

Nama Anggota Kelompok:Syed Muhammad ZulfikarI11112016Qurratul AiniI11112021Christover Fistnando S.I11112025Karolus Sangarta KetarenI11112026Irene Olivia SalimI11112031Eko KunaryagiI11112036Anatria Amyrra IqlimaI11112078Ali MustagiI11108021NurAzmi AyuningtyasI11111009Dina Fitri WijayantiI11112007Guntur SusenoI11112012SiskaI11112019Izzatul YazidahI11112024ChelsiaI11112037ArdiI11112040HERPES ZOSTER SHINGLES

Diagnosis Herpes ZosterDiagnosis herpes zoster ditegakkan berdasarkan pada anamnesis dan temuan lesi kulit yang khas (vesikel berkelompok, dermatomal, dan nyeri). dapat pula dilakukan pemeriksaan Tzanck untuk membantu diagnosis dengan di temukan sel Datia berinti banyak.1

1. Mansjoer A, Suprohaita, Wardhani WI, Setiowulan W. Penyakit Virus. Kapita Selekta Kedokteran. Edisi Ke-4. Jilid 1. Jakarta: Media Aesculapius. 2014Important elements in establishing the diagnosis byobservation include (1) painful or abnormal sensory prodrome(not always present); (2) dermatomal distribution; (3) groupedvesicles (however, in some cases, only papules will be observed);(4) multiple sites filling the dermatome, especially where divisionsof the sensory nerve are represented; (5) lack of history of a similar rash in the same distribution (to rule out recurrentzosteriform herpes simplex; see figure 7); and (6) pain andallodynia in the area of the rash. Allodynia, which is commonin both HZ and PHN, is pain evoked by a stimulus that doesnot normally cause painfor example, light brushing of theaffected area with a cotton swab.

4Tatalaksana HZ

Kasus 1Tn. Among 40 tahun datang ke klinik dengan keluhan nyeri di punggungnya, nyeri terasa seperti terbakar dan didapatkan ruam yang timbul 2 hari yang laluBerdasarkan anamnesis didapatkan riwayat varicella pada umur 15 tahun. Pada pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan vesikel pada dermatom T6 sinistra , membentang dari perut hingga ke punggung.

My backgroundI grew up in City or Town.I attended Elementary Name, High School Name, and College Name.Contoh Peresepan Rasional pada Orang Dewasadr. HartonoJl. Pattimura no 125 PontianakNo. SIP 101234890No. Telp 0561 645780Jadwal Praktek Senin-Jumat jam 16.00-19.00-------------------------------------------------- Pontianak, 26 Mei 2015

R/ Acyclovir tab 400 mg No LXXS 5 dd tab II __________________________________________________R/ Tramadol caps 50 mg No XIVS 2 dd caps I prn __________________________________________________R/Salicyl talk No IS sue__________________________________________________

Pro : Tn. AmongUmur : 40 tahunAlamat: Jl. Sepakat No. 33 Pontianak

Kasus 2Ibu Teresa 30 tahun datang ke piskesmas dengan keluhan nyeri di bagian perut. Di kulit bagian yang nyeri terdapat ruam yang timbul 3 hari yang lalu. Status obstetri G1A0P1 H32minggu. Pada pemeriksaan fisik ditemukan vesikel berkelompok pada setengah tubuh, pada dermatom L1 bagian dextra My backgroundI grew up in City or Town.I attended Elementary Name, High School Name, and College Name.Contoh Peresepan Rasional pada Ibu Hamildr. HartonoJl. Pattimura no 125 PontianakNo. SIP 101234890No. Telp 0561 645780Jadwal Praktek Senin-Jumat jam 16.00-19.00-------------------------------------------------- Pontianak, 30 Mei 2015

R/ Acyclovir tab 400 mg No LXXS 5 dd tab II__________________________________________________R/Paracetamol tab 500 mg No XIVS 3 dd tab 1 prn__________________________________________________R/Salicyl talk No IS sue__________________________________________________

Pro : Ny. TeresaUmur : 30 tahunAlamat: Jl. Dubai No. 23 Pontianak

Because thesafety of antiviral therapy during pregnancy has not been firmlyestablished, pregnant women with HZ should be treated onlyin cases in which the potential benefits of antiviral therapy tothe mother outweigh the potential risks to the fetus. The majorityof pregnant women with HZ are expected to have arelatively low risk of developing PHN, because of their age.However, patients with severe rash, severe acute pain, or HZophthalmicus can be treated with acyclovir and valacyclovir,especially during the late stages of pregnancy, when any potentialrisks to the fetus should be lower. However, during theearly stages of pregnancy, the potential benefit of antiviral therapyto the mother must be great enough to outweigh the unknownbut potentially greater risk to the fetus. Antiviral therapyis not routinely recommended for eclamptic, preeclamptic, ordiabetic pregnant women.8TERIMA KASIH

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