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SNACC NEWS Winter 2013


SNACC NEWSMessage from the President ...................................... 2

News from Special Interest Groups - SIGS ................ 3

Editor’s Corner ........................................................... 3

Immediate Past President’s Message ......................... 4

SNACC Education Committee Report ........................ 5

Scientific Affairs Contribution to the SNACC 41st Annual Meeting .......................... 6

Resident Travel Awards ............................................ 6

Teacher of the Year Award ........................................ 7

Exhibitor Bingo Winner ............................................... 7

Thank you to our Supporters .................................... 8

Education Corner ....................................................... 9

SNACC Newletter Schedule ..................................... 10

SNACC Officers, Directors and Staff ........................ 10

Plan Now for SNACC’s 42nd Annual Meeting ........... 11

IN MEMORIAM - WILLIAM L. YOUNG, MDOn August of this year, the neuroanesthesia and neuroscience community lost a physician, scientist and a true humanitarian. Those who attended the SNACC meeting in San Francisco learned more about William L. Young, MD from multiple speakers. The latest issue of the JNA has a tribute to this great pioneer written by David Warner, MD and William L. Lanier, Jr., MD. I hope you all take time to read it. It will certainly be an enlightening article. ~ Reza Gorji, MD, Editor

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2SNACC NEWS Winter 2013


President’s Message

It is a huge honor and privilege for me to serve as the President of SNACC and I want to thank everybody who helped me to realize this goal. First of all, I would like to thank my Chair, Dr. Christian Werner, who inspired me when he became SNACC President in 2000. The Annual Meetings of SNACC have always been one of the most important highlights of the year for me. When I was elected to the Board of Directors, I was happy to have the opportunity to further support this meaningful society.

I would like to particularly thank Dr. Martin Smith for his leadership during the last term. After the transition of our management, Dr. Smith dedicated himself to stabilizing the society and to provide a solid base for the future success of SNACC. One of the most important milestones of the last year has been the revision of our bylaws. This perfect framework was adapted to SNACC´s future needs and opens the gate for many improvements and benefits for our members. One example is the launch in 2014 of an electronic voting system. I also would like to thank Dr. Ansgar Brambrink, who was our Immediate Past President. Dr. Brambrink carefully guided SNACC through very rough times and being President of SNACC at that time was not very easy. But, he succeeded and SNACC is now much stronger than before. I would like to welcome our new members of the Board of Directors, Dr. Lauren Berkow, Dr. Ehab Farag, and Dr. Laurel Moore. The election of Dr. George Mashour to the Board as Secretary/Treasurer makes me confident that the future of SNACC will be bright. I also would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the enthusiasm and energy that Dr. Pekka Talke and Dr. Marc Bloom have contributed to SNACC, but unfortunately their terms at the Board of Directors have expired.

The 41st Annual Meeting in San Francisco in October, 2014 was a huge success with almost 300 attendees. Dr. Deborah Culley succeeded in creating an outstanding program. To attract the next generation of neuroanesthesiologists and neuroscientists to SNACC, Dr. Culley organized a very successful mentoring workshop. The format of the scientific poster sessions was changed and we were able to offer electronic poster presentations this year. Many thanks to everybody who contributed their time and passion to make this meeting something special!

Naturally as a President, I am very ambitious with your society

and so are you. From “bench to bedside” would describe my vision best. SNACC wants to foster experimental and clinical science, to offer a wide selection of educative materials, and to define standards for the care of our patients when the integrity of their brain and central nervous system are at risk. With the help of our five committees and the various special interest groups (SIG), SNACC will be able to slowly realize these ambitious goals.

Under the leadership of Dr. George Mashour, the newly created Research Committee will develop a plan to strengthen research as an important column of SNACC. At the moment, SNACC is establishing the William L. Young Research Award. The well-known SNACC Bibliography, which provides a perfect overview about the most recent literature, was updated this year. At the Annual Meeting, researchers from all over the world have the opportunity to share and discuss their results with experienced reviewers.

The various educational achievements of SNACC include other events besides the Annual Meeting. These include the creation of fellowship programs, the “Chat with the Author” and the “Case Reports” on our website, the invitation and excellent mentoring of FAER Scholars at our Annual Meeting, and the Teacher of the Year Award. Next year, SNACC will publish guidelines to further improve the treatment and outcome of our patients.

For those members who are interested in social media, SNACC supports LinkedIn and Facebook. LinkedIn is especially popular with more than 110 active members currently networking. To avoid misuse of these sensitive tools, SNACC has now published its Social Media Policy on the website.

Lastly, I would like to thank the Editor of our newsletter, Dr. Reza Gorji, the Assistant Editor, Dr. Fenghua Li, and the Graphic Designer, Beverly Bernard, for their expertise in creating this wonderful newsletter. I am very proud to announce that selected articles of this newsletter will be translated into Spanish, which perfectly underlines that SNACC is a truly international society.


Kristin R. Engelhard, MD, PhDSNACC President

Kristin R. Engelhard, MD, PhD SNACC President

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3SNACC NEWS Winter 2013


Editor’s Corner

Welcome to the last issue of the SNACC newsletter for 2013! It was great meeting many of you in San Francisco at the annual meeting. As usual, the meeting was very educational. There were lectures on a variety of topics plus the questions and discussions that followed showed the depth and richness of the educational material at the meeting. The abstracts presented between the lectures were very interesting and thought provoking. Clearly, there are a lot of talented people working hard in neuroscience and neuroanesthesia. This was the first year that the posters were presented electronically. The overall response for the electronic posters was very positive.

A new section is being added to the newsletter that aims to be educational. Many of our cases are done with neuromonitoring and starting with this issue, a small case will be presented challenging a clinician and a small discussion will follow.

I wanted to remind all members that the SNACC bibliography at is a highly educational resource available to all members. Non-members are not left out; they have a 90-day trial access free of charge. Please pass this important resource to your colleagues which may not be members. A tremendous amount of work was done to accomplish this great SNACC benefit.

It amazes me how much work individual SNACC members put in to enhance SNACC. Please make sure you read the many articles in the issue relating to the SNACC 41st Annual Meeting. You will see by reading the report from Dr. Jeffrey Pasternak that our member involvement in the society is at an all time high. SNACC is truly a member driven organization. There are many individuals like Dr. Pasternak who contribute to SNACC’s success, such as Drs. Avitsian, Culley, Bloom and Smith. There are too many to list here. It’s a great time to be a SNACC member.

Thanks for being on board!

Reza Gorji, MDEditor

Reza Gorji, MD

News from the Special Interest Groups – SIGS The newly formed SNACC Perioperative and Neurocritical

Care Special Interest Group (PM-NCC-SIG) had its inaugural meeting during the recent Annual Meeting in San Francisco. The PM-NCC-SIG is a community of anesthesiologists with an interest in the management of critically ill patients with neurologic injuries.

The PM-NCC-SIG consists of SNACC members from a variety of practice settings, including academic and private practice settings within the USA as well as abroad. Currently co-chaired by Ines Koerner, MD, PhD and Abhijit Lele, MD, this special interest group seeks to foster a sense of community among SNACC members interested in neurocritical care and to provide opportunities for continuous education. Moreover, the PM-NCC-SIG aims to improve clinical practice by developing sub-specialty specific practice recommendations and guidelines.

The PM-NCC-SIG provides education to the SNACC membership at large through sponsorship of dedicated content focused on perioperative aspects of neurocritical care at the Annual Meeting. We are currently planning an inaugural workshop at the upcoming 2014 SNACC Annual Meeting, which will provide education in Emergency Neurologic Life Support (ENLS) and allow attendees to obtain ENLS certification. Additionally, the SIG will host a joint symposium with the Neurocritical Care Society on Perioperative Catastrophes, which will be offered at the 2014 Annual Meetings of both SNACC and the Neurocritical Care Society.

The SIG also aims to support research relevant to neurocritical care. We will provide a forum for discussion of existing research by identifying and grouping relevant posters within the poster discussion at the SNACC annual meeting. In the future, we envision collaborating with and supporting, the Research Committee in designing and implementing new studies focused on neurocritical care topics.

PM-NCC-SIG members meet during the annual SNACC meeting. The PM-NCC-SIG invites all SNACC members with an interest in neurocritical care to join independent of level of training and practice setting. Interested members are invited to contact the co-chairs to have their names added to our list server. Please send your interests to Ines Koerner at [email protected] and Abhijit Lele at [email protected].

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remove a posting. Your member login is required.

AttentionSNACC Members!

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4SNACC NEWS Winter 2013

Martin Smith, MBBS, FRCA, FFICM Immediate Past President

It was good to see so many of you at our 41st Annual Meeting in San Francisco. A full report of the meeting is available elsewhere in this Newsletter, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank Dr. Deborah Culley and her team for organizing such a tremendous program. For the first time, the posters were presented in electronic format and thus far, the feedback from both presenters and attendees has been positive. SNACC supported several FAER Scholars to attend the 2013 Annual Meeting, and I am grateful to Dr. Jeff Pasternak for organizing their program and to those of you who mentored them. Next year our meeting will be held in New Orleans on October 9-10, 2014 and I urge you to save the date in your schedule now.

The Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and members have worked extremely hard on your behalf during the last 12 months, and I offer here a brief summary of their achievements.

The new Bylaws of the Society were approved by the membership at the Business Meeting on October 11. The major changes include clarification of categories of membership and voting rights, the possibility for electronic voting, including for election to Officer and Board positions, and the incorporation of six statutory committees: Education, Scientific Affairs, Communication, Membership, Research, and Nomination. The number of Directors has been increased from five to eight, to include five Committee Chairs and three Directors at large.

At the Annual Meeting there was the opportunity to remember Bill Young, who died on August 1, 2013 following a short illness. Drs. David Warner, Cor Kalkman and Dick Moberg presented a simul-taneously fascinating, amusing and moving celebration of Bill’s life. Bill was a dear friend to many SNACC members and a mentor to several, and his death is a great loss to the whole clinical and research neuroanesthesia community. The SNACC Board of Directors has agreed to establish the William L. Young Research Award to mark Bill’s memory in perpetu-ity. Drs. Bill Lanier and Greg Crosby will chair a short-lived Taskforce to develop recommendations for the es-tablishment of the Award for which fundraising from organizations and

individuals is likely to begin early in 2014. Details of how you will be able to contribute personally will be available shortly. In the meantime, I am very pleased to report that the Board of Directors has agreed to contribute $50,000 to pump prime this award on behalf of the SNACC mem-bership.

Dr. Maurice Albin is an-other colleague who has made substantial contributions to our specialty and Society, and, in recognition of this, the Board of Directors has recommended, with Dr. Albin’s consent, that the Keynote Lecture at the Annual Meeting be named the Maurice Albin Keynote Lecture.

The SNACC website has undergone several improvements during the year, and the introduction of real-time member-ship dues renewal and meeting registration has been welcomed by many members. Thanks are due to the Ruggles’ team and to Dr. Bloom and the Communication Committee for their work on the website and for launching SNACC into the social media arena. This newsletter goes strength to strength thanks to the leadership of Dr. Reza Gorji, the editor. Please support Reza by

providing him with content for the newsletter.

The Education Committee continues to place educational material on the website, including ‘Chat with the Author’ and the SNACC Bibliography. The latter is now available to non-members for limited time access in the anticipation that this will attract traffic to the website and generate interest in the Society. Thanks are due to Dr. Rafi Avitsian and the members of the Education Committee for their work on these initiatives.

The UCNS-accredited one-year neurocritical care fellowship, jointly

Immediate Past President’s Message

Martin Smith, MBBS, FRCA, FFICM

SNACC Immediate Past President

Immediate Past President, Martin Smith, MBBS, FRCA, FFICM, passes the gavel to incoming President,

Kristin R. Engelhard, MD, PhD.

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5SNACC NEWS Winter 2013

sponsored by SNACC, the Neurocritical Care Society and the American Academy of Neurology, has been agreed in principle and is currently undergoing final review by UCNS. Thanks are due to Dr. Andy Kofke and the Neurocritical Care Committee for leading this project on behalf of SNACC. Drs. Greg Crosby and George Mashour continue to work with colleagues on plans for a SNACC-approved curriculum for a Neuroanaesthesia Fellowship.

At the beginning of the year, I chaired a short-lived Membership Taskforce to review initiatives to increase SNACC membership and raise the profile of the Society beyond neuroanesthesia and neurocritical care. The newly constituted Membership Committee will now take this work forward and I am sure that you will hear more from them during this year.

The SNACC Consensus Statement on the Anesthetic Management of Endovascular Treatment of Acute Ischemic Stroke has now been completed and will be published in spring 2014. This is a landmark event, being the Society’s first foray into the business of guideline development. Dr. Pekka Talke and his team are to be congratulated on their efforts, which will bring benefits to clinicians and patients. Dr. George Mashour is currently leading a taskforce developing a second guideline on Perioperative Stroke. This will be available for consultation shortly.

SNACC has continued its high profile contributions at the IARS and ASA Annual meetings and, for the first time, sponsored a prize for the best neuroscience poster at the 2013 IARS meeting. The IARS has been very supportive of this collaboration and it is anticipated that it will be repeated in 2014 and beyond.

I should like to thank all the candidates who stood for election to the vacant Officer and Board positions this year and congratulate those who were appointed. It is a sign of a healthy Society that so many members are willing to offer their services. There will be additional new vacancies on the Board next year, so please consider whether you can serve SNACC in this way.

I handed over the Presidency of SNACC to Dr. Krisitn Engelhard at the Business Meeting in San Francisco, and I should like to offer my very best wishes to Kristin and the new Board of Directors for the forthcoming year. I know that the Society is in safe hands. It has been a tremendous pleasure and privilege to serve as the President of SNACC and I am grateful for the opportunity to have served the Society in this way. I should like to thank my Executive Committee, Board of Directors and Committees colleagues, and the Ruggles team, particularly Sandra Peterson and Stewart Hinckley, for their support and guidance during the last year. Finally, I should like to thank you all, the members of SNACC, for your continued support of our Society.

SNACC Education Committee:You Spoke & We Heard!

Deepak Sharma MD, DM Education Committee Chair

Greetings from the Educa-tion Committee! You may have observed the members of the Ed-ucation Committee at a special booth amidst the exhibitors at the Annual Meeting in San Francisco last month. Thank you for visiting our booth and for talking to the committee members and letting us know your expectations. Special thanks to those who took addi-tional time to fill out the one page survey evaluating the education committee offerings in the last year and telling us about other educational initiatives you would like to see. We are so grateful for your feedback and input and will move forward with your suggestions in mind.

The SNACC Bibliography has been widely appreciated. Up to 65% of the survey respondents had accessed the bibliography and indicated that it was very relevant to their practice. The Education Committee is committed to keeping the bibliography updated regularly. The latest update includes “must read” references on 63 topics of high importance to Neuroanesthesiologists recommended by well-known content experts. Please take a moment to check it out if you have not seen it yet. While you are there, please give us some feedback too. This may also be a useful resource not only for you but also for your trainees, residents and fellows. In fact, a 90-day trial access to the Bibliography is available on the SNACC website as a membership preview ( Feel free to direct your friends and colleagues there to try it out.

In the coming year, you will continue to see the “Chat with the Author” regularly. The Committee will work on increasing the number of “Clinical Case Discussions” and work on strategies to make them interactive. Many of you have supported the idea of developing “pro-con” debates and audio lectures on clinical topics. Some members have also expressed interest in getting CME credits for online educational activities. In the coming year, the Education Committee will work on these suggestions and will continue to provide you good quality educational material. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any feedback/ suggestions you may have. My email address is [email protected].

Deepak Sharma MD, DM

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6SNACC NEWS Winter 2013

Jeffrey J. Pasternak, MDChair - SNACC Scientific Affairs Committee

The Scientific Affairs Committee consists of 16 hard-working members of SNACC, who dedicate a great deal of their time and effort facilitating the mission of SNACC. We also play an integral role in expediting multiple aspects of the Annual Meeting. I would like to summarize some the contributions by our committee to the recent 2013 Annual Meeting held in San Francisco.

This year, we had 11 anesthesiology residents from around the United States join us at the Annual Meeting as Foundation For Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) Scholars. Drs. Chanannait Paisansathan and Ehab Farag arranged for a SNACC member to serve as a mentor for each scholar. The scholars had the opportunity to attend all aspects of the SNACC meeting, make connections (and new friends), and profit from some guidance by their mentors. I am sure that these future SNACC members gained some valuable insight and knowledge during the time that they shared with us.

In the afternoon of Thursday, October 10, FAER Scholars, members of the SNACC Board of Directors, and other meeting attendees congregated for a causal box lunch before the Mentoring Workshop, a session organized by the Scientific Affairs Commit-tee. This year, the workshop was entitled Getting Started and Main-taining A Successful Academic Career. This session was designed for those who are considering, or are new to, a career in academic med-

icine. Attendees of this session heard from four speakers who addressed dif-ferent aspects of an academic medical career. Dr. Michael Todd discussed his experience in-stituting a formal faculty mentorship program within the Department of Anesthesia at the University of Iowa. Dr. Gregory Crosby gave advice on getting involved in research and emphasized methods of addressing roadblocks and pitfalls. Dr. William Lanier described the process of academic ad-vancement and promotions. Finally, Dr. Kathryn Lauer gave some points on work/life balance and discussed some of the challenges in dealing with workplace stress. The collection of presentations was then followed by a lively, 90-minute, open discussion involv-ing the speakers and attendees.

The scientific affairs committee reviewed all submitted ab-stracts and selected the 120 abstracts for presentation at the two poster sessions. This was the first year that SNACC utilized digi-tal posters. Meeting attendees had the opportunity to view all posters electronically from either one of the nine large monitors in the poster area or remotely from the SNACC website. This approach afforded attendees the ability to view posters prior to arriving at the meeting site. Attendees also had the opportunity to submit electronic questions and comments to the poster pre-senters that could be discussed or addressed during the moder-ated walk-around sessions. Fortunately, presenters no longer had to carry paper posters to the meeting.

Finally, the Scientific Affairs Committee selected the winners of the John D. Michenfelder New Investigator Award and Resident Travel Awards. The Michenfelder Award is given to a young scientist whose research manuscript “exemplifies the Society’s mission of improving the art and science of neurosurgical anesthesia, and the care of the critically ill, neurologically

Scientific Affairs Contribution to the SNACC 41st Annual Meeting

Dr. Jeff Pasternak (left) congratulates Dr. Bradley Lee (right) for receiving The John D.

Michenfelder New Investigator Award.

Pictured from left are presenters Drs. Jeff Pasternak, Chanannait Paisansathan with the five recipients of the Resident Travel Awards for 2013:

Drs. Surya Dube, Ramamani Mariappan, Bengt Nellgard, Anne Sevastiani and Akiva Leibowits. Continued on page 10

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7SNACC NEWS Winter 2013


Teacher of the Year AwardJohn Bebawy, MD Neuroanesthesia Section Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Dr. Antoun Koht has been for 34 years a passionate advocate for clinical and didactic education in Neuroanesthesia. Beginning his second tenure as Chief of Neuro-anesthesia and Program Director of the Neuroanesthesia Fellowship at Northwestern University in 2006, he took immediate and definitive steps to make the Neuroanesthe-sia service a robust clinical and educational enterprise, recruiting new fellows and demonstrating to residents the challenges and joys of Neuroanesthesia as a discipline. Under his mentorship, the fellowship has been thriving, enjoying both a national and international presence, clinical research has ex-ploded, and nearly all of his fellows have joined academic anesthe-sia departments as renowned neuroanesthesiologists in their own rights, having presented and published countless contributions to our understanding of Neuroanesthesia.

Dr. Koht has won several accolades from residents, having been awarded the Golden Apple Teaching Award in 2007 and 2011. Between 2008 and 2012, he was awarded the prestigious Mentorship Award for his work with the junior faculty. A testament

Antoun Koht, MD

to Dr. Koht’s great educational work has been the annual resident ratings of their clinical rotations, in which Neuroanesthesia has been consistently rated among the best, if not the best, clinical rotation by the residents at Northwestern University. Certainly, it has been Dr. Koht’s seemingly tireless effort to expand and improve the clinical and didactic education of his trainees that has led to these accolades.

Dr. Koht’s intellectual passion has always been intraoperative neuromonitoring, and truly he is known worldwide as a thought leader in this field, with many publications to attest to this fact. He recently held the position of President of the American Society of Neurophysiological Monitoring, and again his educational efforts with this organization were highly recognized by his peers. For SNACC and ASA, Dr. Koht has chaired and organized many hands-on workshops to train neuroanesthesiologists in evoked potential monitoring, all with great acclaim by those participating.

On a personal level, Dr. Koht typifies what it means to humbly love ones work. His educational prowess has to do not only with the knowledge he has imparted to his peers, fellows, and residents, but also to the kind of example he creates as an educator. His teaching style is unique, thoughtful, and always kind.

Dr. Antoun Koht is delighted to have received this very prestigious award from SNACC, and he will continue to work selflessly and wholeheartedly for the improvement of Neuroanesthesia education, both at his home institution and abroad, and for the improved welfare of neurosurgical and neurologically-compromised patients everywhere.

To increase the interaction with our exhibitors at the 41st Annual Meeting, we offered a fun game of exhibitor bingo. For those attendees who visited each booth and received a sticker from all exhibitors, there was a chance to win an iPad Mini. Pictured at right is grand prize winner, Dr. Surya Dube being awarded his prize by Immediate Past President, Martin Smith, MBBS, FRCA, FFICM.

Drs. Martin Smith and Christine Stock present The Teacher of the Year Award to Antoun Koht, MD.

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8SNACC NEWS Winter 2013

41st Annual MeetingOctober 10-11, 2013

Hilton at Union Square • San Francisco, CA




Karl Storz Endoscopy-America, Inc.

Moberg Research



SNACC Education Committee

The Medicines Company

Wolters Kluwer Health


Integra Lifesciences


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9SNACC NEWS Winter 2013

Title: Neuromonitoring Challenging CasePresenter: Reza Gorji, MD

Presentation: An elderly male with cerebro-vascular disease was undergoing a right carotid endarterectomy under general anesthesia. Neuro-monitoring involved SSEP and EEG. A clamp was placed on the internal carotid artery. Ten seconds later, a tracing was obtained which is shown above. What would you tell the surgeon?

Answer: There are ischemic changes present in the EEG tracing as well as the SSEP. These are new changes as evident by DSA tracings.

SNACC BibliographyThe SNACC bibliography is available free of charge to

all SNACC members. For non-members, there is a free 90-day trial. Save yourself some time when looking up a topic and go straight to the bibliography. You will be amazed at the wealth of information presented.

Please let your friends and colleagues know about this important benefit and resource from SNACC. Don’t forget the residents rotating in neuroanesthesia.

The URL is

The credit goes to all the members of the educational committee who worked tirelessly to achieve such a resource.

EDUCATION CORNERPresented below and going forward, the newsletter will be presenting educational material

related to neuroscience, neuroanesthesia and critical care. We hope this proves educational to SNACC members. If you want to contribute materials to this section please email [email protected].

Please make the subject line read: Neuromonitoring Case.

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10SNACC NEWS Winter 2013

SNACC Newsletter Schedule

SNACC’s newsletter is open

to submission by members of

SNACC. Please adhere to the

following schedule. Submissions

do not guarantee publication. We

are interested in news and articles

of interest from the membership

at large. In addition, if you have a

question to ask any of the officers

of SNACC, you can submit them

as well. Due to time and the

volume of issues anticipated, not

all questions can be answered.

Publication & Submission Deadlines

Spring Issue Published April 15, 2014

March 15, 2014 - Copy Deadline

Summer Issue Published June 15, 2014

May 15, 2014 - Copy Deadline

Fall and Pre-Meeting Issue, Published September 15, 2014

August 15, 2014 - Copy Deadline

Winter Issue Published December 15, 2013

November 15, 2013 - Copy Deadline

This newsletter is published four times a year in conjunction with the Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and Cri t ical Care (SNACC), 2209 Dickens Road, Richmond, VA 23230-2005; (804) 565-6360 or fax (804) 282-0090.

No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of SNACC. All rights reserved.

SNACC is not responsible for statements made by any contributor. Statements or opinions expressed in this newsletter reflect the views of the author(s) and not necessarily the official policy of the SNACC.

2013-2014Society for Neuroscience in

Anesthesiology and Critical Care

Board of DirectorsPresident

Kristin R. Engelhard, MD, PhDPresident-Elect

Deborah J. Culley, MDVice President for Education

and Scientific AffairsW. Andrew Kofke, MD, MBA, FCCM

Secretary-Treasurer George Mashour, MD, PhDImmediate Past President

Martin Smith, MBBS, FRCA, FFICMDirectors at Large Rafi Avitsian, MD

Jeffrey J. Pasternak, MD Deepak Sharma, MBBS, MD

Lauren C. Berkow, MD Ehab S. Farag, MD

Laurel E. Moore, MD

Society ManagementExecutive Director Stewart A. Hinckley

Association Manager Sandra Peterson

Newsletter StaffNewsletter Editor

Reza Gorji, MDNewsletter Assistant Editor

Fenghua Li, MDGraphic Design / Publications

Beverly V. Bernard

Scientific Affairs...Continued from page 6


impaired patient.” The 2013 winner of the Michenfelder Award was Dr. Bradley Lee from the University of California, San Francisco, for his project entitled Neonatal Isoflurane Exposure Impairs Memory in Male But Not Female Rats. Resident Travel Awards are given to the five medical students, residents, or fellows judged to have the top abstracts submitted for presentation in the poster session. The 2013 winners of the Resident Travel Awards were Drs. S. Dube (India), A. Leibowitz (Israel), R. Mariappan (Canada/India), B. Nellgard (Sweden), and A. Sebastiani (Germany).

I would like to thank the members of the Scientific Affairs Committee for all of their hard work with these and all other activities throughout the year. Also, I would like to thank the four speakers at the Mentoring Workshop and all SNACC members who moderated discussions at the walk-around poster sessions. Congratulations to Dr. Bradley Lee and his research collaborators, winners of the Michenfelder Award. Also, congratulations to the winners of the Resident Travel Awards. See you next year in New Orleans!

Abstracts will be accepted for the

SNACC 42nd Annual MeetingMonday, April 7, 2014

throughMonday, May 19, 2014

Please plan to contribute your abstract at that time.


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11SNACC NEWS Winter 2013



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