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CrackVerbal Success Stories

lostphoton111: (


GMAT Experience 750 (Q50 V42)

I would like to share my experiences in GMAT

preparation and hope that it would be helpful to at least some of the aspirants.

For the sake of background, this is my second attempt at GMAT. The first

time I scored 710 (Q50, V36) AWA 4.5, but was not happy with my preparation as well as the score and decided to write GMAT again.

Books referred (I would say that all three books are a must) : I am a strong

advocate of refering only very limited material but doing it thoroughly

1) OG 12

2) OG Verbal 3) Manhattan SC : Very helpful in developing concepts in Sentence

Correction (the biggest pain area for me)

Some important learnings for me in the process: Solve only the official material, i.e. OGs. I realized that most other material

is nowhere near the original GMAT. Besides solving questions from other sources confuses you even more and affects your concepts negatively as one

starts thinking a lot even for simple questions.

Since for many aspirants, the OG material may not be enough. I would suggest solving the same material twice, it helps in testing and reinforcing

the concepts.

Tests taken:

GMATPrep 1: 710 (before starting preparation) GMATPrep 2: 760 and 770 (with a few repeat questions)

Again, I believe that one shouldn't solve any other tests as most others are

not true reflection of actual GMAT. Infact poor scores in these exams negatively affect the confidence of the student.

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Class Attended: CrackVerbal

I was looking for a verbal only class, which was comprehensive, short duration and focused on improving the concepts. Crackverbal fit the bill and

was very helpful in improving my verbal score.

Some important pointers (in a nutshell): All this is common knowledge and

most of us already know it, but still I would like to re-emphasize:

1) Solve OGs thoroughly, so that you understand all the concepts in detail. If needed, solve it twice for topics you are weak at. (This includes OG Verbal


2) Manhattan SC is must for developing concepts of sentence correction

3) Solve only the Official GMATPrep tests or atleast consider only GMATPrep scores as true indicator of your performance in actual GMAT. Don't get

demotivated by poor scores in Manhattan/Kaplan/Princeton etc.

4) Remember confidence is very important: And confidence comes from practice

5) Don't solve unnecessarily complicated questions, because A) they would never come and B) They negatively impact the concepts that you have built

6) Clearly understand what are your strengths and weaknesses (even before

you begin your preparation) The strength/weakness may not only be in terms of content but can also be in applying concepts or examination

temperament). Always understand your weak point and work on it to maximize results

7) Remember that not all questions are tough in GMAT. You will receive very

simple questions if you are in 30s in Verbal, so you need to access what your target score is and then prepare accordingly. There is no need to get

panicked if you cannot answer questions from a huge RC about some Latin American tradition. Remember (unless you are targeting 780), you will make

mistakes and it's ok to do the toughest questions wrong. What is important

is not to do silly mistakes in simple questions. Make sure that doesn't happen and you can easily score 700+. Accuracy therefore is the key.

8) Don't get panicked if you start feeling that you did poorly in Quant and

don't let it affect your Verbal. Focus on the question you are solving with the clear aim of solving it correctly, nothing else should come to your mind

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9) After finishing the test, I felt that I did worse than my first attempt and I was almost about to cancel my score but thankfully I didn't. So at times you

feel that you have done badly but you don't. So don't think about how much you score, just go ahead and solve every question in its own merit (this is a

slight repetition of the previous point, but is very important)

10) Don't try to analyze basis the question as to how well you are doing in

the exam. At times you receive some very simple questions in the middle of the exam, that doesn't mean that you are doing poorly. There would be

simple questions even when you do extremely well and solve 10s of questions correctly in succession

11) Focus more on the initial questions to ensure that they are not wrong so

that the algorithm sets you at a higher level. However, try to map time after 35 minutes. You do not want to encounter a situation when you have to

solve 10 questions in 10 minutes

12) Do not panic if you are not able to understand what the answer to any particular question would be, just guess and go ahead. It's ok to guess if you

are stuck rather than to waste lots of time. Not only does it wastes time but also causes frustration and you find it extremely difficult to concentrate on

further questions and ultimately causing you to panic. So don't get stuck on

any question, just guess

13) Keep track of the time during the 8 minute break. I didn't and lost 1 minute from my verbal section :(

14) Eat light and maybe have a chocolate before the exam. That helps de-

stress you!

15) Sleep sufficiently long a night before so that you have the mental stamina to take the 4 hour long exam

16) Last but not the least, don't consider GMAT as a life and death issue. As

every bschool website say (which is true as well), GMAT is just one of the factors in your Bschool application, so don't kill yourself too much on it. Chill

and take it easy.

All the Very Best!

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skvignesh (


My Successful GMAT experience - 49Q 40V 720 - AWA 5.5

Hi All,

Completed my exam in the previous weekend (30th May 2009) at Cochin Centre and the experience has been good enough (even

though the result is not amazing) that I thought I will share them.

When I first thought of GMAT preparation, I realised that verbal would be the problem area. As everyone who reads this passage might realise, sentence

correction remains a problem. I just managed to keep that as an exception and managed the show around that. I did improve a lot on my sentence

correction so that only the highest level of SC remains a problem.

Ok a formal chronological listing might help everyone so I would start. Please forgive me for being long.

One of the first things that I did after deciding to take GMAT was to join pagalguy and other forums. I also downloaded the GMAT prep and took the

first test to see where i stood. I slept half way through the verbal and when I woke up and completed the test, I ended up scoring a 490 (I dont remember

the split).

I went ahead and purchased Kaplan Premier Program, Princeton Review and OG 11. Manhattan seemed costly and so avoided it.

I then started collecting material both soft and hard copies from wherever I

could. It was at that time that I heard of Arun and his course running in Bangalore. I wanted to find more

about it and attended the informal meeting that he keeps conducting. The meeting not only helped me clear some practical doubts about

GMAT, but also helped me to understand that verbal is a problem

with most (indians) of them who attended the meeting.

The next few days was good, in the sense I completed the Math "syllabus" in kaplan and almost the entirety of pricenton (just glanced through it). I also

attended the crackverbal program which actually threw out many expected and unexpected advantages. The first advantage was to actually classify the

sentence correction problem into various types and finding an approach to

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solve each of them. Even though I later re-took the sentence correction class, the first class had actually got me started off.

Then came a period when I lost interest in GMAT. This was mid february and

I was planning originally to take the GMAT by the first of May. Almost the entire February and a good part of March was wasted in terms of my

preparation for GMAT. The only preparation activity that I was doing in this

period was to take an occassional problem that my colleague and friend Sushant would throw at me. Then came the realisation that unless I fix up a

date, I will never start off preparing. This was when I planned and took the 30th May date. Since Bangalore as always was full, I took the Cochin option.

I never realised how this decision would help me later on.

Full fledged preparation started after that. I started working on various content that was available with me including 1000 SC, OG and a bit of

Kaplan CD material. I also started studying a bit of sentence correction lessons. This was the time I realised that just by preparing I would not

improve much. Constant help and support from Arun, Aruna and Anurag of CrackVerbal kept pushing me, with help, ideas and even an

occassional prod. Having prepared enough (I couldn’t take the book book book thing anymore ), I wanted to test my position and so I took the

GMATprep again. The first attempt had been about three months prior to this

attempt and so I remembered nothing other than the AWA. I gave the test with AWA and I had scored a reasonably OK 46 Q 35V 670. It was at this

point that I realised that I needed more test practice. I took the MGMAT free test and then I did the second best thing in the entire preparation series, and

that was to purchase the MGMAT exams.

I started taking MGMAT every weekend at a timing similar to my real GMAT (13.15 - 17.15 hrs) and every time I took the AWA along with the exam to

actually simulate the experience. I scored the following in my MGMATs

MGMAT 1 47 Q 35 V 680 MGMAT 2 47 Q 35 V 680 (exact same)

MGMAT 3 46 Q 36 V 680 (something is crawling) MGMAT 4 47 Q 39 V 700 (verbal is finally moving)

MGMAT 5 50 Q 38 V 720 (Finally I saw my range)

MGMAT 6 51 Q 35 V 700 (I doubted my Quant score in the last two exams - things got easier because of lack of questions I believe)

But by the end of this I was feeling confident of two things. First is the fact

that I could take the four hour test without any trouble, I just could sit through it very easily. Second was that my verbal is becoming better. Even

though I got a 35 in the last test, I knew that I was ok there.

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I had three days left for the exam and so I took the GMATprep 2. I scored a

47 Q 41 V 710 there. This made me feel confident. I started the entire journey with a 720-740 score in mind and I was always counting on my

abilities to reach there. A 50 Q 40 V 740 was my target.

Ohhh... having done all that I had my exam centre about 350 kilometres

from my place and during the journey and also during my stay in the hotel, I took the same gmat prep 2 math section (i just clicked something in verbal)

thrice and got some 48 49 50 kind of scores with repeated questions. I knew for sure that hitting a 50 in Quant might be really difficult. My only hope of

reaching a 740 was hitting 41 in verbal and 49 in Quant.

I had a few friends in Cochin and the day before the exam I went around meeting them. On the day of the exam, I think there was some unknown

fear developing. I realised this when I watched a comedy strip and started really laughing. In the midst of the comedy I started feeling fearful and I

thought may be its good to spend some more time relaxing (I had almost stopped watching any TV in the last few weeks before GMAT - I did have my

share of entertainment in games and internet).


I was quite cool on that day, never had any exam day pressures, I always

had at the back of my mind that I could retake this exam and that kind of helped me keep my cool. Had my breakfast at 07.30 lunch at 11.45 and

reached the centre before 1 hour. The guys at the centre (Rajagiri College) were very cooperative and allowed me some time to settle down. It was then

that I learnt the two breaks were to be for 10 minutes each and not just 5. I took my time to read the instructions and had a nice chat with the guy in the

centre. I learnt a bit about the general exam procedures.

The grand thing

I got into the exam hall with three other candidates taking the exam, all three were from the morning batch and so they were almost completing the

exams. Took the AWA cool. I had my own template made up from what

Abhinav had taught us (Crackverbal again) and I had also practised them on the MGMAT and GMATPrep essays. They were cool and I was feeling

confident after the essays (I havent got my AWA scores yet though - Edit - got my scores it is 5.5).

By the time I started math, everyone had left and I was all alone in the

centre. This was something I had dreamt of. I always verbalised math

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problems and since I knew that it would not be possible to do it in the real GMAT, I had curbed this habit. Now I had a full hall to myself and so I got

comfortable back again with my verbalising. Took the math cool, I got a parabola question in between and so I felt things are going fine. at about the

30th question, I felt things were getting easier and easier, so I was worried. But I did not allow this thought to eat up my mind. I kept telling myself that

even if i screw up my MATH, I would still end up scoring a 47. Kept my cool

completed 30 seconds before the final time and took the 10 minute break.

Had some peanuts in the break, just to ensure that I dont feel hungry, had a lot of water and did some pranayama in the break. Started the verbal section

and got a boldface somewhere around the 10th question. This made me feel happy, one RC was particularly short which made me feel anxious, but that

was a thick passage so I convinced myself that things arent going really bad. by the mid of the exam I started reconciling with the clock and found that I

had almost 2.5-3 minutes for each question. I slowed down a bit to improve my accuracy and by the time I had about 3 questions I had only 5 minutes.

Had to rush up the 39th question and then take 40th and 41st cool.

I had filled all my profile information in before the test and so it was just next next next in that section. After about 15 seconds I saw the

720 . Felt happy about that but I was a bit surprised about a 49 and

40 only adding up to 720 (considering that 50 40 would be 740).

I started the entire journey with about 720-740 as my target so I was happy

that I atleast reached my range.

My short profile, 30 Year old, Indian male, I am a Cost Accountant (ICWAI) by qualification and I have about 4 years of experience in the government

sector (Indian Railways) 4 years in a manufacturing concern in the Accounts and ERP implementation roles and now about 3.5 years in an IT MNC as a

Lead Business Analyst. I hope that a total of 11-12 years of experience and a 720 would help me to get into one of the schools of my dream. At the start

of the preparation, and even now, I would not consider myself a super-math guy or a great exams guy, so a 720 from me should tell everyone here that,

if you stay cool, know your weaknesses, and keep your vision, you can achieve a good score (I am not saying that 720 is good but thats what I had

as a target )

I have plans to apply to Harvard, Wharton, Stanford, ISB and LBS. IIM-A,

Nanyang (Singapore) and IIM-B are still in my list too. I strongly believe in destiny and I think I have never remained as cool as I was on the GMAT day

on any exams previously and not even in a few job interviews. With the way

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things have gone, I think god will take me there, sorry for getting philosophical, but I think thats the way to look at it.

Thanks to Crackverbal, Manhattan GMAT and last but not the least PG for

the direct and indirect help.

A word to people prefering to verbalise the exam in India, a weekday

afternoon appointment at cochin might be a good idea. They even informed me that if you take an afternoon appointment, you can take it in the morning

if the slots are free. I had accomodated myself in a very good small hotel called Bluehouse nearby, it was an excellent stay which helped things too.

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rsriram84: (


My tryst with GMAT- 730 ( V-38, Q-50 )

I had taken up the GMAT on the 29th of this month

and had scored a 730. Though,its not a god level score, I am still content with it. I would like to share

my experience leading to 'G' day.

Well, to start with, my profile-

X- 80.6% XII - 75.4%

BE - 82.9% (SRMVEC,Chennai) Work ex- 25 months as of date in a product development company in

Bangalore (Yes, Yes. I’m part of the prestigious IIM fraternity too!)

3 CAT screw ups, some B school interview calls that I could not convert and an inability to make a transition to a consulting/research based job is what

made me take the GMAT plunge. Arun(PychoD) happened to convene a

GMAT coffee session in mid April.. That was the time when I did not have a clue as to what the GMAT was all about. Once I came home

after the meet, I had pretty much made up my mind that I would be taking up the test sometime in June/July.

As with most people taking up CAT, I also wondered about all the fuss made

w.r.t. GMAT's toughness in general and the verbal section in particular. I thought I was 700+ material and used to have the impression that even if I

were to be woken up in the middle of my sleep, I would still manage a score in excess of 700. Well, it did not take much time for me to disown this belief.

In the first week of May, I took the GMAT Test Prep 1.

I fell flat on my face by scoring a 620(Q-49, V-26). I was shocked. It

brought me back to ground zero. After analysing the test, I found that I was

not able to complete the Verbal section and that I made many silly mistakes in the Quant section.. I figured out that I had to work hard on the verbal

front while at the same time consolidate on the Quant front. The idea was to touch a figure of 750/760 to offset the disadvantage of being an IIM. I

booked the GMAT appointment - 29th July, it was!

I went on a book buying spree in the first week of May - OG-11, Kaplan

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Premier,Kaplan 800, Kaplan Verbal workbook.. Downloaded soft copies of 1000 SC/RC/CR, Spidey's notes , Rajat NDA's notes and what not. That I

used every single material of these would be a BIG BIG LIE. Anyways, I started with OG-11 in the month of May. Took my own sweet time and

completed it by the end of MAY. Found that my accuracy in Quant was 85%+ and in Verbal 70%+. I decided to take up GMAT Test Prep 1 again. This time

I scored a 690 ( Q-50, V-34)

The test obviously had some repeat questions and I didn’t read too much

into the score. After this, I completed the Kaplan Premier book.. I found that my accuracy in Verbal still hung in the mid 70s..

A timely bonus at my workplace in the month of June made me decide to

extend my relationship with Arun. I joined CrackVerbal in the first week of June. In the month that followed, things became very hectic at my workplace.

I tried to solve questions from the 1000 series whenever I got time in office. I went to office on a couple of weekends and took the complete printout of

OG10. In fact, we got a mail from the management warning the employees not to use the printers in a irresponsible manner! Fortunately they did not

(or did they?) track down the black sheep. I tried to squeeze out time and spent 2 hrs a day solving OG10.

I took up PowerPrep 1 in the middle of June and scored a 690 ( V-34,Q-49)

I found that many of the questions were from OG10/OG11. And I was frustated that with just 40 days left, I was still not able to hit a 700. I spoke

to Arun and vented out my frustation about my inability to do so. He asked me to just concentrate on the preparation and not the score. However, I was

desperate to hit a 700. Atleast once, to get my confidence going. I continued solving OG10. I spoke to TFA(Pavan) in the last week of June. I had heard

about the Manhattan test series.. After he gave his personal opinion, I decided not to take any more PowerPreps since it would not be a correct

indicator having many repeats from OG10/OG11. Having gotten through IIMK, he helped me out with his MGMAT account. Till July 18th, I had taken

up 4 MGMATs.

MGMAT1-690 (V-34,Q-49)

MGMAT2-710 (V-37,Q-49) MGMAT3-750 (V-41,Q-51 - This was a BIG confidence booster. For the

first time, I felt I had it in me to score a 740+) MGMAT4-710 (V-39,Q-48 ) [reality bites]

I found the Manhattan series to be awesome. Their Quant was tougher than

the actual GMAT and the verbal part was close to the actual test. I enjoyed

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every MGMAT test that I had taken up. I used to analyse every test properly and made sure that I did not make the same mistakes again in the next test.

By mid July, I had completed OG10 and was confident that I would hit around 710-720. But it was still 30/40 less than the score that I aimed for. I

read in many a threads that Kaplan 800 was the stimulant needed to take one from a 700ish score to a 750+. I took up kaplan 800 and finished it in a

week's time. I revised all the questions that I had marked in OG10/OG11

while solving those questions the first time around. I also brushed up the concepts which I learnt from the MGMAT tests. On the 25th of July, i took up

the last mock- GMAT Test Prep 2 with the aim of touching a 740/750 score. At the end of it, I was in for a BIG shock.

I had scored a 680(Q-49,V-33)

I was devastated.. I started doubting my capabilities! On the 27th, Abhishek (the_hate) took up the GMAT and scored a 750. I was

so happy for him. He reassured me and asked me to keep my cool and just relax. After that, I decided not to think about my probable score. Thought I’d

just give my best shot and accept whatever score comes up. Had given my cent % on the prep front. And that is what mattered in the end!

'G' day experience-

While booking the GMAT appointment, I had no other option but to select the much dreaded afternoon slot. The time frame was one when my conscious

gave way to the subconscious! I had taken up all the mocks in the afternoon slot just to be in the correct mind frame. I had practised AWAs while taking

up the MGMATs and I did not have much problems on the day either.. I went on to the quant section, and after solving the first 2-3 questions, I grew in

confidence.. I solved the first 10 questions in 12-13 minutes and completed the entire section with 9 minutes to spare.. I had guessed only 1 question

which figured somewhere between q20-q30.. At the end of it,I was totally confident or overconfident I should say.. I started thinking that there is

nothing in the world that would stop me from getting to a dream score of 750.. I went back to the room after just 4 min into the break as I did not

want to let go the momentum.. As soon as I started the verbal section, I found it very tough to concentrate..

My mind was just thinking on the final figure (whether I d reach 740/740)

rather than concentrating on the exam.. I tried to bring my mind back to the exam but found it very tough.. I took a lot of time to solve the first 10-15

questions.. With 35 minutes remaining, I had 21 questions to solve.. I was pissed with myself for being so complacent.. A trait which led to my downfall

in the last two CATs.. I somehow brought my mind on track and started solving the remaining questions seriously.. I was fortunate to see a couple of

questions which I had solved in one of the OGs.. I did not spend more than

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20s on those questions.. With 10s to spare, I completed the section..

I filled out the questionaire and clicked on the "Submit Score" button.. I closed my eyes and prayed that I get anything above 720.. When I saw a

730, I heaved a sigh of relief.. It could have been much better.. It could have been much worse.. I have but myself to blame for not getting to a 750..

But then its OK.. I am quite content with it....

When I started my preps for GMAT, I thought I d score high so that I have a

good backup option in place should I manage to screw up CAT for the 4th straight time.. I have to start my preparations for CAT again but will be

applying to ISB,NUS and Nanyang at the same time..

Have a few ppl to thank-

Arun(PyschoD)- He was the first person to educate me about the GMAT... He has been a constant throughout my preparation.. His

encouragement,motivation and tips helped me a lot in my preps.

Tarun and Ashish- My offline study partners.. We had a solid study group sort of a thing.. We used to share questions, strategies,etc and motivated

each other to increase our performance levels.. Can't thank you enough


TFA- Bhai, thanks a lot for your tips and the MGMAT thing.. Can't explain how helpful it was in my preps..

Abhishek(the_hate)- Needless to say, if not for his encouragement, I would

have been brooding over my mock scores and would not have reached even a 700.Thanks buddy..

CrackVerbal- The faculty,the content,the discussions and the peer

group that I got there was more than helpful..

Some general pointers that I d like to give-

1) My score in verbal is not high but of what I have practiced, I feel there is

no substitute for OG.. Completing OG10 and OG12 properly and solving Kaplan 800 should ideally help a person in getting to a 40+ score

3) I strongly recommend the Manhattan test series. Although it costs around

40$, you will have your every penny worth. The tough quant section prepares you well for the main test.

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4) Don't be hell bent on taking 10-12 mocks. IMHO, space out your mocks in such a way that you don't drain yourself out. Even if you decide to take 7-8

mocks, ensure that you learn from every mock and see an improvement in every exam. At least I tried to do the same wrt my preps.

5) Talk to people who have taken up the GMAT recently..Read debriefs in

forums. I have found them to be very helpful. I spoke to 3-4 people who had

taken up the GMAT within the last one month. I tweaked my prep plans at times based on their experience.

6) Don't take your mock scores to your heart. Instead learn from every mock.

In my case, I scored 50 more than what I did in the last mock-GMAT TestPrep 2.

7) Take these pointers of mine with a pinch of salt. There are gurus who

score a 750+ with minimal efforts - with ease. They’d wonder whats the big deal in a 730 score. In my case, I had to work hard for this score. I just

wanted to share the experience of an average guy who got to a decent score.



Edited- Got my AWA score.. Have scored a 6.0

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hprashi: (


Wanted to write this post for quite sometime now. A little background about myself - An engineer

from India, 24 yrs, 1.5 years work exp as a Risk

Analyst at a MNC bank.

I started my preparation in August. As I was not a natural in Verbal, concentrated much of my time practising and reviewing verbal. I used OG 12

and Manhattan Sentence correction. I hardly spent any time on quant. I took the GMAT Practice tests and almost always scored between 700-730 with a

quant score of 50-51 and verbal score fluctuating between 33 - 38. I felt comfortable with that score range and decided to take the GMAT(big

mistake!!). I bombed. Scored 660(Q50, V28!!!)

I was naturally shocked and devastated. Later, I sat back and thought what went wrong and realised that even though I was scoring 33-38 in verbal in

practice tests, I was not very clear on why I chose the answer option that I did. After practising and reviewing OG, I was able to feel the difference in my

approach, but was not consciously clear of how I was solving the problems. I

was going with my instinct instead of following logic and rules most of the time.

I decided to take the GMAT again. This time, I decided to take some

professional help as I didn't know what to do to improve my verbal score. And so, I joined CrackVerbal, Bangalore. I love the way verbal is

taught there! Arun made it fun and interesting. Within no time I had my confidence back. I went through OG 12 and Manhattan Sentence

correction, in addition to the CrackVerbal material. I started scoring in the 730-780 range in GMAT practise tests and Manhattan Tests, with verbal

score ranging from 38-44! I was now much more clear on what I was doing, and was able to eliminate the wrong options with much ease.

After I consistently scored around 750, I decided to take GMAT again. I

scored 700(Q51, V33) this time, thereby touching the 700 milestone!“

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gmatknight: (


“Psychodementia (Arun Jagannathan) has a

fantastic bootcamp program in Bangalore and

specializes in University Applications. I know a person from

Bangalore who got a 680 on the GMAT and was desperate to cross the 740 barrier to bolster his chances to get into an Ivy League

institute. Gained significantly from our Psycho! “



“Hi Puys,

i have attended the GMAT bootcamp at CRACKVERBAL in Bangalore (April 2009 batch). I

scored a 710 on my GMAT (Q48 V40) and I owe a great part of my success in the verbal section

to crackverbal. I strongly suggest Crackverbal to our PUYS.

A point to note is that a 30 point increase in your GMAT might make you eligible for a scholarship 40 times the amt you spend on

Crackverbal. I wish you puys all the very best. Feel free to drop a line abt ur

further queries.

Muthu “

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idream: (


Special thanks to Psychodementia (Arun Jagannathan) for all his help, guidance and

support during and after my prep.

Psychodementia , you rock !

For people not so confident in Verbal, I would recommend CrackVerbal . Though i did not attend the bootcamp as such but i

took guidance (not only Verbal but all aspects of GMAT & MBA) from the mentor himself and his ideas have really helped me in tangible


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