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    School: Title of Post:

    Appl icants should refer to the Notes of Guidance before completion of th is form. A Curr iculum Vitae or addit ional pagesmust not be submitted. Applicants must ensure they provide sufficient information on the application form to enable theselection panel to assess their eligibi lity for consideration. Failure to do so will result in the application being rejected.Faxed, e-mailed or late applications will not be accepted. Any alterations to this form will i nvalidate your application.

    1 PERSONAL DETAILSDr/Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss Forename(s): Surname(s):

    Telephone number: (Home)Address:

    Postcode:Daytime contact number

    E-mail address: National Insurance Number:

    Teacher Reference Number: GTCNI Registration Number: Unique ISA Reference Number:

    Are you an EU citizen? YES/NO Do you have access to a car or other suitable form of transport if necessary to meet theessential requirements of the post? YES/NO

    Do you hold a current driving licence? YES/NO If yes please state type of licence

    2 POST PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION (for example GCE / GCSE etc)Subject Level of exam Examining Body Grade Year


    3 HIGHER EDUCATIONDates Qualification / Degree awarded If honours, state

    class & divisionName of University or College

    1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th yearMain / subsidiary subjects

    studied in each year

    4 TEACHER TRAININGCollege or University Department Dates Qualification(s) obtained

    Subjects studies during training:Main subject(s)Other subjectsHas the final exam been passed? Yes/No If No when are results expected

    Ref No.

    Closing Date:12 noonon

    Office Use:


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    5 ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONSName of awarding body Dates Qualification(s) obtained

    6 PRESENT TEACHING EMPLOYMENTSchool Name & Type: Date Appointed to School:

    Present Post held:

    Date Appointed to Present Post:


    Temporary or Permanent:

    Enrolment: Current Point on Teacher Salary Spine:

    Key Stage(s) / Subject(s) taught since appointment:

    Additional Teaching Responsibility Allowance Points (if any) attached to present post (include date of award of each allowance):

    Other allowances (if any) attached to present post (include date of award of each allowance):

    Outline duties / responsibilities attached to present post

    7 PREVIOUS TEACHING EXPERIENCE (please list most recent first)DatesName and type of

    schoolPosition held Key Stage/Subject(s)/

    TaughtReason for leaving



    If you graduated since 1997 please indicate have you successfully completedInduction DateEPD Date

    If you graduated before J une 1997 please indicate have you successfully completedProbation Date

    8 NON-TEACHING EMPLOYMENT Please give details of employment (beginning with the most recent)Name and address of

    employerJob titl e/Grade Dates

    dd/mm/yyFrom To

    Main duties and responsibilities Reason forleaving

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    10 CHILD PROTECTION (Please note this post involves regulated activii ty as defined under Safeguarding VulnerableGroups (NI) Order 2007) (see notes of guidance)

    Is there any reason as to why you would not be suitable to work with children/young people in an educational institution?

    Please provide information below to explain any gaps in your employment history.


    Please give the names and addresses of two referees, one of whom should be able to comment on your suitability to workwith children/young people in an educational setting and/or your professional ability. Prior consent of referees should beobtained. References must not be submitted with th is form. The Board/Board of Governors will seek references frompresent/previous employers for all posts involving regulated activity.

    1 Character Referee 2 Professional Referee

    Position held: Position held:

    Any family member or person invol ved in the recrui tment process for the post for which you are currently applying cannot

    act as a referee.


    In accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act, a person is disabled if they have, or have had, a physical or mental impairmentwhich has, or has had, a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

    If you consider yourself to have a disability please provide any relevant information about requirements that you may have so thatreasonable arrangements can be made for your attendance at interview (if short-listed).

    The Board, as part of its Equal Opportunities Policy, welcomes applications f rom people with disabilities.


    I hereby certify and declare that:

    1) I have read the Terms and Conditions of Appointment relating to the position. I declare that I have not canvassed in any wayand that the information contained in this form is true and accurate.

    2) I understand this post is (or may be) exempt from the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders (NI) Order 1978 by virtueof the Rehabilitation of Offenders (Exemptions) (NI) Order 1979 and (Exceptions Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland)1987. In the event of my application being successful, I consent to a check being made with AccessNI to determine if thereis any record of convictions, cautions or bind-overs against me.

    3) I consent to the Board registering an interest with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) through my unique ISAreference number.

    4) The information on this form is required by the Board for the purpose of processing your application. The information iscovered by the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. Your signature to the form is deemed to be an authorisation byyou to allow the Board to process and retain the information for the purpose(s) stated.

    Signature Date

    Please complete and return thi s form together with the Equal Opportunities Questionnaire to the address below no laterthan 12.00 noon on the advertised closing date:

    Equality UnitSouth Eastern Education and Library Board

    Grahamsbridge RoadDundonaldBELFASTBT16 2HS

    The Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to fairness and equality.

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    1. SEX: Male Female

    2. AGE: - Age Date of birth: Place of birth:

    2. MARITAL STATUS: Single Married

    Widowed Divorced

    Other (Please state):_______________________

    3. DISABILITY:Disability is defined as physical or mental impairment which has asubstantial and long term adverse effect on the individuals ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

    Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No

    If yes, please indicate the nature of your disability by ticking the appropriate box(es).

    1. Mobility 5. Dexterity/ Co-ordination

    2. Vision 6. Psychiatric/ Mental

    3. Hearing 7. Learning

    4. Speech 8. Other(Please specify):


    4. RACE:

    1. White 5. Indian

    2. Chinese 6. Black Caribbean

    3. Irish Traveller 7. Black African

    4. Pakistani/ Bangladeshi 8. Other(Pleasespecify):_________________________________

    Thank you for your assis tance. Please return this form in the envelope provided.

    J ob Reference:


    DOR O2

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    It is the policy of the South Eastern Education and Library Board that all eligible persons will have

    equal opportunity for employment and advancement in the Board, irrespective of gender, marital

    status, sexual orientation, racial group, age or disability.

    Selection for employment and advancement will be on the basis of ability, qualifications and

    aptitude to carry out the duties of the post.

    In order to measure the effectiveness of the Teachers Equal Opportunities Policy the Board is

    monitoring job applicants in order to provide an objective view on the existence and progress of

    equality of opportunity. Monitoring also involves a comparison of recruitment and career

    progression of teachers with regard to gender, marital status, disability and race.

    Monitoring will involve the use of statistical summaries of information in which identity of

    individuals will not appear. The information will not be available for any purpose other than equal

    opportunities. While the Board will seek to maintain the confidentiality of all monitoring information

    this may be disclosed in accordance with the provisions of the equal opportunities legislation.

    If you have any queries involving monitoring please contact:


    TELEPHONE: (028) 9056 6200 EXT 6265FAX: (028) 9056 6215

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    1 Apr 2010




    The following notes and job documentation should be read carefully before completion and

    submission of an application for teaching appointment:


    Job description

    The job description is enclosed to provide you with information on the purpose, duties andresponsibilities of the post. It describes what the post holder will be required to do.

    Personnel Specification

    The personnel specification which forms part of the job documentation is also enclosed for yourinformation. The personnel specification groups the criteria into those which are essential andthose which are preferred or desirable.

    Appl icat ion Form

    It is your responsibility as an applicant to ensure that you provide sufficient information on theapplication form to enable the selection panel to assess your eligibility for consideration. Failure todo so will result in the application being rejected. You are therefore strongly advised to carefullyconsider the job description and requirements of the post to ensure all relevant details areincluded in the form.


    If you have a disability which prevents you from completing this application form please contactthe Equality Unit for alternative arrangements to be made.

    Age Discr iminat ion/Normal Retirement Age

    The normal retirement age for all teaching staff under current eligibility regulations is 31 Augustnext following the date on which 65 years of age is attained. Please note that in accordance with

    the specific exemption within the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations (NI) 2006 employmentwill not be offered to a person older than or within 6 months of normal retirement age by the datethe post will become available.

    Downloaded Application Forms

    It is essential that applicants record the job reference number of the post being applied in theappropriate box on both the application form and equal opportunity monitoring form otherwise theapplication cannot be processed.

    Unfortunately, at present the application form cannot be completed on-line.

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    CVs and Addi tional Information

    Applicants must not submit a Curriculum Vitae or additional pages (unless requested to do so inorder to provide evidence regarding their eligibility to teach in Northern Ireland see section 4 forfurther information). Any additional submissions will be returned.

    Any al terations made to the appl ication form wil l invalidate your application.

    Closing Date for Appl ications

    Completed application forms and equal opportunities questionnaires must be returned in theenvelope provided or in an envelope marked PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL addressed to theEquality Unit , South Eastern Education & Library Board, Grahamsbridge Road, Dundonald,Belfast, BT16 2HS.

    Appl icat ion forms received after the c losing date and t ime wil l not be accepted.

    Faxed, e-mailed or late applications wi ll not be accepted.

    Monitoring Questionnaire

    The enclosed equal opportunities monitoring form must be completed and returned with yourapplication form in the envelope provided. Please note that the monitoring information will not bemade available to the selection panel. While the Board will seek to maintain the confidentiality ofall monitoring information, disclosure of such information may be required in accordance with theprovisions of the equal opportunities legislation applicable in Northern Ireland.


    This part of the application form deals with general information about yourself.


    Where required, applicants must ensure that full and accurate details of the subject, level ofqualification, examining body, grade and year obtained are provided.

    If you are currently studying for or have a qualification pending please distinguish this clearly fromcompleted qualifications and give details of when you hope to attain this qualification.

    A formal written offer of employment is conditional on the successful candidate providing originaldocumentary proof of qualifications stated on the application form.


    Please provide full details of your teacher training including main and subsidiary subjects studied.If your teaching qualification has been obtained outside the United Kingdom a copy letter from theDepartment of Education stating that you are eligible to teach in Northern Ireland must accompanyyour completed application form. Failure to provide such evidence will result in your applicationbeing rejected.

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    Include details of membership of professional bodies and qualifications not included elsewhere onthe application form.


    When listing your current and previous employment, please ensure that dates are correct and indate order with the most recent first.

    NB. Applicants will be asked to explain any gaps in their employment during the interview process(see section 10 for more information).


    Read the personnel specification carefully and provide clear examples from your experience whichrelate specifically to the criteria stated. If you do not tell us, we cannot make assumptions about

    your experience or ability. You are required to demonstrate how you can satisfy each of thecriteria listed in the personnel specification.

    Use this section to give relevant information in support of your application (for example in-servicetraining) or where you have found there to be insufficient space provided in other sections of theapplication form.


    Posts involving work with children and young people in educational institutions are subject to theprovisions of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007.


    You are asked to provide details of two persons to whom reference may be made regarding yoursuitability for appointment (at least one of whom should be your present or previous employer whocan comment on your suitability to work with children/young people in an educational institution,and/or your professional ability. Your referees cannot be members of your family or members ofthe selection panel for this post. In the event of this occurring you will be asked to supply anotherreferee. Prior consent of the referees must be obtained. Do not submit testimonials with yourapplication form as this may constitute canvassing.


    The Board is an Equal Opportunities Employer and welcomes applications from people withdisabilities.


    It is important that you read, understand and sign Section 13 of the application form.


    Canvassing means contact or communication at any time in any manner (direct, indirect, oral orwritten, specific or general) with a member or officer of the Board or any member of the Board ofGovernors of a school involved in the recruitment of the post for which you are applying which

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    could be deemed or perceived to be for the purpose of advancing your application. Any applicantwho is found to have knowingly approached a panel member for a post with a view to seekingfavourable treatment will be disqualified.

    Rehabilitation of Offenders

    Teaching posts are exempt from the provision of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Order 1978. Youare therefore not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for other purposes areregarded as spent convictions including road traffic and motoring offences. Disclosure of criminalconvictions will not necessarily debar you from employment, however, in the event of beingappointed, failure to disclose such convictions may result in disciplinary action by the Board whichmay include dismissal.

    Disclosure of Criminal Background

    You have applied for a post that involves *regulated activity under the Safeguarding VulnerableGroups (NI) Order 2007, therefore the Board is required to undertake an Enhanced Disclosure of

    Criminal Background. This will also enable you to be registered with the IndependentSafeguarding Authority. This will be a legal requirement for such posts with effect from1 November 2010.

    *Definition of a Regulated Activity Work (whether in a paid or voluntary capacity) which involvescontact with children or vulnerable adults and is: of a specified nature; in a specified role; in aspecified place and meets the frequency (once a month or more) and intensiveness (3 days ormore in a single 30 day period) test.

    Further details in relation to legislative requirements can be accessed or

    Please refer to the Boards website the heading Recruitment and Linksfor the following Policy Statements:

    Secure Storage, Handling, Use, Retention and Disposal of Disclosure Information Recruitment and Employment of Ex-Offenders and the Use of Disclosure Information

    Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)

    The purpose of the ISA is to reduce the risk of harm to children and vulnerable adults from peoplewho work with them. The ISA will do this by assessing information referred to them on the risk of

    harm posed by an individual working or applying to work in a regulated activity, based on knowninformation held about that individual. For more information please refer to the ISA

    With effect from 1 November 2010 you will be required to be registered with ISA who will issue youwill your unique reference number which will be used by the South Eastern Education and LibraryBoard to check your ISA status prior to commencement of employment.

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    Data Protection

    Please ensure that the details given on this application are correct. The data provided by you willbe processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. The information is being used to:

    process your application for appointment; form the basis of a computerised record of the recruitment process and monitoring

    purposes; form the basis of a manual job file with other application forms used for the recruitment and

    selection process; and form the basis of a manual and computerised employment record if appointed;

    All application forms and associated documentation will be treated in the strictest of confidence.However, in the case of an applicant taking a legal case against the Board, it may be necessary todisclose information to the parties involved. The documents may also be disclosed to the EqualityCommission as part of their investigations resulting from claims of discrimination.



    The advertised qualifications and/or experience are the minimum requirements for the post.Shortlisting will be based on the information provided by the applicant on the application form.Only applicants who meet the shortlisting criteria (including any agreed enhancement) will becalled for interview.

    Short-listed candidates only may be invited to visit the school.


    Shortlisted candidates will be notified of the date and time of interview. Candidates must bringphotographic proof of identity to interview ie. passport, driving licence or electoral identity card.

    If a candidate is unable to attend the interview at the date and time specified or wishes towithdraw from the selection process it is essential that he/she contacts the Board/Principal at theearliest opportunity either by telephone or in writing.

    A request for an alternative interview date will only be considered in exceptional circumstancesand will be at the absolute discretion of the Board/Board of Governors.

    Please note that travelling and subsistence expenses incurred in attending for interview are theresponsibility of the applicant.

    Notification of Successful Candidates

    Applicants should note that selection panels recommend candidates for appointment only. Arecommendation is not an offer of employment and must not be treated as such. Recommendedcandidates should not take any action to give notice in respect of their current employment untilreceipt of confirmation of appointment.

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    Confirmation of appointment will only be issued following all procedural and pre-employmentchecks which may include:

    Completion of a Health Declaration Form. Upon receipt of the completed form the Boardmay, at its discretion, require a candidate to attend for a medical examination by theBoards Medical Adviser

    Satisfactory references Satisfactory Enhnaced Disclosure of Criminal Background Submission of unique reference number from the Independent Safeguarding Authority

    (Effective from 1 November 2010) Submission of a work permit to work in Northern Ireland, where candidates are ordinarily

    resident or coming from outside the EC Submission of an originalBirth Certificate Submission oforiginal documentary evidence of qualifications/membership of

    professional bodies (where applicable) Confirmation of identification.

    Reserve Candidates

    A recommendation from a selection panel may include a list of reserve candidates, in order ofsuitability, from whom an appointment may be made by the Board of Governors if the successfulcandidate fails to take up post or if a similar vacancy arises within 12 months from the interviewdate.

    Not Shortlisted/Unsuccessful Candidates

    It is a matter for the Board of Governors of a school whether or not candidates for school basedposts who are not shortlisted are notified.

    The Board will not normally inform candidates who are unsuccessful at interview.

    Useful web addresses


    Helpline for completion of Disclosure Certificate Application Forms

    Vetting and Barring

    Independenent Safeguarding Authority

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    7 Apr 2010

    Policy Statementon the Secure Storage, Handl ing, Use, Retention and Disposal of

    Disclosure Information

    General Principles

    As an organisation using Access Northern Ireland to help assess the suitability of applicants for positions oftrust, SEELB complies fully with Access NIs Code of Practice regarding the correct handling, use, storageretention and disposal of Disclosure Applications and Disclosure information. We also comply fully with itsobligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and other relevant legislation pertaining to the safe

    handling, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosure information.

    Storage and Access

    Disclosure information is kept securely in lockable, non-portable storage containers with access strictlycontrolled and limited to those who are entitled to see it as part of their duties.


    In accordance with section 124 of the Police Act 1997, Disclosure information is only passed to those whoare authorised to receive it in the course of their duties. We maintain a record of all those whomDisclosures or Disclosure information has been revealed and it is a criminal offence to pass this informationto anyone who is not entitled to receive it.


    Disclosure information is only used for the specific purpose for which it was requested and for which theapplicants full consent has been given.


    Once a recruitment (or other relevant e.g. regulatory or for licensing purposes) decision has been taken, wedo not keep Disclosure information for any longer than is necessary. Information will not be retained but

    destroyed once a decision, recruitment or otherwise has been made.


    Once the retention period has elapsed, we will ensure that and Disclosure information is immediatelydestroyed by secure means i.e. by shredding, pulping or burning. While awaiting destruction, Disclosureinformation will not be kept in any unsecured receptacle (e.g. waste-bin or confidential sack). We will notkeep any photocopy or other image of the Disclosure or any copy or representation of the contents of aDisclosure or any other relevant non-conviction information supplied by police but not included on theDisclosure. However, despite the above, we do keep a record of the date of issue of a Disclosure, thename of the subject, the type of Disclosure requested, the position for which the Disclosure was requested,the AccessNI unique reference number of the Disclosure Certificate and the details of the recruitment

    decision taken.

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    Policy Statement on the Recruitment and Employment of

    Ex-Offenders and the Use of Disclosure Information.

    1 Introduction

    Part V of the Police Act 1997 provides for a scheme which is aimed at helping employers andother organisations assess the suitability of applicants for particular jobs and to make saferrecruitment decisions in relation to positions of trust. It does this by widening access tocriminal record information and providing for the issue of criminal conviction certificates andcriminal record certificates to appropriately registered organisations. Increased safeguardsbased on a new system featuring regulated activity also came into operation in October

    2009 to further enhance protection of children and vulnerable adults.

    In Northern Ireland, Access Northern Ireland (ANI) provides employers and others withaccess to criminal records and other information through a service called Disclosure. TheSouth Eastern Education and Library Board (SEELB) is registered with ANI to use thisservice to comply with the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007 to help it makemore informed decisions when recruiting staff into positions of trust or roles which cover arange of specified activities that provide an opportunity for certain close contact with childrenor vulnerable adults often referred to as regulated and/or controlled activity.

    This policy outlines the SEELBs approach to recruiting ex-offenders and how we use, retain

    and dispose of Disclosure information. It is consistent with SEELBs related policies oninformation security and data protection which can be provided on request.

    The policy is made available, as part of the recruitment process, to all job applicants whoapply for a job which is subject to a Standard or an Enhanced level of Disclosure as acondition of employment.

    The SEELB actively promotes equality of opportunity for all and welcomes applications froma wide range of candidates, including ex-offenders. The procedure for selecting candidatesfor interview is fair and transparent and focuses on identifying those with the greatestpotential to meet the required standard of skills, qualifications and experience as outlined in

    the essential and preferred criteria set for the job.

    2 Recruiting ex-offenders

    The Northern Ireland Office recognises that Standard and Enhanced Disclosure Informationcan be extremely sensitive and personal and has published a Code of Practice to ensure thatemployers and other recipients of Disclosures handle the information fairly and properly.

    The SEELB complies fully with the Code of Practice in connection with the use of informationprovided to it as a registered person (by ANI under Part V of the Police Act 1997, for thepurposes of assessing an individuals suitability for employment, voluntary positions, licensingand other relevant purposes).

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    The Code of Practice can be viewed and a copy can be madeavailable on request.

    Having a criminal record will not necessarily bar an applicant from working for theSEELB.

    In line with the Rehabilitation of Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 1978, the SEELB will onlyask applicants about convictions which are defined as "unspent" within the terms of thatOrder unless the nature of the job is such that it involves regulated or controlled activity (asdefined in the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007 and the Police Act 1997)and/or involves regular contact with children or access to educational records relating tochildren and certain roles in financial management, in which case we are entitled to askquestions about your entire criminal record.Further information on when a conviction becomes spent is available from the NorthernIreland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders in Belfast on telephonenumber 02890 320157.

    SEELB undertakes not to unlawfully discriminate against any subject of an ANI check on thebasis of a conviction or other information revealed on the Disclosure documentation issuedby ANI. Any action taken on the basis of such information will be proportionate and dependon the nature of the job concerned and the circumstances and background of the offence.

    As an educational body which performs a variety of roles, the SEELB uses Standard andEnhanced levels of ANI check as appropriate to the nature of the job. We will, however, onlyrequest an ANI Disclosure when this is considered proportionate and relevant to theparticular job following a thorough risk assessment of the job and having considered therelevant legislation which determines whether or not a Standard or Enhanced Disclosure isappropriate.

    When a Disclosure is deemed necessary all applicants for the job will be made aware at theinitial recruitment stage that the SEELB will request the individual being offered the job toundergo an appropriate ANI check and any offer of employment will be conditional upon asatisfactory outcome from Disclosure.

    The SEELB does not regard ANI checks to be a substitute for full pre-appointment checks,including taking up references and enquiring into an applicants previous employment history.ANI checks are seen as complementary to existing recruitment practices and will only besought after a candidate has been identified as the preferred candidate. However, applicantsshould note that if the job in question involves regulated or controlled activity the SEELB will

    always request an Enhanced Disclosure as part of the recruitment process.

    In these circumstances we encourage applicants to provide details of their criminal record atan early stage in the application process and we undertake to ensure that this information willonly be seen by those who need to see it as part of the recruitment process.

    In dealing with an applicant with a criminal record, the SEELB will consider:-

    Whether the conviction or other matter disclosed is relevant to the job in question; The seriousness of any offence or other matter disclosed;

    The length of time since the offence or other matter occurred; Whether the applicant has demonstrated a pattern of offending behaviour or otherrelevant matters;

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    Whether the applicants circumstances have changed since the offending behaviour orthe other relevant matters; and

    The circumstances surrounding the offence and the explanation(s) offered by theapplicant.

    3 Fraudulent misrepresentation or failure to disclose conviction details.

    It is an offence under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups (NI) Order 2007 for anyone barredfrom working with children or vulnerable adults to seek or offer to or engage in a regulatedactivity. The SEELB will report any such attempt to the Police Service of Northern Ireland.

    It is also an offence under the Fraud Act 2006 for a person to misrepresent themselves in anyinformation on which the SEELB may rely to judge their suitability for employment forexample, by using fraudulent references, qualifications or fictitious entries in a job applicationform. Similarly it is an offence under that Act for a person to misrepresent themselves byfailing to disclose information, which includes failing to fully disclose a criminal record whereappropriate.

    If it becomes apparent (through an ANI check or otherwise) that an applicant has fraudulentlymisrepresented their conviction history or other relevant information, by not disclosing it whengiven the opportunity to do so at application stage, the offer of employment may bewithdrawn or, if appointed, be subject to disciplinary action which may result in dismissal.Such action would be proportionate to the nature and significance of the misrepresentationand all circumstances would be taken into account in reaching a decision.

    4 Overseas Appl icants

    ANI can only access criminal records (convictions, cautions, reprimands and warnings), held

    by UK Police Services. Therefore, if you are an overseas applicant or an applicant with asubstantial period of overseas residency an ANI check may not provide the SEELB with asufficiently complete picture of any criminal record that may or may not exist. Therefore, it isat the discretion of the SEELB to ask that applicants obtain a Certificate of Good Conductfrom the relevant country/countries where available. Although procedures for differentcountries vary, this may usually be obtained from the relevant Embassy and it is theapplicants responsibility to ensure that any certificates requested are provided in order tosupport a job application. Contact details for those countries that have a representative in theUnited Kingdom can be found on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office or by telephone 020 7008 1500.

    5 Disputes

    If an applicant believes information disclosed about them in an ANI Disclosure Certificate isinaccurate he/she should inform the SEELB immediately. Applicants should note that adispute can only be investigated if it is lodged within 90 days of the date on which theDisclosure Certificate was issued. If the SEELB receives a valid dispute from an applicant itwill be referred, in writing, to ANI for consideration. The dispute must be resolved before afinal decision on an offer of employment can be taken.

    6 Sources of further information

    Please refer to the SEELB Policy Statement on the Secure Storage, Handling, Use,Retention and Disposal of Disclosure Information on the Boards website, you can contact SEELB Human Resources Department on 028 9056 6208

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    11 Apr 2010

    If you would like more information about ANI or its Disclosure service you can visit the ANIwebsite at or call ANI on 02890 259100.

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