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DOI 10.1111/j.1502-3931.2007.00047.x © 2008 The Authors, Journal compilation © 2008 The Lethaia Foundation


Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Taphonomy and compositional fidelity of Quaternary fossil assemblages of terrestrial gastropods from carbonate-rich environments of the Canary Islands








Yanes, Y., Toma




ch, A., Kowalewski, M., Castillo, C., Aguirre, J., Alonso, M.R. &Ibáñez, M. 2008: Taphonomy and compositional fidelity of Quaternary fossil assem-blages of terrestrial gastropods from carbonate-rich environments of the CanaryIslands.


, Vol. 41, pp. 235–256.

Quaternary aeolian deposits of the Canary Islands contain well-preserved terrestrialgastropods, providing a suitable setting for assessing the taphonomy and compositionalfidelity of their fossil record over ~13 kyr. Nine beds (12, 513 shells) have been analysedin terms of multivariate taphonomic and palaeoecological variables, taxonomic compo-sition, and the stratigraphic and palaeontological context. Shells are affected by carbonatecoatings, colour loss and fragmentation. Shell preservation is size-specific: juveniles areless fragmented and show colour preservation more commonly than adults. In palae-osols, the adult shell density correlates negatively with the proportion of fragmentedadults, negatively with the proportion of juveniles, and positively with the proportionof adults with coatings. High bioturbation intensity in palaeosols is associated with lowshell fragmentation and high proportion of shells with coatings. These relationshipsimply that high adult density in palaeosols was driven by an increase in shell produc-tion rate (related to a decrease in predation rates on adults and a decrease in juvenilemortality) and a decrease in shell destruction rate (related to an increase in durabilityenhanced by carbonate precipitation). In dunes, the relationships between taphonomicalteration, shell density and bioturbation are insignificant. However, dune assemblagesare characterized by a lower frequency of shells with coatings and higher rates of colourloss, indicating lower shell durability in dunes than in palaeosols. Additionally, non-random differences in the coating proportion among palaeosols imply substantialtemporal variation in the rate of carbonate crust formation, reflecting long-term changesin bioturbation intensity that covaries positively with shell preservation. Dunes andpalaeosols do not differ in species abundances despite differences in the degree of shellalteration, suggesting that both weakly and strongly altered assemblages offer data witha high compositional fidelity. Carbonate-rich terrestrial deposits originating in aridconditions can enhance the preservation of gastropods and result in fossil assemblagesthat are suitable for palaeoecological and palaeoenvironmental studies of terrestrialecosystems.

Aeolian deposits, Canary Islands, land snail shell assemblages, QuantitativeTaphonomy, Quaternary


Yurena Yanes [[email protected]] and Micha


Kowalewski [[email protected]], Departmentof Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 4044 Derring Hall,Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA; Adam Toma




ch [[email protected]], Geologi-cal Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 9, 84005 Bratislava, Slovakia(Present address: Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL60637, USA); Carolina Castillo [[email protected]], Miguel Ibáñez [[email protected]] and M.R.Alonso [[email protected]], Departamento de Biología Animal, Universidad de La Laguna,Avenida Astrofísico Fco. Sánchez s/n. 38206 La Laguna, Canary Islands, Spain; JulioAguirre [[email protected]], Departamento de Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Universidad deGranada, Campus de Fuentenueva s/n. 18071 Granada, Spain; manuscript received on02/05/2007; and manuscript accepted on 11/10/2007.

In recent years, taphonomic studies of shell-richaccumulations have become increasingly quantitative,as researchers recognized that such strategy (1) offersinsights into the processes that led to the formationof fossil assemblages, (2) helps to estimate the extentof time-averaging (age mixing of fossils) withinassemblages, and (3) provides clues regarding theaccuracy (fidelity) with which the original biological

signals are preserved by those assemblages (e.g.Allison & Briggs 1991; Flessa & Kowalewski 1994;Kowalewski

et al

. 1994, 1998; Brett 1995, 1998;Meldahl

et al

. 1997; Martin 1999; Behrensmeyer

et al

.2000, 2005; Kidwell 2001, 2002; Yesares & Aguirre2004). However, these quantitative strategies havebeen applied primarily to marine shell beds. In con-trast, only several in-depth quantitative taphonomic

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studies have been devoted to freshwater (Hanley &Flores 1987; Cohen 1989; Cummins 1994; Brown

et al

. 2005) and terrestrial (Briggs

et al

. 1990; Carter1990; Cadée 1999; Rundell & Cowie 2004; Castillo

et al

. 2006) shell concentrations, and their taphonomyis thus poorly known.

Land snail shells are one of the most commonterrestrial remains preserved in a great variety ofdeposit types such as caves (e.g. Lo


ek 1964), loess(e.g. Rousseau 1990), tufa (e.g. Preece & Day 1994),archaeological deposits (e.g. Balakrishnan

et al

. 2005),aeolian deposits (e.g. Brooke

et al

. 2003a, b; Castillo

et al

. 2006), and palaeosols (e.g. Lo


ek 1964; Retallack1998, 2001; Pickford 2002; Ortiz

et al

. 2006). Theyare used widely in interpreting palaeoclimate andpalaeoenvironments (e.g. Goodfriend 1999), inferringecological and evolutionary processes (e.g. Goodfriend& Gould 1996; Chiba 1998, 2004), and constrainingQuaternary geochronology (e.g. Goodfriend

et al

. 1996;Brooke

et al

. 2003a, b; Ortiz

et al

. 2006). Given theirwide applicability in geosciences and considering thattheir preservation potential is assumed to be generallylow (Cadée 1999), evaluating how and under whatconditions land snail shells can be preserved is ofparticular importance. The taphonomic investigationof terrestrial gastropod shell accumulations is theprimary goal of this project, which targets Quaternarysuccessions of the Canary Islands.

In the eastern islands of the Canary Archipelago,thick sequences of Late Quaternary aeolian depositsconsisting of alternations of marine dunes and palae-osols are preserved among volcanic rocks. These depositscontain abundant vertebrates (Michaux

et al

. 1991;Boye

et al

. 1992) and invertebrates, including terres-trial gastropods (Yanes

et al

. 2004), brood cells of sol-itary bees (e.g. Alonso-Zarza & Silva 2002), and nestsof coleopterans (Genise & Edwards 2003). Terrestrialgastropods of the Canary Islands have been the targetof numerous taxonomic, zoogeographic (e.g. Alonso

et al

. 2006; Castillo

et al

. 2006; Ibáñez

et al

. 2006), andgeochronological studies (Hillaire-Marcel

et al

. 1995;Ortiz

et al

. 2006). The study area is an attractive target for taphonomic

studies of terrestrial shell deposits for several reasons.First, the literature on taphonomic processes affectingshell accumulations formed in dune and palaeosolsettings is very limited. Second, Lo


ek (1964) explicitlysuggested that carbonate-rich deposits are favourablefor preservation of land snails. The dunes and palae-osols of the Canary Islands, composed of marinebioclastic carbonates, provide an opportunity to testthis hypothesis directly. Finally, recent quantitativeanalyses of shells dated by amino-acid racemisationhave established the levels of time-averaging affectingthe sites targeted in this study (Yanes

et al

. 2007),

providing a useful starting point for an in-depthtaphonomic study.

Specifically, this study aims to (1) quantify thetaphonomic characteristics of fossil assemblages withdispersed and loosely-packed snail shells, (2) assesssize-specific differences in preservation by comparingjuvenile and adult shells, (3) evaluate environmentaleffects on shell preservation by contrasting theirpreservation in dune versus palaeosol settings, and(4) analyse temporal variations in taphonomic pres-ervation of shells over an interval of ~13 kyr of theEarly Quaternary. In addition to those four goals, thisstudy also provides a testing ground for evaluatingthe compositional fidelity (i.e. the quantitative faith-fulness of the representation of species compositionto the original biological signal) of fossil gastropodassemblages from terrestrial settings, and for assessingwhether such assemblages provide useful informationabout the ecology of gastropod-dominated communi-ties. The compositional fidelity of a fossil assemblagecannot be tested confidently by direct comparison tolocal living communities without many assumptions.However, we indirectly evaluate fidelity by analysingdifferences in composition among samples differingin the degree of taphonomic alteration (Toma






Geographical location and sampling strategy

Lanzarote Island, the easternmost island of theCanary Archipelago (Fig. 1), is a volcanic, oceanicisland located ~160 km off the coast of Morocco(29


N and 22


W). Pliocene to Holocene volcanics(Fig. 1A) are commonly found here (Coello

et al

. 1992;Carracedo & Rodríguez-Badiola 1993). The northernpart of the island includes extensive aeolian depositsconsisting primarily of bioclastic sands of marineorigin. This study focuses on Mala Section (LMA),located in the Mala village in the north-eastern partof Lanzarote Island (Fig. 1A). The section consists ofQuaternary aeolian deposits dated between 39.8




at the base and 27.4


4.4 kyr



et al

.2006) at the top (Fig. 1B–2). The Mala section isformed by couplets of alternating dune and palaeosolbeds with well-preserved and abundant shells of landsnails and insect cells (Fig. 1B–2). Seven of the palaeosolbeds and two of the dune beds were sampled anddry-sieved using 1-mm mesh size. Six to nine replicatesamples, spaced laterally at a distance of ~0.5 m, weretaken from each of the nine targeted beds (Table 1).Each replicate sample consists of about 5 kg of sedimentbefore sieving.

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Table 1.

Taphonomic features of the land snail assemblages form the Mala section (Lanzarote, Canary Archipelago).

Sample ID Age (kyr


)Type of sediment

Total number of species


Adults Juveniles Adults Juveniles Adults Juveniles Adults Juveniles Adults Juveniles Nests

LMA-1A-1 38.6


6.9 Dune 2 72 10 23 8 61 2 72 10 18 8 56LMA-1A-2 38.6


6.9 Dune 2 112 19 46 19 78 1 112 19 20 10 76LMA-1A-3 38.6


6.9 Dune 2 60 13 20 12 49 1 26 4 20 7 70LMA-1A-4 38.6


6.9 Dune 3 121 12 45 12 80 0 69 3 31 9 60LMA-1A-5 38.6


6.9 Dune 2 108 17 28 13 88 4 68 12 40 10 49LMA-1A-6 38.6


6.9 Dune 1 49 5 20 5 31 0 32 2 20 2 58LMA-1A-7 38.6


6.9 Dune 3 92 11 31 11 68 0 82 7 12 5 62LMA-1A-8 38.6


6.9 Dune 4 89 20 33 17 65 4 56 7 39 11 40LMA-1A-9 38.6


6.9 Dune 2 61 10 22 9 43 1 46 6 24 8 48LMA-1B-1 38.6


6.9 Palaeosol 3 210 145 73 140 168 31 210 145 51 29 50LMA-1B-2 38.6


6.9 Palaeosol 4 171 134 76 128 120 14 171 134 28 31 62LMA-1B-3 38.6


6.9 Palaeosol 4 263 116 114 112 188 8 263 116 68 42 43LMA-1B-4 38.6


6.9 Palaeosol 5 218 122 102 120 146 7 218 122 31 22 55LMA-1B-5 38.6


6.9 Palaeosol 3 178 98 58 96 131 9 178 98 48 37 26LMA-1B-6 38.6 ±

6.9 Palaeosol 3 192 119 65 115 149 11 192 119 49 31 17LMA-2B-1 39.8 ± 4.6 Palaeosol 3 143 60 42 54 121 11 143 60 40 19 24LMA-2B-2 39.8

± 4.6 Palaeosol 3 152 106 44 96 132 21 142 86 58 31 28LMA-2B-3 39.8


4.6 Palaeosol 3 96 56 23 50 84 18 70 30 32 17 16LMA-2B-4 39.8


4.6 Palaeosol 7 173 97 59 88 138 19 141 88 50 23 20LMA-2B-5 39.8


4.6 Palaeosol 6 182 72 61 67 150 10 144 59 39 28 19LMA-2B-6 39.8


4.6 Palaeosol 7 154 94 67 90 126 16 130 77 41 33 18LMA-3B-1 34.9


5.3 Palaeosol 4 134 16 16 12 126 7 9 0 44 11 14LMA-3B-2 34.9


5.3 Palaeosol 4 69 6 13 5 60 1 8 1 25 3 16LMA-3B-3 34.9


5.3 Palaeosol 4 241 30 16 21 238 11 38 0 58 26 12LMA-3B-4 34.9


5.3 Palaeosol 4 258 42 31 29 254 21 52 0 106 30 11LMA-3B-5 34.9


5.3 Palaeosol 3 102 11 15 6 101 5 13 0 43 7 17LMA-3B-6 34.9


5.3 Palaeosol 5 347 35 48 28 337 8 29 0 148 27 13

TNR, total number of shell remains; MNI, minimum number of individuals; FR, number of fragmented shells; CC, number of shells with carbonate coating; CP, number of shell with colour preservation; B, bioturbation expressed as number of insect nests. Numerical ages by amino acid dating calibrated against radiocarbon reported after Ortiz

et al

. (2006).

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LMA-4B-1 30.6


4.2 Palaeosol 3 133 95 51 73 102 28 2 0 43 55 10LMA-4B-2 30.6


4.2 Palaeosol 2 154 131 57 108 110 26 1 2 50 79 5LMA-4B-3 30.6


4.2 Palaeosol 3 108 125 37 89 82 38 3 0 32 70 40LMA-4B-4 30.6


4.2 Palaeosol 3 166 120 72 90 112 40 7 1 49 59 31LMA-4B-5 30.6


4.2 Palaeosol 3 175 121 71 81 131 44 1 0 60 57 18LMA-4B-6 30.6


4.2 Palaeosol 2 183 174 83 109 124 73 3 1 72 102 20LMA-5A-1 31.1


3.2 Dune 6 111 51 68 48 67 7 76 23 12 28 110LMA-5A-2 31.1


3.2 Dune 4 110 35 58 33 75 3 56 21 27 24 113LMA-5A-3 31.1


3.2 Dune 8 91 121 70 53 88 8 62 17 22 36 127LMA-5A-4 31.1


3.2 Dune 4 100 30 52 30 72 0 35 8 30 16 58LMA-5A-5 31.1


3.2 Dune 5 95 26 45 24 74 4 35 9 26 15 104LMA-5A-6 31.1


3.2 Dune 4 123 22 47 22 91 4 64 7 31 16 60LMA-5B-1 31.1


3.2 Palaeosol 8 224 59 165 48 129 9 64 11 62 26 27LMA-5B-2 31.1


3.2 Palaeosol 6 144 23 82 19 105 5 81 31 22 11 24LMA-5B-3 31.1


3.2 Palaeosol 3 97 13 48 12 61 2 52 9 16 4 18LMA-5B-4 31.1


3.2 Palaeosol 6 206 20 118 18 146 5 71 7 33 8 6LMA-5B-5 31.1


3.2 Palaeosol 8 188 23 108 19 118 7 29 5 49 11 11LMA-5B-6 31.1


3.2 Palaeosol 6 233 37 161 33 157 6 190 26 29 2 34LMA-6B-1 27.7


4.4 Palaeosol 5 169 54 96 48 122 19 35 13 91 41 10LMA-6B-2 27.7


4.4 Palaeosol 5 202 67 121 56 152 25 19 0 113 30 21LMA-6B-3 27.7


4.4 Palaeosol 5 116 44 60 28 105 13 13 0 57 18 8LMA-6B-4 27.7


4.4 Palaeosol 5 112 31 43 23 100 20 7 1 62 14 10LMA-6B-5 27.7


4.4 Palaeosol 5 165 60 92 51 121 18 17 7 111 17 5LMA-6B-6 27.7


4.4 Palaeosol 5 125 35 71 31 89 15 11 0 77 12 12LMA-7B-1 28.2


5.1 Palaeosol 5 389 73 265 63 206 22 381 73 58 20 68LMA-7B-2 28.2


5.1 Palaeosol 4 276 66 175 59 165 16 276 66 91 28 31LMA-7B-3 28.2


5.1 Palaeosol 5 302 57 230 46 174 7 302 57 v89 30 58LMA-7B-4 28.2


5.1 Palaeosol 5 148 31 100 31 86 5 148 31 v69 10 46LMA-7B-5 28.2


5.1 Palaeosol 6 256 38 168 38 156 0 256 38 100 7 62LMA-7B-6 28.2


5.1 Palaeosol 7 277 53 184 51 160 8 277 53 103 21 72

Sample ID Age (kyr


)Type of sediment

Total number of species


Adults Juveniles Adults Juveniles Adults Juveniles Adults Juveniles Adults Juveniles Nests

TNR, total number of shell remains; MNI, minimum number of individuals; FR, number of fragmented shells; CC, number of shells with carbonate coating; CP, number of shell with colour preservation; B, bioturbation expressed as number of insect nests. Numerical ages by amino acid dating calibrated against radiocarbon reported after Ortiz

et al

. (2006).

Table 1.


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Taphonomy of Quaternary terrestrial gastropods


Laboratory study and data analysis

The sampled material, consisting of a total of 57 sam-ples and 12, 513 specimens (Table 1), was depositedat the Animal Biology Department (University of LaLaguna). All specimens were analysed in the labora-tory under binocular microscope. A total of eightpalaeoecological and taphonomic variables were tal-lied for each sample, and then averaged across sets ofsamples collected from the same horizon to estimatea mean score per sampled bed: (1) minimum numberof individuals (MIN), (2) fragmentation, (3) pedogeniccarbonate coating, (4) roundness of fragments, (5)colour preservation, (6) proportion of juveniles andadults, (7) mineralogical composition of the shell,and (8) intensity of bioturbation by insects (coleop-terans and hymenopterans). The first five variableswere evaluated separately for adult and juvenile shellsof land snails.

All specimens with length below ~6 and width below~8 mm (i.e. specimens with dimensions twice lowerthan the average values) were classified as juveniles.Adults display a more globose shape with no umbili-cate shell, while juveniles show a slightly depressed

globular shape and commonly possess umbilicate shell(Fig. 3A). In addition, the aperture size relative tothe whole shell size is significantly larger in juvenilespecimens than in adults (Fig. 3A). Specimens wereclassified as juveniles only if both size and morphologycriteria were fulfilled. Note that specimens were assignedto juveniles and adults only when the aperture waspreserved.

Minimum number of individuals considered onlyspecimens that preserve the embryonic shell (


proto-conch). Because each sample was standardized interms of sediment volume, MNI represents a measureof shell density. The proportion of juveniles is meas-ured as the number of juveniles divided by the sumof MNI, and the proportion of adults as the numberof adults divided by the sum of MNI. These measuresthus sum to unity and summarize whether size-frequency distributions are dominated by juvenilesor adults. Fragmentation is measured as the numberof fragments divided by the sum of fragments andwhole specimens. Complete shells are defined as thosethat preserve more than 90% of the original entireskeleton, while fragmented shells represent any pieceof gastropod shells that have lost more than the 10%

Fig. 1. �A. Geographical location of the Lanzarote Island and the Mala locality. �B. Stratigraphic column of the Mala section (LMA).Labels at the left margin of the stratigraphic column indicate the sampled beds (seven palaeosols and two dunes).

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of the shell. The sampling procedure (dry sieving)did not contribute notably to shell breakage (distinctcomplete specimens noted in the unprocessedmaterial were invariably recovered afterwards inthe sieved material). Moreover, the fragmentation

pattern (i.e. fragment size) does not vary stronglyamong samples, so even if the bias is notable, it shouldaffect all compared samples and groups of samplesin a similar manner, making comparative analysesreasonably robust.

Fig. 2. �A. General view of the Mala section on the Lanzarote Island. The darker beds correspond to palaeosols while the brighter layersrepresent dunes. �B. A close-up view of the upper part of the Mala section, showing some of the sampled palaeosols. �C. A close-upview of the lower part of the Mala section, showing the oldest sampled stratigraphic beds.

Fig. 3. �A. Photograph of the most common land snail species (Theba geminata) in the studied shell assemblages, in juvenile (1) andadult (2) ontogenetic state. Note that adult individuals have globose-spherical shape with no umbilicate shell, while juveniles display adepressed globose shape and in many cases, umbilicate shell. �B. Photograph of numerous live specimens of the land snail Thebageminata from the Cantera de Melián locality, Fuerteventura Island-Canary Archipelago, aggregated on a shrub during a resting time.

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Colour preservation was quantified as the propor-tion of shells with some original colour preserved.Carbonate coating was quantified as the proportionof shells with a calcareous crust. Roundness refers tothe degree of smoothing of the edges of the shellfragments. Further quantitative analyses do not incor-porate this variable because no fragmented shellsshowed any traces of rounding. The intensity ofbioturbation is measured as the number of insectnests per sample (= per 5 kg of sieved sediments). Inorder to identify the mineralogical composition,X-ray diffraction analyses (using PANalytical X’Pert(PANalytical B.V., Almelo, the Netherlands) for poly-crystalline samples) were performed for 16 gastropodshells in the Instituto Universitario de Bio-orgánicaAntonio González (IUBIO-AG) of the University ofLa Laguna-Spain.

In order to interpret taphonomic pathways, twodistinct sources of variation in taphonomic alterationneed to be constrained (Best & Kidwell 2000): (1)intrinsic factors that are related to traits of shell pro-ducers, and (2) extrinsic factors that correspond toenvironmental factors. Gastropod species of the Malasection are generally similar in their intrinsic proper-ties, including their mode of life, shell size, thickness,and ornamentation. They can be divided into threemorphological groups: (1) long trochospiral shells,such as Rumina, Ferussacia and Pomatias species; (2)laminar or spatula-like shells, such as the skeleton ofCryptella and Caracollina species; and (3) globose-spherical shells, such as Theba, Hemicycla, Plutoniaand Monilearia species. Large-sized shells (~26 mm)are represented by Hemicycla, Rumina and Plutoniaspecies; medium-sized shells (~15 mm) are representedby Theba and Pomatias species; and small-sized shells(~7 mm) are represented by Cryptella, Monilearia,Caracollina and Ferussacia species. The two firstmorphological groups are rare (3.6 and 1.4%, respec-tively), while the last one accounts for more than the95% of individuals, and more than 80% of the fossilassemblages are characterized by medium-sizedindividuals. Gastropod species living today in theMala section area display, in general, an epifaunal lifehabit (personal observations, 2004). The exception isPomatias lanzarotensis, which displays the infaunalmode of life during some parts of the day, but thisspecies represents only ~1.6% of all specimensincluded in this study. Theba is most likely character-ized by an annual to biennial cycle life, which wasdemonstrated in the congeneric species Theba pisana(e.g. Cowie 1984). All of the sampled species, whenobserved today, are mainly active at night and/orduring wet weather. At all other times, they tend toaggregate on shrubs and bushes (Fig. 3B), which aretheir primary food source (personal observations, 2004).

Therefore, although taphonomic variables representpooled estimates of preservation traits of all species,variation in intrinsic factors is minimized, owing tothe strong dominance of globose-spherical and medium-sized shells of the epifaunal genus Theba (Fig. 3A–B).However, we control for variation in ontogenetic stageby separate analyses of preservation of juveniles andadults. In order to control for variation in extrinsicfactors, we analysed separately preservation patternsin palaeosols and dunes.

Multiple approaches are used to analyse differencesin preservation between (1) nine beds (i.e. do indivi-dual beds represent unique taphofacies?), (2) juvenilesand adults, (3) dunes and palaeosols, and (4) seventime intervals. These included univariate analyses,focused on means of taphonomic variables (with 95%bootstrapped confidence intervals), and multivariateanalyses ordinating 57 samples in low-dimensionalspace, using non-metric multidimensional scaling(NMDS) and the Manhattan distance. Analyses ofsimilarities (ANOSIM) evaluate whether non-randomdifferences in taphonomic preservation can be dem-onstrated for (1) all beds, (2) juveniles and adults,(3) dunes and palaeosols, and (4) seven time intervals.NMDS and ANOSIM were based on six taphonomicvariables, including proportions of juvenile and adultfragments, juveniles and adults with colour preserva-tion, and juveniles and adults with carbonate coatings.Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used tomeasure the relation between palaeoecological andtaphonomic variables on one hand and shell densityon the other hand. To evaluate compositional fidel-ity, all samples were subdivided into two groups dif-fering in the taphonomic alteration. The two groupswere discriminated with cluster analysis based on theManhattan distance and group-averaging linkagemethod. Proportional abundances of 11 land snailspecies were available for 54 samples. Finally, NMDSand ANOSIM analyses based on Bray–Curtis similarityand untransformed proportional species abundanceswere used to evaluate whether there are non-randomcompositional differences among weakly and highlyaltered taphofacies (1) in the complete succession ofthe Mala section, and (2) separately for the lower andupper parts of the Mala section.


Diversity and taxonomic compositionA total of 11 land snails taxa were identified in thesorted samples (Table 2). Two species, represented byTheba geminata and T. arinagae, dominate in dunesand palaeosols, and their relative abundances generally

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exceed 70%. Theba dominates (93%) in the lowerpart of the Mala section (beds 1A–5A). In the upperpart of the Mala section (beds 5B–7B), in addition toabundant Theba (56%), Monilearia monilifera is alsocommon (30%). Other species, represented mainlyby Canariella plutonia, Pomatias lanzarotensis, Thebaimpugnata and Rumina decollata, are rare (< 1%).The local sample-level species richness ranges betweentwo and eight species (Table 1). The sample-level

richness, rarefied to the minimum number of 58individuals, varies across samples between two andsix species.

Preservation of gastropod assemblages

X-ray diffraction analyses of 16 gastropods show thatgastropod shells generally retain their original arago-nitic composition, although partial replacement bycalcite occurred in several specimens (Table 3). Theproportion of calcitic replacement is mostly below10%, although one shell of Theba arinagae contained33% of calcite. Shell fragments do not show any signsof rounding, bioerosion or encrustation by otherorganisms. In addition, evidence for shell repair wasnot found in the studied shell material; although it isnoteworthy here that Cadée (1995) reported highfrequency of shell repair (up to 40%) in land snailspecies from multiple regions of Europe. Seventy-fiveper cent of adult shells and 65% of juveniles are frag-mented, 54% of adult shells and 50% of juveniles arecoated by carbonate crusts, and 32% of adult shellsand 47% of juveniles show colour preservation.

In both dunes and palaeosol beds, shells are dis-persed or loosely packed rather than densely packed,and tend to be randomly oriented and weakly sorted.The two dunes and seven palaeosols show relativelyhigh variations in mean values of MNI, bioturbation,and proportions of fragmentation, coatings, andcolour preservation (Fig. 4A). NMDS ordination andANOSIM, based on taphonomic variables for com-bined (juvenile + adult) shell data (Fig. 4B), indicatethat within-bed variation in taphonomic preserva-tion is invariably lower than between-bed variationin preservation (global R = 0.81, P < 0.0001). Twenty-one pairwise comparisons between seven palaeosols

Table 2. Taxonomic composition of the studied land snailassemblages from Mala section, Lanzarote Island-CanaryArchipelago.

Class Gastropoda

Superorder CaenogastropodaOrder Neotaenioglossa

Family PomatiidaePomatias lanzarotensis (Wollaston, 1878)*

Superorder HeterobranchiaOrder PulmonataSuborder Stylommatophora

Family FerussaciidaeFerussacia fritschi (Mousson, 1872)*

Family HelicidaeHemicycla sarcostoma (Webb & Berthelot, 1833)‡Theba arinagae (Gittenberger & Ripken, 1987)*†Theba geminata (Mousson, 1857)*Theba impugnata (Mousson, 1857)*

Family HygromiidaeCanariella plutonia (Lowe, 1861)‡Caracollina lenticula (Michaud, 1831)

Family CochlicellidaeMonilearia monilifera (Webb & Berthelot, 1833)*

Family ParmacellidaeCryptella sp.‡

Family SubulinidaeRumina decollata (Linnaeus, 1758)

*Endemic species to the Canary Islands.†Extinct species to Lanzarote and Fuerteventura islands.‡Endemic genus to the Canary Islands.

Table 3. Semi-quantitative estimation by X-ray diffraction of the mineralogical composition of several land snail shell species of the Malasection, Lanzarote Island, Canary Archipelago. Numerical ages by amino-acid dating calibrated against radiocarbon reported after Ortizet al. (2006).

Sample ID Sediment level type Age (kyr BP) Species Aragonitic (SQ %) Calcite (SQ %)

LMA-1A-1 Dune 38.6 ± 6.9 Theba arinagae 100 0LMA-1B-1 Palaeosol 38.6 ± 6.9 Theba geminata 100 0LMA-2B-1 Palaeosol 39.8 ± 4.6 Theba arinagae 67 33LMA-2B-2 Palaeosol 39.8 ± 4.6 Theba geminata 100 0LMA-3B-1 Palaeosol 34.9 ± 5.3 Theba geminata 100 0LMA-4B-1 Palaeosol 30.6 ± 4.2 Theba geminata 100 0LMA-5A-1 Dune 31.1 ± 3.2 Theba geminata 94 6LMA-5B-1 Palaeosol 31.1 ± 3.2 Canariella plutonia 100 0LMA-5B-2 Palaeosol 31.1 ± 3.2 Pomatias lanzarotensis 96 4LMA-5B-3 Palaeosol 31.1 ± 3.2 Theba impugnata 96 4LMA-6B-1 Palaeosol 27.4 ± 4.4 Monilearia monilifera 100 0LMA-6B-2 Palaeosol 27.4 ± 4.4 Rumina decollata 88 12LMA-6B-3 Palaeosol 27.4 ± 4.4 Theba arinagae 92 8LMA-7B-1 Palaeosol 28.2 ± 5.1 Monilearia monilifera 97 3LMA-7B-2 Palaeosol 28.2 ± 5.1 Rumina decollata 94 6LMA-7B-3 Palaeosol 28.2 ± 5.1 Theba arinagae 91 9

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show moderately high to high R values (0.56–1), andtheir P-values do not exceed 0.004 (the alpha valueafter the Bonferroni correction for 21 comparisons is0.0024). This analysis suggests that there are non-random differences in gastropod preservation amongpalaeosol beds that can be considered as representingunique taphofacies. In contrast, the pairwise differencebetween the two dunes is very low (R = 0.02, P = 0.33),suggesting that the two dunes represent a comparabletaphofacies.

Cluster analysis reveals two groups of taphofacies(Fig. 5). The highly altered taphofacies are characterizedby high proportions of carbonate coatings (91% ofadults and 93% of juveniles) and low proportions ofspecimens with colour preservation (25% of adults,34% of juveniles), whereas the better preserved tapho-facies are characterized by low proportions of car-bonate coatings (28% of adults and 18% of juveniles)and moderate proportions of specimens with colour

preservation (36% of adults and 56% of juveniles).These groupings are used to evaluate differences inspecies abundances between taphofacies (i.e. groupsof samples differing in the degree of taphonomicalteration) and thus to indirectly assess their compo-sitional fidelity (see below).

Relationship between taphonomic alteration, shell density, and bioturbation

The proportion of fragments negatively correlateswith the proportion of coatings (Spearman r = –0.35,P = 0.007), and correlates positively with the propor-tion of specimens with colour preservation (Spearmanr = 0.29, P = 0.029). The proportion of coatings is highlyand negatively correlated with the proportion ofspecimens with colour preservation (Spearman r = –0.6,P < 0.0001). The relationships between the shell densityand the alteration, and between the bioturbation intensity

Fig. 4. �A. Mean values of five variables with 95% bootstrapped confidence intervals. �B. Non-metric multidimensional scaling of sixshell-specific taphonomic variables based on the Manhattan distance. �C. Relationship between bioturbation intensity and shell density(MNI) in dunes and palaeosols. MNI, minimun number of individuals.

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and the alteration, were evaluated separately forpalaeosols and dunes (Table 4). In palaeosols, theproportion of fragmented adults correlates negativelywith the density of adult shells (Fig. 6B, Spearmanr = –0.35, P = 0.021), and the proportion of fragmentedjuveniles correlates with the density of juvenile shells

(Fig. 6A, Spearman r = –0.84, P < 0.0001). In addition,the proportion of coated juveniles and adults covariespositively with the shell density of juveniles (Spearmanr = 0.34, P = 0.029) and adults (Spearman r = 0.41,P = 0.0077), respectively. Colour preservation of juve-niles negatively correlates with juvenile shell density

Fig. 5. Cluster analysis of the samples based on Manhattan distance and group average clustering method. Samples group into two majorclusters delineating two taphofacies representing different degrees of alteration. Between-sample distances are based on six taphonomicvariables, including fragmentation, colour preservation, and carbonate coatings of adults and juveniles.

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Table 4. Spearman rank correlations between shell density and taphonomic alteration of adults and juveniles, and between bioturbationintensity and taphonomic alteration of adults and juveniles.

Stage Relationship Spearman r P-value Relationship Spearman r P-value

Paleosols (n = 42)Juveniles Fragmentation vs. shell density –0.35 0.021 Fragmentation vs. bioturbation –0.54 0.0002Juveniles Coating vs. shell density 0.34 0.029 Coating vs. bioturbation 0.65 < 0.0001Juveniles Colour preservation vs. shell density –0.39 0.012 Colour preservation vs. bioturbation –0.47 0.002Adults Fragmentation vs. shell density –0.84 < 0.0001 Fragmentation vs. bioturbation –0.52 0.0004Adults Coating vs. shell density 0.41 0.0077 Coating vs. bioturbation 0.65 < 0.0001Adults Colour preservation vs. shell density –0.19 0.24 Colour preservation vs. bioturbation –0.36 0.018Dunes (n = 15)Juveniles Fragmentation vs. shell density 0.08 0.78 Fragmentation vs. bioturbation –0.3 0.28Juveniles Coating vs. shell density –0.37 0.17 Coating vs. bioturbation –0.23 0.41Juveniles Colour preservation vs. shell density –0.23 0.41 Colour preservation vs. bioturbation –0.39 0.15Adults Fragmentation vs. shell density –0.14 0.62 Fragmentation vs. bioturbation –0.03 0.91Adults Coating vs. shell density –0.16 0.57 Coating vs. bioturbation –0.11 0.7Adults Colour preservation vs. shell density –0.62 0.15 Colour preservation vs. bioturbation –0.72 0.0023

The Bonferroni correction lowers the alpha value to 0.0083 (0.05/6). However, this correction is highly conservative because the multiple tests are not independent.

Fig. 6. Bivariate relationships between shell density (minimum number of individuals) and the proportion of the three taphonomicvariables (fragmentation, carbonate coating and colour preservation) in juveniles (the left column) and adults (the right column).

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(Spearman r = –0.39, P = 0.012). Whole shells thus tendto be coated and lack colour, and densely-packedpalaeosol beds are characterized by the higher pro-portion of whole adult shells with carbonate coatings.In contrast to palaeosols, the relationships betweenthe shell density and taphonomic alteration are lowand insignificant in dunes (Table 4).

The relationships between the bioturbation inten-sity and taphonomic alteration are also high and sig-nificant in palaeosols, in contrast to dunes (Table 4).In palaeosols, the bioturbation intensity covariespositively with the proportion of coated adults (Spearmanr = 0.65, P < 0.0001) and coated juveniles (Spearmanr = 0.65, P < 0.0001). There are also significant nega-tive relationships between the bioturbation intensityand the proportion of coloured juveniles (Spearmanr = –0.36, P = 0.018) and coloured adults (Spearmanr = –0.47, P = 0.002), and significant negative rela-tionships between the bioturbation intensity and theproportion of fragmented adults (Spearman r = –0.54,P = 0.0002) and fragmented juveniles (Spearman r =–0.52, P = 0.0004). Whole shells with carbonate coat-ings and loss of colour are thus more common inpalaeosols with high intensity of bioturbation.

Relationship between shell density and size structure of gastropod assemblages

Non-random relationships between the shell densityand the size structure of gastropod assemblages revealwhether biological variations in density of gastropodpopulations were related to differences in mortalityof their size/age classes. The relationship between theproportion of juveniles and juvenile shell density(i.e. MNI of juveniles) is significantly positive (Fig. 7,Spearman r = 0.68, P < 0.0001), and the relationshipbetween the proportion of juveniles and adult shelldensity is significantly negative in palaeosols (Spear-man r = –0.53, P = 0.0003). In contrast, both juvenile

(Spearman r = 0.83, P = 0.0001) and adult shell density(Spearman r = 0.6, P = 0.018) positively correlate withthe proportion of juveniles in dunes (Fig. 7). There-fore, the variations in juvenile and adult shell densitywere related to changes in the dominance of ontogeneticsize stages both in palaeosols and in dunes.

In palaeosols, the proportion of adults in a samplecorrelates negatively with the proportion of fragmentedadults in that sample (Spearman r = –0.49, P = 0.0012),but does not show any significant correlations withother taphonomic variables or bioturbation. The rela-tionship between the proportion of adults and theproportion of fragmented adults is insignificant indunes (Spearman r = –0.24, P = 0.38). The relationshipbetween the proportion of adults and adult fragmen-tation in palaeosols thus indicates that variations infragmentation rates were coupled with variations inmortality rates of adult gastropods.

Differences in preservation between juveniles and adults

Univariate and multivariate analyses show that juve-niles and adults differ significantly in the degree oftaphonomic alteration. Adults are more commonlyfragmented and show colour preservation less com-monly than juveniles, both in the palaeosol and inthe dune samples (Fig. 8A–B). Seventy-five per centof adults in the palaeosol samples and 74% of adultsin the dune samples are fragmented. In contrast, only25% of juveniles are fragmented in the palaeosolsamples and 10% in the dune samples. Adults withpreserved colour patterns are uncommon, both in thepalaeosol (33%) and in the dune (28%) samples. Incontrast, juveniles with colour preservation are morecommon, both in the palaeosol (43%) and in the dune(59%) samples. Adults and juveniles do not differ inthe proportion of carbonate coating. NMDS (Fig. 8C–D)and analyses of similarities performed separately for

Fig. 7. Bivariate relationships demonstrating non-random correlations between the proportion of juveniles and the shell density of juveniles(the left column) and the shell density of adults (the right column).

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palaeosols and dunes show a high segregation of adultsand juveniles in a two-dimensional space and moder-ate to very large R values (ANOSIM, R[palaeosols] =0.41, P < 0.0001, R[dunes] = 0.96, P < 0.0001).

Environmental effects on preservation: dunes versus palaeosols

MNI tends to be lower in the dune samples (median= 57) than in the palaeosol samples (median = 144)(Mann–Whitney U test, P < 0.0001). In contrast, insectnests are more common in the dune samples (median= 60) than in the palaeosol samples (median = 20)(Mann–Whitney U test, P < 0.0001). Spearman rankcorrelation between MNI and the number of insectnests (Fig. 4C) is relatively high both in the dunesamples (r = 0.7, P = 0.004) and in the palaeosolsamples (r = 0.66, P < 0.0001).

Analysing differences in shell-specific preservationacross all samples, differences between palaeosolsand dunes are minimal and insignificant (one-wayANOSIM, R = 0.043, P = 0.11). However, when sam-ples are partitioned according to their stratigraphicposition, differences between palaeosols and dunesbecome higher and significant (two-way ANOSIM,R = 0.38, P = 0.003). In addition, because the dunesamples represent two time intervals only, separate

comparisons were performed for beds 1 (i.e. LMA-1Avs. 1B) and 5 (i.e. LMA-5A vs. 5B). These two pairwisecomparisons show different results. In the first case(Fig. 9A), palaeosols are characterized by higher pro-portions of coated juveniles and coated adults, andby lower proportions of juveniles and adults with col-our preservation. A multivariate test also shows thatthe dune and palaeosol samples collected from LMA-1differ significantly from one another (Fig. 9C, ANOSIM,R = 0.5, P = 0.006). In the second case (Fig. 9B), thedifferences in proportions of coatings between palae-osols and dunes are weak, but the dune samples arestill characterized by a higher proportion of juvenileswith colour preservation. The dune and palaeosolsamples collected from LMA-5 do not differ fromone another when all taphonomic variables are eval-uated simultaneously using ANOSIM (Fig. 9D, R = 0.16,P = 0.08).

Temporal variation in preservation

Seven age sample groups are included in this study(Table 1). The age of the samples ranges from38.6 ± 6.9 kyr BP (samples collected near the base ofthe Mala section) to 27.7 ± 4.4 kyr BP (samples col-lected near the top of the Mala section). Thesenumerical ages were obtained by Ortiz et al. (2006)

Fig. 8. Differences in preservation between juveniles and adults. �A. Univariate comparisons of palaeosol samples. �B. Univariate com-parisons of dunes samples. �C. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) for palaeosol samples. �D. NMDS for dune samples.

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through the direct analysis of multiple snail shells(between 2 to 6) by amino acid dating calibratedagainst radiocarbon. The chronological study of thisand other aeolianite deposits from the easternCanary Islands shows that there is a good correlationbetween the obtained numerical ages and the stratig-raphy of the sampled beds (Ortiz et al. 2006). In addi-tion, although some of the analysed samples displayedsome level of time-averaging, reworking of shellsfrom older levels in to the younger ones is improb-able to have occurred because individual dune levelsare sealed by palaeosols (Yanes et al. 2007).

Temporal variations in the shell density (MNI)and bioturbation (number of insect nests) show thatthe peaks in bioturbation partly correspond to thepeaks in the shell density in the lower and upperparts of the Mala section, although their rank corre-lation is insignificant (Spearman r = 0.4, P = 0.31 forfirst differences, Fig. 10A). The temporal relationshipbetween the proportion of fragmented adults and theproportion of juveniles is weak (Spearman r = 0.52,P = 0.18 for first differences, Fig. 10B).

To test for differences in preservation of gastropodassemblages through time, ANOSIM and NMDSanalyses were performed separately for juveniles andadults (to control for size-specific differences in shellpreservation) using the Manhattan distance. Both

analyses show comparable results (Fig. 11A–B). Forboth ontogenetic age groups, gastropod assemblagesvary significantly in preservation across time (Fig. 11A–B,ANOSIM, R[juveniles] = 0.44; P < 0.0001, R[adults] =0.7; P < 0.0001; pairwise comparisons are reportedin Table 5). The temporal differences in preservationare stronger when analyses are limited to palaeosols(ANOSIM, R[juveniles] = 0.68; P < 0.0001, R[adults]= 0.9; P < 0.0001), and insignificant when limited todunes (ANOSIM, R[juveniles] = 0.08; P = 0.8, R[adults] =0.11; P = 0.12). The temporal signal is thus relatedsolely to variations in preservation in palaeosols. Samplessegregate approximately into two groups that differfrom one another in the proportion of coated specimens.The beds 1, 2 and 7 are characterized by high propor-tions of coatings, whereas the beds 3 through 6 arecharacterized by low-to-moderate proportions ofcoatings (Fig. 11C–D). Note that beds 3 through 6 alsocorrespond to the minimum shell density (Fig. 10A),and the lowest proportions of coatings on juvenilesand adults correspond to the minimum bioturbationintensity in the bed 4B (Fig. 11C–D).

Compositional fidelity

The temporal change in community composition andthe compositional segregation between assemblages

Fig. 9. Differences in shell preservation between samples from dunes and palaeosols collected at the Mala section (Lanzarote, CanaryIslands).

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dominated by Theba and assemblages dominated byTheba and Monilearia do not appear to have beenbiased notably by taphonomic differences in thequality of preservation. NMDS of 54 samples with 16gastropod species, based on Bray–Curtis similarity,shows that assemblages from the lower and the upperpart of the Mala section are compositionally distinct(Fig. 12A). However, weakly and highly alteredtaphofacies do not differ in species abundances,underscored by their overlap in NMDS plots (ANOSIM,R = 0.03, P = 0.15, Fig. 12A). Also, when the two timeintervals dominated by Theba (beds 1A–5A) andTheba and Monilearia (beds 5B–7B) are analysedseparately (Fig. 12B–C), no consistent differencesin composition between weakly and highly alteredtaphofacies can be detected (R[beds 1A–5A] = 0.01,P = 0.36, R[beds 1A–5A] = 0.06, P = 0.17). With the

exception of one outlying sample of the Theba assem-blage, compositional variation between samples withhigh and low alteration does not exceed compositionalvariation between samples with low alteration in bothassemblage types.


Effects of taphonomic alteration on preservation potential of gastropods

The overall good preservation of land snail shellassemblages observed in the Mala section likelyrepresents a combined effect of several factors.First, because the original aragonitic composition isretained by the majority of the sampled shells,

Fig. 10. Variations in bioturbation (number of insect nests), shell density (minimum number of individuals) �A. and proportion ofjuveniles and proportion of adult fragments �B. through time. The beds with ‘A’ correspond to dunes, and the beds with ‘B’ correspondto paleosols.

Table 5. Pairwise analyses of similarities applied to estimate differences in shell-specific preservation of adults and juveniles between pairsof samples of different age.

Pairwise tests Adults – R statistic Adults – P-value Juveniles – R statistic Juveniles – P-value

1 vs. 2 0.019 0.34 –0.041 0.581 vs. 3 0.933 < 0.0001 0.723 01 vs. 4 0.925 0.0001 0.691 01 vs. 5 0.401 0.0004 0.176 0.0191 vs. 6 0.952 < 0.0001 0.735 01 vs. 7 0.181 0.0691 –0.086 0.772 vs. 3 1 0.002 0.998 0.00222 vs. 4 1 0.002 1 0.00222 vs. 5 0.617 < 0.0001 0.313 0.00842 vs. 6 1 0.002 0.967 0.00222 vs. 7 0.963 0.002 0.3 0.00653 vs. 4 0.967 0.002 0.408 0.00433 vs. 5 0.81 0.0001 0.442 0.0023 vs. 6 0.785 0.002 0.339 0.02383 vs. 7 1 0.002 1 0.00214 vs. 5 0.644 0.0001 0.358 0.00964 vs. 6 0.965 0.002 0.244 0.00654 vs. 7 1 0.002 1 0.00225 vs. 6 0.866 < 0.0001 0.347 0.00875 vs. 7 0.864 < 0.0001 0.529 0.00066 vs. 7 1 0.002 1 0.0021

The Bonferroni correction lowers the alpha value to 0.0024 (0.05/21). However, this correction is highly conservative because the multiple tests are not independent.

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damage from diagenetic processes is unlikely to havebeen severe. Second, the positive correlation betweenthe shell density and bioturbation (Fig. 4C), the posi-tive correlations between coating and bioturbationintensity (Table 4), and the negative correlationsbetween fragmentation and bioturbation (Table 4)imply the positive relationship between the preserva-tion potential of gastropod shells and the bioturba-tion intensity in palaeosols. Although bioturbationusually favours sediment oxidation, acidification andfree movement of pore waters, it may also enhanceprecipitation of carbonate crusts owing to enhancedevapotranspiration (Goodfriend et al. 1996). Third,the absence of rounding and bioerosion can indicateeither (1) a short time of exposure within the upper,mixed zone of the sedimentary column (e.g. owing tohigh burial rates), and/or (2) a generally low rate ofshell destruction. In a recent study, the scale of time-averaging (age mixing) was quantitatively estimatedfor gastropod shell accumulations in six of the ninebeds analysed here (Yanes et al. 2007). Two dunebeds and one palaeosol bed (LMA-1A, LMA-4B, andLMA-5A) display substantial time-averaging, withspecimens from the same bed varying in age by hun-dreds, or even thousands, of years (Yanes et al. 2007).This indicates that the good preservation observed inthe studied material is not related to rapid burial ofsnapshot shell accumulations: gastropod shells haveresided in the upper, mixed zone of the sedimentary

column for a notable period of time (TaphonomicActive Zone sensu Davies et al. 1989). Consequently,shell destruction rates must have been low in the tapho-nomic active zone, with shell durability being likelyenhanced by the precipitation of carbonate coatings.

Several mutually not exclusive scenarios can explainlow shell destruction rates in terrestrial environmentsof the Canary Islands, especially in palaeosols, wherethe proportion of coatings is higher than in dunes.First, the presence of carbonate coatings can reflect abuffering effect of a high carbonate content of sedi-ments of the Canary Islands. This is in accord withthe predictions of Lozek (1964), implying that time-averaged land snail assemblages in carbonate-richdeposits can have a high preservation potential.However, substantial carbonate dissolution can occurin present-day carbonate-rich environments (Smartet al. 1988; Walter & Brunton 1990; Kidwell et al. 2005;Best et al. 2007; Whitaker & Smart 2007), and carbonateprecipitation rates thus can be partly independent ofinitial carbonate content. Second, high bioturbationrate can enhance evaporation and increase concen-trations of capillary waters with respect to calciumcarbonate, and thus enhance shell durability viaincreased rate of carbonate precipitation – the role ofbioturbation is supported by positive relationshipbetween the preservation state and the bioturbationintensity in palaeosols. Third, low shell destructionrates can be related to arid and semi-arid conditions

Fig. 11. Temporal variations in preservation of juvenile �A, C and adult �B, D terrestrial gastropod shells from the Mala section(Lanzarote, Canary Islands). The beds with ‘A’ correspond to dunes, and the beds with ‘B’ correspond to paleosols.

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where groundwater and pedogenic processes gen-erally favour formation of carbonate cements (Retal-lack 1994; Royer 1999). Fossil preservation in a palaeosolreflects a delicate balance between the chemical con-ditions during the pedogenesis (evapotranspirationand pH), and the time involved in the soil formation(e.g. Retallack 1998, 2001). Torres (1995) concludedthat Quaternary palaeosols in Fuerteventura Island(E Canary Archipelago) were formed in a permanentarid–semiarid environment with a strong evapotran-spiration. During wetter conditions, carbonate migratedthrough the substrate and precipitated due to chemicalreactions with the infiltrated rainwater, forming calciumcarbonate-rich palaeosols and precipitating carbonatecoatings. Therefore, land snail shells in the palaeosolsof Lanzarote Island were probably formed in arid–semiarid conditions with strong evapotranspirationsimilar to those prevailing in the Quaternary palaeosolsof the Fuerteventura Island. The preservation of pal-aeosols requires time intervals of tens to hundreds ofthousands of years (e.g. Retallack 1998, 2001). Thisage estimate is consistent with those provided by Torres(1995) for the amount of time needed for the formationof the Quaternary palaeosols of the FuerteventuraIsland, and with estimates of Ortiz et al. (2006) andYanes et al. (2007) for the formation time for multipleaeolianite deposits from the study area.

Actualistic observations by Cadée (1999) in atemperate dune area (Island of Texel, Netherlands)indicate that empty shells of terrestrial gastropodscan have a very short half-life (~1 year) when exposedto external taphonomic agents, especially to dissolu-tion by freshwater and bioerosion by other snails thatneed calcium carbonate to form their own shells. Thetaphonomic half-life of terrestrial land snails in aridand semi-arid settings favourable for carbonate pre-cipitation can thus be substantially longer than tapho-nomic half-life of land snails in deposits with lowcarbonate content and/or deposited in more humidconditions (Cadée 1999).

Relationship between shell input rates and shell density

In palaeosols, the significant negative relationshipbetween the density of adult and juvenile shells onone hand and the proportion of their fragments onthe other (Table 4) implies that the increase in shelldensity in palaeosols reflects the increase in net shellinput rates, rather than the decrease in sedimentation

Fig. 12. �A. Differences in composition between weakly andhighly altered taphofacies in the Mala section do not obscuretemporal trend in species abundances. �B. High compositionaloverlap between weakly and highly altered taphofacies of theTheba-dominated assemblages. With the exception of one outliersample, compositional variation among samples from highly altered

taphofacies is not higher than that observed among samplesfrom weakly altered taphofacies. �C. High compositional overlapbetween weakly and highly altered taphofacies of assemblagesdominated by Theba and Monilearia.

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rate (Tomaßovych et al. 2006). In dunes, the relation-ships between the shell density and taphonomicalteration are insignificant and thus inconclusivewith respect to the role of shell input rates andsedimentation rates in shell density variations. Theincrease in shell density with increasing proportionof carbonate coatings is probably not due to increas-ing residence times because the estimated range oftime-averaging in palaeosol beds of the Mala section(Yanes et al. 2007) is not related to the proportion ofcoatings in palaeosols.

In palaeosols, higher shell input rates can berelated either to the increase in dead-shell productionrates (e.g. high shell density corresponds to times ofhigh productivity, which increases the proportion ofrecently dead cohorts with good preservation), and/or to the decrease in shell destruction rates (e.g. highshell density corresponds to times when destructiveprocesses such as fragmentation were operating atslower pace). The role of reduced shell destructionrate is implied by the positive relationship betweenthe shell density and the proportions of coatings,which can enhance the durability of land snail shells(Table 4). The positive relationship between the pres-ervation state and the bioturbation intensity indicatesthat the decrease in shell destruction rates can berelated to the increase in bioturbation rates thatenhanced the formation of carbonate coatings.However, the negative relationship between the pro-portion of juveniles and the shell density of adults inpalaeosols implies that the increase in adult shelldensity was related also to the decrease in juvenilemortality. In addition, the negative correlation betweenthe proportion of adults and the degree of adult frag-mentation indicates that high rate of fragmentationwas related to high mortality of adults.

Most likely, the combined effects of varying shelldestruction rates and dead-shell production ratesgoverned variations in the shell density of land snailsin palaeosols. Negative relationships between carbonatecoatings and fragmentation, and between carbonatecoatings and colour preservation, imply a generaltaphonomic pathway associated with the formationof land snail shell assemblages. Under low rate ofprecipitation of carbonate coatings, shells becomeincreasingly fragmented and loose original colourpatterns in terrestrial environments. With increasingrate of carbonate coating formation, precipitation ofcrusts may substantially diminish or inhibit effects ofdestructive processes acting in the taphonomic activezone, both in dunes and in palaeosols. These processesresult in time-averaged death assemblages that arecomposed of well-preserved shells, with shell densitylargely determined by rates of shell destruction (i.e.rate of carbonate precipitation) and rates of dead-shell

production (i.e. original population sizes and mortalityrates) rather than by variation in sediment accumu-lation/burial rates.

Differences between juveniles and adults

Better preservation of juveniles than adults appearsto be a phenomenon independent from the deposi-tional environment, as it is observed both for thepalaeosol and for the dune samples. The lower pro-portion of colour preservation in adults may reflectcolour fading during their life (G.C. Cadée personalcommunication, 2007), and if the juvenile stage isshorter than the adult stage, everything else beingequal, the probability of fragmentation (e.g. by predators)will be higher for adults. In this case, the differencesin fragmentation and colour preservation might notcorrespond to size-selective post-mortem processes.Although data about growth rates and duration ofjuvenile stages of terrestrial gastropods of the CanaryIslands are unavailable, the observed differences inthe proportion of fragmentation between juvenilesand adults (Fig. 8A–B) require a twofold or a three-fold increase in the duration of the adult stage relativeto the duration of the juvenile stage. Alternatively,the higher degree of fragmentation and greater lossof colour in adults imply that either adult shells aresubject to higher destruction rates (assuming thatshell alteration is a function of destruction rate) orthat destruction rates of juveniles are so high thatthey do not accrue taphonomic damage. Juvenilescan be disintegrated to non-identifiable remainsin a very short time because small-sized and thin-shelled individuals are generally more fragile and moreprone to destruction than adults (Kowalewski 1996;Tomaßovych 2004).

High proportions of fragmented adults can bepartly related to predation because several birds inthe study area consume land snails (mainly Thebaindividuals because of their abundance, accessibility,and larger size) as a regular part of their diet (fieldobservations 2003–2004), although other predatorssuch as rodents and beetles can also prey on landsnails (Cadée 1995). For example, the rapacious birdNeophron percnopterus (L.), an extant inhabitant ofthe study area, includes ~3% of snails in its diet(Medina 1999). In addition, pellets (regurgitatedcompressed by-products of digestion) of the rapa-cious bird Corvus corax (L.) show that other birdsalso ingests snails in the study area (field observa-tions 2004). Similarly, numerous birds ingest shells ofland snails, mainly as an extra calcium carbonatesource during the breeding seasons (e.g. Gravelandet al. 1994; Graveland & Van der Wal 1996; Cadée 1999).In addition, fragmentation due to bird predation can

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be underestimated considering that feeding behaviourof some birds (especially regurgitation) may result infragments that are too small to be captured duringdry sieving with 1-mm mesh size sieves. This issuecannot be evaluated fully without further in-depthstudies focused on fragmentation patterns resultingfrom bird predation.

A negative correlation between the proportion ofadults and the degree of adult fragmentation impliesthat fragmentation can be partly related to differencesin mortality patterns between juveniles and adults,because a decrease in the proportion of adults relativeto juveniles corresponds to samples with high pro-portions of adult shell fragments (i.e. relative increasein adult mortality is caused by increased predationthat leads to higher fragmentation). Although wind-induced transport in aeolian dune sites may lead toabrasion and mechanical breakage of gastropod shells,the complete absence of rounding on shells strength-ened by coatings implies that wind abrasion probablydid not contribute to high proportion of fragmentsobserved in the Mala section.

Environmental and temporal variation in preservation

Environmental differences associated with contrast-ing climatic regimes governing alternation of dunesand palaeosols (Herwitz et al. 1996; Brooke 2001) alsolead to differential preservation of gastropod shellsbetween dunes and palaeosols. The difference inpreservation between dunes and palaeosols can beexplained by a higher rate of carbonate-coating for-mation that can obliterate colour preservation inpalaeosols, possibly via increased evapotranspirationduring more humid conditions when palaeosols wereformed and pedogenetic processes were intense, andvia higher input of dissolved carbonates coming frombioclastic particles (e.g. Goodfriend et al. 1996). Althoughbioturbation intensity correlates positively with theproportion of coatings in palaeosols, the bioturbationintensity is generally higher in dunes. Therefore, thedifferences in the proportions of carbonate coatingsbetween palaeosols and dunes were probably notcaused by differences in bioturbation intensity. Thelower proportion of coatings and higher preservationof colour patterns in dunes in general may implylower preservation potential of gastropods relative topalaeosols, and thus higher shell destruction ratesthat can be partly responsible for the low shell densityin dunes. Although the high proportions of colourpreservation can be a counter-intuitive pattern underhigh shell destruction rates, the lack of enhanceddurability by carbonate coatings may have resulted indisintegration rates that exceeded rates of colour loss.

Differences in taphonomic preservation acrosstime intervals within palaeosols indicate substantialtemporal variations in preservation regimes, with thebeds 1, 2, and 7 being characterized by a regime withhigh rates of carbonate crust formation, and the beds3 through 6 being characterized by reduced rates ofcrust formation. The increase in the rate of carbonatecrust formation may have been driven by temporalincrease in bioturbation intensity that positivelycorrelates with the proportion of coatings.

Compositional fidelity

Live-dead fidelity studies of land snail assemblagesare rare, although recently Rundell & Cowie (2004)found that rank abundances of living land snails ofthe Pacific islands were generally preserved in deathassemblages. Fossil assemblages differing in the degreeof shell preservation are expected to differ in speciesabundances, given the potential for differential post-mortem sorting, destruction, and between-habitatmixing of species, and composition of highly alteredsamples can thus substantially differ from compositionof weakly altered samples (Tomaßovych 2006). TheANOSIM and NMDS plots indicate that no consistentdifferences in composition can be demonstratedbetween highly altered samples and relatively unalteredsamples. Also, highly altered and relatively unalteredsets of samples both show a similar level of variationin taxonomic composition, again suggesting that tapho-nomic processes did not distort notably the originalbiological signals. Consistently, temporal differencesin community composition that persist across distincttaphofacies also indicate that taphonomic processesdid not introduce any substantial compositional bias.

The lack of compositional differences betweenhighly altered and relatively unaltered samples can beprobably explained by a generally low destructionrate of land snail shells in carbonate-rich sediments,which not only appear favourable for preservation ofmorphological details (including shell colour patterns),but also facilitate formation of fossils assemblageswith high fidelity records of species abundances andspecies composition. This is in contrast to depositswhere freshwater rapidly dissolves carbonate shells,either owing to initially low carbonate content, lackof bioturbation, and/or higher humidity that caninhibit precipitation of carbonate coatings.


Taphonomy of Quaternary land snails of the CanaryIslands is markedly affected by intrinsic and extrinsicfactors. Intrinsic factors are represented by size-specific

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differences in fragmentation and colour preservationbetween juveniles and adults. Extrinsic factors arerelated to differences in preservation between palae-osols and dunes, most notably to differences in theextent of carbonate coating. In contrast to terrestrialgastropod assemblages found in humid and carbonate-poor environments (Cadée 1999), the studied assem-blages show no signs of bioerosion and dissolution.

The randomized sampling design implies thatindividual beds are characterized by distinct tapho-nomic signatures (i.e. they effectively represent a seriesof distinct taphofacies) that follow a set of generalpatterns. Namely, the proportion of fragments corre-lates negatively with the proportion of specimens withcarbonate coatings and correlates positively with thefrequency of colour preservation. Juveniles are char-acterized by low fragmentation and high proportionsof colour preservation, in contrast to adults. Thepresence of carbonate coating and the high extent oftime-averaging indicate that background levels ofshell destruction rates were relatively low in carbonate-rich sediments of the Canary Islands, in contrast togenerally rapid rates of destruction of land snailsobserved in environments with high humidity andlow carbonate content (Cadée 1999).

In palaeosols, the density of adult land snails isnegatively related to the proportion of fragmentedadults, negatively related to the proportion of juveniles,and positively related to the proportion of carbonatecrusts. Because proportions of adults negativelycorrelate with proportions of fragmented adults, theincrease in fragmentation of adults can be explainedas elevated mortality of adults, likely related to periodsof intensified predation by birds and other predators.The positive relationship between the proportion ofadults and the adult shell density implies that the shelldensity was also enhanced by lower juvenile mortality.The increase in precipitation rates of carbonate coat-ings enhanced durability, and thus decreased shelldestruction rates. These relationships thus indicatethat variations in dead-shell production rates andshell destruction rates governed variations in the shelldensity of gastropod assemblages.

Preservation differences between palaeosols anddunes can be related to lower shell durability in dunesthat can reflect lower meteoric diagenesis and lowerevapotranspiration during the formation of dunes.Within palaeosols, temporal variations in tapho-nomic processes led to substantial changes in rates ofcarbonate crust formation, probably owing to varia-tions in bioturbation intensity. Despite that, the com-positional fidelity of land snail assemblages is probablynot substantially biased by taphonomic processesbecause relatively unaltered and highly altered tapho-facies do not differ in terms of abundances of land

snail species, and the temporal trend in communitycomposition persists across different taphofacies.Bioturbated, carbonate-rich sediments deposited inarid and semi-arid conditions can probably increasethe taphonomic half-life of land snail shells relativeto deposits where carbonate precipitation is inhib-ited, freshwater rapidly dissolves calcium carbonateand other gastropods harvest calcium carbonate fromdead shells (Cadée 1999). Therefore, analyses basedon land snail assemblages sampled in carbonate-rich,arid and semi-arid environments, such as those thattypify the Canary Islands, can be a particularly suitabletarget for palaeoecological and biostratigraphic studies.

Acknowledgements. – The study was supported by the projectsBOS2003/00374 funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia yTecnología and CGL2006-01586/BTE funded by the SpanishMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia. We thank J. De la Nuez,M.L. Quesada, F. LaRoche, E. Martín González, D. Liché andF.R. Armas (all from University of La Laguna) for help in thefieldwork and sample collecting. Similarly, special thanks go toD. Pérez Padilla and B. Rodríguez Martín for providing some bird-pellet samples and for valuable information about bird predationin the Canary Islands. Additionally, we thank Laurette Nord-ström for help in the X-ray diffraction analyses. Finally, we thankGerhard C. Cadée and Susan M. Kidwell for constructive reviewsthat greatly improved the quality of this manuscript.

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