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Test Bank Solutions Business Communication Developing Leaders

for a Networked World 2nd Edition by Peter Cardon

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Chapter 03

Team Communication and Difficult Conversations

True / False Questions

1. The basic principles of team communication all depend on a strong speaking-centered approach.

True False

2. Effective teams spend about half their time bonding by talking about social activities.

True False

3. When team members experience conflict because they are trying to make sense of competing

ideas about how the team should work, they are in the storming stage of team development.

True False

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4. In best-case scenarios, work teams usually take six to seven weeks to achieve maximum


True False

5. High-performing teams go through repeated cycles of disassociation and association.

True False

6. Sally attends a meeting that focuses on brainstorming how to solve a particular problem. The

agenda is fluid, and the team adjusts the time it spends on various tasks as needed. This is an

example of a coordination meeting.

True False

7. When developing an agenda to address high-priority items, items of least importance must be

placed near the beginning of the agenda.

True False

8. Melva perceives that Jonathan, the meeting facilitator, seems to favor one position over others.

As a result, Melva may be reluctant to share her opinions.

True False

9. Research has shown that teams that have less dissent during meetings reach higher-quality


True False

10. For brevity, the minutes of a meeting should include only the main decisions that were reached.

True False

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11. One of the unique challenges of working in virtual teams is the inability to gain information by

reading nonverbal cues.

True False

12. In the current business environment, virtual teams rely primarily on phone calls, teleconferences,

and email to communicate with one another.

True False

13. One significant advantage of virtual meetings is that team members can multitask during them.

True False

14. Because virtual teams have a more difficult time building relationships than traditional teams,

experts recommend starting each virtual meeting with social chat.

True False

15. The most important stage of group writing is the drafting stage.

True False

16. When producing group writing, it is important to ensure that the writing reflects the views of the

group at every stage—gathering information, drafting initial findings, and editing the final


True False

17. During group writing projects, it is important not to waste time discussing roles and contributions.

True False

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18. An absence of conflict during conversations might imply that employees are not voicing their true


True False

19. In emotionally charged, high-stakes conversations, forcefully stating your message at the

beginning will often lead to productive outcomes.

True False

20. High self-awareness is crucial for handling difficult conversations successfully.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

21. Which of the following describes a team in the forming stage of team development?

A. All four members of the team discuss what the team roles and goals should be.

B. Nick and Julie present alternate ways of assigning work, and the team debates the issue.

C. Nick, Julie, Raul, and Ming take turns sharing their background with the others.

D. The four group members work at their assigned tasks efficiently and work together as needed.

E. Nick and Ming draft a work plan, while Raul and Julie write guidelines for the group to


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22. Nick, Julie, and Raul each share different ideas about how the team should approach work, and

the team spends some time debating which ideas to adopt. What stage is the team at?

A. norming

B. forming

C. performing

D. storming

E. reforming

23. Which of the following is characteristic of the norming stage of team development?

A. Team members get to know each other and try to gain acceptance.

B. Team members share competing ideas about the task and roles, and conflict occurs.

C. Team members easily manage to reach consensus even when there is conflict.

D. Team members are still uncertain about what is required of them.

E. Team members agree upon mutual goals and individual responsibilities.

24. Which of the following best describes the performing stage of team development?

A. All four members of the team discuss what the team roles and goals should be.

B. Nick and Julie present alternate ways of assigning work, and the team debates the issue.

C. Nick, Julie, Raul, and Ming each share their background at the company.

D. The four group members work at their assigned tasks efficiently and work together as needed.

E. Nick and Ming draft a work plan, while Raul and Julie write guidelines for the group to


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25. Teams rapidly develop shared perceptions and commitment during the _____ stage of team


A. norming

B. forming

C. performing

D. storming

E. reforming

26. Erik is a manager who organizes his department into teams at the beginning of September. By

December, he worries because the teams are still having conflict and do not seem very

productive. What would be the best advice to give Erik?

A. Conclude that his workers are not team-oriented people. Abandon the experiment before work

falls further behind.

B. Be patient because the teams are in the storming stage. Give them time to reach the norming

and performing stages.

C. Conclude that he made a mistake in the makeup of the teams. Reassign people to new teams

and start over.

D. Be patient because the teams are in the norming stage. Give them time to reach the more

productive performing stage.

E. Conclude that the teams are spending too little time on work. Start to sit in meetings and direct


27. Which of the following is characteristic of members from high-performing teams?

A. They view conflict as unhealthy and counterproductive.

B. They approach work with a judgmental mind-set.

C. They openly discuss the set of values, norms, and goals they share.

D. They make fewer work-related and supportive statements than other groups.

E. They meet infrequently, preferring to work as individual units.

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28. Whenever he has to present a proposal to his managers, LeRoy is able to distance himself from

his ideas and accept criticism without becoming defensive. What process enables LeRoy to do


A. consolidation

B. association

C. disassociation

D. formation

E. reflection

29. _____ is the psychological bonding that occurs between people and their ideas.

A. Consolidation

B. Association

C. Disassociation

D. Formation

E. Reflection

30. Which of the following is true of high-performing teams?

A. They remain professional and avoid social bonding or personal connection.

B. They see differences of opinion as signs of dysfunction in the team.

C. They spend most of their time discussing work-related issues.

D. They do not meet frequently to discuss their purposes because it wastes time.

E. They have a homogenous rather than a diverse membership.

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31. Which of the following is a trait that contributes to the inherent diversity of a team?

A. members with customer service experience

B. members with retail experience

C. members with engineering experience

D. members with managerial experience

E. members with a variety of ethnic backgrounds

32. What impact does 2-D diversity have on a company?

A. The company is more likely to increase its market share.

B. The company is more likely to experience damaging conflict.

C. The company is less likely to have a "speak-up culture."

D. The company is less likely to have access to a variety of perspectives.

E. The company is more likely to suffer significant financial losses.

33. Which of the following is the role of a facilitator?

A. keeping the meeting's minutes

B. ensuring fair discussion of each agenda item in a meeting

C. discouraging debate and dissent

D. steering conversations toward predetermined conclusions

E. presenting counter arguments to ideas or suggestions

34. Abdul is frustrated because his team members come unprepared for meetings. What is the first

thing he should do to try to improve the situation?

A. distribute minutes after the previous meeting to remind people of what was covered

B. distribute an agenda ahead of the meeting so people know what to expect

C. distribute homework assignments several days before each meeting

D. criticize people during the meeting if they are not contributing enough

E. criticize people after the meeting to make his point without embarrassing them

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35. Moira has a standard way of running meetings that she has used for a long time. Her meetings

tend to be efficient but dry, and people have difficulty feeling engaged. Which of the following

techniques should Moira use to solve that problem?

A. distribute an agenda ahead of time

B. have someone take minutes and distribute them afterward

C. make sure to start and end the meeting on time

D. encourage each person to share his or her opinion

E. remain neutral while facilitating the discussion

36. Which of the following would be the most productive time to schedule a meeting?

A. 2:00 p.m. Thursday

B. 4:00 p.m. Wednesday

C. 10:00 a.m. Tuesday

D. Noon Monday

E. 10:00 a.m. Friday

37. What is a recommended method of planning thoroughly for meetings?

A. reviewing the minutes of the last meeting to see what was left unfinished

B. calling everyone together and working out an agenda as a group

C. using the agenda of the last meeting as a model for running the next meeting

D. taking ten minutes before the meeting starts to prepare a few action items

E. asking yourself essential questions about purpose, strategy, scheduling, and coordination

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38. In which of the following situations is a company most likely to need a series of problem-solving

meetings that have no preset agenda?

A. planning the annual picnic

B. deciding the work assignments for a project

C. developing a new product proposal

D. discussing the transition to new ownership

E. reviewing a market research report

39. A catering company has a weekly meeting. Every week, the meeting starts with a story about how

the caterer's food helped make an occasion special for the people who were there. What is the

most likely reason for this tradition?

A. to help the employees open up to each other

B. to help the employees bond since they work on scattered jobs

C. to deal with the most important agenda items first

D. to illustrate an important aspect of teamwork

E. to remind the employees of the company's customer focus

40. Oscar starts his meetings by describing the procedures he wants people to follow while taking

part in the discussion and explaining what topics must be kept confidential. By doing this, Oscar

is providing

A. agenda items.

B. minutes.

C. consensus.

D. ground rules.

E. action items.

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41. What should the leader do just before closing a meeting?

A. summarize what was accomplished

B. allow the attendees to ask questions

C. elaborate on the main issues

D. ask each attendee to share

E. evaluate his or her performance

42. Team leader Sean always follows through after meetings by asking all the participants how they

are doing with their assigned action items. What effect is this likely to have on the other team


A. They will feel that the meeting was a waste of time.

B. They will perceive the team decisions as important.

C. They will feel that Sean views them as children.

D. They will be less likely to attend the next meeting.

E. They will procrastinate because they resent being nagged.

43. Which of the following is a reason that organizations use virtual teams?

A. to reduce isolation

B. to resolve conflict more easily

C. to encourage sharing of opinions

D. to save money

E. to avoid time zone differences

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44. Which action is most likely to help build trust in a virtual team?

A. be proactively engaged

B. multitask during meetings

C. avoid social conversation

D. work as independently as possible

E. rely mostly on email to communicate

45. David has just been appointed leader of a new virtual team. He senses that the team members

have doubts about each other's competence. What can he do to alleviate this situation?

A. take time during a meeting to review the company's mission statement

B. encourage the team members to consider stakeholders in every discussion

C. allow team members to choose the people they want to work with more closely

D. schedule a time when people can share their professional accomplishments

E. establish ground rules for their meetings from the very beginning

46. Which stage of team development do virtual teams sometimes skip?

A. forming

B. storming

C. norming

D. performing

E. reforming

47. What is a virtual watercooler?

A. a virtual place to record team goals, assignments, and projects

B. a social media space where virtual team members can interact spontaneously

C. a database of all the agendas and minutes from a virtual team's meetings

D. a social collaboration tool that allows virtual team members to work together easily

E. a virtual collaboration tool that adjusts for time zone and language differences

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48. Which of the following practices helps to increase buy-in from virtual meeting participants?

A. running the meeting efficiently

B. multitasking during meetings

C. taking minutes in real time

D. opening with a contentious question

E. preparing how to state views ahead of time

49. Jamila is concerned that her virtual teammates are misinterpreting each other's statements

because they cannot see facial expressions and gestures. Which of the following possible

solutions should Jamila suggest to her team leader?

A. setting up a virtual watercooler

B. opening with a contentious question

C. taking minutes in real time

D. asking team members to avoid multitasking

E. using video during the meetings

50. What impact does it have on long-term virtual teams when they meet in person?

A. They are more likely to start having conflicts.

B. They find it easier to build rapport.

C. They take longer to trust each other.

D. They often split into separate factions.

E. They waste more time on social chat.

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51. What do professionals identify as the number one challenge of working in virtual teams?

A. the need to make decisions too quickly

B. unclear decision-making rules

C. not enough time to build relationships

D. differing leadership styles

E. lack of participation

52. Lana's team has been given a group writing assignment. The deadline is two months away.

When should the group start working on the project?

A. a week before the deadline

B. two weeks before the deadline

C. in a month

D. in two weeks

E. right away

53. Hector and his team work for an educational publisher. The team has to write a report comparing

the textbooks of three competitors. Who would be the best person to analyze the books' methods

of teaching?

A. Hector, who has two years of experience in market research

B. George, who has five years of experience as an editor

C. Kerry, who has three years of experience as a book designer

D. Lin, who has four years of experience as an educator

E. Lisa, who has five years of experience as a production coordinator

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54. Janet's team is working on a group document, which they store in an FTP system on the

company server. On Friday, Claire and Malik download the document at the same time, and each

makes edits. Malik uploads his document first. When Claire uploads her copy of the document,

she erases all of Malik's work. What went wrong?

A. Team members did not use the same word processing program.

B. The team did not assign its members clear responsibilities.

C. The team did not have a system to handle version control.

D. Team members were not clear about the purpose of the revision.

E. The team did not consider the needs of the audience.

55. Hector and his team work for an educational publisher. The team has to write a report comparing

the textbooks of three competitors. Who would be the best person to polish the final version of

their report so it has a consistent voice?

A. Hector, who has two years of experience in market research

B. George, who has five years of experience as an editor

C. Kerry, who has three years of experience as a book designer

D. Lin, who has four years of experience as an educator

E. Lisa, who has five years of experience as a production coordinator

56. Barb's team has to write a report recommending three healthcare plans to offer the company's

employees next year. At the planning meeting, each person is assigned responsibilities. Which of

the following team members is not carrying a fair share of the group's work?

A. Barb, Jaime, and Kat will each research several healthcare plans for the team to evaluate.

B. Elena will create all of the charts, graphs, and tables needed for the final report.

C. Meghan will take minutes at the meetings and use them to create a first draft of the report.

D. Amy will send out reminders of the meetings and take attendance.

E. Michael will edit the report until the team agrees it is polished enough to distribute.

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57. When editing a group document, what should be the first thing the team works on?

A. whether the paper is organized logically

B. the transitions between sections

C. whether the main ideas are strong and clear

D. whether the word choices are appropriate

E. the correctness of the grammar and mechanics

58. After Karla's team completed the first draft of its group document, the team asked her to edit it

carefully for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. At the next meeting, the group decided one

section of the document was not relevant and deleted it. Karla was upset about her wasted work.

What did the team do wrong?

A. It did not establish a system for version control.

B. It did not agree on rules for overwriting one another's work.

C. It did not set up guidelines for using comments and track changes.

D. It did not choose a single person to do the final edit.

E. It did not choose an appropriate purpose for each round of revision.

59. A learning stance implies that

A. you have nothing to learn from the other people involved in the conversation.

B. you intend to find contradictions in what other people have said or done.

C. you avoid difficult conversations in order not to hurt the feelings of other people.

D. you are committed to understanding other peoples' versions of interpersonal interactions.

E. you intend to agree and comply with everything that the speaker says.

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60. Difficult conversations can be handled successfully by

A. hearing everybody's story.

B. agreeing with everything you hear.

C. using the either/or approach.

D. invalidating the perspective of other people.

E. adopting a judgmental stance.

61. What does validating someone entail?

A. recognizing their feelings as legitimate

B. refusing to have difficult conversations with them

C. agreeing unconditionally with their perspectives and views

D. leading them around to your way of thinking

E. deciding to comply with their requests in advance

62. Which of the following makes comments sound more conciliatory and less accusing?

A. I-statements

B. You-statements

C. He-or-she-statements

D. It-statements

E. They-statements

63. Which of the following statements is an example of disagreeing diplomatically?

A. You always interrupt me when I try to explain my reasons.

B. Your methods never work, but you refuse to give mine a chance.

C. I know I'm right about this, and I can prove it to you.

D. This is an issue of policy, not personal interpretation.

E. I feel that I was not given a chance to explain my actions.

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64. Which of the following is the best opening for a difficult conversation?

A. We need to discuss the way you let your team members down on the last project.

B. I really want to understand what went wrong and find a solution we both can accept.

C. Your work has suffered lately, and I want to make some suggestions for improvement.

D. What were you thinking when you made that proposal in the group meeting?

E. You have been demonstrating a bad attitude lately, and I would like to know why.

65. During emotionally charged conversations, the participants should try to

A. oversimplify their approach.

B. find common ground.

C. exaggerate their points.

D. cast situations in either-or terms.

E. evaluate the other person's motives.

Essay Questions

66. Briefly explain the four stages of team formation.

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67. List the traits of effective teams.

68. What is the purpose of an agenda, and how does it relate to effective meetings?

69. How should a leader who wants a high-performing team view dissent in meetings? Explain.

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70. What are at least three ways to build team rapport on virtual teams?

71. What are actions that will help foster trust during the norming stage of a virtual team project?

72. What are some of the roles that team members might be assigned in a group writing project?

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73. During a group writing project, what should teams do to ensure that all team members buy into

the final product? Identify actions to take during all stages of the project.

74. What are the advantages of adopting a learning stance?

75. Why is disagreeing diplomatically an important component of managing difficult conversations?

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Chapter 03 Team Communication and Difficult Conversations Answer


True / False Questions

1. The basic principles of team communication all depend on a strong speaking-centered



Teams perform far better if they follow the basic principles of team communication, all of which

depend on a strong listening-centered approach.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

2. Effective teams spend about half their time bonding by talking about social activities.


Teams should focus first and foremost on performance. Sixty to seventy percent of all

comments made in high-performing groups directly relate to work.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

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3. When team members experience conflict because they are trying to make sense of competing

ideas about how the team should work, they are in the storming stage of team development.


In the storming stage, team members open up with their competing ideas about how the team

should approach work. This stage is typically the least productive, since team members are

attempting to make sense of uncertain roles, goals, and priorities.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

4. In best-case scenarios, work teams usually take six to seven weeks to achieve maximum



Teams go through four natural stages to reach high performance. In best-case scenarios,

work teams take roughly six to seven months to reach this level.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

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5. High-performing teams go through repeated cycles of disassociation and association.


High-performing teams go through repeated cycles of disassociation and association. They

suspend attachment to ideas in the initial discussion phase and then attach themselves to

ideas as they commit to mutually developed goals and related action items.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

6. Sally attends a meeting that focuses on brainstorming how to solve a particular problem. The

agenda is fluid, and the team adjusts the time it spends on various tasks as needed. This is an

example of a coordination meeting.


Coordination meetings primarily focus on discussing roles, goals, and accountabilities.

Coordination meetings typically include many agenda items with a reasonable expectation of

accomplishing each item in the allocated time. What Sally attended was a problem-solving

meeting, which typically involves more fluid issues that are less easily classified as discrete

agenda items and less easily given time allotments.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

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7. When developing an agenda to address high-priority items, items of least importance must be

placed near the beginning of the agenda.


As you develop the agenda, pay attention to the ordering of items so that it flows much like

you would expect other written communications to flow from point to point. Also, consider

placing the most important agenda items near the beginning. This way, if items take longer

than expected and you are forced to shelve some items, you have addressed those of most


AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

8. Melva perceives that Jonathan, the meeting facilitator, seems to favor one position over

others. As a result, Melva may be reluctant to share her opinions.


A facilitator acts from a neutral position to get each person to participate in a conversation and

ensure that each agenda item is properly discussed. The issue of neutrality for facilitating is

critical. If others view the facilitator as predisposed toward certain positions or perspectives,

they are less likely to express their real thoughts.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

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9. Research has shown that teams that have less dissent during meetings reach higher-quality



Research has shown that teams that have more dissent during meetings reach higher-quality

decisions. By opening discussion to all available information and options, teams tend to adopt

the best options more often and become more committed to the decisions.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

10. For brevity, the minutes of a meeting should include only the main decisions that were



Minutes of a meeting should include the date and time, team members present, decisions, key

discussion points, open issues, and action items and related deadlines. The minutes serve as

a record of what a team has accomplished.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

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11. One of the unique challenges of working in virtual teams is the inability to gain information by

reading nonverbal cues.


Virtual teams present a variety of unique challenges. Compared to professionals in traditional

teams, virtual team members are more likely to experience the challenge of not being able to

read nonverbal cues.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

12. In the current business environment, virtual teams rely primarily on phone calls,

teleconferences, and email to communicate with one another.


Over the past 25 years, virtual teams have relied primarily on phone calls, teleconferences,

and email to communicate with one another. Some, but not most, virtual teams have also used

videoconferences. In the past five years, however, there are far more collaboration tools that

allow virtual team members to communicate and collaborate more efficiently.

AACSB: Technology

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

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13. One significant advantage of virtual meetings is that team members can multitask during



Up to 90 percent of virtual team members admit that they multitask during team meetings. In

many cases, this allows side conversations that help the meeting operate more efficiently.

However, this may distract focus from participating in the larger meeting. It can also lead to

cliquish subgroups. Make sure you focus sufficiently on your teammates.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

14. Because virtual teams have a more difficult time building relationships than traditional teams,

experts recommend starting each virtual meeting with social chat.


Many virtual teams never meet in person. Professionals in virtual teams report that the primary

challenge of virtual team meetings is not enough time to build relationships. One long-time

expert and observer of virtual teams, Keith Ferrazzi, recommends the "Take 5" strategy—for

the first five minutes of the meeting, each person takes a turn to share how he or she is doing.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 29: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


15. The most important stage of group writing is the drafting stage.


For all strong writing, planning is the most important stage. It is the stage where you carefully

think about audiences and their needs, develop compelling ideas that are well-reasoned, and

think about how to frame your message for the most impact. Planning is even more important

for group writing. Generally, you should spend a significant amount of time together before

delegating independent work. When team members work independently during the planning

stage, they often waste time and energy working with different purposes, goals, and


AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

16. When producing group writing, it is important to ensure that the writing reflects the views of the

group at every stage—gathering information, drafting initial findings, and editing the final



You can accomplish a lot of coordinated writing working separately. However, you will

inevitably need to make some hard decisions as the writing project evolves. Even if you

choose a single group member to polish the final version, avoid viewing this as a single

person's work. Consider having the whole group together for the polishing process so each

member can offer input and confirmation.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

Page 30: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


17. During group writing projects, it is important not to waste time discussing roles and



Early in the process, your group should clearly discuss the roles and expectations you have

for one another. You should make sure this part of the conversation involves splitting up

contributions and time commitments equally. You might consider placing this in a team


AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

18. An absence of conflict during conversations might imply that employees are not voicing their

true perspectives.


One way to embrace difficult conversations is to view conflict as an opportunity. That is, the

exchange of perspectives and competing ideas reflects open and honest communication. If

there is no conflict, employees are likely not voicing their true perspectives.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Page 31: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


19. In emotionally charged, high-stakes conversations, forcefully stating your message at the

beginning will often lead to productive outcomes.


In emotionally charged, high-stakes conversations, approaching the conversation with a

learner mind-set will often lead to productive outcomes. You can do this by avoiding the

message-delivery stance, which implies that you have nothing to learn from the other person

involved in the conversation. The learning stance involves a commitment to understanding

others' stories.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

20. High self-awareness is crucial for handling difficult conversations successfully.


During difficult encounters, high emotional intelligence is crucial. Self-awareness is the


AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Multiple Choice Questions

Page 32: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


21. Which of the following describes a team in the forming stage of team development?

A. All four members of the team discuss what the team roles and goals should be.

B. Nick and Julie present alternate ways of assigning work, and the team debates the issue.

C. Nick, Julie, Raul, and Ming take turns sharing their background with the others.

D. The four group members work at their assigned tasks efficiently and work together as


E. Nick and Ming draft a work plan, while Raul and Julie write guidelines for the group to


In the forming stage of team development, team members focus on gaining acceptance and

avoiding conflict. In some ways, this stage is a honeymoon period in which team members get

to know one another.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 33: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


22. Nick, Julie, and Raul each share different ideas about how the team should approach work,

and the team spends some time debating which ideas to adopt. What stage is the team at?

A. norming

B. forming

C. performing

D. storming

E. reforming

In the storming stage of team development, team members open up with their competing

ideas about how the team should approach work. This stage is typically the least productive,

since team members are attempting to make sense of uncertain roles, goals, and


AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 34: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


23. Which of the following is characteristic of the norming stage of team development?

A. Team members get to know each other and try to gain acceptance.

B. Team members share competing ideas about the task and roles, and conflict occurs.

C. Team members easily manage to reach consensus even when there is conflict.

D. Team members are still uncertain about what is required of them.

E. Team members agree upon mutual goals and individual responsibilities.

In the norming stage of team development, the team arrives at a work plan, including various

roles, goals, and accountabilities.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 35: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


24. Which of the following best describes the performing stage of team development?

A. All four members of the team discuss what the team roles and goals should be.

B. Nick and Julie present alternate ways of assigning work, and the team debates the issue.

C. Nick, Julie, Raul, and Ming each share their background at the company.

D. The four group members work at their assigned tasks efficiently and work together as


E. Nick and Ming draft a work plan, while Raul and Julie write guidelines for the group to


In the performing stage of team development, teams operate efficiently toward accomplishing

their goals. They have evolved to a level where they can transform disagreement and conflict

into consensus for future action.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 36: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


25. Teams rapidly develop shared perceptions and commitment during the _____ stage of team


A. norming

B. forming

C. performing

D. storming

E. reforming

Team culture refers to a set of shared perceptions and commitment to collective values,

norms, roles, responsibilities, and goals. Typically, teams rapidly develop such shared

perceptions and commitment during the norming stage.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 37: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


26. Erik is a manager who organizes his department into teams at the beginning of September. By

December, he worries because the teams are still having conflict and do not seem very

productive. What would be the best advice to give Erik?

A. Conclude that his workers are not team-oriented people. Abandon the experiment before

work falls further behind.

B. Be patient because the teams are in the storming stage. Give them time to reach the

norming and performing stages.

C. Conclude that he made a mistake in the makeup of the teams. Reassign people to new

teams and start over.

D. Be patient because the teams are in the norming stage. Give them time to reach the more

productive performing stage.

E. Conclude that the teams are spending too little time on work. Start to sit in meetings and

direct activities.

Under the best of circumstances, teams can take six to seven months to reach the highly

productive performing stage. It is normal for teams to still be in the storming stage after three

months, which is where Erik's employees are. Erik should be patient and let the teams

develop. If he interferes now, the process will just have to start over.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Analyze

Difficulty: 3 Hard

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 38: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


27. Which of the following is characteristic of members from high-performing teams?

A. They view conflict as unhealthy and counterproductive.

B. They approach work with a judgmental mind-set.

C. They openly discuss the set of values, norms, and goals they share.

D. They make fewer work-related and supportive statements than other groups.

E. They meet infrequently, preferring to work as individual units.

High-performing teams avoid simply going with the flow. Rather, they frequently, explicitly, and

openly discuss the set of values, norms, and goals they share.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 39: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


28. Whenever he has to present a proposal to his managers, LeRoy is able to distance himself

from his ideas and accept criticism without becoming defensive. What process enables LeRoy

to do this?

A. consolidation

B. association

C. disassociation

D. formation

E. reflection

Disassociation is a process by which professionals accept critique of their ideas without taking

it personally and becoming defensive. Association is the psychological bonding that occurs

between people and their ideas.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 40: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


29. _____ is the psychological bonding that occurs between people and their ideas.

A. Consolidation

B. Association

C. Disassociation

D. Formation

E. Reflection

Association is the psychological bonding that occurs between people and their ideas. Since

the purpose of most meetings and team communication is to increase agreement about roles,

goals, and accountabilities and to increase the group's sense of purpose, team members

should seek association by the end of a meeting or team communication.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 41: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


30. Which of the following is true of high-performing teams?

A. They remain professional and avoid social bonding or personal connection.

B. They see differences of opinion as signs of dysfunction in the team.

C. They spend most of their time discussing work-related issues.

D. They do not meet frequently to discuss their purposes because it wastes time.

E. They have a homogenous rather than a diverse membership.

Effective teams spend most of their time discussing work issues. Team members in lower-

performing groups make far fewer work-related and supportive statements. They typically

replace these statements with social statements that may help team members bond socially

but not around work issues.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 42: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


31. Which of the following is a trait that contributes to the inherent diversity of a team?

A. members with customer service experience

B. members with retail experience

C. members with engineering experience

D. members with managerial experience

E. members with a variety of ethnic backgrounds

Inherent diversity involves traits such as age, gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

AACSB: Diversity

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

32. What impact does 2-D diversity have on a company?

A. The company is more likely to increase its market share.

B. The company is more likely to experience damaging conflict.

C. The company is less likely to have a "speak-up culture."

D. The company is less likely to have access to a variety of perspectives.

E. The company is more likely to suffer significant financial losses.

2-D diversity refers to companies that have both inherent and acquired diversity. Companies

with 2-D diversity are more likely to report a grown in market share and more likely to capture

a new market.

AACSB: Diversity

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 43: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


33. Which of the following is the role of a facilitator?

A. keeping the meeting's minutes

B. ensuring fair discussion of each agenda item in a meeting

C. discouraging debate and dissent

D. steering conversations toward predetermined conclusions

E. presenting counter arguments to ideas or suggestions

Each meeting should have a facilitator. The facilitator acts from a neutral position to get each

person to participate in the conversation and ensure that each agenda item is properly


AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 44: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


34. Abdul is frustrated because his team members come unprepared for meetings. What is the

first thing he should do to try to improve the situation?

A. distribute minutes after the previous meeting to remind people of what was covered

B. distribute an agenda ahead of the meeting so people know what to expect

C. distribute homework assignments several days before each meeting

D. criticize people during the meeting if they are not contributing enough

E. criticize people after the meeting to make his point without embarrassing them

Agendas provide structure for meetings. For most meetings, preparing and distributing an

agenda ahead of time allows each meeting participant to form expectations and prepare.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 45: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


35. Moira has a standard way of running meetings that she has used for a long time. Her meetings

tend to be efficient but dry, and people have difficulty feeling engaged. Which of the following

techniques should Moira use to solve that problem?

A. distribute an agenda ahead of time

B. have someone take minutes and distribute them afterward

C. make sure to start and end the meeting on time

D. encourage each person to share his or her opinion

E. remain neutral while facilitating the discussion

Facilitators should acknowledge, check for understanding, paraphrase and summarize, ask for

elaboration, and get everyone involved. Sometimes, this may require using explicit phrases

such as "I'd like each person to take two minutes to…".

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 46: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


36. Which of the following would be the most productive time to schedule a meeting?

A. 2:00 p.m. Thursday

B. 4:00 p.m. Wednesday

C. 10:00 a.m. Tuesday

D. Noon Monday

E. 10:00 a.m. Friday

Typically, most employees are at their best performance in the morning. Tuesdays are

overwhelmingly considered the most productive day of the week.

AACSB: Knowledge Application

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 47: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


37. What is a recommended method of planning thoroughly for meetings?

A. reviewing the minutes of the last meeting to see what was left unfinished

B. calling everyone together and working out an agenda as a group

C. using the agenda of the last meeting as a model for running the next meeting

D. taking ten minutes before the meeting starts to prepare a few action items

E. asking yourself essential questions about purpose, strategy, scheduling, and coordination

Running effective meetings starts with planning. Planning for meetings requires strategy,

scheduling, and coordination. At a minimum, you should answer essential questions in your

preparations while keeping in mind your purpose and ensuring that your plans focus on

productive outcomes.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 48: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


38. In which of the following situations is a company most likely to need a series of problem-

solving meetings that have no preset agenda?

A. planning the annual picnic

B. deciding the work assignments for a project

C. developing a new product proposal

D. discussing the transition to new ownership

E. reviewing a market research report

Problem-solving meetings typically involve brainstorming about how to address and solve a

particular work problem. Problem-solving meetings involve more fluid issues that are less

easily classified as discrete agenda items and that are less easily given time allotments. An

ongoing transition such as new ownership would require a series of problem-solving meetings.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 49: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


39. A catering company has a weekly meeting. Every week, the meeting starts with a story about

how the caterer's food helped make an occasion special for the people who were there. What

is the most likely reason for this tradition?

A. to help the employees open up to each other

B. to help the employees bond since they work on scattered jobs

C. to deal with the most important agenda items first

D. to illustrate an important aspect of teamwork

E. to remind the employees of the company's customer focus

Many companies start their meetings with a tradition that reinforces the core values of their

organization. In this example, the tradition emphasizes pleasing the customers, so its purpose

is to remind the employees of the company's customer focus.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Analyze

Difficulty: 3 Hard

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 50: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


40. Oscar starts his meetings by describing the procedures he wants people to follow while taking

part in the discussion and explaining what topics must be kept confidential. By doing this,

Oscar is providing

A. agenda items.

B. minutes.

C. consensus.

D. ground rules.

E. action items.

The person in charge of the meeting may want to set some ground rules, such as his or her

expectations for others to participate, how much time to take with comments, how to deal with

differences of opinion, what protocol to follow for the use of disruptive devices, and what

information should be kept confidential.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 51: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


41. What should the leader do just before closing a meeting?

A. summarize what was accomplished

B. allow the attendees to ask questions

C. elaborate on the main issues

D. ask each attendee to share

E. evaluate his or her performance

Before ending the meeting, the leader should summarize what was accomplished. In just a

few minutes, the leader can recap action items the team has agreed on and make sure the

roles and assignments are clear for each action item.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 52: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


42. Team leader Sean always follows through after meetings by asking all the participants how

they are doing with their assigned action items. What effect is this likely to have on the other

team members?

A. They will feel that the meeting was a waste of time.

B. They will perceive the team decisions as important.

C. They will feel that Sean views them as children.

D. They will be less likely to attend the next meeting.

E. They will procrastinate because they resent being nagged.

If you are the team leader, make sure your team members follow through on action items.

Follow up as soon as possible on those issues you were not able to resolve during the

meeting. If each participant knows you will follow up, they will perceive the meeting as

important. If you do not follow up, team members are more likely to view the meetings as a

waste of time.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 53: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


43. Which of the following is a reason that organizations use virtual teams?

A. to reduce isolation

B. to resolve conflict more easily

C. to encourage sharing of opinions

D. to save money

E. to avoid time zone differences

Virtual teams are often created because they cost less, are more convenient, and help

assemble experts who are not located in the same office.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 54: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


44. Which action is most likely to help build trust in a virtual team?

A. be proactively engaged

B. multitask during meetings

C. avoid social conversation

D. work as independently as possible

E. rely mostly on email to communicate

Compare to traditional teams, virtual teams typically find it more challenging to maintain trust

over the duration of their work together. Professionals in virtual teams rank the following

characteristics as most important among virtual teammates: willingly sharing information,

being proactively engaged, and collaborating.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 55: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


45. David has just been appointed leader of a new virtual team. He senses that the team

members have doubts about each other's competence. What can he do to alleviate this


A. take time during a meeting to review the company's mission statement

B. encourage the team members to consider stakeholders in every discussion

C. allow team members to choose the people they want to work with more closely

D. schedule a time when people can share their professional accomplishments

E. establish ground rules for their meetings from the very beginning

Asking and responding to questions about one another's professional accomplishments,

strengths, and weaknesses will help establish competence in the forming stage of virtual


AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 56: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


46. Which stage of team development do virtual teams sometimes skip?

A. forming

B. storming

C. norming

D. performing

E. reforming

Compared to traditional teams, research has shown that virtual teams far less often go

through the storming stage.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

47. What is a virtual watercooler?

A. a virtual place to record team goals, assignments, and projects

B. a social media space where virtual team members can interact spontaneously

C. a database of all the agendas and minutes from a virtual team's meetings

D. a social collaboration tool that allows virtual team members to work together easily

E. a virtual collaboration tool that adjusts for time zone and language differences

A virtual watercooler is a space, usually established with social media tools, where virtual

teammates can regularly and spontaneously interact.

AACSB: Technology

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 57: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


48. Which of the following practices helps to increase buy-in from virtual meeting participants?

A. running the meeting efficiently

B. multitasking during meetings

C. taking minutes in real time

D. opening with a contentious question

E. preparing how to state views ahead of time

In real-time virtual meetings, you can take minutes in real time so that meeting participants

can comment on and correct information during the meeting. This often leads to more

accurate recollections of the meeting, more buy-in from team members, and a higher

likelihood that action items get accomplished.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 58: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


49. Jamila is concerned that her virtual teammates are misinterpreting each other's statements

because they cannot see facial expressions and gestures. Which of the following possible

solutions should Jamila suggest to her team leader?

A. setting up a virtual watercooler

B. opening with a contentious question

C. taking minutes in real time

D. asking team members to avoid multitasking

E. using video during the meetings

Using video has many benefits. First and foremost, it allows virtual team members to better

interpret one another's verbal and nonverbal cues.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 59: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


50. What impact does it have on long-term virtual teams when they meet in person?

A. They are more likely to start having conflicts.

B. They find it easier to build rapport.

C. They take longer to trust each other.

D. They often split into separate factions.

E. They waste more time on social chat.

The most effective, long-term virtual teams meet in person at the beginning of projects to help

the team members build rapport. These kickoffs for virtual teams help members do the tricky

work of forming and norming.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 60: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


51. What do professionals identify as the number one challenge of working in virtual teams?

A. the need to make decisions too quickly

B. unclear decision-making rules

C. not enough time to build relationships

D. differing leadership styles

E. lack of participation

Professionals in virtual teams report that the primary challenge of virtual team meetings is not

enough time to build relationships.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 61: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


52. Lana's team has been given a group writing assignment. The deadline is two months away.

When should the group start working on the project?

A. a week before the deadline

B. two weeks before the deadline

C. in a month

D. in two weeks

E. right away

One of the major obstacles to nearly all good writing is not starting soon enough. Developing

ideas near a deadline rarely goes well. This is even more problematic when many members of

a team have competing views about the direction of a writing project close to a deadline.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

Page 62: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


53. Hector and his team work for an educational publisher. The team has to write a report

comparing the textbooks of three competitors. Who would be the best person to analyze the

books' methods of teaching?

A. Hector, who has two years of experience in market research

B. George, who has five years of experience as an editor

C. Kerry, who has three years of experience as a book designer

D. Lin, who has four years of experience as an educator

E. Lisa, who has five years of experience as a production coordinator

Early in the group writing process, your group should clearly discuss the roles and

expectations you have for one another. Make sure part of this conversation involves splitting

up contributions and time commitments equally. As the group plans together, it should identify

subject-matter experts and delegate roles for researching and writing. In this example, Lin

would be assigned to analyze the competition's methods of teaching because of his

experience as an educator.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

Page 63: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


54. Janet's team is working on a group document, which they store in an FTP system on the

company server. On Friday, Claire and Malik download the document at the same time, and

each makes edits. Malik uploads his document first. When Claire uploads her copy of the

document, she erases all of Malik's work. What went wrong?

A. Team members did not use the same word processing program.

B. The team did not assign its members clear responsibilities.

C. The team did not have a system to handle version control.

D. Team members were not clear about the purpose of the revision.

E. The team did not consider the needs of the audience.

To prevent multiple team members from editing the same document simultaneously, a good

version control system is necessary.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Analyze

Difficulty: 3 Hard

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

Page 64: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


55. Hector and his team work for an educational publisher. The team has to write a report

comparing the textbooks of three competitors. Who would be the best person to polish the

final version of their report so it has a consistent voice?

A. Hector, who has two years of experience in market research

B. George, who has five years of experience as an editor

C. Kerry, who has three years of experience as a book designer

D. Lin, who has four years of experience as an educator

E. Lisa, who has five years of experience as a production coordinator

Early in the group writing process, your group should clearly discuss the roles and

expectations you have for one another. Make sure part of this conversation involves splitting

up contributions and time commitments equally. As the group plans together, it should identify

subject-matter experts and delegate roles for researching and writing. In this case, George's

experience as an editor marks him as the best choice to edit the final version of the group's


AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

Page 65: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


56. Barb's team has to write a report recommending three healthcare plans to offer the company's

employees next year. At the planning meeting, each person is assigned responsibilities. Which

of the following team members is not carrying a fair share of the group's work?

A. Barb, Jaime, and Kat will each research several healthcare plans for the team to evaluate.

B. Elena will create all of the charts, graphs, and tables needed for the final report.

C. Meghan will take minutes at the meetings and use them to create a first draft of the report.

D. Amy will send out reminders of the meetings and take attendance.

E. Michael will edit the report until the team agrees it is polished enough to distribute.

Early in the group writing process, your group should clearly discuss the roles and

expectations you have for one another. Make sure part of this conversation involves splitting

up contributions and time commitments equally. In this example, sending meeting reminders

and taking attendance involves considerably less work than the other task assignments.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Analyze

Difficulty: 3 Hard

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

Page 66: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


57. When editing a group document, what should be the first thing the team works on?

A. whether the paper is organized logically

B. the transitions between sections

C. whether the main ideas are strong and clear

D. whether the word choices are appropriate

E. the correctness of the grammar and mechanics

Make sure your group is clear about the purposes of each round of revision. Generally, you

should first revise with a focus on the strength of your ideas and how well these ideas match

the needs of your audience.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

Page 67: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


58. After Karla's team completed the first draft of its group document, the team asked her to edit it

carefully for grammar, punctuation, and spelling. At the next meeting, the group decided one

section of the document was not relevant and deleted it. Karla was upset about her wasted

work. What did the team do wrong?

A. It did not establish a system for version control.

B. It did not agree on rules for overwriting one another's work.

C. It did not set up guidelines for using comments and track changes.

D. It did not choose a single person to do the final edit.

E. It did not choose an appropriate purpose for each round of revision.

Make sure your group is clear about the purposes of each round of revision. Generally, you

should first revise with a focus on the strength of your ideas and how well these ideas match

the needs of your audience. Then you should focus on how smoothly the various sections of

your paper flow together. Next, you should consider issues such as formatting, ease of

reading, and language mechanics. Karla's team was not clear about the appropriate order of

revision and asked her to work on language mechanics too early in the process, which

resulted in wasted work.

AACSB: Teamwork

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Analyze

Difficulty: 3 Hard

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

Page 68: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


59. A learning stance implies that

A. you have nothing to learn from the other people involved in the conversation.

B. you intend to find contradictions in what other people have said or done.

C. you avoid difficult conversations in order not to hurt the feelings of other people.

D. you are committed to understanding other peoples' versions of interpersonal interactions.

E. you intend to agree and comply with everything that the speaker says.

A message-delivery stance implies that you have nothing to learn from the other person

involved in the conversation. In sensitive situations, others will resist your attempts to impose

solutions if you use this stance. A learning stance involves a commitment to understanding

others' stories—their retrospective versions of interpersonal interactions or their explanations

of business successes and failures.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Page 69: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


60. Difficult conversations can be handled successfully by

A. hearing everybody's story.

B. agreeing with everything you hear.

C. using the either/or approach.

D. invalidating the perspective of other people.

E. adopting a judgmental stance.

In emotionally charged, high-stakes conversations, approaching the conversation with a

learner mind-set will often lead to productive outcomes. The learning stance involves a

commitment to understanding others' stories—their retrospective versions of interpersonal

interactions or their explanations of business successes and failures.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Page 70: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


61. What does validating someone entail?

A. recognizing their feelings as legitimate

B. refusing to have difficult conversations with them

C. agreeing unconditionally with their perspectives and views

D. leading them around to your way of thinking

E. deciding to comply with their requests in advance

By disagreeing well, you lessen the resistance that others have to you and your views.

Typically, you can disagree diplomatically by validating the views and feelings of others and

using I-statements. Validating others means that you recognize their perspectives and feelings

as credible or legitimate. It does not necessarily mean that you agree.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Page 71: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


62. Which of the following makes comments sound more conciliatory and less accusing?

A. I-statements

B. You-statements

C. He-or-she-statements

D. It-statements

E. They-statements

I-statements begin with phrases such as I think, I feel, or I believe. During disagreements or

difficult conversations, I-statements soften comments to sound more conciliatory and flexible

and less blaming and accusatory.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Page 72: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


63. Which of the following statements is an example of disagreeing diplomatically?

A. You always interrupt me when I try to explain my reasons.

B. Your methods never work, but you refuse to give mine a chance.

C. I know I'm right about this, and I can prove it to you.

D. This is an issue of policy, not personal interpretation.

E. I feel that I was not given a chance to explain my actions.

During disagreements or difficult conversations, I-statements soften comments to sound more

conciliatory and flexible and less blaming and accusatory. I-statements begin with phrases

such as I think, I feel, or I believe Two ways of oversimplifying your approach to difficult

conversations is by exaggerating and by applying either/or approaches. If you find yourself

using superlatives such as always, never, most, or worst, you might be exaggerating. Applying

an either/or approach to most business communications is ineffective. For difficult

conversations, it usually translates into a right-versus-wrong approach.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Analyze

Difficulty: 3 Hard

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Page 73: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


64. Which of the following is the best opening for a difficult conversation?

A. We need to discuss the way you let your team members down on the last project.

B. I really want to understand what went wrong and find a solution we both can accept.

C. Your work has suffered lately, and I want to make some suggestions for improvement.

D. What were you thinking when you made that proposal in the group meeting?

E. You have been demonstrating a bad attitude lately, and I would like to know why.

Initiating a difficult conversation is stressful. Starting well is crucial. The opening moments of a

difficult conversation offer a great opportunity to frame or orient the conversation for problem

solving. In the opening moments, consider declaring your intent—your sincere desire to

understand and find a solution that works for each of you.

AACSB: Analytical Thinking

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Analyze

Difficulty: 3 Hard

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Page 74: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


65. During emotionally charged conversations, the participants should try to

A. oversimplify their approach.

B. find common ground.

C. exaggerate their points.

D. cast situations in either-or terms.

E. evaluate the other person's motives.

Finding common ground seems like obvious advice, but it is not easy to do during emotionally

charged moments when you feel attacked. Finding common ground will lessen the perceived

distance between you and other, and it may even lead to bonding. It helps you analyze the

issues at hand in a way that will likely lead to mutually acceptable solutions.

AACSB: Communication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Essay Questions

Page 75: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


66. Briefly explain the four stages of team formation.

Teams go through four natural stages to reach high performance. Typically, leaders become

less directive and more consultative as the team progresses through the stages: 1. Forming

(months 1 and 2). In the forming stage, team members focus on gaining acceptance and

avoiding conflict. 2. Storming (months 2 and 3). In the storming stage, team members open up

with their competing ideas about how the team should approach work. 3. Norming (months 4

and 5). In the norming stage, the team arrives at a work plan, including team roles, goals, and

accountabilities. 4. Performing (months 6 and 7). In the performing stage, teams operate

efficiently toward accomplishing their goals.

AACSB: Teamwork

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

67. List the traits of effective teams.

Effective teams build a work culture around values, norms, and goals. They discuss values,

norms, and goals frequently. They spend most of their time discussing work issues. They meet

often. They embrace differing viewpoints and conflict. They feel a common sense of purpose.

AACSB: Teamwork

Blooms: Remember

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Learning Objective: 03-01 Explain the principles of team communication in high-performing teams.

Topic: Principles of Effective Team Communications

Page 76: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


68. What is the purpose of an agenda, and how does it relate to effective meetings?

Agendas provide structure for meetings. For most meetings, preparing and distributing an

agenda ahead of time allows each meeting participant to form expectations and prepare. Most

agendas should include items to be covered, time frames, goals and/or expected outcomes,

roles, and materials needed. You can foster more effective meetings by getting others

involved in the agenda-creation process.

AACSB: Communication

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

69. How should a leader who wants a high-performing team view dissent in meetings? Explain.

As a meeting leader, encourage debate but defuse any comments that are perceived as

noncollegial. The art of encouraging discussion but avoiding arguments takes time. In

meetings, it requires that you initially foster disassociation but end with association. Research

has shown that teams that have more dissent during meetings reach higher-quality decisions.

By opening discussion to all available information and options, teams tend to adopt the best

options more often and become more committed to the decisions.

AACSB: Communication

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-02 Describe and demonstrate approaches to planning; running; and following up on meetings.

Topic: Managing Meetings

Page 77: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


70. What are at least three ways to build team rapport on virtual teams?

One way to build rapport on a virtual team is to meet in person at the beginning of projects to

do the tricky work of forming and norming. A second way is for teammates to schedule time to

get to know one another. A third way is to set up a virtual watercooler where teammates can

regularly and spontaneously interact. A fourth way is to start each meeting with five minutes of

social chat.

AACSB: Teamwork

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

71. What are actions that will help foster trust during the norming stage of a virtual team project?

Demonstrating strong performance in early deliverables. Preparing well for initial meetings.

Sharing information, offering to help teammates, and staying accessible to teammates.

Responding promptly to requests of teammates. Living up to commitments in the team charter.

AACSB: Teamwork

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-03 Explain the principles of effective virtual team communication.

Topic: Working in Virtual Teams

Page 78: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


72. What are some of the roles that team members might be assigned in a group writing project?

Possible roles that might be assigned in a group writing project include group facilitator,

subject-matter expert, researcher, writer, and editor.

AACSB: Communication

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

73. During a group writing project, what should teams do to ensure that all team members buy into

the final product? Identify actions to take during all stages of the project.

Teams should put extra effort into the planning stage. Teams should develop clear and

specific purposes and goals, clarify and define the basic problems and issues, prioritize tasks,

and assign roles. Teams should split up the contributions and time commitments equally. It is

also important for teams to remain open to change during the course of a writing project. They

should meet in real time consistently and ensure the writing reflects the views of the group.

They should also consider having the whole group together during the process of polishing the

final version, even if one person takes charge of it. That will ensure that each group member

can offer input and confirmation.

AACSB: Communication

Blooms: Apply

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-04 Describe strategies for effective group writing.

Topic: Group Writing

Page 79: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


74. What are the advantages of adopting a learning stance?

The learning stance involves a commitment to understanding others' stories—their

retrospective versions of interpersonal interactions or their explanations of business

successes and failures. In difficult conversations, invite others to describe their views and

feelings of disputed events. When people have the opportunity to share their stories, they are

often less resistant to change and more accommodating of the views of others. Sharing stories

with one another can lead to shared interpretations of events, empathy, and new ways of

viewing workplace relationships and business possibilities. One major benefit of allowing all

people involved in a difficult conversation to share their views is buy-in. Research has shown

that when everyone involved shares their ideas, they tend to be more committed to the

ultimate decision of the group, even when their ideas are not adopted. When they remain

silent, they tend not to commit to the decision of the group.

AACSB: Communication

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

Page 80: Test bank Solutions business communication developing leaders for a networked world 2nd edition


75. Why is disagreeing diplomatically an important component of managing difficult


Difficult conversations involve different perspectives. To create a learning conversation rather

than a defensive and judgmental one, find ways to disagree diplomatically. By disagreeing

well, you lessen the resistance that others have to you and your views. Typically, you can

disagree diplomatically by validating the views and feelings of others and using I-statements.

Validating others means that you recognize their perspectives and feelings as credible or

legitimate. It does not necessarily mean that you agree. I-statements begin with phrases such

as I think, I feel, or I believe. During disagreements or difficult conversations, I-statements

soften comments to sound more conciliatory and flexible and less blaming and accusatory.

AACSB: Communication

Blooms: Understand

Difficulty: 2 Medium

Learning Objective: 03-05 Explain basic principles for handling difficult conversations.

Topic: Managing Difficult Conversations

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