Page 1: T w irN FA iLLS D A ltLY NliE W · T w ir VOL. 6. vo. 298. EXPECT B fllir' • TO GETHCTl fiEFOlE TUXES Sentiment Favors Final

T w i rVOL. 6 . vo. 298.

EXPECT B f l l i r '• TO G E T H C T l

fiEFOlE TUXESS en tim en t F avors Final Dis­

posal of Com pensation M eas­u re in Order to, Proceed w ith R evenue Reduction in S en a te

» ---------WASHIiVGTON, M arch 10 im — Aa

lincA form cii In tLo sennto today fo r tliu-fij*ht on tho Botdicr bonus bill, acQ- t im c n t indlcatod th a t tho mensuro would clinpliico tho t a i “ reduction bill* fo r imm odinto consideration ' in tho finauco committoo.

Tlio j>.ii<l-up inaurnnco bill passed b y th e houso mot w ith gonoral fftvop; nmonK ropublfcana, b u t dem ocrats wore npp .iron tly roaiiy to cnrry on tUo f ig h t fo r a fu ll cnsh paym ont option;

Bonator Simmons of. N orth Caro- linn, Vnnking dem ocrat on tho finnneo

$ eom m ittee , declriwd in favor of such a propOH.'iI.

Bopi^U cans Dividod AltliouBh agreed Rcnerally on a

H lrui('ht-out InHurnnco bill w ith an op­tion fo r crtsh pnymeiUn to ve tu ra risn o t en titled to moro than J50; ns providod in tho howso njonsuro, ropublicnns w oro Hplit ov e r tho form of tho insurance jirovisiou.

Chnirninn Smoot o f tho financo com­m ittee in troduced a bill provldinR fo r

in s u ra n c o policies payablo only n t den th and -announced he would not Hupport tliQ houae provision fo r 2 0 -

^ ycnr endowm ent policiui carrj’lni’ loan privileges.

S enntor Curtia of Kansas, republican Tnember o f the committcc, how ever, 3ias introduced a bill carrying an in- Hurnnce clausc sim ilar to th a t a p ­proved b y the house.

Goes to Oommitteo Tlie bonus biit probably w ill be ro-

forred to tho finance committeo morrow. Clinirman Smoot' said today th a t a m otion to have i t displace th e rovenue b ill now beforo thc com m ittee w o u ld -b o in order. Althougli no fo r ­m al luovcw cttt to bring n.l»out bucK a c ­t i o n . Imn been in itia tud , severnl com-

® m itteo mombera cxpreMcd the be lie f todny th n t the bonus bill would be given priority .

M r. Sm oot him self aaid the com m it­too ou g h t to know exactly, how much

I* rcvonui' was going to bo needed bcforo tnUing fina l nction on the revenue bill and therc-fore i t m ight bo well to d is ­pose f i r s t of the bonus bill. _

Tbo cost of th e biU in lT oducti?*^y Mr. Smoot was estim ated a t $5,0117,• 42J.412, o f which $ 10,000,000 w o « d bo used in im m ediate paym ents to thoHo ontilU’d to $T)0 , o r leas. M r. Sm oot explained th a t the coat cnlculn-

^ tion w as na nearly nccurate na possi- Lie, b e in ^ based on tho Am ericnn ex- pc’rlenco tnblea of m ortality . Tho to ­la l cost would bo spread over 04 y ears, tliiH be ing the presum ptive period b e ­fore Uie death of all ve te rans in ­sured. Thc to ta l cost of tho bouso b ill w as r rtim a tc .1 a t $2,119,000,000.

Cost W ottld Incroaso Tho c<i!*t«of tlie insuranco under the

Smoot bill would be nbout $rj,-17fi,009 in tho f i r s t yoar, i t wan cHtimnted, tlie. figure griidiially innreniiing to a innxi*mum o f $M7,585,3'‘0 - - y<?n” . “ ^^®r whicli i t would sharply recede. Tho

0 (Conllnucd ou Vage 5, Col. 1)

Aviators Fail to ^ Reach Coast City

on Schedule TimeThree Planes in World

E cacb ' Vancouver and Besl Thero for a Time; P on rtl D raw s Up a t Engene, Ore.rO R T L A N l), Ore., March IP Cff>—

■ Tlirci! o f the g rea t arm y planes mnkiii^ a roun<I-(1io world fliglit rested a t Van couv.-r HarrackH, Wunhington, tonight on<l tho fm irlh n t Eugene, Oregon. H waji th c intontioii o f tho flyers, w ontbe' perm itting , lo resume tho flig h t tom or row ns fa r ns Seattle .

Thoro tllo m achines nre to undorgi trim sform alion from land planes to ovn pianos fo r the nex t leg from 6 cattl<

. to I 'r in c o K upert, B. C., and tb e n c . over A laska and th e A leutian Ula&di

I I bud been exiieeted u n til Into todflj tlm t tlie three, plnncs p iloted respoct

® ivcly b y M ajor i \ L. M artin , L icu too a n ts Low(fll Smith and Lolgh W adf w ould m ake S eattle as tho end o f thoi

- ^ l y ' s fligh t.nnt>^vhen tho th ree-to o k fho a n n

• . V ancouver, W ash., ft^llowing th c ir ato thero nnd a tr ip by tho file rs to Pori lnnd fo r luncheon, rain w as cncour

• terod.I t incroaaed as they flow no rtbw nr

and m used M ajor M nrtin to decide t re turn, to Vancouver, where tbo ^ilant landed n t 4:15 p. m. .


N F A^ a t e d S ™ ______________________

Will S ift Reports of Canadian Ships '

Smuggling LiquhrPaper Annonnced Railw ay Coun­

sel Will Investigate Oharge

S of Bringing Booze to U. S.VANCOUV,f:R, B. C., M arch 19 — Chargcs th a t C nnadian gov-'

' ernm ent atonmahips op era tin g biv tween Dritlsli C olum bia' nnd Call- fo rn ia porta havo onguged ln liquor smuggling nre to bo investign ted , tho Vancouver P rovince said to ­dnv in nnnounciiig th a t R. 8 . M.

lh Tnnple, ri’glonnl eounsel in M ani­toba for the C anadian N ntional

t 0 raihniyn, hail nrrived hero to s tn r t au inquiry.

. Tlirf nowspnper said M r. Temple-, ® camo to Vancouver a t tlio personal

BuggcHtlon o f Sir H enry T hornton, pro.iidi'rit o f tho govcrnnum t rall-

T .g "'ays. . Mr. Temple sa id aummary . nction would bo takon n g a lnst any

ono in tlio governm ont service proved to- bo nn o ffen d er. • *

^ C O O L lE T E IlD S ^ i m VOTING>p” Probable Indorsem ent of P res i-101ed den t Seen; L aF o lle tte S lips ICO Ahead of Johnson

P A n o o , X. I).,, 10 m - P r , . i , nblo pndarsi'ineut o f ’ Oalvin .Cniidgo

lo t f»r tlio ri'piibti<'iijK^<'>*id<'nTnil nomina 20- lion in Tiioscliiy’« Ht.ite-wido prim;iry in an -N’orlli l)al«it:i was inilii-iitod on « ImKin

of niKiffii'.ial re tu rns av a ilab le Iu t " an lonight. • ^e r, Thcso roturiis, whioh woro froni 1217 in- o f tlio males :2il.'S pn 'o ino ts, gave flic ip . prcsidciil a I.T,Old) jiliira lity an<l pul

.‘'ona to r Holiort .M. haFoll.-tIc! in socoml plai-c, n fow votes nlioail o f Serintfr

* Ulraiii .loliMson, wlui liad been ruiinor- up since 'labuhitiou o f the return '.

layijjjj Kvory coualy in th e s la te wa.s re

ported ill tliom' n ’liirns whirli gnvo thi! 'or. pi'csidoiit :i7,-S7. n.s com pared w ith 'JU,-

for LaKolleite and 2J,i:72 fo r John-' son.

lief TIh'V ,w.Tt' thc last ro tiirns .•ivailnbL- when taliiiliilioii coaled fo r llic nljjht.

Tliis ('f)iiipari«(in, asMiiiiiing no scriims l i t- nnoffiriiilich scciiH'il to insure tlio prcsl.

(lent ’.4 iailot'Hoinent :is hin m argin was Miffii-i.'Ml to allow for a m aterial in-

. . I'Fcafc iu lho ra tio aga inst him iu un- reported re turns from ,

t couiilie',In tho repiiblii'aii p irc in r ts tli'e re

I'ubliean vote totalod .Hl.Sli: and a cIihi.- . uMii|inriH( ti willi the vole of the ISIJ-

Iim eral clortiou' indicjited the unre- ' ]H)rleil iiri'cini'1.1 p ro liab ly woiiM no*,

[.huw ;iO,llOO ndditim inl votes, nnd miglil not oxecod W.OOO. •'


I.oxfmx, Itiiroh 1!> m —Tl,fCliincMO govcrnnient lias orderoil

th e . envoy in I ’oking, L. M.Knrakhnn, to cpiil China, snvs a

7 , ntispatoh to tho -Daily M ail from

Tills nction wns tak en , the dis- ■ piitcli adds, beeanso Kara-

___ k h a n ’s notes to tho Chinese fo r ­eign officc NvpTc in su ltin g , one of them nmounting to nn ultim atum , giving Cliina th reo .days to recog-

^ . nizo tlio soviet governnienLTho forreapondont snys tho s itu ­

ation is ten se ..


W o rk .o f selerling a ju ry to try Cov irht chargos o f cmbo2zl<

. m cnt bf stato’ funSs w as s till f a r fror completo At tho closo o f tho th ird da

i r t n of tho tria l. Twcfvo talesm en w ero .l tb^ box w hen cou rt ddjoornod, b n t i was indicated a o t m oro th a n ,f o u r o

^ — them would provo accop ta tb lo to bot k ing siJes. Slxty-thrco prospective ju ro i V’nn- have been exam ined thus fa r. light -

Wilbur i s Sworn ino"'- as Naval Secretariloroo SAN PBANCISCO, M arch 19 (MKfii- —C hief Jostico C u rtis D. W ilbur

a t t l J o f tho s ta to eupromo court wasenco sworn in today as sec re ta ry of tholad s . nav;-, tb e ceremony tak in g placo inodny • tho court room o f tho tribuna l inpoet- tho now sta to bu ild in g horc.Liton- ‘ ■>*ade, OBDBB BUBSATT IN Q in B Yth o ir W A K H N G TO N , M arch 10 < A ^ 1

invoBtigntlon ia^ '^olng conductcd int r n t tho Adm inistration o f th o d is tr ic t cstop flee o t the vo to rn n a ' b u reau a t Si

Po rt- A aseU o o In chargo o f M ajo r Louiscoun- G rant, D irector Xlinos announced t

______ :_______lo to IDAJIO W EA TH B B .lanes T hu tsday . U n se ttled ; p tohab ly la



Governmen Deserving

Faith, GH O iO m M I X O PT M E S i l G T O nShip C aptain B rings F irs t Ac­

count of R evolt; C laim s M ore th an 2 0 0 Are D ead

MOlilLM, Ain.. March 10 OP)—The f irs t ilotnileil acooniit o f ruvnlutionr.ry

' ilisturliani'CH in ]I(iii<iuras w;is brouglii lo tiie r iii tc l^ S ta lc .s loday w hm thii I 'n ite il Statc-s F ruit t-oinpaiiy steam er KUi-» siTTivc.l in port n f te r n Bcnun-

1 tional eseiipo from reliols.rn jitiiin \V. II. Fagan, refused to di-

^ vulgc inform alion on th e disturb.-im-es I'ociiuse of lho fac h i ship is :iMotidiinin vessel. Tnrorm ation, how-

*1' ever, .was obtnincd thaf lh e revolution onf.-iili'il freliiendouH loss .o f life nn-I

[)S )>roperty.The situation was described in b rie f

ns follows:Morn thnn 200 pcr.son.s hnve ho

sla n in th e w arfnro.•A ll ports o f th e eo u n try nnd other

in ip o rtn n t' c ities nre in tbo hnnds o( ''I rebels.•" Tegurigalpn, tho enpUal, hns been

i>:irlinlly. destroyed bv firo ns tho re- suit of fr-h ling .

nefiigeca, including m any fedcrni officiuls, arc floolni; fo tho po rt ot Barrios in G uatemala.

’‘•I Xo infornintion wns fortheoniing on '*'• fhi' -seirnro nnd eseape o f the E llis. All If ' Hint rnuld lie le.irned wns Hint sho wa-

lield by tho rebels for severn l dnys'w ltl I-"'- l.^nO soldiers aboard.

The Kllis is tho f ir s t sh ip seiT’.ed hj tho rebels which fact is explained In

till! iipf Hnnduran re c iilry . A ll o ther hhip;anillng to Ilonduran p o rta aro undei

I'” - forolun flags nnd have so fa r been im mune from troublo.

bk- _________ •

W O U U ) S H IP U Q T70B!|.,l OTTAWA, Mnrcli 19 OP)—The gov i.h1. ernm ent nanouneed in tho houso o v;,j, cotumons today th a t C anada w as nogo i'l,. tin ting with tho U nited S ta te s fo r rc

moval of the A m orlcan em bargo oi liipior shipm ents !a bon d from Ods adinn ports to T ukon T o r r l to r j aeroc

r,! .Vlnska v ia SkagwAJ.IHl.- — ........ ................... ........

i m ai ------------- ^

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. . .


D A l tA T KQBMINO. U A BO H 20. 1024.

t t is S till [of Highest \ willette SaysIJ Speal(ef of House Points OutI j Ample R easons fo r G rea test

I Confidence in S p ite of Recent _ ' Scandal D evelopm ents |

' BOSTON, M m l 19 « 1 —OonJl- j [*» deaco th a t “ oup goveriun e n t on

tho w holo ,la sound o o d n o t tn ln t- p0 od w ith corruption’ ' v n a oxprosiad

by Spoaker r re d e r lc k EL aiU etto- ; o f the ' n a tiona l houao o f roi>resent-

atlTcs to n ig h t At th o Annual ban*I quot o f tho A m herst A lum ni usso-

clAtloa o f Boaton. Tho occiiiiloii O '' .-WAS deslgnAtod oa “ OooUdgo.Ill I Qfght” in hon o r o f tbo president. h.i; A ST}duat« AUd tru s tee of th o col*,.fi lege, whom S peaker OUlotto d tor-

i . actcrlzod as a _ \ 'm a n •whom- ovary '“ ' i ono t ru s ts ."

,, “ G raft, eiinnivance, corruption havo ' infootcil law , e n fo rcem en t," M idj

Sjienker G illetfo “ nnd n t leng th tho Irack nf g u ilt lyid lod Into a prosi-l d o n t's cabinet.-'''^ Becauao d lsgraeofu l'

„„ conditions have been revealed do not „.[ believe th n t th ey nro ty p ic a l.”

I B i t te r E ffic iency

l i e snid tb^^i^m ong 4SS members of tho honso flf repW H ntatlves thero wore sure to be “ somo w eak lin g s’ ' h u t '

,nr ndded: ' |“ I beliovo tho gonoral s tan d ard la

high and th n t na tho m omborship of the house linn stendlly im proved in its

fp. bnsiness cffic ieney it has Ukowiso im-| (iroved in Us tiprighlness. ”

lio fe rrin g to tho p residen t ho said: o f . PioeidoQ t FoVQl&r '

“ One o f tho most s trik in g features "![ of the reports th n t eomc to me from

all over th e country is th e p re sid en t’s ex trnord inary popuinritj-. T hn t is not

' ' bocnuso o f his ningnetism , o f b is olo- ' <|uence, o f h i s ’personality ; i t is bo- cnuso ' t h e y tru s t him. They boliovo,

J*'’ ns wo kt'iou-, th a t ho is a mnn of sim- J p l o life, o f sound honrt, o f pure mor- ■ nis, of strong m intt;^of p a trio tic pur-

pose, and of unflinch ing cour.ago. .' j M ueh DAnuge Done

I Speaker G ille tte dcclarcd th a t tho ,„y. il.-teetion of ono enrrupt mnn in high

sta tion “, I fenr, dono moro to dc- .j;o- fl'o public confidonco in publicjQ. officials, to m ake tho peoplo d istrust Pj, ’llioir leaders nnd to so undorm iao tho

wholo structTTrc''^)f popular govornmont than tho host o f honest and upright

! (C ontinued on I’ngo .'5, Col. 1.)


S ’— —

v V /!J w l

, O op jT ljH , 1


L Y N l> MEMHEP u io rr du; r ________ o r CmCPLATIONI

A. P. Is Presented ;1 with Last Typi Set I by Late PresidentjAlaakan Publisher Arranges for I Formal P resentation Sec-

C ' rotary Wajlace

j W ASlirNOTOX, M nrcb 19 OP)— The last “ s t l r k ” o f tyjio se t by I'rosidont H ard ing wns turned ovor

;St fo Frank B. N oyes, prosidont of tho Associnteil P ress, today b y W.

n t F, Thompson, pub lisher of fho I Fnlrbnnks, Alaskn, Nows-Mlnor. j Tho tyjio wn» set by tho lato I president during his v is it lnst Ju ly I to Hairlintikii, -where Iio i]>ont an

J j hour in th e coniposiHg-rooni o f the No«vM-.Miuer, tb o fu rth e s t north

J duUy jiupi-r. M r. Tbomp.son in nd- J xlition to tirrn ing over tho ty p e to

Mr. Noyes a rn iig c ih tji hnve i t fo r­m ally proHoiitoil to tho Assnciatcd I're.KM hy Horretnry o f A griculture

I Wallncij u t tlio forllioom ihg an n u a l J m eeting in Ncw York.

; B O U R i r G l l lE s i ’JDOO VICTOR!osi-l- - — ■*— .. - ifu l ' ■not Overwhelms U nderw ood o f Al­

abam a in G eo rg ia P rim ary ; C aptu res W atson ’s County

■oro b u t '

I ATLANTA, Oa., .Mnroh 10 0P> - }s William 0. McAdoo todny ovorwhelm- o f od Sonalnr Onrar W. L'ndorwood of it* ^Alabama in tlio G eorgia ileinocrati- "*'! pri'sidontiiil prim ary. Ho look llio lend

. in llio first re lurus a n d increased his ■ ndvantagu a s county^ a f te r county

Rwnng inlo bi* coliilnii. * ires llo cnrriod his boaio county o f Cobb rom by u b ig voto, rap tu red tho homo coun- i t ’s ' t y of the Into Kciuilcr Tlunnns W . Wnt- no t'w in by n small nu ijo rily , ncco rd ing 'to olo- iiowsimpcr returns,' iind took Cbatham , bo- the (lonio o f SonalDr U nderwood’s

BvO, ^tale canipnign inunagor. ilm- Shortly before 10 o ’clock complcU nor- rolurns to newnpnpor showi'd McAdoo p u r had -1 0 votes la the dom ucratlc eon , vention, nlno wore tb an the ncceasar>

m ajority tp insure «!lectieu o f ■ th< Georgia dolugatiou of " 8 votes to Hit nnlional convention iu N « v York.

In uddition .MeAdoo had "(5 unil votes nn^re indicated in counties when he was_leading ITndcrwood.

At the sam e roiniiifiution Underwooc tJ'® had Tili ciTtuin convent i(>n votes nnd It

ind icated ... *Xo nociirute. cstiiiia to o f lho populai

voUi cnn bo obtained a t thia hour. '



^ ■

Im \ m ' i x ' .

ll, lV U ,'D y tae A tw Xotk 'I 'nouav , i>«.

i E W f "l o N B ^ ” r f i b o B s r a .

j o T T i t t i r '

PROVISION FOR ; O lVIDJO TUX'I Senate F inance Committee Re- “ jec ts H ouse Amendment to ” R evenue Bill a s Being U nfairI to- S m aller Stockholders ,II /1- N V A S n iN O T O N , M nrcb It) t> P )^ T h - ' ;o s e n n le f in n jie o e o m m itte e ' to«b(}’ rc- r- j e r l e d th e b ouso n tn e n d n ien t to th o (1 re v e n u e b i l l a n d r in s e r te d th o ^ M P llo n ro p ro v is io n f o r ta x in g • p r o f i ls On s to e 'c j I d iv id e n d s red o o m e tl in litp ildn tlon p ro

e eed h ig a .Thc honso hnd made auch p ro fiti

snbjeet fo th e su rtax rn tes ra ther thnn Uie eap ita l ga in ta x of I'J 1-2 por eent, a lowor rn to timn tho avci'nge surtax .

I s OAUod U nfA lr. l l / h ouso p ro v is io n w ns rc jo e to d nsI f u n f a i r t o anm ller s to c k lio ld c rs . A dl<i-- 1 1 p o s it io n on th o p a r i o f m a jo r ity com - - '■ ■ mittoQ m em bors to rcplaco tho Long-

worth compromiso ineomo tax schedulo■ I w ith tbo M ellon rntca alao becamo. ap-

p aren t today . Dem ocrats a t tho sanie- , limo wcro lin ing up solidly aga inst tho .

ry » move, and w ore counting on the support

y oC S ena to r LnFoUeWo of W isconsin, lender o f tho republican insurgents.

Should th is opposition develop, tho , p>— nlno o tho r republicans would havo to

baek tho Jrollon ra tea against tho voto of. tho sovon dem ocrats. In th is con-

" nection iho adm inistra tion advocatc^ a ti- o f tho M e llan -ra tes nlso nro som ewhat lend doubtful o f lho a ttitiid e of Sena to r,

his McCormick, republlcnii, n ilnoia, w h av , .' in ty wna in strum en ta l in bringing ab o u t th e

bouso eompromiao roiluetlon in tl»o fiU !obb PP>' c en t maximum .surtax in tho presen t ouii. law and w ho hns indicated ho favo rs Vnt- higher aurtaxo ra te s thnn proposed by IJ Id Me. M ellon. - lam, D om ocrnts &Uento d ’s M eanw hile; tho domocrnts huvo givon

no dofin ito ind ication of. w hat ra te dcU achedulo th e y will su^iport. Uutuu dom- ^doo ocrats supported tho Oarner ra tes w ith eon 0 44 per c c n t maximum surtax. This isnr> was bea ten iu tho houso by tho Long-■ the worth compronilsu c^rrj’ing a uwximum

the su rtax ra te o f 37 1-1! per ccftt.:. Likewise, Sena to r LaFollotto‘'s posi- . unit fion us to ra te s has no t beon 'rovoalol. herb M embers o f thc republican insurgent

g ro u p in th e honse advocated ro tcn tion ivooj of tho prosont maximum surtax rate* d It' but la te r supported the Longworth com­

promise.)ular Should tlio tax bill n o t bo p u t nslilii r. ■ by tbo com m itteo fo r tho soldior bonus

bill, i t is cxpcctod tho incomc .ra te s achedulo b ill w ill be reached' la te r in

— COOLIDGE WINS ^jl SOUTH‘ llA L K IG n , N. G , March 19 0P>—

Nortb C a ro lin a ’s delegation to th o T o - publican nu tional convention w as in- filructud fo r C alvin Coolidgo b y th e sta te convention in session here la te * this afte rnoon . Tho dologatlon haa a* voting s tren g th oif 24.

B ID rO B O IL 'I’A W n u S K A , Okla., M arch 19 0P>—

Oil ope ra to rs had b id a to tal o f W4,.000 fo r leases . on Osago Ind ian

lnnd a t Uie closo o f th is y ca r’i auction late today.- Fivo bids wcro fo r moro thaii a m illion onch.

Pittsburgh SjJoons Must Close, Pinchot Says; 600 Affected^

O o v e m o i^ TakiBB S e c o n d S t e p i n C a m p a i g n t o E n f o r o e D r y L a w ; S e r r ^ a P r o p r l i a t o r s w i t h . ' N o t i c e s o f* A h a te x n iB n t

PITTHBL’R O n, Penn., March 10 0P>—T b o second s to p in Oovomor Pin* c l .o t 's e a n ip ii ig n to dry up P ittsbu rgh wns tak en today when proprietors of every saloon a n d cafc in tho c ity , np- p ro x in in te ly (>00 In numbor, w ero,aorv- Cll > ^th ab a tem en t so tiees ' o rderl|ig them to s to p th o 'sa le , o f.lik tox icat& g liquor n.ud ' to removo b a r . . i ix tu re i, sc reu n or pn intod fron ts and . aolooa^ s ig n s from th e ir establishoierit#.

Tho f i r s t s to p -w as tak o a y e s te rd ay ' in a city'-widu ra id by s ta te police during w hich 23 saloona were v isited nnd tho proprie tors a^d b n r te a d e ^ ’ a rrested upon charges of vlolAti&^^thV; ' sta to p ro liib ition law . •'

Tho th ird stop; acitordliig: ^<W 011an F. H o f^ n a n ia c h a rg ^ o f tU« oampaigD for th e s tu to polico.-.will be__,tti»^,»iK

i, p lication to tho court* £ori**p»0 ! lW ?,': in ju sc tlona a g o ^ a t titow w lk o . '.m ^ .-" to com ply w ith . 'th e ..n b a to m e n b .B O tt^ ii

T he a b a tc m e a t . notices by 1 0 0 m em beni o f th e a«.tltig tlnvuUtracoailjr i a all

u th e 'c i ly . . V ;V:,rv'-.

4 : , ' ^ -

Page 2: T w irN FA iLLS D A ltLY NliE W · T w ir VOL. 6. vo. 298. EXPECT B fllir' • TO GETHCTl fiEFOlE TUXES Sentiment Favors Final

TF1T FV 11 TO F l i J O i N E

P rom oter Called in D augherty Probe to Tell W hat He Knows of Alleged “ Deal” : Cabinet M em bers Await Summons-WASHINGTON, NJari'l. li> 0P>—111

<'otiili;iriHoti willi iN u'liirlwiii<lBOHsioti', 111" l);itii:ii^rly i i i v < - s t i n u roiniiiillci' Iiiiil.ii pro.ty tiiiii? foil.'iv. Scti- :ilc«r W lin-li'r wii^ alixciif witli n rulil (i:iil I’n'il Hnwhitnl. rfiii'f <if roini'i-'

• fo r (hi- iittiir:icy ' nciu'ral. iiiilirovnl tho ii|i|u irhinily to liriiiK oiil -som.' tiioiiv f(ivoriil>lo to tiiin,-

T«‘X IJirkiinl. tlio iirirc fik'l'f I’r" 'inoItT, is mitiimiitio'i iih totnorm w ’k. w it' ni'HH lo li-ll wliiil 111' kiuiwH iiliniit'III-: •■ (l.'i.r’ wborrl.y Iln- ('iir|ioii tlcr-DpnipH.-y fit'lit M '"" "I'owiiill I'llIi: wit'll nuiiniiiti'.'H of no |irQj-' ■•iitioiis, Sn iiito r W li.'flrr is cxiu'ctc-l li:i.-lc :in.l ll.n iiivostiuntioii |ir«.lmbl> will ri-liirn tn hi^’li

Mr. Ilnwlinid ’t--n .rc to crnv pxiimiiK' W iltiani A. Orr,-foniiiT secro liiry <0 floviTnor Whitiniin wlio li;i- I'lfiiii Irjitifyiiif; alioiit tiui fiiflit “ di'iil,” mill nlno “ w liiflti'y" ili'iibi jinil tlio ('t)»imilti'<> le t Orr ro Hul*jci'i10 rornll.

“ AUowod Gam bling.’ 'Toihiy’H witn>'n».'!i w rrc Maro t?tow

n r t , n aiilveston, Toxan, liiwy»rr. wl.. ' rontfiHlK till’ (lci>artnii‘iit of juHtirc liir

1'ci'n rcininH in jtroHoiMiHin; allt'Ki'il lot 'ti-ry flcln-nioH, nmi Tiioiiiiid I). DftM kin’«, n Toxan pcmtoffic-o inHpcclor, »-all Cll in conni^ittion w ith pri'viiniM toHtl mony l,y (-i»I>tat:i Bul.ljviii o f the T o ta IL-i II I'eru.

TiiroiiijK proRn c!caminiitinn Mr. How Innil li'il e tow iirt to ti'stify tha t- th ' j;oV('rnniciit lia«l In'i'n iiidirt/iin: aii< proiiefutinji th e vnriouH'Ui’' ' in tter ios S tew nrt rofiTre.l '•lo. Imt Klownr inniHt<‘il all tho |irnH<Tii(ioiiM had lici-i l>rf>UKlil iinilor-jiiiiil fraud luwii and dl' not »)ii('t fbi' xiliiJitiuii,

Dawkiiia ti's tifipd th a t U nited S ta te Atornny Zweifel o^ Tcxa* hud refiiKp. to proKccnte u coiiporii hpouumt o f .t . opinion hy lho nolieitor o f th(> piist o fficc doimrtmcnt, wlilrb he KiipiioHOi

* had thu npiiroviil u f A ttorney Oenef.i DntiRhcrty am i tho then roBlmaNlo Ooncral Will 11. IlayK.

G ot M btod Up. . ‘ Dawkinn d id mil iikcou w ilh Hal<l

w fn ’d toHtiimiiiy that iwau' o f tlio fed oral authoritioH In ‘I'exnii liail planne to “ b lack m a il" Dr. • Fredorfck A Cook, o f N orth Tole fame^ and otho011 proniotem. Kaldwiii, Dawkiim miii “ had th a t mixed u p .”

Durins loday '« lull the roiiiniitti- rxam inod a Klieaf o f teloj'*''*"'" >“ '■ jioonacd from Texan. AnianK them wer ai}iil to be mo!iH:i oi\ M'at and rocoive iljk former Secretary Kali, Edw ard ’ Douthiy, n . P . S inclair and Gim T. Jonei Jl fcd triil offieor formerly a tta iiio d I tho Fall commilteo, which invoHtiKalo Alexlran ro ju jitionn’ a few yearn n;{i Will?ani J . niirnii, rh io f o f tho depari iiicnt of jun tice hiiroaii of invenli^itio i a ided ilk ili'coiiini; them.

Bomo of tlio tiioMHaceH, Chairma B rookliart naid, relati-d to oil m alti'i and nil^ht In* liirneiP over to the o cotnm ittce. Othorn wero "aid to doi

.w ith aUcRed intercut o f Americium i oil nniL alno ruvohitionnry affair.i i Mexico. , •'

Tho committoo todny jjot midden an aliiiORt unwelcome rosiiltn from t!i I’litcli o f BUhjioonilos inmiod yeiitorda for- ]Q more witnoBBCfi,-inoluding Ho. ro ta ry .Mellon of tho troamiry, Soor tn ry Woekn of the war dcpnrtmi-n ConimiKKionor of In tornni Ilevem. n in ir , Proliihition Coihmi«aioner Unyn< nnd othor offieials. A nnmlier o f tl witno8so». w<?ro informed thn t thi rou ld nnt lii« called for nome time. Tl enmmitleo wan informed th n t tlio tu cnblnnt memhorii would n tten d whei over MPoiJoil.

. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERIForniilM d t u t t o T w la r&U« T itle u

A b i tn e t Oompany

TtxMday. H a n b 18.IT. A. Drnke- to L. 0 . Drake, »li

W l - s S E 17-10-tn.A. F. C raven to N. II. Cravon, f]

B 1-2 block 4fi, lIolliBtor.W ednesday, M arch 10.

Q uit clnim deed, Edloy Ilrnndon I K, M. FlemlnR, N B NW 111017.

John O. 'Sm ith to M attie E. Smit' ♦10; lot* 3, 4, block .^7, Unhl.


R ad ltim zim anatlon T rcntm ont. n a tu ra l p ro d u c t o f m in e ra l-u p rln g w hicb can be used nnyw here, by an: body, w ith o u t Injury.

Rocom xnendod by lead ing^ phy« c la n s a n d usod In th e ra p e u t ic s 7 \ '

A rem ed y fo r QOVT. RH EO M J TISM . C R O U P. JVSTQMA. C R O U R t PN EU M O N IA . N EURALGIA, BLOO POISON. 81011 D iaEA SB S, P O I8 0 f OUS IN FEC TIO N S, such a s POISO OAK. IN SECrrS a n d ACIDS. .

"H ea ls aores. b ruises, bu rns, scald f ro s t b lte s .'a n d Is a pow erfu l Ionic.

I t Is u sed a s a BATH. LOTIOl 8AI<VB. DO U CH E, a n d Is tak en ir TBRNAXJiY fo r m any ailm en ts .

• I t Is a n A J m S B P n C . a n A S T U n OBNT. a n d I# RA D IO ACTIVE.

(For B sep Jra to ry 'O rg an s Inhalato) m e th o d s a r c used.

I t h a s been used a s a househo rem ed y to r th i r ty y o a r* .^ W rlle ua.

Paul S. A. Bidcel, Gcn'l Agt;BOt P ln o o y BMjr„ B rtso . M olio.

T ria l.p o ck o co . fl.OO. -»ad

Page Two ' TWJFall’s Frienda Ask

Public to Withhold

I Judjgmmt of Guilt^Republicans in Formotl Seoro-

U ry’s.H tfm o County Roaf-

I T firm .Faith in His Integrity

1 E Ij PASO, Toxn.s, M aroh 10 C4>)— ^ E . n . I 'a ll, liviiiK on hill raneh a t ’

Tjjro/j IJivor«, Now M ciic’o, w hile IftV tho Toapot l>iimi! oil lease i« heiiij;

aired, him ln!eu nntific ii tlm t the )WS - repuhliriinH o f IiIh homo eounty of n o t Otero, New Moxico, are Jn^iiinl him

and aro cnnfidont (hn t lie will ho >' vindicated.

Af Ik moetinjj of tho eoni.ty re- — 111 piibliran orKnnixation, the memliorn viiid panHod n voto of confidcnee “ in lion iho inlo);rity and |iiitrioliHiii 'o f .‘ eii- llioir friend ainl noii'hiior, ’ ’ and rohl imkeil th a t the wnrlil witlihrild

jm tt;nient un til tlio '(|iii‘x(iriii (if the iv e il leano him heon thnriiiij'hly Hifleil.

EI>KN—c . ftiikoH wim a v itiloi from H.ilt I>ako F riday an.i Satunlay

I'*-’"- Mrn. Earl Kennody o f Joroiiio. .m H " ’wn ,,d on hole Thiim .lav a fto r

noon.M r . Gahriol <if HoIho vi^ilo.l Thiirs

day and F riday w ith th e IIoiirh.Mrn. .Iiilia Fndio, .•ounty nujierin

:rn>. Icndi-nl, wim a ' luiNincBH v iiilo r ln'n '•^ro- afternonii.

I’rofosHor an<l "Mr-i. Hiiyen vinitoi! ii film puitn Saturdav . ’

Minn C iilherine lliiriii ro tn rn e JF ? ''J*'*’* hor homo in Siill I^iko F riday ov.iniau

a fto r HpondiiiK the woek hore w ith ho friend, Minn (Jhidyn Honu.

Uew- Mosdamon K. A. Hntiy, Dalhin Hot wl..) lion and Minn GIiidyn H one 'w ore Twi

• Iiii'i Falln Hhnp|iern Hiiturdiiy.1 Int- Mrn. II. H. I.ynim ontortninod at Snv DftM dinner in honor o f Ji(£Jo .Niyoeall Tliiirii|ijion. Tlio {;iient<< wore Mr. an'

toHtl- A- M.^Khafor n fK d .rn , Mr. an•cxas Gardonor nnd Mr. and Mrn. W.

Tli<iriifin«fr « f Twill FulJn.|j„„ . Mr. and Mrn. W. II. .Summer and Mi . ,l„. nnd Mrn, .1. C. K nntt wero Twin Fall „„,j vinilnrn Snturday. '

liter-■wan *" Fiilln Mondav.I,,,,.,, The U-idies’ A i l ’ ...... ThnrndaJ ,|j,j n f te rn o o n witli ,Mrn, F. A. HoMK. A ftr

tho hiininonn inoetiiii' dolicioun rofroHl montn wore nervod.

r,„p,! Mrn. F rank M atttnon o f Twin Fall: f a 1 wook-end hero w ith Mrn. M

r . MacQnivoy. lOHOd "K'nihern o f tho jmhlio n p e ak iir<'I'iifi'»K‘'tw o jdnyn to IjaNlor **"• fnlnro.

Mr. and Mrn. Otho Mnlonoy npen Ihe week-end w ith Mr. H alonuy’n pa

J, l l oniK at Iluiloy., Mrn. Fred M alinkon iiorni»*i.anied li

‘ , Fred Grnnd an.l Minn Elaino, vin'ilT rehiJivon in Oiikloy Ihin week.

‘ ('letiin Hnrliant, Karl .loffrion an hM ‘o .leromo Sui?“ ' ’ dny. .

litto-' ■' " ' J ' s r o a . l n eam iin in n '' in bein ntil|'o«rUa Kden. Monoy in hoinj: raisr

W.TO l*'*y mi'tf^rial ‘'h'c-'i "■'■.'efn. Thin in nn. improve

, nient tha t han Ioiik booii noo.lod.

iT'o Gas on Stomach Buirt Made Her Nervou• mTf' yearn Mra. Cook had gas < ' . the ntomach an d waa nervous and she ‘ ° ’ o f breath. F ina lly nho took aWnp

tflycerine, buckthorn bnrk , ctc., na m l ed ^ n Adlorikn, .md it did her a wor!

irmaa me.liciiios ac t only (lowor bowel hu t A d lerika acta (

le oil d o t h ' upper and lowor bowel ni j brinR* ont nil gaacn und poinona. n d ]

' “ ja n y cnno (jna on the stom ach in TE minutcn. ir'iahcr Dr«g Co.—adv.

" -'I"! W h st We Like,‘ . The older u woiunn Kcta tlie mor ’ she llkon coniinoti iion.>ic In a m an. uDi , th e older a mnn KOta th c less he like . ooro- QQQjjgQQ le a se In a wom an.—Londo:

Qb IhIoh. . ;

aynen>f the W om an .^ ep u ty A ttorney General.

th e v M rs. J f ^ e t l o l l r l l l . ' a p rn c tlc ln ‘, Th'o In w y o r R ro k ly n . is th e f ln it w om o 0 tw ) to bo n p p o in te d n d e p u ty a tto rn e w hen^ K onoral o f f lie " tn te o f N cw Y o rk .

> ■ Hum ility. '

E R S H om llltj m akea aa kind, and klm ness mokes u s hnmhle.

• u i -----------------------T h s W ord -C anos."

T he namo cnnoo la o f W est lodlat »rlKln, the C arlb word being “canaoa.'


1, *1; ll

Id a h o 's L gad liig S e e d H ouse

on to L o ca ted In Twin F a ils

5mith, Beady to supply aU yoor rs- qtilrem snts l a F IE L D , GBA8S,

------ - ' GABDEN and FLOWEB SEEDS.kNG*s ^ f in e s t (iQoUty and tss ted

fo r p tirlty an d goim inatlon. Also

n t. a POULTEY F E E D S a n d 'S U P - rInCT. P L IE S o f «Tery description.

b POKE Y E INOUBATOBS and ,hvn l. B B 0 0 D E B 5V T H E STANDABD U N E o f .iVfA* TH E V 2fZ T SD STA TES“m d . a t M U IM giXKl. « « T 4 * 7:80N- ^ Western SUtes.asON YOU OAH SA-VE BY BUYINO

AT EOBSE and h«lp boUd a Mlds. .’HOME INDTTSTBYn o N , C(et ottr new catalog, make op n IN . yotir order—We ■will glTO you-n iN . , “•"‘tory Darrow Bros. Seed and T'‘ . Supply Company■gt; 320 s u o d u iia Bt. W.ID.


—adv. . ---X . ■ . '■


n / $SfiOOfi' ' 'at ^r o - ' . •.;-4

'J ,.ity .. . -

i t 'I T ; .

i ■ ' Ii '

Id r ' ' i ^ ^ l H B y a X a M £ S

S . S - O B - p m

liter .day.; . . •I'nli-; I'iiider"jiornonal ilireotinn of Cohftor. « Gio f l ,000,000 liner Orduna, o

; li.piiir ami narcntic BmuKglinK l>yiiirn- voHiiel, famoun in tho Bermuda triidi1 _ __

'■'■”•7 ■ C L O ^ ^ll in ------^

CLOVEH— Eva IIiiKler n]>«nt Huven ®?t> days nf laiit wook in Twin Falln ha\ lian. iiiR .ieata l work done. .

hor. Mrn. A .'L in l relurno.l liiimo Snndn iil’tor a w oek’n vinit- in Twin Palln :

Hor- the A. .1 Deehur homo.Pwi-’i Special Lenten nervicen nro bein

held overy Snnday ovening uiitil Ea Snn- tor, boKiniiiiiK u t 7.:{(l, in the Clovi «u'<'*r ehuroh.And ; t h e litlh - non n f Mr. and Mrn. A. . and, Hooher wUh olirintfned Sundny a t Twi

’. A. Falln tn th e name o f Theodore Itober j.Mr. ;i7j(l .Marto/in ;unl /;imiJy, Ti

Mr. GehrinR - nnd A) l » s t nttuntie.l tli ra l l i clirinteninR.

I The- littlo folkn of tho rommujiil oroit' on.i.iyeil a b irthday p a rty lit tho pari

|oliial K.'h()ol Snturduy afternoon, tl nday (.oranitm heinj; the birthdiivn o f llelckfti-r' _ . . '__________rouh-! .

’’allH,! I,. M.||

I Ijo I I

ipenf ( {

d hv I n'ilo.l

and u Sun* I

joinj; Eaisod I' frove. C .1 •

ta on [short h i

S j - d 'rt-orldl j j

: i . ■ .. tcr . d i ' «TEN S1

t l

nore Tnnd ^

likes PQdoa gl

• I • • . " i t•al.IcInK . , T]>man)mey ' • 1(

c<Ikind- I

i . Adian ; X]100.- I t i

= ' l P^==1 ese , i O'

S IS ' t:

bIP- t:n a

wJO ; ;




I ‘ '*


fiOO Liner S e iz e d ^ Bum

3 > T A . 'Sf. ( Z < y t / . ' W x ‘f y ^ i A i < s i P.

iolonol 'W illiam H ayw ard, U. S. d is tr ic t a t of tho Hoyal Mail Bteam Packe t oompnn

memborn of lior orow. W'hinkey nnd drugs ide, wan libeled.

Knli'p .and I n n in r .1 Donnorfeldt.F ri.iay m orninjj Mrn. Jnhii Soliiiefor

o f Tw in Falln, fnrmei;ly o f Clover, ural lo fl fo r Itochontor, M inn., to underKO “" '• ],n oporation for canK:r. .Mr. S.-haefer

aooonipnnii'd hor.'ln> Mr. and •'Mrs. A. Lint npont Slon.lay I al evoniii}' a t tho IL Kniop home, IIk

oooaninn lieiiiR Mr. Kniop'n birthday , ■itii! The thr.'o linohlke boyn and tli. I'-’a '- threo II. Heinke hoyn roturned tr >vor Holionl M onday a f te r n 'to n iliiyn’ ab

si'iifo v/ivyiril h y tho ttiuinpn.'. .1. _______________ ,__________ ;________ . . •win _____

U a i i « H & S u i p U

oioni ■ y W H M M M W

T h e i r o i , ( i o n d i

T UST after daybreak a ^ byways of a small Fr housewife beginning her doorway her fireplace glc iron pot, .which she has fi town pump, is lifted and s the other end of the villaf stream where'she Vashes the rocks.

Throughout the village li] pictures are multiplied by sure, but what grinding ar itLve household arrangemtIn contrast to this,.eventh ica boast comfort unknow countries. Conveniences i duplicated in any save th< foreign nations. ■

Adequate heating system the washing machine, the phone, and numberless lal: ed modera life in America comfort and_ease.

To a large measure this h Advertising has familiaris tions. Advertising has m< bution of new products, tising has reduced the pric ities t6 the reach of the m

Bp reading advet abreast of m

: H A - ^ A i a - P - .

; a ttom oy, ountomB offioiuls ia_Now York pnny, on the ehnrgu of fa iling to atop uga wnrth $10,000 woro capturod and Uio

BEIOHT COLOBS H f SHOES.HERLIN, M aroh ll) OP)—U rlght col

,yp._ nrn uro to prcdnm inato in women'i erjjo /ou tw ear thin nprintf, Apiileleaf grcer

'in u new nhiide fnr the n treet wliih corino nnd }iurpIo alno prominu to

idiiv l'<'l'»'>--‘r-Iho --------------------------

ly. Looking B ackw ards.• nobble— "W hen w tre t ln iJ f lrk aRea,

t" mn?" Mil—"niick In tho diTys wlion •lb- rncn khvo »ip tbo ir aentn In trolley can

to the l/iilli-.i"'

“ m e LB.fiA a n y kind mixed bouw

B A G SOnr truck wlU call

TWIN PALLS JTINK HOUSE Pljono705 i th ave. and 2nd St. S.


n p o t s o l i r ic o u r ta traveler along the nan French village'.fian see er day. Througii the o] jlows like a forge. A hei filled with water from

a swung iipon the crane, lage, perhaps, runs the li es her family’s.clothes U]

life of much of Europe, s by thousands., Quaint, to and incessant toil these pr ments mean! .

jhe remote districts of An awn to the rural life of ot IS are found that could nof the wealthiest city homes

ims,. the farm lighting pli ;he vacuum cleaner, the t labor-saving devices have 1 ica to unprecedented leveli

5 has been due to advertis: rized all of us with new im made possible the wide dis . By increasing sales, ad' rice of modem household i modest purse.

vertisements we keep . modern progress

:NING, MARCH 20,1924.

m BunnerJM SSE N nC E ii

i R D E M ECom plaint Lodged A gainst Con-

1 fessed W ife S layer; Will Be j A rraigned Soon ^' DBNVKIl, M arch 19 W»>—A formal : cliiirRo o f m urder waa filed iiKuin^t F red Jannaen, oonfcaned alaycr of liin wife, whonu' wan found in a tru n k nliippe.l to ORilen, U tah, by .lananuu lust wcok.

The oharRon wore filed by D intriet A ttorney I’hilip 8 . Van Cfno and wcro nworn to by D c lc iliv o Boy M ack, be-

1 fore whom .laiinnen mado liia confca*

i lion Ji. Ijiiiikn, Htf£»rncy to r Jiiniacn, indioutod th u t iiinunlty wlll bo the de­fense n t tho tr ia l . Tho defense, il

jw ns iluid, would u ttom pt to p re v e n t*,. tho paKaing of ii dealh •Hcntenco.^

. ■ j JaiiHHon probably will bo nrrnlgnoil .I S u turday before D istric t JudRo Clar-

)rk onco .1. Morloy, und tlio dato fo r trln l top jirobnbly w ill bo fixed n t Ihu t time.tho ' I _______________L_

' I MONTANA- DEMOOEATS ELECT.I I1P2LENA, M ont., Mnrch 19 t 4 ^ A t

:i.mootinK o f the.dem ocratic committoo of Montnnu hero ycatordny J . Bruco Krem er of B utto was rc-olectod natloiuil eoinmittcemun. ' Ho haa served (lf>

frcen vearn in thin ponition. M rs. John fc.M. Nolll o f H elena, ‘wna clectcd d o m \_

° r ra lio national coni.inittco womun.! — ■ .>

s For Rent orcara

= , For* SalelO-acro, IS-yoar-old full produc-

- lng apple.orchard, six-miles from Twin F altts .F o r ftirtlier particu­lars Inquire of Samuel Scliaffner,

_ 4S00 North Whipple Street, Ohl- ® cttEo, lUlnolfl. ' ■ ^

i fQ

arrow e the open

heavyn the - • •!. At little upon

, such to be prim- •

---- •Amer- other

not be_ ies of

plant,I tele-'elift- , ... .rels 'b'f - - ■ A

: ■tising.inven-distri-adver- 'd util-




Page 3: T w irN FA iLLS D A ltLY NliE W · T w ir VOL. 6. vo. 298. EXPECT B fllir' • TO GETHCTl fiEFOlE TUXES Sentiment Favors Final

/ v w o W l HHArottovi \

COOUm& 0 ^ L\QO\t> \H«9\WW\0 -THE I ^ c o t M \ n CjRONt. /

Y b.\A«»M6 'TME\T tR W f t\ .^ VjeN'TH^^ ■ • t /Y TWVH *,^15 MA,V\HG M 0 ’

1 Jv H o f t 'm - /MV?

J k g ,— Vv


" k I RC U SSE S m D io

US PE I N E N T ,, T f i H E F m e ,

Babson Gives Figures to Show ,'T rem endous Outlay and C ites ;Industry’s S ta tu s a s Being ,

— Highly Im portan t \HAnSON* PARK) Fin., Mar.-h 10.— .

(Bpi'<-itil t<i TJt« N'«Mv«.)—To Jljos'- >vlii- liolit'Vi} th a t nuHo i« KtUl ji f |n l, julopl- ' Cll (Ully !)>■ II Binall m itiority o f tlii* l>ul>lii- who arc exi'i-ritiK-ntnlly iiu-litii-d, till' f«ilhi\yinK utiitomi’iit by UoKi-r W.

. Huliw.u. »liiti»tiriaii aail luislno.sH mi- ’ Iho rity , w ill i>rf>vi- intcrcHting:

“ I t li.'ix li'M-n ttiy cxi'C.rioiH-i* tliat Mu vory fi’W iH-njih' ri'ali'/jr junt liow im- t por'laiit. frotn . a basitiouM statulpoiiil. < till- radio imluHtry has Ix-ootm-. . 'ii 't heraiisu ati imliiKtry in toiiiparafivi’!> 1 new is tint a rcanon for assiiniiiiR tlmt Mu it in iiiiiiiii>«irlaiit. ^Tlu- radio in<liiHtry, i- i' in. ai-w, llllt. it hnn k ’’"" '” '*<> rnpidly in '-i'' llip la»t two or'tliroi- yo ay tlia t i t <-oiti- for I>arc-H V(-ry favorably with m any of llu- In iiii|H)rlatil long (-stablislu-il indiiHtrii's I’"

Spend Hugo Stun.“ On tin- liasi* of fi(jiitc» fo r thi* “ *

yojir l!'2;i it is prolialile tlin t t l ir Am«-r- ; iran pcopb- will sprnd approxiniatrly j "

.I. O.OOn.OOO for radio (nniipniont «lur- iild tli<- pr(-si'at yi-ar. A roascrvntivi, vRtiinat«- of tho biiiiincHS rn vacunin tiihc-H ninno i« about $r,0,000,000. A t '' ' Ic-ast five tliaos a» inach, or $'J.’iO,OOit.- OOO will lio pp(-nt for radio f f t* and j.arti. Tho saU’R of l.atlt-ric!*. both .Irv <-<-11 and »tor!i«<- bat<orii-*i, will

• v.-rv lik.-ly amount lo ov.-r $4 .1.00 l).0<ut. MiHc-.-lhin.’ons c-inipaicnt sm-h as bnt- (t!iv <'hari;('rH, loutl Mpcalt'Ts nail nl»“- cialti'-H may oasily ai-i-onnt for =oOO.OOO tuorc-. (Ix

F igures o f Comparison. pi“ I l is intorcntlnK Jo i"''’ *'"■ br

‘ratlin iinlnstry comparpH in dollars und I,-- fi-iit< with o ther latKi- industries. A '’;iil- pi, nbln finur(-n on Hporlinjc (joodn, oani- ••ran, i-tr,, nhow a value of nbout j,aonti.dOd annually. Sab'n o f radio |„- vquipniont nro ruiinitift nenrly twIro ac- :is laruc- as a ll k inds of sportiuK K"'” !’*- an

“ The valiu- o f raiY"* biiHini-ss i-. ,.o nearly tw iro as (jrcat aH tlm t of thV . vurpc-t aiul riiB bnKiiu'i'*. F o r i-v.-rv do llar up'-nt on furniture ' oonts is t.pent on radio. F or rvi-ry do llar npi-nt ze fo r baotH and slioos 2.'> ren ts Ih npi'ut ,nr for radio. For every dcdlar npont for ty iiiiiHirnl iiistrninentN 'of, all kinds, in- cR

I cludlii); )iliono;n'.'vp''''i I'iniioH, orKan;*. br otc., '!> rentH is spout for rad io . Th-.-

, value of radio nmounts to nearly throi--fourtlm of tho j/^w iky , buKiuf’sH IIH a whole, iuetudin;; (-.hirks, (je wati'hi's and nove.ltii-n. co

Im p o rtan t Trndo T ac to r. In“ I have civun you these illustra tions ^

in ordor th a t I miRlit omphnnizo th - Kmwiuir im portance of rndio from a business staiwlpoint. I t is’ n o t nooe-*- sary for me to tell you o f rad io 's itu- por'tani-c from an edur.itional nnd social atnndpoint. I see no reason w hy th» radio industry should not continue lo

c o a l ]ABERDEEN


Small N u t ...............$ 7.50Peacock N u t ............ $8.50Regular Nut . . . . . . .$9 .50Egg or L u m p . . .$10 .00

The cleanest and best coals to burn. . Why be bothered with soot when you havo the three BEST coals to choose from.


t w i:

[ /C”\ W \V \.I 'THKT \ VJCK H \W 'T ^

^ Non)' OH Go To S

^ ' /I jNine-Year-Old, Girl

and Her Doll Take 2,000-Mile Journey

Rail O fficial “Tag’' Young Traveler on Trip from Wyo- ming to Philadelphia

C H IC A G o !\la rcU 10 OP)—Vn- T k-rio Lake Tennison, nine years

' oil], arrived horo today unaccooi-' ]>nnicd oxeept by a doll, on u [ri L*,(iu(i milo trip from M oorcroft, WyoininKi to P liiladclphin, Tn.

/ Tho child is Koing ca st to join • ' hi-r inntlior following tlio d ea th o t he r fa ther.

Itnilroad offic ia ls ng reed to “ taR ” ,th c little , g irl throuRli

. when it wns found th e m otlicr was financin lly unablo to ro -to Wy- *■" oiiiinn fo r licr daughterg^__


M undoloin Cota P r iv a te A udience w ith th o Pope ; P o n tif f Evldoncea Xnt«r*j e s t lli' OUlcage Archdioceso

UOMi:. March 10 (>P)—An-hbishop M undelein of Cliii-axo. who w ith .\n-li i.ishi.i. Ilayc-s <if New Vorl,, is to In- F i-l.’vati'd lo Ihi- raii.liiialali- at_ th rfi<rlhi-i>minK niii.siMlnry. was ...... ivedIn p riva to nudionco. th is evening by I’npi- I’iiis.• Till- p o iiliff WIIS j;ri-;i(ly iMt'■r.- .t -.l

ill a ffa irs of tlio Chicago archdlocoso, . and ex)>ressed pleasure at ln-itii; ab!.r ' * To ri-ci)gni>:c -tlii” 'w o rk - 'o f th c areh- ~ I'isbop by lirstowiiig on him th e honor ,of a ]iriii*'e of 4lie church. "J

The aiiilieiK-e lasleil it full liour, from | to' 7 o ’c-loi'k. ArrhbiHhop Have;* wilM

bo ...... iveil In audience l.y 'h is h o ''-Itii'sH Inmnrrnw, bill Hu- hour h;is not y r l been fixrd. . • • c;

An-liliishop Hayes spont m ost nf tho t; dav ipiintlv ill his iiparliiionis in th.' qi A iiii-riran i-olleuc, n-loliraliii;: bin m-o- h: end frast day Mia.-e arriv;il. s«

expand. There has boen a ili-cidi-il iia- jjpiovoriii-nt in t l ............ o f thobroa>lc!i<>t )irourains. aii<i we m ay doubt' less look forward tr> still g rea lo r im-...................It in Ihis d in 'otion.

“ To sum llie m atte r up, radio hai pas-.i'.l llirough tlii‘Vj;i(i stag>- and has lu-ennio a uliR ly. It hus 'r in h tly aoliiovi'd. its proper pi-rnianont sta in s - am ong tin- im portant industries <if lh.' c o u n try .”

' Kiwi’s Laying Pow ers.Ill proliDrtloii ,tn Uh sl/.o. th e New

Zeuliind UIwl liiyH tin- -Inrgi-st eKg «f ,nny bird In Ihe w orld : a fi-iiiiile tw en­ty-flvc Inches In length firoiliices nn egg five liichcH long ntll] th re e Ihclica

' broud . ,

' The Contented Man.. A m an m-ver reiK-he.s iln- hL'liest

, degree of eonteiilnn-iii iiiiill ho l.i- conn's pi-rfi'otly Imlliri-i'ciii. ninl tliHi he Ims nxililni: in ll\<- fi.r.

Wc not only do' w elding, b u t also* rc] of blacksm itliing, liorne-nliocing, wngi ropnir.lng. B atisfnction guarnntecd . -

K r e n g e l M i210^220 Second A ve. Soutb '

B U cksm lths W elders i



» fciAToO TO EtCT- \ vj\cv, Oy^T

«o\)V / — ■

err CORH K t J J SHCE PO T 0 ^ f l

UftwRM VOP. A HEftvS iM C.C^^^A

1 1 i ' " ''J- « / . J fW R r n f c

B i E R U i R S 1 URE lllfiE D N

• l E l S E H E I l R i :______ te

Investigating Com m ittee T urn s 1“ Back to S inclair Deal A fter °

• H earing E xplanation of Al- t. leged A ttem pt to Bribe Wood

• — ' • \\ WASHINGTOX, M arch 10 0P>—Af- ,i.

er ixfJing (Ii« Jiil o f niioOier box of rumors—thoMe having to do w ith •“ oil ^w ils” at tho Chirngo ropublican con­vention in 1020— tho oil committoo tj turned hnck todny to tho lo.iso of Tea- n pnt Domo to I la r ry F . S inc la ir and tlie efforts o f ‘ ' indcpondonts” to on- o

; forro “ ria im s” there. ' c(I Tho gosiiip nbou t the Chicago con- b

vention was re la ted to, tlio sennto in- jj vestigators by T iff in Qilmoro, deputy m sei-rotary of s ta to o f Ohio and a sup* «

i porter of M njor Goneral Leonard \Vooit ti in the IDlIO rainpagin. i

.He s la trd f ran k ly th a t he <lind no first-Iinnd inform ation abou t tho “ gos- . s ip " with which ho asserted th e at- inosphcro a t Chicngo w as surcharged.

.lanios 0 . D arden, friend o f Presi- den t H arding, to ld of v a in e ffo r ts of Iuni8cl{, nixl. associates, to, estab lish : “ r ig lits” in tho W yom ing reserve and of conversation on _ the subjoct w ith j President H ard ing , Secretary F a ll and

I Altornoy-Oeneral D augherty. ■ (I — Quotes H ord ing . j

During a long nnd vigorous c ress-: cxaniinatiou by Senator W nlsh o f ’M on-1 tana, ooiiiuiittco “ prosecu tor,” Dardon quoted P resident H nrding as having said “ Fall is k ind of T. N . T .” on tho subject o 'f c lea ring the reserve. Also hu flatly denied n statom ont contained in a le tte r from Fnll to Mr. H ard ing th a t Attornoy-Genoral D nughorty had sent Darden to tho in te rio r socrotary about tho lease.

Describing e ffo r ts ho had m ade to obtain u lease in tho S a lt Creek fiold,

‘ adjoining Toapot Dome, before tho in-1 ' terio r dep.irtm ent in 1020 du ring tho


for your hides, pelts, wool i and junk

Idaho Junk HousePbone 040 '

Bock o f Idaho S e p t. S tore

■ .................. ...................... r

S P E C I A LT H I S W E E KSpocinl th is weok: Ono lo t 4- horso ovoners, m ixed second- growth h ickory, Q f t C A pricod, oach.....................

Ono lot o f PanelO and Jl)hn ,Dcero'14-iu. a lfa lfn

J lays, pricod, ench_...... u ) 4 * U UW E SH A B PE N DISCS

' repa ir auto sp rings nnd do all k inds ragon work, m achine work and boilor ■d.-


l a c h i n e C o .T W IN P A l i S Pbono 1202

M achinists BoUomuUterB ^


GO jif PS — SWE£

r \ vuoHT>fft. \ v f '■ ShoO\.X> VieM a. KH I o

A S p o ^ t o w t f v t \ / ct • ' TotAOR^oui OR MS \ y£ I BtUE ^^ \ A \ COOU^> ; h z

i l k .dem orralio ndm inistrntion, Dnr.lou said | ]>n a M r , Taylor, who was contcstiug his; claim, cnmo to W ashington with “ M r.| lm W ilson, a b ro ther o f I’residenl W i|., ,lr . ■son," as his a tto rney . Secretary slii I'ayiie rorognii^ed his claim in , th a t lun roiitoMt, he added. oaj

Tolls of Bumors In his brij-f stny on the w itness

stand Ciilmoro lold o f rum ors curroiit ' ' a t tho Cliioago ronvention th a t nil in- " terests wero rendy to th row the ir sup­port to a candidate fo r a considera- ti(« u * ah a t.u u o ffer had been mado to J*’* G eneral Wood by tho 'Into Jako Iln- mon, then rop;iblican national commit- teouiaii from Oklnhomn, tn support him ill re tu rn for his nppoin tm ent as secre- <=ai ta ry of tho in te rio r; aud th a t Genoral Wood had refused- to eiitertn in i t and 1 <!ei-larod (hut his fig h t would bo “ hut in tlio open, or oa tho convention

■floor.”The only specific Btatoment ob-

tained from Gilinoro w as th n t a f te r Ilte roiiv’eiition he hnd u conversation ivilh Cariiii A. Thompson of Clovoland, Ohio, nbout some ' oil lands, in the courso of which Thompson was ({noted l.y Cilmoro a s snyiug “ w o” needed n„ ihu la tte r “ now more tl>an ever.” Gil- more could n o t id en tify thu oil land whirh waA tho subject of thc eonversa- “ tioiK

' . Thompson OallodA »ub].oeiia im m ediately was issued

fo r Thompson, whn was republicnn ritnciidato for govornor o f Ohio in 1022, and now is cam paign m nnager ia th a t s ta to fo r Prosidont Coolidgo. lie

j /

; >

I -M

T h e o i l t e l l s j

a f t e r yc ing iiea

20 milea per will register ; ih c quantity dicates the what k i^ d ol

r th a t is the pwould avoid insufficient o Particularly or primer is unbumed ga into the cran its lubricatir oils break dc Why take chai Usethecorrec and drain th e ' the'Polarine C




U « CoQoeo Cou trouble ^


ET T O M O R R O W ■i

tic>mc> T cT ^COVT Me ^ v R c r r s \

/ COW -^ TAiXCt MVCW i r s XUOft.'TH-

^OVAJH 'n w o

Evjtvi yv VtMCOGW -XO liN

\N H tV&S o \ i f - J: M

! j.roU h ly will’ he h ea rd Salur-lay. 4.Mr:ititimo Soiia tor Walsti plaii5-.-l« •'

I Imvo a eiinferenoe w ilh Lei.nnrdW ood, , i,Ir . , totimrrow ab o u t his piihlialicd

sla lrnu 'iit th a l he bnd hoard Hamon i luiiilr sill iiffer tn b is fa th e r nt Chi- ougo, .Iimt how fn r Ihe eoiiuuittco ' will jiiirsiiii th is siilijrc t- m ay depend ii;<in till- iu rorination oblain rd by — Si-iiiilor Walsh nt t h n t conferenr.e nnd tho icHliinnny of Tbotiipsoii.

S inclair t o TosUfy lli'riin- I'eltiiig l>:ick to tha t sub-

jei-t tho rnminittoo phiin< to rccall to- iiiorriiw (!, I»., form or private seori'tary to i la rry I-’.-S inclair, And to hear Kiiipliiir him self on F rid ay I f ho c an roach W ashington by th a t timo.

■\YRhlbcrg w ill b o -qucstiohcd about n prtviouB s ta tem en t tb the committeo th a t lio ileiivereil nome L ibertv bonds l« ‘■.’l l r . Ji;.y<'«’’ « t ffic t im o 'o f thia ti'HliiiKiiiy. The iiivpstigator.s asHumed th i« “ rvir. H ay es” was an enipliiyo of ■Hurry l-\ Sinelnir, b u t they now dosiru more liglit on tho Hiibjert.

DodQing Work.JiKl Tiiniiin.s' s a y s In these busy

times a \vork-dudg«r Is llublo to be k e p lb u «7 slilestopplog 10 b o u n a dAy.

i l - p r e s s u r e g a i p a r t o f t h e s

ym u m otor has developed efficiei i€at and is delivering a car speed ler hour, the oil pressure gauge on er at about the same point, rega ly of o il in th e crankcase. This g le system is working— but it ca I o f lubrication th e m otor is gettit ; principal thing you’ve g o ^ o kno )id a lo t of engine troubles chat ai t or improper lubrication.■ly during cold weather, when da is used so frequently, a certain a: gasoline works down th e cylinder ’ rankcase to dilute the oil supply ani iting qualities. R ight here is wher down and often lead to disastrou

ihanccs this winter? The precautions i rect grade of POLARINE specified foi he crankcase at least eveiry 500 milea e Chart.

O N T IN E N T A L O IL COM(A Colorado Corperatioo)

M uketinc a cO nplete line o f hlgh'Srade petroleum products i n Cokirado, Wyomlne, New M edco , U tab . ld«bo a a d M ontana

^ o l a r i n.A jtxule /oraaJi iyfM e f enfta

Co u m Books. T h e r * ro cocvenk n t a n d save; Qg o u a g e . Qood a t a ll Qcfvice i

accepted b y «5eakr» geoertny

■ /I • '

SriNG, MARCH 20,1924.


■O WftNE ft. fcCA.T\OM- JWOUU.iWH EVtR-A HtAcVi.- ^

SU'i ^H>nU>NCj S ,^ o v * s k

^ \ tlW EY ■ '


, TIC K LIM G T H S J O J fT ^ 'A lw ays a n unnoyanco, worAe TrfaM i t uniicti* yon a t e ig h t. Yon e n Atop i t qnii;klv w ith


E v e r y u a e r U a f r i e n d





1 5 c'Begular price 60c lb.

They’re froah—Juat arrived

VARNEY“ The Live Candy M an"

THEPOPPYW atch tbeso spoclals.. Tbey ea>-

ablo yoo to ljuy CAnrtle« cheaper than I can

a _

a u g estory

cient work- eed dT, say, on the da«h egardless oN-^ is gauge in- ,can’t show ^

tting. And mow, if you - ; arise f ro i^

dash choke \ amoimt of ler walls and and weaken here inferior rous results. '** ns are simple:I for your car liles. Consult

)M P A X J Y



( i n ^

A T e y o a t f a n e n d ^ , t a W farn tad . .

Page Th^

Page 4: T w irN FA iLLS D A ltLY NliE W · T w ir VOL. 6. vo. 298. EXPECT B fllir' • TO GETHCTl fiEFOlE TUXES Sentiment Favors Final

r j o d k ^ s S p c


H f l l D f [RESTM eetings Held a t Which Cap­

ta in s and M anagers Are Cho­sen to Handle Spring and Sum m er Athletip Affairsr iit« 'rd a « » t r a t 'k im il bnfn 'liiill will

s l i i r t lUu (n';i»on y ro y o r iu llii? twu H prinR in flu- im m ed ia te fu lu n -iv .v iu i^ jiliiio iiiicc 'rl b.v (ViHi'h fd llo w in K ’iTTiit^i-tiaK o f tlic tlire o eluKHt-v to c iitiiiilc tc n il i)r>;utii/:itioii f o r flii' t n i r k mei-l nm i baxelMiil Hclie<Iiiltr.

MoelinHH 'v r r c lii’ld by IliV vllrioll^ rbjBHVH T iii'jiibiy to e li'c t ra |)t» iiiK fo ' U lf 't n ie k Illll! biiHi’b iill leiiiiiH o f c iir | o f Uu> vliiKKvs UHil U>*rU«(ine ll ntudvH ' m n iiu ( 'r r 'vtii> w ill i i t te i id to th o waiit^ o f lio tli t r u c k a n d l>:iHi.‘biitl tiiiunilH.

T lio HcninrH a t tlu - lr iiiu c tln g cIiobi Iild tjar M iimxoII to f i i |i t a iu th c i r imso h n ll p li(^crn a n il H iiw unl W iiltc ru ti hoa .i. Mil' t r a r k , w ith CliriH M il ie r a c t iiiR in r a im r i t y o f m nnnger.

T h o jiin lo r« a p j ia ro n tly liiivo a n n rra ; o f l a lo n t in t l i e i r elnHH ani) »l>ould Rivi th o HiMiiorn a elono h a t t lo in tiic an m in t iiico tin t; o f Uio I’lanfie!! w h ic h iiiir a i ly KOCH to till* o lilo r cIiikn. T lio jn n id ra >mro fo r tl io ir liae iip C laroiii'i O n r r i t y an haHel>ail r a p tn i a ; D avii A lv o r ii , t r a c k c a jita in , anil .lanioK T a t r a r , inaniiR or.

The nopLnniorofi have Lnval Jarm ni . ail Uieir hasoball i-uptnin nnd .Clydi

Ilona, track cap tain , with Kdward Mnr tin to ninaaKo the ijam'hall and true ' n ffa ira . ' . . .

T a len t Ih tl»p liimvlmU HijKndn^r»'«\ to ho ovcnly divided with Uio jiinio nnd Bcnior elnifcn onch w itli. a prom isbtg fim t s irin g jiitchur and cittchcr and tho ' nopliotnorcs creilltud w ilh tw. tu 'irlern o f no mean nhility.

Nood Track-M en.A n f u r tllo t r a c k o u tlo o k iiinKt o f th i

t a lo u t in n till undcvclopc iL l in t p rcm ’ni iaiVii'iitionR p o i n f t d nn 1‘vcn b r e a k ii t h i s a lso . Je n k in H fo r flip Honiorv Ij lo o k e d to a s c a p a b le o f ta k in g th i m o s t o f th o w i'i^ I it evcijt)!, w h ilo Al

' v a rd lin d T lw iu slkouUl iuuk«< :v Ahowing; io th o Hjieeil even t» fo r tli. jn n io ra .-

• T h e nchcdn ic fo r th c ititcrelnf.H a f f a i r s w ill h e a r r a n g e d anc] ru n o fl ait noon os w e a th e r {-iinditiiiaii w ill p<>r

. m it n n d th o te a m s cnn g e t p re li in in n r ) jir a e lic o . -fJvnn ii w ill p rn b ab ly selec i fho can 'd ld n tc fi" fo r tlie f i r s t s tr in g l5ii»t'J>nll I r a n i a n d th e '.ID m en w in

fo rm th e r e g u la r t r a c k nqund fro n TlTt-<ihowinKii n in iie in tlic tw o a f f a i r s

P I C K l i T OH E IlO iT E IR S

G uard of P a s t Season IsN am ei to L ead High School B asket ball Squad N ext Y ear—Judson Timm, stu rd y guard 6 t lh

local biiBkolball team for tlio scasoi• jiint piisacd, wns oleclcd to load th

Mutcprs fo r noxt yoar a t a mocUa; of tlio sqund tho foro part o t th week. •

Tho m ci'ting was called as a f4aa gn lhcring of tho players who iough out tho HuiiHon which bas boon playoi nndor a aeries o f handicaps and ondoi w ith n m ajority of tho games playoi on lho bluo nnd w hite aide o f thi I p iI rc t. One of tho outstanding vie torics o f the noasou w as th a t over thi s ta to championship. Boiso higli schoo fivo. B ut two team s can claim Ihi honor o f beating thc Tcmarkalila Rolw toam, which is considering a tr ip t' Uio nationni interscholastie m eet ii Chicngo. Tho two loams aro Namp; and T w in Falla.

N oxt year tho squad which Timn has boon oloetcd to lead will fac p racU cally tho same experience a s ^ i y e a r ’s squad, th a t is, they will havo ; compatttiivciiy now team to organise T his y e a r secs Jen k in s , ono of tho f ir O t baskotball p;aycrs in . tbo loco sehool, a a d Crom, la s t y ea r’s eap ta ii (Cradu&to, and i t is around th is pai th a t.E v an B b u ilt th e team during th p a t t y o u .


. S A W L A K E , M u e li 10I r a S a lt L ake , claima&t ofth e w o rld ’s m iddlew eight wrest*

' lin g titlo , defoatod Iillko Yokel o f W yom ing to n ig h t by tak in g tho f i r s t a a d th ird falls. '

D«rn.W Ba tb e aggressor th ro u g h -■ ... o u t tho g re a te r o f the m atch .

; ' J ie to o k th e f i r s t fa ll in 40 m in ­u tes w ith a top body selssors. The M cond i^en t to T o k el la 22 m in ­u tes b y » elovcr reverse b o d / hold. D em took th e th ird w ith a eo n -

• . binktion botdloek «ad too boU.

F j u o tn o isg . .. Pboae L egaB % lOii


page Fonr ______ TWI



1 1 1 0 1 8 H r* » .tn rv l7 ~ u i~ O P )— WoUp UIki

1% , ;ichoiil ■ Bnivofi, Iiinliii interiirholaBtii J iKiNkcUiali ehnm|>ionK, will no t go ti

_ S alt l 4ike to ntnnpeto in thu intcrnioun ■ T tu in toMTnuHivnt Tiiursdsvy, i 'r i

ilay aail H aturday, Coarli W. C. Kahn I I . jJdiae iiii-ntor, announced tonighi iipoi

hin a rriva l w ith th e scjund from Mih rnw. ItoiHe and Itiipert, the In tte r rnn

3 p - ner-np in tho interHrhoIiiHtic tonrna u . nieiit, wrri’ invticil ti> tin- tournamen " 0 “ thin iimrning l>y th e l^attiT Dny Sain t s n d "*'^ '*'rn><,v iiiiiliT wlinno uunpiccH tli

roiTiprtitioii will be bold..AitJioiigli ttie men nre in fa irly gin>i

I'linilitinii, l l i r Kudiii'ii tr ip would tir will Uk ' iii mill th ry wiiuJil lie iiaahio to Hho; two croilitiible^ t'oriii ngninHt other wcHter.

ture, 'in intrtti, the coach Maid.•aaH, '

i T I E S f C ™I I H S FHllu. ----------! t o e A s b u r y L e a d s P r i n t e r s t

'” To S t r a i g h t V i o t o r y O v e r R iv i

B o w lf n g S q u a d

irray jjgivn 20 «.cok« o f Irowling the News- fu

• '*” ■ coodcd in th e ir a m b itio n 'to win fro nm. jiij, (n ,i„ te t W edncsilay isvonin,jun- W ith Anbury bow ling aronnd tho G(

v"-' 'i ''qn'id bon'p * ' *"R <*« «« nvcrnge o f 172 tliP mornir

jJHjier took a w elt-rnrnud vletorj- ovi tho Times tcnm, which bowlod with

" " " " dummy in tho p lace «f Clmrlcn, lU ll. \ 1nr gam es wel<o ifTI clone, w ith tlTacli tl ■'*!

' m argin o f .'•H pinn, dropping back wii ' ' '•<<’^0 in tho so

I nnd gnme, g iv ing tlio Times tho ir onl opportunity o f tho evening. But, as

J usually the ense, tho slunjp nffccte hoth toama nnd th c Times Jet thc chanco go w ith a 25-pin m argin whlc waa doubled in " 'th o la s t game who tho Nows w ent ov e r th c 000 m ark f< th e only tim e o f tlio evening.• Aslmry aud P in k o wore lh\i sclnti

"* Inllng perform ers fo r th e ovoning, A ^ ibury h it t in g tho h igh spots w ith a 5t

• ncore and F lnko show ing his tasto fi fives by g e ttin g C.">5 fo r a to tal.

Tonm avorages show the Nows 1", - mi,I tho Tim es n t 1A2.

, T otal pinn plnco tho Times as ' th o S m , 2581.

A nd tho scorc shows:J , ; . ! Nows: T ota" Self ............................170 140 173 41

; Kinko ............. - ..... 152 IflO 204 5CMcDougaU ........... 1 5 0 144 102 4.1

/ Asl.urv ................210 108 220 51" ir " ' Tliompnon ............ 184 150 14(5 4£

s r j 807 005 238Tim es: T otaC. UVuggoinan ...... 174 104 172 , 51Andcrnon ............... 184 130 ICO 4i

A H. lU uggunian .... 150 150 174 45I * Sub............................. 150 150 150 4Cn l.arnen ................... 142 170 187 5(

810 782 853 24:



E oasaa C ity Team P la s te rs San Fra: ’ iho d sco P itc h e r O a t i s tb e F if th ac }ason T ake th e Oome b y U to 4

tho ______ctlag BAX P R \K O I 8 CO, M arth 10 Wri­

th e Tho K ansas C ity B lues, A m erican a flociatiou pen n an t w inners Innt, yea

f4nal today oveoed the se rie s w ith tho S: lught Francisco toam , 1923 P ac ific Coa iayod league ehampions, b y knocking M ite nded cll o u t o f th o box in tho f i f th innir ayod and w inning I I to 4. Eaeh team hi

the won threo games. Two moro w ill 1 vie- plnyed. Tho seoro:

: tho R. n . ;chool K ansas C ity ........... ....... .......... 11 12

tho San Francl.ico ....... .................. 4 7:iol«> B alte rio s; D awson, W ilkinson, 8 k l p to and M cC arty: M itch e ll,D av is and Va

in pa ______

ST. PETFHISBURO, F la ., M arch : Pimm (E xh ib itio n ):face • R. I I . \

■ ^ ia Boston N ationals ....... ............^ ® ’.ve a Cliicngo Ampricang ___ :___ 0 5m ite . B a tte rie s : Gonowieh, M arquard ai I fin - •O’Noill; Lyons an d Schalk.local ______ _>taia, o n i.A N P O , P la ., Marijh 19 C«- p a ir (KxW W tion);

f tho E . n .Cleveland A m ericans ... ........ 8 14O in c ln n a t i -N a t io n a ls ______ 7 12

B atte rie s : Coveleskio, Edwarc C D T S ew ell; B enton, ITarr

* Vines and lla rg ra v o , Wingo.

' b RADENTOW N, P la ., M arch 19 C oJ — (E x h ib itio n ): .

« t - -4 i. n .St. Ixiuls N ationa ls ___ — 4 11

^ 8 N ow York N ntionala _____ _ 2 3Btvttorios*. , D oak ,;' B«lab&Tt, H alni

Dyor and Ho^n.; , 'G earln, U untingi Baldw fn and A iu m ith , Snyder.

in -?he ' r ..............i l s ' L e t 0 6 c o v e r y o n r rang;<

boiler with a n ASBESTOE covering.' P rices right

B R I Z E E M E T A L W O R K S .Pl>|One 10 ■


;i i i m mJ DINES S i l T I NEY -----H earing Develops Evidence owb“ Many S ho ts Being Fired

G reer Held to A nsw er1 /)R . A X O E I.lis] ^Murch 19 (M -

alin, 1'*“’ henring o f the cliar-Ipoa nguinst H nrace A. flre rr, forini’r chaii Mih - Cj-nr fo r Malu'l Xormani'i, film nctres rnn- o f a tte a ip trd niiirder ngninst Conttlnii irna- 8, Dines, D enver oil operator, whii nent reHiilted today in (}reen being held i lint'* miniver fo Ihe nnperlor court, devoloix

Ul'' a niiiiiher o f new plianen in the c a ' includ ing ' the following:

k'oinl Wi. iiihN on DineK body npparcnt I ir r caiiHrd 1)V th ree bnlletn, instend of ot

dioiv an jireviniiHly reported, itern .Uemcirkable imprHvemeiit jn Binv

memory, eiiiliracing hin ndniiAnion .hinliet; .r. W n llrr U anhy, th a t h r w drunk nt Iho tim e of tlic nhootlng.

n in en ' adiiiiMHinn th n t ho wnn in qui a ■“ rn g e " a t f i r r e r ’K inniHtnnce on Mi Xormnnd leav ing the Dinen npiirtme

V " fo r home. .■ D inen' tentiinony tliat Minn Xormm

Wii« in t h r toihii w ith him ivlioii Ore " • n r r iv i 'i i and for noine tim e aflcrw nr

'nud th e 'I 'v id en re of Min.4 Kdiin Pnr' ■{O fhnt from the hathnroniMlonr «

,• I nnw MiMH.Xoruiaiid en tering U,‘r hi; llVal room from th e living room w l i r w ^ i i

nnd O rerr Avere, iminedinfely n f f e “T Hliooting.

I the Nornimici linn m aintained th. fhe wnn n o t in th r room n t thc time

the Hhnoting).I O f the fou r who were iidniittedly 000 npartm ent threo wore in coi

In 1. M m I’liTvinii'rni” g N'orninnd in in I

UJ An arKiiiiienf betiveen opponing con ... He] a l Uie e<inclii«ion of Uk; hearing

to wheUier a ll o f th r bulletn hnd hr * firod from iieliind brought nothing di

in lte on th n t point and on the <| 'so • '■""‘■t announced, Gn

wivn ordt>Tcd ht'bl to answ er to the i

n°"isccted C IIIC A (;0. March 10 OP)—Wh

*■ Chii-agn elnii women inniied conflii-ti H talei.irnts as to w hrther nhe hml

When ||,„ j invito,I to tell thom 1;‘ . ‘0^ nillo o f the nhooting o f Courtland I Mabel Normand nrrived fn" ■ I.OK Angi'leK, e) th e el

’ o*Q ‘•'■ifirized her an “ unki •' and u n fa ir” and Ihono who support

0 her IIH ,.. rfvet ilcarn,’* thei> depart f o r : tho cast.

‘ 1 '^ : She sjiid nhe would he g lad fo nddn C liic n g o club women, te lling them 1

'‘“ V side o f th r. nhooting o f Dines bv I; ehauffeiir, “ i f they w an t mo to!’ |


•W9 V ro i»u im t, o f K » » H ighw ay T to in 480 South . I d a ^ P rom ises to S e n o

—— P a rm c r’9 Oauae fo r Com plaint

1’rnn‘ine o f a ‘ 'd ecen t b u r ia l’ ' ] jRfl *‘!“ snve up t 4»0 ghont a f tiT a long and varied cnro 48W wnn mndo W odnenday to S horiff M. 4oU H'nu.i, |,y Colonel T hatcher, who 1 '•Oo made hin dwelling plnco for novo

weeks past in Kimborly, whero ho I -•*34 addrcs.Hed m eetings re la tive fo

. pln«» for lo ra lin g a h ighw ay throu th is region. •

i i r g C om plaint mado to tho sheriff ' the ten an t o a fa rm p roperty chosen . tho eolonol a s tho b u ria l ground ;

his mulo caused tho o ffic ia l v is it 11 resu lted in tho co lonel's promiao re -in te r thb an im a l’s rem ains daewhc

■ I t waa compUined th a t^ th o anim al li — beon b u rled too cIobo to ir r lg a t

d itches, ond in su ffic ien tly covered year, ^ “ Thoro aro com m unities in I ^S an o ast,” tho colonol told tho sheri i^oast “ w hero tho peoplo would c reel a mi [itch- xunont to tho memory /of th a t mul< m ing ____________________1 haa P a in tin g , paper hanging nnd kal 11 be m ining, phono 382-M. P . A. Rowj

—adv.£ . --

Bkiff LAST n — 1

™ W kh 10 2:00 7:10 o a a J u J L s


3 \ l J I I I II1 V i V P V V V

B ■ I H ■ V j


rards, -

9 on

[. E . “ T here la ao th ln g on i1 3 th e re anyth ia g e a t he3 1 w ith “ THB W E IT B 8]alno», ___________________


^ T h o m a■os ■ '

"PIED PIH j i t t r e V

l b B o o tk T i ik t i i t t a i


British Are Ready to Start ^ r l d ^ l i g h l

I * IX)NDON, M nrch 10 OP)~Tho " la te s t B ritish a ttem p t a t a round-

D tho-world flight will bo sta rted nex t Tuesday when thrco a v ia ­to rs plun to hop o f f from Cdlshot,

. n t tho entrance to Southam pton, OT In ter, mnking tho f i r s t stop a t

5tl* Lyons, Priinco.* Then tlicy will f ly by ntngcs lo

Brindisi, Ita ly , A thens, Cairo, Bagdad, B asra, Carachi, C alcutta,

P)— llangonii, Hong K ong, then ncresa ii-.r,.' tho 1‘ncific yin tho A leutiann to

Vaiiconver, Toronto and Now Poundland.

g o o d in g ' b i l l r e p o r t e i‘ WARHINGTON, M arch 19 ' 0P>-

Tho bilL by Senator Oooding, ropuh ’ IWiin, IfliiUo, propoBlng d ra s tic amend

m cnt of tho “ long nnd sh o rt h a u l’ *otio I’*’'’' ’®''’'**' in te rs ta te commorc

net, wns favorably reported loday b, tho nenafo in te rs ta to commcrco cou

J m ittee! •

- U Q U O E OAOHE UNOOVBEED.nit,. Police WedarHilay evening tincnrthr Mins *i gnilon jn g of inoonnhino liquor caehc np,,t uniler the building n t tlic re a r Jl'Yi'et

drirkn blaeknniith nhop, .1^3 Mnin uvi land •"**' onnt', being n ttra c te d to tho pren

W h l>y evWcrit Snlorcst in n -posnc nrd.t fliero Kianifenti'd b y n num brr r irvi- pcrHoiiH who enca]icd npprehennion. T.'i nil.* j 'lg and.I.Ui contents wns brought in t

b rd hefidfiuarters. ______ _

» ic r, n o t a b l e OABT TXt111;- “ T H E BTEEJTA L OITY

B arbnrrt La Afarr. oun- L ionel Bnrrj-nioro. g n i Hort Lytell. h re« llirh n rd Bennott. d r t Jfon tagu Love, dit- F iv e nnmcs o f in te rn a tio n a l ronowi

ire rr five real s ta rs o f tho s ilver shoot.' And all fivo of .thom aro appearir‘I’d), in n ninglc picture, “ Tho E tcrn

C ity ,” which is now p lay in g a t tl .’liile Orjihuum theater, w here i t opens for

Ih ice-days engagem ent today .'I Any one of tho fiv e nnmon, a

penring in tho ca s t o f n productio 'I wouhl bo suffic ien t to assurO its su

roHs. I t required consldorabio indue elnli luent to assemble them fo r ono p ictun

to Bhnrc tho ntollnr honors w ith othei irt<‘il p o f j'Carn covetous producers hf

’ mado vain e ffo rts to o b ta in 'th o pictu rig h ts to tho s tory , fo r i ts powerf

JreiK nppeal wns widespread. M r. P itrm a rice wns tho fo rtuna io b id d e r,’ fo r U a u th o r wna convincod th a t ho waa tl

■ b e s t l l t tc d to IransfoT tho ta le to t! ' screon.

F ilm ed in Romo, tho locale o f tl IV P " T h o E te rn a l-C ity ,” has boi

called th c g reatest h it o f a decade.

ongh BOSQOL o S ~ ^ T U B D A Y aove Ooing to school on S a tu rd ay provi

a la rk for a group o f youngsters du in s lU m in g of scenes fo r Tliom;

fo r M oighan’s new P aram o u n t pictui tho “ P ied P ipor M alone,” com ing to tl

roor, Idalio th ea te r tomorrow, f. E. O f courao thoy h ad L ois W ilson f

has a teacher and th ere w asn ’t rea lly ai veral study. Ail the youngsters b ad to < I ban wna to pretend they wcro in sclioi

his whilo tho cam era recorded th o ir actio ough "Who wouldn’t jum p a t a chanco U'

th ls ff — n by . for


i n i t i a t O e y d e q k e e

mon’ T O B E O O N F E S E B Dllie.”



1 t lw s ta g e H ils 0«Men, x m w u f g e U s t s e u o n , to coiapare

8ZBTBB.”-lAlM Dale In. K . Y . A sm lc a a .


IS M eighanto

?IPEB UALONE"In th e c u t L oliW H eon



a-Jt, e r r

’ The d ram a o f n>ectacular splesd(

The m odem version o f Si

i TheyCiow Thousands and thousands rose in

clalm od m ig h ty dram a. Thou r e n thousands m oro w ere sw ept thcoi F E D an d thero a re thousands w ho’ll ti;

__ o f im forgetab le rom ance ./


a u l” L IO N E L BABBYMOBBaoreo MONTil

20 ,000 in th e cast and^

D .rthr.lic h cd ’ J y .* 4 j s | | ktr.?n'. .... W

(ive- Hirem- K

: r : ; B. T.'I,' U i ,in to V l j l ^ ' I

^ W *.» j t

m r" 1JBr i

L ionel B oirym ore I, np- th e v illa inous Baron,ction, M ontagu Love «5 theI sue- mob loader—a ffilen*iduco- d id po rtraya l.

'thers. i hadicturo ' J yverful ^zxnau- Uir tho HIS tho If'A tho l l

f the V .been ____

rovo<^» dur-liomas ^cturo, 1 0 - B E E L0 tho

- I

= E m UA F irst m ^ National VPicturo ■

' 'B y s i r HttU Oalno1' Scenario by '

O ulda Bergere

i n O T H E , RP athe Soview Topics

‘‘CTERNAL CI ( duction as si

cities'at$1.65. at reduced pr

U a tln M 10 a n d 20e Nlg^ita, U

^ B pedal sm steol foo re OrplieQmon ••



esdor. acted am id th e m ^ b l s of Bome.

f S ir TTaii cnune’s fam ous story.

Cheered I t 'e In tho ir seats In N ew Y ork and ac- fhousands thrlUod to i ts loves and hates— through am otions as stro n g aa Ufo—Yes,U try ag a in to d ay to liv e through a n hour



and^ five g re a t s ta r s to head i t

B a rb a ra L a M arr, a s th e

^ vengeance.

“ B lchard B onnett as the. J happy-go-lucky Benno.

• y B e r t LyteU aa Davis •a n d a moxvelons per-

form ance he gives,

I '


iVKiLj H B . M f iv lf t ip i

H K i ' \

. F E A T U R : E , S

loo of the; DHy i.^^'medy Fahles

3 I T Y ’ ; ^ | K e S a m e p r o ­s h o w n i n t h e l a r g e r

55. SEE SAME HERE p r i c e s .

balcony 10 an d SOc, low«r floor2S and 60o '

n u n O re k e rtn ; M a tln M i:3 0 ,« T tn ln g 7 : u .^ ________'


Page 5: T w irN FA iLLS D A ltLY NliE W · T w ir VOL. 6. vo. 298. EXPECT B fllir' • TO GETHCTl fiEFOlE TUXES Sentiment Favors Final

m m mREPORT iJ F T S

R ep a ra tio n s P robers N earini > End o f D uties; S chaclit Wil

Give F u rth e r DetailsI'AIUK," Miirrli 19 (>P»—Al.oiit Iwn

th ird s o f tho rcimrtH of the ropnrntioii (•xpL'fta havo now Ijcon (Uiiftcd, I t vin luiid a t tlic reimnilioiift heniTijffiirtorfl to nlRht. TIk’ tc-xf, HO fnr iik (Irnwn ii| will bc (llKtriliiitccl fo tho m em bers o hoth tln’ firnt mill «cpniiil roiiiintttccN.

Tlip B(*ronil coinmittfp, tirjder thi rhiiirmiuiHhip <if HoKinnlil XrcKi-n.'nn hnn nliniiRt fiiiliihcil Hh tnnk, hnvin; I'chl two «C!iBioiis todny in tho coufhi

' o f w hirh n f ina l cfttlmntp wan virtual!,' ^ n>;rci*rl upon hh lo thc am ount o f Ger

niiiii money th a t 1<*nkc«l ou t o f thi country. Beforo fixing tho amoun 4lof>Hvt»‘ly Ult" fowmiUeemcn nro awnit, in t; infornintion ankcil from tho iillio' roinniifti-o on guanintccn. ^

Hr. H jjilinnr Srlinclit, prcniilcnt’o f thi rcii'hHhank, u(;iiin cMifnrri'il w ith thi (inb oomniittoo on finnnoo thifl w orninj

“ concornin;? Iiointu ronuuniiiR to be flxci in connoctinn w ith tlio iiroposwl nov Oermnn i»Biic l>nnk. Hn wna asked ti prencnt it w ritten opinion nn ono upc cinl (loint, wliich prnhnbly w ill l>i hiinilcd to tho roniinitteo tomorrov

0 murninc.Thoii);!! ^hcrc onVv rem nin :i fov

pointK fo he cleared up, tlio experts nri find ing tlii< work of propnrinR th c re

. ..p o rt fn r urcnfcr tliaa wjis an tic ipa ted licnco thoy have doVidcd to hIum ' ronsidcrint; th n t .p a r t o f the proposei tex t a lready on paper whilo continnint to wi(?k on th e few t|UcsHnnn th n t ro

^~ i’Main lo bo decided. Tills will roiiuiri a nnmbor <>f siib-i-niiiiiiittce mootiiiK cnch dny, w>h on full nu’c tin c tht f irs t cDiiiniiuco headed hy Charlos 0

___ Dnwes, Jn o rder fo finish, ns now iioxpeeted, liy the end of the month.

» E X P E C T B O N U S T O G E T

A C T IO N B E F O R E , T A X E S

(ContInu<!d from ra ije Onfl>

cost was estim ated on tho basis y ia ^,OJi8,190 vuternnn would bo olij;lbli fo r tho bonus.

Ab in tho houso hiU, ad justed com pcnsallon on tho basis o f J l n dny foi iiomo scrvico .and Jl.25 a ' d ay fo overseas sorvico, cxclusivc of th c firs 00 dn y s nm l w ith Tnnxlnium s o f $r>0( aad «02.'5, respectively, would bo nl \owoil. Twonly-IW e. per cont o f th

1 to ta l o f ailjuBtod compensation dU' would bo nddod, nnd tho insurnnci },'tvon would 1)0 tho nmount th ia totn

c red it would buy a t 4 1-2 cen t Ui tc rc s t compounded annually. As th< houso bill allow ed onl.v four per con in te rest, tho Sm oot bill would ullov Bli|;litly Inrgcr nmounts.

Thu faco vniio of tlio policy woul< bo nliout 3,01,'i tim es tho nm ount o

' ad justed compensation and'*'credit du^ M r^ Smoot said , whereas tho valuo o policies vo ted b y tho house would b' about 2.517 tim es tho nmount of sucl credit.

* G O V E R N M E N T D E S E R V E S


(Conllouod from r f t s t Ono^

public servan ts can restore In a gonof a t io n ."

Bemarking- upon tho stead ily I Rrow in;; powers o f tho sennto ho sa id :

“ I wish th e statui'o of its mombor hnd kep t pace. I t atill hoa wiao sta tea men, b u t there havo recently comi into prominoncc now typos which seca to rovcl in personalities, which noyo

► grapplo .w ith policies bu t find doHgh in c ircu lating abuso and bcsmirchinj re p u ta tio n s ." . .

AT THE HOTELSr nOOEKSO:^— .3 . Homes. B . G• Vador, B. C. W ells, llnrold F inch , 0

H. Redmon, F. V. U rk in , M ns May. field , J . If. S tofiel, A. M. y s s y ^ r

nolRc; PranK D. K ay, R urley, N*. A R icker, Rny Ingram , Idaho Fnlla Charles Snlmon, New York; M rs. R . 7 Aldou-1, M rs. I le rb e r t Thomns, • Mr; E v e re tt S tokes, P au l; N ina Iluycl

k T urley, R upert; R. J . Owen, WllUnm A Connors, W . Ij. Dickerson, Snlt Lako E. A. W ilson nnd wife, Pocntollo; Mi

.nnd Mrs, Fordo Ij. Johnson, Tcxaco W illinm Connolly, Los Angelea; L. fc Coroy, John Comer, Ogden; J . W. Blooi Spokano; C. C. Meacham, A shton; V

- 0 . Bolt, S a lt Lako; W illlnm ’M. Gler »on, Chicngo; B . E . Tnylor, PoHlaniJ C. H . S tow nrt Mountulahomo.

P E R R IN IJ -M . Brookmnn, 'R id; fie ld ; B d Freem an, BoUo; ' W ilUat Middleton,* L este r P ayton , S t. Ai thony ; Q. It. Edmonds, Boiso; E . .

-M eM artin , P o rtlnnd ; Clmrlea A. Om I Bide, P . J . M nrshnll, Frank. Rholn*, Tj

comn; L. M. S teger, Omaha; Mr. an M rs. C harles M. Smitli, Miss OliV Sm ith, M iss G race Sm ith, Loa Angcloi J . L . K a rr, J . F . Blrkonatock, A. V W orkm an, S a lt I jik o ; A. A. H a rr l Idoho P a lls i D. H . Strauss, S a lt Lak< A. D . S tan ley , Pocatcllo ; M rs. B< K iri P atrick , S e a ttle ; J . B. Uoaamer, Por lnnd ; R . U . LaRuo, Pocatello; B©»' C lark, Bono, Idaho ; Armnnd L . Poll tie r, Balt L ako ; L R. Taylor, Morloi L. B . G iffin , Chicago; V. A. Bobarrol S a lt L ako ; F . M . H oikln*, C . 'J . Hot ors, W nlla W aU a; F . ‘S. H arring to S a lt L ako ; U . 0 . Uonaon, Goodloj R alph ;Walib, Bolfo; W. S . Meoetuu

, Old^OiDgoB Tr^Oli" ,


S£(Ut«d b7 U n . B. IWUUBStt’ '

Telepbono 306 .

N in th Avenuo Olub M eets.

ring Tlie Ninth avenuo club u ic t W edne W jj l '• '‘.v aftcrnoen w ith Mrs. W . T . Coml

on Addlsua iivcoue. F ourteen niemlie* w otc jircscat und M rs. T hom ns' Ivwi and Mrs. Carl Irw in werp guests.

Tlio |iroKram was in clinrgc o f Mr tiom Eiii'-ihetli Hibbard who reud an intc wn* ‘’**•*"8 paper on New M cxico and aln

rs to- “ clever guessing contest. Tl)JJ I usual deliRhtfiil social tim o wa.n t’l rs of “ *"1 ila in tv refreshm ents wetes. "‘■'•'•“‘J-

the■n.'na R obekabs Exempllfjr ivin.-T PflffToe. . ^jurHe Twin Falls R cbekah lodge No. 7 ually „ ,o t Tuesday evening in I . 0 . O. I Go*'- hall. The m eeting wns cnlled to ord«

the i)v tlio noble grnnd, Mrs. M ury Wood ount (iftcr which a com m itte^fonijO H i'iT '^ wniV M iss Izn Priskell. M rs. V Jfto W ntkui illio'l und Mrs. Frances W<il ei;«, uttjojluco

Mrs. Mnrj- W illiams o f tlie jiirisd ictio f thc „ f WiHcoiidiii, and Mrs. A nnette M ain

lu^v, tU'5iutv v ri’i'ident of the... Twi F a lls lodge,

rixcd The mystery o f th c degree wns the exemplified upon Mrs. I’ea rl Allrci Mr. and Mrs. P erry AUrcd ntul Mis

spe- Yel,1,1 Cuniiington, by a s ta f f o f 20 wh • be Kliowed by their beautiful w ork nntii rrow pfforts of th e ir captain, M rs. Kffi

W atkins.fow Through the courtesy pf th e Bill.

< lodge I'riniroKi' ncrepfcd an iiiv ita tio ° to a ttend tlieir lodge on M arch 2S t filed, jiffain Hi'e thc b e a u tifu l, w ork o f fS

l or,lor. Oood ta lk s were given bv se% >0KCil ,,ral niemhers n f to r wliii-li rofro^hm ent luing wore served iind n social hour enjoyei t About ,70 mcmbors, w ere in u ttcndanc i piiretings Mrs.- Frod Foas •' the E n terta in s ." 9 ' An all-day m eeting of th c M ornin”

side club was lii-lil a t thu luuno o f M^ Fred Foss'W cdnosda.v. Tlic day wa rpen t in' tying u coiilfort and pieein, |w o tops for comforfK to bo give:

(E S I^‘""<'r 'vas served a t ii'cldi'k, each m<-mber bring ing u cnv cYcd ilifh. Fourt(!i-n members and fn-

____ visitors were present.

V l'^ p . O. Progrnm ln to ™ tln s .

gjjuj. Mrs. \V. H. Oreeiihow and M rs. Moi . {„f gan Heap en terfaincd the P. K. f

sisterhood Tuesday evening, a t th f irs t borne of fhe fornier. The m eeting wa <'■,(1(1 I'fcsideil over bv fhe new pres'ideni ; „ 1. M rs. Knrl Felt,

tho Mr,(i^'l’-.4''-'ii'iir«u'r v.:ib in chnrgu-.p flie iirograiu' nnd gave “ A T n

•nnco Kgypt,” which was inteiiHelto tal <»• well as instrUetivi^ There was a largi' n ttendance anil

the ‘dhnved the program .

iflow W ednesday Bridge Olub Moots.

;ould Wedni'sday liridge rlu b tiiet wifo f M*"#- I', n .'W illinm s. F irs t prize wn

due, "''*'1 ^trs. Ij. ( ’los ami eonsolatio 0 o f by Mrs, W. II. Grecnliow.d bo ----------auch W ra- H. P . Barger

Is HostossMrs. H. 1*. IJnrger en terta ino il th

J H arm ony club W ednesday w itlt u UVO binchfon: This wns -fiillowe^T\>- by tho usunl num ber of gam es^ o


------ , • ANNOT7NOBMENTS.oner- - ■ —

Tho Lndies o f •Dnh'-McCook CircJ 'row* No. :t, 0 . A. postponed thei1: social to 'j - ’ridayr-M flrch .: 2! ibo ra whon it will ho held n t tho Jiome o jitea- Mrs. V. C. Ballantyne. F u r th e r notic como will bo gives.aecm ----------loyor Tho drama and lito raturo dopar. lig h t mont o f tho T^vontieth C ontury clu ihlng will , meet with Misa Stella Ilibbari

, 304 E igh th avcnuQ caat, on F r id a y n tornoon, Iilnrch 21. Eloctlon o f off

^ ccra will bo held .an d a good n ttem anco is dcaircd.

). 0 . ----------, Q Tho Catholic W om an’s L c a ^ o wiy „ y ! m eet thiB ovcning in tho Buaineaa Wi|v ?v , club roomB n t 8 o ’cioek. A

A. membera nro refiucatcil to a tto n d .’nlla; ----------[I, T, Tho diatricta o f tho U o th o d is t PnM ri. t c ’H Aid w ill-m oo t T huraday a fteuyrk noon n t tho fo llow ing plncca: M rm A. F u lle r 'a n t tho homo of M rs. Persoijttko; lu"! M rs. McNcw’a In tho cburch ph. Mr. lors; M rs. L ing’a a t Mrs. Stovonicnco; Mra. W h itting ton ’s n t Mra. Jo h n RatL. S. ll'iK®! M rs. W lao’s a t M rs. H a c k m a n ’llooil, 224 F if th north; Mra. R en d ah l’s i; \V. M rs. I Iay n c^ ;_ M r8. C. E. P o t.te r’s iGlen Mrs. liough’a, (iSO Ash atreot. Ever.;lanil; one >» tcf^uested to tho ir flniahc

a rtic les for tbo bauutr.

Kicli-- Tho Twin.PnllB chapter o f Am eriea lUam Molhors w ill m eet F r id a y n t tl

An- homo of Mra. H enrj’ I ’eters, 053 Sccon [i?. J . nvcnuo east, a t 2:30 o ’clock.Oar- -■" i—

Ta. Tho Ladles* A id of th e B ajd i nnd church will meet a t 2:30 o 'c lo c k V

OliV-3 Thursday afternoon in tho bungaloi jcloa; Huntsman, M rs. K irkendahl ar

W. Mr"- Campbell bo ^hoateiaca.

PIB B LOSS tieOiOOOK irk ’ HUNTINGTON, 'Vr.’ T a., M archPort* UPi— Two mill bu lld iogs and 400,&k>uU to o t o f lumlier w e te d t t t r o je d inPolio- apoetacular firo a t tho p la n t o f tir lo y ; U ln to r Homes corporation horo toniglirro ll, The lo ts was placed a t |160,000 1Bow- 0 .-W . Poxeoll, n e re to ry and tco&aui

)gton, o f thd corporation. Pow er a n d Ugid ingi w ite i in tbe vioinitjr o f th e f iro wcetuun, tovered and the e it7 was w ith o u t oh


I Z Z Z Z I Z' ■ _ - M -

' u .

z r o r 1liter-alsoThe .

" - r .- i j N E N H A N D K E f iO H I E F

A fresh Khlpmcnt of thoao trac tive puro linen handkerch! in colors cmbroidorod ’ O f ]

• corners J. fo r ..................... ........ 7«>. I ' E A T I N E O R E P B

(MwK Something, now in apring pii iT-?;c ; K^oda. A b ig rnngo of colo>?■!• s i .2uccil ■ ■■'•

.Iim"- ' V O IL E Si'wiii Kver)' day now voiles nrrive. /

to see the now flocked ones tl cnmo in th is wcok. Somo n P

' Mclling n t..... .............................. # 3Mis- twhe n e w . ^ T ■

n tir- Tlio new lloynl Soclcty fln t stc has arrived . Bomo very cxquis things lo embrtiider. As’k 'a b o u t


V " r ------------------------------------ --------

I . —and rt Sprin

Mrs.was T l i u r 'jS /CDV- ■ " ferentwo ■ ' p

llX.rvl I

s B g )

« I -Sizo.s 'frciin IG to 42

See tlii'Jirin the window. There are •, 20 of thcM.

)we.l V ._______________________________ ol

Aluminumiicio 99cll'o ir v?e M id oTer 400 plect* U s t S a t -•28, H ere a re a few of tb e Tje o f th ings o ffe red . A gain on Q Qotico salo a t .............................. - ...........

B O U N D B O A S T E RTvill Ideal fo r cooking roosta or fow

fo r amnll family.All

D I S H P A N'ona; 10-quart d ish pnn, good heav;Raw- gauge. G uaranteed 20 y e a n .

D O U B L E B O I M E . .1 l-2.<iuart doublo boilor. Elt

kVi-Ji p a r t m ay bo uaod separately,alow,


r ^0

0 *by- u r c r P E R O O I A T O R

' 8-eup perco lator o f Colonial doawore , , V ory doalrablo.'!'»• I .



W e e k - 1~ --------------------------------- 1----------

, j , g L o o k o v (‘r th i.s p a r t i a l liKt.t n u ' l i v c « )ffe r iiisH f o r T h u r

h iefs p j i H i f u l a r l y o n e - c h iv s p o d i

19c assortijionts are o,ffeivd f<c o u r s e , a n (* a n y s e l e e U o u '

piece I’jH p c c ia l ly d o Wt* i r a l l y o i i i ilors; T h(* v a lue .-i a i ’(? o u t o f t h e <

,2 5 ever\ coat will «;() out Thui

, . A f i ’W p io c i 's l e f t o v o r fro ii

Aak S a tu r < h iy . U y o u d i d n ’tth a t m o r r o w .

'5C v _ ----------i ---------------=L-N E W S O A R F S

The new thing in ncccsHories for jtock yonr n|>riag custuln’o is a scarf. We liaite a n ' showing, some verv attrnctive ' It i l . onos.

yiow for a ng Sport C

^ i r s d a y i i io r i i in * ' 2 0 u o w S p r i n ; ; (.’o

I f V dii h a d p l a n n e d to s p e n d $ 2 2 y o u r e i ia J , l i i iy o n e - o f t h e s e a n d sa v *nce . T i i e y a r e v e r y a t t r a c t i v e in ■in;; p l a i d s , . s t r i p e s a n d p l a i n p a t t :h e n i n i c e l y l in e d .

Plaited Skir Gray—

^ J u H t a s s o o u a s t h e w e a t h o r

a k i i - t a l i d b lo u s e , o r p e r h a p s

e r s . T h i s wc(*k w e o f f e r a \ s m a l l p l a i t s , i n t u n o r ; ; r a y .

New NellieN d l i e D o n f r o c k s a r e f a s t b(

t h e i r c a r e f u l t a i l o r i n g , t h e i r

i t y a n d w o r k n m n s h i p s e ld o n

n e w v o i l e n u m b e r s h n v e j u s D o n d r e s s e s a r e ; ; u a r a n t e e d .

^ ~ • >

— Oxforda at S’" $2.95

T h is la a speeial o ffe rin g of s tra p oxfords in p a ten t loath­or, in p a ten t w ith g ra y trim , p lain b lack or brown k id , now

’ . cu taw ay pa tte rns , otc. All jua t ono price,

i „ . . . , - * 2 . 9 5 , .


E n d Sint. You will find .soino vory at- Uursday’tj HcUinj'. These arc not eciiils, but in some iiiHtanccs thc 1 for tile firs t tim e ami ho, of )U will be the best.

our attention to the Coat Sale, he ordinary und we bt^lievc tha t 'hur.^Jday. . /

rom {lie Alumimini Sale of last n ’t cotue down, cotue. down to-


for .V new shipm ent o f bu tton ear rings We_ in je t , jade and pearl. . Drops are

tive lunv pa«sc, nn ge t ji new pair. Very Tunftonuble.

sale of I Coats ■ ' }('onts go on / /

$22.50 to $2r> ^save the dif- ^ .in the new - ' /

atteriiH. All A \

We wired our N week to send us values in Coats f They came in y they are very out suggest you comt the best selection price..... :.............

irts—Tan and -a t $3.95lor clears up you will want a now, ips one o f.the new Spring Swoat- a wool crepe skirt, - f ljQ Q f?ay, a t ..........................

lie Don Frocks^.t becoming famous fo r tbe ir atylo, eir attractive fabrics. Style, qual- ;lom seen in bouse dresse.s. Some ju st arrived. All colors in Nellie }ed. Heasonably priced}

f ^ Bags. $2.98

This week aomo o u t o f th e or- d inary values h av e arrived in

**■ bags. Tboy aro a ll lea ther and’ ' among thom a re somo aow

[ll sty les n o t shown b 0 f.o P o InTwin Fnlla, v e ry speoial a t

$ 2 . 9 8

>RNING, MARCH 20,1924.• ’ ' r .

24. Page PWe

M l i n g^ — ■'


We o ffe r a full, wcli mado and rooiriy bloomer mnde of lingetto, in a b ig range of colors. ( p i r t f t Specially priced n l ............

G Y M N A S IU M B L O O M E R SFor th c girls up to 18. Mndo of Idack sateen. B ig wido plaits th a t perniit o f p erfcc t frcio* OCTdom nf muvement ____ ‘...


Ask for i t in tho corset scction. The ■ regulnr s i /c pucks’ll I2 to 1 lio

i carton. The carton ........O ^ C

_ M A H JO N G GigN When you want, aomothing iii mnh ire jongg fuvers, tab le covers, counters ;ry or real imported sets, eomo down to

W rig h t's . Wo arc headqunrtera.

— ^

N e w Y o r k o f f i c e l a s t '

u s 2 5 v e r y e x c e p t i o n a l

3 f o r a s p e c i a l $ 1 5 s a l e .

y e s t e r d a y a n d t r u l y

l U t o f t h e o i ^ d i n a r y . W e

m e d o w n e a r l y a n d g e t

o n . J u s t o n e ^

___________ ___________________________

H ouspl^ldNeeds"

■We_js9. dOTtiloplnfi: one o f tbe r o o ^ complete bouae-fnntiiblng d e j ^

' m enta In S outbem Idabo. W ^ U U ■It- only qtuOlty m ercbaadlse a t low

5 . ^ - ■


Huy a ilorcn of thom fo r ovory-day iisc. Good, strong, substantinl, ' C

'lo i> attera; dow nstairs___ O C“ *■ o n , C L O T Hmo. . tienuiuo Sanitns. A big variety of in P pa tte rns . You m ay havo all you

w ant Thuraday a t, ' t n i , 3 ynrds fo r ......... ...................... |

> ■ A S H T B A Y S

Ono nover has enough around the house. A glass nsh tray , handy, small nud convcnicat; a special o ffering : 2 for.____^ O C


An assortm ent of wash boards in d iffe ren t kinds and pricea. Wo " o ffer a spocial ono, sturdy, C Q r t strong, a t ........ ............... ....D v C


U ske boiler. E x tra good siiwVhoavy ’ i tinned linod, guaran teed ao t to p ruat; tw o aises; L iske boUor w ill

laat a life - A j -timo ____ _____ _________

L I G H T G L O B E S ■

» Genuine f i r s t qu a lity tungsten s lo b e e '1 in 10, SS, 40 and 50-watt. ■ .^ G aaran tood lOOQ h o a r t; 4 for d J L

D I N N E B P A H '

Good sixed tin d inner polL E u t i r o ' eom parttnenti. V e ry Sandy fo r t t o .7

. man who ia o u td o o n *nd ■ q p K j^ . j y ow ay fo r l u a e j^ .^ . - ,

- 1----------------&

Page 6: T w irN FA iLLS D A ltLY NliE W · T w ir VOL. 6. vo. 298. EXPECT B fllir' • TO GETHCTl fiEFOlE TUXES Sentiment Favors Final

m u f a l l s " DAILY NEWS'• aged fv v ry nm rnln it Mon<l»y

N «w« PvhlU hIn* Co.. Inc. fK«HiMlxh«<J 1904)

TSitrrort im m-cnnrt cliiFa nmil \ p r l l 9, IMS. lit Ihp poBiofflci' Rt T w in f»II(i. Iciiilio, tind«'r ihi* o ':! o f M nrch s,n .

SU O SCRtPTIO N RA T E Syo.-ir .................................................... I«-00

I m ontlin ........ .. ......................................t m ontlm ................................................. l. mnntJi .......................................................*0

UITM IIEIi OK ASSO CIATED rUEW?H riio AnxorlnttHl rrrtin la exchinlvrlr ’

•n tltli'd lf> th r uno for roinilillcnltnn of kil n«WK (Hnniitchon c red ited in It. or tint •therwlni- >TrctlI<’cl In th ln 'p n p p r . nnd u ao tfie locul neu’K pulillHhcil Ixrreln.4ll rlKhtii of roiiiiM lcuilon of B|>oclnl Itnpiiichen lit-rvln a n - nltin rnniTvod.

/Pi nietins Annoclnl'od Prenii.

rill' N<-»vn In “ll Tnonil)rr nf (tie A'lrlll fliirouti nf CIrciilntlonii. frnrti whimi full

' ibfonniilliin iia (o cirrn ln tlm i tniiy l>r- ol>- • f.ti.'d iii'iin iipitll(^iiHoii. Dfiiilli-d Infor-B .i io n Hii|i|>llt>il lodully iinon rciiueni.

No r<-/i|HinFllilIlljr iR nnMittneil fnr the .Mire of iiniiollclted niunUBCrlnlii. jilioto- Innlll^^ or o ilie r o o n tr llm tfJ m a tte r. Ar- o r lm Hiil/nilitcil for puhllcntlon wilt tie «i«Mi o r not Ul tho d lnrro tlnn of th e edi- lur. iin<l no nmnuiicMptB will bc re tu rn ed t ni f nn nccom panied liy neocnniiry pojiinKi!.

ivA.STEHN niCPniCSENTATIVRH . icoPK-- H. Duvld Cc.. m c „ 171 MnillHnii

«iguure. Now YorK: A. II. K cntor. M il - »<Mrif..r'r: Jtiiiidlnk', C hloi*o,

_____________ eUUCfE' POSTAL SBRVIOB I;

Till' rou iitr.v kninvH th ii t tin- Pfi« |. •*, iiffi.-i- III p a r t in i 'n l docH nr>t .iniiltc

/ nH iiirv, liul i l (Iin'M not lo iow liow lit- I* ll<- il n r lu iil ly I'OHtH. A n iiu llio rit.v on Uic Huh.ii'i-I, in arlioU -, »t;ifi-.i ’*tlirtt fo r i-viT.v on.- lin n d r i '.l <loH:irH ®rniNi'cl itl ................. I ium lnv l tw ent.v-tjirei- for iill fi-iicr.-il imriniHCK, the mnll

........ only ninely-cijjlitci'iitH. or li'NH timn 1 por contj^

It is not il liiri'o bill wlion tnc miiR. »itinl(> of tlic Hcrvicij riMiiliTod Ih ron- Biilori'd. Tlii’ri' aro moro tliiiti tliroo tlioiiHani] I'itiox in tlio U nited Rtiitoji in

. \vli1,-li nil till- niMil in dolivoroil .Inily to indivitlnnl^iom oH nnd officcs by < lo tti'r oJirriofH. ^ I i o niiiwny mnil »orv- Iro hftndlcs a|i|)rnxim ntoly nini’ bill* ' ion, two liuiidri’d r if ty nlx inlllinn jupooh o f firHt-cla-iH iiiail, ono hiiiidrod thir- tl ti'oii million imitoh of rOKinlorod miiil, nnd moro thnn m>von billion piooon of Hcvoiifl, th in l nnd fourth obin» m:iil. Tiion tlioro' in lho a ir inuil. n roccnt i, dovi'Io|iinoiif, l.ut It hnineh of the Norv- ieo tlint liriH nirendy rciiidied Inryo [iro- l^orlion^ Tlioro aro now novonty iiiiio jiirpianoM in .iisi- fu r thin |>iir|iof*o, wiUi a rocord of one uiiltftin oinbt hiiiidrod j nino llioniiaiid miloH flown in ninotooii Jiiindrod tw only-threo .nn.l Hi'xty-oinlit ■' million, oi);ht hiindro<1 H<-vonty-five thoii.iaiid oit’lilr hiindri'il fo rty (U0 i'0>i of /irKt olaHK ’iiiiiil oiirriod. N'ono of thin inoludos tho rural Horvirc tnkon caro of by fn rty fo'ur tlioutiand four him- drod tliirly-iitni! ruriil routes wliii-h ' Korvo six million fonr huiidroil ei(jht.v- j oijllit f;imilioH nnd ovor which tlic rnr- ( ricrn rovor one 'm illion, ono biindrod Bovent.v.threc thniitinnd milcn daily. * I ’oslal nnvinj;'' deponltn and monoy-or- diTH nro otlior dojiartmcntK runninj; tip in to bi|» fiKiiroA. i

ChrtvinR pum nnd tltHsjB.'tlo of fivo. ' and ton.cent n rtirlo s havo b u ilt tho Wri^Icy. buildinjj Chirnijo and tho

• Woohvortli buildiof; in N cw Vork. Thoj i t ri'inondoii". utrucitire.. o f the ' 'postal i K'-rvivo in h iiilt tip OB norvico trJiii?!) i»l pnid fo r 'In rg e ly in onc-ccnt nnd tno-j* cont amonntH. Tho poraon who buya'^ a fi'w two-cont nt.impK or Vi'ho tn n ils 'i lin lf :i dor.on Ictt'orB in ti wock or in- i

n o t ronlizc the nir.o o f tho orgnniR.i* lion th n t hock thoHO lo ttors to thcirl dostinntioMH, In a tax-pnyinj; nmnth *11 is in te ro s tit^ to th in k o f somtr o f i tlio spcci.Tl iti'ins whieh those tnxos ■ pay for. " •

r iN E E Y FOE B U SIN ESS O ISLS iOoncral P ikorski, Po\/sh m inister n f '

w ar, ha** Usnod an order barrinR eilk 'utockinpn jind other finery from ,thc 'o fficcs o f his "deiiartraont. Tho female ' »tcnoj{rai)hor.H and olorks are command- od tn w ear iturk, colJurod dros/ies,h ich shoes.and cotton or wonlun stock- 'InKsi •'

l i e wns drlvon to th is stern me.isuro, ' 81korskI snys, b u t thc fac t th a t tho W ar D cp.irtm oht hhd become n regularm atrirhonini buroan, w ith most o f tlio 'girlB leiivinff to be m:irried n fte r about f;one y c n r 's scrvico. '

Fem inino O ffico rm plbycs iti thia 'ro un try m ay tako tho incldont for 'w h a t i t is w orth , apply ing w hatever Im oral i t m ay contnin. B ut tolling ' Am orlcan girl» w hat they already knowis a foo llih w asto of tim o an’cTtype. >

A learned ed ito ria l w rite r th inks wo •shall be n\)le ovontually to ta lk to thc ‘othor p lane ts by radio. B u t if i t 's ju s t 'tbo MOJO to h im ,'’wo can g o t a lony ‘w ithout listoning in t o ‘M am nn'd Vo- 'nus. TJicy m ake us too much trouble '01 it i«. , '

P o rk U cheap now— jxcopt in Waab* • Ington. . . I ,

^ ..... • _____________

Piigu Sb ' TWIX'3

|P u 3 3 8 8 |C T

I K f i B l H B H H n n C M K

■ P B p S P E s Bkhj^ m B x

} i ^ ^ ^ S c ' 3 y E 'S h i

liv 'u 'v o te O? L!UK to V l^ , tlio bous a A la ':,So Honry I'o rd . Abovo a rc pic

fiiiinlinl. Four tlioiixJiinl fivo hiindred• ooncTotc job iu tho world. T « -cn ty fiv

tlioro to Mhore, as iiart o f tho JaekHoi

'j L=r ........— ------------- .......... - "88!SSS!aftaVVX*V:X'4^^^

, Drearnland J' :— f S r H o i ^ iII :• By DAI

Gabby Onndor .brtniiB worlt to t ;■ J a c k and J»not th a t tho birds a rc ^

n o t com ti\s novtli t b a t Bprlng. TUo ,t childron. dotermlno to ro a f te r

thom ' Thoy aro m ado sm all and rido nouth ot» O abby O andor's

:■ nuigic feathem .. Tho find tbo birds I- ac tin g vory


W hy tbo Birds W oro Gloomy. j

V £ £ T T H l-U ) ls l” cri.-il .lack an d ,. JnL .liiiii't will'll llK-y arrived in th e ,

fi<iiithlaii>l wouilH wh.TO til.' b ird s w<T-:'■ p ilbor.-d l<.H"llier.'H ‘ •Hollo, .lackr- the in an.«-.'r. lliiI they did , .-birp n.vrri^y obovtdvUy i.s tboy f ohiri'i’.l when s;ri'<-linu’ ‘'hil'lr>-ii m

tbv ivotlWcH Tboy rhiri.e.l sadly,'• urnlichily -.jnst if .'i.rl. on.- <.f tll­lt b ird s ll:i.l :i l.ioth:(.'lie.

• ‘ W hat i'* lUc ii'-"s from liir .lla ii. l. „. in till' Or.-itl W’oo.lx,’ " ask.'.l f o e k l j

H i'l'i". . , ,.l '“ S|'riii'M im.' i). .'..mln;: to Hlrdlaiiil.

•d iuK for .vou.”• tl ••\Y .' aro ool j;<'iuk’ norib tb i* .voat., t ;itMW.-r.-.l,('iM-l,y-H.'ibin gruffly . “ \Ve ,

-iiro i;.>uig lo b>TO.”“ Why yrfT'y.m CoiniJ lo 'H tay -h .-r ,'f’ '

is (^lnllin;r Cowhir.l «.lriillo.l nut to an-; to swor, l l is lilii.'k li.^id w,;ih c.u'ko.l on '-

one sid.' and hi- o.v.-s «.wro darl.j^ , inn sharp ulaii.'.'f-, ‘

' ‘ Wo aro noi jjoitij; n»rlli liecaiiso ii >■• in t...i f;ir to fl.v." .•a-lcl-‘.l C iln iiin j: r- C.iwl.inl. ' !.,1 • ‘ Voh, it is loo fa r to f ly .” .-hirlK-d!

tb .' o lher b l r . l x .^ i t Ih.'V cbiri..'.! i l , dn ily an.l not a s ^ l l i - 'V r.-ally itioantj w bat tbov xai.l. 1

ip •• Noiis.'’iisr, vou hav.- flown It .-v.:rv| voi>r.” .V.vvU. “ You can fly it

vo i-asilv in a'^f.-w d ay s .”■ " N o . ” eacklod CniininK Cow l.ini.l

- ‘ We aro not yoiiijr lo jvasto onr tim -'j flviiiK north. W o'aro K‘’'nis’ to npoiid Jt ;

tio’ lu-int; happy :iu-l « a y .-h r r c ^ .W th r | a l so it th ." "ig.] ••Y.--.-W.' are t;..iiii: to bo hnppy nnd

I j:i 'v /j. ,c llir |ied the o ther birds., .liii-k 'niid .lani't looke.l a t tbi- );lo<‘iny | fao.-s on tho birds. All Iho flo rk w ere I baiitjiiin 1b<-ir beails in u m n s t'd isn in l 1

in- roirt n f way. • j' ‘ Ihib'. TUeu wUy nrv y«n uot UtHipv [

; ir T IIE O RA TEFtJI. C ITIZEN . 1th In nn ora of t.TX-dodt:in}:. covorn . j o f . liieiitiil ■ I'ritirisin an.l illcijn-.^vilc’.d <liH- OS tniHt o f Anu-tu-un inntUiituma^ licro

a roft'i-sliiHjr inciilt-nt.W oslcy .Toribin,' a fa rm er dy in g a t

tho JIRO of sovojity-five in Lancaster, Oliio, leaves a will p roviding tlm t nf-1

Ijj tor llis lijirial expenses aro paid, tho },p n-Hi. .)f his I'Btato, umoiintinK to six-^

i.-,-n tliousiiiid dollars, shnll b<- oon-^ ,,1. \ .T t. 'd into .'a!<h and pnid over to tho ■ ug Wo;»MVTOT i>f tbo \T j\itcd S ta tes . T U at' k! i-* to say. hi- fivos all his p ro p erty tol

.tho Kovornment, and tbrougb Uio gov- re, cnuiien t, to all o f us. ' !

Why .lo<-s he do th is curious <hing» N o t from n K'lHty conscicneo, ns som.o!

1,0 rvn ic m ay think. Ho does i t iu ful- utl^i.Um«'ut o f a vow, mndo yea rs :iko.

th a t some ilny ho would pay th e d«bt ila o f u ra titu .lo b f t>\s'o>l to tbo or s ta to .i ('f America for tho privilogca of er llfo, lib e rty and tho pursu \t o l bappS- □g ness th a t he hnd enjoyed. ,„v In tho prcscnco o f sucb n p ro o f oft

fa ith and grntitudo, cynicism haa no! place. I ’orhaps it bvives most o f us

^0 -11 lUUo :i«h!imcd. I t »tU« p a trio tism anew. I t makes us roali^-o all a t onco

at U iu l , 'l lu tc v v r m ay b o tbo dcfoctn o t our Rovcrmnontal systom or tho ■weak*

0 . iioswes of those who adm in ister i t , tho l e essoiitlals of frcodom and opportun ity

du nbido.

W hat is useless lo you may bc val-j- ab lo to other^—ftdvontso Jt in tho d f ts tif ied eolomn^


Home Votes Muscle

ouso of reproKontntivcs has jiassod a b ill v p ic tire s of a j^eneral viow an.l a eljiso-iip red men aro rnshinf' tho p ro ject to complo 'fivo, fool ' nioro must be adde.I lo the top kson'lifKhwiiy. ‘ .

AdventuresllssiSk BIEDS | ;>ADDY P i

:ii “ —tboy a ro bomoalckl” . . i

' i jn i id ; ;a y ’ ' ’ .li'inaii.l.-d .lack. " \I liut the liir.ln '-ould not answer t in t i

ij lli''.v ,iiist looked niof.- {{liim. jj ” Aii.l Wl- .lilll’t wnnt Ilin liorirt-r o f j

‘ ' i.iiil.iin« 11. s ts ,” w.-iil .in (’uariiiif; I'ow- ] ,,[, iisiiij; i.ii .lii.'U aii.l .lal>.-t tin- a '--1 , , l;l1ll^■lllH h- h.i.l Ilia.I.' to kr.'i> tho b !

fr.'iii • larfiiii; n n 'i l i . ' ' .1, . ‘ .'Vi'H. w.- don 't want |ti Imlli.T buil'l., ioi; i irs ls ,” . clinni-od tlii' iil|.

liappilv., , •‘ Hnt I ahvDVs tlionnht U"w;ih fun

I for b in ls \y build rn-“ls .” put In >Ianet. | I ' ‘ You iisi'il * to se.-m M> jovoiiH w hen '

„;;.v'>«i did i t . ” ■ . Ij Til.' b in ls l.riuliti-iii-.l II). for a mo I I Ml.'lit as .7 a n.'t s[inki'. I Ii.-n thev m1iiiii1"‘.1 ^

• l |-.l.'w n on tli i 'i r [ 'e r.'ln ’< a n d I'eeariio tiior.- ' jU ln o iu v th a n .-v.t , - 'W i’ n r.' n .’t j 'n t i i . ' ‘ ■"llo w iis to tim e fiy in j; i io rU i,’ ’ l l i . 'v j

; .hirp.-.l a ta iii. ‘-W e nn- ^^oiiit; tr. 'n’ l ^ j|lia |i[.y and t’ay in Un- !.oiiUi all Itie ' _ ,jyoar a round ,” I‘‘ I .It soemi'.l iisi'|.-ss to arjini' with them ■

_..|T liey had riiadi' np th .’ir minds nof to |• J i ; '* n-irtli. The (Jr-at Wo.uls woiilTT nor |

|h e :ir th e ir merry v.>iros Umt Niimmor. ' I I ‘ ‘ W hat' is III.- nialti-r with llioinr.’!

_'^;;Whv an- th.-y all s., sad ?” whisp.-rod j I.Tack to .Tnnet, 1

I j “ I know,.” , said -lanot. iind.liiiu hor | hea^l wis.’ly. “ 1 saw so[ii.- folk's like | th a t nn.-o, Tlu-v nro lioitn'«i.'k. .\ti.l 1 !

' .'im coint; lo make tliem iii..r<’ )n>iu.’'I s i c k . ■ I

I"'' I (H o f Jan o t m.ido tho b lrd i '“ I moro homoslck and why sbo did It

w ill bo re la ted In tomorrow'.^ pv 1 cbaptor.) j

" Breakfast Food I■'* “ M atrim onially Speaking”

. By Hugh

I f l ‘ say I liko a eort,’iin lliirij; t.« e;i', j ' I niy wif.- },’ivi's i t 'to nie all tlio time.

' I find thal I'ontinnally i^i-ttiii;' n.ealj i*- 1 liko is as ba.i as n e v o r“l5oi in - |tin j; them.h o : I .io n 't earo how wiM a man mav ^ j j l . . ’ .il.oiit l.oiled toiik'ii'' or fried 3.nool| ^^ ;p ..Ia t... 's or apide p i,--h o c a n ’t e:.« j

jtlieni (liroe or four times a w.'ok an.i | ''■ 'i.tlill feol tho same about them. I

] And so I havo t(j bo vory ean-fnl g f abi»ul how 1 praise tlio meals wo haV'’

I f I' ooini' riglit out fla t and vote fo: any Nj.,.eial dish I know I ’ll soe it a . ofti-n an ;i p.ilitiViaii does his shadow.

1°. W .'’ll have it overj- ..ther .lay f<>r .i bt( t.f wi-.'liH aii.l then maybo I ’lt liJ l.'t o ii t 'a litlli- m tinnur about it. ]of ‘ ‘ Why, IIukIi. ” my wife will chid'-.. ' 'y o u know you Jnst not thrviigh te.l.

f ■ iII r nil’ the other day how inui'h .\on like.l fried tnuiato.*s. ”

o f T lia t’.s jnst it—if n man liken n vi'K no etaldi- III’ .lo.-Mi't ha 'l* to l.e marrio.l „ .M .. it. does !ic’.'

____ ______ . t”” Tomorrow: ' ‘M y hibband Is con- cc tlnua lly going to banquets.”of --------------------------

Doesn't T alk In Sleep.Cfisb atowt'd nwny In n hiding place

la ablrklng Its diKy. AIoDi-y ta lks, bat. ^ not in ltd sleep. <

W atch Your 8lapl Be carcfu l about slapping a thin

0 qjbd ob th« back. Hla iao g t a r a too doM to IL

ao, THURSDAY MORNII !e Shoals to Ford

v o tin g tho Salo of tho govornm ont's n itra t ijiviow of tho jiowor bouso nnd 'WilBon daro ilolion. ,Concroto to tho oxton t o f 1,800,000 p o f tbo darn, and a roadw ay 23 feol w idi

I days of - iPoorfSchard i


I CopjrlithtbTlrdasBlchBlltf “ ‘ ' ii , (Continued) ‘

^ novi-r (|iiito reuilzcQ m e tiiii \ ’ ! tiioiiiiltii; ..f tho word 'dlKttUy' until I i

' Haw Ulln limn nnd licnrd hla Ucop rloh ; voii-o. T bero wiih n kind o f innjnilll- I oi'iioo In Ills mnnnor nnil porsm i wbon >

III' .snlil: (: "M will nilso one tliotisnnd tnon

. I tow nrd tin- n-llof o f lloHton nnd f-iil)- ) . [ sl>t tlieni lit my own oxponse.' ,

' ‘T h a t u u s njl ho suld uiul i t wns tlio . ■ J inci-' t i-loiiiii-tir.'ii.ooi-li tiimlu In tbo con- i I t vontlon, 'fliori-nftor. ho w as tbo ivtN—|

trn l tliniro In Hint cbnKross o f trusti-il. , inoii. It Is also ovldont tbu t lio wlll bo ,

I t1iL* eoiitrnl llKuro on tb ls «Ule of tbo ,] , I (K’oiin wbon Uio storm brw iks. Next i

dny. Ill- uiin.iiiMi'od Unit liD wuh, ns yol. j oppi..sod tn nny doUnlte tnnvc tow ard j

j lniii-|ioniJoiK-e. Si) tin* dologutOK eon- , | ] toiiti>d tliomsolvofl w ith n doclurnUon c \ , . " f rJtrbtji

, ospi-i'lnlty sliivos." II When tlie n-nKn-sK udji.urnod Dcto- ,

J ln-r twoiity-Hlxtli to moot ntciiln on tbo [ ton th l.f Mii.v, thoro ij'us li t t le Impo of I ponco ntium); thoso wbo liud lmd u . I p a r t In Its procooillnKH.

^ i .Inek. who know tho coii^jtlunH In , " j KhKlnttd. know also tliift w nr would'■ I .......... H'X’tt. nnd froely oxproH.tod IiIh..| viows.

Lcltorn hud como from M nrgarct • j ^IvliiK him Ibo welcinno nown thnt I I.lonol ( ’Inrko bad rpoovorod und nn- ' i noundn;: tha t her ow n litt lo rcvcdu- !

'' I Unn Uii<} (ic-bl<'vo<J surc<-‘ ^. .Sfio nruf i lior fa th er would be tak in g Klilp for

IbiHton III Decembor. Jack bnd urgcil tb u t nho try to Induoo blm to stn rt n t '

I .'IH'I-. fearinu thnt Doi'ombor wimld be j too lalo. and ao It foil out. W hen tbo I I iiowH of tbe ooiiKroxjf^roarhi-il Londnii, ' l .tlie klnn ini’ido ncw plnnM. Ho bi-Kan '

_ I l« proimn- for wnr. S ir nenjiiinln ' ■* I llnr»‘. wbo wns to be tbo Ilrat deputy ’

of Coni-rnI (Jnuo. wn.s aHXl^nod to a ' I brit:ade_anil Inimoillutoly p u t lils rojrt- ' I niont.-i In Irnliilni: for son-lcp-ovitsouVl * I U e bad spent .six inonthH Id Ainerk-a '

nnil was snpposinl. In Kinrlniul. to have fenrnc'd (tio tirt o f t.usb flubtfng. Stii-b '

4 w as tho ousy optimism o f tbo clinor* ' ful younir nilnlstor o f w nr, and b is • ci>tifron'S. In tho bouse of lordK. A ftor > th e a r^ v a l of tho Klnn W illiam a t '

. (Irnvosend on tho ol^btb of Doet-inbor. , 'I I no finsllsb women w ont dow n to tbo • *

I w n In shlfis fn r n lo»K th n o . T berrs ' 'V a f to r the Tvator ronds wcro tliouKht to :l [ #10 only for flKbllii}; mon. Jn c k ’H bope ‘ t j w as that nnnod ro.Hlstnnco would con- ' ' .1 vlnce the Hrlilsh of tho ir fo llr . I '

--------- j lII CHAPTER, XIV ; ' ' Adventures In th e Service. I ’

Ono liny Jnck rocelvod a lo tto r from ' ] Doctor Frnnklln who hnd clven up hi* ' fru itless work In London nm l rc turnnd '

•I to I’blladolphla. j ''■ It s«M : .".My work In Etj^land bns , , I been fru itless and I am done with It. [! •• I b r ln s you much love from tbe fa ir '• lady of your c^o^cc. T h n l. m y young >

friond. Is n bettor possession than houses nnd lands, for cvon tliv llamcfi 1 '

J of w nr cnanot destroy It. I huve n o t j*' 'i soon, in nil this llfo of m ine, a d earer i

rro n tu rc or u nobler pBBaion. And 1 • | j will tell ynu why It la dour to me, a s ! ' I wolJ 11* III you, S be J» Uko th#* good j

poiipltf o f EnRbuid whoso honrt Is w ith ' t h t colonies, bu t whoso w ill is being bnflled und oppressed. L et u s hope It i '

* mny not bo for long. My gw)d w ish e s ! ' fo r you involve lh« w hale raco tvhose ' blood Is In iny velna. Thft race h as ' ever been like th e p a tien t ox. trend* ’ lng out lho com, whose lead ing tra it

I Is cDdurancc. <) “T h ere Is m ile ligh t In th o presen t '

outlook. Tou and BioktiB n i l l do trc ll '


—— — ' JtSi

tra to and powor p lan t a t M uselo Shoals, dam, which aro sligh tly more th a n 'h a lf000 cubio yards is ro'quirod, tho la rgest w ide w ill' oxtond across its top from j*"


tl. como boro, 'ilu s , lo r n time, wlll Ih* tin* eontor of ou r ac tiv ities and you mny bc neodeil any mom ent." ^

Jnck and Solomon wont to Phlladol- jilila.soon a fte r nown of th c ba ttle o f . Lexington hod reacbctl Albuny In th e Inat days of April, 'llioy w ero nninng tbp cboorliiK oriiwds tlmt weloonioil ‘ tbo dob.'Kiitos to tho Second coih,t *’h».

Cdlonc-l Wiisblmiipn, th e only tlolo- j >:nte In uniform, w as the tnost IniproH- 'i Hive tlp iro In tbo oonKroHs. llo lmd oomo n |. with n ooacli and t<ix borHOS H from Virginia. T be colonel used to Hiiy \lia t ovon with «lx horflos. ono lintl a slow and n.ii«1i Jniirtiey in tho mud niid Hnnd.. .IIIh illKiilty und-noble s ta t ­ure, tho nimo Iio bud won In the In­d ian w ars and lils wlsrloni nnd mnd-

.osty In oouiioll, lind Hlloncod opiiosl- Uon nnd oponod bl.>i wuy. Ho was i\ m an Iiiiiiiy favi.rorl of Houvon. T bc poopfo o f t'lillnitolplila folt tho powor o f JilH personality. Tboy noomwl to I 'l'p inl blm wltb ufCootli.nnto uwp. All oyoK woi’o nn tilni wln-ii bo walkod

_ :innitid. Not ovoii th e mngnllloont i< llnnoiick or tbo olimuont I’atrlok1 llonry nttrnctod ki. much nttentlim .I‘ Yot be would stop In tbo slroot lo i- .siioaU to a ohlld ^ir tn .sny u ploaHatit ■' word to an old ni-i|naliitaiieo an bo dlil

to S.ilom.m.'* T lm t dny In J u n o w b o n tb o bo lovod '• Y lrc ii ila n w as obo-s.-n to bo t-ninmiiinl-

o r-ln -e lilo f o f ib o A n io rlo n n forco.s, Jn o k n m l Si.lnm in i d lno il w ltb V riiiik -

'• Un a t b is bom o. Jo h n A iIiiiiih o f Huh- t I 'o n 'W ld J o b n I tro w n , ib o > ;reat n iM - ' i-linnt o f I 'rovb li-n i'.', w o ro b is o tb iV '

0 giio-stfi. T h o d l«U n i:u lshod m on w o r o i j dl.seiiHsInK tb o e b o lcc o f C o lo n o l W ash - j ‘ ItlKlOIl. ‘

D o r to r K ra n k lln , w ho n o v o r fn lle tl ( '1 to sh o w som o tn k o n o f ro s p e c t f o r 11 '■ o v o ry Kiiosi n i Mh tn b le . t u r n e d to »

So lom on nnd s a i d : I“ M u jo r illn k iis , j o u b n v e b e e n w ith |

b lm n good rb-al. W b a t 'd o y o u th in k ’• o f C o lonel W iisb li iu to n ? " '

" I tb ln k bo’H u h u ll f o u r b o s s te n m I ' a n ' tb o dog u n d o r tb e w^aggln," s a id f “ Solomon. (^ John Adams often quotetl ! . words of tho acout and thoy becamo

a saying In New I'InKlnnd.W aahlngton' se t out in Ju n e w ith j

_ Colonel Loe und a company of L ight I ij H orse for Boston whore som e sixteen, ’1

thousand mon bad. assem bled w ith ■ tlioir rltloa and iniiskots to bo .organ- * Ized into nn arm y fo r tbe defense of * M nsaachusctts, ' J

,] A little la te r Ja c k and Solomon foi- , lowc<l with eight borwii an^ twd <

,p wagons londoti w ith barre ls of gun- l J. powder mnde under th e direction of 1 , Bonjamln Kranklln and pa id for w ltb ' ,J Ills money. , A J l r |t la l i (leet bolng In ’ J, Amoricun watonr. tbo ov erliu id /ro u te ’ y w as|bho»on a s tbo sa fe r one. It w as ,

n slow and tollsomo journey with here i

t und there a toucb of ste rn udvonturc. 1 (Crossing tho pIno bnrrons o f New' J e r- 1 „ soy, tboy were bold up by u bnnd o f I*

p T ory refugees nnd deprived o f all tb e * J, money In tbe lr pnckptB. ‘

: On th e post road, beyond H orae ' iH Neck In Connecticut, thoy hud a m ore •r serious advonluro. Thoy b ad boon , ,{ traveling with a erudo mnp of onch 1

, nniln road, sbowTii« tb o ' birntlon of ,p ! bouses In tho settled o in n try where.[i • nt nlKlil. tbey oould lind sboltor and • „ bosp lta llty . Owing tc> tbo poeullnr ,p obnrncter of tho ir fro isb t. ib<- oomnilt- J. : too In 1‘lillailolplila bad roipiostcd ;

I them to avoid Iiiiih nntl hnd causod j thoso ninpH to bo Hont* to tbom at post : oUleos nn tbo roa 'l IndluntlnK th c I * Inmios of trusted pn trln ts from twonty i lo th irty mllos ^ipnn. About six <i'clock ‘

Iji , In th e ovontiig of .luJy-twontloth, thoy ’ ' re ad ied the home of Israol I^ickwood, . I tbroo m lb^ abovo IloVs'o Nock. Thoy ]

bud rlddon through n storm which bnd | . shaken nnd sm liien Ibe «'nrlh w ltb Its i

.■ [ tbunilorboliB. Homo of wliU-li bail fallen i nenr thom. Mr. Look%vood <llro<;to<l •

‘1 ‘ them to leavo tb e lr wngoim on a largo ' i oinpty barn flcK>r nml nskoll thom In to

^ I.supper.JP I " If you'll b ring .suthln’ o u t to ua. I J I giipss W’C betto r stay byv her.” su ld |

IJJ ’ Solomon. "Sho might bo ner\-oua..” . I ‘'Do you hnvo lo s tay w llb th is stuff I all tho while?" l..ook\vood nsked. ’

,g "Night an’ daj'," said Solomon.It I “ D on't do to le t ’v r g it lot^csome. To*^ d a y u'bcn tbo llghtnJn’ w ere alappin ' < ie th e ground oc bo th sides o’ me, I ;

w anted to h ^ down an’ ru n off Id : ll. bush u mile e r so fe r to see th e k o h s It tr>', b u t I je s t had to so t an* hope t t a t

she would hold b e r tem per b d ' n o t go ‘ 3t to slappln’ back." '

'IJ ^CoutioDod In .Nexi’ J 'M ue; ~

riNG, MARCH 20, 1924.■ < P rudence. ,

Prudcnco lc tho nos.dS8ary, Ingredient Jn n il th e virtues, w ithout w hich they degenerate loto folly and exceaa.—

' Je rem y Collier.

Mum Stoke Up.I f you huve amblUon w ithout enor*

cy. you wlll get about ns fn r ns a loco- aiotlvo wlUiout Hleam.—B oston Tran* icrip i.

Drlftlno.D rif tin g 'f ro m one ncw folly to an­

o th e r Is sonietlnies called keepIu;P up to date .

f4ot on Earth.■'nrrriViuors ni-o iilwayH prom ising a

honvon on oartli. wbon ,lho Scrip tures , esi>re.s«ly. declare that' H eaven Is In a fu tu ro world.

Some Advantage.P robably b'nlf the plenHUre a womnn

g e ts o u t of life Is due to h c r ability to change her mind and complexion n t wlll.

New F alse Bottom.. -A new fnlse bottom to keep vcco-

J tab les frotn burn ing In cooking uten- 7 alls <-an bo used ns n stra iner.

• Publlolty.Phllosopbera havo dlscovcrod the

source of nearly every hum nn desire cxcept o f tb a t to a ttra c t public at- tonUon.


In tlu> D istrict Conrt n f th e Klevi.-ntli '■ .IiiiHcial D istrict o f tho S ta to of Iilulio, t*’ in ancl for Twin Falls Countv. . ll - «

S. II. Ha.vs, r ia ln tif r ,

,I I. 11. Perrine, Hortense I’orrino, H. W.J t owan, IllinoiH filoiH Compuny, n cor-

poration, lljiy M. nrvjiii, ‘ (.’i-ntral T rust Coiupany, a ci.rporation, Bertus

1* 'Y .,’‘ leinour. (3oorgo U. »/>bJ»j}iy. .J.*■ ('liild.s & Company, a corporation,I* Orogon Short Line Itailway Compnny, n a eori.or!ition. D on’ McKnv, Shonan.,0 iloah XiirHcries, a corpcrration, Loiii/or .J. 8 . Mlll-'on, Oslratiiler & Company. A.J, H. O.Htramlor, doing bnsinosH iimler IJ tho style and firm namo o f O.strat.-

der & Cumi.any, Jennie ,M. (Jraliani.‘ W. II. I'^driilgo, doing biisitiess under

“ th e hlyle and firm name o f the Kid- k ri(l«o Clothing Co., Lydia Mav South. •1. n n i, Clinrles M e y r. The unknown <} lioirs and devisees o f Kdwnrd F.If Mover, rleeonsed, and th e unknown ,j owners and .•lairaants o f l» ts 'P if te e n

, fl.'*) and Slxtcqn (l l i) . in Ulodc . Tw entv .four ("1) of tli’o town of

Twiij Falls, Twill I-'alls Conntv. .Stm,.>• nf.Id ;ibo , Dof.'iiiianlri. •

J- 'rho s ta te (if I.lalio sends gn-i-tinc*H- to I. H. IVrrino, I’orrine. H. r. W’. Cowan, lllinoifi hUeol (.'ompanv, n >r corpnralii.ii. Hay M. Hrv.-in. Central . 'I 'riist C.)nii.atiy, a eorporation, On-o.i.i

S hort Line Hailway Companv, a cnr- ponition, Don Me.luiy, Slionandoah Nnr- ^.-rieH. a eorponitiim , Louise H. MUhoa.

■<l O strander & Company, A. H. OsJramlor,)r (donn; l.iisiness under t'le stv le an.l firnt :o tinme of O stnin.Ier &; I'ompanv.rTinmio

M. firnluiiii. W. II. I'll,,.. doing lm»- J, U10S.S un.lor llic s ty l; and finn, nam.’, o f tlie Klclridge Clotliing f o . ,L v d o i

>Liy Sonlhanl. CliarI.’s M eyer. 'TIi-.* liinkiiown heirs ami devisees of LMwar.l

m F. Moyor, deceased, .'in.l the unknown •* id ow ners nml claim ants of I,ols Pifleon

(I.'J) a a i Sixtoon (h i) in Block Tweii- ty -fou r (Ul) o f the town of Twin Falls, '

. 't win F.ills Count.v, Ht,'\te o f Idaho, tlio above n.imod defondants.

You are hereby nolified tb a t a coin.:h jila in t has hoeti filod .igainst vou in tli- ;it D is tric t Court o f tho Hlevont’li .Indicial •n, 'D iBlriet o f the S ta te of Idaho, in ami ;l, for Twin Piills County, by tho above I,. nanio.l j.lain tiff, and you an- horol.v di J rected to apjwar an.l an.Hwer nai.l ’eoni-

p la in t w ithin tw entv .lays of tin- ser- vi.;,, ,,f ,1.1, „ „ „ „ „ „ „ 1(

'I* sai.l .In.llcial D istric: and w ith in fortv '0 da.vs if t,erve.l olsewliere. and you ari- n- fu rtlie r j-otifi.-d Uiat utiless you so -id- • • , f p ear 'n n .l ans-.vor ?aid com pbiint within

the tim.- herein spe.ilied tho p la in tiff [JJ will jak e ,|ii.|gtnont aga in st yon us

prayed, in waid w.aii.lainl.Said .iitlon h brought to ipiiel title

.1 '• '""'i -‘I>on tit le o f thefollow ing doserihed pro[>ortv, to.wit-

C. l^.tji F ifteen ( l . ' ) aiiil S ix te e n ‘( li;) lu r- Hlock Tw enty-four <LM) o f tho towr.»f o f 1 win Falls, Twin Falls Conntv, St;il.’,e o f Idaho, a« satiio is j Imiod in tlio offi.

cia l jilat o f Twill. Falls T om isito , of ro ron l in the offico of the Countv Ho-

" cordor of said-C ounty."'’''*1 o f the

n nnid Dintriet Court, th is i;7lh dav of rh Februarv , ].;>2 , __—

-WCfiJN-H,e. (t*LAL) .id -A . J . M n-rs, a tto cg]|'v_^for p la in tiff,

TN BANKRUPTCy I j o . 2U 0.In the D lstriet (.’onrt o f the r iilte rl

.States, for the D islriet o f Jdalio, Houth •'* rrn In tho m atte r o f V . <•. Jlarrinin.10 liankrui'l,ly You are hereby nolified. thn t th.)■If f irs t m eeling nf cro.Iitors o f naid bank.,y n ip t will be held a t the o<rieo o f .lohn , Codding n t Burley. Connlv o f Ca-siii .■ S ta to o f Idahn, before mo m referee’

ift !!*> <>’>'Iock p. in., on Knliirdny, tho I '' JJn d .lay of March,' A. D. lll^'t, sneh ts m eeting will bo hcbl for tho nllownn'-e m o f claims, apjioiatnient p f tru stee , an-l •<l oxnniinnlioa o f bankrupt, to ^ QUY U KIN N K Y , , to _____________Koferoe in B ankruptcy.

IN BANKEUPTDY NO. 2450.* In tho D istrict Conrt o f tho Uniteit

la S ta tes, fo r the D istrict o f Idaho, Koutli-crn D iv ision ..

iff Tn the m atter of J . I . Harroun bankrup t. ’

You-«r»i—lM‘r<*by-inotifio.], th a t tho* f irs t niecting o f creditors o f said bunk-

rup t will be hol.l a t the offico o f Jolin“ <’odding nt Hurley, County of (lassla,1 h ta te o f Idahn, bcforo mo ns roforo.’ ut

^ o ’clock p.. m. nn S atu rday , 'ths B- ,2:;nd day o f M arch, such moclhiff Ht will be held fo r the nllowati"c o f claims „ appointm ent of trustee,- and ox;imlna- ‘

tion of bankrupt._ OUY L. KTNXBY.

Roforee in B tiukruptcy.

Page 7: T w irN FA iLLS D A ltLY NliE W · T w ir VOL. 6. vo. 298. EXPECT B fllir' • TO GETHCTl fiEFOlE TUXES Sentiment Favors Final



ProdlcU ons for H oavy D o llv ^ o a oq M i y Oontractfl H as XTnfftvorablo In- n uo aco ; Values L acking S upport

C lIIC \G O . \0 0?>— ln'Uv»-lioiiH t i n t iiiurli wli.-ut will 1)0 .leliv rrc .l on irn y rontraPlH lunl n Kood doul tf. (la todnv with a priro ilorltnc wlilcli ca .rric l tlio wliont iiinrk-'t clown to t l - luvvi'Kt lovol Hiurc ,l«lv 'MX Whoiilolnw.l m m rttlo.l iit,:i-'l (o 7-H to !«• iK't .Icclliio. May # l.n i :i.( ft. 1.0} 7-8. n n l J u lv *> 7-*!. witli r ..n . 1-J to l-2r o ff. ontK HliowiiiK l.M ti. 1-2 tn ri-So Iohh

. U...I p ro v u . vuryiuK «oll>nrI{ to a rii-o of 2 cont.i.

A frr'iih wavo of liqiiiilntlnR nnloH vliic-h Ktnrto.l ill tlio wliont m nrkot soon n fto r tlio ojioninR foimd vnhicR IrtfldnK nnv n(lo(\imt'* suTn>ort u n til tlio M nv ilolivrry liad .l.‘'«(-c'nilr'fl to $1.01 M onlv n-4 of a cont from 'Hn* «oaBOn’,4 f.ottom fiRiir.'!< to -Into. Tnlk o f bu lky (lolivorlrn to ho wilaoNsoil In Mny

' prow out o f th r hIchvhorr w ltli whlcli Snupplipii nro dooronsitijj nnil nut o f tin*

f n r t tlin t oxport IxiKinrn/i in apparen tly noxt fn inM*nM«ihlo iif provallinR prieor.. Poii.liiiff o f roimi.lornl.lo w hont into Mforaifo hero norvod lo onit>li«»i5’.<? tliv clonrth^Of doninnd. Tn nddition , mor;- nnow liad fallrn in flii- wont nnd tli.> ROnthwoAt, inoroiiniiii; tlio likelihood of n l.ilf vkd.l in fl.oso fioctionH. Somo rn n tion on fho prtrf o f KcllorH, how- ovor. dovclopod nonr tlio ond o f tho dny. nnd a modcrato rallv onunod.

Corn and oiiIb wnikonod in Kympnthy w ith wliont. Roforo n ronrfion net in corn droppod fn 77.- Tor .Mny, n now Inw pn ln t Hinro tlio rooont d o w n tp .i «M.minon.-od. Tlio l.rodk in prioo«Jto . dnv. lliouRli. roHnlloil in Iokh , l i< i i^ t io a thnn niOKt trndor* had lookod T or nn.l tho m arkot ropovorod fo u m ntorini ox- to n t notwillist,nadhiK tlm t Chicngn ooipfx o f corn rontinui'd fc. oxot>c<1 th» dhipniontH from lioro.

n iiih o r ciiiofnfions on lioKS upliol,l,H.o provision njnrkof.

"V^oat— "Opon. Ilijjli. Low. CIomo.M a v ......... 10;.% lO-.rrf, in4i/i m i i ,J u f v ......... lOd'h 10(i‘n lO.TVj Kir.T(,S ep t............107Vi 1071/j ]0(l«/4 107

C om —M a y ......... 77% , 77% 77 77T,.Tnly ......... 7il% 70% 78«/j 71)'/,S e p t . ^ . , 79^4 7Dr, 7H-Vi 7!l%

M n y ......... -i-% 47*4 ■ 4(1%•Tilly ...........S ep t............ 41% 42 41% -11%

Byo—M u v ......... (37 07 n,-> (lOf'iJu ly . . . . . . 07'/i 0 8 ^ 0(1% «8


ThOKc priccs arc ob tained ditily ' n t A o ’clock In thc afte rnoon und

a rc in tended to covcr ooly th o »v- iJra fc o f priccs. W hore c c r tn n dealers for nhort pcriod.H offor more llinn tlio quoted prleo no e f fo r t is

* made to includc micii quotationi*. (Quotations are offered m erely nn a

. tn produccTn nnd sbould &otbo ncocptcd ns reflecting cxtrom or o f c ith e r hlRh or low prices.

i tS T A n , BdAEKETS.F<itd to P ioaucera

The Twin Polls m arkets yciifer.lay trore uit follows:

LlTntooR.H oavy hopi ........................ >4.00 to .'i.tiO.Medium Iioct .................... $4.r)0 to J.'i.OOl. ilih l 175 to 22.’) H)s.......... ^S.r.O to *0.5f)Cowb ................................... «.1.00 to $3.50HoiferB ................................................. «4.0l)Btoor* ......... - ......... ......» .^ '»4.00 to «.'5.00

vVcal c u lv e a .......................$5.00 to W.OOLanihe .............................. <7.00 to «8.Ll

Fowls,H envy hons ............................................. IScLlffht hens ............................................. l i e

Dairy.B u tte rfa t , crcnmcry ..............................44cB u tte rfa t, sta tion __ __ __________ 44eC ountry b u t t e r __________ _________ 40c

. KfTB« (sh ip p e rs ) ..................................... l .«Kbb» (loeal stores) --- ------ ---- ------- 18c

W heat and MIU PoM .W heat ............................ ......... ............. »1.3Cflrnn , cw t________ ______________ W.2JB ran , COO lb. lots __ ___________ «1.2CStock food ..... ............. .................... «1.3JS tock food, GOO lb. lo t a -------------- $l.aC

Sugar, W holesale.Cnno ......... ............. - ............................ »lp.4{B o o t ............................... .....................

Beans.G roa t N orthern _____ ___ ----------- *4.8f

'P o u to e a .P otn tocs, whito ________________ 00.Po ta toes , Busaot* --- ------- ----------

EETA H i PEIOES. Vegetables.

Potatoes, 16 lbs. f o r _____________ 25iHead lo t tu c o ______________10c to 15-:Orocv oniona, b u n e h ....................... —- 05iS e * cabbaKO, pound ..._________ — OtiCelery bunch ................ ......... .............10<Cauliflow er, pound — ------------------ 20<

rn iltvf Grapefruits, e a c h __________lOo to IBi

Lem ons, doten ........................- .............. 30iOrungea, d o r c n ...... — ............ 20c fo 35Bananafl, lb ........ ....... ........ - .................... 17

Dairy.Creiunory b u tte r ............ ..... ....... ........

W laeonila < h o cso ________________ 40.

PO B TLA N D OBAIK M A B EC T.PORTLAND, Ore., March 10 (A>)-

W hcat—S o f t w hite, M arch OOc, Apii 09c; w ostern white, M nrch 08c, A pr 08c; hnrd w inter, M arch 04c, A pr t»4c; northern spring, M arch 04c, A pr 04c; w estern red, M nrch 04c, A pr 04 cents.


ID A H O FA LLS, Mnrch 18.— (U nite S ta tca D opartm cnt of A gricu ltu re M b k o t N owb Scrvicc.)—Cnrlot shipmoni fo r tho U nited S tates M ondny, t o t SCO; Idoho .108;.samo day, 1023 , 4fl0.

s iiip p in g poin t inform ntion J fo n d a ] Id ah o F alls — D ea 'aod m odorat

S M arkol steady^ Carloads cash B a ra li OOc. Russots repnckod fo r Cnlifornia Rliipmont tl.OO. Wngonlondii R urals

s s 80c. Russots « U 0 to $1.33. Cellnr lots o f Ijcst stock ■ higher. UnulinR* liKht; RroworH holdliiK for hiRhor

3 0. M innoapolU-8t. I’nul—L ight w iro in ­quiry. l> inanil vory nIow, m arkot weak. Carlonds dollvorod. nntn.'

“ ■ whitos 05c to $1. Rod R ivonO hids Sl.'Ic to t l .

C.r.'oley, C do,—(,'rirloads usual .term -. Round wld(oi«. no snlos rep o rted ; mIi p

'red por.H a .k ln i; Tuovday lai.rniiiK’H im portnnt njarkef.-

ilcli roporli-d hv w ire: th - (.’hicagn—:i Malm. i;i MinnoMot.'i. L'

Monti-.n;., \ Nol.riiskn. 2 So.ilh Dulu-t:.. not n4 Wi?.o«inHi» arrivod. ;il1 <-;,rs ou iin'l track . .Si'ippUos hoavv. nom nn.l a a i l-2o trad in g slow. Idahi.s m arke t firm. «HM Othor m arkets CarlnlH cmf- ;nts v.vli;lvt. WiscouTiii inuftil w hitos

. to #1.2.'.: imlk >1.2(1 fn #l.:ir>. M i i ^ aloH „Md Norlh D akota Rod irK’<T•kot o t ^ $ l , 2 . '> fo <1.10; round w hites liicR f„ $1.20.the K-.inw»« (’itv—5 *:«lorsid«, 20

M .I.T MinnoNolM.'fl Xorlh D akota a rr lv c l. )n ’.4 .1.1 ca rs .d iv crfo d . 132 curs on trad -, ilky Suppjlos hoavy. IVniiin.l moderato, >rny markol dull. Tnrlof hiiIoh tn outMiilc ilcli iKiiulN. wcKtoru wliUoH tl.'t.-i tho (’jirlolH tmlwoighf M innosnta HoJ

iitly Rivor* $l.:t:.. .lohl.orH xah'S .riorida ieor.. crnfi'S Illiss TriniaphH S.*. into r „ r f W orth— I (Jolnrado.-iWd.-ihn iir- tho rlvod, 10 earn divor(o<l. H

'loro ,.„r9 on track. .«?iipplioM Muiit.-d. D. tli>' man good. M ark-'t firm . Opoaiiii.:

1 of prlcox 'Tuohdav brokors carlo t salo. omo ,l..|lv..rod Pori W c.rfh,' Idaho Ritral> lO'V- -*l.!l,' to $2.0'., (Vdonulc. w hitos ‘ l.'jc liny, to fl.ll,

Um AiigoloH^n •California. S Idaho i*l’y :i Oregon, 2 W ashlagft.n nrrivod . ft in divortod. Xi .................. 21 brokon • onnow frnck. Doinaud—^rHfo. M arkei tlir.i Htoady. CarlotH oiifwoighl Idaho Kus J to - HofH S ,,. 2s <il..10 fo 41.S0 sac-1;tioa OroRon Hurhankii $2.<;0 to J2.H0; fancv und j;i.oo.ox- _____ -r o - ------ POTATOES AND PBODUOE.

CIfI(;AOO. Maroli IH ’(/P)— I’..ia fo -i sloadv; roooipt.K ;if. oars; to ta l U. S. shi|.m oafH '71l: \Vi>-coaHin sac-kod roiMi-l

^ wUitoH tc, bulk $!.2r. t( \a»:lose. M iani'sota .and'-.Vorlli D akota »ackc.l

if-il Itivor Okies :fl.2.1 lo ] .W . Narko.l round whiloH ifl.lo to 1.2.'..

• ' Huffor—I/iwor: oronmorv e x tra s 1.1 lo Id l-4o; Rtitudards ostr.ifir.-fs -I.-, firsts -M 1-2 to .J.'.o; sot-oads -I-lr.

Kgg«—I.ow it; rori'ip ls 11,01.1 oaHOS; 1(1% firs ts 21c; ordiiinrv firs ts 1!> 1.2 tr 14% ‘-1 oonfs. ,11% Pou ltry—Alivo, unolinngod.

^OASH QUOTATIONS.CHrCAOO, March 10 O P )_ \V h fa t-

No. 2 hard *l.CO 1-2. i Corn—.\o. 2 mixed 74 .'M to 7.' 1-2.___ No. 2 ycdlow ;8 l-4c,.J l , , . Oats— Nil. 2 wliito -t; 1-2 lo 17 3-lo nil .Vo. ;t whito 4« fc. 47 l-2o,

Ryo— No. 2. (l(io. vn n a r lo y -n 7 fo 71o.)re T im othy ....... lo S.

I Clovor flood— In 2;i..'0.I>!ird—tlO.iiO. ,Ril,s-$tl,.10.


____ PORTLAND, Oro.. March ll» 0P»-(';ifllo—.Sfoa<ly; rooolpfs 3; l.ologni rn d butrhor hulls <3 to t ; ou1v<-h mo

•day dium to olioice l<>Oi poiiiids down flO.r.l fo 12; l!)i> to 2(W poiimb to 10..10200 ..........Ih up to M; oulls nnd com

'’’•'1'-’ IMOII $4 to bouf Htoors i;oc.d grade #7.7.*> lo .S.2.'); modiuia to 7.7.'.; oom

■i sSl4 ;oi, hi-ifors good grades Sll-IO to 7.i>0; modi ;r,;oo um $5 to 0..'50; cumiiion $l.2.’’i to 5 ; can KJ.03 nerK and oattcrs lo 4.2. >; fccdoi8.Lt; sfoors t o lo 7.

H og»t-S loady: re .o ip ts ’ 322; foodo i f f I'igH to 7.,-;0; modium a>id goo.

ohoiro. 140 to 200 pounds to H.2.-5 200 fo 2.’50 ponnds $7.r)0 to .S; U.'H up $7__to 7.,'50; sm ooth. packln,

40e sows $4} lo 7; rougli packers t.T lo fl. 1,6c Shcop— Noniinnlly sfondy; no rr 18c, ooipts: medium -good and choice lamh

S4 down $12.2.'5 tn 14.CT.; oul! [ l « nnrt Common JO.r.O to I2.2.'5; yoarllpj 11*20 "■''••'C'* niodiiini to chcJico all weight lllaa $8 to ll.nO; w c tlia rs 't? t o '8: ewos m.’ ll.dC d i..... to olioirc lo 8.

lp.48 . v _ ^ S ANOELES LIVESTOCK. 10.2S ,ix )s ANGKLIW, March 10 OP)—Cni

. „ lk--Roe»>ipts ,'iOO; boof steors nnd kill ing sho stock stendy; early lop hoc

90^ stoors $8.85 paid for tw o londs Cole 81.40 rados, nvcrngo 000; good nortli

ern cows $0.00; medium nnd commo $ Sto (1; cnnners nnd cn tto rs ^2.2.'> t

SSs 4; bulls slow; irulk bolognnn $3.7.'. I ' 4.0 .-;. cnlvcs, rcccipta 200; ' nncvcnl

04b cnlvcs nvoilOe “ K*’ pounds $ ll.2S ; stro n g weigli 20o |'-» iv o s tJ .M to 8..W.

Hogs—Recolpts 700; holdover 147H , IB c) m nrket 15 to 2.-5c lower; nbout hn lf ru . SOc sold; bu tchcr hogs IT.O to 22.'> pound > 3 5 j $8 to 8.2S; bulk $3 to 8.10; pnokin • ^’ 0 sows •0 /

Sheep— No rcroipts.

l l ' l B A N I'EANOISOO U V ESTO O K .' SA N PRANCISCO, M arch 10 M*)-

Hogs—Stendy to strong; severa l cn: fn irly pood, llglit w eight CnliforuJi

UP)— $H.eO to 8.7>); verj- fow mcdiui A ptil w eights included; sovernl londs Idnh April around |8.r.O.April C attlo—Slow, bnrely stendy ; sovcr A pril loads eon trartcd a rrived ; fow lorn A pril good Novndn steers nround *0 to 0.5(

cows f irm ; considcrnblo inqu iry csp <lally on top gradca;. under grndes stc

- dy.; cannorn and eu ttcra s te a d y ; fe ; , ' o d d jw n d 13; bolls steady , p rac tica l

n itc ir none no ted ; calves about atoadj<?v^u M ar- dortono»w«ak; aovoral cars on comlKJ

n o n ts aion; blddJng ♦o.fio on rangii calves i to ta l to S50 pounds; {ow choico 100 poun

30. m ilk voala <0.C0 to 10; express ahi nday; mnnt* curtniled.orato. Sheep — Lambs Ktcady, oapocinl


n.„- lo S ’’ • r a o u T ' i / ' i c w w u . ' )“K* WV CDUlOj/ (T WSEtF K

>0U iJEAO tMAT /( 6UT ■ CWT .in- TD ME

k.'od liglii full wccjIh: frw .locks go... I pound (.•anfoHiu l:iwl.« $U.r.(i U> I."

I'Ulk Calir-.m i:. spring lanihs n..f fai l.ioks woak to I o w . t ; ewos :in.l w ether

1.10 finn.

OMAHA U V EST O O K .OMAHA, March ID C4>)--llogs — Rc

'■•I'- coipts :-:i.O(l(i; m arkot acfivo. sioa.l, ‘‘•o. i„ .I,. bulk 210 fc. .IQO pouii-i'le bnfch.T.H S<r..I0 fo 7.20; fop $7.20; .1.

xirabb- to 210 po u n d w e ig h t H - 'l tn 7 .10; p la in e r g radc-s o f lig h t sfd.i.

t.. (i.s.-,; b u lk p a c k in g -sows $r.,;i(l t • l.dU: wiioc.fli-T-rad.-H u p to #n..’50; avo i

III'- auc c i s t yc^.Hfi-nlav ,?7.(IS; w e ig h t 24.'. k.'U 8bvo]>— llo c o ip t« ’ 12,r>n0: m o d o rato t D.’- a c f iv ,.; k i l l in g o h m o s .M o iM v fo Hiroim

lim : ,:r tm h s .*l.'..7n f o 'T tV n : h i.ld innloH M on o lij.p .-.l ia m b s ; fu t ew , ral.s •?l(t„-,(i t„ I I : s h e a r in g -lam l.s s te a d v1.'jc fow biivils il.'.2ri.

l.ho, •• OHIOAOO LIVESTOCK.C lIK ’AdO. March 10 (>P)—(.’a tflo -

l{.-ooi|,is 700(1; |..-of sfoors aoliv.- 1 top htindy w.-ight stooi

' $ ll..-0 : |.,.st w eighty kind $11.2.'-: n s iric lly clioico o ffe rings horo:'bAlk fo sti.ors $11 Ic. 1(1.7.';: few plain lOO pound k iad l.> k ille rs #S; fat oo« sloady lo slrong; l.oof lie.ifi-rs-ponrrn^t ' to l.'c higlior, .-sj..-ciiillv u sliijipitm a.-.'.inat; sfc.okors and fc-i'd.-i

■ aoliv r-, sc a rc e in f re s h re o o ip fs ; k il lc i ta k in g p r a o f r .a i ly a ll low or g ra .l

•ilV. r-lc-.T«: T.uUh .•a-.v;-l,ITIk bolognas*“ ''1 In .T; w e ig h ty I..... .. l.u lls g .-n o ra llv *

aa.l b .-J..« -;-v .-,.lw :^ ,«*u .^ ,l.„ lk -.'fll I 10.-'(I f.. paek.'rs, aleiidv In Mrf«nj: more d.->*irablo v.-alor-olS lo ".V kighoi f.'W iipwarVl fo $11.

NOf UnKS— Koreipts 2.3,000; o(ion.-il mos ly .' to lOc highor: light woiglifs 1

2.’ip‘'h ig h e r ; closed slow, w.'ak ;■ t " oarly advanc.'; l.u lk goo.l an.l ohoi.

1(10 tn 32.' pound a v o ra p ' $7,3.' I 7.^0; fop t7..’5.'l;. bu lk bo ttor grad.'S I: I.. l.'O j.ound average $7 fo 7.3.'; I>ul I-ackiiig sows J(i.,T0 fo 0.80; slaughl.

I t— pigs 2.'. fo .'■.Oo h ig h -r : bulk gnod at clioioi. 110 lo i;\t) pound avorago Jfi.;

; fo O.7.';; esfimafod h^dovor'SOOn. , .SI.oi.>i>—lU'co.ipts 11,000; f a t Inml

>••<«•: miovoii- around : slioop at sli.-aring lam l.s stondv fo strong; l>u fat woolod lambs ,$1«.2 .'. f<ri(},(l,T; l< (\r,.7r,-. priiao liu llt woiKht v.'arlin, fl.’5.2.';; host fal owes $11..W; rhoii slj.'aring Inmbs $1(5,

STOCK P R l c i i ” ADVANCEPJ— S tronger Beslstonco I s Developed oi

Oolna Exceed Losses a t Olose; Mo; th an MlUion Shares Sold

0,r.o 1.^0 Total slook salos 1.037;400 sharos. -oni- Tw only industria ls nvorngod 0.'.3: r.„ |r .27. H igh, 1024. 101.24;, lo.•om„„.l Tw onty railroads avoriigod 84.3

not gain, .r>2. H igh , 192-1, 85.00; lo.can-cdor —

NKW YORK, M nrch 10 M>)—.^tor odor pfie''* dovolopod stronger resistnnoo ’00.1 I'xl'iy*'* mnrkot, tho irregu la r flu rtn ?.2.'i: IJenoral list roflccrtlng tl2.'50 '■fndjiistment o f spcculntivo nccount

Onins exceeded losses n t tho close. Ofl orations on tho long side, %uhllo nggrc

i>lvc only in n lim ited num bor o f issu Itnl." tbo plcthorn o f funii-ulis nvnilnblo for stock m arket purpose -lllli; money opened n t 3 1-2 p e r eont ni ght* to 3 per cont, tho lo'vomo- sinco-A ugust Ifl, 1P22. w ith Ion

ohtnlnnblc in lim ited quan tities in tl outsido m arke t ns low ns 2 1-4 p cent.

Timo money tn tc s softened In syi kill- Pfitliy w ith tho low ering o f tho ei

nito. Time monov fo r 30 dny* is :olf.- ‘•'’“ t ^>'‘1 " " ‘1 1-* offered , w i jrtli- being done n t tho higher fiimon •** m onths m oney'r> t l ■* p e r c e n t b id nnd 4 1-2 offcr(

t„ w ith the bulk of th e business n t 4 1 cnly P*’*' fo r OO dnys. Commcrciivor. r 'ip ‘‘r rn tes rem ained unchnngcd, prit }igh: com m anding 4 .1-4 per cont.

E xcept for n b risk rn lly in I>ut 471). gnildem, foreign exchnngo ra te s h<

. rolntivoly stondy w ith dem and stc undi quotw l nronnd! $4.29 h;

Pronch frnncs nronnd . .07 V ents.


Z. imnds dosed :3 l-2s .......................... ........................» 08

enrs F irs t 4 l-4s _ 09ruins Second 4 l-4s .................................. 00dium Third 4 l-4« ..................................... 100dnho Fotirth 4 l-4« ............................. . 09

U. S. G overnm ent 4 l-4s ......... 100vcrnl ----------lontlji ' SUOAB.0.50; NBW YORK, M nrch 10 OP>-Ba cspo- decline* o f J-9c In raw sugar pri stcn- wero followed by ndrnncea of l-4 c ,. fow m nrkot closing a t 0 .01 , du ty paid,

Ically Cubns. Ralea Included S2,db0’ bagn V ur.' Cubas fo r April shipm ont nnd 37,<

bngs Porto Riennn prom pt a t O.C.I, di os up paid ; lO.OOlTbngs P o rto R icans n t 0. 9unds 13,000 bags Cuban nt'0.7J», and Ifl.' ahip- bnga Cubnn n t 6,01 prom pt nnd A]

. shipment. cinlly Raw sugnr fu tu res decllntid 8 to


[ C L A S i i iONE CENT PER WCA d v ertisem en ts u n d e r th is hea so t a r d ev ised of b rin g in g th e n- FO E E B N I - n m i n S H E D

PIK N IK IIK D f f m for rout. Pllon-.- 302.1, M-l Kighlh av.'auo ncrtli.

A1’AKT.\II':NT'"^Ti -ou t; liiO Pourlh_ avenm ' east. I'hone !-SlM ._______

itOOM FOi{ Ul'iNa-—Varnislie.l, cfJ^c in. Desirablo pari o f town. Call at

> avonuo nnrtb .___________’ T o K I{1-;.\T — i-urnisho.l i m ^ n

ler-. i.K.ui w ith hiiiae privileges. Phono l,'17\V. ' ^

Puic "1{1':NT-; runiished apari uiuiit. ReiisomtbU'. Uuugiilow. ApplvF ifth street an.l Hocon.l ave. east.____^

„ ly "“fOE"KBNT:=m86ELLAirE '!"* BOARD and room. 503 Sccond north

‘-iiiiiiLLiH i_________________________r o i t l{|-;NT~liar;ige. liiciuire 52?

'•'‘I’ ■■■Tc.a.i north.________________________f O E 'S A l i ^ B U I T 8 p 7 E O E T 7 ^

FOR SALP>—G reat N m l h o n T T ^ l beans. l{eclenned. N ever been wot.

lu:: O'-. H. L. 8 lt.'w arU *7 ll Sucou.l avenue

rO R R E N T -T A B M B

"TH)irUF.\T- I -7'~H'r s 7voir imj.rov.'.l, Plione (i-lit.

FOU HKNT—'iv ;; fonil-'^ i ’lion.. 0 - 1 - '- l^X ___________________________

1.-, FO it UKNT— 120,.acrca_uu-lliu -tla l' mon. iT.'o U. J . D itter, 3 1-2 milo. M.nfh o f, lown. ■ —

r,.,t FOR UI-JNT—aO ucres. II. C. G etter* nnn M norlh. Phone 22:1. '

r\SO (;oOD fTu i MJ- to re n t ou thi .rfj;. Salmon trn c t. Soo ll-rnry .7. W all.’ I FOU HKNT—Good no rlli~ side liin.i

'to south side bean nnd beet farm er.' D-.lils _______________________________

I'.UJ.M FOU UKNT— Hio a.Tc.'s Iiiri-I tiiPOT .SiH'lvrdutn. Idubi). «t>od improve

'‘■I'l mont, Knnkol Hru«., FAU.M FOR UKNT—100 aores L.mili' " ’ysoiifh of Haxellon: beet, po ta to am: ">'’-^ .o a ti 4*riMl. I 'liono 'Iiflor H p. ni.. Cl a's " ‘f: WV>>»trlow. Har.ellon. iilaho^. . _


HAIUYMKN’—(let starf.-d w ifh pun- ■» brod llo lste ins now. I have fo r sal-

12 -.veil l.roil m ilking cows. K heifo. fo calves, -J ft. .S ai..ath>, oM an.l a 3-yoar

]-r> old son of Carnalion K ing S ilv ia (f!i' ,ulk ■^10(1,000 bnll). out o f a 31 lb. oow

Tho hull is worUi l.alf I ask for Me , hor.l. Hull should he ownod jo in tly fo

„ sov.Tiil TaborcuUu te s lc l ' W rito for particulars. Goo. A. Buck

s ta ff , 700 AIg.ima Blvd., Oskosh, Wir i-uTc' aA L l-:-i-'rosh purebred Jerse;

'■'"I oow. Phone 537J3.'Wil^L UUY your f a t caltUs. c .

Brown. Kimberly." FO U 'H A LF—Pair lilrge bf^>od nl:lro^

oic'-‘ 5-7 S<'oon.l avonuo north.iX lIt HA lyh>—Blnck horse. 1700 ll.s,

0 v ears old; black filly , 1700 lbs; Hm c n four-yenr-ol.l fillies, 1400 lbs. each

m atched pnir five-vei.r-old mblos, IOO . lbs. Ofcch. H eatty m uch. Plion

57HR1. ^lo re '


FOU THADf>-Good heavv teai :i,r. w ork horses, will trade fo r car. Phon

I , , ■ 89,• 32(5 Mnin north.• W lM T T lU D K - j T'rsey cow or l>.oi/r

i o r good work h o r#c- P . Kenwor i'l!.: tJ'.v, Phono .'■.45.14.

FO R BA liE .O R TUAl)h>—Highly ini proved 10 acres. ■ Phono ril.*5J3.

ook PO B SALB—rU B K lT U B E

ttia- " W A N T E ^ T o l^y "furnit u"r . IMioutho 442Rf_________________________________

n ts. t'O R SA LIi—Pinno. Call morning.Op. 1 2 ia F if t l i avenuo enst.

T'os. " F O ^ ”SA LB—th o le eloetric nm gi jfii, e lem ents in good condition, $55; autr ,„H , m atic w nsldng nin-hinc\ nnd playo

p iano. 1301 E leventh avonuo cast.nn.l .......... . —;-------ivest FOUND

FOUND—Brown fu r acnrf. Owr.c id en tify aad pay advortialng. Now

o f f ic e .^

cnll points undor liquidation resu lting froi is 4 early w eakness in niw s "but rnilio wifh shnrply on active covering and bu; fig- ing fo r Cuban account. The uptiir

y ' Is wns duo to tho In ter ra lly in rnv ;rcd, nnd repo rts o f unfavorable lab o r d I 1-2 velopnW>it4 ln Chiba. F innl p rices wei rcial 10 to 17 ^ i n t s ne t higher. M arr rimo closod 5.18, M ay 5.24, Ju ly 5.28, So]

tem ber 5.25. iitch R efined sugnr wns ensler nnd u held ehnnged n t 20 points lower, fin e grn: te rl- u la ted is now quoted a t 8.40 to 8.0 hJid w ith a b e tte r inquiry a t tho insi.

figure.'R efined fu tures >i-ero nominnl.

le rfy a Missouri Version.A .womnti Jb ns old ns Hho feels, nni

D8.2I) how phe feels depends largely on who W.14 o th e r folks, think of h e r looks.- r o . l l SprlDgilcld Leader.00.1 ■____ ;____^

JX 'l ' s ‘»8 Concrete.ExperlmontH nmd** In F ranco wit

eon rrc fe m nde wllh sing hove prove . , It nbout equiil to th a t mudo wit

. _________________■

Who Knows?A nim nls a re n'M'li agrccalilo frlem

7 000 — ............. . T hey puidu ty PO crUl<lsiiiM -<:e.irg>» Kllol.

0.72; ------------------— *(1,000 Best Conftpllments.A pril O oinpllm ents aro ncccpted a t ' t h i

face Talue. but th e best o nes a ro tho to 11 I passed behind your back.


o a HVORD PER INSERTIOISh e a d a r e a l w a y s a l i v e a n d a c t i v e ,

e n e e d o f a d v e r t i s e r s t o t h e a t t e n t


lon- FOU SALK—Ch.'ap. phon..granli w ill i.-.O w orlh .if r.-c..r.lH and vioQ.oollo

;;7]7 , I'lion.' I.'.."):’. su:i M ain east.FOU SALi':-^'.s.'.ruo cfi.’ irTiTiiriio Wou

dor lioans. Ilin-slied I'ofcro the rain I ,,, !•;. I). Cain. I'll..11.- .'OSiltl.

FUP. S.\LV>- bli7mai7i~illipIJ7irc'r’Tig.H.d sha)io. p iK.n.- ____

lUiio FOU SALK—(ihidiola hnlle< 2.'>o do/ .'>4il»2l.

;ir?r n o t CUOSS HCN.S niTid.- fresh ik\n\ a l . loo ’s DoivgUHUt Shop.” FOR SA 1> K -100 pc-r o.-i.t ]>iire I'oKiJ

!==■ sylvauia P arafine base moti.r, a___ 2.1c' per cpiart. W hv j.ay morof Ln;.>rth •\u lou iobilo Company.__________ '

FOU WALK—HiuKs. liivuU.r.v uuvi'.k largo sizo tarps, rubber -bolting, 3-

■ gar.len liosi', rubber^ aud 5-8 oaiiv:i ^ hose. Phone (!40. - jdiiho Junk House C<ES baok ..f Idaho D epart.....nt,H toro,

FOH SALK—Alfl^Tfli soT I pUTTh U ,.t ix 'sious wood sec-ds, W i. „ 'Ih a v c ralHL-d a lfa lfa for sood for yeni

‘iunl a re car.'fiil In kOfTT' il froo fron ; _ , . l o i l . l c r or olhor w .'c ls . A. K. Hoou.'

half milo west ahoshone Hlreet brl.lgo — UOMi-: .\IADK CANDY— Mtiilo fro^l

in. overv dav. Our logu lar prioos, HO. cnmlv ..'lOo; ." :iOo; :iOcr oan.I'

iIT;;?e 20.-. ' ]oe cream per <iish wifli frui dressing 10c. M alted m ilk l.-’a-. Pal aco Candy K itchen, 130 ahoshone sfroe

FOR S A L ! ? ^ w o lu.Tsoh, two ,;oo< rr;T mllk oow, set o f doubl.- harness, four-foi

wagon scule, n.owor, rake, corrugntoi —r- corn Hhellor, Sharpies cream sepnratoi

h roodfr slove, B u rb a n k 's qunlitv hun:___ w'lionl, ripens lu 100 days; imre'U liodlim.i ].hJ.'uj<} R<'d !»•»«; o flier farm implo 'D - . nn-iifs and t.iols. Phoue’ 578J4. (i___ . S'ii'l'^ — .1 .— . «


^ FO u'*1jALl i ^ H u f f ^ Orpington og« 7.'ic. Phono .'.I.'1J3. . “

’’i * ; PUR1->HIIK1) Itari'ed Rock eggs m -!_■ ,hatohiirr--W innC “ r.13'.12.

, FOH aA L i:—U. A. c . WMtf Leghor Ichlckons. C. R. Ilnvcrlnnd , onst ,i

l>ur.-. rock crushcr.“ f o r iiALl-}—L arge "bronto tu rk e y toms an d Ucns. W . A. McDonuUPhono .'■.ri7J. ______________________

FO 8ALl->—Barrod Rook eggs iV I I .) hntchlng; good stock . A. K. Bhoiii

. fQ.; 1-2 mile west o f Shoshono s tree t bri.lg. s lc t . “ FOR 8A |5>—I'uro bred Rliodo IsUin luck- Red t-gg* iV s e tt in g ; onU-r earl' Wis. Phono 0.')0R. P . O. Box 704.

“ l-'OH SALK—P ureb red Burred Roc■--eggs fo r hntoliing. 2 3-4 mik-s we,

----- Blioslruue s tree t b ridgo. Thomas A rra t

iamT., M lffO ELLA K EO U a

'TiTir. " s u n a ^ '* M A K T N ( ^f«ci .MATKUNITY niirsiag . m7s, K. .

.-ach, Hniu.T. I'hone 54«H4.'0 '".' HAND I'ICKKD Groal N orthen

$,'.,tiO per owt. K inney Wltolomilo C<------ “ w e AUK S T IL L in the m arket fc

your f a t hoR>v. I’hone A. J . F ix a t 3.____ KIHK ,• CLKANING c:0. wants Iteam forenoons. Phor

W E BUY ond sell any th ing . . Casii c commission. Id ah o -Auction C<

; wor. 1 Pbono 310. . . - . . ..~ROCK CRKKli g ra v o fa n d saad. H

TTTT Fourth uvcntio wost. . Phon(> 208VM nrklc’B b lacksm ith jjiop .___________

= TRY IT— Is ther-j a difference i RiisoUnot J u s t tr y o u ts aad leo fi

___ _ yourself. U nd Autom obilo Compnny.L*rD. KELLOGG, ag en t” fo r Latim er

____ Dry Araonato of Loud fo r spm y mateinl. Coll phono C50R. P . 0 . Box 75-

W IL L STAND registered Shlr.5 «uto stnllion .at ranelr 1 3-1 miles cast layor of W a tte rs ’ corner, on Fulls rond. i"t- Tonus, $10. Bcl Askow. I’hono ____ 542R.'J. , ’

__ SONG W RITERS— We will a catchy .melody fo r y ou r song poor Nows Big mouoy can bo mndo from royaltii

paid by pinno p lay er roll nnd rccoj___ 1 Bitttiufactutor*. Your song w ay bu tl

next b ig hit. Send y our song poc from today. W ondcrtone Muaic Co., G27

nllii-.l Frem ont .We.. Bnllim orn, M.I.______buy- BIG-PAY joba opon in Los Angol

ptiirn for a u to mechanics, eloctriclnns, cf rnws Lcam nuto trade*. .Short, easy coun

do. guarnntco to q u a lify yoti. E a room end board whilo learning. F r

, , 84-pag'i Illustrated catalog explal daroli cvcrythlog. W rito Dopt. 117, Nation

Autom otive, 400-1 S . F igueroa, L Angeha.

d un- — „ ___________________L—


TORD 8 W nnU d^T .' f T J w k Hou>[^ PR IV A T E p arly w an ts to huv fi

aituro. phono D91W.WANTED—Live po u ltry of all kirn

Public M arket, phnne 1573., nnd w a n t e d —To borrow $2000 fi: whot mortgago on 40 ncrcs. Phone 5(53. ks.— “ w a n t e d — Uaod piano ; price mi

he r ig h t.- W rito C. T. Brown, ct Nows.

WANTED—For calvmatea ou cemc ... work o f any k ind ca ll C. E. Holm

Phono 703.■ W A N T K D -Ilo l.liiln ------jA lry ~co'

'^ ‘t“ Any q u an tity . L. S. Atwood, R. Buhl. Phono .’111J4.

WANTKD—To trn d e a horse or h« ers fo r young boef »t<!or«. A. E . Boo

•lends 1-2 mile west o f Shoahono atroot brld PUM WANTED- TO R E N I’— 15 «

ncrcs. Cash or crop rent. Addr Thintinn 'M unn, Box 48S, Tw la P a Idaho..

. • , “ \N’ANTBt>—Caaala County F lin t a< th e ir Cortlflod D icklow whost. D

those row Bros. Seed a n d Supply Phono 8. •


nSEMENTS3N — AND WORTH ITIiv e , a n d c o n s t i t u t e t h e b e s t m e a n s

e n t i o n o f r e s i d e n t s o f S o u t h I d a h o


r t l , ■ w A .\T K i)-n ,;i ', ; ,:k ;. ,,e 'r ;-olio. Mila.-e fo r right party, Tw.. aiil.'s norlh.

OIIO au.l oiio-half mil.'.s ,vost lli.nsotl ' I’ri.Ige. .M. 0 . Winkle. K.lvn, i.lalm , Ul.

rain. W A N TK D -M rui .in.l w iirn ^ n T li 'in j for summor or year arouad. wife to huin

r "T., w ith UohsowotU. I'liciiie ;J2S.1-). \ '1 M axwell, Uonto I, Bulil.

~T\ZT W ANTKD—liirh lor picking l.c.......■■ h tn rtiag F riday morniiig. Norll.rup!. K ing (.'o., 237 ahoshone- sciitji. oV '

101.____________ •r r i MAN, w.iman ivanto.l. Salarv , ' 7 , woekly full tlm e;-$ a n ' h o a r 'sp a ro • tim e; sc-lliug guarantoo.l .hosiery lo

w earer. CnttoiiH, le a th e rs , silk.t.— _ G iia ran ^ed Mills, N orrialoun. Pa.

8 m n tT l6 N 8 ~ W A N 3 ^ D ’

o u«r " ^ W A N T E ld w o rk ^ b v ” high sehool ' «93J «P«fii-‘'i‘if' UH clerk. I’hono

"^(y, “ wW lANVwunlS work per dav. p « ;,en,s POIW fo rcC o n s and .T to 7 p‘. ni. from WOMAN wants j.lnee to c.iok oa non.-, ranch or lu camp. Cnll .Mr.i. Boyd.l.lgo. Bar^^cr rooms.__________________ - ’fro^U \VA>iTtll>—Uy miiii willV f a u lty ,

Hdo work ou ranch by nionth for summer. ln«|uire h a lf mile north W ashingt*^ fru it i-chool.*■»<• WORK WANTEl) by expencncod

t.roei man, mnfrjed, have , fam ily. N enf .___ ” *“>01 " f "■'•Kon route. J ju o O,;oo.l Thompson, R. 2. City. ) ^r-toii W ANTKD—I'oslfloi. ns{uer :.itor, or general housework assistan t,•ator. porionce ml.I.lle aged widow. A d d te sa , hard C. M.. oaru N«wi>. '•

thodo ■tuple. M ONEV TO LOAN

'■1 0 1-2 P E R C E N T ,'m o u o y fo r f a m '___ _ loana .. .Can get you the money in tea' daya from da te o t applkuU on. C. Jk ■

Robinson._______________________ ,

og«s FO B S A L E -^U T O M O B IL E S

—r - ' " 'F O R S A L I'^-Ford j.ud Dulck cars'‘" L A uIo UepuLr Ship. I'hnuo --------

T IR K BAUGAIN oii fivo soeond hand 32x4 1-2 tires. C huck’s S e rv ic e .S tn tion . ____________________

: NEW . 1.MPU0VED a lb o r caae nivbl’ Columbia balterles. *17.50. Auto R o-’»

r» ir Hhop. Phone bP.— JT- W A N TK l^-lO O O 'm eiijto si-e tlio ba“- Ihniie offering la tiros.

Lind A utomobile Compnny.___________WANTEI>—Good seooud hand tour-

, . , X n t 535 F o u rth:avenuo oast, a f te r .I o ’clock. •

- j r r ^ ' “ O P i ^ RT U N IT V—Trca l“ yoiTr m otor west b e tte r gnsolino and

r ro n *’il- ‘ ‘'" ts no more. L ind Automo* UOo Company.

! FO R H ALl->-iieavy trac to r oil 100 per cen t pure Peiiiisylvanla Purnfino

------- base; nono bettor; POc In fivo gallon____ lots. B ring cans. . Lind Automobilo

K. .1. C-ompaiiy._____________i "c;K .V rU A L (lAUAGK, opoii uiTcIerheruK new munagemcnl. We ovorhnul nud o Co. repair; we wash cars; wo havo stor- T - r r . age; wo buy nnd sell cars. A. C. lla h u .I t 35. proprieKir. Phono 1>IBW.


j j -T ;:!____________ ATTOBNEYS

^ ;SHAD L . H O D O m —Roon« 12 a a d 1» — — I F ira t N ational Bank Bldg. P h o n e 6. .0«w“ J . H . W ISE , LaTryer. Offieea, Booma

I C and 7 ovor Twin F alls B ank hi T ruat Co., Twin Falls, Idoho._______

j jy 0 . O .^ A L L , over Cloa Book qtoto. my. JO H N W . OBAHAM—Law yer, B a a k ^

T ru st flu ilding. Phone 935-R. l a to r - 'A S lS B B. W IL S O N -L aw yor. ' c 754 ., H OM EB 0 . M T-tjji—Q yer c h y 6 a fe > — — iSW E E L B Y t t s W a a iiE Y — A llorneT i hir>; : at-luw . P roctlce In a lt courts. T v u enst , . FaUs, Idnho._______________________

j !" E . L ^ O E N W ^ T ^--------‘ l O ffico over Goldea Rule, phono 892W:npose|- Residence phono 8H2J.._____________


,0 tin- W E U JM tl.pociii A cety lene wolding, auto anrlngs mado

27 ,N. [“ fac to ry a tylo,” auto wheels mado and___ ^ i r e p a l r t d . Oenoral -blacksm lthing andngolcri wood w ork. A ll work guaran teed .I, ctc. PhonC 524. G. H. Self. 250 Second :ourso. South.

B L A O K S M im '

S iA O K m n T H — i i A i S i i i Sh o p —.iion-i B lacksm iths, woldera, boiler m akerit

^ m achiniats, m anufaeturors anppUe* o f all k inds; agents ARman-TayliTr

= — M achinery Co. Krengol Machine Oo. J g Phono 1202. 210-220 Second a v a a- —— OLASS .)U»0. -------------------------------------- -------------v~7tI7- W IN D O W OLASS—W ind sblelda, oftbl-

_ net w ork. M ooa’s Shop. Phone 8. kinda TBANSFEB

‘' H m M cN lO H O LS TBA N SFEB h 8TO&A.OB (53. —G arbage hauled dally. Pboae 200. i l i j u s t OBOZIEB TBA K SFSB OO. Phoae 848.., cnro C rating ; S torage and L iberty eoaL

' D h r S B U B ^ MOZOB’^ t d X M U . ?SHoHt P A in r — Ned R. MoCraeken, M j* . [olmoe. Offi(;e pbono 33; -Bea. p h o n r 80SB11.

N o th ing too big, no th ing too small. Olvo u a a call.

R. 5 ~ ~ SHOB B B P A O B ^O !

Boone, IBS W est Bhoaheae 8U Photw SM . hridgii. M a ^ ^ o r ^ p o a ^ ^ ^ w ^

.^ddreas M eyers, P r ^ UO Seeoad' 8 t Pnllg, T w in F alls. W » fcUo ;tw ty awT th o O .

nt seed -------------U D ar- OHM BTATB V U K O A IIlz a W -\0 0 «m y Co. 128 SeeoDd av«. w e f t 'O oo4ra« r aaA:

MlU«c tires. V n l u a U t n c r M M d ^

>24. ■____ l age fciBven

Page 8: T w irN FA iLLS D A ltLY NliE W · T w ir VOL. 6. vo. 298. EXPECT B fllir' • TO GETHCTl fiEFOlE TUXES Sentiment Favors Final


Deputy S ta te V eterinarians Be- g iitT esting of C attle a t T hree

' Points in Connection w ith ' County-W ide Drive

Di'Iiiity Ntiilc vi'UTiii:iriiin« linv.* ho (pni ill llio vlriiiitioH c.f Twin rilc-r and Hiilil. toHliiij,' <•<' oiilllu in' ocm-

snootir.ii wi|!i tlio “ arivi cirivo” ui'iiiinf tubcTc'iilosii ill oa tll':_ iii Twin comity fc.r whii-li llio lioiircl of r«.iiiity cninmi-nioiHTH roroiidy minlo (irraiiRo-

’ piouts lu .-(i-oiu'r;iti(>ii willi tlio fJ^c-ra' nm! Mtalo l.iiroaiiH of :inlin:il Inciimlry.

TostH in tlio Twin Failtt ilistrio.t nro bpiiic ma-lo l.v Dr. II. H. Orooim’, in

. tlio ,1'iJor iliHtricI, l.y Dr. E. II. M>'- .m iln n and in lli<! Ilnlil cliHlricl by Dr,

ir.:‘ e»lio(l.___ \Vflylt l.i'i'iin l.y lho ilcpiily votorin

firiaiiJt. iioonr.litii; to nKHiiranen (jivo.i I hy n r . W. A,.~fliil,llvn.n,

jnHjM-c-tf.r ill jilmr(jo of fo.lornl hurciiu ,o f an iiiia r incliiflry nctivitiPK in Tdnlio_, V u i Iio HUp[>li;iiioiiti'<I ntiil nxpnndpil in ilils rouiily on or nhortly bnforo April J , w ith llio a rriva l o f federal nnil

...stato vc'lorliiiiriaiiH wlin now nro .car- ryiiit; on a Himiliir .drivo in IkinnorK countv.

AH Cfttt\o to BO ToBted.“ Itio drivo Ih ooinplpled,' ’

T>r. Hiillivnn suld, "o v o ry hoof nn-l dairy nniinal in Twin ■l-'all* connty wilt Imivc'- lii-on lo«tcd for tiiht'rrulnsis nnd thoMo fc.niid tn ho infortod wil) lio de- (itroyod, ho Dial npon ooiiiplction of thc ilrivo Itll' c-oniity will not^contniii n l.iit.orc-nlar hcn-f or dniry nnim nl.”

J Only •tnhi'rcnlin lojflod ra ttto will hopi'riiiiltod to ciilor tho roiinty a flo r tli- ^Irivo in omnplolod.

OwiiorH of oondoniiiod ra tllc will t'lr conipoiiHrilod from fodoral nnd *:Trt-ntT funds lo llio oxiont o f two tliirdfi o'.' tlio vnluo of tlio tiiiinial!) dcHtroycd.

Toht o f ranco liordii in liiin ootmt,*' protmlily willlioKin npon Itio n rri"n l r>f tlio fodornl and hIiiIo volorinnTiacK, ond n t i-onvonioiit poinlH, rhnlt'H .ire to 1.0 I'roi'toil to' fnoilitiili.' lho opora- tinn. ■

Itino rafy for tho votojiiiari:in« oti- pa^o.d itl (liiH wotlc in l.oinn w orlr’d' out l.y ttio rounty anoiil niwl owiiurH of cnttlo IhrnuKlmnt tho ronntv.


M ost of F orm er R esidents Com­ing Back from California in Next Six M onths, Says Sm ith

W illiin 'till' iioxt Kix uionlhn a Inrjjo proi>orlion!i o f fonnor rosidonlfl o f Twin Fnlls now rosiilinK lii_nnutliorn Cnli- fornin will roturn hero, n rronllng to C. M. Rinith. Twin Falln pionoor. wTio v itl i Mrn. Bniitli and thc ir dniiKtitor<, WiMs Olivo nnd Mis» nr.'ioo,, ro tiirno i W odnosday f r o f t i I xih Anijelos whore- thoy npont lii'vpral, montliH following; tho j;radim tion of lho younj; women ffoiii llio ITnivofHity of Cnlifnrnlu apritii:.

^ N'ot only thoso who havo ROno to California lo upond tho w iutcr nionths nnd Ihost' who have hccn dinappointod in licipos of ol.lnininR oniploynionl tjieri- nro ninkintT^rranfionK’ntB lo rotnrn tc. Twill rn lls , Mr. Sm ith snid, l.nt n num' b er o f formor Twin Faila rcsidc-nl.i who oro om ployod^n nnd nbont Los Ar\- gclvs w tin fa rto ry vfnKcs nro nnxionH to oomo h n rl , and tunny of tlicm wiil

— do iK>-nN Nooii n»t conditions for ovo.- land trav i’l nn* moro favorahlo.

Invostora Look Thia Way.The Twin Falln country occupion .1

proniinont plnco in th o ' niindi o f n aum hor o f InvonlorH from olhor n ta tc i w ith whom hu ramo in conl.iot in Cali- fornin, M r. Smilh naid, nnd he. connld- or« i t th n t many of lho,ho in- TCstorB will vinil UiiH rc^’inn during tho coQiinR Hiinimor.

liO* AnRotoH liii.sinoics ynon aro rom- pininin); ovor coiiclilioiiH Ihoro, Mr. 8 n iit lr naid, niM i t in viirioiittiy o»li- muU'd th n t tlioro nro from "IIQO in -1000 idlo mon in I^is A mkoIo.i , while hanlt.-i hnve Hhul down on lonnn for con.striii;- tion o f now a;i.'irlnu'nt Iiouhch or nmall' c r l.uihlinRH,

Tho ootiditioM, tiowi-vor, as ' Mr. Bniilh floos it, is only lomji^rary, nnd continuod advftnr»'niont o f tli6 cily and rcRion iH inevital.Io po, long an tho luro

* o f Kouthorn Cnliforni.V holds sw.ay, nl- tliouKh there muy ho tem porary pause in Its dovdopm ent .-in notms to ho tho situa tion a t present.


6 . VanEafi)o, raneh employe, was t a ­k en io. e a tto d y Wedocftdiv; by deptity tb o r iffs and a fodoral agont who ra id ­ed h is domieilo oa Hoqbo creek, ^ o a t 80 n ile e west o f RogorBon, and con- fisea tcd a 15-golloa kog which, thoy

^ Voported,. w iu abon t h a lf fu ll o f moon- ^ i a e -w b isk^^ Tbo keg, the officers •aid , w iu 'fo u n d in V an E a te n 's dwell* iB f-b o u e , b o t th o y w ore onable to discover a n y trace c f apparatns fo r

. . ~. ja b o u h in ln g o ^ ra t io n a fo r whieh th ey w ere in M areh.'

page Eight , ______TWWIN FAIAS L).^LY NE\

Jamea He



f iK S M / /P ig iB *

11lho, Illi

I ir —OCU ^ ^

* ' n trro iiiino iit nttorniry nf floutliern 1

d i’’ who diod Wodiiosdiiy n t liin linmo I nn-l 1,11 \v;iH Hlrucic down 'vliilo nctivoJy e wilt •

1 1 BREVITIES),i, . Qocn to Caspcrr^^iT.rKi' BoHsinnn loTi

tl,. Wudiionday on a hu.sinesH tr ip to Cni - por, WyomiiiB.

n t^ -L o»v«« f o r -V id t—Milts Aylcon Tyler f,cj loft \Vodno«dny oveninR to v is it n fow

I, days in Huport.

" n f VLilts In E lch fle ld —K. W. Htoolo loft W odnosday on n l.iimnosH trip t<) Uiohfiold, Idnh(r.

'ra - — ------H n . uom eron B etum s— M rs. IClln

Cainoron rotiir»od_ Tuesday from Cnli; fotniii, wlioru sho _«pcnt tho w»itcK -

,B a c k ; r n n n O a^fom io—T. O. Hi.yd, •.Ir.. rotlirnod \Vodn»'»c|ay from a few iliiVH' InisiiioMs Irip to l-<«n(; Bc-acli, ra lifu rn in .

I<eaTes fo r H om e—Mr^'. W. r. Roroli, .siHlvr <.f lho hlio W’illiain K err, will

n lonve thiH m orniiif'. roluriiiiig to hor ^ lionio iu Tncomn.

* • On Biulnes.i T r ip —F. H. Doi'iiy of tho ConsotidnU'd WaRon and .Miiohiiio

fTl” coiii|iany, le f l Woihu'Kd.iy L'voniiiK oil jp a hiisineHii tr ip tci S:iH ' I<:il(e. .

i t h A t L av a H o t Springs— Val Homier, son i.s H|)otrdiiiK n fow weeks n t L ;ivi Hot aprinK.s, Idhlio, whoro tu- is n-coiv.

,vi,, i»B trea tm en t for rliounintiHni.

OoUod to Ohio—M rs. It. K. Thuralon, w it^ h o r ' son, le f t Wodnenitny ovonirjj

p for ColnnihuK, Ohio, in rosjMuiHO to iiio.s- "‘‘K*’ tolling o f tln ‘ orilicl ilhioits o f

loro■ini; ZMLVoa H osp ita l—F T s . IHU returnr.l «cn W ednesday to lii.s homo, 71‘J T h ird nve-

nno enst, froni tho ro u i|ty BonornI licr>- pitnl whoro he siibm ilted to an upcru

to lion hist week, ith s - . » —itod w m M ake Iiom o H ero—M ike Ilnyno- leri- ofj N orlh r in tlo , Notiraska, iirolhor oJ I tc. Haynes of th is citjH arrivod ' Wodnesday w ith tlio oxpi-otion o f mnk who ioR hiii home in T w in I'ailSv—

V lsIU Sfloada H oro—F red Nlhiirt wiil roprosi-nlativo in tho slal»'

loiiislaluro from Ihis oounty, ivffd m.« piislor of the- .\Iothodisl church a t MC' Cammoii, vi-sited frioncLs here Wodnos


lies A ttends Suprem e Conrt— Attorney II. has ro tnrned from Boia-j

sld. nippciiTod th is »j»eok bofortJjj. Uio ntfttjj^BU|.remo-court in n hnrinj; in

.Jl,, a su it ill which he is re ta ined Ui

, , P ack e rs ' B uyer H oro—W illinm Con- •ill- ‘■f‘ ttlo buyer fo r Wjjyy H ardy and company, Snn !>1ck«' nk.s n fr‘vod hero W ednesday to

look ovor tlio r t a h C onstruction coni'intV r^n'.v '

E aachm on Socovers—H arvey yinilli ' lo ft W ednesday, re turn iiifj to Point

K(inc;h, Houtli o f Rogerson, a f te r ro- _cfliving trc.Ttmont here fo r Craestnro o f throe rilTs caused by fa ll frpm a

” ■ fraolioufl . luse ___

T akes P lace i n WashingtCFn—Mibt ■> CInra Campbell, fo r six y ears an cm

ployo o f th e telephone exchnngo here .left- W ednesday m oniing 'f o r iio ttli

l / p Yakim a, W ashington , to tak e a posltloii ^ w ith’the tolephono com pany there.

I f your p ro p erty is 'desirablo nnd ii m ly advertised in tho c la s s if ie d -y o u ’ll flnJ a id - your bnyer.JOat e = ! ^ ^ = a = B = a B s ^ = « s ^ ^ ^ = con- ............ - - —

For Automobilo and cers Pire Insuranco see ' roll*

to w . 0 . S M I T H

Eoom B B augh BIdff. th o n e 163.


le f^ y Wise ! ^

- ' i


'n Id 'ilio nnd |)ioiiei’r citizon of Twin Falls0 horo from offects o f n ltack by whirl y en^ajjod in iiursuil o f his life work.

r i SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA’S > „ CONCERT- IS ANNOUNCEDlo fl Local M uafcal O rganization Prop&rlat ;n t- to flurposa In itia l Success In O ffer

; ing Thifl’YeorI -

rlor I’rcliniinary aiiiinunca'iiu’iit w.ts niacl.: Wodnosday of tho Twin Fnlls Sym phuiiy orohoBtrn’B socond nnnunl oon

^,.|o ocrt in propariilioii for whirh rolioar to sals havo boon hold for several weok:

|im dor diroction of Ciiistnv Flecditner iiikI whirli in lo bo presented in thc Or

ICllii nli.-uiii thoator oarly in April.'The orchostra, whioh in Ihis ronoorl

-! v. ill ooini.rise .'0 ominbor.-'. inrlnclini Ui.iso iiiid-4’ocalollo im isioiiins,'w ill li<

• ' n^sistod l.y n. nolod I ...... solnist «i.iriill.L uke,

E ffort is l.oini; direc-|od toward .snr paHsiiii; th is yoar lho siicocss s<;ori‘(

•oil, o rchoslra’s in itia l oonccrj Iasiivillher I’oiitiiri'.s o f thi‘ pmirram ii

to lie lho rendition o t tlio I ’oli.ih com ! jicsor, T chaikow sky's • ‘ Nut (Jrackoi

pj. S u ite ,” a eoii; HT!rttion in oij;ht parls liiio “ il>'i't;nr'iaii I th ap 'o d y .” l.y Lisrt

als)) is to bo one of tho nunihor.

'RETURN WITH BODY OFb a b y f o r b u r ia l h e r e

oiv- — — Mr. nnd Mr.-.. J . K. ,Malhows, ...........^tosideiitK of Twin I’nlls, a re returninf w ith fho I,ody of tho ir lotir anri'onc

"«'K h a lf yonrs old son, Kox Matthews whose donth occurred la s t week a t tlioii

.lioiue in Onkland, California, from ton silitis, nceord ine to word received her*

n « i " ’'’‘I''*’"'!'*)'. Mrs. M itth cw s .is n daugh ,vp. te r o f M r. nnd Mm. A. Waiinnian 01 l,ri-!- '\'l'ii*on nvenito.cru- M-rvjvos fo r tlu- mHo f..i

low, it was nnnoiincod. w ill In- lipi, S aturday afternoon in the .P. .7. Gro«s iiinii chapol hor.V nncl will I'.e c.indn<-tc,

. o ' Kdgar I.,. W hile o f t!io Mi-ttio„.r,. d isl chnrrh.


^iirt. E ighteen y o u n ^ men, charged b; lalo P robation O fficcr .Tohn R. 'Ault witl

iiiisropresonting fheir ages when thoj signed a ffid av its ' as n perquisito ti tlioir frequenting hillihrd roouja, w er

; in terview ed, W ednesday . n ftornoon 1,1 ith o prolxito eourt room by Prosecuting A ttorney J . W. Taylor, who reccivcc

° from oach lad a promiso n o t to onto;lho furbiddon premises u n til atta in in j

tho required ngo of £0 years. Thi prosocuting •attorney ngrecd not t(

press tho chnrgcs so long a s tho prom isos were kopt.


T h is ,l« e 8k , | | w j f f l r O N L Y l g H y in a *•

ilibs M attresses, 40-lb. cot- (P*| t y f Acm* I ton, satiao n rt tickings.. d X ^ a O Ulorp.' C hild 's crib bod, ivory Q {TAofth finish, w ith m attress___^ X O i U Ution cases, ( p i A t*

I 24-inch ...... .......... ....... ;_____t D l « c / D; Ivffry bedroom suite, 4 f i J Q C A A

1 -.-j picccs, now p a tte rn — t o O O i U U

' ’" '’ i fw e e '^ rs '* ^ ® ' . S 3 . 7 5I Mon9rch range w ith ® r 7 C A A

= i w ater-front, log baso...... 2> l O * U U

• $15.00B very th lag in F n m ltn re

A. VINCENT COMPANY207-209 Shoahoae S tree t Boath

^ Phooe iOS .


F riends and A ssociates in P ro ­fessional and F ra te rn a l C ir­cles .Arrange Funeral serv ices fo r Jam es H. Wise

Jam es H enry Wise, one of th c liest known atto rneys of southern Idnho, nnd n rcHidont of Twin l-’nlls since 11)08, died W’ednesday .'it a ls homo hor.‘ from effec ts o f n paralytic n ttack n 'ith whieh he was strirkeii la s t I-Vidny, nljiio»t_ exactly a j;vny,. a f te r th e firsf^ i i f tn f t - " Tniiittilinli' xrp.UitC^bii, -itTehicf-

J n g his aon, Chester Wlno, who nrriveil .’fiiosday, ,fr.ani J^os Angelos,, whero ho is n ttond ing university, wero w ith Mr. W iso when thc end cnmo a t 0:.10 o ’eloek W ednesday morning. He hnd grow-i, ;.;radually wi'akor a fte r Iiis n tta ek la s t Friclay whioli .-anio while he was a t work in his offices here.

Funorn l Sorvlcos P lanned . Mombors of the Twin F „lls Coiint"

R ar nssociaticm wili nttenil in 11 l.ocly £un<-ral services for Mr. Wise, whicii w ill be held undor nuspiees o f Twin F n lls Conimiindery K nights Tem plar, ill tho M ethodist Episcopal church here

I a t :2:.'!0 0 ’c lock . F riday nftornoon. O’hi.'Kev. Charles K. Winning will conduct

lls, tiio services.ipl, .Members o f the bar nssociation wil!

ho honorary pallbearors, wliile m em ber,__ o f the eoinmandory wiil serve ua active.

pallbearers. The list o f honornry pall l.oarors annoiiiicod .^ -iliitsd«y -ovon ing com prises K. A. Waiturs, S. L. H odgin,

W. Taylor, O, 1’. IJuvair, 0 .'I C hapm an, C. A. .N’ortli. The followini;

tiioniljers o f th e eoniniaiidery have boen rer- chosou a s nctive pallboaroni: F . B.

Clijimborjjiin, A. J . .M.ver-t, H. D. Smitfj, K. .1. Finch. Frod Foss, H. J . W eaver,

iclo Mombors of the bar nssociation will i„. assem ble a t £ o ’clock Friclay afternooii

in th e d is tric t rourt rooms to a tten d tho funeral services nnd a t th a t lim fr they will determ ine the tim e ftir moev-

■l« in ;■ o f th e 'l ia r nssociation menibers in ;er, ociiirl hero lo pay irihiite to the memory Or o f tlioir dopartod asiovinto.

W ins Prornlncnco In Profession, ort •lames Hoiirv Wise was ngeil inir yoars. He was Imrn November ^1. Ill' I.**"!!, in Irving, Ivilolla cou n ty ,-K en - of lucky. His fa ther and fiinill.v in ISS:.’

w.;h\ to W inston, M)H"onri, w here M.-. nr Wise received his oleniontary and liigti red schcwi odnration. Ho slndiod law an-l asl was adnlUtod to the in -Miiisouri

in lK(in, ancl oniilinueii-in the i>ractioi.-I IK o f llis profi^s.siou in th a t s l a lo u n t ' l .la- i:'OS, w hen ho m o v e !, w ith h is f.'im ilv . <er 10 T w in F a l l s . ' H is clicnlH h a v e in- •Is. c lndocl som o o f tin ' mont im p o r ta n t oo l- <7t. [ 'o ra t io n s o]>eratlng in th is r e g io n , in-

‘ ir I g j H e r e A r c V a s t A s . p l A t t r a

Bh. - y y ^ 20c 6Ui


BrBei >»«v u i« a ia . 9 V r Aatlaapiie ^ I li

S rao i SeaPt..................................................A lkallae At>ta**«toTablets. 60's . . . .........B eraar'a DUbmMI Aj T aUcU.100's ............ ...............

iK r t i .....2 t c 42cIC 1 4 BM-JayH A lkaline A*(t

f ® r r j

.•cd'ter 1 | 2 | / .

S |S=5’ Jl-50 Servicc to H o t W a t « r

^ B o tU e ,^ ra -„ I W l M«alde4

L J l t n m lir e rc4 ra b -JIOM M a X D asdke P u

^ $ 1 . 8 'rv JS —E l PrrlBmUom D«4 aa) ^ f r - , ^ s ; r . " . - . - . . s 3 . 6 !

Bt*rilts*4 Gaaae D u U a s*

^ ..... IO 1II Z«M8 Adke«tr* P W « * « .



' RIGHT O f WAY MAP FOR ] SOUTH LINE a m e n d e dn BeeoriUng o f S ovvril Ohangea In B o o te U fo r Bog«isoo-WeU> B ailroad B ^ I I ported a t B ike

O A map o f the' amended rig h t o f Wayi fo r tho WellB-Rogorao'n R nilrond ' com-|

pony, haa bcon filod a t the lnnd offi~e{ in ^ i s _ c i ty , according to w ord rc-! colvod 'th is morning, says tho EUco, Nc- i

*0- vada Indope’ndont in i ts issue o f 'Inhi j Ip - The m ap ind icates severnl;

changos over tho route ivhich licreto- )6 S sur\-oycd by o ffic ia ls ofi

tho Union pacific railrond. |W ork on. tU<! railroad 1s expect cd l ‘>'

s ta r t as soon ns woathor conditions will )enc pennit. I t is roportod th n t th e con- iho, tra c t for tho work has been' Ic t, nncl nee th a t tho buUiUng o f tho rnilrond which ,or.‘ ^ 'ill open up oiie o f tho richest copper 'ith cnmps in the world, is to s tn r t duriii'.' Iny, I April.

i,report wns roeolvod ni'cf. (in tm slc ily th is m orning to tho <'ffoct ved tlmt tho Utnh CoiililJuetion compnny

ho .is.asJdng 100,000 fo i^rig lit o f w ay priv- M r. ilcges ovor Iheir holdings in tho north- ock I’f'ft o f the eounty. nv-i Tlie^ company holds a vast n rca of

r,* land in northern Nevada, nnd il r was declnred Hint the ra ilroad rig h t o f wny

trnnsverscs some -JO miles o f U tnh Con­strue tinn company property.

«it" = i ^ = = — = L s = = sild i Or<-’Ron Short Lino R ailw aywin ‘'"'"I''**'.''- rOKardod ns ono of

the most diligent workers in h is pro- lOre chose, a f te r being strickenr j , . “ continue ac tive ly inIuct r*’*’'" ''’" ' ' " ” Ills life 'w ork ra th e r thnn

fnrBako it in pursu it o f honlth. wil! "*'*'■' '-’'1 M '"" Anna

j r . M allory, daughtot o f Mr. and Mr-... ’ W. S. Mallory, by whom ho is survived, ij '^s well ns their only child, C hester

! Other^^'survivlng. re la tives nre^ two hrpthers and fonr sisters. The

K A', .)>rothors • nro O tis Wiso o(« A ltnm ont,• Missouri, nnd F rnnk .M. Wise o f iVii-

^ Ihony, Kansns. Tho s iste rs n re Mrs.' Hny Foster o f Twiu Fnlls; Mrs. .1.’ TI. itfj o f Clianij)agno, Tllint^is; Mrs.

' Bowles K arris o f W inston, M issouri; ivill Snyder of fit. Joseph, Mis.

A ctive in l ' O-

O. P., Modora Woodmen o f Amerlon, Klks and Masonic lodi’os. Ho w as an nctive niembers o f the ropubliean

• party, beinir ^ nno tim e mombor of llio Idaho stafi' contrai cominrtteo. ancl

... w;is ill lOlH eaiidiclalo for the officc of ,;'j’ district jndiro..

od'.i useless to you mnv be vnlttaide to otliers—a d vertise i t in tho

M.-. classified ^olnnlns.■ igti ' K and

t*'.’. Highest cash price paid f o r B O O S .


I p i t a l a n dOOM SUPPLIESAssortments to Meet Every Need— tractively Low Priced.

25c IN tndend Borle 4 "^ g i» Acid ....................................... I <i-y - . >!■>#. Cnrholle Aeid,I ^ C 4 f C 4 ......................... 1 '

P rrvzldv. P a r k ^ m

t i l 2 5 c4 0 c7 !. . . . fcO w TIpMtir* Iodine. 5 -

A « tls« p n e 2 ..................................................... fc I2 9 c Cklorvform U aim ea t. . 4 |

i i l o o « * ..............................Z C o a C n o ttc r . A*.V ..U ip .l e - W po— - . . - . .................- C arbolatnl Vaaellae. . C | B t poaad ea ss ................... O l

$2.50 Service Com- $1.5binallon Hoi Wa t e r CrefBotUe and Fonnlain 1000 b1

Syringe\ Uapid flew n b ta c . C 4 Q Q

3 wriTw p ip e s ...........^

Invalid CushionsRed n ibber reiafarevd >n- ■Idc with

; $ 2 .5 0 to $ 3 '.5 0

?3.75 Bed and Ab» J Douche Pans ?)

Paaa 7B« K>«lacrt*B R ab b ar SbM<- T re 0 7 la c . W a r tn ta d Tk«

............ 47ctaVM. r a a t lc a ta n , No. 1 . . . . C I Q

LSI Zio c |.‘i ^ ' r r ^ . ; ^ 4 7 c j | C A N D V S P E C I A LJay’S* Maple Walnut Fudge 18c ho

ilNINGi .MARCH 20,1924.

Decided Upturn in':D Temperature Shownt tU Tem perature rocords in the Twin •^ PttU i a rea W ednesday showed a -

decided upw ard turn , w ith thc,/ny high m nrk fo r th o d ay a t CC above. .om- n» ndvnncc o f six degTees overri-,. thfi mnximum o f tho preceding day,rc- and low n t 2 G above, nn ndvanco

Xe- of 12 dogrcea^ a rco rd in j* 'to the,o_Inht j governm ent w oatlu 'r - observer's:rnl{ stn tion hero.eto-^ W eather conditions were fn ir I o f , . th roughout thc dny nnd there were

I no indicntions Inte last ovening of1 i.>l fulfillm ent of tho offic in l foreeas- will t e r ’s prediction of rain o o w ■on-1 todny. ” . .

“{"ll BEPORTS E B A l ESTA TE D E A l^'P<‘r | Sale of a four-K)oni residence in Twin

F alls by Floyd Norm an to It. Gaulin,I a newcomer to Twin F alls and of i.

vod,.tO nero farm in th e vicin ity o f Kini- f ''c t j berly to n Tw in F a lls purchaser, wns nny-repo rted W odnosday b y th e lixchnngn riv-j R ealty eompnny ns Indication o f in- r th -1 freasing demnnd for Tonl property here. ^


J A TTEN TIO N2 S i r K n i g h t skon

'tl: Twin Palls Oommandery*'“ ! No. 10 m eet a t Masonicnna I Temple a t 1:30 p. m.,

F riday , M arch 2 1 ,1 9 2 4 .n re : fo r purpose ,of conduct-

inp funeral of our la te ‘,Vii! Sir Knight J. H. Wise.« fs .

u n ; L ------- -I - ■ g = s a a - - — iMiH.!|

J City Tow er G reenhousesicn, I Aiwnys t'roRresRivcly lutRcr and

a n i better. W hether yonr order boican I largo or small, w'o nlwnys ^lo tho• „ f | best wu mny. Mny wo sorvo yon!„„ ijl Our largo ‘n.sBortmont o f home-e o f ' K''""'" flowers nnd p lan ts is w hy wo

■ need you— for your own ndvantngej and ours ns well. Cnrnntions, cnlla

. ' lilies, sw eet stocks, snapdrngona,.” j swoot pens, mnrigfllds, daffodils, tu-

-j lips, b u tte rf ly orchids, otc. F ine----- I funeral work a t a rM sonahlo' pricc •^ ^ 1 a sj)ecialty. flowers da in tily| B arraaged . M any nice plnnts. F lo r­

ists—“ garden ' p la n ts” —tho pansy king. . [

. City T o w er G reenhousesSere ttth S tre e t South

Pliono 127D y w in Falls

1.50 E *» - J a y ’ * r a r e ^ Toilet Paper- ^m sb e e ta t e c a c h ro 'l—

6 to r 4 9 c

ChampaBrand M Toilet Paper Cm I 1 0 for 4 7 c ! ^ l

ed Cross Perfect ^ j .bsorbent Cotton— K

ii pound 4 5 c K ■ ponnd 2 5 c 1^ i

S2 00 f ^ lT k n m M ie te r a ..........'• f c » W W

$ L a e lU a p lc U a le I ^ jr e r e r 'T h r r m o o i e M nZ M « a OU BUk. c Q M -l* a X 4 .................. .................. ^

J o h a a o * '! R e d O m a P U a t e n , E g S

20c,iS>S0olL S ^1 hall’pouivd IK U

4. ■ - ' ' ■ . ■

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