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UniversityPresident steps down after

12 years, leaving UM transformed and energized






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Dear Alumni and Friends,


It’s no secret that I have always loved Maryland. I believed that Maryland was great before it became popular sentiment backed up by national and international rankings. You can imagine how excited I was in 1998, when I met Dan Mote, an outsider with an incredible academic pedigree who shared my belief in this great institution and recognized all that it could become.

So it is with a grateful heart that I cherish our last few months with Dan as university president. From his first days here, he saw great potential and called us on it, challenging us to grow. In 12 short years, he has changed our culture dramatically. If you love Maryland, you can no longer sit on the sidelines and simply cheer. Today, you are compelled to join in our pursuit of excel-lence. And much of that is due to Dan, who will retire from the presidency on Aug. 31.

What I appreciate most about his leader-ship is that Maryland is no longer the best-kept secret in higher education. The reality is that the Maryland of today far outpaces the perceptions of yesterday. We don’t only look better to those who know us through our standings in the ACC or Kiplinger’s or U.S. News & World Report. We are truly a better university, better able to meet the needs of our students, better positioned to change professions and society and better prepared to connect with our alumni.

As president, Dan gave the alumni as-sociation the freedom to embrace our alumni community in new and meaningful ways. When we envisioned a new home for alumni on campus, Dan pressed us to make it happen with the help of devoted alumni and friends. He wanted the Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center to be a physical expres-sion of the greatness of our university and the people who make it great. He also stood

behind the creation of an annual gala, where we bestow awards on graduates representing the Maryland spirit and each of the univer-sity’s schools and colleges. And he urged us to create programs that would engage alumni socially, philanthropically and professionally.

Whenever Dan recounts the accom-plishments of alumni, he never forgets to mention how Maryland supported them on their way to success. It was my pleasure to turn the tables on him this spring, when the association inducted Dan and his wife, Patsy, into our alumni Hall of Fame as honorary members.

He’ll take a one-year leave of absence and will remain the Glenn L. Martin Institute Professor in the A. James Clark School of Engineering. But even as the Motes prepare to move to Annapolis, we know they will always be able to hear our rallying cry—and stand proud as they shout it with us.

Go Terps!

Danita D. Nias ’81Assistant Vice President Alumni Relations and Development

publisherBrodie RemingtonVice President, University Relations

advisory BoardJ. Paul Carey ’82 M.B.A.Managing Partner, JPT Partners

John Girouard ’81President and CEO, Capital Asset Manage-ment Group

Anil Gupta Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Strategy and Organization, Robert H. Smith School of Business

Beth MorgenChief Administrative Officer,Maryland Alumni Association

Danita D. Nias ’81Assistant Vice President, Alumni Relations and Development

Vicki Rymer ’61, ’66 M.B.A., ’83 Ph.D.Teaching Professor,Robert H. Smith School of Business

Keith Scroggins ’79Chief Operating Officer, Baltimore City Public Schools

Lee ThorntonProfessor and Eaton Chair, Philip Merrill Col-lege of Journalism

magazine staffLauren BrownUniversity Editor

John T. Consoli ’86Creative Director

Jeanette J. NelsonArt Director

Monette A. Bailey ’89Mandie Boardman ’02Cassandra RobinsonTom VentsiasWriters

Kimberly Marselas ’00Contributing Writer

Kathy B. LambirdProduction Manager

E-mail [email protected]

Terp magazine is published by the Division of University Relations. Letters to the editor are welcomed. Send correspondence to Managing Editor, Terp magazine, 2101 Turn-er Building, College Park, MD 20742-1521. Or, send an e-mail to [email protected]

The University of Maryland, College Park is an equal opportunity institution with respect to both education and employment. University policies, programs and activities are in conformance with pertinent federal and state laws and regulations on non-dis-crimination regarding race, color, religion, age, national origin, political affiliation, gender, sexual orientation or disability.


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photos by john t. consoli unless noted otherwise

r2 ExpEcting, and gEtting, grEatnEss

4 growing achiEvEmEnt

6 rEsEarching nEw solutions

8 thE grEEEning of maryland

9 advancing thE mission

10 Enhancing thE statE

12 making global connEctions

13 sharing maryland’s spirit

14 building thE futurE

16 making hEr own mark


TERP spring 2010 1

a legacy of excellencedan mote’spresidency1998 – 2010

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Over the last 12 years, Dan Mote has combined his

passion for education with precise and ambitious plans

to elevate Maryland to one of the world’s top universities.

His leadership as university president has sparked dramatic academic improve-ments, expanded international programs and borne partnerships that benefited students, the state and the world.

This success has been grounded in what Mote considers his greatest accom-plishment: inspiring an “expectation of greatness” that today permeates the campus, through the quality of its faculty and students, the rigor of its academic programs or the remarkable increase in external funding for research.

“By any measure, the University of Maryland, College Park has emerged as one of the nation’s, indeed one of the world’s, premier research universities and a school of choice for the best and brightest students and top-level faculty,” says University System of Maryland Chancellor Brit Kirwan, who preceded Mote as university president. “Given these accomplishments, along with the univer-sity's multiple impressive public service activities, it is clear that Dan Mote’s lead-ership has had a profound impact.”

Mote, an accomplished mechani-cal engineer, professor and administra-tor, came to Maryland in 1998 after 31 years at his alma mater, the University of California, Berkeley. Maryland was on the cusp of greatness: Careful planning and a designation as the state’s flagship university had established a framework of excellence and sparked innovative pro-grams poised to deliver major advances.

Mote set the bar even higher, calling for “unrelenting, unashamed passion” for the university in his first State of the Campus speech.

During his tenure, the university increased opportunities for students, emphasized high-impact research, underwent an unprecedented building boom and adopted major sustainability guidelines. Mote recognized the impor-tance of global education and private and international partnerships, and he strongly emphasized the “unfair advantage” of the university’s proximity to Washington, D.C. This led to joint projects with the U.S. government and foreign nations on some of the world’s most critical issues: climate change and energy production, homeland security and public health.

He also played a critical role in the development of a strategic plan that will shepherd Maryland through 2018 as it transforms undergraduate and graduate education; research, scholarship and the arts; and partnerships and outreach efforts.

Molly Broad, president of the American Council on Education and president of the University of North Carolina from 1997 to 2006, credits much of Maryland’s rise to Mote’s back-ground as a faculty member, his “exqui-site academic taste” and his association with the National Science Foundation and the national academies.

“He was the right person for the right university at the right time,” Broad says.

Mote is featured in the new video "Maryland on the Rise.” Watch it at

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“I am leaving this

presidency even more

confident than when I

arrived that the University

of Maryland is set in just

the right circumstances

to become a truly great

university,” Mote says.

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4 TERP spring 2010 photo courtesy of clarice smith center

September 2001

The 318,000-square-

foot Clarice Smith

Performing Arts

Center opens,

is praised for



and acoustics.

Milestones of the Mote years

The university encourages

undergraduate research

through opportunities

such as the Gemstone

program, Honors

Humanities, College Park

Scholars, internships

with government agencies

and private industries

and more.


The University of Maryland

Incentive Awards Program

offers full scholarships to

students who demonstrate

academic ability, uncommon

persistence and maturity

despite adverse life situations.

The program begins in Baltimore and

expands to Prince George’s County in 2008.

April 24, 1999

The First Maryland Day welcomes 20,000

visitors to campus. The university’s open

house expands to 75,000 visitors and more

than 400 events by 2009.

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Mote brought to Maryland

one of his signature

programs from Berkeley,

the Incentive Awards


He established the President’s Promise, which offers every student the opportunity for at least one unique experience out of the classroom. Two-thirds of the Class of 2009 participated, whether through intern-ships, faculty-mentored research or study abroad. Half of all freshmen select living and learning programs, which allow students with common academic interests to share residence halls, courses and hands-on experi-ences. Such programs, including EcoHouse and Flexus: Women in Engineering, have been called “Academic Programs to Look For” by U.S. News & World Report. Other new programs under Mote’s watch include Federal Semester, an expanded Alternative Breaks program and an Honors College.

In the last 12 years, Maryland has added concentrations—including languages,

sustainable engineering and environmental science and technology—to match curricu-lum to emerging world issues. The university opened its School of Public Health in 2006 and reinvented the College of Information Studies as the iSchool to offer new advanced degrees and programs.

Mote pushed to elevate the university’s 83 doctoral programs to make them more selective and offer stronger financial support and mentoring to ensure that Maryland’s Ph.D. graduates are recognized as among the best in the world. He also guided a similar overhaul of the undergraduate curriculum.

Excellent faculty have played a critical role in the university’s increased commit-ment to academic rigor; today Maryland’s faculty includes three Nobel laureates, six

Pulitzer Prize winners and 49 members of national academies, up from 20 in 1998.

As part of a new focus on access, Mote started the Incentive Awards Program at Maryland. It recruits and provides full support to Baltimore and Prince George’s County high school students with out-standing potential who have overcome extraordinary adversity.

“He cares about the educational, aca-demic and social growth of each student,” says Director Jacqueline Lee. “When he talks about the program—he brings it up at every opportunity that he has—and when he interacts with, laughs with and advises the students it’s evident that this is a passion

for him, not a program. His passion is palpable. That is what I will miss most.”

Under Mote, the university made major progress in closing the academic achievement gap. Maryland ranked 14th in the nation for improving graduation rates among underrepresented minorities, and the six-year grad-uation rate of African Americans jumped from 46 percent in 1998 to 70 percent last year. The uni-

versity is also ranked 8th among all American universities for doctoral degrees awarded to African Americans.

Growing Achievement

By any measure, the university has dramatically grown in

stature over the past 12 years. Here are just a few examples: stature then nowU.S. News & World Report ranking 30 18

No. of academic programs in its top 10 6 29

No. of academic programs in its top 25 45 78

Kiplinger’s Personal Finance’s ranking,

Best Values in Higher Education No ranking 8

Academic Ranking of World Universities 75 (2003) 37

Exceptional academic programs are at the core of the

university’s meteoric rise, and the scope, quality and rigor of

Maryland’s academic offerings have flourished under Mote.


The university teams with the Maryland

Department of Natural Resources to protect

diamondback terrapins and their habitat.

A portion of proceeds from Fear the Turtle

merchandise funds research

and field programs.

april 1, 2002

The men’s


team wins the

NCAA national


defeating Indiana,


TERP spring 2010 5

Sept. 24, 2001

A tornado strikes

campus, killing two

students, leveling

trailers temporarily

housing the Maryland

Fire and Rescue

Institute and producing

widespread damage.

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Researching New SolutionsResearch at Maryland focuses on today’s most pressing scientific

and societal challenges, such as climate change, the economy, energy,

homeland security and public health. Mote’s emphasis on the university’s

proximity to federal agencies and research labs—and a commitment to

new partnerships—led to unprecedented growth and success.

Under Mote’s leadership, the amount of external research funding the university receives annually swelled from $205 million in 1998 to $518 million in 2009. Increased funding has allowed researchers to find solutions to real-world problems, synthesize their findings with the critical issues emphasized in Maryland’s curriculum and train a new generation of scientists.

Mote also created M Square, the University of Maryland Research Park, a 124-acre site less than a mile from the university’s main campus. Tenants include the Center for Advanced Study of Language, the nation’s largest language research center; the Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center, joining Maryland faculty with federal climate experts; and the Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, a partnership between the university and the Food and Drug Administration focused on food safety.

The university opened dozens of other cutting-edge institutes and research centers, including the Roshan Center for Persian Studies, the Maryland NanoCenter and the Joint Quantum Institute.

Mote’s vision of science and technology partnerships reaches beyond the university. He is a leading voice on the importance of sci-ence, technology education and research to the nation’s economic well-being. He co-wrote a National Academy of Sciences report that called for increased U.S. research funding, investment in K-12 science and math education and enhanced opportunities for entrepreneurship.

“When the National Academies was assem-bling a committee to review America’s com-petitiveness at the request of the Congress, Dan was among the first people asked to serve,” says Norman R. Augustine, retired chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin Corp. and co-author of the report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm.” “He made major contributions in the areas of increas-ing basic research, building ties between business and universities, and creating a strong innovation environment.”

$14 million from the

Department of Energy to

establish an Energy Frontier

Research Center, where

Maryland researchers are

designing next-generation

electrical energy storage


Up to $93 million from

the National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration

to allow Maryland research-

ers, federal scientists

and others to produce

long-range forecasts and

warnings about the impact

of climate change on the

Earth’s ecosystem.

$20 million from the Office

of Homeland Security and

other agencies, to fund the

National Consortium for

the Study of Terrorism and

Responses to Terrorism. It

links faculty from across the

social and behavioral sci-

ences to study the origins,

dynamics and social and

psychological impacts of


2009research funding

$518 million

1998research funding

$205 million

Recent research grants at Maryland include:

6 TERP spring 2010

The university works with

several federal agencies

to assess and minimize

significant threats to the

nation's food systems.

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M Square allows the University of

Maryland to effectively connect its expert

faculty and graduate students with

companies, government laboratories and

other specialized centers.

Faculty researchers Gary

Rubloff (left) and Sang

Bok Lee are designing

nanoscale electrical

energy storage systems

that can hold more

energy, deliver higher

output and recharge

faster than anything

currently in use.

oct. 14, 2004

The university

breaks ground

on M Square,

the University of

Maryland Research

Park, which houses

government and

private research


fall 2005

The President’s

Promise initiative



every student the

opportunity for a

special experience

outside the


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8 TERP spring 2010 riggs photo by robert sullivan

The Greening of Maryland

This high-visibility effort aims to address global warming by neutralizing greenhouse gas emissions from campuses and accelerat-ing research and educational efforts.

At Maryland, the pact led to the adop-tion of an ambitious carbon action plan that will help move the university toward carbon neutrality by 2050. Approved by Mote in Fall 2009, the plan calls for improved energy efficiency and conservation, investment in new technologies and the integration of

sustainability into campus research, teaching and service.

Mote backed the 2007 creation of the Office of Sustainability, which supports and advances environmental conservation, eco-nomic prosperity and social equality. “He has a good vision for a sustainable campus—it’s not just greening the campus, it’s about greening the culture and the curriculum,” says Mark Stewart, campus sustainability coordinator.

The university is thinking “green” in its

construction and renovation projects. Knight Hall is the campus’ first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, building. The university will meet LEED Silver rating criteria for all new con-struction and major renovations. In addition, lighting is being retrofitted to reduce energy consumption and new green roofs are reducing stormwater runoff.

In 2008, the American Public Garden Association recognized the campus as an official arboretum and botanical garden, while the Arbor Day Foundation last year named Maryland a Tree Campus USA university for its dedication to campus forestry management and environmental stewardship.

Maryland was also named America’s Greenest Campus in 2009 by Climate Culture, reflecting the campuswide commitment to reduce waste and lessen its carbon footprint.

march 6, 2006

The university marks its 150th anniversary.

Sept. 19, 2005

The Jeong H.

Kim Engineering

Building opens.

sept. 29, 2005

The Samuel Riggs

IV Alumni Center


Mote pushed environmental stewardship to the

forefront of university priorities, becoming one of the first to

sign the American College and University Presidents’ Climate

Commitment in May 2007.

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TERP spring 2010 9 championship photo courtesy of university athletics; great expectations kick-off event photos by scott suchman

Advancing the MissionMote has served as head marketer and fundraiser-in-chief,

and re-engaged alumni to further the university’s mission.

A seasoned fundraiser at Berkeley, Mote put his skills to work for Maryland in dramatic fashion. He completed the Bold Vision*Bright Future campaign with $456 million, more than $100 million over goal, and in 2006, he launched Great Expectations, The Campaign for Maryland, which has raised more than $720 million toward its unprecedented $1 billion goal.

The surge in private support has been critical during an era of budget setbacks and tuition freezes. Campaign co-chair Alma Gildenhorn ’53 says Great Expectations’ $350 million scholarship goal is especially impor-tant to Mote.

“He wants not only excellence from students, but he wants to make it possible for people to learn in the best environment and not be overwhelmed by debt,” she says. “He has just embraced people—students, faculty and alumni—with his openness and warmth and advocacy for Maryland.”

Mote worked with the Maryland Alumni Association Board of Directors to build the Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center, the home for Terps past and present, and with the alumni association to expand its network of clubs around the world.

He understood the power of a great brand, supporting the ZOOM and Fear the

Turtle marketing efforts, which publicized Maryland’s many accomplishments. Maryland and Mote were recognized by The Chronicle of Higher Education as early adopters of the type of branding most universities rely on today to attract students. To guide him in public relations, fund-raising and other strategic projects, Mote established the University of Maryland College Park Foundation and the Board of Trustees.

campaign total

$720 millionas of April 30, 2010

april 4, 2006

The women’s


team wins the

NCAA national


with an overtime

victory over Duke,


oct. 19, 2006

Great Expectations,

The Campaign for

Maryland kicks off

with the goal of

raising $1 billion in

private support.

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10 TERP spring 2010 performance image courtesy of clarice smith center

Enhancing the StateThe university is not only the state’s flagship institution

of higher education. It is the state’s most important economic

engine and a powerful force in the cultural life of Maryland,

through its enriching arts programming and exciting tradition

of athletic success.



Mote signs the

American College

and University

Presidents’ Climate


dedicating Maryland

to a goal of climate-


sept. 18, 2007

The Bioscience Research

Building is dedicated.

sept. 26, 2007

The College of Health and Human Performance becomes

the School of Public Health, with a mission of translating

public health research into healthy public policy.

Performances in dance, theater and

music as well as workshops, lectures and

dialogues engage the community and

promote the exploration of new genres

and artistic styles.

The College of Education

is helping to train the

next generation of

teachers in science,

technology, engineering

and math, known as

STEM, a high priority for

the state and nation.

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TERP spring 2010 11 maryland sign and byrd stadium photos courtesy of university athletics

Mote commissioned a 2008 report that found the university has a $3.4 billion annual impact on the state, supporting over 23,000 jobs. It attracts more than a million visitors a year, helps to grow small businesses across the state, wins hundreds of millions of dollars in research grants and graduates the state’s largest number of scientific, business, life science, engineering and technology students.

Mote helped to solidify the university’s position as an entrepreneurial, job- creating force.

He was a big booster of the Maryland Technology Enterprise Institute, or Mtech, at the university, a key source of entre-preneurial services to Maryland companies. In 2009 alone, Mtech assisted 400 Maryland businesses, and companies served by Mtech sold $22.5 billion in goods and services over the past 27 years, more than 240 times the state’s financial support.

Mtech, along with the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship and the University of Maryland Small Business Development Network, nurture a culture of thriving entrepreneurship and innovation at the university.

“He is an entrepreneur himself,” Senate President Thomas V. “Mike” Miller ’64 says of Mote, an international patent holder. “Under his direction, the university started economic community development projects and research and brought literally hundreds of million of dollars to Prince George’s County and the state of Maryland.”

Innovation at Maryland isn’t just about business. The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, one of the first buildings to open during Mote’s presidency, is the largest venue of its kind on a university campus and hosts

nearly 1,000 events a year. Hundreds of thousands of fans

also flock to Maryland to cel-ebrate strong athletic traditions. Our 27 intercollegiate teams have won 14 national cham-pionships since 1998—includ-

ing titles in men’s and women’s basketball. The university also

won 51 Atlantic Coast Conference championships in that span.

then & nowAnnual sponsored research $205million $518million

Annual private giving $77.2million $112.2million

Annual freshman applications 16,000 28,443

Full-time enrollment 26,683 31,896

Alumni association membership 23,054 35,845

Pulitzer Prize winners 2 7

Members of national academies 17 49

Library volumes 2.7million 3.6million

Faculty members 3,170 3,997

Number of buildings 236 262

GPA of entering freshmen 3.54 3.93

Six-year graduation rate 65% 82%

Study abroad trips 553 1,873

International students 2,686 3,530

Recycling rate 21.2% 45.8%

fall 2009

The Honors College

forms, uniting

University Honors,

Gemstone and

Honors Humanities

programs and

creating new

living and learning


fall 2009

Capital One

Field at Byrd


expands to

include a larger

Tyser Tower,

luxury suites

and mezzanine


january 2010

John S. and James

L. Knight Hall


Hinman CEOs,

founded by alumnus

Brian Hinman ’82,

was the nation’s first

living and learning




experts are working

with state agencies,

watermen and farmers

to save the Chesapeake Bay,

through research on crab

populations, nutrient runoff, sea

grasses and shoreline erosion.

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Making Global ConnectionsThe university is committed to engaging the global

community, and a critical component of that has been

international partnerships.

Maryland established more than 250 educational, research and economic relation-ships internationally since Mote’s arrival, with people and institutions in countries such as China, India, Brazil, Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

“Placing Maryland in the world and the world at Maryland is one of President Mote’s signatures and part of his legacy,” says Saul Sosnowksi, associate provost for international affairs. “Dr. Mote instilled this vision in us, and it remains an integral part of his tightly packed overseas luggage.”

Mote significantly strengthened the university’s ties to China, traveling there doz-ens of times to establish relations with universities, private industry and government agencies. He also helped create the Confucius Institute at Maryland, which promotes

the teaching and study of Chinese language and culture.Interest in fostering global connections is evident across

campus as well, with expanded language and culture offer-ings, a record 1,873 students participating in study abroad or international experiences last academic year, and a commit-ment to attract more international students to campus in the years ahead.

Mote increased the

university’s international

partnerships, launching

graduate programs in

business, public policy

and criminology and

criminal justice in China.

Former South African president

Nelson Mandela, with Mote in

2001, is among many notable

international figures to speak

at the university.r“The world awaiting our students requires that they understand international issues,” says Mote. “More than ever before, international leadership is the responsibility of a top-ranked research university.”

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Sharing Maryland’s SpiritMaryland Day, one of Maryland’s strongest traditions,

began during Mote’s inauguration week. The new

president had envisioned a universitywide open house

The new president had envisioned a universitywide open house that would allow people from throughout the region to “explore our world.”

Despite some fears on campus that the event would be a bust, Mote was convinced that hands-on activities and demonstrations would help the state and region understand the special value of a research university. He was right. That first Maryland Day in 1999 drew more than 20,000 visitors.

“It exposed thousands to a first impression of the university that was welcoming, friendly, educational and entertaining,” says Terry Flannery ’83, ’87 M.Ed.,’95 Ph.D., former assistant vice president for university marketing and commu-nications. “Visitors returned year after year. Alumni came back to re-engage.

Children who first came as toddlers grew up wanting to go to Maryland.”Today, Maryland Day features more than 400 events and attracts an

average of 75,000 people annually. It has morphed into the state’s big-gest one-day festival, featuring interactive events representing nearly every academic department, admissions seminars, petting zoos, sporting

and fitness activities, building tours, and live music and dance from around the world.

TERP spring 2010 13

On Maryland Days past, Mote

rode in the “Mote Mobile”

(below) performed tricks

with his cocker spaniel at the

Center for Young Children

and served cupcakes on

Hornbake Mall. ch

















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14 TERP spring 2010 gossett team house by hoachlander davis photography

Building the FutureNew facilities expanded building

space by more than 25 percent in the last 12 years, addressing every aspect of university life, from the arts and recreation to classrooms and labora-tories to residence halls.

Highlights of Maryland’s physical transformation include construction of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, Biosciences Research Building, Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building, Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center, Knight Hall and Comcast Center and a significant expansion of Byrd Stadium.

Many of the new buildings were the result of philanthropic support and

innovative public-private partnerships that Mote fostered.

“It’s been transformational. Some of these buildings really are a statement in themselves,” says Barry Gossett, CEO of Acton Mobile Industries, Maryland supporter and namesake of the Gossett Football Team House. “If you start with the basics like curriculum and facilities, then you attract faculty, students, athletes and coaches who want to be showcased in a place where they can perform well and get good results.”

Expansions to Van Munching Hall added 141,300 square feet of the world’s most technologically advanced facilities for business management education, and the Adele H. Stamp Student Union-Center for Campus Life, Byrd Stadium and the School of Public Health also underwent major revitalizations.

Mote also led the creation of a new Facilities Master Plan to guide development through 2021. It emphasizes environmental stewardship and the maintenance of the campus’ architectural heritage.

The university saw its biggest

building boom in history while Mote

was president, with nearly $1 billion in

projects completed or still under way.





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TERP spring 2010 15 engineering building by prakesh patel; riggs center by mike morgan

Creative public-private

partnerships helped

increase the number of

student beds by 3,000

during Mote’s tenure.

gossett football 1.

team house

comcast center2.

knight hall3.

clarice smith center4.

south campus 5.



van munching7.

engineering 8.

The addition of the

Bioscience Research

Building in 2007 included

new bio-secure labs,

bringing the campus

total to 13 for researchers

studying infectious agents

such as avian influenza,

mycobacterium tuberculosis

and West Nile virus.




riggs alumni cEntEr9.



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16 TERP spring 2010

Making Her Own Mark In her 12 years at Maryland, first lady Patsy

Mote brought an artistic approach to a traditional role,

worked to preserve the university’s historic character

and enhanced scholarship opportunities for students.

(Above) Mrs. Mote is a

member of the Campus

Club, the university’s

72-year-old women’s

chapter. The club sponsors

an annual scholarship.

(Left) Mrs. Mote helped

bake and serve some of

the thousands of cupcakes

distributed at Maryland

Day 2006.

(Left) An artist herself,

Mrs. Mote designed a

terrapin pin that President

Mote gives to university

award recipients.

Mrs. Mote is an ardent supporter of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center and serves on it leader-ship council. In 2005, she headed the jury that selected artists to decorate 50 Testudo sculptures (see several at right) in honor of the university’s 150th anniversary. Many of those turtles are still on display around the university and across the state. She also served on the Maryland Arts Council and chairs the Art in Public Places Panel of Prince George’s County.

Along with President Mote, she has personally supported the C. Daniel and Patsy Mote Incentive

Awards Fund. The recipients of the scholarship are among the many guests she graciously hosts at recep-tions in the residence.

Mrs. Mote consulted with University Archivist Anne Turkos on the preservation of the Rossborough Inn. When it was converted to office space, Mrs. Mote moved antique ceramics to the president’s residence and oversaw selection of colors, fabrics and design to ensure it main-tained its authenticity.

“She’s a very creative, warm person,” says Turkos. “She’s brought a grace and an elegance to her position.”

campus club photo courtesy of the alumni association

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TERP spring 2010 cov3

Looking Back, and Forward As my 12-year presidency at the University of Maryland

draws to a close, I feel immense appreciation for the many

people who have committed so much of themselves to

building the great university at Maryland.


I have been privileged to lead this expansion and am humbled by the enthusiasm shown by so many people for achieving the goal of greatness for the university.

An institution must be ready for change for true transformation to occur. When I arrived in Maryland in 1998, the potential for such development was clear. The university’s flagship status and location next to the nation’s capital allowed the university to collaborate easily with a host of talented partners.

The university has grown into great-ness in many diverse ways: new, timely academic specialties; new partnerships with industry; new opportunities for students on campus and through intern-ships, international study and scholar-ships; multiple, significant international collaborations; expanded services to the people of the state; and increasingly competitive students and faculty. The university now attracts a record number of applicants: 28,500 in 2009 compared to 16,000 in 1998 and its graduation rate has risen 20 percent for all students. The number of students participating in study abroad has tripled and will continue to increase. The university’s external research support is two and a half times what it was in 1998. And the university is undertaking its second private fundraising campaign, having raised more than a billion dollars in total private funds during my tenure.

The university has also grown in ways that are not easily quantifiable. New buildings provide state-of-the-art classrooms, research facilities and labo-ratories: the Jeong H. Kim Engineering

Building, the Bioscience Research Building, Knight Hall, Tawes Hall, Van Munching Hall and the new Physical Sciences Complex, whose construc-tion is just starting. New facilities have also created vibrant spaces for creativity, community and invention: the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, the Comcast Center, the Stamp Student Union renovation and the Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center. The founding of the University of Maryland College Park Foundation has changed the course of the university and its future. The growth of key sites around the campus has enriched the university and the state in ways that we will see blossom in the years to come: the 124-acre M Square Research Park, the largest in the state; the international incubator and the 38-acre East Campus town-center project across from the North Gate have attracted dynamic partners and innovative vision. Combined with the entrepreneurial efforts across campus, these projects are contributing substan-tially to Maryland’s economic develop-ment. Nurturing a culture of greatness has been a goal that our community has embraced and driven forward with remarkable determination and success. At times the university’s progress has outstripped our expectations.

Patsy and I are grateful for the privi-lege given us to serve this great institu-tion for 12 years. We look forward to participating in its continued growth in any way that we can.

—Dan Mote, President


mote portrait by jeremy green

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