Page 1: Ta nae ka teachers guide

ComprehensionGenreRealistic Fiction tells an

invented story that could

have happened in real life.

Monitor ComprehensionCompare and ContrastAs you read, use your Venn Diagram.

Read to Find OutHow are Grandfather’s ideas different from Mary’s?



• Skill: Compare and Contrast

PAIRED SELECTION• “A Fable by Aesop”

• Literary Elements: Moral andPersonification


• Differentiated Instruction,pp. 529M–529V


Have a student read the definiton of

realistic fiction on Student Book page

508. Students should look for realistic

details, events, and characters.


Explain to students that good readers

pause to make sure they understand

developments in the narrative by using

self-correction techniques and deciding

what they need to do to understand

what they have read.


Remind students that good readers

identify similarities and differences

between characters and story events as

they read. Comparing and contrasting

helps readers organize and remember

story events and other important


Vocabulary Words Review the tested vocabulary words:

participate, encounter, victorious, grimaced, ordeals, nourishing,

anticipated, and dejectedly.

Story Word Students may find this word difficult. Pronounce the

word and present its meaning as necessary.

goose bumps (p. 519): bumps that rise on the skin in response to cold

or fear


Page 2: Ta nae ka teachers guide

byMary Whitebird

Main Selection

illustrated by Shonto Begay


Preview and PredictAsk students to read the title, preview

the illustrations, and make predictions

about what this story will be about.

What could the title mean? Have

students write about their predictions

and indicate what else they want to

discover in the story.

Set Purposes

FOCUS QUESTION Discuss the “Read

to Find Out” question and how to look

for the answer as students read.

Point out the Venn Diagram in the

Student Book and on Leveled Practice

Book page 158. Explain that students

will fill it in as they read.

Read Ta-Na-E-Ka

Use the questions and Think Alouds for

additional instruction to support the

comprehension strategy and skill.

Main Selection Student pages 508–509

As you read Ta-Na-E-Ka, fill in the Venn Diagram.

How does the information you wrote in this Venn Diagram help you monitor comprehension of Ta-Na-E-Ka?

On Level Practice Book O, page 158

Approaching Practice Book A, page 158

Beyond Practice Book B, page 158Story available on Listening Library Audio CD

If your students need support

to read the Main Selection,

use the prompts to guide

comprehension and model

how to complete the graphic

organizer. Encourage students

to read the story aloud.

If your students can read the

Main Selection independently,

have them read and complete

the graphic organizer. Remind

students to set purposes, adjust

reading rate, and use self-

monitoring and self-correction

strategies when reading.

If your students need an alternate selection, choose the

Leveled Readers that match their instructional level.

Ta-Na-E-Ka 509

Page 3: Ta nae ka teachers guide


Main Selection Student page 510

Develop Comprehension


Teacher Think Aloud The title of

this selection, Ta-Na-E-Ka, is not

a word or term that is familiar to

me. From the illustration on this

page, I can infer that this story is

probably about Native Americans.

I will read ahead to see if the term

“Ta-Na-E-Ka” is defined in the text,

and I’ll continue to monitor my

comprehension. I can stop and

ask myself questions such as what

if?, why?, and how? to make sure I

understand everything that is taking

place in the selection. This will also

help me to compare and contrast

characters’ actions and events in the




The traditional language of the Kaw, or Kanza, people is called

Kanza. Kanza has many aspects that make it different from English.

In English the verb usually comes in the middle of a sentence, while

in Kanza it comes at the end. Also, instead of only stating what is

occurring, the verb in Kanza tells you who or what is doing the

action and who or what the action is being done to. Therefore a

sentence such as “I want water” becomes “ni kómbla” in Kanza,

which literally means “Water I want it.”

Have students see what else they can find out about Kanza,

including the alphabet and pronunciation of words. For fun,

students can try to discover common words and phrases and

practice speaking Kanza to each other.


Page 4: Ta nae ka teachers guide

As my birthday drew closer, I had awful nightmares about

it. I was reaching the age at which all Kaw Indians had to participatein Ta-Na-E-Ka. Well, not all Kaws. Many of the younger families on the reservation were beginning to give up the old customs. But my grandfather, Amos Deer Leg, was devoted to tradition. He still wore handmade beaded moccasins instead of shoes, and kept his iron-gray hair in tight braids. He could speak English, but he spoke it only with white men. With his family he used a Sioux dialect.

Grandfather was one of the last living Indians (he died in 1953 when he was 81) who actually fought against the U.S. Cavalry. Not only did he fi ght, he was wounded in a skirmish at Rose Creek—a famous encounter in which the celebrated Kaw chief Flat Nose lost his life. At the time, my grandfather was only eleven years old.

Eleven was a magic word among the Kaws. It was the time of Ta-Na-E-Ka, the “fl owering of adulthood.” It was the age, my grandfather informed us hundreds of times, “when a boy could prove himself

to be a warrior and a girl took the steps to womanhood.”

“I don’t want to be a warrior,” my cousin, Roger Deer Leg, con-fi ded to me. “I’m going to become an accountant.”

“None of the other tribes make girls go through the endurance ritual,” I complained to my mother.

“It won’t be as bad as you think, Mary,” my mother said, ignoring my protests. “Once you’ve gone through it, you’ll certainly never forget it. You’ll be proud.”

I even complained to my teacher, Mrs. Richardson, feeling that, as a white woman, she would side with me.

She didn’t. “All of us have rituals of one kind or another,” Mrs. Richardson said. “And look at it this way: How many girls have the opportunity to compete on equal terms with boys? Don’t look down on your heritage.”

Heritage, indeed! I had no inten-tion of living on a reservation for the rest of my life. I was a good student. I loved school. My fantasies were about knights in armor and fair ladies in fl owing gowns, being saved from dragons. It never once occurred to me that being an Indian was exciting.


Develop Comprehension


How is Mary’s grandfather different

from the younger families on the

reservation? How are they alike? Record

your answer on the Venn Diagram.

(Answers may vary but should include

that although Mary’s grandfather

and the younger families are all Kaw

Indians and live on the reservation,

Grandfather is devoted to tradition. He

still speaks Sioux and braids his hair.

The younger families are beginning to

give up the old traditions.)

Main Selection Student page 511





Who is telling this story? How do you

know? (The narrator is a character

named Mary. Because this character

has the same name as the author, the

author may be retelling a personal

experience in fictional form.)


What can you conclude about

Mary’s views of her heritage? (Mary

complains about the endurance ritual.

She doesn’t think being an Indian is

exciting, and she does not want to

live on a reservation for the rest of her

life. It seems Mary does not think her

heritage is very important to her.)


live on


and are Kaw



speaks Sioux and


his hair.

The younger

families are

beginning to give

up the

old traditions.

Monitor and Clarify: Paraphrase

Explain Tell students that paraphrasing information means using

your own words to restate what you have read. Explain that when

you paraphrase, you include the author’s ideas and all the details

from the text.

Discuss How might paraphrasing a few paragraphs help you to

figure out if you understand a story? (If you cannot restate what

is happening in the story, then it is a signal that you may need to

monitor your comprehension more carefully.)

Apply To monitor their comprehension, have students stop and

paraphrase a page from the story as they read Ta-Na-E-Ka. Remind

them to apply reading strategies such as rereading and asking

questions if they are having trouble paraphrasing the text.

Ta-Na-E-Ka 511

Page 5: Ta nae ka teachers guide

But I’ve always thought that the Kaw were the originators of the women’s liberation movement. No other Indian tribe—and I’ve spent half a lifetime researching the subject—treated women more “equally” than the Kaw. Unlike most of the sub-tribes of the Sioux Nation, the Kaw allowed men and women to eat together. And hundreds of years before we were “acculturated,” a Kaw woman had the right to refuse a prospective husband even if her father arranged the match.

The wisest women (generally wisdom was equated with age) often sat in tribal councils. Furthermore, most Kaw legends revolve around “Good Woman,” a kind of super-squaw, a Joan of Arc of the high plains. Good Woman led Kaw warriors into battle after battle from which they always seemed to emerge victorious.

And girls as well as boys were required to undergo Ta-Na-E-Ka.

The actual ceremony varied from tribe to tribe, but since the Indians’ life on the plains was dedicated to survival, Ta-Na-E-Ka was a test of survival.

“Endurance is the loftiest virtue of the Indian,” my grandfather explained.


Main Selection Student page 512

Develop Comprehension


Realistic fiction deals with events and

settings that may be based on real-life

experiences, but is not a true, factual

story about them. What elements

of realistic fiction can you find in

this story? (Answers should include

dialogue that the author may have

invented, as well as situations and

characters that are made up.)


Teacher Think Aloud The text on

this page lists ways that the Kaw are

different from other Sioux tribes.

Use paraphrasing to make sure

you understand how the Kaw are


(Encourage students to apply the strategy

in a Think Aloud.)

Student Think Aloud The Kaw

allowed men and women to eat

together. All tribes had survival

ceremonies, but the Kaw required

girls as well as boys to undergo

Ta-Na-E-Ka. Kaw women had

the right to refuse a prospective

husband and often sat in tribal




Cross–Curricular ConnectionART APPRECIATION

Tell students that in Ta-Na-E-Ka, Mary is taking part in a ritual

that is part of her heritage. Then show students pictures of

famous works of art from different cultures and historical

periods that give some insight into that culture’s customs

and traditions. Compare the people and events pictured and

discuss how they appear to be different but still share common

experiences and attitudes. Ask students to think critically about

what they like about the art and how it helps them understand

the cultures and time periods that are pictured.

Have students create works of art from their own points of

view that show something about their own cultural heritage.

Have students analyze their own work as well as the work of

their classmates, remaining open to interpretations.

Read the sentence with the word

victorious . What other words could be

used instead of victorious? (triumphant,



Page 6: Ta nae ka teachers guide

out for enemies. And we did have enemies—both the white soldiers and the Omaha warriors, who were always trying to capture Kaw boys and girls undergoing their endurance test. It was an exciting time.”

“To survive, we must endure. When I was a boy, Ta-Na-E-Ka was more than the mere symbol it is now. We were painted white with the juice of a sacred herb and sent naked into the wilderness without so much as a knife. We couldn’t return until the white had worn off. It wouldn’t wash off. It took almost eighteen days, and during that time we had to stay alive, trapping food, eating insects and roots and berries, and watching

Compare and Contrast How is the grandfather’s opinion of Ta-Na-E-Ka different from Mary’s opinion?


Literary Device: Flashback

Explain Authors use flashbacks to give background for something

that is happening in the story. Often a flashback will help explain a

situation or a character’s motives.

Apply Have students read grandfather’s speech on page 513. Ask,

Is this a flashback? Why or why not? (Students should recognize

that although the speech is part of the dialogue, it is a flashback to

grandfather’s childhood.) What does this flashback tell you about

Ta-Na-E-Ka? (It explains why Ta-Na-E-Ka is a part of Kaw heritage. In

grandfather’s time survival was more important, and undergoing

Ta-Na-E-Ka was essential.) How does this flashback help you to

understand grandfather’s feelings? (Ta-Na-E-Ka was an important

part of his past, and it is this past that he wants Mary and Roger to

be a part of.)

Develop Comprehension


The Latin root durare means “to

make hard.” How does this help you

understand what an “endurance test”

is? (An endurance test is used to

determine how long a person can do

a tiring or difficult task. Some people

would say a person who is successful

in an endurance test has become

hardened or has become tougher.)


How is the grandfather’s opinion of

Ta-Na-E-Ka different from Mary’s

opinion? (Mary’s grandfather values

endurance and the ability to survive.

He values Ta-Na-E-Ka, a ceremony that

tests a person’s abilities. Mary dreads

the ceremony. She sees no need to

participate because she plans to leave

the reservation when she is older.)


Is Mary’s view of her grandfather and

other members of the tribe fair or

unfair? Give reasons for your answer.

(Students may say that no, Mary’s view

is not fair since she does not value her

heritage enough. Or they may say that

yes, Mary’s view is fair since Ta-Na-E-Ka

is an old-fashioned practice.)

Main Selection Student page 513




Ta-Na-E-Ka 513

Page 7: Ta nae ka teachers guide

“What happened if you couldn’t make it?” Roger asked. He was born only three days after I was, and we were being trained for Ta-Na-E-Ka together. I was happy to know he was frightened, too.

“Many didn’t return,” Grandfather said. “Only the strongest and shrewdest. Mothers were not allowed to weep over those who didn’t return. If a Kaw couldn’t survive, he or she wasn’t worth weeping over. It was our way.”

“What a lot of hooey,” Roger whispered. “I’d give anything to get out of it.”

“I don’t see how we have any choice,” I replied.

Roger gave my arm a little squeeze. “Well, it’s only fi ve days.”

Five days! Maybe it was better than being painted white and sent out naked for eighteen days. But not much better.

We were to be sent, barefoot and in bathing suits, into the woods.

Even our very traditional parents put their foot down when Grandfather suggested we go naked. For fi ve days we’d have to live off the land, keeping warm as best we could, getting food where we could. It was May, but on the northernmost reaches of the Missouri River the days were still chilly and the nights were fi ercely cold.

Grandfather was in charge of the month’s training for Ta-Na-E-Ka. One day he caught a grasshopper and demonstrated how to pull its legs and wings off in one fl ick of the fi ngers and how to swallow it.

I felt sick, and Roger turned green. “It’s a darn good thing it’s 1947,” I told Roger teasingly. “You’d make a terrible warrior.” Roger just grimaced.

I knew one thing. This particular Kaw Indian girl wasn’t going to swallow a grasshopper no matter how hungry she got. And then I had an idea. Why hadn’t I thought of it before? It would have saved nights of bad dreams about squooshy grasshoppers.

I headed straight for my teacher’s house. “Mrs. Richardson,” I said, “would you lend me fi ve dollars?”

“Five dollars!” she exclaimed. “What for?”


Main Selection Student page 514

Develop Comprehension


Compare and contrast the Ta-Na-E-Ka

ritual in 1947 with the way this rite

of passage was conducted when

Mary’s grandfather was a boy. In what

way is the ritual the same? How is it

different? (In Grandfather’s day, girls

and boys were painted white and sent

naked into the wilderness without

any weapons or food. They could not

return to the tribe until the white paint

had worn off, which took about 18

days. In 1947, boys and girls were sent

into the wilderness for only five days,

wearing bathing suits. They were not

painted white.)



Page 8: Ta nae ka teachers guide

“You remember the ceremony I talked about?”

“Ta-Na-E-Ka. Of course. Your parents have written me and asked me to excuse you from school so you can participate in it.”

“Well, I need some things for the ceremony,” I replied, in a half-truth. “I don’t want to ask my parents for the money.”

“It’s not a crime to borrow money, Mary. But how can you pay it back?”

“I’ll babysit for you ten times.”“That’s more than fair,” she said,

going to her purse and handing me a crisp, new, fi ve-dollar bill. I’d never had that much money at once.

“I’m happy to know the money’s going to be put to a good use,” Mrs. Richardson said.

A few days later, the ritual began with a long speech from my grandfather about how we had reached the age of decision, how we now had to fend for ourselves and prove that we could survive the most horrendous of ordeals. All the friends and relatives who had gathered at our house for dinner made jokes about their own Ta-Na-E-Ka experiences. They all advised us to fi ll up now, since for the next fi ve days we’d be gorging ourselves on crickets. Neither

Roger nor I was very hungry. “I’ll probably laugh about this when I’m an accountant,” Roger said, trembling.

“Are you trembling?” I asked.“What do you think?”“I’m happy to know boys tremble,

too,” I said.At six the next morning, we

kissed our parents and went off to the woods. “Which side do you want?” Roger asked. According to the rules, Roger and I would stake out “territories” in separate areas of the woods and we weren’t to communicate during the entire ordeal.

“I’ll go toward the river, if it’s OK with you,” I said.

“Sure,” Roger answered. “What difference does it make?”

To me, it made a lot of difference. There was a marina a few miles up the river and there were boats moored there. At least, I hoped so. I fi gured that a boat was a better place to sleep than under a pile of leaves.

“Why do you keep holding your head?” Roger asked.

“Oh, nothing. Just nervous,” I told him. Actually, I was afraid I’d lose the fi ve-dollar bill, which I had tucked into my hair with a bobby pin. As we came to a fork in the trail, Roger shook my hand. “Good luck, Mary.”


Develop Comprehension


In this section does the author show

how the children are alike or how they

are different? Explain your answer.

(The children are both about the same

age and they trained for Ta-Na-E-Ka

together. Mary, however, has a plan

for how she will survive the test, while

Roger is more frightened.)


How do you think Mary will use the

money she borrowed? (Answers should

include that Mary may use the money

to buy food.)

Have students respond to the selection

by confirming or revising their

predictions. Ask them to note any new

questions they have.

Main Selection Student page 515



Can students compare

and contrast to see how the

characters are alike or how they

are different? If not, see the

Extra Support on this page.

Compare and Contrast

Ask, What do we know about each child’s background? How does each

child feel about Ta-Na-E-Ka? What does each child plan to do? Write

signal words used to compare and contrast: and, but, also, both,

however. Help students make statements using the words as they

compare the children. Next, ask, Does the author show us on these

pages how the children are similar or different?

Read the sentence with the word

ordeals . Why is the word ordeals used

to describe the ritual? (To show how

serious and difficult the ritual is.)

Stop here if you wish to read

this selection over two days.STOP

Ta-Na-E-Ka 515

Page 9: Ta nae ka teachers guide


Main Selection Student page 516

Develop Comprehension


Summarize what has happened in

the story so far. (In 1947, Mary and

other Kaw Indians her age prepared

to participate in Ta-Na-E-Ka. The

ceremony marked the transition of

boys and girls into young adulthood.

Mary’s grandfather taught the boys

and girls Native American survival

skills to prepare them for the five

days they lived off the land. Mary and

Roger were frightened and did not

want to participate in Ta-Na-E-Ka.) If

you are having trouble summarizing,

what are some strategies that can help

you? (Rereading the story, generating

questions, and making an outline.)


Explain In English there are many words that are used to express

strong emotion. One kind of word that serves this purpose is

called an interjection. Interjections are almost always found at

the beginning of a sentence, but are not grammatically related to

any other part of a sentence in which they appear. They are usually

followed by an exclamation point, and sometimes by a comma.

Model Write the following sentences on the board:

Hey! I just remembered where I put my gloves!

Ouch! That hurt!

Oh no, I forgot we’re having a quiz today.

Have volunteers identify the interjection in each sentence.

Apply Have students locate the interjection on page 517 of

Ta-Na-E-Ka. (Argh!) Discuss with students how the author’s use of

an interjection underscores the emotion the main character feels

when she tastes the berries. Then ask them to come up with a similar

interjection. (Answers may include Yuck! or Ugh!)



Page 10: Ta nae ka teachers guide

“N’ko-n’ta,” I said. It was the Kaw word for courage.

The sun was shining and it was warm, but my bare feet began to hurt immediately. I spied one of the berry bushes Grandfather had told us about. “You’re lucky,” he had said. “The berries are ripe in the spring, and they are delicious and nourishing.” They were orange and fat and I popped one into my mouth.

Argh! I spat it out. It was awful and bitter, and even grasshoppers were probably better tasting, although I never intended to fi nd out.

I sat down to rest my feet. A rabbit hopped out from under the berry bush. He nuzzled the berry I’d spat out and ate it. He picked another one and ate that, too. He liked them. He looked at me, twitching his nose. I watched a red-headed woodpecker bore into an elm tree, and I caught a glimpse of a civet cat waddling through some twigs. All of a sudden I realized I was no longer frightened. Ta-Na-E-Ka might be more fun than I’d anticipated. I got up and headed toward the marina.

“Not one boat,” I said to myself dejectedly. But the restaurant on the open shore, “Ernie’s Riverside,”

was open. I walked in, feeling silly in my bathing suit. The man at the counter was big and tough-looking. He wore a sweatshirt with the words “Fort Sheridan, 1944,” and he had only three fi ngers on one of his hands. He asked me what I wanted.

“A hamburger and a milk shake,” I said, holding the fi ve-dollar bill in my hand so he’d know I had money.

“That’s a pretty heavy breakfast, honey,” he murmured.

“That’s what I always have for breakfast,” I lied.

“Forty-fi ve cents,” he said, bringing me the food. (Back in 1947, hamburgers were twenty-fi ve cents and milk shakes were twenty cents.)

“Delicious,” I thought. “Better ’n grasshoppers—and Grandfather never once mentioned that I couldn’t eat hamburgers.”

While I was eating, I had a grand idea. Why not sleep in the restaurant? I went to the ladies’room and made sure the window was unlocked. Then I went back outside and played along the riverbank, watching the water birds and trying to identify each one. I planned to look for a beaver dam the next day.


Develop Comprehension


Why does Mary suddenly feel that

Ta-Na-E-Ka might be a fun experience?

(She realized she was no longer



Both Mary and her grandfather have

plans for Ta-Na-E-Ka. How is Mary’s

plan different from her grandfather’s

plan? (She plans to spend it in comfort;

her grandfather expects it to be a test

of endurance.)

Main Selection Student page 517




Question 15 COMPARE AND CONTRASTReread the paragraph on page 514 that explains what the children

will do for Ta-Na-E-Ka starting with “Five Days! Maybe it was better

than . . . ” Then write, Grandfather expects that Mary will .

Mary plans to . Help students complete the sentences. Put

ideas together to make statements: Grandfather expects that Mary

will eat grasshoppers, but Mary plans to eat hamburgers.

Ta-Na-E-Ka 517

Page 11: Ta nae ka teachers guide

The restaurant closed at sunset, and I watched the three-fi ngered man drive away. Then I climbed in the unlocked window. There was a night-light on, so I didn’t turn on any lights. But there was a radio on the counter. I turned it on to a music program. It was warm in the restaurant, and I was hungry. I helped myself to a glass of milk and a piece of pie, intending to keep a list of what I’d eaten so I could leave money. I also planned to get up early, sneak out

through the window, and head for the woods before the three-fi ngered man returned. I turned off the radio, wrapped myself in the man’s apron, and in spite of the hardness of the fl oor, fell asleep.

“What the heck are you doing here, kid?”

It was the man’s voice.It was the morning. I’d overslept.

I was scared.“Hold it, kid. I just wanna know

what you’re doing here. You lost?


Main Selection Student page 518

Develop Comprehension


What problem does Mary face in this

story? How does she go about solving

that problem? (Mary does not want to

participate in Ta-Na-E-Ka because she

fears the test of endurance. She solves

her problem by borrowing money

for food and finding a place to sleep

that is sheltered from the elements.)

Was her solution effective? Why or

why not? (Students may say yes, her

solution was effective because Mary

avoided the hardships of Ta-Na-E-Ka.

Or students may say no, her solution

wasn’t effective, because Mary wasn’t

really participating in an endurance



What effect does the setting have on

the problem and its solution? (The

setting gives Mary the opportunity not

to have to spend her first night of

Ta-Na-E-Ka in the woods.)




Page 12: Ta nae ka teachers guide

the fi rst I’ve heard of Ta-Na whatever-you-call-it.” He looked at me, all goosebumps in my bathing suit. “Pretty silly thing to do to a kid,” he muttered.

You must be from the reservation. Your folks must be worried sick about you. Do they have a phone?”

“Yes, yes,” I answered. “But don’t call them.”

I was shivering. The man, who told me his name was Ernie, made me a cup of hot chocolate while I explained about Ta-Na-E-Ka.

“Darnedest thing I ever heard,” he said, when I was through. “Lived next to the reservation all my life and this is

Compare and Contrast How are Mary’s experiences similar to and different from what she expected during Ta-Na-E-Ka?


Develop Comprehension


How are Mary’s experiences similar to

and different from what she expected

during Ta-Na-E-Ka? (At first, Mary

expected Ta-Na-E-Ka to be difficult and

frightening, but then she decided to

borrow five dollars and sleep indoors.

She also was able to observe nature.)

Main Selection Student page 51918

Read Dialogue with Expression

Explain Sometimes an author will not tell you directly what

dialogue should sound like, but leaves it to the reader to infer

the tone from what the characters are saying. Authors often use

dialogue to develop the plot and character.

Discuss Have students read the dialogue between Mary and

Ernie on page 518. Ask students what they think Ernie sounds like.

(Students may say that his voice is gruff, since he uses words and

phrases like heck and hold it.)

Apply Call on two volunteers to read the dialogue on page 519 to

each other, acting out how they think the characters sound. Make

sure students realize that Ernie’s tone changes after he asks Mary if

she’s lost.

Ta-Na-E-Ka 519

Page 13: Ta nae ka teachers guide

That was just what I’d been thinking for months, but when Ernie said it, I became angry. “No, it isn’t silly. It’s a custom of the Kaw. We’ve been doing this for hundreds of years. My mother and my grandfather and everybody in my family went through this ceremony. It’s why the Kaw are great warriors.”

“Okay, great warrior,” Ernie chuckled, “suit yourself. And, if you want to stick around, it’s okay with me.” Ernie went to the broom closet

and tossed me a bundle. “That’s the lost-and-found closet,” he said. “Stuff people left on boats. Maybe there’s something to keep you warm.”

The sweater fi tted loosely, but it felt good. I felt good. And I’d found a new friend. Most important, I was surviving Ta-Na-E-Ka.

My grandfather had said the experience would be fi lled with adventure, and I was having my fi ll. And Grandfather had never said we couldn’t accept hospitality.


Main Selection Student page 520

Develop Comprehension


Why do you think Mary becomes angry

when Ernie called Ta-Na-E-Ka silly?

(Students should recognize that

Ernie’s comment, which was made

by someone who is not a member

of the Kaw tribe, caused Mary to feel

pride in her culture. She realized

Ta-Na-E-Ka wasn’t silly, but rather a

special, centuries-old tradition of her



Do you think Mary misjudged some

of the people in her tribe and their

traditions? Explain. (Students should

recognize that Mary’s defense of her

tribe and their traditions shows that

she is beginning to realize that she

misjudged them.)


How does the narrator’s voice make

the story seem more real? (The narrator

uses language that makes it seem like

an older Mary is telling a story from

when she was a girl.)





Explain Tell students that good readers make sure what they read

makes sense. One way to confirm the meaning of a word is to use

context clues and background knowledge.

Model Look at the last word in the last sentence on page 520. I’m

not sure I’ve seen that word before, but I think it’s hospitality. Does

the word hospitality make sense here? The paragraphs that come

before say that Ernie told Mary she could stick around and he offered

her a sweater. Yes, I read the word correctly.

Apply Encourage students to identify specific words that cause

comprehension difficulties. Have them use context clues and

background knowledge to predict and confirm meaning. Have them

use a dictionary to check definitions and confirm their predictions of


Ways to Confirm Meaning


Page 14: Ta nae ka teachers guide

But Ta-Na-E-Ka was over, and as I approached my house, at about nine-thirty in the evening, I became nervous all over again. What if Grandfather asked me about the berries and the grasshoppers? And my feet were hardly cut. I hadn’t lost a pound and my hair was combed.

“They’ll be so happy to see me,” I told myself hopefully, “that they won’t ask too many questions.”

I opened the door. My grandfather was in the front room. He was wearing the ceremonial beaded deerskin shirt which had belonged to his grandfather. “N’g’da’ma,” he said. “Welcome back.”

I embraced my parents warmly, letting go only when I saw my cousin Roger sprawled on the couch. His eyes were red and swollen. He’d lost weight. His feet were an unsightly mass of blood and blisters, and he was moaning: “I made it, see. I made it. I’m a warrior. A warrior.”

My grandfather looked at me strangely. I was clean, obviously well-fed, and radiantly healthy. My parents got the message. My uncle and aunt gazed at me with hostility.

I stayed at Ernie’s Riverside for the entire period. In the mornings I went into the woods and watched the animals and picked fl owers for each of the tables in Ernie’s. I had never felt better. I was up early enough to watch the sun rise on the Missouri, and I went to bed after it set. I ate everything I wanted—insisting that Ernie take all my money for the food. “I’ll keep this in trust for you, Mary,” Ernie promised, “in case you are ever desperate for fi ve dollars.” (He did, too, but that’s another story.)

I was sorry when the fi ve days were over. I’d enjoyed every minute with Ernie. He taught me how to make western omelets and to make Chili Ernie Style (still one of my favorite dishes). And I told Ernie all about the legends of the Kaw. I hadn’t realized I knew so much about my people.


Develop Comprehension


What have Mary and Roger

accomplished? How is Mary’s

appearance different from that of her

cousin? Why? (Both Mary and Roger

have survived their test. Mary looks

clean, healthy, and well-fed. Roger

looks miserable, injured, and has

lost weight. She has spent her

Ta-Na-E-Ka in comfort in a restaurant,

but he has been suffering out in the

woods.) Record your ideas in a Venn


Main Selection Student page 521






Roger is

miserable and

injured and has

lost weight. His


was difficult.

Mary is

clean, healthy,

and well-

fed. Her




Follow Directions

Explain Ernie taught Mary how to make omelets and chili. Learning

how to read and write directions is an important skill. Directions

tell you how to do or make something. They take you through the

process step by step.

Discuss What are some important things to include when you write

directions for a recipe? (title, materials, steps to follow). What is one

of the most important things to remember when writing or reading

directions? (make sure the steps are in the correct order)

Apply Have students write directions for a simple recipe such as a

sandwich. Remind them to put the steps in the correct order. When

students finish, ask volunteers to read the directions aloud while

students take turns acting them out.

Ta-Na-E-Ka 521

Page 15: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Finally my grandfather asked, “What did you eat to keep you so well?”

I sucked in my breath and blurted out the truth: “Hamburgers and milk shakes.”

“Hamburgers!” my grandfather growled.

“Milk shakes!” Roger moaned.“You didn’t say we had to eat

grasshoppers,” I said sheepishly.“Tell us about your Ta-Na-E-Ka,”

my grandfather commanded.I told them everything, from

borrowing the fi ve dollars, to Ernie’s kindness, to observing the beaver.

“That’s not what I trained you for,” my grandfather said sadly.

I stood up. “Grandfather, I learned that Ta-Na-E-Ka is important. I didn’t think so during training. I was scared stiff of it. I handled it my way. And I learned I had nothing to be afraid of. There’s no reason in 1947 to eat grasshoppers when you can eat a hamburger.”

I was inwardly shocked at my own audacity. But I liked it. “Grandfather, I’ll bet you never ate one of those rotten berries yourself.”

Grandfather laughed! He laughed aloud! My mother and father and aunt

and uncle were all dumbfounded. Grandfather never laughed. Never.

“Those berries—they are terrible,” Grandfather admitted. “I could never swallow them. I found a dead deer on the fi rst day of my Ta-Na-E-Ka—shot by a soldier, probably—and he kept my belly full for the entire period of the test!”

Grandfather stopped laughing. “We should send you out again,” he said.

I looked at Roger. “You’re pretty smart, Mary,” Roger groaned. “I’d never have thought of what you did.”

“Accountants just have to be good at arithmetic,” I said comfortingly. “I’m terrible at arithmetic.”

Roger tried to smile but couldn’t. My grandfather called me to him. “You should have done what your cousin did. But I think you are more alert to what is happening to our people today than we are. I think you would have passed the test under any circumstances, in any time. Somehow, you know how to exist in a world that wasn’t made for Indians. I don’t think you’re going to have any trouble surviving.”

Grandfather wasn’t entirely right. But I’ll tell about that another time.


Main Selection Student page 522

Develop Comprehension


Writers often rearrange ideas when

comparing and contrasting to make

their writing clearer. How does the

author arrange ideas to contrast

Roger’s reaction to Mary’s? (Roger

is downcast since he didn’t think

of Mary’s smart solutions. Mary is

comforting since she admits she isn’t

as smart in arithmetic.)


Do you think the author approves of

how Mary spent her Ta-Na-E-Ka? (Yes,

the author presents Mary as a clever,

resourceful character. Her decision

is portrayed as an admirable one.

Additionally, Mary’s grandfather’s praise

shows that she did a smart thing.)


Cross–Curricular ConnectionNAVAJO CODE TALKERS

During World War II, the Marines used members of the Navajo

tribe to transmit messages securely. The Japanese, who were

skilled at deciphering codes, were never able to figure out the

Navajo code. The code talker would first break the message

into letters; each letter would be assigned a word and then

translated into its Navajo equivalent. Therefore the word Navy

could be represented in Navajo code as “tsah (needle) wol-la-

chee (ant) ah-keh-di-glini (victor) tsah-ah-dzoh (yucca).” The

Navajo code was responsible for many important victories

during World War II.

Have students find a Navajo dictionary and create a coded

sentence. Have students trade papers and decipher each

other’s code.



Page 16: Ta nae ka teachers guide



Review students’ predictions and

purposes. Were they correct? Did

they figure out how Grandfather’s

ideas were different from Mary’s?

(Grandfather follows tradition and

custom while Mary adapts tradition to

her own way of life.)


Ask students how comparing and

contrasting characters, their actions,

their motives, and plot events helped

them understand the story. What other

strategies did you use?


Ask students to write about the theme

of Ta-Na-E-Ka and then relate it to

their own experiences. Have students

discuss how Mary used clever thinking

to overcome a challenge. How can

Mary’s experiences help them generate

solutions to their own problems?

Students should use specific references

to the story to support their ideas.

As an alternative assignment, have

students write an interpretive essay

on Ta-Na-E-Ka that includes a plot

summary, a description of the

characters and how they change,

a description of the setting, and a

discussion of the importance of the

setting to the story. Students should

use specific references to the story

throughout the essay.

Main Selection Student page 523

During Small Group Instruction

If No Approaching Level Leveled Reader Lesson, p. 529P

If Yes On Level Options, pp. 529Q–529R

Beyond Level Options, pp. 529S–529T

Can students compare and contrast to monitor their


Ta-Na-E-Ka 523

Page 17: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Shonto Begay

Author’s PurposeMary handled her challenge in her own way.

How does the author feel about the way Mary

survived Ta-Na-E-Ka? How can you tell?

Mary Whitebird

Find out more about Mary

Whitebird and Shonto Begay at


Respond Student page 524

Author and Illustrator


Have students read the biographies.


How might someone relate to Mary

Whitebird’s story even if they do not

share her background?

How do Shonto Begay’s beginnings

suggest ways in which talent can

develop in unlikely situations?

Remind students that it is important to

respect the age, gender, position, and

cultural traditions of the writer. Ask

students how these factors have

influenced the writing of Mary Whitebird.

Ask students if they have read any

other books by Mary Whitebird.

Encourage students to read daily

for enjoyment. Students should use

personal criteria such as favorite

authors and genres, personal interests

and needs, and recommendations

of others to select reading materials.

Students may also keep a list of

reading accomplishments in a journal.


Have students write about a time they

faced a challenge.

Author’s CraftDialogue

Mary Whitebird uses dialogue in Ta-Na-E-Ka to give the story a

realistic feeling and to help develop the plot.

Dialogue is conversation, or any verbal exchange, that occurs

between two or more characters.

When Ernie finds Mary in his restaurant, he asks, “You lost?”

This is how it would likely be said by this character in this

context, instead of the complete phrase: “Are you lost?”

Discuss how dialogue reveals information about the character and

how this, in turn, influences plot events.Students can find more information at

Author’s PurposeThe author seems to agree with the

grandfather when he supports Mary’s

way to survive Ta-Na-E-Ka.


Page 18: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Comprehension Check


Use your Venn Diagram to help

you summarize “Ta-Na-E-Ka.”

How does Mary’s Ta-Na-E-Ka

experience differ from her grandfather’s?

Think and Compare

1. Compare and contrast Grandfather’s generation of Kaw

people with Mary’s. How do you think the world of 1947

has affected the Kaw’s traditions? Monitor Comprehension: Compare and Contrast

2. Mary completes the Kaw endurance test in an untraditional

way. In your opinion, is Mary victorious? Why or why not?

Use examples from the text to support your argument.


3. Think of how you celebrate special occasions. What unique

traditions do you have? How have those traditions changed

over time? Synthesize

4. Mary’s experience with Ta-Na-E-Ka represents a problem

faced by many cultures: the desire to hold on to ancient

traditions and the impulse to join with modern society. How is

it possible to strike a balance between them? Evaluate

5. Read “Rites of Passage” on pages 506–507. Which experiences

mentioned are the ones that Mary dreaded having to face?

Which traditions are different from the Kaw tradition of

Ta-Na-E-Ka? Reading/Writing Across Texts


Comprehension Check


Have partners write a summary of or

paraphrase the events that take place

in Ta-Na-E-Ka. Remind students to use

their Venn Diagrams.


Sample answers are given.

1. Compare and Contrast: Students

may say that Grandfather’s and

Mary’s generation share many

of the same traditions. The older

generation’s practice of those

traditions seems more conservative

and extreme to members of the

younger generation. USE AUTHOR AND ME

2. Evaluate: Answers will vary.

Students may say that in spite of her

unconventional methods, Mary did

pass the endurance test because she

survived in the wilderness using the

resources available.

3. Text to Self: Answers will vary.

Students should describe a cultural

or family tradition and explain ways

in which it has changed.

4. Text to World: Answers will vary.

Students may say that it is possible

to strike a balance between the

two, so long as the culture keeps an

open mind to the changes brought

about by modern society.


5. Text to Text: Mary dreads having

to find food, living in the wild, and

meeting wild animals. The Hispanic

quinceañera and the Jewish-

American bat mitzvah are different,

because they are celebrations rather

than endurance tests.

Respond Student page 525

Author and Me

Model the Author and Me strategy with question 1.

The answer to this question is not stated in the text, but there may

be clues. Connect these text clues with what you know to answer the


Question 1: Think Aloud I know that my life is much different

than my parents’ life when they were growing up. Now there

is more technology, people get married later, and family-life

seems less important to some people. Yet even in my family we

still have certain traditions that are very important. After 1947, I

know that the Kaw didn’t have to be warriors anymore, so they

had to adapt to a more modern life.

Ta-Na-E-Ka 525

Page 19: Ta nae ka teachers guide


FluencyRepeated Reading: Punctuation

EXPLAIN/MODEL Model read the passage on Transparency 22,

then read one sentence at a time. Have students echo-read each

sentence back.

Remind students that the punctuation marks help them to know

when to pause, when to stop, and also when to make their voice

rise or fall.

Objectives• Read accurately with good


• Rate: 140–160 WCPM


• Fluency Transparency 22

• Fluency Solutions Audio CD

• Leveled Practice Books, p. 159

Think Aloud I see from the quotation marks that the characters

are speaking. I will try to make my voice sound like they are really

talking to each other. I will also pay attention to the punctuation

marks, such as the exclamation point in the last paragraph.

PRACTICE/APPLY Have each student work with a partner. Have

one student read and the other student echo each sentence in the

passage. For additional practice, have students use Leveled Practice

Book page 159 or the Fluency Solutions Audio CD.

During Small Group Instruction

If No Approaching Level Fluency, p. 529N

If Yes On Level Options, pp. 529Q–529R

Beyond Level Options, pp. 529S–529T

Can students read accurately with good prosody?

Transparency 22

“What a lot of hooey,” Roger whispered. “I’d give anything

to get out of it.”

“I don’t see how we have any choice,” I replied.

Roger gave my arm a little squeeze. “Well, it’s only five


Five days! Maybe it was better than being painted white

and sent out naked for eighteen days. But not much better.

Fluency Transparency 22 from Ta-Na-E-Ka, page 514

As I read, I will pay attention to punctuation and characters’ voices.

Most kids would fall flat on their faces if they tried to read while

14 walking quickly, but not Stacey Taylor. She stepped nimbly over

24 sidewalk cracks, veered around a tricycle some little kid had left out,

36 and even gave her neighbor’s poodle a pat on the head—all without

49 ever lifting her nose from the book in her hands.

59 The book was the true story of an amazing reporter named Nellie

71 Bly. Back in the late 1800s, most people thought that only men should

83 be reporters. But Nellie Bly did daring things that male reporters were

95 afraid to do. No adventure was too bold for her, no ordeal too severe.

109 She had herself locked up in an insane asylum and wrote about how

122 badly the inmates were treated. She traveled around the world by boat,

134 train, and even rickshaw.

138 Wow, thought Stacey. Wouldn’t it be great to be a reporter like

150 Nellie Bly? She tried to think of something daring she could do.

162 Maybe she could discover what horrific secret ingredients were in the

173 cafeteria food.

175 Of course, for all she knew, the cafeteria served nourishing,

185 delicious food cooked by a gourmet chef. In fact, there were a lot of

199 things Stacey didn’t know about Walker Middle School. Today was the

210 first day of the school year, and she was just starting sixth grade. 223

1. What characteristics does Stacey admire in Nellie Bly? Make Inferences

2. How can you tell the author admires Nellie Bly? Author’s Perspective

Words Read – =

First Read – =

Second Read – =

On Level Practice Book O, page 159

Approaching Practice Book A, page 159

Beyond Practice Book B, page 159

Echo-Read Discuss the

characters’ feelings as you

say the lines and have

students repeat. Make

sure students understand

expressions such as “What

a lot of hooey!” Encourage

students to imitate

your intonation and



Page 20: Ta nae ka teachers guide


Objective• Evaluate the author’s


Author’s Perspective

Introduce U4: 453A–453B


U5: 454–471; Leveled Practice Books, 141–142


U4: 475M–475T

Assess Weekly Tests; Unit 4 Tests; Benchmark Tests A, B

Maintain U5: 497B, 525B


EXPLAIN/MODEL Tell students:

Authors have feelings and opinions about the topics they choose.

We call those feelings the author’s perspective.

An author rarely expresses his or her perspective directly. The

reader usually must infer it from the way the author writes about

the subject.

Have students develop the stance of a critic by making judgments

about an author’s perspective. Ask them to look for details in the

text to support their opinions and consider alternative ideas.


Have students form groups to discuss the author’s perspective in


How does the author feel about Mary’s teacher, Mrs. Richardson?

How do you know?

Do you think the author is more like Mary, her grandfather, or Mrs.

Richardson? What details from the text support your opinion?

How does the author feel about Ta-Na-E-Ka? Do you think she

thinks it is an important ceremony? Why or why not?

Encourage students to then participate in whole class discussions

with the results of their groups’ discussions. For comprehension

practice use the Graphic Organizers on Teacher’s Resource Book

pages 40–64.

Ta-Na-E-Ka 525B

Page 21: Ta nae ka teachers guide


IntroductionThe real Aesop was born a slave

about the year 620 B.C. in the ancient republic of Greece, where he was later granted freedom as a reward for his learning and wit. Though he died about 565 B.C., for years his clever wisdom was passed down orally from generation to generation. Somewhere around 300 B.C., about 200 stories were gathered into a collection called Assemblies of Aesopic Tales. No one knows how many of the narratives attributed to Aesop were actually composed by him. Interestingly, motifs from many of them occur in the storytelling traditions of a

variety of cultures—proof of the universality of the themes and

lessons of these tales.

Language ArtsGenreA Fable is a brief story

that teaches a moral, often

through the actions of

animals that act like people.

Literary ElementsA Moral is a lesson taught

by a fable or story. It is

usually stated outright at

the end of the fable.

Personification is a literary

device where human

characteristics are given to

animals or things.

by Aesopretold by Jerry Pinkney


Paired Selection Student page 526


Have students read the bookmark on

Student Book page 526. Point out that

a fable

usually features animals as the main


teaches a lesson that is expressed as

a moral

Literary Elements: Moral

and Personification

EXPLAIN Both of these elements are

typical of fables:

A moral is a short saying that states

the lesson taught by a fable. “Don’t

cry over spilled milk” and “Slow and

steady wins the race” are examples

of morals.

Personification is attributing human

qualities to nonhumans. “The wind

slapped my face” and “The wind

whispered through the trees” are

examples of personification.

PRACTICE/APPLY Have students

recall examples of a moral and

personification that they have heard

used in their lives or in a story. Discuss

with students and ask why authors

might choose to include morals and

personification in their writing.

Read “A Fable by Aesop”

As you read, remind students to apply what they have learned about

the literary elements moral and personification. Have students think

about common cultural characteristics they may have seen in tales like

this from world, national, or state literature.


Page 22: Ta nae ka teachers guide

The Crow and the PitcherFor weeks and weeks there had been no rain. The streams

and pools had dried to dust, and all of the animals were thirsty. Two crows, flying together in search of water, spotted a pitcher that had been left on a garden wall. They flew to it and saw that it was half full of water. But neither one could reach far enough inside the pitcher’s narrow neck to get a drink.

“There must be a way to get that water,” said the first crow. “If we think it through, we’ll find an answer.”

The second crow tried to push the pitcher over, straining with all of his might. But it was too heavy to budge. “It’s hopeless!” he croaked, and flew away to look for water elsewhere.

But the first crow stayed by the pitcher and thought, and after a time he had an idea. Picking up some small pebbles in his beak, he dropped them one by one into the pitcher until at last the water rose to the brim. Then the clever bird happily quenched his thirst.

Wisdom and patience succeed where force fails.

Language Arts

Connect and Compare1. Why does personification work especially well in fables? What

would fables be like if they only featured humans? Personification

2. Why do you think an author who wanted to teach a lesson would

choose to write a fable? Analyze

3. Compare “The Crow and the Pitcher” to “Ta-Na-E-Ka.” How do

the main characters in both stories use their brains to solve a

problem in an unusual way? Reading/Writing Across Texts

Find out more about fables at

The moral

of the fable.

The crows speak.

This is personification.



What does the second crow do after

trying to push over the pitcher? (He

gives up and flies away.)


In what ways do the crows act like

people you know? (One gives up easily;

one insists that there must be an


Connect and Compare


1. Personification is especially

effective because having animals

act like humans allows them to

illustrate universal qualities. If a

fable only featured humans, it

wouldn’t be such an entertaining

or pleasant way to learn a lesson.


2. Using a fable to teach a lesson

seems more universal and less

judgmental. ANALYZE

3. FOCUS QUESTION Both characters

use cleverness to succeed where

they might be expected to fail.


Paired Selection Student page 527



Smart Thinking

Ask students to brainstorm a list of important inventions that have

made their lives easier. Ask each student to research an invention

and write a short report that explains how smart thinking led to

the invention.

Students can display their reports on a classroom “Smart Thinking”

bulletin board.

Internet Research and Inquiry Activity Students can find more

facts about fables at

Ta-Na-E-Ka 527

Page 23: Ta nae ka teachers guide

I Could Be a Character in a Book

by Lourdes M.

While reading “Ta-Na-E-Ka,” I was surprised to see

how much I am like the main character, Mary. Both Mary

and I have families that value tradition very much. Both

of our cultures have special traditions that we celebrate.

For instance, Mary took part in her Ta-Na-E-Ka when

she was eleven years old and I will have my quinceañera

celebration when I turn fifteen. In some Hispanic cultures,

the quinceañera is a tradition that celebrates a teenage

girl’s fifteenth birthday.

I also noticed how Mary and I are different. Mary did

not look forward to her Ta-Na-E-Ka; however, I am very

excited about my quinceañera. Also, Mary had to go on a

kind of journey for her Ta-Na-E-Ka. Even though I have

the choice of taking a journey for my quinceañera, I have

chosen a celebration instead. This way I can be like my

mother and celebrate my quinceañera with the people I

love the most—my family! Maybe one day I will write a

story about my incredible quinceañera experience.

Writer’s CraftRearrange Ideas

rearrange ideas


WritingRearrange Ideas


Read the bookmark about rearranging

ideas to make writing clearer. Explain

that when comparing and contrasting,

describing similarities in one paragraph

and differences in another is an

effective way to arrange ideas.

Have students turn to the last several

paragraphs on page 507. Discuss how

the boys could arrange ideas in their


Then have the class read Lourdes’s

compare-and-contrast essay and

the callouts. Tell students they will

write an essay in which they compare

themselves with a character from a

story or compare two characters.

WRITING• Compare and Contrast

• Writer’s Craft: Rearrange Ideas

WORD STUDY• Words in Context

• Word Parts: Latin Roots

• Phonics: Latin Roots

• Vocabulary Building

SPELLING• Words with Latin Roots

GRAMMAR• Articles


• Differentiated Instruction, pp. 529M–529V

Features of a Compare-and-Contrast Essay

In a compare-and-contrast essay, a writer presents similarities and

differences organized to present clearly the points of comparison.

A compare-and-contrast essay focuses on two people, places, or


It compares by telling how the two are similar and contrasts by

telling how the two are different.

It includes signal words that point out likenesses and


It demonstrates a sufficient knowledge of a subject to reflect

background and understanding.


Page 24: Ta nae ka teachers guide


Discuss the writing prompt on page

529. Ask students to use their writer’s

notebook to list ideas and then choose

a topic that interests them.

Display Transparency 85. Discuss how

Lourdes used the chart to identify

similarities and differences between

herself and Mary. Have students create

their own chart and discuss with a

classmate the characters they have



Display Transparency 86. Discuss how

Lourdes organized ideas in her essay.

In her first paragraph, she mentioned

differences but did not describe them

until the second paragraph.

Before students begin writing, present

Rearranging Ideas on page 529A. Then

have students use their chart to draft

their essay. Remind them to use logical

organizational structure. Students may

wish to draft collaboratively.


Display Transparency 87. Ask students

about revision ideas and discuss

Lourdes’s revisions. Point out that she

moved a sentence and added words.

Students can revise their draft or place

it in their portfolio to work on later.

If students choose to revise, have them

use the Writer’s Checklist on page 529

and work with partners to review the

writing. Have students evaluate their

writing for consistent development of

ideas within and among paragraphs.

Have students proofread. For

Publishing Options see page 529A.

For lessons on Conventions,

Portfolios, Articles, and Latin Roots

see page 529B and 5 Day Spelling and

Grammar on pages 529G–529J.

Writing Student pages 528–529

Transparency 85: Compare-

and-Contrast Chart

Transparency 86: Draft

Transparency 87: Revision

Transparency 85

Writing Transparency 85

Compare-and-Contrast Writing

Ideas and Content:

Organization: rearrange ideas


Word Choice:

Sentence Fluency:


a an

Your Turn


Ta-Na-E-Ka 529

Page 25: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Publishing OptionsStudents may read their essays to the class. See the Speaking and Listening tips below. Have students use their best cursive to copy their essays. (See Teacher’s Resource Book pages 168–173 for cursive models and practice.) Some students may decide to type their essays on a computer. Collect students’ writing in a binder with a blank page for comments on each contribution. Circulate the binder in the class and have students comment on their classmates’ essays.

Writer’s CraftWriting


Use verbal and nonverbal



Vary intonation for

emphasis and to create


Adjust volume and tempo

to meet the needs of the



Give the speaker your full


Listen to evaluate tone,

mood, and emotion of

verbal and nonverbal


Ask questions after the

speaker has finished.

4- and 6-Point Scoring Rubrics

Use the rubrics on pages 595G–595H to score published writing.

Writing Process

For a complete lesson, see Unit Writing pages 595A–595H.

Rearrange IdeasEXPLAIN/MODEL

Good writers use a logical structure to arrange ideas. In a compare-

and-contrast essay, writers usually arrange ideas in one of two ways.

They may discuss similarities between people, places, or things

in one paragraph, and differences in the next. Alternatively, they

may use one paragraph to discuss the first person, place, or thing,

and then use the next paragraph to discuss the second. Display

Transparency 88.

Think Aloud These ideas could be arranged in one of two ways.

I could discuss how birthdays and name days are alike, and

then how they are different. Another way would be to discuss

birthdays first and then name days. I think that would work best,

because there are more differences than similarities.


Help students get started arranging the points in a logical order in

paragraphs, with all the points about birthdays in one paragraph

and all those about name days in another. Then challenge students

to rearrange the ideas, using one paragraph to discuss similarities

between the special days and another to discuss differences.

As students write their essays, encourage them to arrange ideas in a

logical way that they think suits the information they are comparing

and contrasting.

Transparency 88

Writing Transparency 88


Page 26: Ta nae ka teachers guide


Writer’s Toolbox

Writing Trait: Conventions

Explain/Model Point out the semicolon and the

word however in the second sentence of the second

paragraph on page 528. Explain that when two

main clauses are joined by words such as therefore,

moreover, or however, as here, a semicolon is used

to separate them. In addition, when however joins

two clauses, it is followed by a comma.

Practice/Apply Have students scan other

selections for semicolons. Discuss their use in

context. Remind students to use semicolons

correctly in their own writing and to insert a comma

after however when it is used to join clauses.


Explain/Model Explain that students’ portfolios

should contain a variety of their work. Students

should keep examples of different types of writing

in their portfolios. Remind students that portfolios

should include more than just finished work. They

can also include notes about the various types of

writing as well as successive published versions of

previous work.

Practice/Apply Encourage students to evaluate

their essay to decide whether it belongs in their

portfolio. Remind them to include notes on what

they have learned about compare-and-contrast

writing. Suggest that students make this a regular

part of their writing process.

Spelling Words with Latin Roots

Explain that many English words have Latin roots.

Some common Latin roots are aud (to hear), fac

(to make), and cred (to believe). Point out the word

incredible in the last sentence in Lourdes’s essay

on page 528. Help students use the Latin root

cred and the Latin prefix in- (not) and suffix -ible

(can be) to define the word. (cannot be believed)

Students can use a print or online dictionary to

check the spelling and meaning of words with

Latin roots in their drafts. For a complete lesson on

words with Latin roots, see pages 529G–529H.


Explain/Model Explain that articles are a kind

of adjective. List a, an, and the on the board. Tell

students that a and an are indefinite articles that

identify non-specific people, places, things, or

ideas. The is a definite article that identifies specific

people, places, things, or ideas. Have students

locate indefinite and definite articles in the first

paragraph of Lourdes’s essay on page 528.

Practice/Apply Have students locate indefinite

and definite articles in the rest of the essay on

page 528 and tell what nouns they identify.

Remind students to use indefinite and definite

articles where needed in their essays. For a

complete lesson on articles, see pages 529I–529J.

Mechanics Explain that colons are used to

introduce lists and long formal statements, after

the greeting of a business letter, and to separate

the hour and minute of the time of day. Have

students correct colon usage as they proofread.

Use page 152 of the Teacher’s Resource Book to

review proofreading marks with students.

Remind students that many word processors have tools

that can help them find and correct errors in grammar.

Demonstrate how these tools work.


Ta-Na-E-Ka 529B

Page 27: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Word StudyWord Study


VocabularyWords in Context


Review the meanings of the vocabulary words. Display

Transparency 43. Model how to use word meanings and context

clues to fill in the missing words in the first sentence.

Think Aloud In the first sentence, I see that the word I am looking

for is a singular noun. The word an is a clue. Which word is a

singular noun that describes a thing in which people could lose

lives or be wounded? The word must be encounter.

participate (p. 511) to take

part in something with


ordeals (p. 515) severe

tests or experiences

nourishing (p. 517) giving


encounter (p. 511) a clash

between enemies or rivals

grimaced (p. 514) twisted

the face or its features

anticipated (p. 517)

foresaw and dealt with, or

provided for beforehand

dejectedly (p. 517) low in


victorious (p. 512) having

won a victory PRACTICE/APPLY

Have students use context clues to find the missing words for

sentences 2–5 on their papers. Ask students to work with a partner

to check their answers and to explain the context clues they used

to find the missing words. Ask students to orally define nourishing,

anticipated, and dejectedly.

Complete the Idea Ask a student to use a vocabulary word and

the beginning of a sentence. A volunteer finishes the sentence and

then sets up the next one. For example, I paid the fee to participate

in the race, but then . When the marathon runner finished

his speech about his ordeals, I raised my hand and said . The

oranges the volunteers handed out during the race were nourishing, but

I would have rathered .

Objective• Apply knowledge of word

meanings and context clues

• Identify Latin roots


• Vocabulary Transparency 43

• Vocabulary Strategy

Transparency 44

• Leveled Practice Books, p. 161

Reinforce Vocabulary

Write: Food that is

nourishing makes you

strong and healthy. Have

students list foods that are

and aren’t nourishing and

tell why.

Transparency 43

participate grimaced ordeals encounter victorious

During an (1) encounter at Rose Creek, in which a famous Kaw

chief lost his life, the girl’s grandfather was wounded.

When Good Woman led the warriors into battle, there was

usually a happy and (2) victorious outcome.

Roger (3) grimaced at the unpleasant thought of eating a


Because it was custom, young people were expected to

(4) participate in Ta-Na-E-Ka when they were eleven years


Friends and relatives talked about their own (5) ordeals of

surviving their Ta-Na-E-Ka experiences.

Vocabulary Transparency 43


Page 28: Ta nae ka teachers guide



Tell students:

Latin roots are word parts that form the basis for other words.

Many modern English words have their roots in Latin.

Knowing the meanings of Latin roots can help you figure out the

meanings of longer words.

Read the following sentence in Student Book page 517, and model

how to identify the Latin root in the highlighted word to clarify

its meaning: “Not one boat,” I said to myself dejectedly. Work with

students to complete the definitions of the first two underlined

words on Transparency 44.


Have students complete questions 3–5 on their own. Ask volunteers

to come up and write the answers on the transparency.

Word Study

Use Gestures To show

the similarities in meanings

of words with the same

root, use a similar gesture

as you explain the words.

For example, ject means

“throw.” As you explain

words such as inject

and reject use a gesture

suggesting movement.

Have students repeat the

words with the gestures as

they say them alone and in


Many English words have Latin roots. Familiarizing yourself with Latin root meanings will help you determine the meanings of English words. These roots usually do not stand alone as words.

The Latin root ject means “to throw.” In the word dejectedly, the root means “put down” or “thrown down,” as in depressed.

A. Fill in the chart with as many words as possible that have the

Latin roots as listed. Use a dictionary if needed.

B. Choose six of the words you listed above and use them in

sentences. Use at least one of the words in each sentence.







1. ject: throw 2. spect: view 3. scribe, script:write, writing

4. duc, duct: lead

On Level Practice Book O, page 161

Approaching Practice Book A, page 161

Beyond Practice Book B, page 161

During Small Group Instruction

If No Approaching Level Vocabulary, pp. 529N–529O

If Yes On Level Options, pp. 529Q–529R

Beyond Level Options, pp. 529S–529T

Can students identify words in context? Can students use

Latin roots to figure out the correct definition?

Transparency 44

Latin Roots1. ject throw

To reject something as junk is to throw it away.

2. fac make

A factory is a place where people make things.

3. spec see

A spectator is a person who sees but does not take


4. aud hear

If something is audible, then you can hear it.

5. liber free

To liberate something is to set it free .

Vocabulary Strategy Transparency 44

Ta-Na-E-Ka 529D

Page 29: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Word StudyWord Study

Phonics Decode Words with Latin Roots

EXPLAIN/MODEL Explain to students that many English words

contain Latin roots. Knowing the pronunciation of the Latin root

can help you understand how to pronounce an unfamiliar word.

Knowing the meaning of Latin roots can also help you figure out

the meaning of unfamiliar words. Some common Latin roots are

aud, meaning “hear”; bene/bon, meaning “good”; cred, meaning “to

believe”; dict, meaning “to speak or say”; fac/fact, meaning “to make

or do”; flect/flex, meaning “bend or flex”; ject, meaning “throw”;

manu, meaning “hand”; sect, meaning “to cut”; struct, meaning “to

build”; port, meaning “carry”; scrib/script, meaning “write”; spect,

meaning “look”; and tract, meaning “draw or pull.”

New words are formed when prefixes and/or suffixes are added to

a Latin root. For example, porter is made up of the root port, which

means “to carry” and the suffix er, which can mean “one who.” So

porter means “someone who carries.” Write the word manufacture.

Think Aloud I see this word has the Latin root fact, which means

to “make.” I also see the root manu, which means “hand.” When I

combine the meanings, I get “to make by hand.” When I look up

manufacture in the dictionary, I find that one meaning is “to make

or process something, especially in quantity.”

PRACTICE/APPLY Write these words on the board and ask

volunteers to pronounce each and identify its Latin root: prospective

(spect), liberty (liber), objection (ject), respectively (spect).

Decode Multisyllabic Words Have students use their knowledge of

phonics patterns, compound words, and word parts to decode long

words. Write spectator, ejection, and liberation. Model how to decode

spectator, focusing on the Latin root spect. Then work with students

to decode the other words and read them aloud. Encourage

students to work with a partner and use a dictionary to look up the

definitions. For more practice decoding multisyllabic words, see the

Decodable Passages on page 26 in the Teacher’s Resource Book.

Objectives• Decode words with Latin


• Learn how to use word parts

to figure out word meanings


• Leveled Practice Books, p. 162

• Teacher’s Resource Book,

p. 26

Some words in English have Latin roots. When you know particular roots, you can often figure out the meaning of a word. Roots do not normally stand on their own, so they are often in the middle of a word, surrounded by prefixes and/or suffixes.

Underline the Latin root of each word. Use the word in a sentence

that makes the meaning clear. Use a dictionary if you need to.

1. project

2. biography

3. bookmobile

4. microscope

5. tractor

6. manuscript

7. fl exible

8. periscope


g p yg p y




On Level Practice Book O, page 162

Approaching Practice Book A, page 162

Beyond Practice Book B, page 162

Use Gestures Practice

saying each root with

students. Use a gesture

that suggests the meaning

of each root as you say it

and explain its meaning:

spect = point to eyes;

liber = arms out suggesting

freedom. Say the words

in each word family alone

and in sentences with


During Small Group Instruction

If No Approaching Level Phonics, p. 529M

If Yes On Level Options, pp. 529Q–529R

Beyond Level Options, pp. 529S–529T

Can students decode words with Latin roots?


Page 30: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Word Study

Vocabulary Building

Apply Vocabulary

Writing Activity Ask students to think about

customs or traditions in their own families that

have to do with getting older and accepting

more responsibility. Have students interview a

family member about milestones or markers that

family members reach and what that experience

is like. Chronicle a sequence of three or more

of these milestones or events using at least two

vocabulary words. Remind students that when

they conduct an interview about family traditions

with a relative, they are using a primary source. A

secondary source is one that is written after the

primary source and deals with some aspect of the

primary source.

Vocabulary Building

Prefixes Provide students with a list of different

prefixes. Using these prefixes, have students make

a list of as many words as they can. When they

cannot think of any more words, encourage them

to use a dictionary and find more words with the

same prefixes. Have students share their list with

the rest of the class.

Vocabulary Review

Vocabulary Game Arrange students in a circle.

Ask them to sketch a tree on their paper. Have

them write one of the Latin roots, such as ject,

spect, durare, or liber on the trunk or main part

of the tree. Ask students to pass their tree to the

next person in the circle. Have students draw a

branch that extends out from the main trunk and

then write a word that can be formed from that

Latin root. Have students continue to pass the

trees around the circle until they receive their

own tree.

Vocabulary PuzzleMaker For vocabulary games and practice

go to

Oral Language

Expand Vocabulary Have students use print

and electronic dictionaries and other resources to

build a word web for each of these Latin roots:

ject, spect, durare, liber. Ask students to write each

root in the center of a web. On lines that extend

out from the center, have them write words that

use the Latin root. Ask them to compare and read

their webs aloud with a partner.


Ta-Na-E-Ka 529F

Page 31: Ta nae ka teachers guide

5 Day Spelling

Words with Latin Roots


Use the Dictation Sentences. Say

the underlined word, read the

sentence, and repeat the word.

Have students write the words

on Spelling Practice Book page

135. For a modified list, use the

first 17 Spelling Words and the

three Review Words. For a more

challenging list, use Spelling Words

3–20 and the two Challenge Words.

Students may correct their own


Have students cut apart the Spelling

Word Cards BLM on Teacher’s

Resource Book page 87 and figure

out a way to sort them. They can

save the cards for use throughout

the week.

For Leveled Word Lists, go to


Write structure, factory, destruction,

and manufacture on the board.

Prompt students to classify these

words according to their Latin roots.

Explain that many English words

have Latin roots. The root might

appear at the beginning, middle,

or end of a word. Some common

Latin roots are aud from the Latin

word audire (to hear), ject from

the Latin word jacere (to throw),

bene from the Latin word bene

(well), and struct from the Latin

word structus (put together).

Invite students to sort the words

by Latin root, or any other

way they wish; for example, by

number of syllables. Discuss

students’ methods of sorting.


Dictation Sentences1. The audience clapped.

2. Sam would benefit from studying.

3. Ed’s parents own the factory.

4. Athletes are flexible.

5. They should reduce class sizes.

6. My teacher gave me extra credit.

7. Sarah has a dictionary.

8. I have the sports section.

9. It’s incredible that he is on time.

10. The structure is a building.

11. The fly is an insect.

12. The audio portion did not work.

13. Will you introduce him to me?

14. What is your prediction?

15. The volcano caused destruction.

16. Education goes a long way.

17. They inject humor into games.

18. I see your reflection in the lake.

19. Her objection was withdrawn.

20. Gloria often felt dejected.

Review/Challenge Words1. The storm will lessen by tonight.

2. Remove the bag from the aisle.

3. We read about the principle of gravity.

4. Our companies manufacturecameras.

5. Dictate this sentence while I write it.

Display the Spelling Words throughout the week.

Pretest Word Sortsaudience section destruction

benefit incredible education

factory structure inject

flexible insect reflection

reduce audio objection

credit introduce dejected

dictionary prediction

Review lessen, aisle, principle

Challenge manufacture, dictate

Spelling Practice Book, Pages 135–136 Spelling Practice Book, Page 137


Page 32: Ta nae ka teachers guide


Ask students to copy the list of

words below. Tell them to define

the word and explain how the

word is derived from its Latin root.

audience: a hearing, or people

who hear (from the Latin root aud)

credit: a commendation, or a sum

of money that is lent (from the

Latin root cred)

benefit: something good (from the

Latin root bene)

Challenge students to look up

the roots of the words education,

dictionary, and flexible. Have

them explain how the Latin

roots contribute to each word’s



Write lessen, aisle, and principle on

the board. Ask students to use the

words in sentences.


Write the following sentences on

the board including the misspelled

words. Ask students to proofread

and write the correct spellings.

I was called out of the audiance

to come up on stage. (audience)

The student made a predicshun

about the story. (prediction)

A good edducation will help you

do well in life. (education)

Oliver wanted to interduce me

to his sister. (introduce)


Use the Dictation Sentences on

page 529G for the Posttest.

If students have difficulty with

any words in the lesson, have

them copy the words in a list

entitled “Spelling Words I Want

to Remember” in a word study



Challenge student partners to

think of words that have Latin

roots. If partners are unsure or

disagree about how a word should

be spelled, have them use a

dictionary to check. Have students

write the words in a word study

notebook under the heading

“Other Words with Latin Roots.”


Word Meanings Review and Proofread Assess and Reteach

Spelling Practice Book, Page 138 Spelling Practice Book, Page 139 Spelling Practice Book, Page 140

Ta-Na-E-Ka 529H

Page 33: Ta nae ka teachers guide

5 Day Grammar



Present the following:

An article is a kind of adjective.

Articles include the words a, an,

and the.

Articles are some of the most

commonly used words in the

English language.


I have a new friend in math class.

Ian is on the soccer team.


Review the function of articles.


Present the following:

A and an are indefinite articles.

An indefinite article identifies

non-specific people, places,

things, or ideas.

A is used before words that begin

with a consonant. An is used before

words beginning with a vowel.

The is a definite article. A definite

article identifies specific people,

places, things, or ideas.


I gave my ticket to a man.

I gave my ticket to the man.


Daily Language ActivitiesWrite the day’s activities on the board or use Transparency 22.

DAY 1These story is about a native American girl and her adventures (1. This; 2. Native; 3. adventures.)

DAY 2Coming of age is the way of saying “growing up” It marks an step toward adulthood. (1. a; 2. up.”; 3. a)

DAY 3Ceremonies for coming of age include. jewish bar mitzvahs and a variety of tests in a Native American culture. (1. include; 2. Jewish; 3. the)

DAY 4Events like staying at home alone for the first time also mark the persons’ coming of age. Approaching these events shows an person’s maturity. (1. a; 2. person’s; 3. a)

DAY 5An finel challenge will be momentus. (1. A; 2. final; 3. momentous)

Introduce the Concept Teach the Concept

Study the pair of articles in each sentence. Underline the article that

correctly completes the sentence.

1. Matthew and Andrew have (a, an) problem.

2. (A, The) time in the afternoon goes by too quickly.

3. What (a, an) annoying situation!

4. (The, A) homework never seemed to get done.

5. But (the, a) boys always had time to play games.

6. Baby robins open their mouths wide for (a, an) meal of worms.

7. In the summer months, (a, the) sun rises high in the sky.

Complete each sentence with the correct article: a, an, or the.

(More than one answer may be correct.)

8. Matthew and Andrew tried to fi gure out solution to the problem.

9. They fi nally came up with idea.

10. Matthew said, “Maybe we could do homework beforewe play games.”

11. Andrew wasn’t sure he liked solution.

12. Matthew said, “I think this is case of some smartthinking!”

13. Sometimes you can see rainbow in the sky after it rains.

14. Matthew goes to chess class on Tuesday.

• The words a, an, and the are special adjectives called articles.• Use a and an with singular nouns.• Use a if the next word starts with a consonant sound.• Use an if the next word starts with a vowel sound.

Grammar Practice Book, Page 135

• The words a, an, and the are special adjectives called articles.• Use a and an with singular nouns. Use a if the next word starts

with a consonant sound.• Use an if the next word starts with a vowel sound.• Use the with singular nouns that name a particular person,

place, or thing. Use the before all plural nouns.

Change the article in parentheses so that it correctly completes

each sentence. Then rewrite the sentence on the line provided.

1. Matt’s friends called him (an) hero.

2. They thought it was (a) unusual situation.

3. “That’s (a) incredibly smart idea,” said Randi.

4. On (a) fi rst Monday of each month, all the students studied together.

5. Studying together with others means taking (a) time to listen and help.

6. Matt has (a) oak tree in his front yard.

7. Tom received (a) acceptance letter from the local college.

8. (A) earth’s surface is seven parts water and three parts land.

Grammar Practice Book, Page 136

See Grammar Transparency 106 for modeling and guided practice.

See Grammar Transparency 107 for modeling and guided practice.

Variations in Languages

Many languages omit

articles or do not have a

similar distinction between

a and the. It is best to

address the use of articles

in short lessons within the

context of reading and

writing activities.


Page 34: Ta nae ka teachers guide


Have students review using

articles. Present corrected

sentences from Days 1–3. Tell

students to underline the articles

in the sentences.


Use a colon before a long formal

statement or quotation.

Use a colon between

independent clauses when the

second clause explains the idea

in the first.

Use a colon after the salutation

of a business letter.

Use a colon to separate the hour

and the minute of the time of



Distribute copies of newspaper

or magazine articles for students

in the class. Have students draw

a circle around the articles used

in the writing. Afterwards, discuss

what students found as a class.


Have students proofread the

following sentences, correcting

any errors in grammar, usage, and


1. Coming of age is an process

that everyone must go

through. (a)

2. Not all culture have a event

to mark the coming of age.

(cultures, an)


Use the Daily Language Activity

and page 139 of the Grammar

Practice Book for assessment.


Have students write three

sentences, leaving blanks where

the articles should appear. Then,

have them trade papers with

partners and fill in the blanks

with appropriate articles. Make

sure that students use a and an

properly and use definite and

indefinite articles properly. Invite

students to share their work with

the class.

Use page 140 of the Grammar

Practice Book for additional



Review and Practice Review and Proofread Assess and Reteach

Grammar Practice Book, Page 137 Grammar Practice Book, Page 138 Grammar Practice Book, Pages 139–140

See Grammar Transparency 108 for modeling and guided practice.

See Grammar Transparency 109 for modeling and guided practice.

See Grammar Transparency 110 for modeling and guided practice.

Ta-Na-E-Ka 529J

Page 35: Ta nae ka teachers guide

ELL Practice and

Assessment, 140–141

Fluency AssessmentEn




k A




ts Administer the Test Weekly Reading Assessment,Passage and questions, pages 277–284


• Compare and Contrast

• Vocabulary Words

• Word Parts: Latin Roots

• Articles

• Latin Roots

Administer the Weekly Assessment online or on CD-ROM.

FluencyAssess fluency for one group of students per week. Use the

Oral Fluency Record Sheet to track the number of words

read correctly. Fluency goal for all students:

140–160 words correct per minute (WCPM).

Approaching Level Weeks 1, 3, 5

On Level Weeks 2, 4

Beyond Level Week 6

Alternative Assessments• ELL Assessment, pages 140–141

Weekly Assessment, 277–284Assessment Tool


Page 36: Ta nae ka teachers guide



Word Parts: Latin Roots

Items 1, 2, 3, 4


0–2 items correct . . .


Reteach skills using the Additional

Lessons page T7.

Reteach skills: Log on to

Vocabulary PuzzleMaker

Evaluate for Intervention.


Skill: Compare and Contrast

Items 5, 6, 7, 8

0–2 items correct . . . Reteach skills using the Additional

Lessons page T2.

Evaluate for Intervention.



Items 9, 10, 11

0–1 items correct . . . Reteach skills: Grammar Practice Book

page 140.


Latin Roots

Items 12, 13, 14

0–1 items correct . . . Reteach skills: Log on to


0–132 WCPM

Fluency Solutions

Evaluate for Intervention.

Diagnose Prescribe









To place students

in the Intervention

Program, use

the Diagnostic

Assessment in the

Intervention Teacher’s



Ta-Na-E-Ka 529L

Page 37: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Approaching Level Options


Objective Decode multisyllabic words with Latin roots in both familiar and unfamiliar


Materials • Student Book “Rites of Passage”


Model/Guided Practice

Write the Latin root spect on the board. Say: The root spect has the

/e/ sound. Spect means “to look.” Write the word inspect on the board.

Knowing the Latin root helps me pronounce and understand the word

inspect. It is pronounced /in spekt’/. It means “look into.”

Write the roots ject (throw) and liber (free) on the board and pronounce

them. Help students determine the meanings of reject and liberty.

Repeat the process with the Latin roots anim (life), grad (step), port

(carry), and voc (voice).


Write the Latin root aud on the board. Say: The Latin root aud has the

/ô/ sound. Aud means “hear.” Write the word audible on the board. When

I look at the word audible, I see the Latin root aud. I know it is pronounced

/ôd/ and means “hear.” That helps me pronounce and understand this word

with aud. Say the word aloud. It means “able to be heard.”

Have small groups decode words with Latin roots. Write the following

words on the board or provide students with the list. Say: Underline the

Latin root. Then use what you know about the root to pronounce each word

correctly and explain the word’s meaning.

advocate subject dictate

endurance vocalize injection

credence graduate prospective

Check each group’s progress and accuracy. Circulate and provide

constructive feedback.


Have small groups search “Rites of Passage” for words with Latin roots.

Extend the activity to include other selections of students’ choice. Tell

them to create webs with each root at the center and the words they

find containing the root around it in the web.

Monitor each group’s work for accuracy.

Invite student groups to share words from their webs for each root.

Have students pronounce the words and explain their meanings.

For each skill below,

additional lessons are

provided. You can use these

lessons on consecutive days

after teaching the lessons

presented during the week.

• Compare and Contrast, T2

• Word Parts: Latin Roots, T7

Additional Resources

Encourage students to

consult a dictionary if they

are uncertain about the

pronunciation of a Latin

root in a word. Tell students

that a word’s etymology—

the information provided in

a dictionary about a word’s

origins or history—usually

explains the meaning of

its Latin root. Work with

students to locate and

comprehend etymologies

provided in a dictionary for

words with Latin roots.


To help students build

speed and accuracy when

reading multisyllabic

words, use the additional

decodable text on page 26

of the Teacher’s Resource


Decodable Text


Page 38: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Objective Read accurately with good prosody at a rate of 140–150 WCPM

Materials • Approaching Practice Book A, p. 159


Model reading the fluency passage on Approaching Practice Book A

page 159. Tell students to pay close attention to how punctuation affects

your reading. Then have students echo-read, first as a group and then one

by one. Listen for accuracy.


Have students practice reading the passage aloud as you circulate and

provide constructive feedback. During independent reading time, partners

can take turns reading the passage. Have one student read each sentence

aloud and the other repeat the sentence.


At the end of the week, direct students to do a timed reading of the

passage that they have been practicing. With each student:

Place the passage from Approaching Practice Book A page 159


When you say “Go,” the student begins reading the passage aloud.

When you say “Stop,” the student stops reading the passage.

As students read, note any miscues. Stop them after one minute. Help

students record and graph the number of words they read correctly.


Objective Apply vocabulary word meanings

Materials • Vocabulary Cards • Transparencies 22a and 22b


Display the Vocabulary Cards for participate, ordeals, nourishing,

encounter, grimaced, anticipated, dejectedly, and victorious. Help

students locate and read the vocabulary words in “Rites of Passage” on

Transparencies 22a and 22b. For words they do not know, help

students determine the meanings based on how the words are used in

context. Have students use each word in a new sentence.

Then have students use the vocabulary words to write questions that ask

for a choice. For example, Would you rather participate in a basketball

game or a play? After students write their questions, have them ask and

answer the questions with a classmate.

If students are having

difficulty reading dialogue

expressively, choose a

sentence with dialogue.

Read it aloud and ask

volunteers to say the

sentence the way they

would in a conversation.

Then have students choral

read the same sentence.


Approaching Practice Book A, page 159

Ta-Na-E-Ka 529N

Page 39: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Approaching Level Options


Pantomime and

Gesture Tell students

to use pantomime and

gesture to show the

meanings of some of the

vocabulary words from

“Rites of Passage.” Write

the following words on

the board: anticipated,

victorious, nourishing,

grimaced, dejectedly,

ordeals, and participate.

Have students work in

pairs or groups of three

to pantomime the word

meanings. Have the

remainder of the class

guess which word the

group is acting out.

Objective Use Latin roots

Materials • Student Book Ta-Na-E-Ka


Write the word liberty on the board. Tell students that the Latin root of

liberty is liber, meaning free. How does the Latin meaning help you figure

out what liberty means? Have students look in Ta-Na-E-Ka for other words

that contain the Latin root liber and other Latin roots they have learned

and create word towers, adding as many prefixes and suffixes as they can.

(liberation, dejectedly)


Objective Compare and contrast

Materials • Student Book “Rites of Passage” • Transparencies 22a and 22b


Remind students that good readers monitor comprehension by stopping

periodically to evaluate what they have read.



Remind students that comparing and contrasting as they read will help

them monitor their comprehension of the text.

Comparing is telling how two things are alike; contrasting is telling how

two things are different.

Display Transparencies 22a and 22b. Reread the first paragraph of

“Rites of Passage.” Ask volunteers to circle on the transparencies people

or things named in the paragraph. Discuss the last sentence in the


Think Aloud The writer says all humans participate in rites of passage.

That’s a comparison because it tells me one way that people are alike.


Reread the rest of “Rites of Passage,” and have volunteers continue to

circle items. Have students list examples of two or more things that can

be compared in “Rites of Passage.” Discuss with students the choices they

have made and how comparing and contrasting helps them monitor


Review last week’s words

(reputation, uttered,

quickened, migrant,

mistreated, wrath, illegally,

ruptured) and this week’s

words (participate, ordeals,

nourishing, encounter,

grimaced, anticipated,

dejectedly, victorious). Have

students use each word in a


Rites of Passage

by Luis Rivera

Student Book, or Transparencies 22a and 22b


Page 40: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Leveled Reader Lesson

Objective Read to apply strategies and skills

Materials • Leveled Reader Zach’s Best Shot • Student Book Ta-Na-E-Ka


Show the cover of Zach’s Best Shot. Read the title, author, and table of

contents with students. Ask students what they think this story will be

about, and have them set purposes for reading and note any questions

they have.


Before reading, review the vocabulary words as needed. As you read

together, discuss how each word is used in context.


Remind students that good readers monitor comprehension by stopping

periodically to evaluate what they have read. Read pages 2–4 aloud.

Think Aloud On page 2, the story starts in the middle of a scene, and

I wasn’t sure what was going on. I decided to read ahead and now I

understand that Zach is taping an audition for his friend Manuel.


Remind students that understanding how to compare and contrast will

help them understand the characters in a story. Discuss these questions

with students. What similarities do the two boys share? In what ways are they

different? Begin a Venn diagram on chart paper.


After students have read the entire story, have them paraphrase what

takes place. Guide them in comparing and contrasting characters and

events using the Venn diagram. Afterward, discuss how Zach became

creative when it was time to do his oral presentation.


Summarize and discuss Ta-Na-E-Ka and Zach’s Best Shot. Have students

explain how monitoring comprehension helped them compare and

contrast as they read.

How are the experiences of Zach and Mary the same? How are they


Compare and contrast how the two characters overcame their fears.

Leveled Reader

Ta-Na-E-Ka 529P

Page 41: Ta nae ka teachers guide


Objective Use vocabulary words and words with Latin roots in paragraphs

Materials • Student Book “Rites of Passage” • dictionary


Have students review the meanings of the vocabulary words from “Rites

of Passage.” Have students write a paragraph or brief story about either a

real or made-up rite of passage, using all the vocabulary words.


Suggest that students use a dictionary to check vocabulary words

containing Latin roots (dejectedly, victorious). Have them write down each

word, underline the Latin root, and give a definition for each word. Then

have students write word-family sentences or humorous paragraphs with

the words.

Literary Elements

Objective Discuss moral and personification

Materials • Student Book “A Fable by Aesop”


Discuss with students the importance of a moral and personification in

“A Fable by Aesop.” Have students look through the story to find specific

examples of moral and personification. Ask students to write a paragraph

that has a moral and uses personification.

Objective Read accurately with good prosody at a rate of 140–160 WCPM

Materials • On Level Practice Book O, p. 159


Model reading the fluency passage on page 159 of On Level Practice

Book O. Tell students to pay close attention to the different characters’

voices and listen to how punctuation affects your reading. Then have

students echo-read, first as a group and then one by one. Listen for


Have students practice reading the passage to each other. Circulate and

provide feedback.

Timed Reading At the end of the week, have students do a timed

reading of the passage to check how many words they read correctly in

one minute.

On Level Options

As I read, I will pay attention to punctuation and characters’ voices.

Most kids would fall flat on their faces if they tried to read while

14 walking quickly, but not Stacey Taylor. She stepped nimbly over

24 sidewalk cracks, veered around a tricycle some little kid had left out,

36 and even gave her neighbor’s poodle a pat on the head—all without

49 ever lifting her nose from the book in her hands.

59 The book was the true story of an amazing reporter named Nellie

71 Bly. Back in the late 1800s, most people thought that only men should

83 be reporters. But Nellie Bly did daring things that male reporters were

95 afraid to do. No adventure was too bold for her, no ordeal too severe.

109 She had herself locked up in an insane asylum and wrote about how

122 badly the inmates were treated. She traveled around the world by boat,

134 train, and even rickshaw.

138 Wow, thought Stacey. Wouldn’t it be great to be a reporter like

150 Nellie Bly? She tried to think of something daring she could do.

162 Maybe she could discover what horrific secret ingredients were in the

173 cafeteria food.

175 Of course, for all she knew, the cafeteria served nourishing,

185 delicious food cooked by a gourmet chef. In fact, there were a lot of

199 things Stacey didn’t know about Walker Middle School. Today was the

210 first day of the school year, and she was just starting sixth grade. 223

1. What characteristics does Stacey admire in Nellie Bly? Make Inferences

2. How can you tell the author admires Nellie Bly? Author’s Perspective

Words Read – =

First Read – =

Second Read – =

On Level Practice Book O, page 159

Student Book


Rites of Passage

by Luis Rivera

Student Book


Page 42: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Leveled Reader Lesson

Objective Read to apply strategies and skills

Materials • Leveled Reader Stacey’s Winning Move • Student Book Ta-Na-E-Ka


Show the cover and read the title of Stacey’s Winning Move. Ask students

what they think the title indicates. Have students write down their

predictions and any questions they have about the story.


Remind students that good readers monitor their comprehension to make

sure they understand the material. Comparing and contrasting can help

readers organize story elements and details.


Point out to students that comparing and contrasting characters may help

students monitor comprehension in a text. Begin a Venn diagram on chart

paper and help students to complete it as they read the story.


Have the students read Chapters 1 and 2 orally and offer fluency support

as needed. Discuss the type of bond Stacey has with her friends and how

starting junior high might change their relationship.

Continue with Chapters 3 and 4. Discuss how Stacey discovers that she

can do two things at once. Afterward, ask students to paraphrase the

story. Encourage them to ask additional questions about the story.


Discuss the vocabulary words as they are used in the story. Reteach

meanings as necessary.


Invite students to compare Ta-Na-E-Ka and Stacey’s Winning Move.

Are Mary and Stacey similar? How do they solve their dilemmas?

Compare and contrast how this week’s theme, Smart Thinking, applies

to the two stories.

ELLLeveled Reader

Go to pages


Leveled Reader

Ta-Na-E-Ka 529R

Page 43: Ta nae ka teachers guide


Objective Write a song or story based on this week’s theme

Materials • Student Book Ta-Na-E-Ka


Have students write a story or lyrics for a music video about a time when

they or someone they know used Smart Thinking to solve a dilemma. Ask

students to include at least three vocabulary words in their story or lyrics

and to highlight them by using repetition or rhyme.

Encourage students to read through Ta-Na-E-Ka and use the vocabulary

words as they are used in the story if possible.

Literary Elements

Objective Discuss moral and personification

Materials • Student Book “A Fable by Aesop” • magazines


Have students discuss the moral and examples of personification in “A

Fable by Aesop.” Have students draw pictures or make collages inspired by

the examples. Magazines can be used to find pictures for the collages.

Students who choose to do so can display their finished products in a

“Smart Thinking” art corner.

Objective Read fluently with a good prosody at a rate of 150–160 WCPM

Materials • Beyond Practice Book B, p. 159


Model reading the fluency passage on page 159 of Beyond Practice

Book B. Tell students to pay close attention to the different characters’

voices and listen to how punctuation affects your reading. Then have

students echo-read, first as a group and then one by one. Listen for


Have partners take turns reading the passage and providing feedback.

Pairs should continue to practice reading the passage during independent

reading time. At the end of the week, have students do a timed reading

of the passage and record their reading rate.

Beyond Level Options

As I read, I will pay attention to punctuation and characters’ voices.

The sound of tires crunching on the gravel driveway told her that her

13 mom was home. Anna dropped the pail and ran around to the front yard to

28 greet her. “Hey, Mom!” she yelled. “How come you’re so la—” She stopped

41 short. Her mom had a long scratch on her face, and her left arm was in a

58 sling. “Are you okay? What happened?”

64 Mrs. Willard shook her head, grimacing. “I was showing a young couple

76 that old farm way out on Sugar Hollow Road, and like a fool I tried to climb

93 the ladder in the barn and fell.”

100 Anna looked at her mom, who was wearing her usual suit and heels—

113 reasonable clothes for a real estate agent, but not for climbing rickety

125 old ladders.

127 “I should have known better than to go anywhere near a farm,” her mom

141 grimaced in pain and went on disgustedly. “As far as I’m concerned, nothing

154 good could ever happen there.”

159 Ordinarily, Anna would have protested indignantly. Her favorite place in

169 the world was the family farm where her mom and Aunt Rachel had grown

183 up. Almost every morning she rode her bicycle a mile and a half each way

198 to help milk the cows and tend the chickens. Her three cousins, Brady, Pete,

212 and Eddie, groaned about their chores, but Anna thought the work was

224 fun. 225

1. Compare and contrast Mrs. Willard’s and Anna’s opinions about farms.

Compare and Contrast Anna loves farms, but Mrs. Willard does not.

2. Do you think the author agrees with Mrs. Willard about farms? Explain.

Author’s Perspective

Words Read – =

First Read – =

Second Read – =

Beyond Practice Book B, page 159

Personification Ask: What

is personification? (giving

human characteristics to

animals or things) Ask for

examples of personification

in “A Fable by Aesop.”

Brainstorm a list of animals

that authors might use to

tell a story. Divide students

into small groups and

assign one animal from the

list to each group. Have the

group give five adjectives

describing the animal.

Then have them draw a

picture of the animal.

Student Book



Page 44: Ta nae ka teachers guide

Leveled Reader Lesson

Objective Read to apply strategies and skills

Materials • Leveled Reader A Fair Trade


Show the cover and read the title of A Fair Trade. Have students set

purposes for reading, and predict what the story will be about.


Remind students that good readers monitor comprehension by stopping

periodically to evaluate what they have read. Comparing and contrasting

can help readers organize story elements and details.


Ask a volunteer to explain what it means to compare and contrast in a

story. Have students discuss how stopping periodically to compare and

contrast story events will help them better understand a story.


Have students read Chapters 1 and 2 and then paraphrase the events.

Discuss Anna’s dilemma. Have students finish reading the story. After

students finish, have them share personal responses. Discuss with students

why Anna decides to tell the truth. Would they have made the same

choice as Anna?


Ask volunteers to provide the meanings of this week’s vocabulary words.

Review vocabulary words as needed. Ask students questions such as When

might you grimace? When you smell spoiled food or sharpen a pencil?

Self-Selected Reading

Objective Read independently to compare and contrast

Materials • Leveled Readers or trade books at students’ reading level


Invite students to select a book to read independently and for enjoyment.

For a list of theme-related titles, see pages T19–T20. As students read,

have them monitor comprehension by comparing and contrasting the

characters and events in the story.

After students have finished reading, have them compare and contrast

their selections with partners.

Leveled Reader

Ta-Na-E-Ka 529T

Page 45: Ta nae ka teachers guide

English Language Learners

Academic LanguageThroughout the week, the English language learners in your class will need

help in building their understanding of the academic language used in

daily instruction and assessment instruments. The following strategies will

help to increase their language proficiency and comprehension of content

and instructional words.

Strategies to Reinforce Academic Language

Use Context Academic Language used by the teacher

(see chart below) should be explained in the context

of the task during Whole Group. You may use gestures,

expressions and visuals to support meaning.

Use Visuals Use charts, transparencies, and graphic

organizers to explain key labels to help students

understand classroom language.

Model Demonstrate the task using academic language in

order for students to understand instruction.

Academic Language Used in Whole Group Instruction

Content/Theme Words Skill/Strategy Words Writing/Grammar Words

smart thinking (p. 504)

trickster (p. 504)

clever (p. 505)

fable (p. 526)

wit (p. 526)

compare (p. 507A)

contrast (p. 507A)

perspective (p. 525B)

personification (p. 526)

Venn diagram (p. 507B)

moral (p. 526)

compare-and-contrast essay

(p. 529)

rearrange ideas (p. 529)

articles (p. 529I)

colons (p. 529J)

For additional language

support and oral language

development, use the lesson



Page 46: Ta nae ka teachers guide

ELL Reader Lesson


Build Background What do you do when you

have to choose between two things that you want?

How do you decide which is the best choice? List

responses and discuss how to think about the

consequences of each choice before deciding.

Review Vocabulary Write the vocabulary and

story support words on the board and discuss their meaning. Model using

them in sentences. Luis decided to participate in a program to read to the

blind. Julie made a commitment to work.


Point to the cover illustration and read the title aloud. Who is trying to

make a decision in this picture? What makes you think so?

Set a Purpose for Reading Show the Venn Diagram and remind students

they have used it before. Ask them to use a similar diagram to compare

and contrast the characters.

Choose from among the differentiated strategies to support students’

reading at all levels of language acquisition.


Shared Reading Do a

shared reading, pausing to

fill in a Venn Diagram as you

compare and contrast Stacey

and her group of friends.

How are they alike? How

are they different? Check

students’ comprehension

and use vocabulary and

support words.


Read Together Read

Chapter 1. Ask students

about the event the

author describes in this

chapter. Help them identify

characters’ traits to write in

the Venn Diagram. Resume

reading, taking turns

with students. Have them

continue to fill in the Venn



Independent Reading

Have students read the

book. Ask them to fill in a

Venn Diagram that compares

and contrasts Stacey and

her friends. Then ask them

to discuss with a partner

positive and negative

aspects of the activities

Stacey is interested in.

Remind students to use the vocabulary and story words in their whole-

group activities.

by Nan Walker illustrated by Mark Weber

The Big DecisionThe Big Decision

ELL Teacher’s Guide

for students who need

additional instruction.

DAY 1 • Academic


• Oral Language and

Vocabulary Review

DAY 2 • Academic


• ELL Leveled Reader

DAY 3 • Academic


• ELL Leveled Reader

DAY 4 • Academic


• ELL Leveled Reader

DAY 5 • Academic


• ELL Leveled Reader


Check and Literacy


Objective• To apply vocabulary and

comprehension skills


• ELL Leveled Reader The

Big Decision

Ta-Na-E-Ka 529V

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