionsqu'i! compte prendre pendant cette annee surles appels d'offres portant sur les titres quiseront octroyes a I'egard de parties de la zoneextracotiere ainsi que I'octroi et les condi-tions de ces titres.

    (2) Le ministre habilite a intervenir sous leregime des paragraphes 34(1) ou (4) peutrejeter I'expose s'il I'estime ne pa.s etre enmesure de procurer ou garantir I'autosuffi-sance ou la securite des approvisionnementsau sens de I'article 33. 11avise I'Office desmotifs de sa decision.

    (3) L'Office est tenu de soumettre, dansles soixante jours qui suivent la reception deI'avis, aux ministres federal et provincial unexpose revise qui tient compte des motifs duministre et fait etat de I'expose vise au para-graphe (1).

    (4) Les paragraphes (2) et (3) s'appli-quent, compte tenu des adaptations de cir-constance, a I'expose revise.

    Enquetes publiques

    44. (1) Sous reserve des instructions viseesau paragraphe 42(1), I'Office tient uneenquete publique sur la mise en valeur poten-tielle d'un gisement ou d'un champ, sauf s'ilestime qu'il n'est pas dans I'interet public dele faire.

    (2) Pour I'enquete, I'Office peut :a) adopter les criteres et calendriers per-mettant de proceder a un examen completdu projet de mise en valeur, y compris les




    Exposes revises


    Application desparagraphes (2)et(3)



  • 24


    Time limit forBoard'srecommenda.

    tions on a plan

    Definition of"Canada-Newfoundlandbenefits plan"

    - u_-- U- -- m


    U ---

    Canada- Newfoundland At/antic Accord Implementation 35-36 ELIZ. 11

    review of all aspects of the development,including those within the authority ofParliament or of the Legislature of theProvince;(b) appoint one or more commissionersand, where there is to be more than onecommissioner, appoint as commissionerspersons nominated by each of the govern-ments in recognition of the authority ofMinisters of the Crown in right of Canadaor of the Province under any Act of Parlia-ment or of the Legislature of the Province,other than this Act or the Provincial Act,in relation to the development;(c) where the potential development hasbeen proposed to the Board by any person,require that person to submit and makeavailable for public distribution a prelim-inary development plan, an environmentalimpact statement, a socio-economic impactstatement, a preliminary Canada-New-foundland benefits plan and any other planspecified by the Board; and(d) cause the commissioners to holdpublic hearings in appropriate locations inthe Province or elsewhere in Canada andreport thereon to the Board, the FederalMinister and the Provincial Minister.

    (3) On the request of the Board, the Fed-eral Government may, subject to such termsand conditions as it considers necessary,confer on the commissioners appointed pur-suant to paragraph (2)(b) all or any of thepowers conferred on persons appointed ascommissioners under Part I of the InquiriesAct.

    (4) The commissioners shall make theirrecommendations respecting any preliminaryplan or statement submitted pursuant toparagraph (2)(c) within two hundred andseventy days after their receipt of the plan orstatement or such shorter period as may beset by the Board.

    Canada- Newfoundland Benefits Plan

    45. (1) In this section, "Canada-New-foundland benefits plan" means a plan forthe employment of Canadians and, in par-ticular, members of the labour force of theProvince and, subject to paragraph (3)(d),

    aspects de competence federale ou provin-ciale; .b) nommer un ou plusieurs commissaireset, dans cette derniere eventualite,nommer les candidats proposes par chacundes gouvernements compte tenu des pou-voirs conferes en l'espece a tel ou tel minis-tre federal ou provincial par des lois fede-rales ou provinciales autres que la presenteloi ou la loi provinciale;c) le cas echeant, demander a I'auteur detout projet de mise en valeur qui lui estsoumis de lui presenter a cet egard, notam- .ment pour diffusion publique, un plan pro-visoire accompagne d'exposes sur les inci-dences ecologiques ou socio-ecologiques,les retombees economiques et tout autrepoint utile;d) exiger que le ou les commissaires tien-nent des audiences publiques dans la pro-vince ou ailleurs au Canada et en fassentrapport a lui-meme ainsi qu'aux ministresfederal et provincial.

    (3) A la demande de 1'0ffice, le gouverne-ment federal peut attribuer aux commissai-res, aux conditions qu'il estime indiquees,tels des pouvoirs d'un commissaire nomme envertu de la partie I de la Loi sur les enquetes.

    Pouvoirs descommissaires

    (4) Les commissaires font leurs recom-mandations sur le plan provisoire et les expo-ses vises a I'alinea (2)c) dans les deux centsoixante-dix jours qui suivent leur receptionou tout delai inferieur fixe par l'Office.


    Plan de retombees economiques

    45. (1) Au present article, est un plan deretombees le plan comportant comme objec-tif le recours a la main-d'ceuvre canadienne,et plus particulierement, terre-neuvienne, et,sous reserve de I'alinea (3)d), la juste possi-





  • 1987

    Canadian andNewfoundlandparticipation

    Particularprovisions ofplan


    t:-- Accord Canada - Terre-Neuve cb. 3.

    for providing manufacturers, cotisultants,contractors and service companies in theProvince and other parts of Canada with afull and fair opportunity to participate on acompetitive basis in the supply of goods andservices used in any proposed work or activ-ity referred to in the benefits plan.

    (2) Before the Board may approve anydevelopment plan pursuant to paragraphs139(4)(a) and (b) or authorize any work oractivity under paragraph 138(l)(b), a Cana-da-Newfoundland benefits plan shall be sub-mitted to and approved by the Board, unlessthe Board directs that such requirement neednot be complied with.

    (3) A Canada-Newfoundland benefitsplan shall contain provisions intended toensure that

    (a) before carrying out any work or activ-ity in the offshore area, the corporation orother body submitting the plan shall estab-lish in the Province an office where appro-priate levels of decision-making are to takeplace; .(b) consistent with the Canadian Charterof Rights and Freedoms, individuals resi-dent in the Province shall be given firstconsideration for training and employmentin the work program for which the planwas submitted and any collective agree-ment entered into by the corporation orother body submitting the plan and anorganization of employees respectingterms and conditions of employment in theoffshore area shall contain provisions con-sistent with this paragraph;(c) expenditures shall be made forresearch and development to be carriedout in the Province and for education andtraining to be provided in the Province;and

    (d) first consideration shall be given toservices provided from within the Provinceand to goods manufactured in the Prov-ince, where those services and goods arecompetitive in terms of fair market price,quality and delivery.

    (4) The Board may require that any Cana-da-Newfoundland benefits plan includeprovisions to ensure that disadvantaged

    bilite pour les industriels, les conseillers, lesentrepreneurs et les societes de services eta-blis dans la province et ailleurs au Canada

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