
Ten Benefits of Same Sex Marriage in USAUS has become the twenty-first nation to legalize the same sex marriage. The decision was taken on June 26th by the supreme court, making the USA the most populous country to legalize homosexual marriage. Not only does this provide equality and reduce discrimination, it also provides the same sex couples marriage equal rights all over the country. From provision of equal rights to social security, this will lead to a variety of benefits. Here are ten benefits for the nation from this decision:

People react after supreme court verdict Source:

1. Equality: Legalization of same sex marriage communicates to the people that all relationships are of equal value. This helps in reducing homophobia, which decreases the discrimination faced by the group. The decision supports cultural diversity and accepts the LGBT people as valued citizens of the country. This reduces intergroup bias and supports cultural diversity.

2. Financial Stability: The Social Security would provide financial benefits for retirement and disability. This would give the couples a benefit in case of retirement, as the lower earning spouse can collect the benefits from their own record or half the higher earning spouses benefits.

3. Psychological and Social Security: Marriage gives the couple a sense of security psychological and social well being. Apart from the federal rights and benefits, marriage gives purpose and meaning to a relationship. This leads to better health and a reduction in depression and other stress related problems.

4. Validation of LGBT family units: Marriage provides benefits which strengthen family units. Children raised by the same sex couples are unfairly disadvantaged and often given a damaging message that their parents are inferior. Legalization of gay marriage validates the family units of same-sex couples.

5. Economic benefits: With gay marriage becoming legal, thousands of couples would start marrying and the marriage industry will expand. This would increase the tax revenue for the government thus, providing a boost to the economy.

6. Businesses: Employers used to argue that the LGBT employees couldnt focus on the jobs due to the inequality and problems faced by their families. Transfer of an LGBT employee was difficult due to the different laws in different states. Legalization of same sex marriage has fixes this problem.New business opportunities , like gay tourism can be developed which help attract gay couples from countries where gay marriage is not legal.

7. Immigration: For becoming a citizen of the US, marriage is the most reliable way. Now legally married same sex couples will have access to this citizenship by the law, thereby making immigration easier for such people.

8. Lower Divorce Rates: Gay marriage legalization is correlated with lower divorce rates. In regions where same sex marriage is legal have lower divorce rates compared to the regions where this is banned. In Massachusetts, the divorce rate declined by 21% after legalization of gay marriage (2003-2008). In Alaska, where gay marriage was prohibited in 1998, the divorce rate increased by 17.2% in the same period of time.

9. Freedom of Religion: With some religions not supporting same sex marriage and some supporting, the religious points of view should be factored out for making marriage laws. Legalizing gay marriage supports secularity in the country and removes the religious notions which do not support this.

10. International Reputation : The removal of discrimination for homosexuals in federal laws would restore Americas integrity globally as a leader in providing civil and human rights. It would enhance Americas international reputation in the matters of social justice.

The legalization of same sex marriage raises the lifestyle of LGBT Americans. Families having such people dont have to feel the stress of discrimination. Overall, this legalization benefits the society in an economic, cultural and political way.

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