Page 1: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

Technology 2.0:Selling Change in Higher


2011 STEMtech Conference

October 4, 2011

Paige Francis, Associate VP of ITNorthWest Arkansas Community College

Page 2: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College


• Paige Francis, AVP of IT

• 15 years progressive IT experience

• Corporate background

• The value of ‘Our Customer’– Cognizant of, appreciate needs /goals

– Role of IT – guide, educate , support

• Goals of IT – Security, stability, service, ‘the edge’

Page 3: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

The Climate

• Failed upgrade

• Failed leadership

• Failed project management

• Fresh example of what NOT to do

• Leadership change , stabilized environment, then…

Page 4: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

WE Changed

• Leader IS inspiration, ‘sets tone’

• Communication is key

• The project begins

Page 5: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

Change to IMPROVE

• Investigate

• Meditate

• Participation

• Rally

• Ownership

• Visualize, Venture

• Elicit

Page 6: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

I. Investigate

• First step – examination, exploration

• Ad hoc, event-driven, solution-based, etc.

• Institutional Research presents grant opportunity to I.T. – $1.3M

• Agreed to a conference call (April 9)

• Take a deep breath – how to proceed?

• The project begins…

Page 7: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

II. Meditate

• Current situation

• Overall goal

• Pros/cons


• Anticipate every question/conflict

• BE the professional, Remain impartial• Not 100% on your Higher Ed environment, but…

Page 8: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

When I say CHANGE, you say…

Page 9: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

III. Participation

• Easy to find solution and run with it

• More challenging/beneficial to vet

• Sales teams

• Devise the ‘best of the best’ list – the power-users, those most affected by any change – include students!

IR, Learner Services, Network, DBA, Programmer (Banner, Web), HR, Marketing, Distance Learning, Student Representation, PR, Library, BCIS, Corporate Learning, Faculty, Deans, Cashiers, Foundation

• Summer Team!

Page 10: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

III. Participation

• Set clear expectations:Sorry for the late notice - now’s the time to review this option – GRANT APPLICATION DEADLINE IS APRIL 30, 2010.

Explanation of grant will be 3-3:30 – phone call/web conference with CampusEAI will begin promptly at 3:30 p.m.

• Communicate with College Cabinet “Today, a committee of various cross campus stakeholders met to

review a 1.3 million dollar grant opportunity focusing on portal administration  (currently the college uses Luminis). It was decided to pursue the grant application and further research alternatives to Luminis that would bring our portal technology into the 21st century, decrease costs, and offer more advanced services than are currently available to our students and employees.”

Page 11: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College


Page 12: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

IV. Rally

• Present to ‘Community’– Portal kickoff parties – serve food!

– Follow THEIR schedule

– Different affect? Different time slots

• Be clear on improvements & loss

• Send communication on CHANGES – request feedback (…keep feedback)

• Hands-on Sessions

Page 13: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

IV. Rally (cont)

• Get the word out. Negative impact? The sooner the better.

Page 14: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

IV. Ownership

Own the project, pre-implementation

Educate: ‘technology breaks’, success is recovery

Map the project

Communicate the project

No such thing as ‘no fail’ technology

Page 15: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

V. Visualize & Venture

• “Plan the work and work the plan”

• No second-guessing

• Implementation time!

• In every meeting – layman’s terms

Page 16: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

VI. Elicit – and Extricate?

• Feedback

• Final Tweaks

• Sayonara!

Page 17: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College


• March 30 – IR Meeting

• April 9 – Conference call with EAI

• April 13 – Meet with ‘cherry-picked’

• April 14 – Started compiling grant application

• April 19 – Cherry-picked grant application

• April 20 – Grant application

• April 27 – Application submitted and accepted

• April 28 – CampusEAI demo to cherry-picked + Cabinet + more cherry-picked

• May 5 – Skype with ASU – Portal

• May 12 – Awarded grant

• June 1 – Review grant award package

• June 24 – Portal Grant Kickoff Meeting

Page 18: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

Project Plan

• Investigate

• Meditate

• Participation

• Rally

• Ownership

• Visualize, Venture

• Elicit

Page 19: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

When I say CHANGE, you still say…

Page 20: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

The Difference is…


• Technology IS change

Page 21: Technology 2.0: Selling Change in Higher Ed 2011 STEMtech Conference October 4, 2011 Paige Francis, Associate VP of IT NorthWest Arkansas Community College

Thank You!


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