
August 18, 2017

Volume 1, Issue 8

YET GAZETTE Campers of the Summer Salvation Army Youth

Education Town

Special points of in-


Campers of the Summer

Dear Readers

Dear Mr. Austin

Piano Class

Adventures of Summer


Staff Interview

Fashion File

My Family Rocks

Pokémon Girl 2



Yet Paper Game

Goodbye Summer Camp



Food Review

Book Reviews


Congratulations to the campers of the summer! Alexa and

Amari were both nominated by the staff members as the

Outstanding Campers of Summer 2017! This prestigious

award is merit based and exemplifies the children’s

dedication to advancing in the summer camp curriculum.


Dear Readers,

My name is Bryan and I

am 13 years old. I am an LIT,

Leader In Training, at the

Salvation Army YET Summer

Camp. This summer being an

LIT has been an enthusiastic

experience with high points

and low points. It has been

awesome to be able to play

with the 5 and 6 year olds

and make new friends. This

summer as an LIT I have

learned how to be a leader

and how to work with the

kids at summer camp, instead

of just yelling at them. I

have learned a lot from Mr.

Ian, he teaches the LIT

Leadership Class.

I am thankful to

Mr. Ian because

he helped me

through a tough

time that I had

this summer.

During the

summer, I was

bullied by

someone because of the

way that I looked. When I

told Mr. Ian, I felt really

bad, then he told me to

always know that God loves

me. To know that it is okay

to stand up for yourself,

but to be the better

person by walking away. He

reminded me that God

made me unique and that I am

loved. The way he helped me

reminds me a lot of my dad. I

really appreciate everything he

did for me this summer and I

am a better person because of

the LIT experience.

This week at

summer we have been having a

great time at Vacation Bible

School. We have learned that

we all were made in God’s image

and that we are all created

unique. We all are different,

but that is okay because God

made us for a unique purpose.

This is my story of how I

became an LIT in Texas: I was

born in Norfolk, Virginia. My

little brother Dallas was also

born in Virginia but I am not

sure where. My dad was born in

Allegheny County in Pittsburg,

Pennsylvania. My Mom was born

in Arcadia, Florida. My dad has

Dear Readers By: Bryan (13)

Volume 1, Issue 8 Page 3

been around the world 2

times which is pretty

amazing. He has fought for

the freedoms of this

country by serving in the

Navy for 14 years and I

would appreciate it if you

give your thanks to him.

Because my dad is in the

military, we have moved a

lot. My family has been

through the southern part

of the United States, the

East Coast and now we live

in Texas. My story of being

at the YET is different

than others, and we all have

many different stories.

Some people might have

come from different

countries or different

states. Some people have

only one parent, or live with

their grandparents, uncles

or aunts. Some people may

have even been adopted,

but I know that God had a

reason for having all of us

play together this summer

at the YET. I am not sure

exactly what the end will

be for anyone, what they

will be when they grow up

or what will even happen


next year during school.

But I know that God

wanted us this summer

to learn more about

Him. He wanted to

teach us that He loves

us, that He made us

unique and that HE


WITH US. As the

school year starts, I

want to wish everyone

at the YET a great

school year. I hope you

all remember to say a

small prayer during

silent time at school,

work hard in your

classes, listen to your

teachers and try your

very best to get

straight A’s. If not

straight A’s try your

best to get A’s or B’s.

Please know that I will

miss you all and never

forget what we have

learned at the YET.

Your Friendly

Neighborhood LIT,



Dear Mr. Austin,

Today is my last day at summer camp at the YET,

and I wanted to write to you to tell you that I’ll miss you. I

am going to start school at ILT this year and I will be in the

6th grade. I am going to be at a new school where I will not

know anyone or have any friends. I do not know what will

happen this school year, but I wanted to tell you that I had

fun this summer. You’re the best buddie I have ever had.

This summer you where funny, made good jokes and good

conversations. You’re a great friend. I had fun talking about

things going on at home and summer camp with you. I

enjoyed when played in the gym together at the end of the

day and how you always talked with me during snack time.

You made this summer the best I ever had. I’ll miss you and

I hope you come back next summer so we can see each

other again in the future.

Sincerely, your friend, James

Summer SPLASH! By: James (10)

Piano Class By: Camila (9)

Hey everybody, my name is Camila and

I am 9 years old, today I am going to tell

you about the piano classes at the yet.

Ms. Brianna is the teacher for all of the

piano classes at the YET. Ms. Brianna very good at piano, she helps us to learn

the songs from a book. She shows us new

notes to play and helps us learn how to

read music. I only started taking piano

classes about a month ago. In that month,

I learned so much and I even got to play

the songs I learned in two shows.

First I played in the Talent

Show at the YET, I played a

song called, “Minuuet.” When I

was on the stage I felt nervous

because there were a lot of

people watching me play. When I

played I did not mess up, I

played my song good even though

I was nervous. At the talent

show, my mom went to see me

play the piano. After I played,

my mom told me, “Good job and

you did awesome.” My

piano teacher, Mrs.

Brianna said, “You did

good Camila, choose a

candy from the

basket.” After the

talent show I knew I

wanted to play better

so every day I

practiced for the next


At the next show, I

played “Sleeping Beauty Waltz” by

Tchaikovsky. The song that I played is

the best song. It’s kind of hard to play,

but the sound is soft like a dream. When

I play the song on the piano I can imagine

that sleeping beauty is dancing with the

prince. It is a pretty song. After I

played my song, I got an award from Ms.

Brianna for being the Most Improved.

Ms. Bianna told me, “You did good playing

your song and I am very proud of how

much you have improved this summer.”

When my mom say my award, she said, “I

am glad for you that you have been really

good in piano class! Keep learning.”

Ms. Brianna is great in piano and

I loved having her as my piano teacher.

She has helped me learn a lot of songs

and how to play the piano better. I really

appreciate everything she has taught me

and I want to tell Ms. Brianna that she

has been a great teacher and that you

are my best teacher this summer at the

YET. Thank you so much!

Volume 1, Issue 8 Page 5

I’m Zion and I am 7 years old.

I am writing about summer camp at

the YET in Arlington, Texas. I want

to tell you about how summer camp is

great and how much fun we get to

have. Every Friday during summer

camp we get to go on field trips and

do a bunch of fun things. This

summer we went to the Fort Worth

Zoo, the Stockyards, the Science

Museum with dinosaur’s bones, and

lots of other cool places. During

summer camp, my favorite field trip

was when we went to the Fort Worth

Zoo because I got to see the giraffes

The Adventures of Summer Camp By: Zion

and the


park. My





are all of

them. My


time is

when we

go to



lunch and snack. I also really

like brass band. I also like the

field trips. I am going to miss

my friends when I go to school

and summer camp. It was so

much fun I wish we could have

summer camp all the time.

Thank you summer camp for all

the great adventures and I will miss

you. Also in case anyone wants to know

the 7 year olds where the best group at

the YET! Don’t let any 9 year old kids

tell you differently!

We Asked, They Answered!

Name: Mr. Nyland Height: 6’1”

Job at the YET: Summer Day Camp Worker

What is your favorite part of your job? My favorite part of the job is being

able to help the kids respect each other and adults more.

All Time Favorite Movie: Interstellar Favorite Color: Blue

What is your dream job when you grow up? To be a symphony orchestra

director one day.

What is your favorite place to go? I love to travel, I want to travel the world,

but my favorite place to go would be different major cities in the world!

Do you like working here? Yes, because it gives me the chance to interact with

the kids and see what their lives are like. I also love seeing them learn how to play

instruments and grow from that experience.

What is your favorite animal? A dog is my favorite animal by far. I have a

terrier and his name is Snookie!

What is your favorite type of food? My all time favorite food would be Pizza. I

like all kinds of Pizza, but my two favorite are Pepperoni Pizza and Bar-B-Q Pizza


Maiyah & Patricia’s Fashion File! By: Maiyah & Patricia

This is the last week of summer camp and now school starts so I

hope you can go to the next grade and come back to summer camp next

year. If you are in 7th grade I hope you pass to the 8th grade. Please be

an L.I.T when you are 13-15. So, think about it and hope to see you as an

L.I.T. Love Maiyah & Patricia your summer camp fashion experts.

This is our Summer Final Fashion Edition, so we

wanted to be sure to leave the summer off with lots of new

looks that might help you during the school year! Best

wishes, your BFF’s Maiyah and Patricia!

Bailey (5)

Volume 1, Issue 8 Page 7

Mauricio (7)

Jayzlie (7)

To end the summer of right, we both want to tell you a little

something we learned this week about God. “WOW GOD!!!” We are all the

same on the inside, it doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside.

God made us all and he made us all in is image. We are all uniquely created

by God, planned and built for a purpose. Everything in your life even if

you think it’s a mistake it’s not. God has a plan and a purpose for you.

Have a great school year

Your friends Patricia and Maiyah


My Family Rocks By: Chasia (7)

Hello my name is Chasia, I

am seven years old, and I’m writing

about my family. I’m writing about

my mommy, my daddy, my sisters,

and me. This will be my last story

this summer because it is the end

of the summer. I get to meet my

new teacher on the 17th and I go

back to school on Monday. I hope

that my new teacher is nice and I

cannot wait to make new friends,

but I will miss the Salvation Army

Yet Summer Camp. I already miss

my best friends, Audry and

Jayzlie, because they already

started school. I will miss all of my

favorite staff and all of the fun

field trips that we went too.

First I’m going to write

about my mommy. My mommy

works at a place called GM

Financial. You’re supposed to take

phone calls and listen to what car

that the people want to buy and

mommy tells them yes or no. She

goes to work every day, but not

on the weekends. When my

mommy was little, she was riding

her bike and got hit by a car and

broke her jaw. As she got older,

it got worse, and so on August

7th, 2017 she had surgery on her

jaw and now she is all good.

When mommy was little, she ran

track, played soccer, and also a

little basketball.

Now I am going to write

about my daddy. He works at GM

Financial too, they work at the

same place. My daddy liked to

ride his bike; he fell and got

bruises a lot of times and some

of his scars are still on him. My

daddy played basketball and

when he was little, he played

football, but he did not like it.

My daddy broke his wrist when

he was playing basketball.

Someone that played on the

other team, elbowed him in the

eye and he got stitches.

Basketball is a tough sport!

Next, I am going to

write about my sisters. My

sisters are Jada, Julia, and

Dymond. They all play basketball

like me. They might play

basketball like me, but I know I

am better then all of my sisters

even though they are older. Like

me, they are all tough. Like me,

they tried volleyball, and they

liked it, but they like basketball

more. Dymond is the oldest, she

sleeps a lot. Julia is the second

oldest and she stays up late. And

Jada is the third oldest and she

goes to sleep at the right time.

Now I am going to talk

about me. I am the fourth

oldest. As you know I play

basketball, just like my whole

entire family. I go to bed at the

same time as all my sisters go to

bed. I also sleep a lot like

Dymond. I have a pink bike and

I like to ride it because it

makes me feel happy.

Sometimes I fall off of my bike,

but I keep riding. My bike still

makes me happy, so I keep

riding even when I fall.

This week at summer

camp, we have Vacation Bible

School. I wanted to tell you

about my family so you can learn

about them and try some things

that they do. I also want to

write about this because this

week I learned that God loves

them and me. I also learned

that God made us unique and in

His image. The Bible says that

when He made us, it was very

good. I love God and my family.

I am thankful that God made

them and me. It’s cool to know

that You love me God. WOW


If you have go ne to

summer camp you would yell

really, really loud in that last

sentence. Try it again.




Volume 1, Issue 8 Page 9

Pokémon Girl By: Sydney (9)

The 9 year old Pokémon girl

is back, back again. This week I’m

going to be taking about water,

electric, and fighting Pokémon.

Some of the coolest types yet.

Water Pokémon can do Water

Gun, Bubble, Splash, Hydro Pump,

Brine, Aqua Tail, Scald, Water

Pulse, Bubble Beam, and Aqua Jet.

Some water Pokémon are Paikia,

Empoleon, Kyogre, and Swampert.

Electric Pokémon can do

Volt Switch, Spark, Thunder

Shock, Charge Beam, Thunder, Zap

Cannon, Wild Charge, Thunder

Bolt, Discharge, and Thunder

Punch. Some electric Pokémon are

Ampharos, Pikachu, Raichu, and

Raikou. These Pokémon where the

top 4. The water ones were to. I

think Pikachu is the best Pokémon.

Finally fighting Pokémon can

do Counter, Rock Smash, Low Kick,

Close Combat, Focus Blast, Dynamic

Punch, Cross Chop, Submission, Brick

Break, and Low Sweep. Some fighting

Pokémon are Mankey, Primeape,

Poliwarth, and Machop. Next week

I’ll talk about Rock, Ice, and Ground.

Well, until next time with Pokémon


Transformers By: Isaiah (8) & Amari (8) Hi, my name is Isaiah, and I am

8 years old. I am writing this story with

my friend Amari who is also 8 years old.

We met at summer camp at the YET.

From the first day we met we knew we

would be great buddies. Today, I will be

writing about Transformers and

explaining a little about what

Transformers are.

Transformers started several

thousand years ago, on the planet

Cybertron. Cybertron, was consumed by

a civil war. A civil war is an internal war.

The two transformer factions were the

Autobots led by Optimus Prime and the

Decepticons led by Megatron.

Optimus jettisoned the

Allspark, a mystical artifact

that brings life to the planet,

into space. Megatron pursued

the Allspark hoping to get it

back. Megatron, crashed in the

Arctic Circle and froze.

Megatron was not discovered

until 1895, by the explorer

Archibald Witwicty. Witwicty

activated Megatron’s

navigational system which

scanned the allspark

coordinates into his glasses.

The glasses end up in the possession of his

great-great-grandson Sam Witwicty. In

the present Sam buys his first car, a

rusting Chevrolet Camaro, but discovered it

had a life of its own. The rest of the story

is really good and you should check it out.

Be sure to ask you parents to see the movie

because it’s PG-13.

This will be our last newspaper article this

summer because we both have to start

school now. We want to wish all of my

friends at the YET a good school year. We

want to tell all of the teachers at the YET

good luck and hopefully we will see you

afterschool or next summer!


The Story of Chang E and Hou Yi! By: Wendy (9)

Long long ago, there is a

beautiful girl named chang e. A man

named Hou yi, he was good at archery.

He married a beautiful girl named

Chang e. they both wanted to live


Back then there were ten

suns. The suns made the Earth have

extraordinary hot. All the water dry

up, the flowers wilted and the crops

died. The Yellow Emperor asked Hou

Yi to save the people from this heat.

Hou yi took a magical bow,

past down from the yellow emperor, he

carefully shot down the

9 suns. Now there was

1 sun left in the sky.

Now the rivers started

flowing again. Plants

started to grow again,

and the people were all


As hou yi’s reward, the

emperor gave him a

magical pill that would

let him live forever. But before

he could eat the pill, he had to

pray and fast for one year. Hou

Yi was so excited! He finally got

his wish of living forever.

The next day, when Hou

Yi went away, Chang E searched

for the pill. She found the box,

opened the lid, and ate the pill!

That moment, Chang E started

floating up, up, up in the air. Hou

Yi was back and saw his wife

floating! He knew she had taken

the pill. Scared that Hou Yi was

going to be angry, Chang E started

floating toward the moon. Hou Yi, who

could fly, started chasing after her in

the air. The two of them were racing

across the heavens.

Then the moon’s gravity

brought cheng e to the moon, where

she escaped from Hou yi On the moon,

the dusk made her cough, and she

coughed a little bit of the pill. That

little bit of the pill then became the

Jade Rabbit, who began to make

another pill for immortality. Chang E

became goddess of the moon, but was

turned into a frog as her punishment.

She realized how selfish she was and

really missed her husband.

Hou Yi also began missing his

wife. He built a palace on the sun and

became the god of the sun. But once a

month, Hou Yi and Chang E are allowed

to visit each other, where Chang E is

transformed into a beautiful princess.

On that day, the moon shines extra

brightly, because of their love.

Your friend,

Wendy (9)

The Story from the Other Side of the Sun By: Wendy (9)

China, is where we

come from. We have a saying

that says, China is on the other

side of the sun from America.

It is a beautiful place. Like our

city in china, it has lots of big

parks, the parks have many

different flowers, and fresh

air with really cold tempter.

There are a lot of people who

live in China. When flowers

open, everyone goes to that

country no one what’s to miss

china. The food there is the

best that I have ever tasted in

the world. I like hot food then cold


When I came to America I

was 8 years old. I have not been here

very long, and I miss all of my friends

in China. In China, we have a different

New Year’s then everyone else. In

America, they celebrate New Year’s on

January 1st. In China, we celebrate the

Chinese New Year also called the

Spring Festival. In 2018, the Chinese

New Year will be celebrated on

February 16th and it will be the year of

the Dog. During our Chinese New Year

we always decorate with red things.

When we celebrate we always put the

red things on, it is a tradition to get

and give red envelopes that have

money in them. We also have people

who dress in large lion costumes and

participate in Lion Dances to celebrate

the New Year. When the Lion sees the

color red, they go into the house, and

give the children candy. We also have

fireworks like in America, but they are mostly

red colors.

During Chinese New Year, we always

eat dumplings. Dumplings are always hot and

taste very good. Dumplings are my favorite

food and I miss eating dumplings in China. My

mom knows how to make really good dumplings,

she can make every type of dumpling that

there is. There are a lot of different types of

dumplings at least about hundreds of types of

dumplings. The two main types though are

vegetable and meat and they are all yummy.

If you want to say Happy New Year to

someone in Chinese, all you have to do is say.

This is how you tell people Happy New

Years. My friend Kitty and I are glad that we

got to share something from China with you.

We hope that we can share more about it and

we hope you all have a good school year in


Volume 1, Issue 8 Page 11

Peruvian and Proud! By: Allison (9)

Hi, my name is Allison, and I

want to share a bit about who I am

and how God has made me unique.

Some people assume that everyone

who is Latina or from Latin America

is from Mexico, but it’s

not true. I am 9 years

old and my heritage is

from Peru. So I would

say that I am Peruvian

and Proud. Peruvian is a

word that describes the

citizens from the

country of Peru. My

parents are from Peru. My

Mom is from Lima, Peru, My

dad is from Chiclayo Peru. I

also have a lot of family

Members who live in Peru. In Peru

there are three languages,

Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara.

One of my favorite Things about

Peru is the FOOD! My favorite

dish is Peruvian ceviche, it is

delicious. Peru is very Far away

From the YET. According to a map,

YET is 3,363 Miles away from

Peru. My dad told me it would take

about 9 hours to go to Peru. I love

Peru. I hope you learned about my

culture and heritage a little bit!

Your Friend, Allison!

Football with my Dad By: Travis (7)

Hi my name is

Travis and I like playing

Football with my Dad.

Most of the time when

we play for a while my

dad gets tired so he

needs to get a drink, and

so do I. We play Football

until we sweat, and

sometimes we bring the

radio outside to hear

Music, and only if I’m

lucky we play until sunset.

When were done playing

we eat dinner. We play

two hand touch, there

are two fences one of

them is mine and the

other one is my dad’s. We

have to touch the fences

to score, if you score

that’s 1 point. We each

take turns passing and

running 1 time. When I was at my

old house my dad threw a football

at my face, it hurt, but I got

some ice to help the pain-It

was really bad but Football is

pretty fun. My favorite

Football team is the DALLAS

COWBOYS because they’re

the BEST team. I love playing

football with my Dad.


Paper Game = NOT BANNED! By: Ricardo Sermeno

I know you have been

asking yourself all

summer, what do

the kids at the YET

possibly do when

Fidget Spinners


FROM CAMP! Now come on,

you think banning

Fidget Spinners would

get us to quit having fun?


what do we use? Of course

something made out of paper,

and yes its cool! Thanks to Ms.

Jenny for showing us how to

make these cool toys!

I am going to share our

camper secretes with you and

tell you how to make your own

Paper Game! First you need a

square piece of paper, then

follow these instructions.

Volume 1, Issue 8

Goodbye Summer Camp By: A’riyah (7)

Page 13

Goodbye Summer Camp.

Next week I am going to leave

summer camp. And I want to

write letters to people like my

teachers and friends because

they are nice and they make me

feel better. It was really fun

and I’ll miss my teachers. Ms.

Shardae, she is funny and for

some strange reason she likes

turtles. Mr. Ian he is always

funny and does cool voices. Ms.

Evelyn she is pretty and super

cool. She does really cool art

work! Ms. Sirena, she has

taught me a lot in newspaper

about writing. Ms. Jazmyn is

nice and always does fun stuff

with us in Discovery and

Development. Ms. Brianna loves

playing with me and my friends

just before we go home and

it’s always fun. To my

friends, Audry, Daniella,

Bailey, Chasia and so many

more thank you for being

very good friends. I know I

was the new girl at first, but

then you all made me feel like

a part of your group! Thank

you for a good camp and all

the cool field trips we went

on. The pictures I put in my

story are from my favorite

memories of summer camp. I

had a lot of fun this summer.

To all my teachers thank you,

you taught me more than my

old summer camp and I liked

this one much better!!

Me singing in the Talent Show!

Me and my Friends!

“I have never

performed in a

talent show

before! I had

such a great




Skydiving Episode 2 By: Diego (7)

Summer Artwork By: Anna (6)

Volume 1, Issue 8 Page 15

Super Yeti Season 1 Finale By: Carlos, Ramiro, Eduardo & Nickolas


Riding Freedom Book Review By: Allison (9)

Van’s The Food Man! By: Vann

Hi, I am Vann! I am the food man!

To all the people who read my story,

sorry that this will be my last food

article this summer. I am in the 3rd

grade, so I have to start school now

so I won’t be writing anymore, but

I’ll be sure to catch you next

summer. I’ll be sure to try new

places so next summer I can tell you

more about the foods I found

during the school year.



Have you ever had delicious fried

fish? I have had delicious fried fish

and I can tell you where to buy it.

You can get delicious fried fish from

Long John Silvers. When you eat the

fried fish from Long John Silvers,

you just want more and more

because it is so good!! The fish is so

good, I can literally eat it every day

of my life. The fried fish is not the

only thing that is delicious, so is the

shrimp at Long John Silvers. The

shrimp from Long John Silvers is

delightful and ever bite is good. You

should check out Long John Silvers

because it is delightful and

so yummy delicious. You won’t

be dissapointed.

This is Vann the food mad

with you last food story this

summer. I hope everyone has

a great school year and

hopefully your cafeteria food

will be good this year. Peace


Riding Freedom

is a book

that is

written by



Ryan. I

read this

book with

my friend


She left

summer camp and

moved to Colorado before we could

finish writing the review. I miss her. The

book was provided by the Arlington Public

Library and the YET is

borrowing the book. I am going

to tell you a bit about the book

and what I rate the book.

Riding Freedom was super

interesting when. The main

character, Charlotte is a girl

who was hidden as a boy almost

her whole life! Charlotte had a

horse named Freedom but he

sadly died of colic. Charlotte

was a stage coach driver.

Charlotte’s boy name was

Charley. When charlotte grew up

she lost an eye so she used an

eyepatch. A man named

Ebneezer taught Charley how do

drive a six horse stagecoach. A

lot happens in the book near the

end, but it starts kind of slow.

You should read Riding Freedom

because it is super interesting! I

really liked it! If I could rate it

from 1 to 5 I would rate it a 3

because of a few things. First

the book started slow, second I

really did not like Freedom dying

in the book. Third I would say

that the book was kind of

confusing in some parts and I

had to read some parts twice.

Volume 1, Issue 8 Page 17

Number the Stars Book Review By: Dallas (9)

It started in newspaper class,

my teacher told me to read a

book called Number the Stars. Oh yeah the charac-

ters are Ellen, Annemarie,

Momma, Dad, soldiers, Kirsty,

Lise, Peter, Ms. Johansen, The

King of Denmark, and Uncle

Henric. I normally do not read

books this long, but I wanted

to read this one and show Ms.

Sirena that I could finish the

book. It took me three weeks

to read the book. I read every

day in Newspaper class and

sometimes Ms. Sirena would

bring me the book in snack

time so I could read then also.

The book was very

good. It about a time in histo-

ry that the Nazis were looking

for the Jewish people to take

them away. I did not know

about World War II before I

read this book and I learned a

lot because of the book. The book

is fiction so it is not 100% real it is

a made up story. Even though it is

made up, some things about the

book are true. In the end the au-

thor tells you what is true from

history and what is made up. The

story is about one little girl and

her family who save their neigh-

bors from the Nazis. The book is a

bit challenging but I really liked it.

There are parts in the book that

you read and it makes you want to

read more. Some parts are sad and

other parts make you feel fright-

ened especially when the soldiers

come and talk to Annemarie.

I felt like I was keeping

Annemarie’s secretes when I was

reading the book so the soldiers

made me feel nervous. It was a

good book and I would say that

other people should read Number

the Stars because it was good. I

really liked reading it and I think

you will like to read it as well. I

also liked the book because I really

like action, and this book has a lot

of action. The picture that I in-

cluded in my story is when the sol-

dier asks Annemarie and her friend to

stop! I also have another picture that

is what the book looks like. I was able

to get the book from the YET. The

Arlington Public Library left some

books for us here at the YET that we

are allowed to read, so thanks Arling-

ton Public Library for letting me read

the book. It was a good book.

Last fact about the book. The

stars in Number the Stars means

something special. It is the star that

is the symbol for the Jewish people.

It is the star that everyone was made

to wear if they were Jewish. I know I

still have a lot to learn about World

War II, but this book was very good

and I am happy that the people of

Denmark in the book stood up to do

the right thing and protect their

neighbors no matter the cost.


The Last Two Weeks of Summer Camp!

“Summer is



The Newspaper Class visiting the

Arlington News Station

Joe (5) during Vacation Bible School!

Camila, Ms. Brianna, Traeh during the YET

Summer Award Ceremony

“I have

learned so

much in piano



“I love Newspaper Class”


Volume 1, Issue 8 Page 19

Built For a Purpose! By: Bryan (13)

Hey Yet Kids! VBS has been a great week and I hope

you all enjoyed it! This summer together has been awesome

filled with lots of fun and great memories! I hope you all

remember all of the fun that you had at the YET this summer

and come back for afterschool or next summer! Remember when

things get hard this year at school or you find yourself in

difficult situations remember God is always there for you and

he has a plan!

Your LIT, Bryan

Made for This (Maker Fun Factory) Lyrics I was made for this, I life for this

God has a reason, reason for my life

I’m gonna shout it out, without a doubt

I was born for this, built for a purpose

There is a God who made us all

Everything we see

He built the mountains, filled the oceans

And he built me

He is with me, he is for me

I am not alone

He is with me, he is for me

I know, I know, that I was

Made for this, I life for this

God has a reason, reason for my life

I’m gonna shout it out, built for a purpose

He is with me, he is for me

I am not alone

He is with me, he is for me

I am not alone

He is with me, he is for me

I am not alone

He is with me, he is for me

I know, I know that I was

Made for this, I life for this

God has a reason, reason for my life

I’m gonna shout it out, without a doubt

I was born for this, built for a purpose

Built for a purpose

Built for a purpose

Wacky Water

Games during


You Can Find the YET Gazette Online!

Dear Yetis (YET Citizens),

Lts. Timothy and Andie

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