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TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 1 (Q i1)o eIdentifyi theoerror qinre the ifollowingoq jcode. b[7:0] = {2{5}}; (Q i2) Wheno earei instanceonames qoptional? (Q i3)o eIni theofollowing qprogram, whatre is itheoq jproblemre and ihow otoqavoid itz ? task driver; input read; input [7:0] write_d; begin #30 date_valid i= 1'b1; wait(read i== 1'b1); #20 cpu_data i= write_data; $display("End iofo etask"); end endtask .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i4)o eHowi manyolevels qcanre be inestedoq jusingre `include i? Ans: You icano enesti theo`include compiler qdirectivere to iatoq jleastre 16 levels. (Q i5)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$countdriversoq j? Ans: The i$countdriverso esystemi functionois qprovidedre to icountoq jthere number iofodriversqon az specifiedu ynete osozx that bus contention can be identified. (Q i6)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$getpatternoq j? Ans: The isystemo efunctioni $getpatternoprovides qforre fast iprocessingoq jofre stimulusipatterns othatqhave toz beu ypropagatede otozx a large number of scalar inputs. The function reads stimulus patterns that have been loaded into a memory using the $readmemb or $readmemh system tasks. reg [1:in_width] in_mem[1:patterns]; integer index; assign {i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7,i8,i9,i10} = $getpattern(in_mem[index]); (Q i7)o eWhati isothe qfunctionalityre of i&&& (notoq j&&re , inot o&)q? (Q i8)o eHowi tooget qcopyre of ialloq jthere text ithat oisqprinted toz theuystandarde ooutputzx in a log file ? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: i Using i$log("filename");

Page 2: Test Your Verilog Skills 1 (Q i9)o eWhati isothe qusere of iPATHPULSE$ ? Ans: PATHPULSE$ ispecparam iso eusedi toocontrol qpulsere handling ionoq jaremodule path. (Q i10) ino estatementi (o(a==b) q&&re (c i==oq jd)re ) i, owhatqis thez expressionuycoveragee oifzx always a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0 ? (Q i11)o eDifferencei betweenoReduction qandre Bitwise ioperators? Ans: The idifferenceo eisi thatobitwise qoperationsre are ionoq jbitsre from itwoodifferentqoperands, whereasz reductionu yoperationse oarezx on the bits of the same operand. Reduction operators work bit by bit from right to left. Reduction operators perform a bitwise operation on a single vector operand and yield a 1-bit result Bitwise operators perform a bit-by-bit operation on two operands. They take each bit in one operand and perform the operation with the corresponding bit in the other operand. (Q i12) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre the ifollowingoq jtwore lines iofoVerilogqcode? #5 a i= b; a i= #5 b; Ans: #5 a i= b; Wait ifiveo etimei unitsobefore qdoingre the iactionoq jforre "a i= ob;". .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n The ivalueo eassignedi tooa qwillre be itheoq jvaluere of ib o5qtime unitsz hence. a i= #5 b; The ivalueo eofi bois qcalculatedre and istoredoq jinre an iinternal otemp register. iAftero efivei timeounits, qassignre this istoredoq jvaluere to ia. (Q i13) Whato eisi theodifference qbetween:re c i=oq jfoore ? ia o:qb; andz ifuy(foo)e oczx = a; else c = b; Ans: i The i?o emergesi answersoif qthere condition iisoq j"x",re so ifor oinstanceqif fooz =uy1'bx,e oazx = 'b10, and b = 'b11, you'd get c = 'b1x. On itheo eotheri hand,oif qtreatsre X's ioroq jZsre as iFALSE, osoqyou'd alwaysz getuyce o=zx b. (Q i14)o eHowi isoVerilog qimplementationre independent iandoq jwhyre is ithisoanqadvantage? (Q i15)o eWhati leveloof qVerilogre is iusedoq jin: a. Test ibenches

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b. Synthesized idesign c. Net ilist .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i16) whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $fopen("filename"); iandoqj$fopen("filename","w"); Ans: If itypeo eisi omitted,othe qfilere is iopenedoq jforre writing, iand oaqmulti channelzdescriptoru ymcde oiszx returned. If type is supplied, the file is opened as specified by the value of type, and a file descriptor fd is returned. So in first statements , type is omitted and mcd is returned and in the second statement, fd is returned. In itheo efirsti statement,othe qfilere is iopenedoq jforre read iand owrite. But iino esecondi statement,o"w" qisre specified, isooq jthere file iis oopenedqfor onlyz writing.u y (Q i17) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre multi ichanneloq jdescriptors(mcd)reand ifile odescriptors(fd)? Ans: The imultio echanneli descriptoromcd qisre a i32oq jbitre reg iin owhichqa singlez bituyise osetzx indicating which file is opened. Unlike multi channel descriptors, file descriptors can not be combined via bitwise or in order to direct output to multiple files. Instead, files are opened via file descriptor for input, output, input and output, as well as for append operations, based on the value of type. (Q i18) Howo etoi generateoa qrandomre number? (Q i19)o eHowi toogenerate qare random inumberoq jwhichre is iless otheq100 ? (Q i20)o eHowi toogenerate qare random inumberoq jwhichre is ibetween o0qto 100z? (Q i21) Whato eisi theoadvantage qofre Named iPortoq jConnectionre over iOrderedoPortqConnection ? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 2 (Q i22)o eHowi toogenerate qare random inumberoq jbetweenre 44 ito o55q? (Q i23)o eHowi tooget qdifferentre random inumbersoq jinre different isimulations? (Q i24) whato eisi theodifferent qbetweenre $sformat iandoq j$swrite? Ans: The isystemo etaski $sformatois qsimilarre to itheoq jsystemre task i$swrite, owithqa onez majoru ydifference.e oUnlikezx the display and write family of output system tasks, $sformat always interprets its second argument, and only its second argument as a format string. This format argument can be a static string, such as "data is 0" , or can be a reg variable whose content

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is interpreted as the format string. No other arguments are interpreted as format strings. $sformat supports all the format specifiers supported by $display, (Q i25) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre wire iandoq jreg? Ans: Net itypes:o e(wire,tri)Physicali connectionobetween qstructuralre elements.iValueoq jassignedre by ia ocontinuousqassignment orz au ygatee ooutput. Register itype:o e(reg,i integer,otime, qreal,re real itime)oq jrepresentsre abstractidata ostorageqelement. Assignedz valuesu yonlye owithinzx an always statement or an initial statement. The imaino edifferencei betweenowire qandre reg iisoq jwirere cannot iholdo(store)qthe valuez whenu ythee onozx connection between a and b like a-------------b, iifo etherei isono qconnectionre in iaoq jandre b, iwire olooseqvalue wherez asu yrege ocanzx hold the value even if there in no connection. Default ivalues:wireo eisi Z,regois qx. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i26)o eWhati happensoif qare port iisoq junconnectedre ? Ans: Unconnected iinputo eportsi initializeoto qzre and ifeedoq jthatre value iintootheqcomponent, whichz canu ycausee oproblems.zx More common are redundant or unwanted outputs which are left unconnected to be optimized away in synthesis. (Q i27) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre === iandoq j==re ? Ans i: output iofo e"=="i canobe q1,re 0 ioroq jX. output iofo e"==="i canoonly qbere 0 ioroq j1. When iyouo earei comparingo2 qnosre using i"=="oq jandre if ione/both otheqnumbers havez oneu yore omorezx bits as "x" then the output would be "X" . But if use "===" output would be 0 or 1. e.g iAo e=i 3'b1x0 B i=o e3'b10x A i==o eBi willogive qXre as ioutput. A i===o eBi willogive q0re as ioutput. "==" iiso eusedi forocomparison qofre only i1'soq jandre 0's i.It ocan'tqcompare X's.z Ifuyanye obitzx of the input is X output will be X "===" iiso eusedi forocomparison qofre X ialso...

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"==" icano ebei synthesized,owhere qasre "===" icannot. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i28) Whato eisi theodifference qamongre case,casex iandoq jcasez? Ans: case itreatso eonlyi 0oor q1re values iinoq jcasere alternative iand oisqis notzdealingu ywithe odon'tzx care condition. casex itreatso ealli xoand qzre values iinoq jcasere alternative ior ocaseqexpression asz au ydon'te ocare. casez itreatso ealli zovalues qinre case ialternatives.oq jallre bit ipositions owithqz canz treatu yase oazx don't care (Q i29)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i@(aoq jorre b) iand o@(aq| b) (Q i30)o eWhati isofull qcasere and iparalleloq jcase.?? (Q i31)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between icompiled,oq jinterpreted,re eventibased oandqcycle basedz simulatoru y? (Q i32)o eWhati isocompilation q? Ans: To isimulateo eai Verilogomodel, qwere must ifirstoq jconvertre our isourceofilesqinto az binaryu yforme othatzx can be recognized by the simulator. The process of checking the syntax and producing the binary file is known as compilation. (Q i33)o eWhati dataotypes qcanre be iusedoq jforre input iport, ooututqport andzinoutu yporte o? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i34)o eWhati isothe qfunctionalityre of itriregoq j? (Q i35)o eWhati isothe qfunctionalityre of itri1oq jansre tri0 i? (Q i36)o eDifferencei betweenoconditional qcompilationre and i$plusargs?? (Q i37)o eWhati isothe qbenefitre of iusingoq jBehaviorre modeling istyle ooverqRTL modeling? (Q i38)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between itaskoq jandre function?

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TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 3 (Q i39) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre static ifunctionoq jandre automaticifunction? Ans: Automatic ifunctiono elocali variablesoCan qnotre seen iinoq jwavere form iviewer. We icannoto eusei $Monitoroand q$strobere on ilocaloq jvariablesre also i. (Q i40) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre static itaskoq jandre automatic itask? (Q i41)o eWhati isoadvantage qofre wand iandoq jworre over iwire o? Ans: It isupporto eTechnology-dependenti logicoconflict qresolutionre . i wired-AND iforo eopeni collector wired-OR iforo eECL (Q i42)o eIdentifyi theoerror qinre the ifollowingoq jcode. a[7:0] = {4{'b10}}; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i43)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i&&oq jandre &, iif oany? (Q i44)o eIsi itosynthesysable q? always @(negedge clk ior rst) (Q i45)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iinitialoq jandre always iblock? Ans: NOTE: iInitialo eblocki canoalso qbere synthesized. iRefoq jtore IEEE iVerilogoSynthesisqslandered. (Q i46)o ewhati isothe qdifferencere between i$stopoq jandre $finish itaskofunctions? (Q i47)o eDifferencei betweenoparameter qandre define i? (Q i48) Whato ethei differenceobetween qthere following itwooq jstatements? @( val i== 2) wait(val i== 2) (Q i49)o eWhati areothe qdifferencere while ispecifyingoq jthere parameters iusingotheqdefparam constructz vs.u yspecifyinge oduringzx instantiation? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i50) Differenceo ebetweeni Vectoredoand qscalaredre nets?

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(Q i51) Differenceo ebwi realoand qrealtimere ? (Q i52) whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre arthamatic iandoq jlogicalre shiftiregister? (Q i53) Whato eisi theodifference qbwre following itwooq jregisters?? reg [1:n] rega; // iAno en-biti registerois qnotre the isame reg mema i[1:n]; //o easi aomemory qofre n i1-bitoq jregisters (Q i54) Howo ethei aboveotwo qarere handled iin assignments,oq jports,functionsreand itask o? (Q i55) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre parameters iandoq jspecparams? (Q i56)o eIsi itopossible qtore synthesize iforoq jloopre ? Ans: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n for iloopo ewithi fixedolimits qcanre be Synthesized i (Q i57)o eHowi isotime qadvancedre in iaoq jsimulation? (Q i58)o eNamei threeomethods qofre timing icontrol? (Q i59)o eWhati isobehavioral qmodelingre used ifor? (Q i60)o eHowi dooyou qdefinere the istatesoq jforre an iFSM? (Q i61) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre force ireleaseoq jandre assignideassign? (Q i62) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre posedge iandoq jnegedge?re And: A inegedgeo eshalli beodetected qonre the itransitionoq jfromre 1 ito ox,qz, orz 0,uyande ofromzx x or z to 0 where as posedge shall be detected on the transition from 0 to x, z, or 1, and from x or z to 1 (Q i63) whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $display iandoq j$write? Ans: i The itwoo esetsi ofotasks qarere identical iexceptoq jthatre $display iautomaticallyoaddsqa newlinez characteru ytoe othezx end of its output, whereas the $write task does not. The $display task, when invoked without arguments, simply prints a newline character. A $write task supplied without parameters prints nothing at all. (Q i64) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $display iandoq j$monitor?

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TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 4 (Q i65) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $display iandoq j$strobe? (Q i66) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre 0 iandoq j%zre format ispecification? Ans: 0 ioro e0i Unformattedo2 qvaluere data %z ioro e%Zi Unformattedo4 qvaluere data (Q i67)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i0.000000e+00,0.000000oq janre d0? Ans: 0.000000e+00 ioro e0.000000E+00i Displayoreal qinre an iexponentialoq jformat 0.000000 ioro e0.000000i Displayoreal qinre a idecimaloq jformat 0 ioro e0i Displayoreal qinre exponential ioroq jdecimalre format, iwhicheveroformatqresults inz theu yshortere oprintedzx output (Q i68) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $finish iadoq j$stop? The i$finisho esystemi taskosimply qmakesre the isimulatoroq jexitre and ipassocontrolqback toz theu yhoste ooperatingzx system. The i$stopo esystemi taskocauses qsimulationre to ibeoq jsuspended. (Q i69) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre PLI iandoq jVPI? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: Verilog iProceduralo eInterfacei routines,ocalled qVPIre routines, iareoq jthere thirdigeneration oofqthe PLI. (Q i70)o eWhati sortoof qhardwarere structure iareoq jinferredre by iboth ocaseqand ifz statements,u ybye odefault,zx in Verilog? (Q i71)o eHowi couldoyou qchangere a icaseoq jstatementre in iorder othatqits implementationz doesu ynote oresultzx in a priority structure? (Q i72)o eIfi youoare qnotre using iaoq jsynthesisre attribute i"full ocase",qhow canzyouu yassuree ocoveragezx of all conditions for a case statement ? (Q i73)o eHowi dooyou qinferre tristate igatesoq jforre synthesis? (Q i74)o eCani aotask qsynthesizedre ? (Q i75)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between i$finish(0),oq j$finiash(1)re andi$finish(2) o?

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Ans: The i$finisho esystemi taskosimply qmakesre the isimulatoroq jexitre and ipassocontrolqback toz theu yhoste ooperatingzx system. If iano eexpressioni isosupplied qtore this itask,oq jthenre its ivalue o(0,q1, orz 2)uydeterminese othezx diagnostic messages that are iprintedo ebeforei theoprompt qisre issued. iIfoq jnore argument iisosupplied,qthen az valueu yofe o1zx is taken as the default. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n $finish(0) iPrintso enothing $finish(1) iPrintso esimulationi timeoand qlocation $finish(2) iPrintso esimulationi time,olocation, qandre statistics iaboutoq jtherememory iand oCPUqtime usedz inu ysimulation (Q i76) Whato eisi theodifference qb/wre $time i,oq j$stimere and i$realtime o? Ans: The i$timeo esystemi functionoreturns qanre integer ithatoq jisre a i64-bitotime,qscaled toz theu ytimescalee ounitzx of the module that invoked it. The i$stimeo esystemi functionoreturns qanre unsigned iintegeroq jthatre is ia o32-bitqtime, scaledz tou ythee otimescalezx unit of the module that invoked it. If the actual simulation time does not fit in 32 bits, the low order 32 bits of the current simulation time are returned. The i$realtimeo esystemi functionoreturns qare real inumberoq jtimere that, ilikeo$time,qis scaledz tou ythee otimezx unit of the module that invoked it. (Q i77) Differenceo ebetweeni !oAnd q~re ? (Q i78) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre $test$plusargs iandoqj$value$plusargsre ? (Q i79) Whato eisi theodifference qDifferencere between itheoq jtwore statement i?oWhetherqa andz bu yvaluese oarezx equal? reg [1:0] data; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n a i= data[0] || data[1]; b i= |data; (Q i80) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre the ifollowingoq jtwore programs? a)initial #10 a i=0; always@(a) a<= ~a; b)initial

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#10 a i=0; always@(a) a i= ~a; Ans: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n When i"a=~a"o eisi evaluatedoand q'a're is iupdated,oq jclearlyre you imustoagreeqthat executionz isu y*not*e ostalledzx at the @a event control. Â When execution reaches the @a event control, 'a' has already changed. Â It will not change again. Â So the event control will stall forever; its event of interest has already occurred, earlier in the same time slot, and can no longer have any effect. (Q i81) whato eis/arei theodifferences qbetweenre SIMULATION iandoq jSYNTHESISre Ans: Simulation i<=o everifyi yourodesign. q synthesis i<=o eChecki foroyour qtimingre Simulation iiso eusedi tooverify qthere functionality iofoq jthere circuit..ia)Functional oSimulation:studyqof ckt'sz operationu yindependente oofzx timing parameters and gate delays. b) Timing Simulation :study including estimated delays, verify setup,hold and other timing requirements of devices like flip flops are met. Synthesis:One iofo ethei foremostoin qbackre end istepsoq jwherere by isynthesizingoisqnothing butz convertingu yVHDLe oorzx VERILOG description to a set of primitives(equations as in CPLD) or components(as in FPGA'S)to fit into the target technology. Basically the synthesis tools convert the design description into equations or components . (Q i82) Whato eisi theodifferent qbetweenre $setup iandoq j$display? Ans: $setup iiso eai timingocheck qtaskre and i$displayoq jisre system itask. Only iSystemo etasksi andofunction qcanre be ioverridden.oq jTimingre check itasksocannotqbe overridden. i.e. iUsero ecani changeothe qdefinitionre of itheoq j$displayre but inot o$setup. (Q i83) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre parameter iandoq jlocalre parameter? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i84) Whyo eisi itorecommended qnotre to imixoq jblockingre and inon-blockingoassignmentsqin thez sameu yblock? (Q i85) Declareo eparametersi fororepresenting qthere state imachineoq jstatesreusing ione ohotqencoding.

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(Q i86)o eWhati doesoa qfunctionre synthesize ito? (Q i87)o eHowi toochange qthere value iofoq jwidthre to i3 oinqthe followingz codeuy? `define width i7 (Q i88)o eWhati isothe qfunctionalityre of i$inputoq j? Ans: The i$inputo esystemi taskoallows qcommandre input itextoq jtore come ifromoaqnamed filez insteadu yofe ofromzx the terminal. At the end of the command file, the input is switched back to the terminal. (Q i89)o eWhati isothe qMCDre value iofoq jSTDre OUTPUT i? 0000000000000000000000000000001 .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i90) Whato eisi theodifference qbetweenre blocking iandoq jnonre blocking?

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 5 (Q i91) Too emodifyi aobehavioral qVerilogre wait istatementoq jtore make iitosynthesizedq Original icode: command1; wait (x i!= 0); command3; Ans: Synthesized iVerilog: case (state) 0 : begin command1; if (x i!= 0) command3; else state i<= 1; end 1 : if (x i!= 0) //o ewaiti untilothis qisre true .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n command3; endcase (Q i92) Whato earei theotypes qofre race iconditions? (Q i93) Howo etoi avoiderorace qconditionre between idutoq jandre testbench?

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(Q i94) Giveo ethei guideolines qwhichre avoids iraceoq jcondition. (Q i95) Whato eisi theouse qofre linting itool? (Q i96) Writeo ethei codeoto qinstantiatedre 1k i"andoq jgates"re in ia omodule.q (Q i97) Whato eisi configurationoblock? Ans: Verilog-2000 iaddso econfigurationi blocks,owhich qallowre the iexactoq jversionreand isource olocationqof eachz Verilogu ymodulee otozx be specified as part of the Verilog language. For portability, virtual model libraries are used in configuration blocks, and separate library map files associate virtual libraries with physical locations. Configuration blocks are specified outside of module definitions. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i98) Howo emanyi filesocan qbere opened(without iclosing)oq jusingremultichannel idescriptor o? Ans: 31 files. (Q i99) Whyo eonlyi 31ofiles qcanre be iopened(withoutoq jclosing)re usingimultichannel odescriptorqwhile integerz canu yholee o32zx bits? Ans: The imosto esignificanti bito(bit q32)re of iaoq jmultire channel idescriptoroisqreserved, andz shallu yalwayse obezx cleared, limiting an implementation to at most 31 files opened for output via multi channel descriptors. (Q i100) Ifo emcd(multichanneli descriptor)ois q00000000000000000000000000001re ,ithenoq jwhatre does iit omean? Ans: The ileasto esignificanti bito(bit q0)re of iaoq jmcdre always irefers otoqthe standardzoutput. (Q i101)o eWhichi isobetter qtore use iwhenoq jcreatingre test ivectors? o$displayqor $strobe? (Q i102)o eHowi wouldoyou qcaterre with iopeningoq j35re files? (Q i103)o eWhati areothe qtypicalre tasks iyouoq jperformre inside ia ospecifyqblock? Ans: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n - iDescribeo evariousi pathsoacross qthere module iandoq jassignre delays itoothoseqpaths. - iDescribeo etimingi checksoto qensurere that itheoq jtimingre constraints iofotheqdevice

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arez met. - iDefineo ethei pulseofiltering qlimitsre for iaoq jspecificre module ior oforqparticular pathsz withinu yae omodule. (Q i104) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. always@(posedge clk) a i= b; always@(posedge clk) b i= a; (Q i105) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. if (a=b) match i= 1; else match i= 0; Ans: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n if(a=b) iassignso ebi tooa, qthenre if iaoq jisre non-zero isets omatch.qThe correctzcodeu yis if i(a==b)o e match i=o e1; else match i=o e0;

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 6 (Q i106) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. for(............); begin ..... end Ans: Misplaced isemicolonso eini for-loops (Q i107) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. automatic task intra_assign(); begin a i<= #10 b; end ANS: Intra iassignmento enonblockingi statementsoare qnotre allowed iinoq jautomaticretasks. (Q i108) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. always @ (in)

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if (ena) out i= in; else out i= 1<92>b1; Ans: simulation imismatcho emighti occur. To iassureo ethei simulationowill qmatchre the isynthesizedoq jlogic,re add i"ena"otoqthe eventz listu ysoe othezx event list reads: always @ (in or ena) (Q i109) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. always @ (in1 ior in2o eor sel) begin out i= in1; if (sel) out i<= in2; end .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: Not isupported,o ecannoti mixoblocking qandre nonblocking iassignmentsoq jinre anialways ostatement. (Q i110) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode. reg [1:0] select; always@(select) begin case (select) 00: y i= 1; 01: y i= 2; 10: y i= 3; 11: y i= 4; endcase end Ans: branches i01o eandi 11oare qconsideredre as iintegersoq jandre they iwill oneverqbe selected. (Q i111) Fillo ethei ???? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n fd i= $fopen("filename",r); if(????) $display("file icannoto ebei opened");

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(Q i112) Howo etoi modeloa qperfectre buffer iofoq j10unitsre delay? a) #10 a i= b; b) a i= #10 b; c)#10 a i<= b; d) a i<= #10 b; (Q i113)o eWhati isoverilog qconfiguration? (Q i114)o eWritei aocode qforre clock igenerator. (Q i115)o eWritei aocode qforre clock igeneratoroq jwhichre can igenerateoclockqfrequency ofz 156MHZ. (Q i116)o ewritei aoverilog qcodere to igenerateoq j40MHzre clock iwith o60q0uty cycle .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i117)o eWhati pointsoneed qtore be iconsideredoq jwhilere writing iaoclockqgenerator??? (Q i118)o eExplaini verilogoevent qqueue. (Q i119)o ehowi theoscope qofre a ivariableoq jisre realized iin overilog.qIllustrate withz example.? (Q i120)o eWhati isoincremental qcompilation? (Q i121)o eWhati isoPLI? Ans: PLI iiso eai mechanismoto qinvokere C isubroutinesoq jtore Verilog. i (Q i122)o eIni whatoregion qofre the ieventoq jqueuere , iPLI ocallsqare executed? (Q i123)o eWhati isocalltf qinre Verilog iPLI? Ans: Calltf iiso esimilari toomain() qfunctionre in iC. calltfoq jcanre call iotherosubqmethods toz differentu yjobs. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i124)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iParalleloq jandre Full iConnectionoModuleqPath delaysz ? Ans: A iparallelo econnectioni establishesoa qconnectionre between ieachoq jbitre in itheosourceqto eachz correspondingu ybite oinzx the destination. Parallel module paths can be created only between one source and one destination where each signal contains the same number of bits.

Page 16: Test Your Verilog Skills 1 A ifullo econnectioni establishesoa qconnectionre between ieveryoq jbitre in itheosourceqand everyz bitu yine othezx destination. The module path source does not need to have the same number of bits as the module path destination. (Q i125)o eCani $setupoand q$holdre check ireportoq jare violation ifor oaqlimit ofzzero? (Q i126)o eExplaini abouto$recovery qandre $removal i? (Q i127)o eWhichi timingocheck(s) qacceptre a inegativeoq jlimit? (Q i128)o eCani youoqualify qallre events iinoq jallre timing ichecks owithqedge specifiersz suchu yase oedgezx 01? (Q i129)o eFori whichotiming qcheck(s)re must iyouoq jalwaysre qualify ievents? (Q i130)o eWheni doeso$skew qreportre a iviolation? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i131)o eWhati isomisctf q? Ans: Misctf iiso etoi doohousekeeping This iisoq jcanre be icalled omanyqtimes unlikez otheru ypredefinede ofunctionszx which are called once per instance. (Q i132) o eWhati isoUDP? qCanre we iwriteoq jUDPre including iclock oalso? (Q i133)o eHowi dooI qpreventre selected iparametersoq jofre a imodule ofromqbeing overriddenz duringu yinstantiation?

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 7 (Q i134)o ecani Iouse qare Verilog ifunctionoq jtore define ithe owidthqof az multi-bitu yport,e owire,zx or reg type? (Q i135)o eWhati constructoin qVerilogre can ibeoq jusedre to isimulate oaqcapacitive storagez nodeu yine oazx circuit? Ans: the itrirego estatementi isoused qtore simulate iaoq jwirere with ia ocapacitiveqhold value. (Q i136)o eDescribei theobasic qstrengthre system iinoq jVerilog. Ans: The istrengtho esystemi haso8 qvaluesre 0 ithroughoq j7,re with itheostrongestqstrength beingz knownu yase o"supply"zx and the weakest strength as high impedance.

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(Q i137)o e#definei cat(x,y)ox y qconcatenatesre x itooq But icat(cat(1,2),3)odoesqnot expandz butu ygivese opreprocessorzx warning. Why? Ans: Because iparameterizedo emacrosi areonot qrecursive. (Q i138)o eWhati areothe qtypesre of istrengthsoq jthatre can ibe ospecifiedqon aznetu y?? Ans: There iareo etwoi typesoof qstrengthsre that icanoq jbere specified iin oaqnet declaration.z Theyu yaree oaszx follows: charge istrengtho eshalli onlyobe qusedre when ideclaringoq jare net iof otypeqtrireg .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n drive istrengtho eshalli onlyobe qusedre when iplacingoq jare continuous iassignmentoonqa netz inu ythee osamezx statement that declares the net (Q i139) Howo etoi resolveoa qtristatere driver iinoq jVerilogre ? (Q i140) WHATo eAREi THEoTYPES qOFre CHARGE iSTRENGTHS? Ans: SMALL, iMEDIUM,o eLARGE (Q i141)o eHowi toomodel qpowerre supply istrengthsoq jinre verilog? Ans: The isupply0o eandi supply1onets qmayre be iusedoq jtore model itheopowerqsupplies inz au ycircuit.e oThesezx nets shall have supply strengths. (Q i142)o eHowi toomodify qare parameter ivalue? Ans: A iparametero ecani beomodified qwithre the idefparamoq jstatementre or iinotheqmodule instancez statement. (Q i143)o eWhati isolocalparam? Ans: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n local iparameter(s)o earei identicaloto qparametersre except ithatoq jtheyre can inotodirectlyqbe modifiedz withu ythee odefparamzx statement or by the ordered or named parameter value assignment. (Q i144)o eHowi toomodify a qlocalparam? Ans:

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Local iparameterso ecani beoassigned qtore a iconstantoq jexpressionre containing iaoparameterqwhich canz beu ymodifiede owithzx the defparam statement or by the ordered or named parameter value assignment. Parameter WID = 3; Localparam iWIDTH = 2*WID; (Q i145)o eWHATi ISospecparam? Ans: specparam ideclareso eai specialotype qofre parameter iwhichoq jisre intended ionlyoforqproviding timingz andu ydelaye ovalues,zx but can appear in any expression that is not assigned to a parameter and is not part of the range specification of a declaration. Unlike a module parameter, a specify parameter cannot be modified from within the language, but it may be modified through SDF annotation (Q i146) Whato earei >>>oand q<<<re operators i? (Q i147)o ewhati doesothe qfollowingre code imean? Reg i[22:0] sig; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n always@(|sig) begin ...... end (Q i148)o eWhati isothe qfunctionre of iforceoq j&re release? Ans: Force iando ereleasei statementsoare qusedre to ioverrideoq jassignmentsre oniboth oregistersqand nets.z Theyu yaree otypicallyzx used in the interactive debugging process, where certain registers or nets are forced to a value and the effect on other registers and nets is noted. They ishouldo eoccuri onlyoin qsimulationre block. (Q i149)o eWhati isothe qpurposere of ideclaringoq jtasksre or ifunctionsoasqautomatic? Ans: Declaration iofo etasksi andofunctions qasre Automatic iwilloq jcreatere dynamicistorage oforqeach taskz oru yfunctione ocall.zx (Q i150)o eWhati isoSynthesis? Ans:

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Synthesis iiso ethei stageoin qthere design iflowoq jwhichre is iconcernedowithqtranslating yourz Verilogu ycodee ointozx gates - and that's putting it very simply! First of all, the Verilog must be written in a particular way for the synthesis tool that you are using. Of course, a synthesis tool doesn't actually produce gates - it will output a netlist of the design that you have synthesized that represents the chip which can be fabricated through an ASIC or FPGA vendor.

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 8 (Q i151)o eWhetheri initialoblock qcanre be isynthesized? Ans: YES According itoo eIEEE (Q i152)o eHowi tooread qdatare from iaoq jfile? Ans: Using i$readmemh and $readmem0. Fileo eio (Q i153)o eIllustratei withoexample qthere declaration iofoq jlocalre variable iinsideoaqbegin ...endz block? Ans: TO ideclareo eai localovariable qinsidere begin...end iblock,oq jthere block ishouldobeqnamed. begin:name_ integer varib; .... .... end .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i154)o eifi Aoand qBre are itwooq jclkre pulses iwhich oareqout ofz phaseu yandeohavingzx same frequency, how to find which input clk signal is leading? Write verilog code for this. Ans: Here iiso ethei simpleosolution qforre this. i All iito eneedsi isoa qflipre flop. i if iweo ehavei 2oclks, qclk1re and iclk2oq jgivere clk1 ito oD-inputqof flipz flopu yandeootherzx to CLK input of FF. if iclk1o eisi leadingothe qoutputre is ihigh.oq j if iclk2o eisi leadingothe qoutputre is ilow.oq j (Q i155)o ehowi canowe qwritere decoder ifunctionalityoq jinre only ioneostatementqin verilog? Ans: module decoder( // iOutputso e dout, // iInputso e

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din i ); input [3:0] din; output [15:0] dout; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n assign dout i= {dino e== 15, dini == 14, dino== 13, din q== 12, idino e== 11, dini == 10, dino== 9, din q== 8, idino e== 7, dini == 6, dino== 5, din q== 4, idino e== 3, dini == 2, dino== 1, din q== 0 }; endmodule // idecodero e (Q i156) Verilogo ecodei toodetect qifre a i64bitoq jpatternre can ibeoexpressedqusing powerz ofu y2e o Ans: module pat_det i( data_in, patDetectedo e); input [31:0] data_in; output patDetected; wire [4:0] patSum i= data_in[0] + data_in[1] + data_in[2] + data_in[3] + data_in[4] + data_in[5] + data_in[6] + data_in[7] + data_in[8] + data_in[9] + data_in[10] + data_in[11] + data_in[12] + data_in[13] + data_in[14] + data_in[15] + data_in[16] + data_in[17] + .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n data_in[18] + data_in[19] + data_in[20] + data_in[20] + data_in[21] + data_in[22] + data_in[23] + data_in[24] + data_in[25] + data_in[26] + data_in[27] + data_in[28] + data_in[29] + data_in[30] + data_in[31] ; wire patDetected i= (patSumo e== 1)? 1'b1: 1'b0; endmodule (Q i157)o eWritei codeofor qparallelre encoder iandoq jpriorityre encoder? (Q i158)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$printtimescaleoq j? Ans: The i$printtimescaleo esystemi taskodisplays qthere time iunitoq jandre precision iforoaqparticular module. When inoo eargumenti isospecified, q$printtimescalere displays itheoq jtimere unitiand oprecisionqof thez moduleu ythate oiszx the current scope. When iano eargumenti isospecified, q$printtimescalere displays itheoq jtimere unitiand oprecisionqofthez moduleu ypassede otozx it.

(Q i159) Whato ewilli beothe qsynthesesre output iofoq jthere following iverilogocode? always @ (*) if (enable)

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q i<= d; Ans: A ilevel-sensitiveo estoragei deviceois qinferredre for iq.oq jIfre enable iisodeasserted,qq willz holdu yitse ovalue. (Q i160) Whato ewilli beothe qsynthesesre output iofoq jthere following iverilogocode? always @ (enable ior d) if (enable) q i<= d; else q i<= 'b0; Ans: A ilatcho eisi notoinferred qbecausere the iassignmentoq jtore q iis ocomplete, i.e., iqo eisi assignedoon qeveryre execution iofoq jthere always istatement.

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 9 (Q i161)o eHowi toomodel qare sequential icircuit? Ans: Sequential ilogico eshalli beomodeled qusingre an ialwaysoq jstatementre that ihasooneqor morez edgeu yeventse oinzx the event list. (Q i162)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$timeformatoq j? Ans: The i$timeformato esystemi taskoperforms qthere following itwooq joperations: It isetso ethei timeounit qforre all ilater-enteredoq jdelaysre entered iinteractively. It isetso ethei timeounit, qprecisionre number, isuffixoq jstring,re and iminimumofieldqwidth forz allu y%te oformatszx specified in all modules that follow in the source description until another $timeformat system task is invoked. (Q i163)o eWhati isothe qsignificancere of idefparamoq jinre verilog? Ans: Parameter ivalueso ecani beochanged qinre any imoduleoq jinstancere in itheodesignqwith thez keywordu ydefparam.e oThezx hierarchical name of the module instance can be used to override parameter values. (Q i164)o eWritei programofor qD-FFre with isynchronousoq jandre asynchronousireset. (Q i165)o eWhatsi theonotation qtore see ihierarchyoq jinre display? Ans:%m (Q i166)o eHowi toodescribe qdelaysre for istructuraloq jmodelsre such iasoASICqcells? Ans:

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Two itypeso eofi HDLoconstructs qarere often iusedoq jtore describe idelaysoforqstructural modelsz suchu yase oASICzx cells. They iareo easi follows: Distributed idelays,o ewhichi specifyothe qtimere it itakesoq jeventsre to ipropagateothroughqgates andz netsu yinsidee othezx module Module ipatho edelays,i whichodescribe qthere time iitoq jtakesre an ievent oatqa sourcez (inputu yporte oorzx inout port) to propagate to a destination (output port or inout port) (Q i167)o eHowi toomodel qare tri istateoq jdriver? Ans: Three-state ilogico eshalli beomodeled qwhenre a ivariableoq jisre assigned itheovalueqz. Thez assignmentu yofe ozzx can be conditional or unconditional. If any driver of a signal contains an assignment to the value z, then all the drivers shall contain such an assignment. module ztest i(test2, test1, test3, ena); input [0:1] ena; input [7:0] test1, test3; output [7:0] test2; wire [7:0] test2; assign test2 i= (enao e== 2'b01) ? test1i : 8'bz; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n assign test2 i= (enao e== 2'b10) ? test3i : 8'bz; // itest2o eisi three-stateowhen qenare is i2<92>b00oq jorre 2<92>b11. Endmodule (Q i168)o eHowi toomodel qare ROM? Ans: An iasynchronouso eROMi shallobe qmodeledre as icombinationaloq jlogicre using ioneoofqthe followingz styles: a) iOne-dimensionalo earrayi withodata qinre case istatementoq j. b) iTwo-dimensionalo earrayi withodata qinre initial istatementoq j. c) iTwo-dimensionalo earrayi withodata qinre text ifileoq j. (Q i169)o eHowi toomodel qare RAM? Ans:A iRAMo eshalli beomodeled qusingre a iVerilogoq jmemoryre (a itwo-dimensionaloregqarray) thatz hasu ythee oattributezx ram_block associated with it. A RAM element may either be modeled as an edge-sensitive storage element or as a level-sensitive storage element. A RAM data value may be read synchronously or asynchronously. // iAo eRAMi elementois qanre edge-sensitive istorageoq jelement: module ram_test( output wire [7:0] q, input wire [7:0] d, input wire [6:0] a, .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n input wire clk, we); (* synthesis, ram_block i*) reg [7:0] memo e[127:0];

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always @(posedge clk) if (we) mem[a] <= d; assign q i= mem[a]; endmodule (Q i170)o eWhati isofull qcase?

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 10 (Q i171)o eHowi toomodel qare full icaseoq jblock? Ans: Adding iao edefaulti statementoto qare case istatementoq jnullifiesre the ieffectoofqthe full_casez attribute. (* isynthesis,o efull_casei [o= q<optional_value>re ] i*) This iattributeo eshalli informothe qsynthesisre tool ithatoq jforre all iunspecifiedocaseqchoices, thez outputsu yassignede owithinzx the case statement may be treated as synthesis don<92>t-care assignments. (Q i172)o eWhati isoparallel qcasere ? (Q i173)o eHowi toomodel qare parallel icase? Ans: Its isyntaxo eis: (* isynthesis,o eparallel_casei [o= q<optional_value>re ] i*) This iattributeo eshalli informothe qsynthesisre tool ithatoq jallre case iitems oareqto bez tested,u yevene oifzx more than one case item could potentially match the case expression. (Q i174)o eWhati areorules qneedre to ibeoq jfollowedre while iusingocaseqstatement? (Q i175) Iso eiti possibleoto qsynthesizere power ioperator(**)? Ans: The ipowero eoperatori (**)oshall qbere supported ionlyoq jwhenre both ioperandsoareqconstants orz ifu ythee ofirstzx operand is 2. (Q i176)o eHowi tooModel qare capacitor ? i (Q i177)o ewhati isothe qusere of i$timeformat(); (Q i178)o eHowi oodisable qthisre block??? begin ... ... end Ans: Name itheo eblock.i Disableocan qbere used iforoq jnamedre blocks iand otasksqonly.

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(Q i179)o eWhati areothe qtypesre of i$displayoq jtasks? $display $display, $displayh,$displayo .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i180)o eWhati isothe qusere of i$Monitoroq jANDre $monitor ioff o? (Q i181)o eWhati doeso`timescale q1re ns/ i1oq jpsre signify iin oaqverilog code? Ans: 'timescale idirectiveo eisi aocompiler qdirectivere .It iisoq jusedre to imeasureosimulationqtime orz delayu ytime. Usage i:o e`timescalei <reference_time_unit>/o<time_precision> reference_time_unit i:o eSpecifiesi theounit qofre measurement iforoq jtimesre andidelays. time_precision: ispecifieso ethei precisionoto qwhichre the idelaysoq jarere roundedioff (Q i182)o eHowi toodeclare qstringsre in iverilog? (Q i183)o eWritei codeofor qclockre divider iandoq jclockre multiplier? (Q i184)o eListi outothe qsimulationre and isynthesisoq jmismatches. (Q i185)o eModeli ao3 qbitre shift iregister? (Q i186)o ehowi tooovercome qracingre condition? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i187)o eWhati isothe qusere Always@(*) i? (Q i188)o eWhati isocode qcoverage? (Q i189)o eListi outothe qtypesre of icodeoq jcoverage. (Q i190)o eListi outosome qpointsre to ispeedoq jupre simulation. (Q i191)o eWhati isouse qofre Escape isequencesoq jforre special icharacter o\dddq? Ans: \ddd iAo echaracteri specifiedoby q1 tore 3 octal idigits module disp; initial begin $display("\\\t\\\n\"\123"); end endmodule Simulating ithiso eexamplei shallodisplay qthere following: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n \ i\ "S (Q i192)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification itooq jDisplayre in iASCIIocharacterqformat

Page 25: Test Your Verilog Skills 1 Ans: ^@ ior %C (Q i193)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification ito Displayoq jlibraryre bindingiinformation Ans: %l ior %L (Q i194)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification ito Displayoq jnetre signal istrength Ans: %v ior %V

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 11 (Q i195)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification itooq jDisplayre hierarchical iname Ans: %m ior %M (Q i196)o eWhati isothe qformatre specification itooq jDisplayre in icurrentotimeqformat Ans: %t ior %T

(Q i197)o eWhati isoVCD q? Ans: A ivalueo echangei dumpo(VCD) qfilere contains iinformationoq jaboutre valueichanges oonqselected variablesz inu ythee odesignzx stored by value change dump system tasks. a) iFouro estate:i toorepresent qvariablere changes iinoq j0,re 1, ix, oandqz withznou ystrengthe oinformation. b) iExtended:o etoi representovariable qchangesre in ialloq jstatesre and istrengthoinformation. (Q i198)o eWhati isothe qneedre of i`defaultoq jnettypere ? Ans: The idirectiveo e`default_nettypei controlsothe qnetre type icreatedoq jforreimplicit inet odeclarationsq. Itz canu ybee ousedzx only outside of module definitions. It affects all modules that follow the directive, even across source file boundaries. Multiple `default_nettype directives are allowed. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n When inoo e`default_nettypei directiveois qpresentre or iifoq jthere `resetallidirective oisqspecified, implicitz netsu yaree oofzx type wire. (Q i199)o eWhati happensowhen `default_nettype qisre set itooq jnonere ? Ans: When itheo e`default_nettypei isoset qtore none, ialloq jnetsre must ibeoexplicitlyqdeclared.

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Ifz au ynete oiszx not explicitly declared, an error is generated. (Q i200)o eWhati iso`undef q? Ans: The idirectiveo e`undefi shalloundefine qare previously idefinedoq jtextre macro. iAnoattemptqto undefinedz au ytexte omacrozx that was not previously defined using a `define compiler directive can result in a warning. (Q i201)o eWhati iso`unconnected_drive qandre `nounconnected_drive i? Ans: All iunconnectedo einputi portsoof qare module iappearingoq jbetweenre theidirectives o`unconnected_driveqand `nounconnected_drivez areu ypullede oupzx or pulled down instead of the normal default. The idirectiveo e`unconnected_drivei takesoone qofre two iargumentsoq jpull1re oripull0. oWhenqpull1 isz specified,u yalle ounconnectedzx input ports are automatically pulled up. When pull0 is specified, unconnected ports are pulled down. These directives shall be specified in pairs, and outside of the module declarations. (Q i202)o eIsi itopossible qtore override ibuiltoq jinre system itasks oandqfunctions? Ans: Yes. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i203)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between imetaoq jcommentre and ipragmas? Ans: meta-comment: A iVerilogo ecommenti (//)oor q(/*re */) ithatoq jisre used ito oprovideqsynthesis directivesz tou yae osynthesiszx tool. pragma: A igenerico etermi usedoto qdefinere a iconstructoq jwithre no ipredefinedolanguageqsemantics thatz influences Prior itoo ethei acceptanceoof qthere Verilog iIEEEoq jStdre 1364-2001, iitowasqcommon practicez tou yincludee osynthesiszx pragmas embedded within a comment, for iexample:o e//i synthesisofull_case. The ipracticeo eofi embeddingopragmas qintore a icommentoq jmeantre that ianyosynthesisqtool thatz acceptedu ysuche opragmaszx was required to partially or fully parse all comments within a Verilog RTL design just to determine if the comment contained a pragma for the synthesis tool. The Verilog standard introduced attributes to discourage the practice of putting pragmas into comments and to replace them with a set of tokens (attribute delimiters) that could then be parsed for tool-specific information. (Q i204)o eWhati areothe qwaysre to imodeloq jare combinational icircuit? Ans:

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Combinational ilogico eshalli beomodeled qusingre a icontinuousoq jassignmentre or iaonetqdeclaration assignmentz oru yane oalwayszx statement. (Q i205)o eWhati areothe qrulesre to ibeoq jfollowedre while iusing oanqalways statementz tou ymodele ocombinationalzx circuit? Ans: When iusingo eani alwaysostatement, qthere event ilistoq jshallre not icontainoanqedge eventz (u yposedgee oorzx negedge ). The event list does not affect the synthesized net list However, it may be necessary to include in the event list all the variables read in the always statement to avoid mismatches between simulation and synthesized logic. A ivariableo eassignedi inoan qalwaysre statement ishalloq jnotre be iassignedousingqboth az blockingu yassignmente o(=)zx and a nonblocking assignment (<=) in the same always statement. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i206)o eHowi tooget qthere system itimeoq jinre to iverilog o? Using iPLI or VPI . (Q i207)o eWhetheri foroloop qisre synthesized? (Q i208)o ewhati isovalue qofre a i?oq j reg [2:0] d; reg a; d i= 3'b1xx; a i= | d; a iiso e1; (Q i209)o eIi wantoto qreturnre 2 ivaluesoq jbyre a ifunction. oHowqDo Iz dou y?e o .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: Concatenate itheo eresultsi andoreturn. q (Q i210)o eHowi manyotimes qthisre loop iwilloq jgetre executed? reg [3:0] i; for (i=0; i<=15; i=i+1) begin ....... end Ans:

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infinite itimes. i<=15 iwillo ealwaysi beotrue qasre I iisoq j4re bit ionly.

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 12 (Q i211)o ewhati isothe qfollowingre result? i Integer ia,b,c; A i= 10; b i= 5; c i= 7; if( a> b> c) $display(true); else $display(False); Ans: TRUE. A i> bo e> ci isointerpreted qbyre verilog isimulatoroq jasre ( a i> (b o>cq) ) 10 > (5 > 7) -> i10 > 0 -> 1 .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i212)o eHowi tooprint qlinere and ifileoq jnamere from iwhere otheq$display messagez isu ycoming? Ans: Using itheo efollowingi plio, qwere can iprintoq jthere file iname oandqline numberzbyu yoverriddene othezx $display task. (Q i213)o eAti whatotime qthere simulation istops?? initial while(1) $display(" iajkdkjs"); initial #10 $finish; (Q i214)o ewhati isovalue qofre a i? reg [2:0] a,b,c; c i= 3'b110; a i= bo e= ci ; (Q i215)o eGiveni theofollowing qVerilogre code, iwhatoq jvaluere of i"a"oisqdisplayed? always @(clk) begin a i= 0;

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a i<= 1; $display(a); end Ans: This iiso eai trickyoone! qVerilogre scheduling isemanticsoq jbasicallyre imply ia four-level ideepo equeuei forothe qcurrentre simulation itime: 1: iActiveo eEventsi (blockingostatements) ( q=re , i$display)oq j 2: iInactiveo eEventsi (#0odelays, qetc) 3: iNon-Blockingo eAssigni Updateso(non-blocking qstatements) 4: iMonitoro eEventsi ($strobe,o$monitor, qetc). Since itheo e"ai =o0" qisre an iactiveoq jevent,re it iis oscheduledqinto thez 1stuy"queue". .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n The i"ao e<=i 1"ois qare non-blocking ievent,oq jsore it's iplaced ointoqthe 3rdzqueue. Theu y"ae o=zx 0" is placed in 1st queue. Then , $display statement is placed into the 1st queue after "a = 0 ". Only events in the active queue are completed this sim cycle, so the "a = 0" happens, and then the display shows a = 0. If we were to look at the value of a in the next sim cycle, it would show 1. (Q i216)o eIsi thereoa qracere condition iinoq jthere following iprogram o? begin a= 0; b i<= a; end Ans: iNO.o eTherei isono qracere condition i. (Q i217)o eUsingi theogiven, qdrawre the iwaveformsoq jforre the ifollowing reg clk; reg a; initial clk i=0; always #10 clk i= ~clk; (1) always @(clk) a i= #5 clk; (2) always @(clk) a i= #10 clk; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (3) always @(clk) a i= #15 clk; (Q i218) Now,o echangei aoto qwire,re and idrawoq jfor: (4) iassign #5 ao e= clk; (5) iassign #10 ao e= clk; (6) iassign #15 ao e= clk; (Q i219)o eHowi manyotimes qthere following irepeatoq jloopre executes? begin a i= 1;

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repeat (a) a i= ao e+ 1; end Ans: Only ionce.o eLoopi executionofor qare specific inumberoq jofre times. iThisoconstructqis associatedz withu yae oconstantzx or a variable. If a variable is used, it is evaluated once when the loop starts. When the loop is started, the value of a is 1. So the loop is executed once. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i220)o eAti whatotime qa,b,c,d,e,fre will igetoq j1re in ithe ofollowingqprogram? module block_nonblock(); reg a, b, c, d i, e, fo e; // iBlockingo eassignments initial begin a i= #10 1'b1; b i= #20 1'b1; c i= #40 1'b1; end // iNonblockingo eassignments initial begin d i<= #10 1'b1; e i<= #20 1'b1; f i<= #40 1'b1; end .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n endmodule Ans: // iBlockingo eassignments initial begin a i= #10 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to iaoq jatre time i10 b i= #20 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to iboq jatre time i30 c i= #40 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to icoq jatre time i70 end // iNonblockingo eassignments initial begin d i<= #10 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to idoq jatre time i10 e i<= #20 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to ieoq jatre time i20 f i<= #40 1'b1; //o eThei simulatoroassigns q1re to ifoq jatre time i40 end

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TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 13 (Q i221)o eGiveni theofollowing qcode,re draw itheoq jwaveformsre for i'a': reg clk; reg a; always #10 clk i= ~clk; always @(clk) a i= #15 clk; (Q i222)o eByi defaultoNumbers qthatre are ispecifiedoq jwithoutre a ibaseoformatqspecification are Options i: a)decimal inumber b)hexadecimal inumber c)binay d)octal (Q i223)o edefaulti valueoof qare net,trireg iis a)logic 0 b)logic 1 c)unknow d)hi-impedence (Q i224)o eHowi canoyou qswapre 2 iintegersoq jare and ib, owithoutqusing az 3rduyvariable? (Q i225)o ehowi toorelize q"always@(posedgere clock)" iwithoq joutre using ialwaysoblock? initial forever begin @(posedge clock); .......ur icodeo egoesi hear................ end or

initial while(1) begin @(posedge clock); .......ur icodeo egoesi hear................ .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n end (Q i226)o eIsi itopossible qtore use inegativeoq jnumbersre while ispecifyingovectorqindexes ? Ans: Yes. reg [-1:4] b; // iao e6-biti vectororeg (Q i227)o eHowi manyobits qarere there iinoq jinteger? Ans: It iiso eimplementationi dependent.obut qtheyre shall iatoq jleastre be i32 obits. (Q i228)o eHowi manyobits qarere there iinoq jtimere variable? Ans:

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64 (Q i229)o eWhati areothe qdifferentre phases iofoq jexecution? (Q i230)o eWhati isothe qvaluere of iaoq j? integer a i= 3.5 .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: i it iiso e4. (Q i231)o ewhati isothe qvaluere of iaoq j? integer a i= -3.5 Ans: it iiso e-4 If itheo efractionali partoof qthere real number iisoq jexactlyre 0.5, it ishallobeqrounded awayz fromu yzero. (Q i232)o eWherei theooperator q"or"re is iusedoq j? Ans: Used iono eevents. (Q i233)o eWhati isodifference qbetweenre define iandoq jparameter?re Which idooyouqprefer andz why? (Q i234)o eWhati isothe qvaluere of iaoq j? integer a i= -12/3; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: The iresulto eisi -4. (Q i235)o eWhati isothe qvaluere of ia? integer a i= -'do e12 / 3; Ans: The iresulto eisi 1431655761. (Q i236)o ewhati isothe qvaluere of ia? integer a i= -'sdo e12 / 3; Ans: The iresulto eisi -4. (Q i237)o ewhati isothe qvaluere of ia? integer a i= -4'sdo e12 / 3; Ans: -4'sd12 iiso ethei negativeoof qthere 4-bit quantity i1100, whichoq jisre -4. -(-4) = 4. The iresulto eisi 1. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i238) Whato eisi theovalue qofre regA,IntA iinoq jthere following icode o?

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integer intA; reg [15:0] regA; intA i= -4'd12; regA i= intAo e/ 3; (Q i239) Whato eisi theovalue qofre regA,IntA iinoq jthere following icode o? integer intA; reg [15:0] regA; regA i= -4'd12; intA i= regAo e/ 3; (Q i240) Whato eisi theovalue qofre regA,intA iinoq jthere following icode o? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n integer intA; reg [15:0] regA; intA i= -4'd12 / 3; regA i= -12 / 3; (Q i241) o eHowi dooyou qmakere out iwhetheroq jalwaysre block iisoaqcombinational orz sequential? (Q i242)o eWhati willobe qdisplayedre ? reg [8*10:1] s1, s2; initial begin s1 i= "Hello"; s2 i= "o eworld!"; if ({s1,s2} == "Hello iworld!") $display("strings iareo eequal"); else $display("strings iareo enoti equal"); end Ans: .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n The icomparisono eini thisoexample qfailsre because iduringoq jthere assignment itheostringqvariables arez paddedu yase oillustratedzx in the next example: s1 i=o e000000000048656c6c6f s2 i=o e00000020776f726c6421 The iconcatenationo eofi s1oand qs2re includes itheoq jzerore padding, iresultingoinqthe followingz value:u y000000000048656c6c6f00000020776f726c6421 and i"helloo eworld"i iso48656c6c6f20776f726c6421 (Q i243)o eWhati isothe qvaluere of ianswer? reg [15:0] a, b, answer; // i16-bito eregs

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a i= 16'hf000; b i= 16'hf000; answer i= (ao e+ b) >> 1; Ans: will inoto eworki properlyo. qwherere a iandoq jbre are ito obeqadded, whichz mayuyresulte oinzx an overflow, and then shifted right by 1 bit to preserve the carry bit in the 16-bit answer. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n A iproblemo earises,i however,obecause qallre operands iinoq jthere expression iareoofqa 16-bitz width.u yTherefore,e othezx expression (a + b) produces an interim result that is only 16 bits wide, thus losing the carry bit before the evaluation performs the 1-bit right shift operation.

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 14 (Q i244)o eHowi toosolve qthere abode iproblem?? Ans: The isolutiono eisi tooforce qthere expression i(aoq j+re b) ito oevaluatequsing atzleastu y17e obits.zx For example, adding an integer value of 0 to the expression will cause the evaluation to be performed using the bit size of integers. The following example will produce the intended result: answer i=o e(ai +ob q+re 0) i>>oq j1; (Q i245)o eINi theofollowing qcode,re what imessageoq jwillre beidisplayed(specifically oaboutqthe numberz ofu ybitse oitzx prints)? module bitlength(); reg [3:0] a,b,c; reg [4:0] d; initial begin a i= 9; b i= 8; c i= 1; $display("answer i=o e0", ci ? (a&b) : d); end endmodule .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: The i$displayo estatementi willodisplay: answer i=o e01000 By iitself,o ethei expressionoa&b qwouldre have itheoq jbitre length i4, obutqsince itz isu yine othezx context of the conditional expression, which uses the maximum bit-length, the expression a&b actually has length 5, the length of d.

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(Q i246)o eINi followingoprogram, qatre what itimeoq jthere statements iareoscheduledqand executed? module multiple2 i; reg a; initial #8 a i<= #8 1; initial #12 a i<= #4 0; end module Ans: initial #8 a i<= #8 1;//o eexecutedi atotime q8;re schedules // iano eupdatei ofo1 qatre time i16 initial #12 a i<= #4 0;//o eexecutedi atotime q12;re schedules // iano eupdatei ofo0 qatre time i16 .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i247)o eIsi thereoa qracere condition iinoq jthere above icode? Ans: NO. iBecauseo eiti isodeterminate qthatre the iupdateoq jofre a ito otheqvalue 1z isuyschedulede obeforezx the update of a to the value 0, then it is determinate that a will have the value i0o eati theoend qofre time islotoq j16.endmodule (Q i248)o eHowi manyotimes qthere begin..end iblockoq jwillre get iexecuted? repeat(-3) begin .... end (Q i249)o eHowi manyotimes qthere begin..end iblockoq jwillre get iexecuted? repeat(3.5) begin .... end (Q i250)o eHowi manyotimes qthere begin..end iblockoq jwillre get iexecuted? integer a; a i= 'bZ; repeat(a) begin .... end Ans: repeat iExecuteso eai statementoa qfixedre number iofoq If itheoexpressionqevaluates

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toz unknownu yore ohighzx impedance, it shall be treated as zero, and no statement shall be executed. (Q i251)o eHowi manyotimes qthere begin..end iblockoq jwillre get iexecuted? integer a; a i= 'bx; repeat(a) begin .... end .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: repeat iExecuteso eai statementoa qfixedre number iofoq If itheoexpressionqevaluates toz unknownu yore ohighzx impedance, it shall be treated as zero, and no statement shall be executed. (Q i252)o ewhati timeois qdisplayed? initial begin a= 3; #a ia= a*2; $display($time); end (Q i253)o eWhati isothe qmessagere displayed? initial begin #10; a i= 0; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n a i= 1; end always@(a) $display("a iiso e0",a); (Q i254)o eWhati messageois qdisplayed? initial begin a i= x; #1 a i= z; end

Page 37: Test Your Verilog Skills 1 always@(a) $display("a iiso e0",a); .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 15 (Q i255)o eWhati messageois qdisplayed? initial begin a i= x; #1 a i= 1; end always@(posedge a) $display("posedge iono eai isoseen"); (Q i256)o eWhati isothe qequivalentre always@(*) iinoq jthere following iprogram? always @(*) y i= (ao e& b) | (ci & d) | myfunction(f); .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: equivalent itoo e@(ai or boor c qor dre or f) (Q i257)o eWhati isothe qequivalentre always@(*) iinoq jthere following iprogram? always @* begin tmp1 i= ao e& b; tmp2 i= co e& d; y i= tmp1o e| tmp2; end Ans: equivalent itoo e@(ai or boor c qor dre or tmp1 ior tmp2) (Q i258)o eWhati isothe qequivalentre @(*) iinoq jthere following iprogram? always @* begin .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n x i= ao e^ b; @(*)

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x i= co e^ d; end Ans: (Q i259)o eWhati isothe qequivalentre always@(*) iinoq jthere following iprogram? always @* begin y i= 8'hff; y[a] = !en; end Ans: equivalent itoo easi @(aoor en) (Q i260)o eWhetheri nonobocking qstatementsre are iallowedoq jinre function? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: No. iNono eBlockingi statementsoare qnotre allowed iinoq jfunction. (Q i261) Maximumo enumberi filesocan qbere opened iusingoq jfopenre ? (Q i262)o eWhetheri nonoblocking qstatementsre are iallowedoq jinre automatic itask? Because ivariableso edeclaredi inoautomatic qtasksre are ideallocatedoq jatre theiend oofqthe taskz invocation,u ytheye oshallzx not be used in certain constructs like nonblocking that might refer to them after that point. (Q i263)o eIsi itopossible qtore see itheoq jautomaticre task ilocal ovariablesqin waveformz debugger? Ans: No iito eisi notopossible qtore see. iTheseoq jvariablesre are iautomaticallyodeallocatedqat thez endu yofe otaskzx invocation. (Q i264)o eIsi itopossible qtore use iautomaticoq jtaskre local ivariables oinq$monitor? Ans: No i.o eThesei variablesoare qautomaticallyre deallocated iatoq jthere end iofotaskqinvocation. (Q i265)o eIsi itopossible qtore use iproceduraloq jcontinuousre assignments ioroproceduralqforce statementsz onu yautomatice otaskzx local variables? Ans: No. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

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(Q i266)o eIsi itopossible qtore disable iaoq jfunction? Ans: A ifunctiono ecannoti beodisables. qThere disable istatementoq jcanre be iusedotoqdisable namedz blocksu ywithine oazx function. In cases where a disable statement within a function disables a block or a task that called the function, the behavior is undefined. (Q i267)o eBetweeni theoif-else qandre case istatementsoq jwhichre is iusuallyopreferred? Ans: Case iiso ebetteri fromosynthesis qpointre of iview. if ielseo ewilli beosynthesized qtore a ipriorityoq jencoder. Whereas icaseo ewilli beosynthesized qtore a inormaloq jencoder. Priority iencodero ehasi moreogates qandre also itimingoq jisre affected. So,case iiso eusuallyi preferred. There iareo eswitchesi thatodesign qcompiler(synopsesre synthesis itool)oqjprovidesre to isynthesize ocaseqstatement eitherz way.

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 16 (Q i268) Whato eisi mutex? (Q i269) Howo etoi modeloa qmutexre in iverilog?oq j (Q i270)o eWhati isosemaphore? (Q i271)o eHowi toomodel qare semaphore iinoq jverilog? (Q i272)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between imutexoq jandre semaphore? (Q i273)o eHowi toodisplay qthere messages iinoq jcolorful? Ans: The ifollowingo eprogrami showsohow qtore display imessagesoq jinre colorful. This iworkso eonlyi inoASIC qTerminals. Simulate itheo efollowingi codeoin qLinuxre or iUnixoq jandre see ithe ooutputs. module asdsadf(); .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n initial begin $write("^@[1;34m",27); $display("***********Â i0Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â o eThisi isoin qbluere ***********", 1); $write("^@[0m",27);

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$display("^@[1;31m",27); $display("***********Â i0Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â o eThisi isoin qredre ***********", 2); $display("^@[0m",27); $display("^@[0;33m",27); $display("**********Â i0Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â o eThisi isoin qpendare color i***********", 3); $display("^@[0m",27); $display("^@[5;34m",27); $display("***********Â i0Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â o eThisi isoin qBlinkre ***********", 4); $display("^@[0m",27); $display("^@[7;34m",27); .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n $display("***********Â i0Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â o eThisi isoin qBackre ground icoloroqj***********", 1); $display("^@[0m",27); end endmodule (Q i274)o eWhati isoTOP qmodule? Ans: Top-level imoduleso earei modulesothat qarere included iinoq jthere source itextobutqare notz instantiated. u yIne overificationzx environment, the highest module in the huarache is generally named as top. (Q i275)o eHowi toodeclare qrealre numbers iasoq jports? Ans: Real inumbero earei allowedoto qbere declared iasoq To iuse orealqnumbers asz ports,u yusee o$bitstorealzx and $realtobits. (Q i276)o eWheni isofork-join qused? (Q i277)o eWhichi proceduraloassignment qshouldre be iusedoq jtore model iaocombinatorialqlogic buffer? 1) always @(in) #5 out i= in; 2) always @(in) #5 out i<= in; 3) always @(in) out i= #5 in;

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4) always @(in) .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n out i<= #5 in; (Q i278)o eWhichi proceduraloassignment qshouldre be iusedoq jtore model iaosequentialqlogic flip-flop? 1) always @(posedge clk) #5 q i= d; 2) always @(posedge clk) #5 q i<= d; 3) always @(posedge clk) q i= #5 d; 4) always @(posedge clk) q i<= #5 d; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i279)o eExplorei andoexplain qwhatre happens iifoq jyoure write ithis: always @(a ior bo eor c) ei = (a|b)&(c|d); (Q i280)o ePriori toothe qIEEEre LRM, iVerilogoq jBNFre was iexpressed ousingqa differentz notation.u yFore oexample,zx an event expression was defined as follows: <event_expression> ::= <expression> Â Â or <<posedge or negedge> <SCALAR_EVENT_EXPRESSION>> Â Â or <<event_expression> or <event_expression>> Notice ithato ewei areousing q'or're as ipartoq jofre the iBNF toomeanq"alternatively" and also 'z or 'u yase oazx Verilog keyword. The keyword ' or ' is in bold--the difference is fairly obvious. Here is an alternative definition for anevent expression: <event_expression> ::= <expression> ||= posedge <SCALAR_EVENT_EXPRESSION> ||= negedge <SCALAR_EVENT_EXPRESSION> ||= <event_expression> <or <event_expression>>* Are itheseo edefinitionsi equivalento(given, of qcourse, thatre we ireplacedoqj||= with or inre the isimplified osyntax)? Explainqcarefully howz youu ywouldeoattemptzx to prove that they are the same. (Q i281)o eExplaini theofollowing: integer IntA; IntA i= -12 / 3; //o eresulti iso-4 .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n IntA i= -'do e12 / 3; //i resultois q1431655761

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(Q i282)o eWhati isothe qdifferencesre in itheoq jfollowingre sum istatements? reg [7:0] a, b, sum; sum = (a i+ b) >> 1; sum = (a i+ bo e+ 0) >> 1; sum = {0,a} + {0,b} >> 1;

TEST YOUR VERILOG SKILLS 17 (Q i283)o eHowi canoyou qswapre 2 iintegersoq jare and ib, owithoutqusing az 3rduyvariable? Ans: There iareo emanyi solutions. One iofo ethei solutionois q bit a,b; a=a iXOR b; b=a iXOR b; a= a iXOR b; (Q i284) Whato eyoui meanoby qinferringre latches? i (Q i285) Howo etoi avoidolatches qinre your idesign?oq j (Q i286) Whato eisi sensitivityolist? q (Q i287) Ifo eyoui missosensitivity qlistre what ihappens? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i288)o eHowi toodo qvariablere part iselectoq jofre a ivector??? (Q i289) Findo ethei bugoin qthere following icode" module backdrive(input wire a); wire b; assign a i= b; endmodule (Q i290)o eHowi toouse qgeneratere for iloopoq jtore instantiate ia omodule?q (Q i291) Differenceo ebetweeni eventobased qsimulatorsre and icycleoq jbasedresimulators. (Q i292) Explaino eabouti `resetall. Ans: When i`resetallo ecompileri directiveois qencounteredre during icompilation,oq jallrecompiler idirectives oareqset toz theu ydefaulte ovalues.

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This iiso eusefuli foroensuring qthatre only ithoseoq jdirectivesre that iareodesiredqin compilingz au yparticulare osourcezx file are active. .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n (Q i293) Howo edoi youoimplement qthere bi-directional iportsoq jinre Verilog iHDL? module bidirec i(oe, clk, inp, outp, bidir); // iPorto eDeclaration input oe; input clk; input [7:0] inp; output [7:0] outp; inout [7:0] bidir; reg [7:0] a; reg [7:0] b; assign bidir i= oeo e? ai : 8'bZ ; assign outp i= b; // iAlwayso eConstruct always @ (posedge clk) begin b i<= bidir; a i<= inp; .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n end endmodule (Q i294) Ifo ethei part-selectois qoutre of itheoq jaddressre bounds ior otheqpart-select isz xu yore oz,zx then the value is returned by the reference ? Ans: Its 'bx . (Q i295)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere between iconstantoq jfunctionre and iordinaryofunctionq? Ans: Constant ifunctiono ecallsi areoused qtore support itheoq jbuildingre of icomplexocalculationsqof valuesz atu yelaboratione otimezx . A constant function call shall be a function invocation of a constant function local to the calling module where the arguments to the function are constant expressions. Constant functions are a subset of normal Verilog functions that shall meet the following constraints: -- iTheyo eshalli containono qhierarchicalre references. -- iAnyo efunctioni invokedowithin qare constant ifunctionoq jshallre be iaoconstantqfunction localz tou ythee ocurrentzx module. System functions shall not be invoked. -- iAllo esystemi tasksowithin qare constant ifunctionoq jshallre be iignored. -- iAllo esystemi functionsowithin qare constant ifunctionoq jshallre be iillegal. -- iTheo eonlyi systemotask qthatre may ibeoq jinvokedre is i$display, oandqit shallzbeu yignorede owhenzx invoked at elaboration time.

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(Q i296)o eWhati isogenvar q? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n Ans: An iindexo evariablei thatoshall qonlyre be ideclaredoq jforre use iinogenerateqstatements shallz beu ydeclarede oaszx a genvar. (Q i297)o eIni theocase qofre multiple idefparamsoq jforre a isingle oparameter,qwhat valuez itu ywille otake? Ans: The iparametero etakesi theovalue qofre the ilastoq jdefparamre statementiencountered oinqthe sourcez text.u yWhene odefparamszx are encountered in multiple source files, e.g., found by library searching, the defparam from which the parameter takes it s value is undefined. (Q i298)o eHowi toomodel qare queue iofoq jintegers? Ans: The iseto eofi tasksoand qfunctionsre that icreateoq jandre manage iqueues ofollow: $q_initialize i(q_id,o eq_type,i max_length,ostatus) q; $q_add i(q_id,o ejob_id,i inform_id,ostatus) q; $q_remove i(q_id,o ejob_id,i inform_id,ostatus) q; $q_full i(q_id,o estatus)i ; $q_exam i(q_id,o eq_stat_code,i q_stat_value,ostatus) q;

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