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    It Takes aTeam

    A Learning Exchange

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    It Takes a Team


    Definition of team building

    Attitude (our own and toward others)

    Trustbuilding and maintaining

    Team Member Styles & Learning Preferences

    Team Development Stages

    Team Challenges

    Team Norms

    Teambuilding New Team Members

    Influence skills

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    Team Building

    Define teambuilding.

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    Teamwork Starts With You

    Its all about


    Attitude defined: a mental position with regard to a fact or state; a

    feeling or emotion toward a fact or state. Can attitudes be

    changed? _______ If so, how? ________________________




    If I am the team leader and my attitude level ishere, where is my teams attitude level?

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    Attitudes Toward Others

    The person






    Primary Dimension: Things you can determine about a person through the 5 senses.

    Secondary Dimension: Things you may come to learn about a person.

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    High Perform ing Teams Are Bui l t o n Trust and Therefore Respect

    Trust Self-Assessment Low High

    1. Accessible to people to give advice, direction, 1 2 3 4 5assistance or just to listen.

    2. Listens openly to ideas and feedback. 1 2 3 4 5

    3. Provides communication openly and accurately 1 2 3 4 5without hidden agendas.

    4. One team - talks about others only in ways one 1 2 3 4 5would in their presence.

    5. Sincerely tries to meet all commitments. 1 2 3 4 5Keeps all promises & appointments.

    6. Integrity - does not compromise quality or personal 1 2 3 4 5value system.

    7. Team champion - role model, stands up for the team 1 2 3 4 5and tout team accomplishments with management.

    Trust Destroyers:





    It takes time to build trust and a split second to destroy it! Oncetrust is lost, it is very hard to regain if you can. Ways to rebuild it





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    PreferencesWhat are yours?

    1. I tend to make more statements, speak more.

    2. I tend to ask more questions, speak less.

    3. I tend to speak about tasks, what has to be done.

    4. I tend to speak about people, their thoughts on

    doing the job.

    5. I tend to talk faster.

    6. I tend to talk slower.

    7. I tend to use facts and data to describe what Im

    talking about.

    8. I tend to use stories and opinions to describe what

    Im talking about.

    9.I tend to speak louder.

    10. I tend to speak quieter or more softly.

    11. I tend to speak with little emotion.

    12. I tend to speak with a lot of emotion.

    13. I tend to use strong hand and arm gestures.

    14. I tend to use relaxed hand and arm gestures.

    15. I tend to use few gestures.

    16. I tend to use a lot of gestures.

    17. I tend to lean forward when interacting with others.18. I tend to lean back when interacting with others.

    19. I tend to have a more formal, straight posture.20. I tend to have a more casual, relaxed posture.

    21. I tend to look people straight in the eye.

    22. I tend to look around more.

    23. I tend to have less animated facial expression or a

    good poker players face.

    24. I tend to have a more animated facial expression

    or a poor poker players face.

    Circle the best answer that represents you from each set of questions below.

    Transpose your circled numbered answers to the grid below. The quadrant with the most

    answers along the sides is your preference. If there is a tie, choose only one answer from the

    two statements requiring a tie breaker. Example, if a tie between the analytical and driver

    quadrants, circle either statement 25 or 26.

    25. I tend to take over to get work done when Im under stress.

    26. I tend to avoid or get bogged down in details when Im under stress.

    27. I tend to attack, become sarcastic, or seem to change my mind a lot when under stress.

    28. I tend to give in to keep the peace when Im under stress.












    2 6 10 14 18 22 1 5 9 13 17 21







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    AnalyticalLogical, careful, systematic, detail focused

    Asks more to find out facts

    Less emotional; fact oriented

    Need: be right/get info

    Strengths: good at sorting out facts; typically will

    come up with a well thought out answer; good at

    working with numbers

    Weaknesses: may take a long time to get results,

    may not seem decisive, may ignore peoples

    feelings; may be overly cautious

    Back-up mode: withdraw

    Development Action: be decisive without allinformation

    DriverPractical, focused on results, efficient, to the

    pointTells more because they want results

    Less emotional; poker-faced

    Need: get things done

    Strengths: gets things done; their people know what

    to do; good under pressure

    Weaknesses: may bowl over people to get things

    done; may be quick to answer without analyzing all

    of the facts; may not listen well; may appear


    Back-up mode: take overDevelopment Action: listen

    AmiableSupportive, focused on relationships, concerned

    with the impact of decisions on others

    Asks more so everyone will get along

    More emotional; interpersonal issues get them


    Need: everyone to get along

    Strengths: sense interpersonal problems;understanding people; enjoy building relationships

    Weaknesses: may avoid conflict; may not initiate;

    may not take a stand or voice their opinion; may be

    reluctant to change

    Back-up mode: backs off

    Development Action: initiate; take a stand

    ExpressiveFocused on generalities, innovating, motivating,

    enthusiastic, goes with gut feelings, more

    focused on ideas

    Tell more to be in the spotlight

    More emotional; passionate

    Need: attention/approval

    Strengths: get people excited; spontaneous;creative; good in front of people

    Weaknesses: may not check in on how others feel;

    may not plan well; may not follow up well; may be

    impractical or impulsive

    Back-up mode: attack

    Development Action: check in with others

    The Preference Characteristics

    Note: There is no best or worse style. The key learning is that we are all different.

    The combination of styles is what

    makes teams successful. It takes

    effective leadership to leverage these

    styles. The goal is not to expect

    others to flex to your style, but to flex

    to others styles.

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    Learning Preferences

    Determine your learning style preference. Complete each

    sentence by checking A, B, or C. No answer is correct or better

    han another. Check the one you prefer.

    I learn best when I

    I like

    For pleasure and relaxation, I like to

    I tend to be

    To remember a number, I like to

    In a classroom, I learn best when

    I have

    I plan the upcoming week by

    I often remember

    When giving directions, I may say,

    ___A. see information.

    ___B. hear information.

    ___C. have hands-on experience.

    ___A. pictures and illustrations.

    ___B. tapes and listening to stories.

    ___C. working with people and going on trips.

    ___A. read.

    ___B. listen to music and tapes.___C. garden or play sports.

    ___A. contemplative.

    ___B. talkative.

    ___C. a doer.

    ___A. write it down several times.

    ___B. say it out loud several times.

    ___C. doodle and draw it.

    ___A. when I have a textbook and written info.

    ___B. the instructor is interesting and clear.___C. I am involved in doing activities.

    ___A. strong fashion sense and detail focused.

    ___B. fun telling stories and jokes.

    ___C. a great time building things.

    ___A. making a list and keeping a calendar.

    ___B. talking it through with someone.

    ___C. creating a computer calendar or project board.

    ___A. faces, but not names.

    ___B. names, but not faces.___C. events, but not names or faces.

    ___A. Turn right at the blue housedo you see what I mean?

    ___B. Turn right at the blue housedo you hear what Im saying?

    ___C. Follow me, after giving directions using gestures.

    Total A choices ___

    Total B choices ___

    Total C choices ___

    The highest score represents your predominant

    learning preference.

    A: Visual

    B: Auditory

    C: Kinesthetic

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    Audio tapes

    Keen to sound





    Learning Styles

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    Carrot, Egg, or Coffee

    Are you a Carrot, an Eggor Coffee Bean?

    A young man went to his father and told him about his life, and how hard things were. He

    did not know how he was going to make it. He was tired of fighting and struggling. It

    seemed as one problem was solved a new one arose.

    His father took him to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water. In the first pot, he placed

    carrots, in the second he placed eggs and the last he placed ground coffee beans. He letthem sit and boil without saying a word. In about twenty minutes he turned off the burners.

    He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed

    them in a bowl. Then he ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl. Turning to his son, he

    asked, "Tell me what do you see?"

    Carrots,eggs, and coffee," he replied. He brought him closer and asked him to feel the

    carrots. He did and noted that they got soft.He then asked him to take the egg and break it.

    After pulling off the shell, he observed the hard-boiled egg. Finally, he asked him to smell

    and sip the coffee. The son smiled, as he smelled and tasted its rich aroma. The son then

    asked, "What's the point, Dad?"

    His father explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity - boiling water

    - but each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard and unrelenting. However,

    after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been

    fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But after sitting through the boiling

    water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After

    they were in the boiling water they had changed the water.

    "Which are you?" he asked his son. "When trials and adversity knock on your door, how do

    you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean? Are you the egg that starts with apassive heart, but changes with the heat? Do you have a fluid spirit, but after a hardship or

    some other trial, you become hard to the world? Does your shell look the same, but on the

    inside, bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and a hardened heart?

    Or,are you like the coffee bean? The bean that actually changes the hot water, the very

    circumstance that brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and

    flavor. Are you like the bean, when things are at their worst, you become better and change

    the situation around you?

    How do you handle adversity? Like the CARROT, the EGG, or the COFFEE BEANS?

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    As a supervisor, you must be able to recognize and respond

    accordingly toward helping the team move toward norming

    and high performing, and staying there.

    NORMING Independent

    Acceptance of each other

    Express constructive criticism

    Team is optimistic

    FORMING Dependent

    Excitement with reservations

    Initial anxiety and confusion

    HIGH PERFORMING Interdependent and self-directed

    Ability to work through issues Team loyalty

    STORMING Counter-dependent


    Challenge for position

    Forming of subgroups

    Team Stages

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    Moving Through The Stages

    NORMING Independent

    Acceptance of each other

    Express constructive criticism

    Team is optimistic

    FORMING Dependent

    Excitement with reservations

    Initial anxiety and confusion

    HIGH PERFORMINGInterdependent and self-directed

    Ability to work through issues

    Team loyalty

    STORMING Counter-dependent


    Challenge for position

    Forming of subgroups

    In this stage the team should consider:

    Guarded yet excited.

    Bring clarity to the mission, the structure,

    the process, roles and responsibilities.

    Help the team develop team norms

    (ground rules) that include structure,

    process and behaviors.

    Encourage open discussion of questions

    and concerns. Bring the team together more often.

    Based on power and conflictreiteration

    of the goals and roles is needed.

    Establish team norms or teamwork

    standards of professional conduct.

    Engage the team in group problem solving.

    Acknowledge conflict and work to resolve it

    Encourage open discussions using active

    listening and feedback skills.

    Support and recognize consensus decision

    making among the group.

    Team begins to take on the identity of a

    team. Continue to provide feedback and


    Create opportunities to work together.

    Have regular team meetings.

    Support open discussions and idea


    Reinforce the team norms established.

    True team synergy is happening. Continue to provide feedback/praise.

    Reinforce and promote the teams


    Continue to keep the team challenged.

    Continue to let the team self-govern.

    Be visible but not intrusive.

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    Teamwork Challenges

    Challenge Possible Causes Solutions

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    Team Norms

    If you were a the leader of a team, how would you establish teamnorms? Team norms are individual behaviors that everyone

    agrees to as standards or norms.

    What are examples of team norms?

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    New Team Members

    Welcoming and Acclimating New Team Members

    Studies show that the first three months of an employees employment

    influences an employees satisfaction and tenure. A positive experience in thefirst few months usually results in high levels of satisfaction and therefore

    greater tenure with the team. Whereas, a negative experience often results in

    low satisfaction and resignation within 12-18 months.

    How can we make it a positive and productive experience for our new team


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    InfluenceAnother Team Skill

    Do you have influence?

    ___When you speak, do people look and listen?

    ___People know you before you know them?

    ___People always coming to you?

    ___Invited to participate in various activities?

    ___In meetings, people seek your input?

    ___Find that your work, methods, and style is being mimicked by others?

    ___People perk up, speak up, and smile when youre around?

    The Influence Continuum - From least to most effective.

    ___ Raw emotion- blow my top; make people cringe; intimidation

    ___ Mental torture- pester until they give in

    ___ Pressure- get tough, demand action, use threats, coerce them

    ___ Manipulation- pretend to involve them; make promises you cant/dont keep

    ___ Position- use title, authority, or rules to mandate action

    ___ Sulk- pretend to be hurt or offended until you get your way

    ___ Coalition- get my friends on my side and gang up on them; get political

    ___ Inflation- oversell the truth and benefits; exaggerate the upside___ Butter- flattery; pay compliments, butter them up

    ___ Take advantage- draw on friendships

    ___ Rational persuasion- present logic and facts; telling and selling

    ___ Involving others- the best approach!Ask the team for their ideas and input; listen,

    acknowledge, praise, act!

    How do you influence?

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    Levels of Influence

    Five Levels of Influence (1 is the first level, 5 the hig hest level)

    1. Position- People follow you because they have to - youre the


    2. Permission- People know and like you. You have their

    permission to lead them. They follow you because they want to.

    Leading is more enjoyable at this level. Dont stop here - go to thenext levels.

    3. Production- When people see the accomplishments you and

    your team have done, they begin to follow you because you are a

    successful doer, a person who helps the team achieve, win, and reap

    organizational recognition.

    4. People development- You move from inspiring people to

    developing them and helping them reach their full potential. As a

    result, they follow you because of what you have done for them


    5. Personhood - Some leaders spend much time and energy

    pouring their lives into others over a sustained period of time. People

    follow them for their values, accomplishments and what they

    represent. This is the highest level.

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    Gaining and Maintaining Influence

    Strategies and behaviors for gaining and maintaining influence:

    o Listen, and people will listen to you.o Have integrityalways and consistently.

    o Do what you say, no matter how trivial.

    o Know your stuff. Be prepared with knowledge and facts.

    o Stand up and greet people with sincerity.

    o Let others influence you.

    o Have faith in people; let go; empower others.o Know your audience and their needs; state how they benefit.

    o State the why and value, not just the what.

    o Tie it to the business goals.

    o Tie it to the persons goals and aspirations.

    o When talking, use direct eye contact.

    o Be passionate in your position - it rubs off!

    o Speak well of people, not badmouth them.

    o Observe and learn from those good at it.

    o Stay steady and calm - stick to facts.

    o When at an impasse, agree to meet later.

    o Articulate with less, not ramble on.

    o Let others win - know when to let it drop.

    o Admit mistakes - accept blame, give credit.

    o Build a deep and wide informal network.

    o Always act with professional maturity!!

    o Practice by leading groups and activities.

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    Five Lessons From Geese

    GEESE FACT 1:As each goose flaps its wings it creates an "uplift" for the birds that follow. By flying in a

    V" formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew alone.

    LESSON: People who share a common direction and sense of community can get wherethey are going quicker and easier because they are traveling on the thrust of one another.

    GEESE FACT 2:When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of flyingalone. It quickly moves back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of thebird immediately in front of it.

    LESSON: If we have as much sense as a goose we stay in formation with those headedwhere we want to go. We are willing to accept their help and give our help to others.

    GEESE FACT 3:When the lead goose tires, it rotates back into formation and another goose flies to thepoint position.

    LESSON: It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership. As withgeese, people are interdependent on each other's skills, capabilities and uniquearrangements of gifts, talents or resources.

    GEESE FACT 4:The geese flying in formation honk to encourage those up front to keep up their speed.

    LESSON: We need to make sure our honking is encouraging. In groups where there isencouragement, the production is much greater. The power of encouragement (to stand by

    one's heart or core values and encourage the heart and core of others) is the quality ofhonking we seek.

    GEESE FACT 5:When a goose gets sick, wounded or shot down, two geese drop out of formation andfollow it to help and protect it. They stay with it until it dies or is able to fly again. Then,they launch out with another formation or catch up with the flock.

    LESSON: If we have as much sense as geese, we will stand by each other in difficult

    times as well as when we are strong.

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    Wake Up Call

    e Mindful of theWake you Make

    We travel through life and do our

    job just as a boat travels through

    water. In our destination, we tend

    to be focused forward and often

    fail to look back upon our wake

    and its affects. The waves weleave behind are the interactions

    we have with others and our

    actual work output.

    What kind of wake do you leave?

    Is your wake destructive and

    rough or respectful and calm?

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    Who Moved My Cheese?A cliff notes version by John Beta

    n this maze, we have 2 mice, named Sniff and Scurry, and 2 little people, named Hem and Haw. They

    ive in this maze, searching for cheese. The cheese represents all that is good in life. The maze is a

    abyrinth of corridors and dark corners. Some places have fine cheese, and many do not.

    Sniff had a knack for sniffing out where the cheese may be. You can say Sniff was your direction

    setter, strategic mouse. Scurry would then race ahead to look for the cheese, kind of like someone you

    can count on to get the job done. Sometimes they got lost, but they kept working together and often

    ound some cheese.

    Hem and Haw were these little people, about the same size as the mice. They had complex brains,

    along with the powerful human emotions and beliefs that could cloud their judgment. Life was more

    complicated for them in the maze.

    One day they all came upon a huge cheese stockpile. They called it Cheese Station C. Every

    morning, Sniff and Scurry went to Cheese Station C to have their cheese. They no longer needed theirunning shoes so they took them off, but tied them together and hung them around their necks in case

    hey will need them again. Hem and Haw also woke every morning and went to Cheese Station C.

    They took off their shoes and hung them somewhere. They also moved closer to Cheese Station C so

    t was more convenient.

    Hem and Haw started to become arrogant and say things like we deserve this cheese, we worked long

    and hard to find it. Sometimes they shared it with their friends, sometimes they didnt. They would

    point to their cheese, saying, pretty nice cheese, huh?

    They lived for what seemed like years, happily enjoying their cheese in Cheese Station C. Hem and

    Haw were so confident and comfortable that they became blind to what was happening. Sniff andScurry on the other hand arrived each morning and sniffed, scratched, and inspected to keep tabs on

    what was happening.

    One morning Sniff and Scurry arrived at Cheese Station C and found no more cheese. They werent

    surprised. They put on their running shoes and headed back out into the maze to find more cheese.

    Later, Hem and Haw arrived. They were unprepared for what they found. Hem started yelling, What,

    no cheese? No cheese?! No cheese?! Hem screamed, Its not fair!! Hem kept yelling and Haw

    didnt want to hear it. Hem just stood there in disbelief. To Haw, cheese meant feeling safe and

    secure. To Hem, cheese represented becoming a Big Cheese with status.

    While Sniff and Scurry was out and about, looking for new cheese, Hem and Haw just continued to hem

    and haw. They went home that night hungry and discouraged. They went back the next morning,

    expecting their cheese to reappear, but it didnt. Hem continued to yell and Haw just stood there like a

    statue, not believing this could happen to them. Why did they do this to us? This isnt fair?

    Haw finally asked about Sniff and Scurry. Hem scoffed, What would they know? They are simple

    mice. Were smarter than them. Haw told Hem that maybe we should do things differently. Hem

    esponded with Were little people - were special. Hem said, Were entitled. Haw said, We should

    stop analyzing the situation and start finding new cheese. Hem simply said, No, were going to get to

    he bottom of this.

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    Meanwhile, Sniff and Scurry went farther into the maze and came upon Cheese Station N, a stock of

    cheese like they have never seen!

    Haw started to visualize and imagine finding new cheese. Haw told Hem, Lets go find new cheese.

    Hem said No, I like it here, its what I know. Beside, its dangerous out there. Haw said, Weve donet before so we can do it again. Hem just screamed No!

    Hem and Haw went home every night hungry and angry. Haw finally started laughing at them selves.

    t was ridiculous coming back looking around Cheese Station C, expecting to find the cheese. Although

    Haw didnt like the idea of going out into the maze, he decided he must. He tried talking sense into

    Hem but Hem was stubborn and still felt owed. Haw found his running shoes, put them on and said,

    Its MAZE time! and took off into the unknown parts of the maze.

    As Haw explored deeper into the maze, he became anxious and uncomfortable. But after a short time,

    he started to feel exhilarated. The old feelings of excitement came to him. This was new again, a nice

    change. His comfort zone started to grow and he gained more confidence in exploring the deeper,darker corridors.

    As Haw explored, he contemplated Cheese Station C. In thinking back, he did start realizing that things

    were changing, but his comfort blinded him. He started to admit to himself that not only was the cheese

    diminishing, but also started tasting bad. The cheese was growing old.

    Haw continued to explore, at times becoming disappointed to discover no cheese. Sometimes, he

    would find little morsels of cheese that gave him strength and encouragement to move on.

    Haw came upon a particularly dark corridor and was afraid to enter. He realized at that moment that he

    was being held captive by his own fear. When he headed down the dark corridor in a new direction, heelt freed from that fear. As he went on, he started to again imagine sitting on a big pile of his favorite

    cheeses. The more he imagined, the more real and believable it became.

    Haw came upon a small stockpile of cheese, and told himself if he would had acted sooner, perhaps

    more cheese would have been there. Haw decided to go back to Cheese Station C to see if he can

    convince Hem to join him. Haw offered a few pieces of cheese to Hem but he refused, still angry and

    eeling owed. Haw headed out again in search of more cheese. Hem stayed behind.

    Haw began to realize that it was natural for change to occur, whether you expect it or not. Haw realized

    he changed his beliefs and wrote on the maze wall, Old beliefs do not lead you to new cheese. Haw

    became even more energized and moved quicker through the maze, when all of a sudden he cameupon Cheese Station N. He found his mice friends there, Sniff and Scurry, with their fat little bellies.

    Haw reflected on his journey and wrote these things on the maze wall:

    Change Happens- they keep moving the cheese.

    f you do not change, you become extinct.

    Anticipate Change- get ready for the cheese to move.

    Monitor Change- smell the cheese often so you know when it is getting old.

    Adapt to Change- the quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you can enjoy new cheese.

    Change - move with the cheese.

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