
WA BANTU The Mouthpiece of the Native Peoples AathorlMd to pllbU.b Go-.erDIDeDt Notice •• treetiDIL NaUvea

Vol. 10. No. 811. JO~lI'.!lBVBQ, 9Tu N OVJ:MIUlB, ]030. Prioe 3d -

STAND BY GUERILLA FIGHTING! T ekle Hawariat's Advice

Abyssinians To Terrible Revenge For

Ras Gugsa's Treachery Britain Prominent In Peace Talks

ACCORDING 10 mUSII,es received (rom tbe Ahyuiniao front 00 Wednuday.

lhellaUans continued to advance lD tbe north afler the rains, aud occupied a Dumber 01 vlllages on the way to M,lr.ale.

The l\allao eolony 10 Egypt which Is said to Dumber 60,000, bas been coUeello, gold and lorelgn money as a gift to Italy The organisation has also .edde4 100&ht countries Imposing handicaps on Italy by refusing to buy from tbem.

Mr. Tekle B •• arial, former AbYlSioian MiolslU 10 Paris, Is reported to have spoken al a creat raw meat least at Addis Abbaba. He advised tbe Abysslolans in tbe (ollo_lo! terms: .. Don't begin ollenslves ; don't engage In big pllcbed battles; don'l make yourselves slaugbter bouses for tbe enemy's tanks, artillery aud plalles by tone,lItrating In ODe place. Follow goerllla warfare, in wblcb you are Ibe world's greatest masters. Remember that the 1100 fights in pairs, oever in groups."

He concluded by advising the AbYssinian! to postpone Ibe war unlll tbe next big raint,

II Is reported that a huge consignment of arms for tbe Abysslnlans was destroyed by Italian plann, whleb swooped on a transport column on lis way to Harra', bombed tbe lorries and raked the black escort wllh machioe guns.

The escort replied botly, but without much success, and sooo the louies were a biaz.iog p)'re lor uveral hundred dead Abysslnians.

Ras Gugba, one of the Abysllnlan ebieftlins, bas gone over to the Italians, To revenge tbemselves lor this d~se"loo, certain of Ras Gugla's tribesmen laid waste the area io which Ras Gupa lived, and made prisoners of bJs relatives.

It IJ reported that other supporters of Ras Gugsa have been covered with oil and grease and bwned.

The belief prevails that the dlmcultles of the Italian armie, are only just lleginoiog.

The Unlled Slates, whlcb is not a member 01 the Lea",., bas been dolog an enormous trade wilh Italy in 011 and cotlon . It almost seems tbat President Roosevelt's warning to his people not to trade witb Hal)' or Abyssinia Is being Ipored.


Sir Eric Drummond on behalf of Britain , and Signor :U ussolini ( Italy) hne been atri;ing to sett le the Abys­sinian conflict, hut cannot agree ou the tf'TDllI , While It ill stated tha t Ital~' i~ anxious to settle the matter as bOOn all poIlIIible, it is not thought poe,.ible to talk. about peace With a proJl'f'T cba.nce of suC«'tl~ until after No\-cmber 1-1 .

Acwrdlng to a ml'~~age ..ent from London la~t Sunday, tbe second phase of the It alian advance in Ogaden appeal'!l \ 1) he Ile\"doplog into an important ftankin!! movement to cut off t he Ethiopian army concentrated in t be bill~ around SMa Baneh, whore the fin;t r«1l1 rc~istallce to t he invade,", i~ e:>.. pe"C"t-e<1.

G('neral Graziam'- Itlt wing. whi~h i,; mO\"lug up the Webbe SbehE-li, i:! hein):: rapidly remforl:ed by troop3 brouj!ht from Moga(hschio in 10rriCI O'l""cr a IlC\\ military road, thc (·xten· ~ion of ~'bieh folloll' doeely in the wake of IDlantr~,

One column i~ now reported to be Jllodng north from \"lIlly for Bodar ­Tein, ami allother from Galedi for

Biram with light tanks, while other detachments on the right ha\-e strll ight­coed the front and carried it furtber cast by occupying Labbha. Godei, Bulci and Dumbayat in t he south . and Gerlogubi and caravan t rack!! in t he north, close to loot hi lls lcadlllg t o Sua Banch.

Ethiopians lying t here are eetimated to numoor 14 ,000 men, of whom 3.000

Continued on page a

STOP PRESS ITALY is vcry ahort of jlet rol

and her armiee in Ab\!l!-inia. hal""e .,ufficient petrol lor' a six week.8 ~ampaign only. Thc Lea!!ue of NatIOn,.; hope.; to make it more d ifficult for Italy to bu\" petrol from other nations. -

Italy is abo short of nll'at Mnd i~ rationing her people wltb timall supplie"

.Mllkale hae lIeen taken hy the ltalians.


• • • • • •


Christmas is Coming Greet Your Friends!

"Umteteli'," Xmas Offer To R .. ders

IN order to eucourage t he spin t of goodwiU at Chrisltmas, "Umtete li "

offers its readers the opportuuity of puhliabing tboir Cbrisltooaa greetings to t heir fri end!, on a specia l page, the charge to be l lii for about 20 words. Th(ll,6 kindly messages are very grea.tly appreciated. The greetingl would be published in t he :?ht .Deeember is..~ue. Mild would be somewhat. in accordallce Wlth the folioW1ng specimell9

NDABEZITA.-)[r. lind Mrs. Z. and fami ly, Orlando Township, ,Johannesburg, wi~b frielld~ a. happy Chri.;tooas and a pro~JI'f'ro\18 New Year.

•• JINOYl. t: 1\lnu. 110 Xko'lk. J . nooozi wabo, ba~e Qaukelli, Lu'iki~lki. banqwollola iziblobo i Krt'$llIe.~i emyoh no N~'aka Omt_hll WO\'U)"o.

•• THABO. ~Iorf'na If'> :\Io{umahali T. Ie baua ba bona, hi! ) Iokhotlong, Mluwru, ba lakfllet-a. met;oallt: ea bona Ker~mC\!6 t' ooon(' Ie ko.tlebo Seleruoog 5e t-;.~ba.

Paid In Their Own Coin

Savage Crime Duly Punished

AT t he Circuit Court at Potgietersrust t wo Nati ves. Leaulo l [ononyane

and Le\\19 Setlane. were charged with murder. T be\- i'(Ivered the hand of a Native nam~ KIa..'<i:I, all a re.~ult of which tetanus set in and deatb fol­lowed . Klass a st rong able-bodied young man, is al leged to ha"Ve continu­a lly taunted, ridil:uled and worried Lesulo, who is almost blind to .'!Iuth an e:ztent that, in a fit of rage. he ,eized an axe lind, WIth th~' assist ance of Lewis, $C\'cred the r ight hand of hie tormenter. and left him blooding, bound to a tree.

In 1)a><~lnl!: the ,entente of Ii'!: yeaN' impri"~lImcnt with hard labour and eight strokes with a cane on eatb of t.hc accu,;c(l. )1r. Ju~tice Fischer f l'"'

marked that tbe chargt',j had been reduced to one of culpahle hoOOlcidll on the ground that they had 11" intentiun of killing, hut m('rl'l~' illtt'lui.- I to-mllllil Kla~~ in "Udl a \\ ~\" 11~ tu IU"'!;." iJim f('('1 what It was to he (!i~hIN

All lett.<'N oontaining (,hristmlUJ or ~t.wl"' to Ihe \,.111" of 10. Slid b'fecting>l should contain romittanoo /1 name~ .hould be wnttt':J. cle.nly to

Con(inu~d at foot oj nU:1 C(jlumn prevent,

41/ _",u~k't/c!~. to e. Idd"UN to I

OOIllBM. X...,..ou.

P.O. 80. ' 6.2&,


Ou~Y ..... . . . .. . .. 161_

ah< X Olllbl ... ... .. Ttl .... Moot.hl . .. . .. ...

i\lllltrtrh U)a Jlantu 9th NOVEMBER, i 93!i.

'It . /-


REPORTS from the front indicate that the Itahan

army 18 making a very slow ad vance in the northern seotor o n Makale; t hat in the south tbe advance is al80 slow; wh ile In the eut around Mount Moudsale, Httle appears to ha ve been done. Italian me83agel sugge8t that all i8 going well, that the health of t he troops IS good, that many villages bave been taken, and that the tri hesmen have been surrender­ing readily. Thi8 all soundl very well . On the other hand, the Abyssinian. have not rea lly begun to fight yet but are fall­ing back and relying more &nd moro on guerilla tactios. General \,irgin, the S wedieh Commander, and military ex­pert , who has trained the Abyssinian8 in sold iering up to tbe t ime when war began, deolare8 emphat ically that tbe Italiane will never conq uer Abyasioia: for D OW they will have to deal witb great mono­tain areas where tanke cannot go, and where aeroplanes will be of mtte oae. He considers that if the Abyu 8tick to their guerilla tactice, t hey will not bo beaten, although admit­tedly (bot accord ing to plan) t hey are faJling back.

Tbe important point most not be overlooked that for Italy a qu ick victory 18 necel!sary. She must conq uer .A byeeinia q nickly or lose the war. Her resou rces are dwind l­Ing at an a.larming ra.te, t be Italian people are being called upon to make great sacrifices to maiotaio tbeir armies io tbe field so far away from Italy, and the present rate of spend-109 of money cannot go 00 for eve r.

I n these ciroumstances it would seem that :\Iul!soJioi will 8000 be ready to listen wi tb 80me eagerness to overtornes fo r peace. He ma st be realising that the Abyssinian campaign will be a long one and t hat he cannot afford a long campaign . Thu8 we are inclined to at tach some imponance to tbe peace talks that have been going on 10 Rome.

It IS believed that many nations will decide to accept no more exporte from Italy in a few days time. That will h it the It&lian people very 8everely


jUl t now, for Italy cao only pay for wbat abo gete from ot.her countricl, with what sbo lenda to them.

A Protest By Prof. Jabavu

Sentenced To Death --

Al together we aro diapoaed to take tbe view that t he League of Nationl will prove a big factor in baetening the day of peace. Tbat our view may prove to be oorreo t will be the general desire of all . If it ia correc t, then we sb ') uld not forget tbe great part being played by Britain iD the caule of peaoe. She bal eve r been the friend of t be Africao , whether io Abyeeioia or in Southern Afr ica. Her work all peace-maker deservea due reo cognition. We t ruet and pray that success will orOWD her effor ts.

Murder That Was Found Out

T ho 'Editor, 'Umt(lteli ." _

MR. D D. T .• JABAVU, Alice, C.P A T tbe .ceond hi·.oou.1 eirew~ writer : Sir,-l ayoUt i .. uoof tho Court, whicb endl'd io Potgl~

2nd inJltant., ~lr. J.mM N'hbona of rUJlt. on Friday laet, t ... o N.tlVI!III, .Jan :Fort Beaufort. atlltoa t bat .. exception and Andrte-t Ngoop", ... ere Ilent.lnt'eo:l to wao taken to ) [r .. Jabavu'll atatement. de.tb for murdrrin~ another ~at l .... e at Fort Cor t.hat. N.tiv08 ought. to be named Johannetl. content. with a aix or ten acre lot. .. While Johann~1 wa ....... y from bome

I hcrehy Mk thie corr08pondent to workinl(, Andnu ,'ourt.ed ru. wife provo whon J made tbe a.ertion he Nkutu, and, find,n!! hit afJectl~ all~OI and alCnbol to mo io the abovo rociprocated. tbey 11\"'<.1 tOj.:eth"'r ~ quoted scnteoce PenonllUy J ne .... er man and Wlf .. · Wben .lohawM'll did aay tbil, All thOte who were returned, be apP"'llleoi to the Le:a:otlha Ilrt'flCnt at t be Fort Co. prizo ~ring (Native Cbi"f8 COllrt) for the ret !1m can bear moout, l lr. XtoRhona hiQllI('lf of bie Wife: ahe rrt ~rnl'd, hut wouJrl '1'01.11 not. present at tbat mooting, Dot for~ake b"r IOl'er

• Africans In Urban

Areas Committee Hears Evidence in Pretoria

Probably he hM hranl or read garbled Andrif"J, fUriO\l~ lit thfl ord('r (,f the ~port.... U lie i~ keen to dlolcredit me Legotlba. then ,Ieo:'id",j that death 'Il'U

In the ('.\'611 of th" public he II weloome tilt' "~ ielll manner <;If dj~J¥.IIIing of tbe to !Io IJQ on accurate IlLat-ementa and u : IIn .. anl~1 h'L~t. .. n,1 Tb,' un'W'lpeding IIOOn M h" can man&ll;e to d",(·~t m!" .Job,'uJOeII waa ellhte./uently ... aylAid by J~hal1 he prepared to pleue blm hy thia ardeot 10l'I'r and, U/li.ted b. hiJI ~w,"g up my public M'tlvities, ao,1 brother .Jan, they 50<>0 'I~~patch!'<fhim, mako room for him I t I' a pity be leaO:ing him ~U8pended from a tree with haa drag~cd '" tho name of my great a brlt round hia nlY'k. evidently "ith p!.'flIonal fnend, )[r, Haya, wbo ~Iao the intention of con .... eying tb.., impreM­was not at tbe Fort Cox meeting, Into aion tbat be had committed ,wei,leo. bia effort. for I do not beliel'e ?iir. .\ fe'll' monthij aft.·r thf' remai.n~ '\Ii"'(;re Haya "ill, identif!' hi~tl with It. di..::o\·eroo bya herdboy, who report.e..} Here I lIt. :Sbbona a proof. the diIeol'efY to th., local headman

of Natll'o labour within proclaimed area.a to pay the urban looal authority

T HE Committoo appoillte,i to deal the reot due io respect of houaing such with the problem of _\fricane In Nati'eI and tbeir families in Ca8e!J

urban areas, ... t In Pretoria re"nlly wbere the t'mployer did not. proride to bear the eridence of Profe_"Or J, a<>eOmmodation on bis 0'Wll premill68 io Bo:s:.W'cll, who auhmittoo a memo-. conformity witb the Act. randum on behalf of the I'feton.. In ""''III' of tbe overcrowding of Xatn-e WeUare ~iation, Nati .... e bOUSM In location ... the asso·

In thie memorandu m It. wa, urged ciatJon ur~ed that. further powel'8 be III&t the only 8Oiuhoo of tbe problem Ilrtm\.od to local autboriliea, magie­creatOO. by the infiul: of Natives from tratc8 and Native commiJlloioners to the oounrrv into the to'R'llll would be ejC<'t all Nati.e'I who were Ilot in em· to bring about an improl'ement in the plormt'nt or usefully OCCUpied in tbe aundard of linn!'\ of the rural Native, area concerned,

ItwBS unreasonable, It wa8 contend· Diac\l.ll.Siog the farm or work colony ed, to e:J;pect the Xa,til'e to remain on for Nati'-e women, the Aasocialioo'a tho laod if tbere were no opportunitie'\ memorandum stated that. el'er since of earning a de<"ellt In-ing &nd educat- the introduction of the Nati'e8 in~ bia clli ldren there, (Urban Areas) Act. ~reat difficulty bad

The RC6t'rl'ee were becoming o'-er- boon eIperieoced by all municipalitiee crowded, aaid Profeeeor BOI'Wel1, and in the TraOl'f'8al in ha,\"ing Section 17 a generow scheme of Natil'e settll'· of the Urb.n Area9 Ad applied sati3· ment. properly financed. l>bould be factorily, beealbe, up to tbe present, Introduced. Natl\"e education had the Go,-ernment bad failed to eetab· been ndly neglected, be ooaid. lL~b a f.rm or work colony in the

Tr.ns"aal for Nati"e women. Co-opera tive Siores Needed The result WI\Jl that there We«!

The memorandum <.'()n.~idored tbat tiloueandil of unde,~ lrable :Native a 80und aystem of co.operati "e storcs womcn Ii l'ing in urban area.!! in the througb which the rural Natil'e could Trall9l'aal who were cOrult&ntly before JlUpply the net'<ls of the urban Xati'-e tbe courts under the liquor laws, con­would add enormou~ly to tbe economic ,-irted, and either paid a fine and IOdCIJEmdcnce onhe Nati"o population I remlUlled in the area and contioned to lUI a whole, and would tend to keep the be a &Dorea of trouble, or were sent to rural Native on th(' Ian,!. As far as ~aol and, when relea.oed, remained in the money reqllJrl'd to finance tbls tbl' area. scheme was coneernNI. it WIUI Buggcet·, One of tho ouly effeetn'e ways of ed tbat the Nati nIB wor(' normally dealin~ with the liquor enl WQ.'J 10 Rl'nd entitled to a ('on~idl·r>\hte ~bnre of tbl' thOlle women to a farm or work coloO\' ~urpius of £6,000.000 allnounced hy -if nt "<lry for the maximum period the ~Iini~ter of ,Finan<:e ao a direct reo of two rears. This would Roon rid ~ult of th(' prOliperity of the A'old mines, local autboritie~ of a lar~(' number of

Inilut'oo;-e.J by tl;ie two &CCUl!Cd, the remaiM wefe hurnt ~ret1o: 011 their aUIl:l!estion, but dt't\plt ... their precau­tionil tbe information wa.. loon io the hand" of the poli.?e,

• :\lr . Enoch S, )f.)t·? well koo\TII in

.Jobannesburg dan"I11~ Circles wi.ll be the promo~r of a "')mpetitlon ballooll dance at the lncbcape Hall on Friday, l.;itb Xowmo,'r )IUllic will bo­rendered by ) lerry Bla.(lk Birds.

Take care of Your M oney


The kept

Put your money in the

Office Savings Bank.

money will be .. rely

for you--it will grow while

the Bank--you leave It in

and you can withdraw It

when you wish from the

Post Office near your home.

in which their labour played ,..0 ~rcat ~h:'~W:.o:~:t~t~y:p<:,~.========~,::::::::::::::: • part Professor Boxwell exprebstd the

dow that the problem of the influx • from the country inl o I he town WM far 100 big 10 be tackled hy muoicipal regulations, Such an attempt would C&UrlO ouly superficial irritation witb· out getting down to the root. cau~(',

Municipal Assoelatloll Eddcllce "I'M gh'en by t ile Trans·

vaal Municipal.Association. on whose behalf Mr. J . E. n lgwood. of Bob· burg (president), Mr M. G, Nicolson and Mr. p , M , V.nleer appeared .

The association reeommcnded tbe ee:tabtilihment. by the Goo:efllment of a farm or work colony for Native womOD under the provisionl of t be Prisons aod Reformatori08 Act. T be BSaooi­ation also d6iJ ired t ue Government to amend tbo Native (Urban Areas) Act. In 8uch a way as to require employ6fl'l

Conli",," in "ut column

INANDA SEMINARY A large School for Bantu Girls.


Univenity .J.C .• St.oda.d VIII aod I X. St,nda.d VII Sa.od..d VI Iodultrial Course: Three yean

Ap ply to: T HE PRI NCI P AL.



Big Push To Seize Makale Abyssinian " Fake" Camp

Deceive Italian Airmen

Invaders Cannot Win, States Swedish General

DURING Ibl. pMI week tbe lIallan armies have continued Ibelr atlack" aod

have begun ao advance 00 Makale In tbe North "lib 125,000 troops rbI, hne taken wltb them 10,000 tons of munItions. •

According to tbe latest reports , Ibe Italian Advanee on Mable bas bun beld up by btu)' ,.10 which bas cODverted the roads 1010 marshes o,er wblcb Ibe in.a4lag tanks caoDot Advance. The Hallan Commandus, reallslag tbat as Mable ls ovulookrd by blgb hills, are movln, tbelr troops cautlousl,.

The Abysslnians bave IUfoed maoy lenolls from tbelr Hnl tneDunl,,. .itb 'be . According to a LOad on menage, lber are settlog up Iquares of canvas cloth on tbe ,rouod, Ibne ba,loi Ihe .ppearance of • camp. Tbe Italians bomb tbue loeessanu)' and so WISt!! quantilles 01 ammunlUon .

It b reported that tbe Abyssinian laadff, Ras AyoloD, bas .ucoessfull, rllidtd tbe italian ump. 10 South West Eritrea.

ODe nirbi wbeo tbere wal no mOOD, a number of Danakll triliumeo erawled PISI Ibe seotlin of certain Ualian camps cear Muua AU . The Italians bad band-to-band Ogbtlng wllb the Dan,kiI, who were armed with knlve •. The Italians are Sl id 10 bave lost 700 meD and the Abyulllls 1,200.

MfS5agu dupatched on Tuuday all Indicate a slow eODlinuance of tbe advaDoe on Mallale wbere, Incidentally. tbe Italians sutlered a dlsaurous re­vuse 10 1896. Varioul pOailIOD! are being occupied within i 5 to 20 miles of Mable. It il Ihoupbt tbat Ibe mouohlns overlooking Mallile on Ibe Bul"iII b! oaellpled tbis wnk: but Mahle 115ell Is not Ilkdy to hll unlll tbe roads are made plUs.ble lor molor tran8porl.

III Ibe Norlb, In Ibe Seltll RIver Area, lome thousands of umed Abys· sinlans b"e appeared, marching wllb Italian da@s wllb Ibe Idea, \I Is thougbt, 01 angerlog the ItaUan

MUD.blle, tbe measutU 10 be taken b, Ibe League of Nallons w11l be· come declive on Notember 18, and that fact is eaushJg ,rea' anxle'y 10 Ibe Italiao people They ue alrudy sottering seven!y as Ibe ruuU or the cut of war. The measures to be lake by Ibe Leaaue will lovolve rdunls by eighteen oations to trade witb Italy io, or to accept from ber, sueh ar!lcles a, conan, )01f, bemp, papn, melals, food , oils, lal!, and 50ap5.

Tbis is eausiog Mu~sol1nl gre"'l uneasiness.

ITALY WON'T WIN THE WAR r ENERAL \IlH .. ;J::\ tbe ~wedi'h \.) military el.jX'rt wLo trained the EmpE'ror of Abp!.inio·s foldler~, de· elares t hat Italy ha" only Lepiu btr ta.~k of conqu.,rin/ot Ab,\'~sinia. a !a,k, hedeelan.'~ , ~be \\ill never accompli._h.

1n tbe COUT"e of an iUlcniew at Durban rectntly, he ~aid, 'tht Abp. -finio,ll8 will altow Ihe trooI'~ to come into the country, iJut ner~' ~'a[d the lta l ian~ advanc(' thr y mu~t guard t heir communication_~, and let me a~sur(' \OU it will be vcr\" dlfficlllt to gua rd t ho;.e eommunito.tion~, TLc Ethiopian forct'~ will not launch th('ir attack until the Italians are a lonp; way from their ba~f'l!. And It. \\ill be 0. different l alt'."

desert, covered \litb bu~b little higher than the height of a man. find o\'er hu~e tract it is not po~gible to ~ee an adl'el1'ary clo~cr than 20 to .-,U yard'l. I t is impo~sible for acropllln('!i to lee an.\body in the busb, and e:xtrt'mcly difficult to protcct communications.

" From A~ah there is aL;o a ~r('at. de~ert, 200 to 300 lIIile>! in extent. The Italians cannot remain in tbe~e dberU! bt'('au'(' there is no water, and if thl',\' do d('cide to advance through desert~ tbey will have to bring tbtir water wilh thC'm. Tht'n, if I he~' reaeh the otht'r side of the de.erb, thty will be confrontcd with higb mounlains and rarcfied atmosphere."

• Stand By Guerilla

Fighting! Contill utd from ]Hlge I

l n Tt'gard to rerorh tbat Ab)',· .!.iniana had UII mitted to the Jtaliau~, Ct'nt'Tal \ 'irgin ~aid tbat at. tbe fron­l ief'!! tbt're wt're Dcmadi<· triLes who at one moment '!fent 01 er to one ~ide , and at the nt:\t totht (Jthtr. He was ~ure that tht InlJt~ that \\tre Uf0rted to Ilale g(llre Oltr 10 the lt alian£; would "'ithm a 'IIttk go hark to the Abphinia ~idt. Thi~ "fI~ by have been trained by Europesll.8. no means afleetlog the mcrale of the The danger of this pincers movemtnt. ('(Iuntry. The S!tneral FOf,ulation \\a~ bllS been clearly fore'!l'cen, &3 Gem'ral united agaio~t Italy. Nasibu, com manding ali Ethiopian

forces below H arrar. a.@ked the Emperor Won't Reacb Addis Ababa tt'D days ago for more modeEn rilleol

" Fu m m~ it,1 Il'alt lll1l I(d~t (f 11.1' and ammunition to be dc~patched aM l(\ l )tl~ nd lie lur'l'. lte Itah all' quickly as possIble, aa tbl' majority of \\111 IU(r ~~I to A('di~ Alula. 'jhe the regulars po~>es-ed only oh~olete IIff la ~ 1(,1 Ht .11<It(d, 'Ilue 1lI(> "eo.pon~, "hich \\ould he uptle~s in iCH~f 10 Atli~HI, AI,>tm tl d Acc\la, battle,

. I

ITALIAN TROOPS PASSING TIIRon;K TH~~ SUEZ CAXAL. A r('lIIakable picture taken from the dec\,; of ':--:-, f:;anll(' ."

Loskop Gunman Again

Store Held Up And Robbed


NATAL is oxcitoo and indignant conccrning a mysterious masked

man believod t.o be au African, who C()me~ out of hiding from time to time, bold~ up store&, ShOOM at the I st-Ort'koopen witb a rille, ro~ the tills. and then goe~ baC'i: into biding.

On Monday last. at mId-day the masked man 'arrh'ed at a loncly store at Tabamhlope . 2:. miles from Est­court. and fired a ' hot into the au to warn the ocC'upanb of hi~ comiog.

Western Province Exhibition Postponed

DrE to the impendiu/ot conference summoned to meet at Bloemfon­

tein, on Dingaan's Day, aod to the fact that that there wiU be an exodus of people living. in tbe territories, in­cluding ohiefs, to 8loomfont('ln on tbat date (16th December) It baa been decided that the exhihitloo intended to be arranged by the African National Congf('69 , Weetern Pro\ Incs. shall . be postponed ,inr dit tIll further notIce.

A few Xallves w.,re purcha.;ing flrtlcle~ at the time and wbcn they h~ard the tibot tbev ran awav. The manager. Ahmed ~ulemanie6 Patel. ran to the door to cio-'e It as tbe Become gunman flrcd. I

.\ few of tho t< luJli wounded Patel A Leader in the arm and a portion of the door near the lock wa~ blown away. Patel Of Your rUllhed dOlVll to Mr. Thee Harm 's P I fann , :\Ioorsburg about half a mile eop e. J

away, aud told bill) what had hap. ptllC.I.

The Ilolice at E4courl- were inform· cd, Captain P. H . Gotby of Maritz· burg, \lith a posse left hy car for thc scene, and police from olher centrcs were takt'll in fast car~.

Rifted Till

The gunman filled the till and took £10 in caah and decamped.

Tn June, HI3 1, two Indian9 and a Natil"e umfaan lVerc shot. dead at. a Loskop trading station about 16 miles from 'l'aba mhlope which was the la.~t of n ae rie& of ., is daring murders.

Previou~ly a 12 bore shot. gun we.s u>e<I, but. on this oce81lion two to bore used cartridge cases were found by the poli~.

The polil'C arc ~eflrching the rountr~" side for the man.

It. i, !:laid that an African wearing a beaver hat and carrying a r iHe was !:Ieen in the neighbourhood, The gun­man baa made a speciality of attack· illg l ndian ~ton'keepors, and hi.i crimes ha\'e earned blm the name of" The L06kop Gunman."

TH E min .. bo " IdueaUd commaD~ tb. relpect of hiM plople IDd blcome. 1m·

portant. Hc I.rr .. more mDtll, aDd oan ba"l a comfortable home witb a bappy lawly. The O,,;on College .. 1lI 'bo .. ,on tbl .. a, to bettlr edl1catior;l aod .u ~b' ad"a .. •• Ibat cOIllI .. itb It. Flil In and pOit th' coupon below lor frel inltltmaUc D.

The Secreta". , UNION COLLECE

P.O. 80s 3641. J obar;lne.burg.

PII_ Mod ml, .. lIbout cOlt or Dbll,a. tieD, full Informltioa abor;ll tbe lOti .. I haVI marked .. Ith a::l. EogtWh StDDdat~ IV, V, VI. vtl AIr,kAAWO Zl1lu SNutO X_

!!&chu .... Aritbmetl. Kietor)' (}eogtaph, Bookkeeplna Shortha .. d Type .. r\ttlllJ

Junttlr Certl6cata lIIalriclllatioD TraDIT .. I Natl" Teecbere

1_, 2nd, ODd Srd ye ... Natiotl.1 Commercill

Esamlr;laUool DegNe Ellmllll~ltlD'

JtluttlaU'1D T .. lbond Allr!ctlltu ...

, . NalDl ... ... ___ ._. ___ ._. ____ . _ --_ h ' l h(m l\Tabale 1111t ~Ir [ol(uds. Arcordingly, a Ilupply of 3.000 rille~ ']0 ~d\U I H·. III' lla ljfl l '~ mu~t con· nnd 10U,000 round~ of ammunition, .lll(t J(u<l~, \\i.i(11 ,\\111 it'lllhc ttl" lately purcba~ed abroad, had been

AddteN _. _. __ .. _._._._._. ___ ... -.----

, -_ .... _._ ... _._._-_ ... _----D (I ('(t~ \luk 81.d 11 ~l' 1:\1 (I'~(" ] r u~bed by train to Mie8se ~lation, nraf :'>lrs. Elu:abcth J. Mogoyc, of KJerks­(II', III Illlft' ~(U II tt 1\,(' Il ali~n~ \\ill Dircdawa, where they had betn reload- dorp, the mother of Mr John Mogo}'e, 1'(1 Ie in A(~dis Ala l Au"t .1(aT, H ed. A fast caravan loa!! heen ~ent a lcading tlulor In the CIty, spent a III I t " I , (r (:1 (T. Ol'('r the mountains in tile direction of I numb.., r of d'I)'8 i'l Johannesburg with J. u, W ••• '.110

_~. ~'~'~,~r~':'~'~"~'~'~'~'~'~'~;~"~'~'~'",:'~"~'~h:,,:i~'~':'~':'_B~':":'b~.=~~;~~~~:~J~b;"~'~b~iI~"'~,"~.~~~~~ __ ~~_J~~~~~~:"~~~~:--SMOKE QJ'J'ICEBS' ME~ ClI.:tA.R.ETTE9

, UMTETELt WA BANTU, IOBANNEBBORO, 9ra NOVEMBER, 193G. - -.- • -For Our Women Readers

Cookery Hints What Constitutes

Good Wife? A


----------~===_::--I~B~'~' P. B. SIZOYl, Kirkwood) Cheapest Way Of O NE;, .. to"d,d whe" "o. _ th,

d.i\'"orce notices crowding the.pace

Sllr-About Metbods I gra,-y, garnish with egg9 sliced up lHES~ reci pc!O EI re lIot found in any al! round.

Buying Tea in "" The qUeAtion way arise M to tbe re ..... on for these wreck_ ages of marriage~. From time to tiwe peoll\e read of the ~olution to tbl~ question, So may I !'lay a word of exhora tion to our womenfolk , maoyof wbom seem ignorant of their prOper duty and beba,-jour after marri~e.

rcclpe books, but are a rtlIIult. of Stir·About. - No. IV. ----oolllUlon-sen!le and espt'rience. )Iany . a house wife haa been embarraeaed Take thc rcclpe of stir· bout. No. 1 . by an appearance of an unknown OUlit. .ollly ateak. Boil rice and serve guest at. an awkward hour or perhaps >;nlh It. PotatoM may sometimes the ret.urn of her husband from work be cut t.hinly Elnd be fried to go as a when she blUl been too busy to pre. ,·egctable.

Profitable Advice Por Tea-Drinkers

pare a deoent meal, and she finds SlIr_About_No V. (WUb Cold Meal tbat. dinner will take ber honn to be ready, 80 it. is necessary to know a. few " stir- Ilbout" metbods, to be able in a few minutes to make a meal. Stir·it·a.bout quickly and it i5 dODe. Alwa.ys have dripping, onion~, toma.· toes and eggs if posliible in the house at aU timee, for most. stir-a bouts can be succeasful by the U!Ie of tbcse in­gredients. Butter and jam, too.

B ECACSE of the pleasant. refreshing

Steak.-Sllr·About No. 1 Go to tbe nearest butcher, get a lb.

of steak. Take one or two Onlom, peel them and slice them, put them in a frying-pan, add enough dripping to prevent. burning. Fry ; keep on turn· ing. Wash two good size tomatoe!l. When OniOllll are a golden brown, add sliced tomatoM which ba.e been blanched and skim removed season, stir them into a puJp. This makes a rich gravy. Remol'e and pour into a dish tUld keep warm. Now fry the meat, and wben tender remove to a plu.e to l!el've, strain mea.t gravy into the tomato pry. This may be served with bread.

SUt-About.-No. II Use the above recipe, witbout steaJi:

if .fou oannot manage tbat way. Omit. an onion and use a liver in· stead of ,teak. Many people find dlfficult.y in buying li-ver. Liver abould never be fried bard ; it. should not. be fried long before band; thia makCl:! it. hard, unpalatable and in· digestible. Well-cooked liver sbouJd be tender and still have a 1it.t1e blood in it. Cut liver into flat slices, to be aure, salt well. The 9licea may be ma.rked with many cuts acrOS!, fry (lne s ide, and when blood rUIllI up turn quiclcly and uya litt.le to t.urn colour of liver and ita done. Serve with bread and tomato gravy.

Stir About.-No. III .

Make gravy as abo.e. Omit onions; bOil eggs hard. Peel tbem and cool. ]<)-y bread cut. an inch square till golden brown, atrain. Arrange in a meat. disb, pour o-ver

Lf you like curry in your food, the following is a recipe : Take the c(lld m~t ; !lice it up. Make recipe for Stlr·about. No. I , omit.ting steak. Put tbi~ in Ii saucepan. Add cold meat. two teaspoons (not. heaped) of proper India curry powder. Mix tbis t.~o or three tablespoons of flour. ~ll.J: With wa.ter to a. paate: add this l~tO the saucepan to t.hicken ; let it. simmer for five to ten minutes. Serve with rice or bread.

Cold Meat

qnabtles of tea, more and more Africans are cultivating the tea-drink· ing habit. An even greater number are learning that it. is fashionable to drink tea on occasIOns other t.han meal-limes-they enjoy ita benefits at eleven o 'clock in the morning and also in the afternoons.

It. is well, t.berefore, to point. out tbe cbeapeet. way to buy tea. Many MricaIl9 buy tea. in lox. packets, but in a very si mple manner it can be shown tha.t it. is far more economical t-o buy it. in larger quantities. If you

~t into ~licea not more th m b~lf buy tea in lox. packets, take the price an . lDch thick. Brea.1r. one egg; UIIX and multiply it. by 4. This will gi.e white and yolk together. Season with you the price you are paying for 4nzs. pepI>cr and salt; add finely, cbOPpedl of tea, that is, a qUILrter lb. Find out. Omon a~d grated. c~eese. (tablespoon the price of a. quarter lb. packet. of !ull) , mix well. Dip !lices of meat I the same kind of tea. Then compare IOto ;hi~ , fry them in bOi.ling dripping the twG prices. You will find that for _ mloutes on each !Ide; serve on you can quite A few pence, by a mound of muhed potatoes. buying olle t lb. pACket IOstead of fuur

Stir.AboQt (Sweets) lox. packe.ta. If you Are able to buy Pudding without baking.-Half.tin y~ur teA In e.en lArger packets, you

Nestle's brand sweetened condensed Will save .el'en ~ore. . . milk; juice of half a lemon; 3 ell But thi! MTlDg of money ~s JllSt o~e cracker bisc 't hi' 1 4 P of the advantag69 of bU}'lng tea. 10

Mix co d ,;:;m ·Ik' e~t-h , larger packets. You don't get. 80 much ,'ui"-- St-,".' dd '"U '. __ .. ~ ·'"S,o.n tea dust and siftings aa you do in the

....... r, a we -ut:Itl 0 cgg. IT " k" Th ... - " until thick. Add biscuit cr be. sma er pac e. o. 1lI genera. y place in!u diM ~m . Gf & hotter nod mort'l uniform quallt.y niahed witnh a.e :hi= cr:im, ~d and lasts muoh longer. In fACt. you crushed nuts. Enough for three. can make 200 cnps of ~a from a. II,?

Another . . 2 tabl N t paoket. of tea. That lS why tea IS

lea sweete::I~·ndell!la:'P"?~. tel - called ~he cbeapest. drink in t.he world water' 1 e f .;W It' cup excepting water-and how much more __ g 'Mj gg;"k'w gdralns .. " .. dOd ""',,- refreshing and invigorating. Visitors ..... " . )[: Illi an wa r : a we " ,-~, d - h beaten _" d f . I I may ca UDespec~ y an , as 1.9 t e

. -ee an a ew gralIl9 0 !a t.. growing cll8t(lm amongst Africa.ns you Bea.t With ~ be.ater ; sprinkle nutmeg will want to gi.e them a cup of tea. on top. This WI~I serve one pe~n. If you buy a larger quantity at a time, me~he.~ usual st lr-.about~ lor a qUJCk is l69s likelihood tbat you will

. ... made With fned sausages, run out. of tea. on such occasio So mmced meat or meat balls, with remember next. time you buy ns~ to Th~e may be followed by get Ii rib. 'packet or even larger. a frUit or easily made cold salads-tomatoes and tettuee, beetroot and lettune. Chop lett.u08 into stripes slice tomatoes or beetroot, line glass dish, mix with lettuce; add vinegar. Season with Bait.

('o .. ,inued ill :nut eoiumll

I bope t.bese few stir-a.bouts will save many a husband a dry meal of bread and butter and tea, if wi ves are late witb their mcal! Cheese dishes could also be added.

Ukunika Amandhla

A good wife must try to make her home the seat of happioeea. Sbe ehould aim at becoming the friend, partner and cOllSOlation of the hl,l.5-band. She should try to educate her children, alld to shun all oxtrava~ance. The want of ~conom\ has Lovoh:-ed milhons in misery; hence the divorce<I.

The power of a wile for good or enllS altogether ir re~ i ~tible . A Aood Wife i) to a mall wi -dom, and courage, and strength, aDd hope, and endur­ance. .-\ bad ODe i9 COnfUSiOll, weak­ne98, di~omfiture and despair. Iudeed no spirit can long resi9t bad dom~tic Influences. Naturall.r man is strong, but. hili heart is not. adamant. E.ery wedded pair might. be happy did they bear eacb other·s burdeIl9. At a union of hearts as well as handi the angels in tbe bright abode of the bleilt. must gaze with looks of interest. and delight.

• Aliwal North News

(By Vukutu Lw.!: Gqili)

MRS. )IOKl'EXA, of Co]Mberg, mother of Miss Lucia Molruena,

of tbe r.eacbing BLaIl of the Location United Scbool, was a. among recent vi/litor~ here. She was the guest Ilf )Ir. and ~rs. Headman Phooko.

Other \'isitors iocluded Mrs. Gama Mtombeni, formerly a nurse In 3-

Jobanne!lburg Hospital; and Mr. and Mrs. Kolobe, teacbers of Burghersdorp

Mrs. H enry Coetze haa returned from Springfontein. Their 80D baving rcco'eN'd from serious illness.

Mr. Ben Liphuko, senior ClrCUIt

.. teward, represented their circuit at the conference of t.he Methodiu Church beld at. East. London recently.

Re.. Price )Ibete bas been on a visit. 00 Bloemfontein, Maseru and Burghersdorp on mi~sion ma.tters.

AliwaJ North Bantu Tennis Union, beat Dordrecht (Woodbouse T.C.) at Dordrecht. recently by Hi gameil.

:\Ir. P. J. Thokoa of Evatoll (Johan nesburg) spent a. few Jay'! bero after .i' Wepcner (0 F.':i j.

VOvaltine wenziwa ngobisi olunamafuta, namaqanda, nokolwcni oxutshiwe. Uwu ­tenga n~etini uwenze ngcngoba wenza ucocoa. Kodwa unga­lubilisi ubisi noma amanzi oweoza ogawo uOvaltioe Ngoba a\vuyunambiteka.

UOvaltinc uyaka, uma uwu­puza ojalo ukwenza ubena­mandhla njen~ebubesi. Uno-sizo kanti umnandi futi.

Abelungu bapuza wona esi­kundhleni setiye nekofi ngoba unosizo.

UOvaltine waka amatambo nczikwepa ncgazi elicebile. Ulungele amakosikazi nahant· wana namadoda . Wonke opuza uOvaltine njalo uzizwa engcono enamandhla. Tenga uOvaltine namuhla . Uwcnze ngendblela yawo. Umnandi.

• Made by: A. WANDER. LIMJTED .


TOWN AND COUNTRY NEWS Happy Night At Mvenyane

And Concert Hospital

Dance Funds

For (By MILTOll NJOkw .... r ... j

Tln~ IUtb Ootober W&I a "d·lettlr

"The Hospital Needs Your Help T oday­You May Need Its Help Tomorrow

~I.rllok and lin lind 1101, [,"\'1' drinking or tnking nny dru~~ thnt .... ould 111('ltU the ul'nin. I':v(lry l'NIlHIl nf malum rago WIUI UI'I'I111'1I to Illld"r~lalid Iho nntu rnl l'(lll~NIUl'llt.'('M of lUll IU'I~, Tho IICCUfIf'C\

wruo til< r"fnrl' Ruilty. TIll> Nnll'" QM~'IIOr, (,hi(·f Lllh~o, WIUI ill a,,'T()o wont. with tlw U",lIlIg.

• ew Modder Items

day .t M,eIlYlne. A dellghtlul COO('ert ..... held under tbe an,p""'" of tbe United African U.PP1 Lad. 01 Mouot ),'rere, III tbe iOltitutioll b.11. Tbe ltall •• 1 all preMnt, together with tbe Itudeotl. Tbere .ere .110 preeeot • good number of people Irom tbe Location

In bl. openlnp; rem.rh the chair­lOin, Mr. A. B, raln.i, referred to the prOlpect. of a revival .moop;9t tb", Nativel In tbe Jille of music. He tol.1 UI tbat these .. R.p'py Ladl" .ere througbout Ealt Orlqu.1aod. In reply, Mr. NtwM. 01 tbe .. Dappy Ladl," .. Id be ... pleMed to he.r tbe kind .ordl from tbo cbairm.n, Ind be t b.oked the Principtol for hil

. (By R S. BUTI)

Abyssinian War Rouses Africans To Self­Consciousness

NEW Modder Olob hal I Ultaloed tbe 10M of Itl olptllo Mr. S.nd",u I :~,:~:~ .. ";, .bo bal gooe to bil bome

"THE h(l.~r .. t,,1 nl'o:',t~ ~our bdl' .\OU

Ill"" nee.1 It" hl'lp tOIUl .. 'rn'w I. an approlifilltl' "treamer ~aptlon (.n til\" hill, Ildn'rtLlnng • ~onccrl and JII1I~'(l to l ... · jl:hell on bEobaU of tho Jobanll( .... · bIll).! IlOIl' Europtall HOtlI'ltal funds. lit tbe B.ntu Me-II ', &:Iem! ('('lItn.' Illl

.FTlday. Hitb ~o\"(.'mber. The concert I)rollli~o.~ to pro\lde rurl:'

mu,ital fare wltb variet) ~l\lore, jud~lng bS tbe IIl!.llle~ of tbl' Ilflijl;t~ billl'd hI take part

Pt.rharlll for tbe finot time ~inCE' bl"8 bad tbe I>pothjZbt foou'<..-e,1 on hun b\· Ihl:' nl'WI tbat • Europooo "WOman int('lld~ !along bim ov('r;.~u--Ihl~ wa~ f('ferrt"<i to In a recent 1~~Ut" (If ,. l "mtt'teli "-" Ou Bios" "!rillappMr bl.-fort a IllI.LlUC' b.1I audience On tbat nipbt. Tbe D.MS.C. QU8J"teltt'. _hOMl intcrpn.tallOu of Negro 8ptrltual~ and othtr popular meloolee I~ 60 blgbh' I'tpprecil!.wd in African [Ilusicalci.f(' lcs­and lhey coOlmand tb!' Nl81M"Ct of European mU8ic loven too-Will t~ke part in tbe programme. Tbe hOlpltal oompolLlld chOLr, wbo recently N't a finp uaOlplo of . doing tbeU' bit " for tbe bOoipit&l bv ,taging a bou..~ ooocert reinforced by' outtildo chou'" '!'"in al~o La tbere, Tbert""!rill a\"'o 1>(' a 1lIU""<'ti cb(lir. a BMuto dan<-e. and an "e\·en· I ll~ in a Zulu kraal.

It I~ of flpt"Ci&1 tntere~t to fe<"~\ tllat bir NImrod Ma\;8o~-a all<\ hl~ t;I.~· ~In~e"" t\taj!;eJ an all":-\frican ('Ollcert eady tbl8 \ ear at wbu:h Ilpproprmt(' I!ttnes {rom 'tbe daily rQutinl' of a Zulu kraal WeJ'f' featured.

Tbe ooocert. is under tLt' p .. troll~(! of th(' ~layor and lla~-ore<-· of Jobanll~· bVI~ and Dr. and lIN. A H LoII~, while Iho organlllmg C'ommltt~ COO~I~t~ of nUl"'6II, M~rfI J . R Rathebt. A. ~ \·il.~"OOlO, G. Mot-ieloa aort P ~ Dabula.

Dance mu,ic "!rill be prorided by Jazz )Ioniaa. Adm",~ioo"!rill be .,

"World For God ,.

tbe lootballla"oo II over, !'rin" IIl'Ople to hl'ar our III ~(.. IllOmethlog to look at In lobe

IUIl .• 1 t'xl'f'l in Ol1r llillo/lllil: and flI8;:~'1 ;~~~:Ro:"~d:' ~'~"~d~t~b~'~'~;'~'~'~;'~"~" i njl ,.

wet"k in I..<.>mlon tbl' .. Illt.oce. iLem 00 Ihl programme

SoUlb a.b." (,.), and til\" African '0101, dUILi .nd t rio., bi~hop of wa' it •• 1 I Thorl woro 'fh" rarl pb.ld Ikotobe., aod lobe thl' work l'arly ,. .udienco were very Imuled by tbole wbo bad sowed thl' .'I('('d of .. bleb tbo "old man" ..... per. omong the Mrical\ InOOll. Be .... Indeed a diveuion.

H I' paid tribute 10 th(\ , io Afrik •• nl. and ~t.'l1on ill Southern Hho<;lt .. ia :;.t'~-~,,'io.w;;~caltb of ex· duldren were tint t"ught to g So mucb tbeir o"ll'n tablee and cha.i ... , and tb.t be 11'11 .. Ieep, but to till the land. :::;"Il'('(e<i boy" tho performlr. c.utloully girl& wer(' ,,'nt out to lIupt'rnse aDd g.v. him a 10ft II.p l'lillcation In tho dl_trkt Ho be ••• g.lvaoleed ioto lured tho opinion tbat. .... In I b ..... t method of layiu.g tbo f~::~.f:;t:?,: i, ietervil the "Happy Lad," nf Mound 6(hll'ation and real tbo .udienoe delighted. i~ation awong Mrica.llII. of tbe programme W.I

Tht' An'bbi~hop of Cant~rbur~' Mid by a Ipeeob In which lobi that tbe Afncan b.d rt'a.cbeJ a ~ta/l:o of "Happy Lad." tb.nked of ~1f·coMCiouan_ . The! were ~tlrred for bi. kiodoe .. , .nd the by events in AbyWola and 0.11 "In. lor bil abl1lty, by .hicb ce~ly boped that the wilue would everything bad paued off .. itboot • Ilf! ahlt" to Imng a real end to war. bitch. An intre.sin~ deaire for education w.. Tbe concert ... cloud b! tbe liog.

AI . jn~ of "Nkoai libld' i Afrik." The I'f('\·all.'lll .mong rleans. t'~l'fIlele 1\·88 aproodlllil r.pidl~· to all .. .ppy Ladl" tben proooeded homo,

llU('fotion of tbe lltwOIt moment form e.Jllcation would

Conli,."td '" jiUt-iotJ., eolumll

"The Standard'~ portable

Tilt lat.­... d 00' ~I tI~ be<lt. p,.; ... " 19.10. O. io. t'ludllllj" II ~ Wtdl ... oJ 2 ,,~ 01 o~d"'-. e.o be h.d OQ tefT"QII of 21' ,


only 10 - per month DEACON & CO.,

P.O· 80" ~.""', Cu. To_

hoped it would .Uric-an, rathor tll11~ de\·elopinj! .\lrit-an and Idea.~.

Sympathy Wltb Abyulnl:r.ns -

baby oes Your weigh enough?

Africallll in the Tran .• \';('i Terntorie" aro fol1ow"in~ tbe proW"(. ... ~ of tbe !talo· Ethiopian war witb c108e inter6't. and trad('" report Ibat dally inquiri<'ti are made at tbe tradin)!; Itation .. for tbe late-I news re<:ei \-ed by radio.

Tbe Africanl! deeply Iympathi~ witb the Abyssiniana.

Late Mr. Samuel Gallant


Well!b your baby today. If bo j. not as beavy all he 8bould be or if he I~ fat but not Itrong you 8bould t:r.rt feeding bim on Nntr"ine nt ODce. Nutrine is made for babi611 of all age~.

If you wouJd like further

particuJl1f8 write to : -

BIND BROS. & CO. LTD . Umbilo, Natal.

Tbt Salvation Armyba~ launched Il campaign for tbe collver-iol\ of pt'ople to God. Tbo campnilm of a "world for God" '!'"as started at Terlltorlal Headquutef'o in Johanne~b\lrl,\" lru;t _k

.. '\'1' want HI.IMMI people in South Alriea to know tbe meaning of t:od. Of thi~ HI,IM)t1 we waot .;,0114.1 Black and r;.I)t)() Wbite ~oul.s"· dedared COlllmi~~ion('r Cunningbam at the mtetLn~. Contilluinll. th .. ComlUl~~lon· ",r ~aid·. " " 'e m\lJjt see tba.t our ~ treet meetlllg~ are conducted witb bright cbr('rfulsLllgillg. In tbi" way we ("nn

Mnn\" wreath8 wero "l'nt (III the occasion of tb(' funeral of .\k .s.muel Gallant who died on 23tb O •. :tobcr at )Ioddcr E8<'t. A lafgt' crnwd of

mourn('r~, inciulliog relltivE'!'i and i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fri('ndil, attended the funeral. .The late I\tr. Gallant ball('d from Aliwal North and was i2 ye~ old. The in-terrurot .-ervice~ were conducted by Ab d Ab b . .

Seabanks Pharmacy, P.o. Box 88, DurbaD. (MAIL ORDER CHEMIST)

Blla ucele ipepa lemiti yeto



Umuti oeiz.yo kubanh. bui. fazaoa abahluahwa yinzalo.

IIl.oi 10'- nge polL

Mr A )lbi, C9;teehi~t of the Anglican Bang.pnu kwe 150,000 anbun u ate enzlla I ("hurch. Stat.c ~liuea. The chief

ruO"""~ w,,, " ... "', Mn. J "''''"'. SINGER MACHINES Mr. and )It'l1. 1..oou"', Amlrew8, Mr. aDd Mr~. M'::.~~~.;~~, and Mrs Ferdinand, Mr.~. '\lr. anr. Mr~. Mkonto. Mr .••• u.

I Wef~el" )[r. and MrtI. ~.

!.\Ir (;allant iii ~un·in ... 1 Ly all.1 tive daugbtcN.

'Ii~. Baby ~Iapbike, of Blocmfon-trin. ba~ arri\'ed in Johaulleaburo: on \·\.il to ber brother. Mr. Dun

Death Sentence Tn the Special Court of l-iw:l/.i\anri

In,! week. r.ldut,hw/\ ;.;"dabnndahll. Wl1.ll

charged with tbe JIIurder of a I I hv .,tahbing hcr With a ~(>l'a.,,;. d.';: ~;'Ulming up tho case, thl;! " Prt'~ident said tha.t the murdl'" wa~ nnl)f('ml'ditated act. Ac~u8ell wa_ . hi. rigbt ~cn"e_ whell tbe blow WI!



Ng.kuba .OlOD'

ziluDgileyo kaku­

lu zingakalazi.



Bloemfontein News Residental Permits and Lodgers' Fees

THE Na~ive Admioietratioo Depar'-meot of tbe Town Couocil hal

Iloncbed II c .mpli~o to elJlOt tbe regiltladoo of reeideo" .od lodgen. Two meo (Alric.GlI hlTe been apecilUy employed for tbi ... ork, in addition to the o.uI I enumeraton. Several lite·holdere and otber pereoDI hive been proBeouted fnr f.i1inR to report teolnta and lodgfln, and otbe" for not regiltering tbemlelvel Ind obtaining reeident •• 1 permit.. In -awe inllanceS deportation waa rMOrted to.

At the meetiog 01 tbe Advieory BOlfd beld on 28tb October, io tbe Bo.rd room, Mr. J, B. Pueho, chair· m.n, Central Committee, took e:.:ception to the way tbe law WII beiog put ioto effect, 19 per&onl wcre proeeooted without being given tbe chance to arrange to payoff by inltal­menta at tbe N.tive Office and were thue fined, yet all the .uelu had to be paid II well. The chairman, Mr. J. R. Cooper, however, replied tbat the regulation ..... 01 long .taoding and all tbe bloollmen knew of ite exilWlnce, and that. through tbem the pablio hid been .. arned. Tbe law, therefore, mUlt tlke itt coune. I lelro that Beadmlo, Mr. T. M Mapikela and otber inflnential men are endeavooring to bring lbout a chaoge in tbe oper.tion of thi. regulation, 10 th.t it ,hall be lell hlrlh,

Community HIli Improvem ents Welcomo improvemente to t.hi.

ball are beiog made. The Town Counoil ble laootioDed the iOltlllation of a .teel ceiling for the hall, and work: on thie project "Ullooo be commenced. Location Dispensary and Sisttr In.Charge

The Town Council hi. Isuotioned the boildiog of • commodioul di.­peonry on a new aite. Furtber the appointment of .. European lilter·in· oharge of the Location diapen •• ry hat been approved by tbe CouociL Bee idee

The Late Mr. R. S. Nyandeni

Induna At W.N.L.A. WITB mucb regret to rcco rd the

delth of Mr. Reoben S. Ny.ndeni, wbo Wal a fiutocla" lndnna at W.N.L A. and wbo p.ned .... y on the moroiog of 3ht Ootober .fter a 8bort iIIoen. 8e bailed from Nqutn Distriot in Zol uland, being tbe third Ion of Silevll Nyandeni and NcikazilO Mhlongo. Be married Eliubetb Miya In 1905, aDd tbere are two daugbterl nf tbe unioo who lurvive him. He WII 62 yean of .ge.

Mr. Rcubeo Nyan1eni IVII a m.n of high reputation, and bit enmplary oharao\er and behaviour g.ined him a good nlme for hi8 work. Be .... a member 01 tbe Anglican Churcb.

lupervlling the nurlel, .he will give The late lli. Reuben S. N,aodeoi lectorN to African mothen . She will • commeooedotiu early nut year. He joined the W.N.LA. in 1908 a,

EntertaInments • gate policeman. After liz: montb, The preplrltion, committee of the he wla promoted I "mlbhlllna"

Conventioo gave I dIDOS at the Y. wbich po.t he held for aome year. M.e.A. Bin 00 Itt November. Owing 10 HU9, he wal promoted Corporal to the inolement weather the Ittend- till 1920 when he "''' an Iodonl Ince •• '" below Dormll. The African Ind lubeequently a firat·clay lodon. , Gypeiel Band rendered which po,t he held till the dlt , of bit

The Merry-Mlken under Mill J. G. death. Pbablloe will give I concer. and Be .... one ~f ~he fir.~ memb~r~ of dance io the Commuoity 81n on the. St. Cyprian' Native JohYIOO Monday ne:.:t. The Loni.ilol Band which "''' .tarted by the Rev. Canon hae beeo englged to provide dance' Sha .. more . tban forty yearl ago at mUlio. Tbi. troupe will leave for II tb, .old brlckfielda where the Po .. er tour of the Trantvaal and Natfll 1000 Statloo oow etanda. Be wa. appoint­after the eloliog of the I('hooll. I ed chllrohwardeo of the ,,~e Churoh

A oonoert and danoe in aid of tbe I aod held th~t post f ~ r tblrty yearl convention committee will be Riven I np to the .of. hi. deatb. 8e in the Community Hall on Wed nee· reprea~nted hla Million evcry yelf at d 'y 13th November. Tbe Reveller. I tbe Dlocelln Conference and baa been Syn~opaton, Merry.Maker., Ind tbe a re~ullf member. of t~e Cburoh Mangaung MUllel1 Troupe wiil take ~onncil tbrougho~t bll entire cburoh

t d ood progrlmme il hfe. 8e WII a falthfulate .. ard. 811 P'~~~i:d, l~he gLouililna Bind will Ion il mourned by the m~ny people ~upply dance mUlio. wbo koew and reepected blm and be

At tbe Y.M e.A. Hall a danee will huleh a good name.

be ",iveo 00 Fuday, 15tb .No"e~ber. whue it bad gooe to fofil engagements At tbis dance demonetratlonl '11'111 be on ht and 21ld November. be gh'en by tbe leadin(l; membere of the Carlton, Africao, Silver Jubil~, persooalia lIud the Y. M, C. A. Daocing Club.. Mi'l A. M. Mapikela bal returued Tbe Louiliaoa Band will be in Itten- from Tlolo. wbere ,he bad bten on dance. Admiuion i, 1 '- liok lean, and Ibe bal reaumed

Tbe Loui!iaoa Blud under Mr J.J. dotiel. Jigger, baa retorned from Kimberley, lb. Natb. Ka.laote .peod tbl week-

Co,",,'"utd i. n(~t colvmn eod at Tbabe Ncbu on boaiae ... ":=== Mr. Joo. M. !,(akgotbi, of Thaba : Ncho, apent Ibe weell-end ill tbe City.


XDUL.&L.& lIDbo ........ AiM.audQ, la.llnlo. Ami. It-Clilllo bidumbot. BoaIr. Oqo .... o.

1 .. 101.

Mr. J. L. lobt1f'8 bu returned from a vialt to Thaba Nohu.

Mr . A. ~. Matlhare, Prinoipal, Lutberan Congregationll United School, who h .. bien away for lOme time hAIl retorned to relume doty. Mr. i.latlhlre bllllCoepted an appoiot­meot 00 the High Scbool ,taft

Bicyclists And Road Traffic The Need For Careful Riding

IN previon, inuel we have e:.:plaioed 100le of the traffic law8 tbat

motorial a have to ob,.rve-for the common I6lety. We pointed ou~ how neceyary it i, for motoriate to make tbe proper ligoal' and to them in good time, 10 that tbeir fellow­motarilla on the road or io the Itreet can know wbat i, going to bappen. We alao, it _ill be remembered, laid .tre .. on tbe necllaity of tbe regolation tbat makee it oompuleory for a motor vibiole to etop ten feet belore a Itltionlry tram oar. Tbis appliel 1180 to bicyclee.

The Mucb-Dud Bic,cle Motor care blve incrNaed in number

ptldeltriana ought to look lifter tbem· selve8 and keep ooly to tho footpathl. Pede.tria08, ton, bave a reuooable right to the UII of a publio rOld or ,trf.l(lt, and it muat bl remembered thlt they are not all young and nippy. Old mea lind "omen hIve to crol, the road aod Itreet, and age .lwaY9 Ihould commaod relpect .nd con­IIderation True conTtuy, wbicb mllnl con9ideratioo for otheu, il one of tbe 10veliMt qUllitiee in lire, and it deeervel to be enrcilfd to tbe full io motoring .nd bioycling alille.

Some Points For Bicyclists To Remember

-never before have there been 10 Ooe thiog io plrtioular a bicyoli.t maoy motorilts io tbe Itreeta of ehoDld .ee to : bit br"kel Ihould b6 Joblnoelborg Ind indeed all tbe big good and ill worllio~ order. Tbe townlof Boutb Afrioa. Bot not only efficieot Ipplication 01 tbe brlke at ie there an inorene in tbe nnmber of the right moment maku all tbe motor carl. In tbele pfOlperone daya difference-for aafety'l like. Aoother more motor oyolea are purchased. tbing i8 the importlnoe of tbe wlroing And tbe bomble bot very ulefol bell. A bell thlt doee not riog il bioycle il aleo io greater demand than obvioully uealell. It mUlt ring and ever. riog clearl,. Then at Iightiog.up time

If the motoriet and tbe motor oycliat tbe bicyoliat muat remtmber to have muat take clre for lafetY'1 ,.ke-al good ligbte. If tbele three thinge Ire they mUlt--.o indeed rout the properly attended to-brake., bell, bicyclht. He ha, as much rigbt to aDd lip:bu--the bioyclilt i. well tbe road II anybody, but he moet equipped. beware of taking rilk,. The African But for caleful and .. fe bicycliog 10v61 bil bioycle, Ind be i, clever in a buay atrlet there mu.t be aome­with it-.b.1I we lay a little too thiog more than equipmllnt, .nd lblt clever, at timel! Be ba, to r ~mem· "lOmetbiog" con,ilt. mlinly 01 com­ber thlt, with bi, Iigbt.heartedneH, moneenle. Triok oycliog Ihould Dever be i. not bicycling Iiong a quiet veld- be indulged in e'{oept in lOme pllce rOld wben II a flct he i. riding Iiong wbere it II appropriate, .ay I oll·co._ a bUlY Jobaonelburg Itree', 'brobbing In I bo.y Itreet it il II .tupid .. it i. with other traffic. Theil are daYI of dingerolli . RidlOg witb "hand.·of!" fut.moving motor can. The bioyole il anotber ICInlele .. pr.ctice io I bo.y mu.t remem.ber that l.c'. PedMtrilnl, Itreet. too, have to be coneidered. The robote With 10 mucb heuy traffio about have done an immenl8 amotut of there i, not too mocb room for the good, througb their ailent, oommon- bioyole, and tbingl are not al .. ay. IflUIfl controlliogol tramo aud through ealY and oomforlable for tbe bloyolilt, Ihe IInle of diacipline whiob they bnt he will wio re,pl<l t very muoh in have already oultivated in Itreet- the degree tbat be obey, tbe lraffio 111111. But tbere Ife plenty of pllcee I.w. and Iho... con.lderation for yet wbere no rohote have been io· other.. Employell .. bo eugage Afri· Italled, and if tbe African or any C.OI to delivtr order. CIIn belp by bicycling youth turna too ,harply and leeing that tbeir bicyole. Ire not un­too n,iltly roulld a corner there il doly loaded.up, Ind in par~ioular the alwlYs a ritk of In acoldent. There I curying of a tr.y on the hloyolilt'l ia not muob point in layiog tbat head Ie not .. in in buty traffio.

at Amlnzimtoti In.titute, Nltal, and WANTED .. ill leave It tbe end of the year.

Reva Wm. Mljodioa, Kafirlonteio, aud B. Moc~ela, of Bochab~la. will APPLICATION3 .r. In,,;tl,j for tbe both be leaVing BI.nemfonteln early pOlt of a pia.oi.t for the 00)0<.1 ne:.:t yelr, both bl~'ng ac~pt.ed Bope aan at p.rYI. Wall" i.! a elle .. here, Rev \'\m. M.Jodlna Will n:.ont!:i. Free 10daiOil provided, .\p_ proceed to Betblehem. 'ply.-a D MU:Go. (Prolpriatorj,

I am lorry to report that Mr. S. T'I P 0' B,,~!}I P.ry. O,F.S, Moli .. po!i ... til, indiapoeed, and that . " I II Mr. S. MolaUon i. laid up by illnell. ..

EDWALENI INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL For t~ Cbrilt,ao edur.tioo of SIt> .. a boJ" OlleN ,our_ .0 the foUowiaa .ubje<:Ui.

TNUllolZ of Hioju Ind Sk, ... eombilled w,th Lutbn Chemi.otrJ . Te.iJ<>r'"g, C.rpeotrJ' witb ltaohlllfl Wood Work, Le.ther Work, (wbich ioclud .. the ... ~'no, .n,1 roams 01 Sboea. 81oj.;llel, a .. o-. .lId .... io ... tbio~ ou~ of I .. tber .... d ,kiOl I,

.nd. Motor liIe(lhtol ....


Fo. f"I,(>.~ •• ~ J, S. RICE, Princi,.l, lziDfOlwtDi P.O" NaW. l.o •• I.nw. htll(inn. II(WI­

ad "pell. Ctmti,,~ i" AUt col,,,,.,, 1

1 .. __________ .... ____________________ _


WHAT OUR READERS THINK The Bantu Race nol pay at'&ntlon and ltop, tben ill

r, rovlIIlhe futility of the powe" velted n tbe League.

bome. Tbe burning of effigiOi mlY be commllodable for draml,lo lfleet, bull ie mIke. nO Improtllon on Signor Mnetolinl what.aoever, whUe from the politioal Itandpoiot It II oelther here nor tbere.

Tut' Editor, " Umtt'Ulh "

PRO PATRIA, .rltee Slr,-M.y 1 through "UOI.teteli" pOID~ out.

few f.cton t,b •• hI" been In procMI from tbe Inoeptlon of Wblte dominA­tion in South Afrl~. alld tbat ~.,.e eftlf ,in('1 bno 8n .... U~g the very .. ,t,l, of tbe Blntu ra08. h i, In lolloow­ledgtd hI,lorlo.t f.o~ tb,t on tbe Impact of '''0 olviU .. tlonl the wuker mUlt ullma!ely orumbl,: the el.'~ICIoI inltloon .~ the Ameucan Iodut.ol , the South Afrloan HUlhmen .o~ Bottentot., Ind tbe Au,tr,tI,u . Ab~u­gion. Thtle people had primitive loci,l .. tioo, tbat wtre It" cloeety Itoit together th.n tbote of Ib" iundiD!! White min.

The reai,tance of tbe Blntu up to our timN .bow bow admirably w(llI· toit their oultur.1 ',Item, mUI' b~v. been. But .. fact. of tb~ Iituatioo ebow i, wa' a matwr of tunll rathllf than 'a permanent reliltanee due to In indllttruclahlo ciYiliaatlon. Today the multi of dec., ani ~nmiltaiable . Thlt admirable ariltoentlo dignity of the Zuln bu I.UfOed Int.o an attitude oonditioned by tbe que.t. for brud and the olotbl!l of tbe White men. Thll Xota philoeophio qll."t after. tbll moral trnthl ba. dllteflorabd 10tO tbeir adopting themMlvee "tom· fortabl, " to tbe eoooomio 'YI~m of the White man. Tbe magnificent diplom,oJ of MOlbeth ~ .. bee~ u~ed to blnH tbe mi .. ionaty IDto tblnloog tbe Buutol .ery nioe duo· footed Million NativN.

Thll Blotu raee bl, bornt itt bolta aod b .. taken a bliod pilloge into noknown and ioto tbe mael!trom of .It. deltrnction. 1 chlllenge aDJ NI.h.e clergymln to tell me wby bll 1t.1 WttleJan or why I Roonn Catbolle or why 10 Aoglicln ueept. for eeonomio rellon.. 1 challeDg. Iny NativlI teloher to tell me why he i, edoclting thll childreo of the Blntu Race lod 1 chaUeoge any Nltlve lelde~ to tell me wby lod .. here be !, lelding tbe Rice u.cept .for economic gain and for lelf·'SRraodllement.


The Editor, "Omteteli."

MR. A. MOLltTE, Winborg, writel, Bir ,-The wnr.d "Linall," origin.

aUy prononnced With the Icceot on thll II" Iylllble, meln. 'tbey are rad and wbite. Kbomo e nala-I red and white cow. Tbia il the colour of tbe naill of OOOJ'lfl; red and white. It II Dot • borrowoo. word at all. "Le 1e 0.111" witb tbe acoent on the lut lyllabl~ meanl: It is red ~nd .hi~· linill-t.bey are red aDd white.

"Lekgooe. "from tbe word 'kgoha'­"a tici," whioh you koow Iticu flit on tbe Ikin of a cow or harte and oln be pulled off wit~ lome. difficultJ. Whether the fint ImpretilOn on our aneeeton of tbe Wbitemln WII tha' of atickiu8 to the t.rotb or action I canoot pretend to know; bnt aoyway they ltuck to lometbing t Perblpl i'

I Seabanks Pbarmacy, P.O. Box 88, Durban.


Bhlll ncele ipep' lemiti yetu


Imiti yelilubl IOmoya eqeda ipika nokucinaoa. JOlni 10' puzwlYo 6/6 inlizi IIIbunqiewa.

yo 3/6 nge polL

orlllnlted from the fao' tball they peneYered in oonquerlog MOleleka," and Dlng .. n. "Ba "IOmaftla Jaka kJ{Oba" tbllY lUck on like a tlok . "Makgaba," (Maigooa).


Tho Elblor, "Ulutetoh ."

MR. EDWARD N. MSUTHWANA, wrllM : Bir,-Melln Ntoane.

MIlibego aud otben bave introduoed a lubjoot. of moment. Our InollllO" lelmed to havlI poIHI .. cd a grelter love for tbelr veroloula' than we Illaim to bold. Upon receivlol an implemllnt from tbe Europeln, our fcrefatheft would give it a Bantu nlme. They tbooght, dreamt and acted in terml of their mother tongue. We rei, upon our inowladle of Englllb, Mrik .. nl, eto , and therefore never troublll mneb lbout lubttltnting luitable Blntu nlmel for tbe nnmer· OUI modern mechanleml Ind ntb('r IIml.

The groundl on whl, b tbe would· be optimist. Itaudl are tba' no langolge il developed without bor· rowing'. J have no dispute for bor· rowiogl bere Ind there, for the babe (Blntu laognage development) il .. yet in itt cradle and mutt learn to 'it Ind crawl beforl it elo walk. But Ihe flee mnlt not be lotIt light of tblt Blntu Iinguigtoll will beoome Inigmatioal mongrell toOner tban later, reoionlog the rate at wblch inventionl ar;:, tlking Itudet.

Thl word "o m.Luugn," according to Mr. Ntoaoe'. inquiry, bun a meaning tbat in itlelf i, eloqoent tell.· imony of oor Ineeitora'i clpable devotion t.o Ilngnlge development. They obHIrved tbe Engli~h piooeer at tbe outat. of tblir contlct Ind dit· covertd tblt he bId tbe lame buman featllrea II tbey potW'Ned with one apparent exception-the bair From tbe colour of the white mln 'l haLr they nlmed bim "om.lungo" wbicb ii, in a broader melniog, "Inwde ezi bu lun,a" tbe word "Iuogl" refer.

• d" . ring to the colour-"boo In Afrikaaor, Tbul from tbe coloor of bil btir the white man ha. been named nOl·lo1'lgo. Tbe Swa,ia (Inother Zolu tribe) cIII the the wbite man "um·lnmbhi," whicb it almOit correct for tbat word refett to bai" dl a maize cob, "obo lembbo." These two word. have undergone cblogee io pr~nllnoiltion and IIve~. tllally io lpe\llDg, for none of them II corrtct. aocording to tbeir preHnt mode of epelling and their lOOleOt mttoing. Tbey Ibnllid read "um· Luoga" or "om·Lembhl1" in Znln· Xho ...


Tbe Editor. "Umtateli "

MR. BURLINGTON B. GQABAZA, Mooder Bee, wriw.. : Sir,-Tblo

war b .. atJlcted world· peace and therefore dittnrbed nation.. The Leagne of Nationl, in wbom tbe powen of 'he wnrld may be laid to be vMt-td and wbo oan dllmand retreat of the Itllian troopl from tbe invllion of AbYMinia, hl@ found iLIa!! a de· bator, Bot tbe war in Aby .. inia il It ill waging and hondred. of people hive Ibed blood and dild.

Churob Illaden are advocating meat· log. for prayeu for peace, wbUlt war It w(1glog In AbYliiola. Otber ItOpe looh al lanctlonl are taieo, but they prove to be very inlffectlve. Italy h .. deoldod to pUlh on and I. pOlbing on. The min wbo .. lied with tbe Ihlp "Mendl" were worthy NativlII ordered to go over and belp in tbe Itruggle that bid ariMID . WhIt now 1 1. It hacallll the AbYHinlanl are oppre .. ed or II there a dilferent axoule for delay of the wlr. prevention or anolbilatlon l



Lobatli, Benhuanalaod Pro· teotorate, write, Sir ,-Africanl are reo nowold for tbllr IIIOM of humour. but lately it. Ippeatt Ivldent tblt an pre· \'inlll reoordl of tbe mlnifutation of thi. partloular oharaotcrlatio are in danger of being brnken. What the ethnologloll relation between the AbJllinlaol and tbe Sonth Alrioao Nlth'el la, It il not the purport of thil artiole to diIOUII. The motivlI i, to endeavour to Ibow wbat a farce it il for dive,. Native "oe. of Booth Afrloa to trf and meddlo In what ii, if any thing, 10 loteroltionlliffair. At preteot, more tblo at any other time In the bittory of South Africa. there il a bigger war agtiolb tbe Afrlo"nl thIn tbe confliot betwoen the Elho· planllnd the Italianl. H need. all our oonoerted attention, all oor moral eo.operation and aU onr money jf WI Ire to Itaod Igalolt tbil foo at bome. If to any African tbe flgM for righta whicb Ife at gftat j&epardy at tbe moment i. Dot more Important to u. than tbe Yanqol.hiog of Italiana by tbe AbYliioian., then I can only IIOribe tbe conclDlion to the lingolar bumoor of thll Nltlv" people.

Tbil popular ootbout. of mi.pllcad patrioUtm could be turned to good pUrpOitl if i~ cbaanell were diverted and made to bear on inlultioee at

Mlny yea" ago a Brhllb St.t8lman remarked tbat "Italy mUIt. exptod or bnrtt." Tbul we lee that reoeot eventt bave not oeou red by mlltake, bu' ero a cllmlx to I terlel of eventl tbat wae bound to follow from pohtleal prcmiIN. "Charit.y begina at home II mly he In old adage, hut Ita truth remainl unlhlkable. Befora ttklng PliOI to tee tblt the Ethopllnl, (wbo by tbe way ere qolto caplble of look· illg after tbelr ownl Ilflire) 1111 jUltly troated by tbe ItIIlIOI, we would he willi if we fl'lt lie to it that we receive fllr Ind jUlt treatment in tbl handa of White Bouth Afrloan.. Therefore, let Afrieln. oot di .. ipate tbeir energy In cbamplooing a 10lt canll, but rather conterve it and upend it pro· fitlbly in Iweeeping oor own doorl.


EDUCA tION ? The Editor," UmteteJl." MR. L. D. MATSHEOO, Stofberg

IUltitute, wriwI; Sir,-l am punled II to wbat the aim ot modern Bantn Edoeation is, and I would Ilk readen of .. Umteteli " kindly to give In uplicit Itatement on tbe IIIbject.

Thera arll mlny liml in Education.. Some aim. are \0 train tbe young men aod "omeD to become loldieu, II the Inoient At,yrlanl and tbe Spartane did. Some aim It Inablin, their children to obtain tbe prehmioary elemlnt. fo edncation.; lomll aim at developiog the yoang Oleo and women into aD iotellectual, phYlioel, Ipiritnal lod military race 1I'bieb ultimltely will ply the pipeJ in jta Oltional iodependeocy Ind alto In tbe advance· ment of trade aod commerce. Bot I doo·t "no .. whera we Africanl, atand. Are we educlted io tcboobL, for tbe Bouth African Wbite. WIOt os (1) to

Co"ti"1Ud ill PO']' S


A Meth",Ii.~ s..,hool .jth a dOl re<lord nl. 8&olu Edu' .tiotl. Lo .. Fee •. Healthy ~limate. Oood Food. Mode ... hull~ and equ'pm~Dt. Cond,t,o.,. seoerally Rood. Glroet and otber ~i.1 a(;tlVltlU. S.C.A., Wayflre ... , et~. Tho! School h .. ite o .. n Projector IDd Cinema pintUl'tlI are regularly abe .. n. I.U.a. 'Of Oirl, lod Boyt. from Tntermediate to. UnlV"rllty J.C. In preplt'ltion for Fort Uare. M'lnculltion. Righer Cert ltl~.tN LO Educlt,OO. NurtlID8 COUrIe , eto. (Syll.o .... include. Eogliab. Afrikl.lD., Zulu, Betuto). I.U.S. Training School in Demeetie Science for .. OWfn t"""bert .. ho com· plewd .. Nounl' Co ....... I.U.S. Dometl>o Scieoce Coorte ler girl.. A full oourte emO.adO! .11 hrallthu 01 Houtehold ldtnag.meol, Bome Nu ... ,ng,1-'int .A.d, Dr$U.Wllwlg, P'OIUDg, "te.

I B.S. r1!.ope'" Feloruary Slh, 1936. Foa PBOn-cn:rs &11'1) aLL !' ... n~s 1o.I'!'1.\':-


, I

: ~)rI12Oj( I' . .,/ 00 I

THE PRINCIPAL" Indaleoi HIgh &:bool.

Richmood, NltaJ.


Itlly ia one of the fOrfl~olt powen in the Leagull bot h .. Intentlonllly overlooked ita laws. Tbeir action con6rma tbe idea tblt the Leagull of Nltionl ia I committee 01 debaten. If it be pollible that. at commlnd " hIlt" by tbe League Itlly would


AMkurwnga",,,a 1Igemibala eti,humi,

Amapepa lei 6 0 Croxley Cambria Pad kunye ne mvilopu kunga POltilhwa oge Id ·




News From The Coulltr, Districts

Upington News A ccident to Pieterse


Nourse Mines Brevities

(Ov J O(tK GAWB)

(8\' Pl'TER B. MrAIiLAu) ON 27th Ootoher Cape Shootou LaWIi TeDnla Club, Noutle Mioel,

THE maoy frieolll 110.1 relation. of pl.yed a fri oodly with BlIck Roekl Rev. Jno. R. PieUorlle. of the Lawn Teooil Club. Pr.toria. The

\THleyan !ohthcdilt Minioo Churcb, matoh wu divided ioto male aod e"lf Upio!'!:ton, .od formtrly of tbe mixed doublea. Nou.... Mioet woo 'Ib~ba t-,ClLu Wuley.o Chureb, will by G6 gaal6l, t he leorn beiog l Ot} mucb regret to lu rn that bi, family and ·10 glme. ruptctively. Prominent met ,.,ith. IM'riOUI aCCIUtnt 00 SItar· amoog the Nourle MioH playera weee d:l.' .fttrDOoo, ~Oth October. Ret". Mill Llz:r;ieMaliio, Menr. Guloey, J. 'R Pieteue W" io towo whto tbe Thabakgolo, Kekao. lad SerguD~ Mddtot. blpptned. It .pptlfl tblt. Oheogu; wbile Shwotlaod PollYlned hlu. Pitteree .10' bUIY prf'periog to Pret.oria. from almOlt ignomioioo. JigM a firf'. load m.dl"erteotly ueed dtleat. petrol in.~.d of panffin, With the Some eoterprlliog youog Africao. ,"ult tbat. there waa a btg aalDe. I bave receotly opened a hairdrel~iog Mft. Piettfee receivt'd ... ere broiael,laloon on the Main Reef Road, 00 both htr arOlI. The 2! yearl old Deover, where the I16niee object­li ttle 1100, Mald.yo Morokl Debruyo, leuon to maoy of our longer eetabJi.h. 11:00111"0 a~ .. Littl. Bokkie," came run· ad Baotu barbe" in tbe ciLy. niog t4 hie motber, .. Ith the rH olt. t.ha' he, too, clught. fire. Tbe accident oeceuitat«i botb tbe mother .nd " Little Bokkie" being takeo to tbe Gordooia KOlpit.1 for medioalatteo· tion . Pd.ft. Pielerll6 .... rtleaaed the .ame day to leave for ber home, bot the Wal kept io hOlpital for fortber treatment.. AI .. 1 be loddeol, wed early 00 Monday moroiog, ~8t.b October. The hurtfelt Irmpatbyof the .. bole dDtricl aDd town il with tbe bereaved fatber a.od mother and lhe"ee ill tbeir grievoo. Ion.

Rev. S. )"'mon, of the Iodepeodlnt Mialioo Church, aul,ted by tbe cirouit. I"ward, p, Maoyakanyaka , of the Wealeyan Cborcb, oooduoted tbe foo· eral service .. hich .... .ttended hy a large crowd of mourne,.. ,nd fri!.nda ud Iym.pathiaere, oomheriol 268, The pall. bean" .. ere Kalttn Jacl MooI, Nimrod Mpablau, and J ob.n a.od Sam Sandl.oa.

i i • Mr. Ebeoezer Mbthici, of the

RLilw.y Locatioo ,peot tbe wtekeod wit.h frieod, at Btrauuburg.

TbOle who b ... ·e left for their bali· da,.are : ¥r,. H. Boyde,..·, four IOOS and daughter for Kimberley, 00 three mont.h,' holiday; Me.,.. Cor Mali, Lewi. Roes, Joel Saodlaoa, 'or Put­&OnderWau.r, tbree week, ; Muan J. Bnyderl, JaO Maoo. for t.wo m.onths to, B.W.A..; aDd Mr. Abel Muilo to Luderitz, S W.A.

Mn. Ellen Mpoogwana h .. arrived bere from. Capetowo, to 'peod a three montb.' holiday .. ith her t.wo d,ugh· te,.., M,... J. Gal.yo, and Miu M,ud Mpoogw.o., both of the Muoicipal Location

We ext.end our coogr.tulationl to Mr . and Mr,. J Olflph Oal.yo, of tbe Municipal Loution, 00 tbe birth of a bonoy '00; both motber aDd are well.

I am glad to report tbat. Mrs. S. Pieterle, wife of the Rev. Joo. Pieter8e

Conlinm in ne~t column


T B ES\IA RTEST alld mlltlt becommg j1"la.;H' ",om are thooe made by ELKINS-made to hflp Jo"r eijl"ht load SL'IT YOUR AP­PEARANCE If your lIj;lht i ... ea.k,

ba .... your eye ... ·ieatlticali), esamio .. d Ii)' ELKINS, load jf n' ~ •• ry, the bNt gil'" prOVided.

• News From Colesberg

A .... beld no 23rd October. Mr. J. Nt.somi, tbe oonvenor,

brought bome to t.he lobabltaott of Coleaberg Location tbat. it WII within tbeir capacity to be .. ell reprl'leoted at. tbe Naliooal Conferenoe 00 16th Dec.mber (DiogNo'l Day) i<.l Bloem· looteio, where people from all part. of tbe Uoioo .oold oom. kI,ctber in cooeultatlOo over the Native BiU,. H. poiotoed out t.he r",IOU for ooov.nioll of tbe Confereooe and tbe need to be repn&e.ot.ed.

Meearl Nioo Reed a.od S, J. Obeda were elected. .1 delegatee for tbe Conference.

A oommittee of '.elve •• , elected,, Mell,.. J. NtoIOmi, George Loa., Joho Thok06, Madiuoa, Joho Nqaodo, Sam Dou., Jobaooea Seekoei (HOretary), M. Bi~a.oa, Nico Reed a.od B. J. Obeda

• Clocolan News

(By B, S. T. LIUU)

IN the Bantu Uoited Bchool ball, 00 26th October the re,ideote of

Clooola.o ea .. tbe famoUi Afrioao orippled man for tbe tint. time 00 their ltage. Mr. Bbika il gilud with out.tandiog taleota . He bioi a power­fol voice, load hi. abili~y and agility on the Itege lorprieed the aodience. Those .. bo had the fortooe of bearing bim. liog aud .eeing bim perform Will never forget. him.

Becauee of tbe ne .. Icale of feel enforoed in the 0 F.B. N.tive &chool., t he number of Icholarl hal decreased in oor local Bantu United School.

MUlte C. Moltt.ane and M. M. Ntai of the B U.S. are preparing to .rite tbtl Mattie. Iud J .C. exam­ioatioM at. eod of tbe year.

of the WesleYlo Churcb, ia making alight im provemen~ tbougb t.he little baby recently baro ill ill . Frieodl all bope that. both baby aDd mother will lOon be enjoyiog good health .

Mre. Mioah MZMa, of the Municipal Locatioo, who hal been ill , ha. hIP' pily recovered.

Evangeli,t Jobaonel Sen08i of tbe Lotherao Mileion Churoh at Keimoe., a petieot. at. the New Someraet Stra.od Hospital io Capeto"n, il .tillll6rioully ill. Our Imcere bopaa .re tb.t he will returo hera, hi, old dear 11611 oooe

The oew buildiog of Bt. Matthew', CLASSES Native Minioo Cburoh il makiog

(iodlldio, progreal. Euraioa- Bub&criber. to "Omteteli" ,hould "~m) ZI / 0.11 or ,eod for their paperl every ... , Mood.y morniog. They .re 101'0 reo

102 [Ioff St ... t, e/ • .s.,1'* St., JOH \f'lNf..SaURC. qUilted to pay up their lub.criptioo _______ _______ -'. •• 1 early ae pol9ihle pleall6.

-Thaba Nchu Notes

--( By BOL. M , MAT~UA ' )

A Visit to St. Cuthbert'., Tlolo

To E Metbodll~ Coofereoce b •• laoc­tiooed t.he ereotion of.o ,o.titu ·

tion here .t Tbaba Noho, (By MIU N. E. LC\l1i: nl.)

Teacberl load loholae •• re preparing rHE Improvemeota at St. Cutbbert'. for the flaIl examlo,Uool. io the l .. t. IIX leatl 10 .... " ' 01

Oor local teacher, hIVe oovered way~ Ire very noticeabl. , ~pec:ialJ, loother milestone io the m,rcb of 10 the buHdlogl, 1 .... mucb ira_ progr.n by formiop: • lIew •• .oc;lIotion, peened by tbe gtDUal progrl'lI d tbe tbe Tbaba Nchu Atbletio .ou MUlie Primary tiebool. I Wa' attrlCted bl A .. oelation. Tbe officerl are: cbair· tb. VarlOUI cup', e g., for cleaohneae mao, A. B. MoioL vic. cb.irm.o , J. I. load punctuality, oSered to each 110. Nhlapo; Iec reta ry, J M. Makgotbi; i r om that ncelled, aod I aleo ob. vice at(" retary, t:i. M Watahai, treal aeeved the IhieJd and baontr for ure r, Mra. L. Nyokoo~; commltt.toe,. aenior load jooioe comp"tit iool of the W, Krull.od Mrl, R. Mompati. ITlolo dlltrict. I tOrDed back witbio

We wou ld .ppeal to the coontry. five day. aDd met. Sliter One, C.SJ.B. tl'ache" load persond In Iym.pathy .t T.olo Oil ber w.y to St. Cu thbert.'1 .. ith the aim. and object.s of the i fr'Jm tIer holidlye lind thea entrained alll(Jdltion to ,opport it .od make it It Umtat.a for Idutywa to CMome m, th. IIICCNS it dell6rv •• to be. worll. at Fort Malao Weaving and

_ Oomeatk ~dto~e S~hool, relreebed ill WHAT IS THE AIM OF AFRICAN wi ad by alY happy ,·i.h. I wOlld

EDOCATION ' like ·0 thaok MIM itaic. ( io CharD of St.. Marilaret'l HOltoel) 101" .

Ofmlill1Ud f rom 'JXl(Jt 7 develop dNirably, l ocially and politic· ally .0dJ cooteq oeotly have oar iodependent po ... r, pride and patriotam or (2) \0 be .oahled to be (3) to be lobi. to attain tbe elemenw of modero science and art, .0 u to act a, a good .... , io lerving tbe prelates or Whites 1

Brakpan News fBi \YR. H. T.u • ..t.Zo)

MISS G RACE HLATYWAYO, of Swniland, il here 00 holid.y, ..

~he gUlli of Mr. aDd Mrl. Zik.lala. I meotioo tbe lut poiot becau.e daring tbe raigo of tbe Dutch FAit India Compaoy at the Cape, tbe tJavea .. er. t.aogh~ by the Dutch that. they woold cooduct them&elvee obediently to tbeir mute,..

We have 10lt Doe of oar prominent reaideotl io Mre. Mogot.lwho hu lefl t.o joio ber buebaod, Mr. Mogotti, io tb. Native ASai" Departmeot .t Port. Elizabeth_

OW" edoeatioo 10 schooh doe. oot help o. 10 oat pranticallife, and if "Committee of lovo.tigation" cao reform our Eduoation we shall be glad.

Mill Wioifred Kubbeb il now al. ta bed to tbe Araeri o.o Board Hi.ioa School, load Mi. Hilda "ogoai baa gODe to the Americ.n Board Miasioa Bchool io JohaooNbW"g.



TEKAVO libengeze-lisa ifestile mpela!

Aku.iwo umaebeoti ootima ukOfula ifeltile­nge Boo Ami. Kalnla oaogoku kaoleu, i Boo _"'- ml i.u.a konka ukoog,~ol., imidlll"8 ooku dyobeka-yenu okokuba iSla~i ieale ieoctkile, iblaD~ekile iogar.elektng&

Aku8iyo Ionia ynol"YI. Ngokobl kwak.elo seaba i Boo Ami yenu ubenguelo oluq"qam_ bileyo- yenze okokuba iglaei ufe.tile zibenge­ule osoko "genII hli1lga" ,'!{"Q.

Tenga iqekeza Ie Bon ."-mi nlilinp:e kwifeitiJe &.ko. Kaogela erooa odlela neota okokuba iglui ziqaqambe- ooku luoga kw.yo :u iletye' n1.i •• ayo.

BON AMI umluluDgi ogriDekeyo k g ·

ba uta bet. iselba elide


Kroonstad Jottings And Doings --

Activities Of C.A.U.

AT a meeting of the Joint Committee of the 0 FS. aDd Traonlll

Ladysmith News (lly ... CORIUISPOND&NT)

braochu of C,A U, Mr. Patriok AMONG recent vieiton to town wore

Ndtlbl pr-eliding, the following dele· MeNU Clement Tihabllill (Klein.

gltee were elected t(l the National fontein), P. C. Zungu (Beadmuter,

Cont'entlon Me .. ,. W _ B. Vilakl:tI, Matiwanu&op School), H. C. C. NYlwo

B.A., Kelble 'Mote, B. Mlnyoni, Ind (Crimen), Owen A. Ntuli (Headmuter,

B. T. Phllkie. Senral ,uggeatiolll Stein&oolBpruit School), J. Mnguoi

were adopted Ind lent 10 the C.A.U. (farmer, Lyell Meran), C. Mdhladbla,

Bead Office in Durban. Jo~. Mtthali (Teloher, St. Chad',

Tll.e reeidenle hal'e elected a new Pr.otiting School), Dube (Beldma.~r,

Native Advitory Boe.rd conlilting of Bndord Combined School), Mr. F.

MeNtlA. Mokhemilt', N. Ntanjl;a, Wm. Mog.oga (Bead Teaclaer, Mhlum.yo

Mofoken!, Simon D. Chlk.oe,lgnaliul Scbool). Mblco. In Ward "D" on Wedolliday Among those who attended the

there w.. I bye-election betwfen conf"rence on Native BiIll held io

Muert A. Modibedi Ind Jo'eph S, Pietermaritzburg were Chiefe W. S.

Molete. Kumalo (Driefonteio), B. Sitole

At a mile meetiog held in the (MhlumlYo), M. T,hlb.lala (Matiwa.

Ethiopiln Church 00 ~ I st October, nukop), Meura Job Twala (Driefon·

prnidfd over by Rev. P. S. Khe... tein), B. W. Zulu (Kleinfontein) .nd

the following reeolution WII pined othell. unloimouely:-That (1) Thil maee Looal Nativn held ami .. meetiog

meetiogof African at the Prelbyterilo Church. Mr. J.

people repreaent. K.mbole preaided. Chief T. Ntombela

iogaUthechnfchea 111'" lito prnent. The meeting whioh

in Marab .. tld WI8 c.lIed lpecially to pale reloluUone

Locationl, Kroon- re tlae Native Billa, unanimoudy op­

Itad, Itrongly de- poaed the Billa in toto. precate Ind con· Native ohiefl held their quarterly

demn the action meeting in the Native Commi8lioner'I

of Italy in egreu· Court. Mr. F. W. Ahrent prtlided.

ively waging. Wit The meeting decided to requeet the

U p 0 n In 0 th e r Native Commleeioner to inyettiglte

member of the into oompllinta abont the beer in the

Leagoeof Nltionl. cloteen and about the mlnagement

(2) Thatthe Union of the Nltive village. Qot'ernment be 10 the Governor·General'1 Sbield

Re'·. P. S. KM.. urged to reque,t mau:h (, the following will

the League to forne Itlly to .top tbil repre.ent Northero Di.tricts AfriCln

croel war upoa Abyatinia Ind thul Foot bill AMOCiaUon Iglinlt Durbin

live Bthiopia the t errible mieery Banta Football AlIIooi.tion to-dlY

.rooght npoo her and .. ve the (9th November It Durban) : MeNfI

couotry from the Icourge of epidemiOll W. Mvobu (Jnmpera), M. Zoodi (Lily

which it ,ore to fall upon aDy conotry, Reo. Makaye (Zebrll),

after and the economic ,trangulltion Then. Nene (Jumpefl), H . C. Komalo

brought about by Wit. (3) Thlt Itlly (Rainbowl), L. E. Smith (RainbowI),

mUlt be Wltoed to lelve AbYlllioia R. D. Kumalo (Rainbow.), E. Myet. ..

immediltely and give back aoy por. (Jumpefl), A. S. Keboe (Rtiubowl),

tioo of the Ethiopiln land illegally B. ZWlne (Rainbow,), C, Matiwane

captured by her." (Jumpere)., E .. Mpnngolfl (RainbowI),

The meetiog w .. orderly throughout , J. Mngunl (Rllnbowe).

• Measre R. A. Sello and Kelble 'Mot.e I explained tbe intero.tionll aitoation

of the Itllo.AbYllioian cri,il. A Red F kf t Cron Commitue, it ie underatond, will ran or News be formed by the Afri!!an Interde· nomioltionll ComCDitt~,

• Benoni Items

(By CAL\"lN T. p, waoKo)

REV. E. B. MPALISA officiated It the of Mite habeUa

Mooko to Mr. Melito io the Congrega­tional Churcb. Miu Emily MtiYI wa9 bridelmlid Ind Mr. Melito junior,

A genrtll.rneetiD~ of lelden of the wa'l\~I\ie~~h h .. occured of Mr.

Benoni Location .wn held OD Dilmond Bekwitz, one of the old

26th October at the Llbtlry Rooml, 'd I . th· ""t·,'. dh h C . f h realenBIO II ......... ".

convene . y t e ommlttee.o t e R J. Elliott Dbllmini i.9

G.mml Slgml Club,lo conllder the f '"B·' ft· d · t '-- b' t d rom oem on eDin.

r-ecommen Itlon. ~ ...., IU mit. e to I M R Vilakni h .. rehatoed from the Town Couocil ID the plannlOg up J hr. 'b

of the Benoni Location Social Centre, °DenDeB M""h· , •• ",·".Ch.""h

h· h . .. th tl t' elcon 0 a erne, .... " , , W IC II 00W' relel.V1ng e I eo Ion ie tranlferred to Maeeru, Bllotollnd.

of t~~ ~own COUD(~11. Mr. P. Mallnga To Mr. and Mil. Mtambo a bOllny

P'Mell e.·,e, t D N h blby girl hae been born. Mother Ind r. ""r . ongaozi lire· h both II

ligned hie post la Principal Tncher of ba yare we .

St. Alban'l School wbere he has ~en • I tncber for the lIst 19 yeln. He held tbe pOlition of I PrincipII for 18 yeara.

Mr. Dauglara D. Kgl:ola, who b .. been clTrying on the bU8in~u of a g1!netll allency in plrloerehip with Meun T. Blikhntle .ud E M.hlantl, hll left Benoni to join tbe Staff 01 tbe Methodi.t S!!hool It WOIDllTlln· ated.

Mr. DoUIII .. Ndunl, who baa been Priocipil TelClher of the AO(llican School, Germiaton Location, h .. been t"nllened to Benoni St. Alban', Schoolu PrincipII.

Rev. P. Ma~!I..ltmela, St. Alban'e Church, hal left for Bloemhof on tranefer.

Continutd o.l/oot 0' next co/limn

Bethlehem News

IN .. Umteteli " of 26th October it Wit etated that the Senellal Choir

"" .. under the conductonhip of Mr. Lebona. We are ioformed that tbie waa not conect, Ind we regret the inldvertent error.

Mn. D. S. Tlldi Rhodeaia.

hIS arrived from

Mr. C. M. Brown (Location Soperin. tendeot) hll been appointed TrOllorer of Benoni Location Golf Club.

Mre. T. Pitll (Modder.Bee) Ind MiSli M. Kotll (Randfontein) joined the ltaff of St. Alban', School.

Welcome to Mr. And Mrs. Z. K. Matthews

---Happy Gathering

At Imbumbulu

) Reitz News ---

rHE meeting nn the Native Billt 00 28th September wu a .uaceall.

The Reitz inhabitanu are grateful to

Mr. J. I. Nhlapo for hit nplanation of the. bill,.

Little Ro.e Mo\ ... wa, the reClipieot of gift. and congratulation. on her bir\hday. Mr and Mfa. Mota thank all who oontributed.

On 16th October a gathering took

A PLEASANT ,ocial fuoetion took place in tbo Bantu United School in

place at Imbumbulu MiNion honour of the Reitz Ichool choir. The

St.-tion on 20th October to welcome conductor explained to the parente

back to Alriea Mr. Ind M". Z: K . the. ~e.ultl of the "blornkl Cup Com­

Matt~ew' .. T~e. many guut.,lrrlved petition" Ind .aid that the leholarlll

at Mlee SI?U81elwe Mahnya I home oould be coogratulated on tbe 'UCCflU

by care wblch were plrbd along the achieved in their firlt attempt HI'!

main road to Maritzburg. Mill' appea.led to parenh to 'tungth~n tbe

Makaoya waf hOlteN and the guelt. choir for noxt year and expre@Bed the

were lfI~ted round ~en tab/ea, hope tbat the ttache" would oontinue

the eottlng left nothlOg to be dellred, to work in the gnod spirit they had

Ind the e:loellent lunch wle lerved at· Ihown thil year. Refreehmenh were

tflctively. Mr. A, W. G. Champion lorved and mU~1( WI8 rendered by the

made an eiJective epeech. Dr.Innel ohoir. Gomede, M.B., Ch 8. (Birmingham), ected ae M.C. After lunch there were' _____________ _

epeeohu by Dr . Brooku, Mellt. Maurice Webb, W. F. Bbuloee, and A. W. G. Champion, commending Mr. Z. K, Mntthewe'l ,chola"hip, taaohing ability, and winlome pereollality, .. well ae the charm, oommonaenlfl and refinement of Mu. Matthe"l.

lind and haa been etudyiog vocil pilnoforte mUlie. Her artittic ren­dition of tbe firet movemeot of Beethoveo', "Moonlight Sonlta" and Schnbert', "Impromptu in A" drew forth appllule. The Teich!:!,,' Choir .. ng Ind they were rewarded with mltked Ipproval.

Mr. Mitthewl h.. been overae .. .tudying It Yale Univellity (A-merica), where he took a Malter', degree, aod It London Univenity (England), where he .tudied Primitive Cultnre under ProfellIor B. Malinoweki. Mfa Matthewl joined her hUlband in Eng-

Mr. and Mr •• Z. K. Matthewl made ,uitable replies. An auraolive f .. tnre wu the tea It .hich the guelh belped themeelvel 00 the It.oep and 00 the Ilwn of the home jOlt before they left I' 4 30 p.m.


Strong nerves for bodies healthy

TIM .ven • COft[u,z U. QI/I()h

body. TII,.y ruu !",m III, B,,,,,, kJ ~Il «""~u QI I~ boJy. 1'" ,,,,, .. ,x b. ,I'"..g ... -i/ha'ol gG,d Stn:e •.

No man or woman can be strong

and healthy if the NeTiJe. are

out of order

Any person can tell when the Nerves

are weak by the following symp­

toms :- Shakiness, tiredness, head­

aches, trembling over the stomach,

buzzing in the ears, backache, pain

over the heart, heart attacks. bad

dreams, troubled sleep, unrefresbed

feeling in the morning, fear of res­

ponsibility and work. no desire for

pleasure and a desire for complete

rest or death .

Dr. Heinz Nerve Restorative is the modem tonic that

immediately clears up all these symptoms and diseases. It calms the

Nerves of the Br.tin and stlCogthens thc N!!n'es of the Sto1Jl3ch, Heart.

Kidneys and Bowels. Ml"$. L. B" Morgenzon, states: "Before I commeoced u~ing Dr. Heinz

Nerve Restorative I had practically lost all faith lD mcdicines. My sy~tem

had beccme something like a Chemist's shop from all I had taken. I was

a bundle of Nerves. could not eat anything, I used to sit up belween tushions

aU night cxpecting death at any momeo! from the frightfuJ heart attacks

and my mi5ery was too awful. Dr. Heinz Nerve Restorati\'e altered all

th~L I am a different woman. I can face life with courage and the

occasional fits of depression soon pass off."


costs S 6 per bottlc at all chcmi\ts or 30 - for 6 bottle;




10 UMTETELI WA BANTU, J OHANNESBURG, 9T1I NOVEMBER, 1 ...... ;,..,.""""""""""""""





MADAM, I have marked the weak. !leU and the uoworthi0888 of thoa8

who have offered themselves to you as recruits. But I am lure you will be pleased witb ml'; for I am DOt like them. I will bear any crose you give; openly and ~lad ly and sball win your approval and praise. Yon wilt be proud of me ! I pr"y-and I falt­and I give alme, and I do many noble tbioge, a8 my friende well know, aod the orO!1 will be. amall addition to my talk!. Let me ha\'"e a worthy Doe-that my friend, will lee and appreoiate. EYANQEL:-

Thou art indeed hrave and eelf­confident. What ill thy name, and whence cometh thou '

TOWER .PARAFFIN gives more heat, hrighter light and

lasts longer.

TOWER PARAFFIN Inika uhushushu oba­neleleyo noku kanya okwaneleyo ihlalel

ixesha elide.

FlFI'H DlSOIPLE:-My name is Pharisee. I live io thtl

town of eelf glory. 00 Conceit Street, next door to General Pride-a beauti· ful town and street. EVANOEL:-

I have beard of tby name and cbarao~r. I already diet ruet thy fit· nela for the high calliog of God in Cbriat Jeaue. The ?daRter leeks for tbe contr ite beart and the broken Ipiti', for the humble and lowly in heart, and thou I rt bOIiRting of thy grace aod gifta . Fn'To DlSOIPLE:-

Paul, the great Apostle, "boasted " aboot t be cwn be preaohed, why oot H EVANOEL:-

Panl boaeted in t be cron; how much it had done for him and the world. Thou ar t boaeting about tbe

oron, and bow much thou hut done for it . Witb Paul he "'u not hing, t bo Master wal everything; but witb t bee, the Maeter iI notbing and tboo ar t everything. T bou make.t t he oro .. ,. ladder 0 0 whicb tbou Itrivel t to clim b iot() 8elf·glory before men; but thou bu t no reward from God . Thou ar t bearing tbe crOM for t bine own glory. To luch ae t bee He Mid; " Many will eay unto me in t bat d.y, 'Lord. Lord, have we noe propb8lied io thy name, and io thy name cut out devill, and in t by nl me done many wonderf ol worke !' And tben will I profell uoto them, I never koew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Fifth Dieciple leavee. The Choir eioge:

When I lurvey tbe wondrool cron On whicb tbe Prince of glory died,

My rlcbest gain I count but lou, And pour contempt on aU my

pride. Forbid it, Lord, that I sbonld bOlet,

Save in the death of Cbrist, my God;

All the vain thiuge tbat ch.rm me mOlt,

I sacrifice tbem to Hie blood. EVANOEL:-

My minioo is almost ended, and I 1m c.Ued to give . n account to my Master. "Maoy are called, bnt fell' are oboeen." How great tbe a rmy of plealnre.leekers and boll' emaIl t be hOBt of oron· bearers. Once more I repeat Hil wordl; "Come unto me . 11

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ye that I.bour and are beavy laden, and I will give you f N t ."

T be Sixth Disople, ri, iu!! , C08)81

forward ,inging;

l . m oomiug t o the c rOM ; I am poor, and .e.k, aod blind '

I am coonting a ll but dro .. , ' I Iblll full .. lvation find.

(The Cboi r joinl in tbe refrain .) I am trulting, Lord, io tbee,

Bleat L.mb of Calvary; Humbly at t by c roBS I bow,

Save me, Jesue·elve me oow.

SIXTH DISCIPLE:-I have come to offe r my eervice, if

not too late-more tbao tbat to oller mYlelf to tbe Muter. I briug wi tb me no merit, but a williog be.rt , I came "Juet a8 I am witbout one plea" aDd to tbe Muter I eay: "Lord, wbat wilt tbou bave me to do 1" Not my will but Bie be dooe. I Beek a bumble place at Hie feet. I cboolle DO crOlB. but will take the ooe He give. liod atrive to bear it to tbe honour of BiB dear name.

EVANGEL:-My li.ter, if tbou apeakeat eincerely

thou I rt the dilciple whom the Mt.Elter il seeking, and whom Be wil l hODour with. gre.t truat, I have for thee. moat utr.ordioary servioe. Heavy iI the cr03S, but mark-great is the rew.rd. Take up tbat CtoU ae d follow Him. (Indicatee a large croll on tbl floo r.)

(To be continued).

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Uswelekile U Min. Dongwana (NOU "'OLI8) .)

SEKULITon \ ~IIORIOIP mlaYl1lI -------emltb,tbu I AJ"ill<lry iloard y ....

Rblol ioal .. 'urotlll hatun\·.1 11.,,1 KoojilOilal olukhulu tI,Ihiklkulemi. \d,ilor, Bolr,1 CoIlRre ... OOll 111 1. hlAti uku, .. ilkt. "uk. Mlu , jo'.

IlluoRU I.:vo. Ngoku litiltlle lu,ha l?olOIl"ltlA wllty.lIko yalll Oil. Y'lo lokuba ku~uOy(ll.e IbatuoY"1 bile 1 iyopl)'1 (I Rblnl nlte:!~ O,'tobtlr .. n~. "bodl YIII~ It., '\d"lOr1 BOIN aul"oRa tub .. 1i,1... Nlolilnn. eilll.olo· CoORI'fIoI' tlbllolilaole Kroon.Lld nMl'I 11.0 ~hamh. bambi ",,11.0 1~1 Dlorembn, kl.lt1.,llI:oko otlbukllmn Impilo Ylkelhlojil"ntlll, kad". kUII~II: IhQollI:ala'l"O, ooma! abltoli emnvlmtlili ko uto III ..... 11' .... 0111f'1f'Q1 yokuOIiI.hiko . tlro'IUOO-,. Hbodi k~be Ilu- Uokumhula lhafuodi IIku1o, ut" •• · .. oo.k .. 11 Ituba Imitl'l .. pakall komli o,lulult.tlolel.a ul"lmokelo oluuill. soollkc!le IIlIuo)lI.". 01t_ramU(I koka- l,ok1l8)'0 olt .. bell1l b"'e Itblnl kuld", hmjl:llwi kurt'11 kofopi 0(1 olhl k. oje ojenlilokubatlbl'f1ka IPI lllDn<'". )iolok"bi. h.ihloe elokilblOI I'lltoku 00 .a1.o ulxoblOli klltulu ojrl' ;Ill l iot.ulm nt,tu ,101il'" ,uti (",II'{llft' ). f\:lober. uPt·~·e 0lillhl LUOR, Amloli IYloqapu"ka I;. Ikulu Ilok\. Ttottnb, w_ Soml'rlll' "~.Ib 110 Nguo~a Ibioi jiilflf'ft, OgMlutO Mtopal •• ,o "'lllpa. boblblnl iOll;ablfuotll.i be· kut>1 i II dol0l;lu loni IIYlpbu. bl(110 II .. T.b,(ltlbi. EokODaweol yo. pbum. nrlmao,i. III'" Ibou OW i mo<'",aho (ItYlliklnl ~ C .. ooo "'1eh., 8bO<Ji YII .. p' ogeJiodlWO sitlhi,. .111111 ut,'h~ amaa'n okutbuthuula -uml!. Lifillil. itoba lokubl lIuoyol.II ~~Iamtoe like kuoye o .. blodll Ilml am,loogo amlkh, hie 8bodl 'III pi , rop Y. Dgokubbubbl k"ak(l. Ue' koba kudal. IlpellYo iJ.:lllbl lal.1 bellO emoowlbf!Ol baolkl no Mtend l'" abl~)jyo. I~ko OOR~'"el. 0gt!0kt.1I yombla woo

ku6blll'I k"lke .ha Luo!!:. Pro1'lol"i al K"loUlogloito ebio~oe ~bol.eol J. D ."-otooi 00 Pri~l~ NgJ:b.IOI

y.JIP'" ebibi."tI URo Nobblll u Mou .I.e Bh.t. NRIORCkoJ:lbll~1r.1 kokl P. N8siki Ilgolloy.lel.1 ogo Sihlalo u I Mlu ,. Doog"aoa pall .. U komd. abaotu Moo. Nlq(llllla, Ibilti"e olilamlodl. emahbl.f'ol blb,onflaml ;.00 kuko 10DtiaDgloito, ... cb .... u.ibillo uko· OIWOOdli1 bamlo,t:! Im,blftlo Rbloi. ba kublao~n1l'. ogtlOjoogo yokobl • i Rbioi htumeH:! abahoY.I Jr.-wi :qqOo,!qukla ,."". ehllllgt.OI , Bloem ODMin np HI lila Dee.mbu esakojoagl I Bhill till'. Rolomeote De 'foci ,Iballtau.odo y_ Koiool. KoOOnable o.Ir.aba ioOID11011O mi' yi"llwl kuop6blel".ogw. 'igqi. beni liqolilelO ogokuti kubaogl· •• Ioe ogeublalo. Zillme ogaml· adj. etiDgat. LuogiH· leli NIOOP DO lorba Dab-. Numsao. Ndomo DO P . N,aikl ull:ucbuel. o.Q).&i .imeko yokom.... k"eotllop0'*' .:Jom&!.

Nge C.WI eoppe.mbili Ilwegqit.ileJO .ibiyi08xilr.el. ,e biri'bday party ka Nlo..,;. Oooet&oco Nji~, &ilapo :IOob 10,1000 .... i IIIODc ... muocu nkwi aloogo.. PabU k .... Dy .. balll. y.bebeko ,lbaluJa lamloanellar.i, IbkOlk. E. Memani. R . I4OOmboyi, MakOiIt. P. Sio.Il., L. NO[lqIII, T. Rb.oao., D . Ngeai, O. Njibln., B. Nkumbi. P . Fib, o.baoumuna D. Solr.uyekl. C. Nogqlla. J. Ndyibi. A. Mdodi, O ... bu. llatitlfr.jta, B.

'Nallu.i, PilloJi , W, Gqomo, P. Ngmi. Qlmbi oabaoye.


UK,O SOALALI kudll naoko'etl fill. blodlol. Ukub, illblodl a.I".

bMlsl D~odiela yNO loow iehultu. mi~a Imilipa. kobeke, ukoba imYip. ioeot.o eebo.kuo,iew. yi,o Ikuoa kullt.. MOl' ukllUbeod .. oqu1l'e. Umtyot,olDflSO ., NgUlO .Ike Cbamberlaio wokuluogl_lola IIHModl ako obba Mlaoebeod llgeodlell abe kWlk.maio,. "ovoyll"l kuko.lll ..'YO. Sitoeogw. k"lba mi· yeu oako oo ... eollile.

• K.elltue Rlo.Uol illDq .. blle im ... u·

I. kod"l liIIlloko litem bill oJllo. Zlkoo. lodl.o elDloa Inl"l 1l0M Il"el.u Kolool.


Lady INTLA NO '\ NISO ye Ohod'I~';;':;Lo:;':,;;,.j,jhliT=~:='----::------

Ezase Frere iblft,ojl;eue uge:.lN Oct.obtr. umclmbl Ezase Qborba

orhalOhlll ogo.tI.ledo IIwl Kan .. le nKomelo k'" N~'I\lnB(lutela 1t iJbo<JI 'e l...okl.hl ~hl.IlKana "onYAk. 0110 l".Noba. Kroon,t,d. A.lke"" ukuba loollomo ,oala lule lIoloa .1'.JooRII8.

NRfI:!" O~toh.·r. II Mill. A, Mtlmllulu "ft,te Tek" .oi, ullhllll" al.b, k"ao}'tUII. II (;'l',et, I. T Mll ml"llu. ukuy. nokuouya e MOlotl k"l Korofa ,a.,. \\-N1l1e, uortuluk .. IIll1"olok,'ln. ukuti. 0RIl k.elo Ie 1'I""kllll b,.kbwele kurhl. (\.rh",·, WI' motor Ylkllft l'lhuty"a "I\:UOYIOI "Ikbe omorlollo" ... . II (fIJI. Umaoeli If)"') ul'lIya (lO",)ml ul..u1.uka kw" Korofl Tlf)kuuU~"a kWama,Jod"na •• lhhCIII) kuh" Hhllo( .. leH ulnaelllYo Io"k"a JIO W .. Ue.

II Nlwlk . Um~kay. "uo Ma, ubflol. utllllp;I40lel. i N~'IUllllrlutel. yoml oyRnQ 11'1'11010101 .~ T,bet~hl (lhllog"n.,. M.C'I I,~oi okuptol. kokl NO'l'lUb~r FiivlIok"II"" u,ftlwlof) hre . thu oltull,ulu no Nko.k. Marthl 8k,.0)aoa (I.1I',o",I,;"I1I'e ylllt"loahol ,lithe. no \Iou. Jim M~o&O ol"el~ke· lwe ylokoolhd Ylkbe. Booke oRe oya0ltl h O~tobH, U Mou . Lupbllto "1M NI'IIOd" ut.l~I"o ,iliyeoj(",leZioe I~OMQ&I yok"ap"kl umlool,fl oob.mbo oll;okullh .1.bl1l'II ~0"1 yl baoylM' kile, Oltokll UtIUOMtjulu,.e ellbblldblele e Komaol. U Mlo J. B. Jobo.',o 1I'IM 1.b .. t.hi IllonRillfllel1 okuvull I.ikolo elo1.llbloi, looto yob,luo(' .. l1o kul/lot"l\o. b.d'pbl edoloplol Mite· mbl ukuba ahlllh baYlkuml .. a k1l'l­hoae l~oqoh'll plmblll.

8"a iD,Ia~ ftlbobloolu somp'" olta 11'0 Mou AI,s VIOtl1 Clew,· lek,l, k"l Komlol Ipbo ebeaemMb6-ndol1l'obopolila. "IVlkIH~1 oVllwloo hretu oluntulo Kb, IItlhbe u Mlo . Tbeo. Llmekay. 1I'M" T.behbl II "hnlb(lI;ai. elllmJlklll1l'eol.lltbe Ole .... · 11.,,1. IIIlI:elela ukaba k.isiltolo uee Cum .. kall olko Upper Ndoog" Itooy • . 11..1 ouyo .OfOol!titthal,klt.l edutlha . 10\1,0Il:aollO ,0maoYloo I.ahl,otl baM Oleo 0 ... , yop1od,11 k •• komkulo ( .. bleklll V .. lelo Mblootlo h Maquhu) ogl 16 November, ukoloogleektla 1 ogq uogqlJlofIl. Ylbaotaooda OOmnotal Afrlb eblaollDl. 8I;oemlout.eio..

• Ngniitl olukolo IlIi'l eJlOlllolilblya

ellkutl MDO. T. Nt.hoko ogocobll .... 9 ku OUoba, 1:',1'lleol osolu 000,.01 ell:okupel. k1l'ake.

-SlUE 00 kon,.tl eooyoll 0 WMlle 011'0.

l.fIIl HI .. ou kut4lioIOIl. Ik •• ,al. h MOil. 8. Va'lnft oe!.a Nk(;n. If, L. Hodl"dll. N/(O III N01'lImt.., 0 Yoo. Richard WII(' NYlrl, . ob. lapIII${"W Vullndlell ktoblko oetl. tablla tale JUelkek Ead. Corn. mld"Rij"" Beelle"ue, DJIII) oJllo.

Am"'Ko •• ale HllChllOdl, (t Moo. Allred 00 Johu Mpa'i, el, .. 11111 011'(1.1 1.1",,\ , U Mou. Yad"l Mt..-,Ielt". "1I:"lel .. ke Ipa ukunl. "R.ullol. U Atnu I:, W. Mb('te ut,uYI .. r"lil." .... I",,,, f·r .... Flht.ll 011." 1 r&tI"ld. ~:) ,",n 'l Ah .. I,I"" \'U7"1I$ Of') ~k ,t, n, L.81,II.dbi habuYI br hlld,dllt, • Rbiot. Ngo MIll. J. M1'alllbo "I" Crld<)('k 0lilqlte .pa "'Iyl e Hh.oi. Amllt'»lt. A l'th.ub,·1I" 00 R, ~j(I1I"Oll ba,e bahuy. II Rhlol ormicimhl.

1,l"ul" I oteoety. omfo kl Voltaolt utab'l "I.bu,bo 10mdlaJo, Ojllti kUllba oje kun kubllt". Abl'lela:elll. Imrl Y."'" FlIOdnlt, ye qaltlmb. ibltafa 1atylw .. kakulu o,u Bok"e RF.C.

Aba Nomz. T. II/i:obo, E. W. \fbete, R \'ouoe 00 NkOll~. H. L Sodladll bnlloo/i:illliele uku11 em90I.,0I.o' odlo Yfllikolo e Rbloi . U ~kOll. Le.ttie Toltoll u6kile ull:unl. e ~,.ra I n Nko ... Emily Mty.o, 00 Skon. L. t;, MtYlO1 babe balJu,a e Rbio.l oge mleimbl.

Uk-ceba okalaa,ilt,o

Sebenzlsa BLUE

GILLETTES . -115 I .... U ,,&.I 15 loaiu".


••• s, ""1"" .~.

" "_'~"'i"lI I· .... , .....

...... . ' .... " N<. , ... t.O...:.~

"1~"'U"l >oCO.\. If,. (~O , .. ," .... ;0 WOH

" . -.fU. ... "~I N;i

II ... • II'" M. .,


Kuleholide edloieyo ibillpl i Uoioo yodomo I.IM Bht.i iwakodll'l. Oil Wioter Roell 111.pI. 161lJU ieaotuli· ,ill'e i Uoioo lr..ldJaol iDlllmbi. KuJl.Odele i matcb ye Wioter Ro .. y,llpa De Orieotll 11 .. Bbai. Ylbet-"a i Orieot.ll yemou lClyibiltaol uge· .ogemilou O\ulodub, (Spriog ROlli Ylle Bbli 01'0 iukudili. De EMk!ro yallp" Ylbet-.a y.oOlooyil .. 1 i Spriog ItoH 1emkl iogeo. bhoogo. Kwiveki edluleyo. i W.oderere "tapa iyekodlal. e 8hai Oil Orieot.l. Ylbet.l yaoc .. oyM ... oge 17 polota to oilyooite.

Sil(J1OI j7m,,,. h t:' mlO,c.' C II F.I I' :\he: to;. lO • .., nj..'n,t..;1111 OWh,t.lI-;tnc cn71n J 0,1, ''':1'01' ,1< ukun , W 11.1. 0.1 UI ""I' en) -0 ,1..0.1 I(L r

K.i bolo 'Ilapa oge 19 October. bekuko umdloilO we Orieotal Oil Wioter Ro .. logoml Ipet-1I'II ogu Moo. B. Tleo .odumo l1I'e Deou Jln Blod yue 8hai. Itilapo &ooir.e imbelukalti oembelu ulomlti, i daoce 11yeyole 'kuoeoe eeibulell u )too. P. Ng1iki obe,i M.C. okloge1ele okub.. ibe ye10le oeogeolokalato i dI008.

1volilo i St. Phillip'l Cricket- Club .,alipi iluogileiela ukotumel. i team II tumeuteoi 1e Chamber d Mio"l Cop f1J Mooti ogo December 10.

Ngo MDU. I, B. Nyombolo wale Komaoi abellpl iotauku eltimbalw. ogo~yelelo. Ebele Bbai oeqell Ie W.odereu kwepeliJe10 u Mou. P. B. Ng1iki .allp'" ogoku Ylkubokel. omdillo.

....Iub. nfl1l:Jnc t.!t..e .Lhuh I), r' U ,I~ mIn Ihl .. , Ulll~ Fel" In,,Lu "Il(n " .. nl·1 • Ilbtl eillUln·'" o1n),':Ik., '0.; 1 cqlOt$W I ;mkc,temb;a hpc u kWCnlr') ~m""'II .. unr "J..'~! lolo.7.;11,,_, k"cng.lllc. IngJI1t .\,n\cnIC \(lmZlm, hull uL"'OIldhkl;o I.u,c. l'kuhl.,old • .1 1I~ rllm, "u"uhIJOLckJ ""3)'0, I~"'I 111. .• oin.l LuhJ..'all 1.1)0, AmlnJhI;a L_I nlO.l t..un~J"unJh1.' "H'.

NJmru UbUIJ1.JlI "t>uqLni""t...lrw t~'T1;a "'dUlll PIli, nJ:Cllk .• u U" olf.uJnc tnz.m Bulun<l I

\ilu I· lunJ .>1.>1."c ngcnll1kl;a wt..uh;a "gaw onkc ISI"~t> Jtxn"kun,l" abultJ~anC Imr,l<l cnhlc ngJPJbu c.~kdwc ~/U t..Wt'/.:J11 chhlc 1l.3~/U k"ku,ebenl.} I,t..uhl~ kon,">!hlll n~\\u .. ' JOkc UmpakJl' owcs.talll1

.\mJ hlul 1'''11 \u.:litaullc Kupd.l JII ).:" .. ;a \'onke ,~

d.,wu n):e 'I!Jhha noma ~wu (, 11)., ,"I :\'"ma utI!'

In!' kll P,O. BOll '7;1. ("PC To 'no u1.1kc 1111 Ii JWu.

T ('0 gJ J "'" .. 11.1 n 1<"'1"\\0. ep,' kc­tcni el,!> 'T1IU el,t.", 0 II.


l It I~ ."..... I, I 'I' I'U II "It I~~ ,~~~, . ... , '"i :n .... ~,I" I\. .... ~"" •


.. JAw ~"'~ f<'" f'V ... lOll lOr)" ,..10 ... • <t~ ,,,.,..~ .r IY ~_ t. ""0 r I~...,_ I~}j.., It

~~aoJ,"lII "" " ."(111'0> .,,/>rJt, r , ,... .. ,.. t.~..N "" .. " ... .¥.~t ,.;.lJob<> ., r~"J<N-nl"'" ~'" "

Z. F • ~r "",,,,'~r I,


I Nkomfa Yama Wesile -Kwa Gompo

IDUBULE am. 14 81lt.euku i Nkomf. yama We.i1e. EkllukuloDsweni

komlebeo:r.i kWlln:r.iw8 ub.mho 080

Mgqibelo we 26 Ootober mala· ega 11;". ling.. kwi Mount Coko Ho.pital .po iodw8ndwI! nmoke­hva ogezandla e:r.ivolekileyo n80 Mill. no Nkolk. Carr, Oqir. no I\'\:olk. BeoDett, MUll. no Nlr.oek. Holford Mtoba kwanom:r.i wonke walle Mka~i80_ It.ipoogo etimyoli kOOIlOIl li:ihloj iewlI ogawa Ahik,k,ozi aqeqeehe. lwa ubo "DUrie -, kule Hoapitili. Um:r.i 10 mkhulu kanye, .,ye ufaoele in:s:uo IInkulu kuma Afrika . Umae­Ltonzi amble owenziwl ngu Gqir. Beonett oabaooediai bakbe awuoaku­en". 08011;111'101111110 OS' paDdle kaku­ba umotu ayokuzibooela ogok",ke. U~ulilldlel. kulomaebeozi y.yi .ogu MIn. Cur omalldla "awafumana ku Nkoak. HoI. Mtoba. Kulom'li knlcmi kaoye indlu yoknqala ye Tyali .. e apo cmli Mfondiai Appleyard wama Methodi.~ .... yibb.l. khoDa i Bayibile yokuqala yeli Xoea. Ngomhla olande· 18010 eSt. Joho'e Chnrch, Eut Blnk Locatioo, mal.nga, kaqutywe iokoow ye Ordinatico yamadodana aogene k.DlD8ebeo'li omkholu woknhalllbiia ioqwelo ye Vaogeli, kwawa amazwi my.lo etinr-ulu kwioquouon :tabefu· ndiei abauo Mlo. AUan Lee.

Aba VoU Iotlaogaoieo ye Sabe laba \" oti bale

Monti, ilumene itamlanqa loknvoaele· Iwa yi l\'l;;okeli yodDlDo ned ko lokuda· l"a nengqondi enznlu 0 Min. Z. R. Mai.abaoe onlke ieiqat:olo teot.eto kwi· nUanganilO kwi Holo yall Babe DC[() Mvulo ogokohl .... amhla we 28 kwefileJo iugo MIlu. D. S. Mtyoog .. e eeihlalweni .. ~ Ma~eli uogl'De et.aohi ekocazeDl loto eylyO ivoti, eyif.Dew . ol8!ko !oh~d?d~ koma Xou.. UboOl!le lOgO'll e:ZlniDZI etiyaaud ll ws kukulahlekaoa. kwet~ .ce \Toti. Uhlsule abaotu abatlle abatl hafuudile ab.Dgama Afrika ... b .. ogeowe bububbetyebhetye bokungayihlakaoi: peli leodawo. ooo~a6.ka befoo~ ukwa'tl amllungelo engaba Dge vot!. Uba· mbile wah lama ciko (lonye) eyooaoto jio.izi ogawo s,azibambi intlaogaoilo zamldoda; annsile, abamba adwa. Uyalez8 okokoba om'ti wise Mooti uogeozi ogakumbi otumele Imadoda 80gabatunywa kwi Ngqongqut~la yase Blomfaoteoi olj:omhla we16 kWlOyauga EUYO, kwanokoba abatuDy wa buo: t yiawe ogemali ukwen;zela okuba I

Ngqungqute 'a leyo lbenokutumela



SU'B!tl' Wll 8 E H.

Tb""e paint", l ~.IJWl"l -I

t ake " paUl!tt.


Doe. YOJu, b:lft j TtulOB "ilb plin! Do yo~ .uff~r c()QtiouaUy from HU.ll· Aeu .. , T?ot'1lA(-IUI:. NEUlU.LOU.; or frOED RIlltI:UU'lUlI, L'U>llIJ,' '». NEt11Il. Tia. or eom~ ..,.I<ifwog ~1:.Vl: p~'S youcllnD:)t. eoual (0. 1 •. "KCllIU," TUL£T" .. ill I"l'ile'-l' your palQ3 Ul • llla'PCAI "'''Y' S.,e to ul.;e !lnd Dot .. habIt 1" .. 1I,01f ·"

TrJ "KURRA " Tabltts Ollce Illd ,0a ",ill oner be without them •.• Obt.;DI 'lj ~ ' rOl. all C II&KlS1'$ and DE.LLp.p, PrJ< . t I aoj :J - II t b ~y an out of f oc lo, .. rLte "iU cI , t odoliog moo",!"


Bewltt of sabslilules-must be "Kllrrl"

aman ),ula aotaundu ayakuya ogqo e Palameote uKuyakubeka ilitwi lomti wooke lokuCQ,!Ja i Bill zika Rulumente. Uyalue ookuba amadoda aOO08yo angapoli,i atenge kwaugoku iocwadaoa engu i "BiU" ehlaugloiewe ogu Profenor D. D. T . JablVu efu maneka e Dikeoi. E'inye ieithethi .ivakaliee ukuvuyiaana kweodlu yooLe, no Mlu. Mababaoe ogokul,a ede wapbumelela Kwi Nkomfa Metbodiat kwiuto yokuba igama eliu!!u " Native" hlablwe yityalike leyo, .. e eliti " .-\frican." Kuloudlwo nto Ita Mababaoe ' I

Abantu Nenlo Zibo U Mo u. Gqweta Leo Mtimkbu!u no

Muu. T. S. Noog::la bate Lady Frere bayivume apa Kwa Goru po ioawa eogapaya beze ogeoqwelo equty wa ngu Muu. Gilbert Mtimku!u waMi Durbau. I Bhodi Ule Monti (Ent and Welt Bauk Locatiooa ) tiyakome. lwa ogabanowt. C. T. C Xabaoila 00

H. D. Ty.w ulhe k"i Ngqungqowla yatO ehlaoKaoa e Kroonatad k"ioya. Dga ezayo. .

blauea er.izayo Dge 16 November e Hall yi "Health" ye Tembu United Rogby Football Club, kodlala i Glidere Jan Baod. Amaogeno yi 1/.. Nge 30 November kwaee aabe Han yimbuto yodidi ye Border Baotu Cricket Uuion yokolougill8lel. i Tnmente, amangeno yi 1 "

• Indlu Yama Methodist

E Veli


UBE:U KULU nmvulo wendlu Ie e Yell npetwe ngaba Luog J. Bam no

J. Magqa~a, "aue mpumelelo eocome· kayo nebi ngaliodelekiJe k"elituba Ie mbaode:r.elo. Uqale nge konaati ogo· kublwa nge 12 October kuvoma ui Cbolrl eylle Tinara paotai kwento ka J1ju leni, ne yaee Bersheb& pautai ko Radebe iotoka Mkatshane, ne y.kwa Sihunu ka Mou . Stofile. Um i wonke ugillua ngemali zawo ukoYI etaBleoi, i:tele iodlu jme ugewbambo. Zniko kaoobom itit.bala nabaotn, ui ngababalula kwezaziko aba Num'Z. W. Bam, S. H. Maokayi. J. H!ekani, J . Matowela, C. Kom, J . Ndabulekaoa. D. S. Petaoa ; nama Kosz. Mapukata, Makupula , Nzube, Tbu , Mazwi kuko DO mvangel i omda!a wama Methodiat, u lInu K . J . Mndayi waae Tioara. Imali eyen2.iweyo ngalom8llben'Zi wonke ibe yeucomBkayo; Siyawunco· killuiu um'li wama Me~hndiBt &se Kirk..,ood opantli kwe mpembelelo zento ka Magqua umfo owak'ele am a waho um'ti om hie, noyako90loko oeiei. kumbu'to ngaye.

KW6ngawo lomhla emva kwemioi ; ilihhala'tomzi 10 .aM Kirkwood , beti· De utlanganiBo'yaw e Qokolwrui (VeJi) , kwiaikolo aama Tiyopiya Oda, kwe· be2.iko lingabalula aba N uw't. C. Knm (U!;ihlalo), S. Mkat8bane (bekel" 10

eihlalo); W. X. Stotile (n Nobhala), A. Siwiea , S. Limba , J. Ndlbulekaoa 110 D. S. Petaoa, no Nkoak. Nhole ; oama Kon. Thu (u Ndyebo) , lIo.zwi (heltela 10 Nobbala) bekukwako oa · ma lungu Imabini ombuto wentla.njl;a. Oi80 ye titebala 2. 8Be Tinua ohtlko lalo mbuto wallpa e2. ingaba Numz S. H. Maukayi 00 J. Blekani. Ubu~ bala manene kule ntllngano, kudale ifute elimnandi ookutyileka kwuioto ebeziugaqoodwa kakuhle ngul~rubuto ",alapa, nje Dgombuto. cBaqa.hB~ayo. Elandelavo iutlaogaulao Imlsehre umhla we 9 November e Bontru~.

Sike eati tahe u MnngeJi James NClme WAS6 Alexandria.

Ezase Lututu -

(NGU~IBB.LIILI ) UM ZI .alekaya ap" u'tama icebo

labatunY"1 bokuya kwintlanga. nlao eyobue Bloemfontein nge 16 December. Umti awu'li booi,i olcutalo ogalo mcimbi . aad Dokuba oglmna· I. e poll tax leuuye ne rafo yezi odlu.

Sibe novuyo lokubooa u Mlu . Jolobe kwezinhuku zidlulileyo. Um'li wl .. e T,betahi oyi St. Jamel' ube Dcng:l:i . kel. eokulu yomtabato IIge 23 October kutabata u Nkoer.. h ene Nompiti Vanto DO Mo u. Solomon Payi Pleali., intombi Ie ibiu.fuodl e Higber Mluion k.aye ik.a liIuagu eliteleyo le tYllike. Ama Tebetebi niOOnile ukuli::labi.a ilunjl;u lawo letyalike ngento tooke ugak llm bi amaoina ate petu kwedpo ed olutei amfumbatiaa iocwadi yet i bbalo ez iogewele lomntwana hipo eztotiwe zimvaba tonke tetyalike atilni kuliblleka, nenteto etiokulu e~iwe kumldoda amakuJu elikaya aogo B C. Mgnu, F . Pbataoi, J, Kandiea, R. ,'. Sgatya nabaoye.

I Bbunga 1," kaya apa lenze um.e· bauti omble ukutetela iba!a Ie Early Roaea Tennie Club i gravel kwaye 10 mbuto uluugiselela imidlalo enkudla· Iwa apa oge Krtlmeai. I Bbuoga liti. mi.ele ukll16 kulihlola laltugqitywa.

I Monti ibike yalapa izokudlala ne Ga;ka Bantu Club yakokela Dge 4 g&mea umdlalo uahuBho macala eivoye kakulu ukuOOoa iqela la5e 2. intlaQtioi.

Ezama Diga ILANOA lialbalele naknba izu!o

IIlOloko linamafu, neo~qele ayin. mi kode ipbele ncam. Otitthllahzi bakhe bachita iUlbana elimnandl e Kbimbili kwi "Traiuing Week " ye WayfarfOrl . U Mnu. W. L. Daoiaoa ebake we guda e Mueru ngemldmbi ubuya encoma intialo-nUe ya!oillzi: Umaebeo'Zi uaaqhuba kaknhle kwl breki ne kwari. abanto banin:c:i. Kn. kbo inL:ollila:c:i efomeoe onengalo eoye, kwe!icala Iingenaogllo knvele omn"e omoye kupbela. U Mnu. J . Mohai "&Ie Kimbili ukbe wabanalr.ala pakati komzi eluodwe. udwe I .. a kwa Dunjaoa .

Koogoai:c:i olulr.holu eeivlkaliaa iogo:c:i ehlele u Nkon. Mary Aoo Neapai waae ma Mvolaneoi. intombi ka Lucal Ncapai, otbe u"bila intloko ngomlilo pandle wlwa kowo "ataha. Ungc .. a tywe nge 29 October. KwangoKnojalo liyavelana nom2.i ,akwa Duojana ofomene .om· biko wokoe"eleka kuka Nkon. Mary Aon Duojlua intombi ka Mou. AJfrl'd Duujana. Ubhubbele e Kimbili uge 18 October.

U Mnu. Ste"art Fombe:to Wlge 8ewo naye okbo pakati kom2.i nge· ntl8ben2.o, U Mou. Makioana Nnm nde wabuya "wela kwa Ngqika, ubuya ehI.ziyeltile.

SHOES cnet much mooey bnt yoo 0100

make them laat twice as long ilyOD olean them regularly with Nngget Boo' Poll.h. It ill f&moua all over the world becaJUe it preeenee the Ieatller of yol1l' eboea aud ill .. lao wat.erproof.


ISHUZl r.idla Imali eninz.i kodwa ungazenza t.i.kukbonze iUlba elide elipindiwe ukub. naebenziaa roqo i Nugge'

Boot Poli9h. Idume kulo lonke il~we kob. iyayi loodoloza intlooUl ye sboti ukho kwaye i· kwangu ~thinteli wa manzl. NUGGET


LIETA Ii rekoa Ita chelete e ogata empa a k. etsa hore lule Dlko e telele babeli h. u Ii hIakoLa khaIetaa k.a

Nug@t Boot Polish. E teejoa lefateeog lohle e baballa leUaIo la lieta tea ban Ie bona ha e keoe metaL :NUGGET


Obtainable in all &had".

Zonke intloba ziko.

E fumaDoa k.a mebal. eoble.


Ezinge Pasi Nahantu e Qonce Ezase Molteno K WI NTLANGANISO yokogqibela ye

Joint CoonciJ omcimbi obopa. mbili ube ngo"e ogulo ubatunywa be Nkomfa u Rulumeot.e ye Bili . ubaowoodo. 00"15 ognlo ogeo\lalo ,abaoto uidolopioi, ookofood"a t"amapepa avela kwi Joint. Cooncil y ... Rautioi. Kobeko iog:l.o:l.o ogo­mt.ekl .. ama' p .. i', abafone abamblo­po ot"ui okoba abaot~ondu bloo­lovo lokoba apelil"e mpela oa aml­p .. i; k'1ba Imlp .. i la atintela izibo· ogobiyaoe ezihamba zigqoma ezitala­t .. eoi, eknoyaoz.e1eke nkoba bnitbo­lele kozo, k"aye bellzi nkoba uniozi 1.abaotu ablottoodo luyazibbalela amap .. i laebo.oku. Abaotluodo blfone uk .. ad ukuba olmaneoekazi aoyoodo azizibbovobhovo oa leo\O D'''O .oyaoul.a okobl Itw.le .ma­pali. kuyim.flDelo o. okoba Imapoli" .biu .m.pui n.kubloto ab.kodidi oluplmbili nUl bepuma ezity.ilkeoi ukU16 futi alnoe • ieati­Jibti' blq,mbe OIZO. Abaot.uodu baeele ukub. lomcimbi uroxilel.e iotl.ogaoien ellodel.yo, koookuz.e bez.e oelix.i elioye. U Mou . G. O. Magobiaoe opakamiee ukoba kocelwe i Kanlile ifatele igumbo kwiholo ye lokilhi ezak .. aki.alokufuodieela aml­otomhataoa imiaebeoz.i yeodlo eojeogo kttpbeka. Ulihlalo ute ocioga ukoba eailicelo ml!i\noyelwe kwi Komiti ye Technical College ibe yiyo evula eli­.ebe k.ilik.ol0 "yo. Emveoi De­ogl:Oxo ko.gqitywe okobl kweodwe --opoodo ng.lomcimbi.

Pambi .okoba blcitt.kale 0 Ny •• o­DUe kwi Nkomfa yam. We.ile ebiee 1Io0ti kwiveki eupe\ileyo bakbe b.tyelela iaibbedlela aabaottuodo e )louot Coke kolo mmaodla, bahlola oanl 10 ogooOlOlelo, bekhombnuoa yokulbioilelwa kwe 'Bayi­bUe' kooa ape. Baooome kooeoe jlDbooablo eode yale boapital ebilu­•• e ukohle ogahlpaLi bayo. U Gqir. OClte !mitebeozi eyeozlwa yile h~pitali enlmllebo e"ilalini. U Preaideot wenu iDtek> yobociko .. bolela abo buoke lomlli. Bm.,. kweaipoogo eziaolel .. e panw awoOliti, indolokile loOlpi ebik"i 160 ,abelo­odMi .bamblope oabaotluodu, iahiya ivomba elimo.aod! eOlipofo.mlweoi.

E T.leol og) Mgqibelo, 26 October kohlaogerae iotllOglOiaD engqingqwa j'.beoyoli bamaJoogo e Bhuogalallpa, logo "'no. A. Rooi ",IMllweoi. lojo­ogo ibikukot.fJll ookoyaleu kom .... Joogo e Bhnoga iLioto eziluo.a ogo­rod. Amftdoda ateta .tyaodolela kwimicimbi edl' om::i. Ibe yintll ga­oilO ewle neoelidima ogokweneoe, abaoto baboralao ukoonoelell imicimbi yabo, baye beoqweoelaioqubeJa komzi h Ntu.

U Mantyi omooioci A. G. Greer DO

Mt.ehuttbi,i N. O. Kirkm.o abobuebe netuba elide apl banduluke k"iveki epelileyo ogotlhiottbo emveni kokwe­o1.el.a imibulilO olmabhaao­"'Ibo; o.okoqala ulioge e Qomra, o ... ibioi e Rautioi. Ekupomeoi e Komfeoi u Mlo. P. J. albi .11e Barberton ocit.o u~oku 'pa, •• ye etthiot.ehelwe e Bokaborg kuoyaka ouyo. Sivlkalila ngolizi ogokobbll­·)h. kuka Mou. J. Pioana "leo Kei Road em\"toi kokogula ituba elide, oge 28 October. Ebeli gOIl elitembe­kileyo nelikhuteleyo kwi b.ndla lage WfJlile. L'ogo.aty"e,ogokomoqweoo •• ke pambi kokoha alitbiy6 eli, ogu mlDodi~i wlke u S. D. Wm. Mqomo .aIe Qooce, epelekwe ngablowur..dn olb.mhlope bale Kei Road olbambl­I ... ha,e Qooce. N'geJ:ub. Ie Komia yam. WUlle , i Qonce like I.haojel .. a Jlgabafuodill Z. R. . ...., E. E. Mo.babaoe, M.agl, bagqltel. e Fort Hare nale Bealdto"o apo iokoow k. II I.m ib.ojwe ogu Mlu . Z. R liI.habane et,.likeoi, e1ama ~imoara !petwa OIU Mlo. S. D. Will . Mqomo ebol .. eni. Ekubnyeoi k •• bo u Mlo. E. E. Milhabane oyibembe e TabUI­kele ape 10koo1.0 y.ogakohl.a.

Iqela Ie eliyi ' Yorillhirel' Jibe nomdaolto e Temper.oce Botel uqoqoulel .. a ogu Moo. E.Z MdJetye. Sipaule obuko t.lamlnenekasi: No~

D. Eltrice, L L Jabavo , E.E. MPIOza, namaoeoe Q. Pember, E. Mekute, A. liltiog.ta, B. Gw.yi, B. Sokopo, J. De"a, T. Qalioge, S. Mogutama, A . •.

uipata.otambo ze • Yorkshire Cricket Clob' kole IUIOO zimi ogolo­blobo:-PrfJIident, J. Kaoana; vice president, S. B. Mxoli; te<:retary, Then. Nkuogwana; lali.taot ,eoret.ry, E. Z. Mdletye ; clptain, R. B. Mdlklnoo, vice, S. Rune. 'Champion CrkkeL Clob ': Ptnideot, S. Zoud.oi; vfce preeident, W. Mkencele; aecret.ry,


T_ Qllioge; IlMisteot eecretary, T. Lambata; trelSuter, Geo. Sonjica; oaptain, R. Blwati; vice captaio, W. Mkencole.

Sivelloa nzulu 00 Moo. E. Tam . V'nq. ""alap' ngodab. alofomeoeyo lokobhobha koh yaek.zi 0 Alexaoder V.nql obell polisl e Komani itub. elide, ogDm.bla we 29 October.

S ivuyiaao a 00 Moo. Tedcly Mg,dle, oagu m80beozi omdlll "ak",a Whitaker, ngokoleoj.a ngomzi .Iko­.Ibo ogokomnyula abe ai,ibooda kwa NtiDde. U Mia. S D. Wm. Mqoma

SIYAVELANA ne rameote YIM Tabatahi nsoka l.ehlekel.a og'J

mloadi,i wayo, tI Mlo. T_ P_ Mtyobo .ase Komani obeyi

I Towo Couooil y.lapi iYlt. oko· rol. imali Ylba tony.. bokoya eo Komleoi. Ke ogoko i Advieory Board iae ogJ:akini yokaogl1oi okoba iyakll­tioina. I United. Higher M*,ioo School i1uogieelela umhloli.

wlml Welile .p. uyemka aknpel. k-nyab ogowhintsho elingilwa e Franklort, 0 F.S., eeikondleoi lake koza 0. Mia. Maz ... i Wile Bini.

DIRECT FROM OUR OWN FACTORY THESE fioe Shoel m.rk an import.nt redaction in real footwear nlon and emphuize the advantage of purebaeiog direct hom the .ctual maoufacturen __ The be~efit of lpeci., leather porohllee combined "ith m .. 1 prodoctionl alone enable8 CUTHBERT'S to offer yoo lOch IItooiabing valuea_ the most critical examination will ooovinoe yoo that here i8 valoe right oot of the ordinary and remember there il DO foot too diffioolt for oe to fi •.

MEN'S The new shoes for men Record Value Shoes, with .eleot Lea.ther Uppen. Beat Leathe,

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Tbele No •• are to be had io Blank or Brown

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w. M. CUTHBERT & CO., LTD. I'o.t Orders to I 1'.0. BOX 1177, JOHANNESBURG. Bruch .. throog.out Sooti Afri ...



Akaseko U Nkosk. Notyoba Izinto Na Bantu e Bbai


KUNGOSIZI oluuzuln eeibika kohl -------------mihlati ukoe .. eleka emva Ilollu- nto yoko6.hI.. twake iqoty'lt'fI nge

:,gul. ituba elifutahaofl kunene kun 30 October, kwallo igqiu elikbolo Naoell. Martha Totie Notyoba. oyi l.banU!uodu emlle.abeui. Obhubbe okOlin!.i k. Mno. Notyoba ".Ie eyimioyaka ema 73 Mabambeni, "aae Korsten uge 1 Nove· mber II bOlpitili yalaI*. 0.ot1w1 Abaotu Nento Zabo yifiva yombilini ebetunyelwe e bOlpi. Iqela Ie KolltaD Baotu MOllical tili iot.otw.ll. eme topel. kuogeko AallOCi.tioD elip.uui ko Moo. D. oto poro tlt.alia. amehlo npngokuba Leave Ngeebehha, Jeoz. 'eogeyhr.yo ' a8welekfl. Ukulweleka kwake kulite i IOci_l malanga use Cawa ye 10 .. ambu ugelifu elimuyam. i Dhai, November eliyen2.ela unoomo Iwayo kub. lenkolikui ibitaudeka kub.ntn ku Mnu. W. W. Jabavu walapa nge· bendidi tooke ogobubele bayo, ipa_ nkoo2.o yake kubautu hue Bbai, ku· mbili kweze Li2.wi, eli. uoyish ... e ucwambu kupela IW&le Dh.i luugo lase Tebehhi eSt. Cypri.n" 0S.bapb.ti ulambo ulomcimbi, eko· • KOl"lteu. Ngomoye wab.ntw.n. 'hiywa uilityel ... eyo kum.lungieelelo .b.yin2..I. yaae Bhai w.velela kw. okonwabiu, abantu jikelele, Nge 22 Nt.m'bomvu i mioy.k. em. 39 e November, lomboto oogentla uoeogJ:i. dluleyo, ate u Katekizi Mguqul.. kela ye konaati oomdani.o e Baotu kwinkon2.O wake equ. Hall e Dolopini, elinlel ... a uk-oba tywe ety.likeni yaee St, Cypri.o'l uzimieele ukuyakot.yelela i Komani, kozele kwem. ogOPlny.ogo, Dsalo- Mooti , Qonce, De Alice emva koko mini ye 2 November, b.yak06hla, uuike iugomaepambili kopel., uwntu owtBha kuba izembe lIIelibekiwe Sivelaua 00 Mno. M.nuel Zibonda e2.ingcambini 2.omtbi, w.tebo oge· waee New Brighton ngokubhobha nt,humayelo oohukumisayo kwabo b.· komkolowa wake u Mou. Scott. M.tye _phil.yo eaiti mabaltilungieele bese. Zibond. uge 26 October. U6hlwe kweligade iodlele yabo yokugqibela. ogoeuku olulaudelayo ugu Mvaogeli Ema6hlweoi, a Go .. Thos. Badaza T. ManyoDta 1I'ama Welile abantu ute u Nko.k, Totie Notyob. "azi: emncw.beni beogam. 136. Iutomhi nibla emJeben2.lni wenko2.i eaelola ka Mno. no Nkoak. Tonro.ment uligqibile elake iding.. Ulbiya iqel. Mlengan. engo Mimmie Meeog.n. lenkedarna nomyeni wake, ek'Obeyioto igola ogokopamhili ebOlpitili yaae eutle okobona ibhatyi pazu Bh.i.po seyigqibe iveki u:intato igul •. komkoba .ake enqhine 'Omleben2.i Sivoya okw.zi •• ukob. '0 Nolw.odle, .ake ogeJ:elha lokudla k .... ke ubom, Nkoek. F, T. J.bava eltw. Ultunqhina ukunbiJeka kwake e Mnu. F, H. M. Zwide e Betbelldorp Bhai, zibel.po 2.ouke iodidi zaba'Ota impilo iblniyeke kakulu ogokuti nabetyalike 2.ooke, umocwabo ink.tazo yake yeeilu iohaowe ngama· upel1l'e ogam. Tehet&hi epablwe ukuya gqira alap •. KubhubheeNew Brighton em.nc1l'.beni ngamanioa omtaod.zo 0 NkolZ. M.ggi8 Nzaoze oge 26 6Ie T.betebi eoltibe agqib. ilinJ:ibo October, eminyaka ima 30, NWO kwalandela i2.elamane uke wa6hlwa ugo Mdala R. Qalinge ... ama nomudilili wabaot'O .bebekum. 320 Ptelibiteri ngoluka olulandelayo. ubuuinr.i, Banke e Bhai ngeoha~. ye :!!) Octo·

Ibi"i nkunSII nelaDga .bantu e bet 0 Mlo. Sol. Mdala no Mou. P. J. St, Cypria'O'a schoolroom. nge. 20 D. Nikiwe nkuvel. e Komfeoi yama October kwi 'health' eyen2.lwe yl St Methodiei e Mooti. Sivelaoa ogoku. Cyprian's C,C. koba iwioe i Wynnel n2.ulu no Mou. Herm.n Maqetuka Challenge Cop ye kriketi. hihlalo wale Koraten e Durban Road, ogo· .ibaojwe walomboto, u kut& kwenkoeika,2.i uge 30 Mnu. W. W. Mafongoei epahlwe nga· Ootober emva kokugul. itoba elide, banowun. Booanzi 00 Ngcoza, E Ngu Nune Olga Jack waee New I.:,.,uileoi iOloogo yalomhutbo, ute Brightoo okwele Dge 1 November ubulela i team eZ~l!e k:uzi~a.a • . ~Iothe. oku.iog. e Dikeoi .po afuodel. ubo· 1.:-0 !tob. leoto lbonll. ngi, emva kokucbita iholide yenYlloga

kati 11.11'.2.0 y.og'Omnqweoo !,ake ekayeni lake. U Nko!k. M.iteo. G. :ub. lonqubo ye~vili8auo ~ylnge· Mandleni waee Konten ubambe i peli kub6 i 'eport ' YlOto yok'O~IJ.:hule: i' mail ' yale Rhautioi oge 1 N01'8m· la noko2.on1l'.bila. Uhamb18e .... tl ber ngotyelel. olukb.ulezileyo. U Mnu. IIk".b" wonke omotu olapa a~g.tb.. J . Kumalo we Algo. Saw Milia umukelo ngento elun811eyo e uutehinhhele e Kapil. ngempilo eka· ai_a .i 'aport' (kwdunywa). Eloko· tanya okwenyaog. ni 0, apo •• ioge

;betba upakamiae uvel.aoo Iwe St. nge mot.o Dge 2 November, Sivoyila. Cypri.n'e oOllapo \ ... akw. m6 Ebenezer 011 oah. N'Omz. Hili DO ogok u. <amanda ngokuaweleke: kwake .ku. miselw. ebo D.leni ye tlh.ole, kUM elipe. Pt6lbiteri,nab. Nomz. G.M.hhaoo mbili Ie 8t. Cyprl&u, y.pakarna David Jamela ogokweu2.iw. .ma yooke iodlu okwemi2.ozU emb.l.a Dekoni alotyalike e Bb.i. Akako a).oboni.. uvel1l'ano ogong.l8koyo, mpil"eoi 0 Mno. W. Aug'Olt 1I'de Pakati k ... e!:iteti, aibalol •• be. NoulZ. Strepini. U Muu. D, MavOIO we J. Goon, C, ~D~2.i, G. Kola, L, S A.P. e Walmer 'Obuyile kwibolide Bad .. i, i. oapla~n yeo team. Ie, K'OW!· abeyit.tale ekayeni e Dikeni. te nam.tUllp e~lDye I te.m. K.abe· Umzalikazi ka Nkoez. E. Mtila ".18 beko ,ibtt.lal. AbaoWDun. W, Walmer obechite itohf. entombioi Ngindau., M&oe, Vakade. W. N.ngu, yake ogokusela umoya opiodele k1l'aee L., 8. raku, o~ma Koak. mzini e Rh.utini !t",eogap.ya. Ngcoz. Radaai. Mafoogosl, M6kolZ. I lorry yentuni y.k •• Mlo, J, Limbe. E.Ng~za, Fr~er, .J. WiJliam~· e New Brighton itabe.nqu ngom1iJo nye, yapel~ iOlin1 komollodl Io:.a· ot'al, ioyambalala y.bantu ogobusu. hambl. neuphongo, ko bo Mgqibelo odluleyo, ekuvakal.

lIDngD Ie Paiamente lalap. elimele uknba i petrol ihlangene nomlilo k .... · i Porli Eliz.beth Nort bo Mnu. C. F. lilaogatye eloyikebyo k .... ng. kot_ha Kayeer , ongnnyana ka Mlu, Heory ilokilhi yonke yase Newtown. Uye Kayler (u GqadUflhe) waee Kn.pp' 1I'.boya e Rhioi '0 Ml'O , K, Hope e Xeli tntU2.U nbhnbhe OS! 28 .. ebeye ogokubhubh. ko Ootobor ~mv3. kokogol. ituba elide. Mlu, F. Dong •• na ~eblelo lake .lase Ibiogumfo o!iteta. koneoe fai Xoell, Tiyopiy.·Oda kwepehleyo,. Sazllw~ "beiliu ugetub. loo~olo abheoele k-:a: ngu Mnu. J Mawel •. Dlppa oYI

b.nt,oodo ngGVOtl 'labo Ogol .. IOI president ye S A. B.ntu Rogby Foot-

k b • k b,ll Bo.,. ukub. .fu"'ene incwadi I ... eei Xo')a. Ngango''O atan a •• • ... " .b.ntu ab.nte'Ondo, umfi. K.yaer evela kwi 0611i ye yo M?iba. ... bh bb k b nilo!lt ukoba u Mp.tlilwa. uyalete pambi kob6 a u e u 0 a Mithetho ... e Union uvumile ukuh.ui.

,'d'O~o'Pvi:~Y:~~~t~~v:J~e:~::~a!b~~.ra kilo i licence yokubh.lwa emqolwioi fibl k • In"o kwale Bhodi "e RugLy . .Ay;iokonzo Joku '!fa ... e. ... •

WAQWALELISWA I RUMATISENE Ngoku uyakwazi ukuqabela Ibayisekile yake agcine

nemicimbi rake Imbulelo kwi Dr. Williams Pink Pills

" Ndi II~ I "uy. IIkokub. bollk" .bautu bangaqolld. ngollc.edo IIlukulu elld.lwUInIln. k ... i Dr. Wiiliama Pmk P,Ua," kutaho u Mlu, Ad.m Lebam ...... P.O. Blur 90/" P • .,.. O,P.S. "y.ylod,q .... leli •• rumatiaeue k'lIgaogolrub. Ylyib. IItim. illto yokuba ndiho." mbe. lntlungu elldit.",i!lll'la "' .... inge zoyikekayo 1I0bom bububi,

.. Nd.alillg. illtlobo zOllke uzitambi~ __ ---,~ Dam.yn .. , . kOko .k ... qolld .... 1a 010:011. Io:UDoku IIdlllced.a, IId.,_ IId.pellll ... I, · 1emb. lokokuba lldlDgabl" IIdip'lIde lldibe ngopilileyo,

"Ndaq.l. ulrufuod. ugolOoye o ... yll b. tu ... ll'UI',RDtI eh ..... bele ptlmblll 0 ... · IIY.III". "" Dr. W,lli.m. PlIIlr. Pille;.el ... kutlllDtla Dgok ... am.

"Kute IIdillglk. zi3<lbellziao okw"xeab. l udaqal. ukufumalla uncedo huoto. ZadlUnba 'lltiullgu lldabanaleo 1I0leU abu. kuma k.h.l... Nd .. qin .... ngezipili Ri ekut" Jra lid. g<j.ibc imbodlela IIlIDe "'lIl1k .. imreu ze z""y.m.lllla. Ngoku lldi. bu, 1I0lruq.bI!l •• b.y, .... "I" y.m udifez" youb imidmbi y.m kalul •.

"Nd.y.ku IId,dum, ... i Dr. Willi. ma Pink Pill, ugoku buyia impilo yam-ndi emg. okolruba ,.,ngummllllg.bao."

Lomublo 011110 ... 0<1.... lrwnIl,...k.a .t" '·. zi Dr. Willi ..... Pink Pill .. lrullge leupel. 10: ... : rum.t_ne, koko ruw .. ollke zifo ezidal.... Iig.zi elihl ... empuzeki!eyo

libutatak., uifan. 1I01m IIgolldleki k ... em.i. MLU. ADAM LEB.-.RU t.mJ;>n, Wl1et)'lao, lImahl.b. uiroba .... 1I0but.t.k. 1I0kuLahlek ... IIg.m.lldl. ku ... o ",ollk .. u~z~b • .. Ok~kub. unguml ... el ... " .. " mpilo "mb. q.h .. IIgoku ulruaelwuZLlll i Dr. W,lliam, Pillk.Pllle ukanll:,!l" o~okub. ullcedo aW'uua kulufumua IIgoku kaulua II •.

I.D~. W'lham~ '.'illk P.lla ,.. 1I0ku IUIIY.II .. a lrubo bollke oooveukile, Okalll''' IIg'lo ko p~. W,!l".ma 1oI11dlellll! Co". P.~. Box 6CU, CapetoWII; i"ahiao 33. $d. imbodJela okauyOl-Is.talldatu IISI1 lSa , aohl.ul. 'po,,". '

Indaba zase Tinara -:::-:::---


INGXIKELA yentlaogaoiao yo mbnto omda'a oyi Pink ROlle oowon6

nogowokoqal. kwimbali ze tenoia .pa, ingeoele ngomhlll we 27 October kwa Mnu. no Nko.k, J, S, B. Mhl.uli m.· I.oga. U Mou. Mblaoli obe ngoba­mbe iotlmbo, ote uvoyiawa kakulo buhuko beqela I.blnto eJiogaka emve­ni kokuba kolltuba elide lomboto uogaa.qubi nto ogakwicala lemidl.lo, yllye n.mblanjl ouetemba elikulo lokuba i Pink. ROle ayilokuba ibove mTa. Ngap •• lI.a",u1il>.li uwtMll>c=.:i'·.;i owknlu ote wenziwa ngam. Kosk, V, S. Nkomo '00 C, Jayiya ogok-oti quzele ogokouma okuba I.m.ebenzi mawobambele pambili.

Unyulo Iwezip.ta mandla lume ngolubJobo: Preeident, Mno. J. S. B. Mhlaoli ; Vice Pre.ideot, Nko.k. C. A. J.yiy. ;, Mno, K. K. Rbai; Vice Captaio, Nkoek. V. S. Nkomo; Secretary, Mou, A. Gootehi ; Vice Secretary, Nko!Z. A. N, M.kuleui ; Trealorer, Nko.k. Emm. Mhlauli, U Preaideot uvakaliea ukoba kwaka· meioy. nje ullufezwa kw"bala kwind •. 111'0 ezieeleyo ojengokuba luetyenz1l'a ogeyooa Ddlda yomeleleyo uyakuwa. 'liaa. omboto uauko lok-ovulwa kwe· U Nkoek. V, S. Nkomo ubite· lamlgama .I.udelayo amaoeneka2.i amatah.; Makon. H, Booyeeo, J.

IZIFO Olubabayo u


ze Amaqakuva

ZINGA, J, Nd2.ube, T, T, Tolw.o. no. Nkoak, A. J.

Inoto na Banto Emveni kokub.lela okukolu ixeeh.

elide ngokuoqaba kwe mvolll kUya­buleleka okati okoaueela akupela koka <ktober iqobe iqel. lent.nkt: ilit.ebo. kaoo~ooi yabl"iy. oelilimo ebeaezlz.koYllakala, Sivoyi. un. no Mou. J, Hlekani ote emveni. kokupum. kwiaikolo .. Ie Amanzi Eet.tEo w.q.lie. kwilikolo e.m. Roma e Ndikindeni ""e6Ieyo iny.oga.

U Mno. T. Mfeocane '1'1'.18 Selboorne abe 10ndwend1l'e loka Moo. JohntoQ Tala ... kwa Tyulu ogokuza kubek. ilitye kwi okoaik.zi eokulll y.kooa enga,okoyo. Sibe novoyo ukubon. u Mnu, Joe P. \'nie wwe Saodfootein. eluodwendwe luk. Moo, 00 Nkolk' D, S , Qcqo eze ngemicimbi ep.telele nobu Nobhalan. w.m.dodana .ae Topiya k1ll'ieebe INe S.odfont&io.

Ngo Nltoak. William Zoo lie opakati kwe k.y. ngokulel. umoy. emveoi kokoba ebele Monti ngeotl.lo uom2.i .... ke. Ngu Mnu, T. Staok oyi Chair­m.n ye Europe.n oe Native Joint Counoil y.lapa oke Wen%& ioteto ko· moolacoli m.yel .. 'Ookuo@:apomikwama pepa e oollection .ba.ojiswe kubemi

Kaftgela .l-u ]MFa 15


Am' tumba


NYANGWA! Amaodla angummanga\iao 88i SITAMBlSO eai Nyao",a i NtloDZe e1susa ooke amabala abangelwa ogama Tumba, hi· looda, u Kwekwe, Iaifo e.~ihabayo 56 Ntlonze, Amaqak-uva, Ukuluoywa ngo Miyani, ukujaduka ehueweni okunenkani kulumer.a, nase IlU.imbeoi malungwini. I·D.D.D. P,ea· cription ipeillia konke ukuluma okubulalayo. lngena iyt' ezingcambioi zojaduko; ibulala 'lonke impetu; ikbupe ubuti bonk_o ikeulel!O ukupolisa mpela. I·D.D.D, Pre6crlptlOn aYOY18wa. Ittui!O"" 1I1i:n>~11I. \·tIIkll • .clue. UbllllllW buftulrall"'lcwU1adlu .. lILIIl

D P~P~'~'~b~~,~!1~N



Amabakala e Khobonqaba lndaba zase Somaseti (NQU QALAZAZI)

I' 'N~o-.-;;TC.-.CoC,w-::.~W:;;-.C.COC .. ) EMVA lr."uHba elide umtl w.lewa um ... 1 e Rlnl ogombl. we!>J Oc&->lxp

KW1VEI: l yokulqlbela ko Oowber tbloplDhla ollgMOl&e ullhAlelre e, ""ltuqoehelll.a 1t"1 mfdlalo Irw.llokuolltel .... "'"e Ndebe g.lndabe b Oqlra Andertoo ... odumo I .... AIbe.1l1 yue Rhini maodulo, De Waodl!",rI yalaph. kupllrlteoe i Red Lloo yaae kay.pha De Uoloo ya .. Ny". u IOmpempe iogu Mnu .. Tim .. SuSleI. U01dlalo ubuololr"wul ... yo macal., yaye I bbol. Ibamba elihba· Il.bballeol, tay. ijea' dq"engwa ma· cal". 1: ... ,. ubunllma umdlalo insqio. 1.looto .lllpomo I.el.ikor. o.ltuba I Kbobooqaba lIyo ylille I Uoioo llge 11 polok S. Em ... eoi ko· bba ulqit,i". umdlalo Ironlkel_ indebe ogu M.ou. B. R. Niland oyl " ll'e Preeldeut ye Adelaide Rughy Oub ogoku og.pbumell!li ko Oqil. -\odel-aoo oli pf'tlliden~ ogeou ye o!:.s:aki. Kuqale u Moo. 1: N. ka C Duo. ote WeD" Ibali Ie Ndebe kwaoe odlell imidialo ebiqubek. IIMayo, ate uoo,"oyo uk "die. u Mou. Nilaod ku ba.dlali.baotauodu. Uyibulele k.kulu imbeko yokoba aolble ell Ndebe u lIno. Nil.od, oakoba elolitl ulr:oba u Oqira Aodl'I"IOO oos.pumeleli obll· nikel. ogok"ab. Oqokl'le ogokoti omd ootludu oogabadlali ODeoywe· ba 1ioto yoltub. imidlalo ya.o uoo­oelel,", ngabamblope, k .. aye umli oog.badlali mawut.embe okuba oya koocedwa 1& Itoko imlool'ko. Uoo· hmile o.ogomdlalo opbalc.mileyo o"abooilw.liqela 1.lapha XI lalidlala ae Traouaal Tourio8 Team. Uto 'Oya .. 01I,aoa oemibuto efomeoe iodebe eail.odel., i Ooioo (Fa" Cup), Red Lioo (Gqirt. Ander~oo Cup), i Mohamed F.kir (Swallowl) . Abadl.1I bapeodo· lahre 011:0. Moo. A Bl!lkje 01i Preaideo~ '" Midlauda 000 Europeao Rugby Football Ooioo. Kutolike u Moo . P. X. Ngqoboogwaoa. Imigeobo yoloyl . .0 ko.v.bla okuba iy.kuba ogo NOY8mber 10.

Ngombl. we 26 ko October koa"e· leke 0 Lemoo Mpoogoabe obek"i,iluba. fill 17 imioyak., obetafO-od. "a .. a .. ahli •• kukofa k .. emipuoga Ilyave. oa M.o,laoe. Umge".bo w.b ubomkolo upe~"e baH .B.abe oabellOioye imvab •.

• Indaba zase Tioara

Zlpda l:v. ~ptJ 14.

s.geojoogo t.okuooediaaoa uokuma k .. e Librar, yabaotloodo kob. ab.mhlope ieala tebeyeotiie iodim. ye­:%ipo et-ifaoa oozitulo, t.inewadi, ned­Dye i.titembieo l.fIt.ioto etiogaba Io.oee­do olokulo knle Libr.ry.

Uqobela ebubet.eleui 0. NkolZ. S. "Maqoma Ir."ilibedlele ,al.p", Ngo NItOll.. M. Wooel obtal.wl. fr.l.ltoio ogamatomba ekude aml.liea ivelti yooke. 81vuyil&na 00 Mno . 00 Nkoak. S. T. Yok"e ngokopak.m. kwe nt"anna yabo eogo Gertrude emveoi kwengot.i embi ey.yifumaoa ogokuhb.


TO Pl.ramouot t,;bids, Chieh, Head· 011.0 , and .n leadl'fI of nolotu

thoogbt. Deleg.tee to tbie cooventio~ .NI

earoeetly requut..ed to oommuoioate with tbe uodel"tigoed I.t once io reo gard to aeeommod.tioo, io order to avoid dinppoiotmeot. All oamea sbould re.eb tbe undereigoed Dot later thaD 8tb December, 1935.

Boardiog aDd lodgiog "ill COlt 3.· per d.y aDd i. pay.ble dlreot to tbe hOlt. All delegat.e. "ill have to 00 arrival at Mr. T. M. Mapikela'i Office, O.tbo t.oeatioo.

All deleg.t.ea .. bo writ.e for .ocom· modatioo mUI' pleaee eoeloll& Id .

.. tamp for pOItage if they letf\lire • reply.

T. M. M.utl:):u. (Chairman), 8. EIIU (Seoretl.ry),

1437 OIundi Kaya, P.O. B.tbo, Bloemfontein.

-------emlenllnl 0lumlllo . Ngo Nkoak. O. Nqln( olaleleke k.epelileyo inkl ukunl. lila,. k.a Koman!. Emveol kokol'''. I BOlpl~1 oge 2 1 Ootooor, ueweleke kwangoboblllU!tU u Nkoak. M. Solanl ebeleea, OII ... elao. kl.kulu nomal wake ogobubluogu ababufume. 08,0. U"gul. og.m.udl. emveol Itokub. ".pomayo eelbedlele u Nkolk. J. H.donol yiokatat.o yeel.u ekullu· dala Ilmk.tata.

Bell!oeveki et.imbiol u Nkolt.. E. 0(\106 ok.y. lite Cookboute eflfr.lJe I.lla elund"eodwe lolta Muu. uo Nkoall. Paul MaUtl.. Aba Numt. M. Mllbalub. 00 M. P. M.dalti londwendwe luk. Muu. 00 Nltoafr., D.oiel M.cumel. WMe Veepl..... ogl'mioimbi . Ngu Mou. S. '1'. Yok"e, end.I" yeaikolo I.kwl. TYlliu e Tlbetabi ,

KClI~rla 1 .. ",Mal': 1DOJ.:.gqi l" la

Nojoll ull.l. 0Aotu nqab. k_e bMukela umpoog. wo 1110. DonM •• u. mvul. Ilbooe !twepellleyo ogemlbete •• ma Toplya. Sebebe b.Rka uged o. emn.odl yemvol. yabona .. la I ... bolo· lopu Ie. Kuodulolte ogombla we 2 1.& nemlfulln. , .. okaya ap. Ibalelta NOl'ember Iqela I.m.dod.oa om.nJ.· am.ntl. Kute iyaq.buka Imvola aye DO a.le ... DyaD elukel_ insqoogqo~l .. lteloml DAo:ruma .mtlotlod. p.btl ko· y ... o e Golden Valley. mtllo eluogl." I gadl u .. o kub. ebe· I born. lue .. QoldeD Valley" ,til toloko etonge I~.ndla mbo .. u ulto luoga neqela elilulu Iama­k .. emnla . dod. n.makoelkul .k •• _Iall butoogo

Iogquugqutela y.m.dodan" ale buhl.yo IflbejoDge umbl. ..e 1 WHile ekw.k uHndeleko ukub. December ekotl kuqalin.e 10IDaebeo.;.i Dile 27 Ootober yarodtelw. umbla we oga"o. 2 November Jqel. labantw.n •• b.· ..:.------------­pue VI n.bueku VI ap. e Hom.letl ogo Aqaho Iwe o!l:ombla we 2 Novomber bep-..ot.1 koloogamelo 10 Mou M.r-keozie I Komiebonl yabo.

Sik!! tehbe u Mou. C. M. X. MablutlblHI" ete OOI"PO Iwako elugfJ. tt"enllwe Ua .. d . U Mlu . W. Ttot.fobe 00 C.tbOi:II~ Nyobo beo~ oweorn"o

(!Ilbikela ukuba I,.gqlbt'll.. O~I) Deoember 10 k .. illlr.olo akolo 0llokolo­ Indawo yokufuodiea. k',1 Coloured Sohoole Otilwe D,ROoy"ua u Mou. no Nko_:' J. B. M .bll.\i "a.e Brll'ktieide k"l'~lileyo Ivekl. naboye kwlveki epelileyo 0 Mlo no Nkolk . J . N. Tolwaoa e Raotioi ogeze~yallke.


for you -




••• _1 .~.'

1' 1 ., .... ,


." , •


because it makes

you feel energetic

HOW TO MAKE GOOD TEA. Buy your tea In t Ib packets or larger. You get better value that way. Use a teaspoonful of tea for every cup of tea you want to make and one spoon extra for the pot. Make the tea with boiling water, and allow it to stand for five minutes before pouring out.



, .




t •


--------------~----~~-.~~~~~~~~-----------------~. TSRA YA I OFFICERS' MESS CIGARETTES


Dichaba Di T sogile Kgatlhanong Le PUSO Ea Italy


M AROLE ,. moea oa otO&" t.oget&e T M· M h godimo 'me ga go bonale gore sa aJe as weu

19oho II tlaba teog kantle Ie wollo ea -madi. - - -

Baona No Lekgot la la Dichaba ba eme ka maoro go loela kgot!o; empa 13 ha re ut loa ka mekgoBi e tlagang eoooog la Geoeva gore hbepo e sa ntaaoe ele teog ell. go fedila otoa, 'oate e lebal.ang ke gore ba maaole a I a ka boela gae, Munolini 0

tahoanetllll gore a t!lOe a tahabe. Maditeog a tlhagang Kgotleng ea

DiohaNo koa Geneva, kamoo go bole­laog Motlotlegi Sir Samuel Hoare, m~rafe e 50, eo eleog maloko a Lekgotla e taogile kgatlhanong Ie I taly, 'me b. domellane go thueanya mo tilonp: u bona e kgolo ea go leb S1) batta kgo~o . Dicbaba t!eoa di dnmeUane gore go t ioga ka la 18 kgoediog eona ena e fa godimo Manta­riana a .... hoanetle go tara60a ka go taeaUoa opa go koalloa dihela kao· lela taa go reka dilO Ie dintbo ilaofela tee kabang Ie tbUBO go bona n toeng e na. go dipoo Ie ma.bata ana a go 10Gia kiotao. koana lefataheog la E t biopia baooa, ba.adi Ie bana ga baje tee tbeogelang. Maaole a Italy &DUe a kene lla ka maaUa gate go lafatabe ; 'me metato e fit lbileog tahimologong ea veke eoo e bont!ha jlJore tulong e iteeng, gare go maralla 13 dikgoa tla tefa tabe la Etbiopia, Mantariana a taeo .... e batho letaatail Re utloa gorl a pateietae ba.Ethio pi'!to ba 10,000 ka gare go dikgoa 'me Ie

u tloa gore bann..a bao ba gare go kotei It tahabegaog.

Moona eo mongoe eo gothoeng ena ela moelehi all. KgoBi ea Ethiopia eo a bidioaog General Virgin, ene oa latola gore ha ele moahateog oa Ethiopia eleog Addis Abab., Manta· riaoa a keke a be. a taena . 0 bolela gore Ie joale ba Ethiopia ba ' (orooyo. Ira" Mantariana gora ba taene gagolo gare go lefatabe la bona ; amps ore motlhaog E tbiopia e eiwolla Manta­rialla a t la inyatsa I Ore Mantariana .. til. fetloa ke hatho.

T baka u ehho ea Afrika go bonala gOte eohe e tlOela pele kgoebong, Be bona banoa ba tea room I t llllbe­gang gagolo ea The Bantu B oole. ba Itsl5e ba. butae leu la la &001. koa " Pritobard Street, gooa gare go motle m ona-ea gala tiro.

Mt. J oho E . Maloba 0 bO\le leve· o b le II. go rekiea dijo, ditlbapi Ie masampaoa koaoa Sophiat owo,

Koa Pimville re bona bo Mr. Ephraim Mathabe ba erne ka dioao ba tthoere Ira thata 'me m08ebetai oa booa 0 8et&e 0 ba tlela diaUa-thaka e ohi e reki.a d ioamW)e Ie d ijo tsa m efuta &Otthe teog knana P lmville Ie Orlando. Etaoela pele Afrika , ke gona e lemogang gore n ke ke ra ba eecbaha. .e t ii leng re bolaoa ke t lala r~ tlboka cbelete-pambili Afr ikl ! Kgololego e d iatleng Ua looa .

E o a kilen l!: a bonala l!:alE' go mohe ka mora~o go oako e blele ke Motlo· t1agi Philemon Setehedi, one a bonala .. Ie bophelong be !)ptle.

Mre. A. Binau oa Western Nat ive TOWDehip Ie one 0 kile a booala gare go mohe m.t3atliog a nke ena ea maloba.



D IPECO di dint,i monoogwaga, dit lbare tsa diperekisi d i dikite

di t1baaoowe ke diota. ra gopola ga go lekak aha Ie til. tlolaog, ereka gotwe molelo oa Modimo ga 0 tingoe re bool ete morago ga pulauyaoa e fetileng fano maloha ga tenUa re ahwI loothou hang.,e ba t la jela ganong fa go latle peco eaele.

Petroa Tladi, eo ittiweog bogolo ka leina la .. Setlhahhaoyane." moika. ngwa "'a diogwagaog.,aga mo lolaleng I.a Brandfolt S team Mills. gil. a tlhole a t'hela. 0 ela mOladi eo bouhet.8eog a nle moahamoeha. Ie baoa baabupa ba ba kafa Uaee go dilemo tIe 18. Moabwi a gudikegile hela a ba a kgabagauyetea go je Ie tlang. Bo moogw'gwe ba belega dieego ha pbitlo cotlhe, ba bua mancIII'e a monate go ahnpa ta.t1hegelo e kgolo ke 10lho Iwa motlhaoka wa boiklnyo. MOfIhwi ene ele monti oa kereke ea "agabo ell. Weeele. Phitlho ea teama­iaioa ke George Mangekaoe ka moroti wa tikologo a sea mo gae.

Re itumela go bona batho ba roo a ba pbapbamela koranta ea rooa, Re aimolotae lI:a kora.nta diJe tharo, gompiyeno re na Ie baamo~edi bale 28 ka veke Ie vettl. Ba d ipo la~ i hI booe ba e gololela ditbamo re ba bolela mojako pbaUalatsa bogolo mo malataiug ano a Mantaliana Ie ma­Hopia, koranta e t lbokega jaog l

Maloba ka di 22 October go latocwe Elizabeth Muller wa Capo Staode, Bloemfontein . Pegi ea 6t1ba Mrl. 'Mokwa, ' magwe moahwi a 880 mono gae a ile Johanoeeburg matihediaboog a moradi eo mogolwaoe Mrw. Motiouog eo timetaeng ka J uoe. Mokgoaing oa Maogaung ga ragoga Jlcob Ie Maria Molt"'a, Hannab Molehe Ie Eliaa Mok"'a. Re lela Ie otlo ea ga Modiboa ka loaho lwa Kgapetaa .

Eroeat Ngake K gware, letona la Ad viaory Board , Ie la aekolo.komiti aa koplno Ie motllmedl WI Kereke ea Weeele kwa Boltfootein 0 a bobola, 0 fet ile leoo maloba Ita koloi ea oglka go ea boepatala kwa Bloemfonteio. Gopolaog mot se oa K ubun.g ka mera­pelo,

Maecbo J a lle Gwillya 0 Gluteng mahbedishong a set logolwaoa h gaglh John Mabeodita. Mo!bwi Mokotsolwane ja" aoa a bidiwa, one a . hebilwe a bile a .holofec.,e thata ke hanka· ene fa. a tla ns, !eopedi !a aeowerere sa mala tei ana.

Be haot&8og ba gaoaganelela fa fatabe ka pobolo ke Ellen Leboke 0 cb"eocwe ke morobela wa aeboha; Sllah Chukudu a jewa ke leatla a8 kile ea tlbajoa ke lepele.

• Tsa Phiritona

M OKHOBLANE 0 boetae 0 iphile matla hlU'a moh e; I U Mre. C.

Mbete 0 taoarehile bampenyao& ma· hing ana. U. lIaa le .. kola pele he hlokab .. l. Marut i C. Mbete. Ek • Morena .. ka 0100 thoaa .. ph.kita .. hlapbobeloa.

Morali oa Mr. John Poha (K b.tomi) ea bitlo. og Johanna StaDie Pohn Ie eeoa 0 utae .. kola bampenyaoa ho batlang ho re febia. m.tenato .

Leae.oyaD. I. ticher ... S. S. Seale Ie 10na Ie ohe Ie Ie bolutu matsataing ana, HI mo l.kaleha pholl)ho bpele.

Ho ea tall,loa hore b ... 1i b. batle Ho t!oa hlok.lal .. ngoana 0& Mr. b. nale tbuise II atla. aaeh. u M.han, aet/ohaln.DII aa au Seile

.. t hui&e bantle Chamberlain'! Tablets Manhoa. 'M'a nlloana anoa 0 nt!e a t ~a mala I ~ &ebete Ii ka 11 phek:ola. Ie sio a It' boapatala Bloemfontein, 0 Li ilIIt,etl..ioa habonolo 'ms Ii na Ie hlokahala Ie ntatae a Ie ~io eka boja tbuso. Li tekiso& kf' Iikemne Ie I. ite nqa Kopj!:"l. ,wr:,bep.kele bohle. To!,"mrJ '1fp7,t,,'J fa 17


, SpOTS Rashes

..... u:



DON'T suffer from unsightly blemishes. K~p your skin ,1e;J.r and heilthy by sme~r'ng It With

Zam·Suk e~ery day, Zam·Bul< her!».1 o,ntment penetrate, read,ly through the t,ny pores, It nourishes th~ \1<", and turns d,sease out by the root. Zam·Suk soothes pa,n. allays inflammat,on and pro-.. <.Ies an ant,sept,c ,h,eld O~er bru;sed Or broken sk,n, Zam-S"k heat. qUiCkly and safely and never le~.e, ugly scars, Use it for &II your skIn trouble. and ;"I"ne5, Rub It in (or aches, palM, colds·on·the-chest, etC,

> •

,j ll ...... _ ..... ,100 .. "j; ~_,B'" OJ I._ "" ~,~ ......

Moriana oa Chamberlain oa Mala.

,;\Iavuka 16 mofumnhnli

ene ese oako ba 11;'o·aiane eLile ba sc ba e-na Ie ham\

ba babeli. Lioakong t,,<,na

he ~[(lI"uka. ene e Ie luotho sa phclang hanlle, a. f( _

kola., a e· na Ie Lt>t sollo. Leo­Is'ollo Ie matla la Ililll;,

) Iora 011 hue Oil. wnts·iLol0

taLa e t hala_ Ha fela dJ('It'tt'_ Ba Lona­hala hore 1(· j la\ub.a Ol:<t' alE' lekhntheng la ho lelt'koa /Uo .... ·bt't5in~ 1,.<\ leLaka. la ho hula. 'Iofumahnli oa :\Ln uka. 0 ne a 8(' a

kenn tlung,

Ka Ichlohonolo, lin tihla moruti emong I"" ha nako 1'0 ea kbathat_'Kl. ~toruti a elt .. t~a :\IaHlka hon,> a reke OOtlolo ef\. Chamb"'r '

lain·s Colic and Diarrhot'a Rt'wt'd\ eleng Sf'.

hl.ll~· _-.e hejoaug,{' kill' u th".a batho ha

b;ll1cata ua nellg l'a e-oa It'l>l .\thatso e


ilono ho Lonahala ho re eko. Ie e<'no. u nil Ie kha· !haton e joalo.

Ha qaloa ha e t l'lOa male_ i),"lcba a t hUiO. 110. hOlla· hala horo uo·mo1.t·t1ola ha t~('joang ba hloloa ke ho ph(' koia leIla ha no ua nl><1' ho I('r"hoa haholo. Eat'·ha


Mavuka a lumela. Eeoa Ie mora oa bae ba pbela. Ngoana eo aileng afibla a rehelloa lebitso la Cbamberlain.

Chamberlains COLIC A ND DIARR't OEA



Mafafalsane a Pula bara Komello T sa Salisbury £1 £1

Mobaleshoek ., A lIoq.belo • leog la 2S Octo ber ftI a tile ra lumaoa phokaoy.oa el _'''ltHoe I. hojl tomello ea lIkoro • DfI fI .. le kbolo, empl tie Hog taoOI

Ji 'umloe moogobooyanl 00 mo,lfI. Ua tie 1IIl8 t4Qna .ta bojl II til. lIa fllaHOa kI pardoe hooa mobla lefa· ilteeoe leo. mira a ile a fapohell h. moooa ea bitloaog Paole Mathera ; 'he leba ho Ie joalo teietll ea .. ke .. aba \eog baMe bo peperaoy. rata kl lJuog e behang IIpittaoa Ie lebot. la otlo moo bo boothalaog te moo jI lIeog a 110. Ie teog.

M,thalla u. Butoo!!: moooogQaha e itull.lMIIa bo IleDalithaog IIa HjaDa MOl .. orict,. .. blpallo.og b likampo II. Leeotbo. "Ntbooo 0

jeltog" mltllteiog aoa iblile a ituld.a .ka ma,la 'me a ,at a ho tbulaoa Ie .metbakl M hi Mlletloli pel. a tl ~I '-ba tel Iitbang ; mONro k. bo 0$1 'hollllli I. bool kl .. lemo te teohl bo Ie joall hllohue 0 \eog bl lblet.eoai hoba Mlletloli 0 llibetee ruri ,

Eb Ie "ba tea gafl Ii matll bo bile bo ttoil. MoreOI Bereog <0. Lerotboli bo .. gafiea e Ie fleoa ... eebel. ta bar'l Mlloti , mODI .kampool Ie me_og • Ita tbolto bo .tampo re boOI Morena N~1)fI

Lerotboi e Ie Moa a gl61Ug \eog. Oho tlill I. eoOI e PI\eMe lefltlflog

li:1 'oew bltho boop" bo Ie bo 10111 jOllo kl boleaol blU"le blr'llIklmpo. alufioJ&De Bukuog mODI ho teo. lelekOi b_li ba III bang mllhome I mllll' ba t.lobi&eog m.haeog I bool ba Mag bl itulell khlulllleng .

• Tsa Whites

(K. LuITU)

MOROT! MATEBESI 0 I~ile koIoo • eOI le Jerreu Iflt.ebeei, ba 01

ba .... ka Tilloe moo mont.i I oeog .110 abalalillo ka 27 Ootober.

00'. Ie mODI Mr. Kblblle 01 "upung kl meropa Ie liphall ka hie. K. phirimaol Oct.ober 28, I fli binI holoog e& lokeieheoe. KI 001:4·

ber 29 I UI o&i08 e& kompon. bo bioela kilOli e& Kbeleag. Moeall aD'. ma,hl • tlGeN OgolOI b leteobo, bo Ua mlmell mora Khab.le, Eteoe 01 o t.eba 1D0abemiDe morope l

Ill. Nlt.b. Maw,., emoog 01 bat.latai moaebekLog oa booti mona bOlpa&.aJa 0 kile I IaoIroa b bloobo, ohe b II 29 Oet.ober a tlOba I ipbeiflt..

Boa.g hi October 30 bo \imet.le .Mr. SMpbeo Mohlooe b Veotere. IIr.lIobaooe .tile ea eb. odool e&

kompooe ell Whitee ka olko e kbo· UOloe. 0 filii lellte'eog a kotee b .. ~.Iele, 'me a tbatbetle.

Re booa mohallell mltelteiog 101 .motbo I klbl Ire mariha I kbutlil. tllleog.

AleIloder ~Ilitla , priocipal 01 Clydeedlle (01" S,) 0 otse lit Ie mODI b o blt.eol li bl ble Wbiteo.

Ka SoodalZl meeoog, ele og 27 Octo· ber, bo timetee Olym pil Tl oeliln. , Ie ogoaol emoog 0. Ji , reke eI Roml. N8'l"ol eo Ib'l patol kl 1001 1.0. Olympia Mpbo Teoeliaoe ra mo pata kl Ootobe, 28, KI terekeos ho buil. MoeViogeli Selli, Ie Compouod Min· IS'" Moruti W. Lebooa I qeleUI moeab'tei mlbitleog. Pbup~og ebBe bltho bl (29.


BANA b& baogatl bl b .. tlflbe bo khethl litboloaOI t... bulloit.eog

ho we lIoog ho botloe. Hool ho bib lete'ollo Ie mltll, Bile II phi' kilet.eoe Ie tl DOl II etaa kotei. Be. .bllfe II Chamberlaio'l Colic lod Dilrrhoel Remedy .. kotobe... I •. hlabe. 'me ere bl be. noeeoa Cutor Oil, mahlaba a r.le. Motho kl moog o te'GaIlewe ho ba Ie botJolo .. Cblmberlaio', Colic lod Dianhoea Remedy ha hie. E r.llieo. likem •.

,.eog le}m.heoteliltg obJe.

T sa Phiritooa (QaIa qtpAt ltg lo 17)

BIDOI blbelQ bo &belho, M"te'e'", allego, MIlHpe Ie Bilbao. (jook y) bl taoa hlQbelOi ke totlli empenyana motor oar oa pb.t.ohl tl booa bl bopotte Thlbl Nohu hi Moroh . }o~eell bl bllbet.loe I.e mlqebl, hi ho U Ihoeleog , Motor o.r 0 b.UUe bo ba IIhell letamoog II Mlmlogette.

Ko bli. ooncert. I('kolong II topaoo • blmille hlotleoyaoe I.hl bolllOlro bo De bo II huHe ha kahog. M,. J . 0, M.koto. 01 ParYI 0 kile Ire khllo bo tla bool mettoaU. fill b.e to.oo.

NK" NO '""ll 0 " HAO KE EE NOA U



--MA A.M.E. I bile thlbooR Ita ho

ohlkeloa te 'ma roOI Mrl . O. H . MInke, 8 .80 .• ka di Ii Ool:4ber a te a ekol bakeng tM ogltlnyaol, ho leol II Rhodo,la, Ic", mOMi>etlll 01 mlfuml' blli a etal taoteleteo bohl. moo I Bbllng t'D~ . Mu. Vlu t e Ice mookl ' m.1I o. \V.H, ,t Jo~. M , Sooi.ty, 0 01 teama.el Ie moogodl 01 hae, Vft. Tlldi . Ba lupilOl Mell ke a llv. R. J . Mln ,"y l eo e 1.08 mookQmed l oa R hodtllia. ~t.o II booQ ho booteahall hor. Ie eo flhll Northero Rbodella hore bl be

I. bopakl b.> bot I. , hore 01 ke 'o.te leot.loo Ie II Ohll \eog . nl eotle mOlObetei 0 motlo moo ba blmlileog.


uau" 10 Al O HO HA ' NAI


...... 0 3\1 1 to .. , 4uI

... ..L, OEM, RODO. lUI. "b," _u. 01 0,..,. Ii ,II p. lou •

Cut. .r Ttr ••• t ,£} ,tf .'lItli. 0011 •• '1'01100

CHANANIE BROS., __ •• 11 ..... w.u. _&If I ... .....

.o..-. ..... oa •• ) laUl'I!OBBUll ••

ItO 'til U ' lj.II ... ... u. ... ... ' t....." " ,,,00.0.. .. n to u k ~ .. ,.tiU'~

l IUt O" O lO to ttI,O nto -,

o He a Batta Hore a Khutlisetsoe Bohali Ba Hae. ~ l o~3Ii co 03 ba tho 0 ne ale lIIahlomoleng ha monna oa hae are 0 mo k hu!~i~~I~:t ~a h;.I",

ho ntat3e, 0 ne a lebclet se ka rnahlo a mabO ho bona hore na II Feluna J llb ha h II" 11)<'

thu~a na,

R~ ka hol~ l a ka 'nete Ie ka bot ~epehi bohk hOfe re na Ie." makholo-kholo a In:1n&olo:1 t~".LI1J.:

ho bat~uah ba h. lelang karnoo Ii F~ l una PIll, Ii La ent>~ng hore ba fumane halla h., I.a 1,\ 1;\

.. e lIa H'bC ho ka fumana nguana. F cluna. tabtng be jClalo, e hla~nllolot,e ~tlh" t ntlll: <r

f,}kola kapa .. e 1>a "ei>et,e ka t ~uane l o, Feluna ~ fihhlc ea t>o~oln,a ('a ma tlafat -.l -etl ... - t o

'me mokhna oa hlaho. J..-a t hu~o eo. oa etsa hore ho fumanehe ngualla ~o loa leng I a Ill"

lakaba 1.>3 rno Icbcle tse hakalo,

Hap~ Ii Feluna Ii li~a bOI)helo bohle ba mo'ali, Lipili,j t 'ena .lia ekc!'a 'm(' Ii ndl.Ji:lt':l mali

h(')re ahe 11Ia fuheli han tle. he ka lebaka leo mlJ_ali e:l ~cb~I1'ang: l'clllna a t'anr It )"'I,htln

bo tlCbeng ho k hot heheng, a bang Ie thaoo 'me a rate hang_ 0 ikutlua a plllt'l' t,;,ntk

'me ha~ah ha fdang ba phetse hande ho monate ho lula Ie bona,

Ihebi lipOn\'o I,e b telan, h ell a Ii Itnl[ ho utna I, ,upa hort: Re b.tiu. len,olo leo te Ie amobeheng

u 1< .. iumall~ tllOuO ka 1>0 sebdiu Ii Ftluna P,lh;- ho Ezekiel Nkoli, 01 P .O . Karino,

Il" 10l<cl1oa kt m",li. Mol.ha lhata, 1-10 101<0101. 110 sokela,

Lth .. tlelo It I~$o, n, ~hhk, a Icnuho. 1101<oko\lo, Mahlaba

hi u ,Ie khuc]n'l!I. 110 pipilldoa. 110 bolla luu.lcli mahloni,

) l olokoaii1<o~(Oc, IIle )ho e upalli", 110 n)d,a ~Io. 1\')001<0 Ie

(1(.1.1"10""'0 1"10 KHVEU TSE, lE NA LE NGVA.,."



10PI"I[lO I A KA 10 BOTLE HA HOlO 10Al£ l E l ESEA l E NONN{ LE


Tran.vlaI, de", Ie leo, 1& _ manllta a

mona oflli", ea rona.

"1-10 Ie It liltmo I>t tharo I.t \ u'r In< ,II

0 .. "a " Ie rr f"m .. na "g" .. ,,~ oa runa oa maUit."lu Io..t ne I.e hl01l1.,I"le he t"h ll­hopob ho mo'a h() 1.;." .,,,', lo~

hat. Eml'a mol,u"tl<- , mro .. ~ .. TO <

hort a ,~I.~h,t II Fth,n~ r, ' , ~ ,I'a ", 1-10 mil~.k").l loa ka hI) h(.h"lo Ie ,t I. II~ taha " "ka "'I''' kamor.,o 1>0 ',\.I tl 'nt 'me a rot, lalb "gt",,,,, t "", 1" ';0 ....

n~lIg 0'1 flf;l,o;,,'~"a_ 1\'1 ~ .-I~"..: b hl~"~

ha nguana l"I'a .,10lK "I";'" I"~ "I. ~ I" ba hlal",... irda h~c1e hQI'!>';O 1 ha~ I" I bOltt ~"h(,l" h;o .s;ol( d '1,,:<1 ,~ .1~: ~ h

I'dun 10.."1""" r r fl,. I( to .. l'a "''',If'' h ". 10 It m. hl'n r I, ,n<"~

'1'" II ~n'. :

Re susumeha ka ma tlil hore ho lekoe Ii

Pills 11& Sanli Fe~la. Li reki$Oa hohl~

Feluns ka 3 3

botlolo kapa he 6 ka 18 -Ii liphuthelong he khu­

helu he joaleka sena se

bontsitsoeng mona. Ha hole thata ho Ii Eumana

ncolla ho P.O. Box 731, Cape Town,

chelete. u romele PI LLS for female5 onl~


Mahoko A R E utloa 80fe 0'0101 oa k801\

yo. Moraloog tlleog Kgoli Paul '"I'.babadir. Moroka, 0 .. oa Ie b. leeo IDa pp;oe ko. Th.b. Nellu Ie gore e t.are lrgot ••• heta Ie mooD go ea &c •• n •.

Re boOI bo .ieter Ie bo brother ba nt.e ba tNOI Ila nUo Ie otlo 11. 1,le­.. , mokete 01 dipioa (> 0 tI, oa08 k, I:aetf. r . KOIPre e.\ ,. Mr. Mokol!lOI, Bro. ~hakoe, the Cal .... ,y Choir, eo e t .. mlll .oaog ke Mr. Phafoi, Tau e 41~ nOI mo Il' tlhoprog. Bro. BeD Llphoko 0 U. olea IIb,lalbo Ie mli­ Ie gore ke eo~ ha ban_ be. c:bo.oelel!! 11:0 ea pikiniklog Ie batlldi Dtlheng ea botlbaba I.ahi. Maina .. baloaeletsi a tta tlbag. k. beke e tlaog

Mapodi... pbuny .. pbuny. mot~ .b.UIl eekonkonyana me rori batho b. ~o~. b. ('bo'roa ka gare Itsl gore kana tekgoadi It' u kom fao. ma·Afrika a MI ri tellaog b. I. ritete mabele, b.tho.

Be lehog. go oUoa gore Mr. Z. W. Mabllo I.:e l'tle motumlili oa diphaJ. h. g. Mokgoro Ntl.t.ung. . Mr. Daoiel T. M.t.t. '0 bolela gore

hDgaka t .. ma· Afrika m'O Mangauag Ii th'll'" k. oolleti'On Ie N.tlonal Conf'ention. Mr. Mt,f.t.a Ie Jow, Ba.oyane be. ntH b. khout... lingah ho fpopa 18 ho~ tokolobo e. taona e tta hlabiaoa b b mataahi a tlang ba tiona Iirlgab Ii b t. 'et* lekhotla la African National Congr"' yoaleb Parlamen~ ea aeobah., 'me eb mererong eoble lekgoUa I. CoD· gt'8M Ie kA bua Ie ntH Ie hetla Ie ... I.hala Jiogab t .. ma·Alrika teeo eMleog Ii lpop. kalilemo tee iheng Ii hlbeletee ea b Ii iung tokoloboog.

• Mr. David R. Mokbo.ko 0 ro .. b.tli·

.. 08 mora 01 bae ea J ob.o. Moltboko. 0 Ie a batlile Ie boble Ii PIU Offioo empa b •• mo utloela Hporo, ea kamo moo • leog !eDg a cgolle bo David R. Mokboko 41 Prinoee A VeDutI , Beooni, Tranln~1.


Mangaung T sa Ventersburg T sa Harrismith -

Tsa L E 6b1l1e lehl.bul. kobo ea KEREKE

Edenvl'lle mafut ... !). empa oho UUit.11i b NO ea D.R.C. ebUe mallet.

moooDgo.ha Ie taona II bob.le 0 m~ 010 k. Bootab. 0 tMal'i,CIa __ nt.). e hlolaog e bol hiloo. Morotl J P. H. WOMOI •• tb '

og.t.. b. 10 b. loma.lum. k. tIOna. ke Rey. J. M. De Beer oa Wlldl.

H O t, ilo 10 moketo 0 mubolo oa Selnllo Selemoog Mloa b.bJ.t,ok.o. b. ba. eena a ileog • t. 'oar. kbotb en k~rekeog fa D.R C. 0 Dong 0 ket.lo ho, m.ny.lo a baleloa k. Batbo ba bile bangat.. a\ao. t~lHnalloa ke .Mor~ti M.bomo a t la.\ boogata IiIle~ekeD8 . La Mr. Dyke Rey. P. A. Ma .• robaoyo oa A.M.E t . Ihoe. ke D. \ ao \ ooten, phutbeho e Lebo'll. Ie MI,a P.lllioe Ie ~e Mr . P ... ~. ~.'Itong b. 118 B'II'lnbnrn~ ne e thle. ka bongata bo u'abebang. De 10 ome Bloemfontein ka la 19 h a ma.e""WI oa Belallo. Atbo mona Evangehlt.Morake 10 Mr. Moboluba October. MIN Pb.hlang 00 "JI,;,; I " ... m .. ''''IJefreu "a.roban,e olla kcreke ea Metbod ilt bllo kile ba re eleog Mn . Lebon. 11:0 emoog oa an e Ole e~ e kholo, a te 'ebelit_ kbal~ bo ea Kroon. tad ka Ua kereko. h.maieo b. Mlkolo' •• motee olla. Il:eMr . J . B. Ngeoog'll'aoa I M Ba klleng baeba ten jl;mool ke Jun TO'll Ka I. 19 kboeliog e re Mllingl b.bolo b. bacba. 0 r.8. Selcpe 080 A.M.E. Ie Mrt. J . J. Dulker m.tiobero bo Mr. C. .Re.,. A. Leise oa Eoglilh Churcb ba Phiritona. lin. L . C. Tluoll:e Ie 0 110 WardeD k. mo.obetti , I b'

H' 'kbl' R aOltlO

autioyane re ttl ja leny.lo II Mr. nkile biD. lehlopba bo ea Ie. olmo. e kile ra booa ' Petrul Sab..thl Ta.u Ie Miu Heremlol Mil. Crooje b. ilo bioa b. I J. O. Lope/o 'm'l Ro~ .~Oj. Morabe. Raha elo batho b~ t.ebl lumane ' cb~etto h. mora.' e~~ halaog habolo 0 s. tl. ba moketo 0 Kompooa III cemeot N.tal 'me 0 bIle 0 kbatleue bohebang. 0 .ebet .. maoe e.e e tla buloa 'mo ~k. hOJa b. Rafolataaoe. Mrika a Ua fumlna I Re., . 8. Leo . P . Moiol 0 kbntliJe bo

Ea .ieo hi t' mooa Ii, Mn. E!iula K. la 2:1 October Jobanouburg moo. beng. lie MDlebi 0 He moketenjl; 0" ienralo I. moo k.mell 0 mocha oa oa broke. MOl1!o. mob.oloane . Ntate Leboru, moe...... W. Venter. Ka la 2t1 0 kile aTe kbalo nrh oa ~el1!ke ea Preabyterian, !In P. W Lebonl a I eteoa LIDdle, 0 kite a tapobel. bl mocban.o Win borg bo ilo ba eb. Ie blotle. re mo emJ:p:el:': Mr Mo_i tlOleng el baa bo ea ho Imobol. ngae"1 (Mia . O. Doporo oa II otee KOPJee. . joale eleug Mil. Lebona) mona 0 ch.btu J

Ba fiblileng hi" moo. ko Au. Mn. De ba blilo ba 10 \eng, 'me 'me 0 t1a . Motlb.ball:hoka , Joh.ona Kokllne Ie re ka bolel. WMI,. D . ena. baa .'11. M" . MoiaL Cblille, P. Pi~n Ie &himang Iopoleaa la

Ro II. 10 ~rl . Anna Moul k. tlhle- komi" ea aekolo ; hape e 0 ";.-; JobanDelb'llrg pbomo-belo tID ba blleo8 Ie eon. lEa bo blo. Leoyor., Moboje, Mr. Ie M,.. ea bae o:a Itbueh 'me 0 qali1e ~a !lgoan'abo. Eka Molimo 0 lin. L. C. Tauake 10 Mr. ka II 1 NOl'ember. b ba ta eh... (bat ... maiai b. Mlkolo). mo-

• bte 0 kb.blobaog. Ro

Sehopotso TALE--Maria TaJe ea hlokobotle ng

ka Ii 18 Mphalaoe, 1(:13-1, motH Dg oa Aluandra TO'll'nahip . 0 bopolo. ke bablo b. bae Ie mokboeoy.n .. Ie ogoet.l.

Le6keng I. ltameWa Le 'Da ke tboilo ; Leb. meea e pok. Na nka l itiDyoha­Ra ke 10 bo JHu1 Lj t1a feta he ohol'oyanF, E,lta Ie lefu.

Pdr. Ie Mr.. KboUa baeti bl Mn Taunke b 1a 27 Mlticbere I IXIO," 0 ome k. lokilet .. kopeoo u lekll •• ~)I:..~~~:,~~ Branch of O.F.B,A.T,A. e It maobane Ie bjeoo.

Pula ekile ea f.flt.. 'me ho pbolile blmoo.~, "' booa b.lemi b& oUo be. loki.". mar.po elta bl tlObile molota .

• Rebile Ie mony.ka 01 popota ba Mr.

Ie Mil . Tumelo Letloell Pim.,illo ka Sonlaha 10 fetileog, molteto oa bo ota'a ogolna 10 ho kerokeng ea Rema.


Mokhona Sejelo. Moriana ODa untAa &eJe&O leba ekaba aa khalo ka&ofubeng.

THEKO 9/6 ka poeo.

U taamaee. Ie oa lipilt. bore &et.aoo k. maleng.


Ngoll. ho:


IJ keke oa khohlisoa ha u reka Iieta tse naDg Ie "Tiiso ea

Lieta tse lokileng. Ha u bona lets'oao leoa seeleng u tsebe Hobane se Ibata, sella qboba nako bore seela leo se lokile.

Lets' oao lena bale behoe e Ielele, se boloka cbelele ea bao. leeleng so sa liang: marena amabolo a mekoli a bolelse joalo. Ha mothe a u rekisetsa liela lalima pele bore lets'oao Ieleng.

Hana ho reka lielatse senang ts'irelelso.

Seeta sa Mekoti "Seeta senang Ie Lets'oaola 'Nete.


Kimberley News Cricket at State Mines W.labl. kwa Nauma.b.nzi Dlt OU ye Rumatinae

A NOTHER wlle'ltone of famo was (,()\'"E'~d 11.111. }'r idl.,\· O\'omug, let

1oI0vt!mhE'r , by tbe 1Ildnigbt. }'olliOll B .... moll)' Kinga, when they ltagod thel t four th annual competIt ion in t ho Bantu Batho Hall , Woet End. Tho

.0\ enul8 promiMod to be a ploaaaut 000, '\"\'It at 8 o'Qlock rain comol "llccd. incroMlllg in fu ry tIll 10 p.m. :D!.>.lpite tbls, J>OOlllo oomo III hugo IlUIUOOni from all over tbe cltyaud loctltionll, packing the hall to aulfoc. .al lon.

Prior to tho hour of competition. "tht' cowpetitol'll entertallled tbo amht·Il<..'io' witb a ,-arlOO pro~ramme, lml ll it was tIme to commooce. Tho 'I:()mpanie~ whlcb san..Io: app .. 'arod as 10110\\"1 :-TE'nl\<:iou~ DarkieIJ (Green Poillt), Dixu' Bing BOYIl (WeMt End), Rhythm Girl'! (Town), \ 'cnetiflll Lads lGf'l'('n Poi"t) and ionlldble Harmoll)' Dul,;6IJ { Town).

\[r. W. ~II'Lt>od who pre;;eutt'd three ~ih'{'r mede.l~ for merit to II\..~t \'ear 's performcra. namely, Matsekl't(' ,' lti ... ~ Y. ),[ahaOOoe t 110" 10 Bealdto wn) and 1Ir. Hal. (l. Plaat)e, illcldentally «Jwmented on tb(' impro\'"ed st-andnrd (If play, which tbis .vear bad attain!'d a higher leH'1

1Ir. aDd M.I'8. T imll1l, renowned tbrougbout South Atric!\. in nrtistic circlQil for ballet dallcinfl; and ~ingiDg, were tbe adjudicatonl, and tbey al~o reme.rketl 011 tbe wonderful ~inging of tbe LrOUpe«, and that they found it dIfficult to pkk O\1t tbe 1.1'_1. The laurel~ for tbis con'ted trophy fell once more to l l iss Y. X. Plaatje and ber Rbythm Girls, who were also last .... ear·s winners: thelt harmony wa.~ superb, mwrmingled .with their dif­Deult syncopated endl1ll!:s, whIlst the touch of lli~~ Pla.atj .. was quiet aod .soothhl8. Cloee to tbe winnerol were tbe In ..... indble Humony Dukt.'~ . who made t heir (lahul. in troupe conl'erts, and weft' coached by :'ok. ErnE'~t B. Lekhela. A.T.S.C.

The IIOng " My heart. was ~leeplDg" ;;till fl nga and i~ beinl!: whistled by maoy and undoubtedly had it not .. rained, many would baye beeo !lent. away from the door . One mwt m~n. tion WIth specIal prl.l80 the genlWl displayed by young Master Todd Mat.@hikiza aged 13 'Who accompanied the runners up with great slill The concert W&!l follol1'OO by a dance to t he music of Reyellers D. and many dis· tinguished people were present. lOclud· iug Rev. and I'll'S. Z. R. Ma.habane, Me;dam6IJ S. L. and R. S. S. Plaatje, l\li.;.,; G. lIat.sbilr.iza, Aunt Dora, Miss H. Smith, S. Shushu, R.)I lIagashula and ) leesrs J. J. Oer.i , T. Mot~humi ,


10 tbe Ealate of the late WI LLEM GRASS, io life a laboorer of Kopjee, Dietrict Vredelort

Debtou and Creditoll in tbe ab(lve Ellate are bereby requIred to ply thei r debt.e and file tbllir c1lim&, at the office of tbe under~igoed , within Foo rtein d~y, fr(lm tbe publication of tbi, no~ice.

8. F. ALLEYNE YELD, P.O. Bol:. 3-l, R~pregeotati'Ve.

Kopje •. 1013

Jones & Rice !pty) Ltd. AOA.'<CCWAlII

ltO, QUEEN STREET, 'Pbone3217 43, RUSSELL ROAD, ' Phene 41 34


Yinqwelo YomngcW'aoo kupeJ~­Efuwanekr.yo l:.a lfuneka.

Ibbolrisi yokullgcwaba kupela_ Efumanekayo l:.a ifuneka.

NGENA kwi Soea};ti yetu Yokungcwaba.

S. M.l.ondolll, U. Mziletl. Mr. and Mrl Bd. Ilenyego, Mr. "'lid M .... H .l\l lilllullbi Mr. alld ' ire. £I I~. DynntJCtI and many othel'll.

• • • • f ('(lllgratu latioI19 to l\li.e~ EHu.both "Tombi" Cbll"·aua of \\'Cit End 011 the celebration of bcr :!Uth birthday.

M Mf)1'II Chri,tJnn G. Moholo, l\J08ho, ~nd othcl'll bad 0. narrow C8Capo IfUlt l:iunday, when the car tboy were t~a\-el hllg HI fl?m Rh'ertOIl eapllizoo. 1.lIoy OII<lAped WIth mi nor iIlJllri08 .

~I r . Bud :M.r!. Da\'id lbileti of I l'emllle Street, wi~h to tbank all frieuds who made their ~on'~ fifth bu-thdny a sucoo/l~ "'tid f(lr thllntl111l'r. ous prCt!(lnl" the\· donated

)liss Beatrice ·1'yamll1~bl' of Four_ ken Stroalns Illi~~ioll 9chool. and Mr. ~ Idroso \' Mbl!llgasho of united IUISr;IOll ~bool. Warrenton , spent lut wl'ek·end In the dty.


E SI SITAMBISO ,emiayaka ima Ih umi mablanu .incede abantu

aba(lgamawaka bezifo t(lfele_ Sibla­tiya ocb a01ajel(l Ilgoku wambati" ngesikumba elihle eaioempil(l. Siya. taojiswa-liyaplliea l ibu buqolo. Sidl, Imalana enei(lane. Sit eogillll'a ogaba mayeu co no.eoklle.

• Soccer at the Bantu

Sports Club -L A~T Snturday, Highlacders wero

brought to a ~tandstil1 by Trall8-vaal Jamf'CrII. Joo Chilolllle aod Joe Kbaile woro ah3ent and tbis mado Hig:blalldl'u' cbanoos lese f 08Y agaif\l!t a ~ide that was fully determined t(l giYO a good account of its('U. aod dis· place the League Leader~ from the knock·out. " Mamba, m.\' boy" and <, Prince of Wale!! " wef(' bewldenng acbemers, and gave their opponellta anxious tim6l!. Tbe Highlanders again pro\'"ed to be a difficult team to beat. Tbey scored both goal~ fir,.t, and wade tbe Jllmpers fight eacb tll.fle for an equaliser (2-2).

Bcrgvillo Lion9 unexpectedly capi~ ulated to Rangel'll "A "-a third Diris.ion t.eam-at the Bantu Sporh Club by one goal. It was a bparkhng game. BergviUe Lions 'Wcrt' forced to play:;econd fiddle by tht' slKlCdy and brilliant young$ters of the tblrd divi~ion. Tho lad~ played \"ery well , and thoul!:h sbowing lIign~ of fatigue towards tbe dO'ie of the ('xtra tillie, did not Their goal Wa.:l, bow· ever, a.ltlcky sbot. it fell ioto MandY '1i hand. oni:'>' to f;li p off IUtO the goal mouth-and loon aftE'rward~ the linlll whi~tle went.

Another fi.r~t. division team W88

lowered last ~unday, whon tbo RO\'alisu of Me&._ri W. 1'. .Jol.m~tone and Co., beat the Eleven Ii:.s.:perienco by one goal. H \Va' .. anybodY'8 game," witb the Royalist" jw;t a bit. more .. Inngerou,< than tho Ele\·tn Experience. I

~atal Union Ellpre~", by beating Rosherrillo Rninbow~ bv two :.!oal~ ~howcd thllt eoo~iderai)le tbouJ.;ht mu~t boon gi\'cn to the ta.~k of I finding II. better combination. Try a!;I

hard 1.9 they could, Ho~hernlle Hain bows could not penetrate thr(lugh the Express defence. Another first divi. ~Ion team lowered br the t hird dhiaioll youngster8.

BergYiUe Liollll" A ," after playing a (2-2) draw agai1lllt the Highlanders ., B " last. wook, lost (1 -2) to tbe Nuti!<'! lIine& JAds, who were cOIlRider­ably:;trengtheued by tho inclwion of young Wiluebope.

The Fifth Division Cup ig now safely woo by NataJ Rainbow;! .. A," wbo beat Newcastle Homelads " A· ' lllljL

Continued in uut column

(n\' A. J. ALWE!I.)

GJ LBERT Ougwil1i WILe t he hero of t ho match betwoon G.O.M.A, and

~JOOdcr" n "Cricket Club which onded III n. gTOl t vietorv for State Mince by 107 rune. 'the ,(.oree were G.O.M.A . . liIt IIl1llng_ ta, \ladder .. n" Itt IIlnmgtl .,,'1 G.(:.'I.A, 2nd inning. 21a for 6 wi('kot.9 (doclared) Meddc; "n"CC'd· • . . ~11 IIlnl1lg_, II for 7 wickchl (3I1beenl.eoll). Those who contributed tho hi).;hoat 800ro for Htate Minna were Gugwilli 7U, C. NC!\.lnani fiG not out Yonko Rwexu 21 not out. Maqand~ (Mooder" B ") took I wickerl for 17 rUlU!.

Tho mat1:1i betwoon U.O.1\I.A "A" nnd I-~aat I:cduld C.C. endoo In a one day'a dctor\' for the c.n.M.\ " A Scoroe: G.G ~1.A. " A hI. inll11\g8 I;!:!; East Goou1(1 l ~~ illnjng~ :,6, 2nd in. IIIIlj(.i 37. f:.(;.M.\ A" thu8 won by all IIlmngi and 2!1 rU1I8. Pnder the cn.ptaillcy of Mitchell Ndlaz.i tbO!<o \<ho contrihult'd tho higb09t sc'orea for O.O.i\f.A. " A ' were Fnna ( II) , Makalima (13). NondwBngo (IU), D. NglV~uo (2:l), 'r. Nqo~ana. (31). The u1OIllf(l!l wero 1<'. Mpoudo and J. John-.on. For East Goould, H. Hem took.'j wickl'hI for 22 runs.

• Old Xatahans bent Jack Jlammer9

last. ~aturday at tho Bantu Sports Club, o.fter t),\.tra time had been played (3-1).

• Wild Zebraa of St. Chad's, Ladysmith

wero beateu in tho Natal Sbield competition, last Saturday, by Stand· arda of llaritzburg.

EH,qibt ImioJa". En" ma 30 Kwaloliwe

lodlel. Aplodela Ng3)'0 Emseberulnl Wake

Yayinlo ephOlO r.~n"kah .. lop' I. In. meebenll ... 1I"aloll"e Into , oku lahla Ulll • eebend em'-a k". n~ben&O )·emln)l.ka 30. NgeDlIa )10k ... bambeka ""10" I Rumalieene ".,e u~ua nUi,.larub,_.efa, "e "imelel. Ilgen1.Qu/!a xa .t,amb.yo. l.cebo lomblobo lime,," okokobto .ee~nz.. • Kru"'h~o B.I~"'"ylhl.~I. ".de .... ban • . ko ookup,nd"l. e lllMb'i!o,"" ."ako"a. Ha_ ,,~i IIlg:o.elo 0llokulaodi.ea .II".kl :-

"Ndlhll!leI"1 IlI.lkut,h;~ka kwamalungu okOftlll!lo)lail. emltllu o, o·ll",:oel, la 01!'.·ntOOj(I. :O;lokoke ndlyek. ulT. ~btou "1m woh"hhlollan; ... it~o, em'·. kwe otae. ben~o yem'ny .. k .. ~oll.m. :VI. '0;<.1 •. etyi~ .... Ioneoe •• " okok"ba odolio,~ , K,u .. ),e" Salt.. n,la""'beoz_ .mbndlela 1a,·0 .,k .. .,n .... "lIuba o ,J.~·illD" lI.kuhl·. :':dll,,, .. ,o .. okok"ba ;"o,,~edo, odalo<ok .... osayo oJaln. yaZl! )laod,o)lonll'" Xa ... dIDdiog. Itb~nzi .aoga i Kt>tao::beo, od,oyao" .. klle oilolo.uba. bto," nl.y ; kubako .p • . \'oillu I .. ataotu 1 ... lux,· ,·ta ullIka,oi okokub. 1M'0d'ya s:odu. ka . pof" oamhla ou'p;le mrela odaye Il'.1ipi. ndel~ ~mtebeozu" k .. akool. ,",.htwele IDdlola yokub"I~la I KrU'll,·bpo Salt •. "_W .T.

L:obaogt'lo YI nUuogu ooku'l'oa oilun oa rumot' .... oe zioko~ ... na bulaoa nobe oal'll V> ".; " a.·id e~m"iJH'oi Ol.e mao IU"II"lIll. Amatyi"a .aitlodat" ak ... i K.u .. h"n ".,ueelela i,lbiod, n~liot ... lipil" .. ,..,beou> ogok .. e.iqelo; ao. ~d'M er"k.hupt>. 01 i u'" • Id oos:af"nek,yo eoguoob.0l'ela ZIlokatazo )lonke }TOII.

j·K.u", beo Salta tlleo~'·w. zi &mi~ti kuoyf' n. \"nili!e nj(e 2 6 imbo.JI .. I.

Saturday by 3-2. Tbese two teams had reached equal pain\.!! for leader­amp. ami both Wam" plaJed In It..

mannt'r worthy of the ""nior di\·-.,ioll. Natal HainboWIJ " A " J(ot their 1;0a13 through the Newcastle Homelad~' in­fcrior goalkooping,


• .1

DO NOT 1~I'Ve broken glua or boarda witb upturnf'c1 naila lying about.

Put tbem away in a /life place.

BASEBENZI MIGODI NINGA YEK.I 19laai eyapukileyo (lkanye iplanlr.i enezitonk .. auaezimileyo

ukuba tibe kIno zonie iudawo.

Zigcineoi endlweui enqablleyo.

BASEBETSI MERAFO BE SI E ENO galaae he pebatleh ileng kapa map(llanka a iipekere kae Ie be.

Li Bothiaeteeog thoko moo Ii ke 86 blahieeog kou.i.

.-TSffAYA I OFFICE RS' MES;:; VH:iARE'f."l'.I!:S


Preparations Complete


Centres Should Affiliate

Before East London Meeting

(By J. M. DIl'J'A, Pre~ldent.)

Sports at St. Mark's

S T, )L-\.RK",I::, is one of the oldest )[i!lclions in the Dloceile of St. I A.\I grateful to l'I[r. Sondlo: A..'<Sistant John'", and the ~ounger generation

Secretary of the Board. for his got together and formed various I ~ttcr in "Uroteteli " , The promotion organiN-tions to add to Ihe amenitie!l. of an Aa8ociation of luch !importance The~ -t.arted a Football Club, end i· not an eaay matter, III thO&' who Tcnnis has abo ~n e8t-abli,;hed Pre. bave had experlcnce of such work can paratlons are now bein~ made for the t, ,tily. Amongst the important opening ceremollv of tbe Tennis Club t(oquirements that had to be fulfilled ill De<lember. . l..,fore the preaentation of the trophy f:iport, beside llro"iding mental re. 1'1 tbe Transvaal Chamber of Mines, creation and phYlIicai exercise, is, to t~e followinglegalrcquirements for the quote l'Ilr. P. Bennett's words recently TI'JI;istration of the Board as 811 at the Comet ~line, Johannesburg" to .Aa&ociatlOn had to be complied witb;- a very large edent the creator of (I.) Memorandum As the only tt'llt of character." and in tbe writer's personal tbe powers and objectl of the Board is experience. it tend.~ to promote Ilffordfd by the Momorandum of goodwill between man and man. AsIIoclation thill bad to be compiled. The organi~ing body of our sport (2.) Articles: According to the Board'i has gone a.8 far out as C() fi m'-aba alld cOfllltltut ion, Articles of A.s.:;ociation Bolotwa in order to hold concert8 and lad to be drawn and submitted to the dance3 to raise fund~ for the pro­{.o,·ernment a.s a guarantee that the ject. Except for tbe hearty· "lVelcome l·lIr&UIt.8 of the propose Association I extended to us In the.,e places, aucce68 were CONlid6l:"oo to be in the inter08U in elltablisbing sport in St. Mark's (of tbtl Native publio ; and it is tbere- would have been appat"{'lltIYlmpo8l!ible. fore intondoo to apply its profits (if I To thom we are very !,'Tatcful. "Na· any) or inoomo solely ill promoting ita ngamso." We have not. however, chjeclA. (3.) Registrat ion: T he 9ub· gi\'OIl up hope of educating public misalOn of (tho Memorandum and , opinion and Winning parenb and el""en Articlea t() t he Registrar of Compani08 ! tbe Church's favour in our und~rtakiug. M required by Act 46 of 1926, and the In conclusion, on behalf of tho St. t'pplil'atJon, through tho Regi"trar, to )Iark's Bantu Lawn Tcnnis Club, I t.!:le Mini9ter of Ju:!tice for tbe grantinl!: would make an appeal to philanthro­of tho Licence pl~t~. friend~ and lo-rers of human

The Traruwaal Chamber of Mines Ilregress and 6port~mcn to give us their (/I.'finitdy reqUired (rightly) this support. We are looking forward to J' to be followed. and. as the OIK"tling dra matic and debatiugsocicties I ,~t mcehnl!; (If the Board gal'e and creat ing movements for social Ber­in~tructloru. to It offiC'iais, tbe~e legal vice amongst our people, and it is n-qulJ"("wellt~ b:lfi to be oh-erved for difficult to do this without funds. the advl\ncf"mect of tbe &bcme to Donations may be .. ellt to !HiS3 R. p~c('(-'!.~ful conclu~ion. Geobo, (l'eCretary and Ircasurer), St.

The MemoranduUl ami Articles are ;\tark's. C.P., or to MI$S G. lIacanda J101l' \II the hands of tbe Rcgbtrar, and (Lady President), Pimrille, Kauce6e1d, ) !lOW 3PIW.·:J,l, as ~lr. ~olldlo bas 'lhll8Yaal or to the \\Titer Mr. H B. cppealed, t(\ all our Bantu ~portin~ Xnzo, Paterno~tcr. S1. )Iark's, P.C. I. adera and Rugby elltbu'ia~t5 to give • th~ ecbem". financial su pport. ,,'ithout JilOnetar.\- pron.lon it i~ \'ery difficult t earry out th~ WRn~' ne<"e,,.Jlry r 'Iuirement~, Ind a"'o to make Iht' , ('old ('.Qllf"r'uce of tbe A .... ~ociation (to 1 bolfi in E;l.~t London durin):! CI, rilltrma." holi(\(t,pl\ tbr ~ncce~~ It tl l'ft('rl""eK to ht'. \\"~ can acbieve our ~'l,,1 (IIl!Y h, • .:ettlnl!: the wholehearted ". _ f'1)(l1-t (If (,!lr art."1"ptell leader.; i n ~ueb & 1)lF: u:\t}()na! l<"ht'me as tbe South .Afriran B.lnt'J R'Ig:h\- A"ociation.

I /l,h"ui'"e" my people tbat the White­p"Oplt 'lr{O gladly 1I'''I$hng the Bantu in t hlB ent .... rprliI'· It ~bould not llf' dlilieult to remon., an\" difficulties that ma,· an~(" in the COI1'f"f' ,ugge-Ied b~· ~J. ~olldlo Th~ donof"'loftht'Ea~tern Pro\"lnr~ H.'uld Troph~· "l'rill not PIIi{I ally oh)*dloll toan~· arTan~ment t .·lIIA W:"Id", I,) th .. t.o Board~ of tbi~ Ap (1('11\' '0'1 a:-J tllt' Intl"r·TO"IVn. 10 IHlv/l,I)' ('" tht It nlt' (If Rll'..!b~ aWOII;!,t HIl' Ua'l! I lU!l.l..f' tbl Ii"uranct' a'"l (l11f' who ~ .. , concemM in the I!ettinj.! cl Ihf' nth·, Trol'h., 100 !lnd also as (" Ie til f' I -pons,I,I\" offia3h II:: the Pooni

TI, W p"! lIlt ~ I b!lVl" '~o' -'" ,·,,"'to, i 1I.lh arh 1 ut tb r 1 l""n.),1 ff!$1 1 matten of minol (' ·tAIi a , .. I b it!lbl:v deal~ ,-;tl\ th, ~u .g ( nlere- .t'.

'II,.. f'f"l" I. tv ad it nl'. ) Ul6I.D. f I ,tree t I- t Inl~ Ihe

_ AI I

Centuries By The " Big Three"

--Crid et At Cape Town

Is fine weather on Saturday !Wth October our cricket was officially

openeci at th~ Cnpe. Oriental~ on their own ,\!:fOnnd

facro FlU" East (.C The Oriental _kipper. "BiUi['-' Pdu. ha"inl! won the to"s dedded to bat 6"'t. G. Ft'IIi and :-;. Slzani opt'nro the inniDgll. With the t>CO~ at 13 G. F~i 'U8 bowled by T. Gwal""U, B. lIalamba. "ho followed. wall in hi:1 he~t form anci carried hi~ bat for 47. Orienta~' total Wlb WI .T. Carroll (:.!()) hit a fine­.. ixtolej!"Iremh. Sjokwem T_(;wa,·u obtailled .I ,., ieLI ts for :.!5 rUIll< and K. S!Clk"IVelu:.! for I:.! The Far ElW't "lVert·1 kittltd out for ~7 tllna t~l Llphuko 3

W1ckcts for I rut' !':. T )10t_1I1 ..! Wickets for ';" !,

Other result.'! "\I(,I"t' -H B.C(· J:i4J for 3 \d dart'd ( ..... T hanyda 'il ne,t 0111 W 11. lnku :!::. nl>t 0 I. I' Tsl1&.:. If; :0-.( t' f (', no "lll"i k ;

T -\ C t': lJ" I ." I ,. ~ [ :.. ....

Rugby Conference This Week's Matches

T HE makh fi:r:tul'1!l8 of tbe Tran.snull Bantu Cricket Gniou, will be

pla~'ed tomorrow (Sunday) as follows ; ,\lo\"GE:SA Cl" C~))tpETmos

ran Ryn Deep v. Modder Bee, Never ])e,.pair v. Yan Ryu Deep A, G.G.?lL\. v. AJtenkiru. Sub Nigelv. New)I.C.C. , Eastern Rising Stan v. UDJver.;al~. West Spnngs v. G.G.M A

Matcbe.;; are pla~'ed on tbe ground:; of the first named.

SE~""lOn UI .... I<;IOS

Orientals \. Wellt Rand Bantu, fit West Raud Gaikas ,'. City Deep A at City Deep Willows ,'. Randfonteill F .... tates. at Robinson' Ottomam v. City Deep. at Wcmmer; Independent~ v. Orlando Brotberly, at Orlando; Simmer alld Jack v. Stone Breakcrs fit Simmer and Jack.

Jp":sIOR Dl\"~lox

Gaikas v. West Rand Bantu A, at (COIIIi",vuI in ,.txl 001,, 111"')

-Benoni Golfers -

TID: draw for the Club Cbampiou.:.hlp to be played at Benoni on I-tb

NO"ember is alJ foUoWll:_ ' . 8;30 a.m. P. Bheng ,'. D. PLuta.

S,3:, a..m. B Raruatlbola v. R. MoYa: ma.1 S.40 a.~. P. Manyoni v, R. Chiloane; SA" a m. M. Ranyao ,- s ~matlhol~' ... ~ a m. S. T1adi v' A: \\. lIouugl: 8."" a.m. Gamen l""_ T, G_ ROlten):!: !) a m. D. Moropa t". N )[olocdl 9_" a.m. K. Mobo,.:·oao~ " G. Tshabnlala : 9.10 a m. J.r-.-cayo t"' D. If. Helm. '

Luipaardsvlei: Orientale A .t". Rand. fontcm :estates A. at Block A, WiUo," A v. Orientals B. at PimY"ilJe: WKtem Natil""e Town~hlp A v, Deep! Ston~ A. at Western Native Town_ ,hlP; Onental~ C v. Simmer and Jack A, at Y Compound, Crown lHioN Fear Nots v. &nd LeIUl(l@ A, at Rand Leaees: Hard v. Randfooteiu Et;tat~ B. at Durban Voop, Rood~_ poort.

Get your cricket from



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All -upplied to all Leadinj,\ ('lui,.


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.£ 13 1(1 .•

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: C~~~'~ _____ ~~~~~"~","':Ih;' .. ;I~:.J~~;.;;"~'~~~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~;:::::::::::~ - PrlDt.ed and PabU.bed by 'b Proprie\ofl ~.\ Prlatlog A; Publlihins: Co., Ltd., 4-6 E nd St,..t. J obanllMbtrg.

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