
Your prayers are asked for: Roger Marley

St Peter: Menna James, Brenda Giniver, Doug Walton, Fred Kitcher

St Stephen: Jane Delahunty, Christopher Rowland, Lesley Murgatroyd,

Sheila Sturgess, Keith Sutton

St Augustin: Olive Amos, Reyna James, Sue Agar, Pat Childs R.I.P. Jean

Fuller, Janet Taylor, Moira Mackrell


TOWN CENTRE PARISH St Peter - St Augustin - St Stephen

Sunday 11th

October 2015

P The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

St Stephen’s Dedication Festival

Sunday 11th October 2015

St Stephen’s Dedication Festival St Peter 08:00 Holy Communion The Rector 10:00 Sung Eucharist The Rev’d Bryan Apps Preacher: The Rev’d Peter Furber Setting: Darke in E Anthem: O for a closer walk with God Stanford Voluntary: Scherzo in A flat Bairstow Hymns: 453 270 275 16:00 Choral Evensong World Weekend Closing Service: Celebrate The Rector Responses: Sanders Canticles: Sumsion in G Psalms: 127 128 Anthem: Through the day Moore Voluntary: Elegy Thalben-Ball Hymns: 449 379 547 St Stephen 11:00 High Mass: Dedication Festival The Rector Preacher: Canon John Turpin Prelude: Communion by Boellman Setting: Sumsion in F Motet: Beati Quorum via: Stanford Hymns: 205 206 484 362 Voluntary: Tuba Tune by Norman Cocker 15:30 Dedication Festival Evensong Prelude: Fugato by Boellman Responses Psalm: 84 Setting: Faux-Bourdon: Holmes Anthem: Like as the heart desireth the waterbrooks: Howells Hymns: 204 208 Voluntary: Fuga from Sonata No.6 by Mendelssohn St Augustin10:00 Matins Canon Alan Sessford

On the first Sundays of the month, Goodnews@10, with its conversational emphasis on sharing how God’s word in the bible relates to our lives, starts at 10 am and aims to end by 10.45am/ 10.50am. There will be time for coffee, and then at 11.15am there will be a short communion service beginning at the peace greeting in the Keble Chapel. Please come to both.

St Peter’s Church Wednesday Lunch-time Concerts:- 1.15 – 1.45 pm Entrance Free – Retiring Collection. 14

th October Phil Handy/Martin Penrose Cello/Piano


October Sam Hanson Piano 28

th October Students of Bournemouth University

World Homeless Weekend 9 – 11 October at St Peter’s.

Friday 9th

October 7.30pm -10pm. Sunday 11th


Homeless Service – Celebrate: a thanksgiving service

with refreshments.


October from 12-3pm at St

Augustin’s Church. Entry 50p. Raffle, tombola, games

and refreshments. Please come along.

The AGM of The Friends of St Peter’s will be held on Sunday 18th

October after 10.00 am Eucharist at 11.30 am. We hope to see lots of

members and anyone wishing to join us would be most welcome!

Malcolm Dunbar will be presenting a DVD entitled ‘God of Creation’ on Thursday 22

nd October at 3.00 pm in the Visitor

Centre. Tickets £5 from Margaret, Helen, or Francesca. We very much look forward to welcoming you.

SOUTHERN UNION CHORUS DORSET’S MALE BARBERSHOP SINGERS with Diane Worthy accompanied by Jacqui Uren at St Augustin’s

Church on Saturday 24th October at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5. Refreshments and raffle.

St Stephen’s Gift Day envelopes will be collected today. Thank you.

Monday 12th October St Peter 12:15 Eucharist:-Keble Chapel

19:30 ‘Living the Lord’s Prayer’ The Rector Wednesday 14th October St Peter 1.15 pm – 1:45 pm Lunch-time concert St Stephen 10:00 Low Mass followed by coffee

St Augustin 11:00 ‘Living the Lord’s Prayer’ The Rector

Thursday 15th October St Peter 19:00 PCC Meeting Friday 16th October St Peter 17:00 – 18:00 Bible Awareness Course (lounge) Saturday 17th October St Peter Friends of St Peter Coffee morning 17:30 BSO and Kokoru and Canticum St Stephen 10:00 Low Mass Sunday 18th October St Luke St Peter 08:00 Holy Communion The Rev’d Steve Parselle 10:00 Sung Eucharist The Rector 16:00 Choral Evensong The Rector St Stephen 11.00 Solemn Mass Canon Jeremy Davies St Augustin 10:00 Holy Communion Canon Graham Newton

Visit our website for more information about our churches:

You are very welcome… and if you are new to us, please make

yourself known. We hope you will feel at home with us and you

will make new friends. Children are welcome and accessible

facilities are available (ask to be directed by a Sides-person).

Please ask for the Sunday School and crèche at St Peter’s –

operating most Sundays except the first Sunday, when we

encourage young families (and anyone liking an informal

service) to come to the monthly 10 am service Goodnews@10.

Contact Us…

The Rev’d Dr Ian Terry Angela Clarke Team Rector Rector’s PA & Parish Administrator

M: 07733 336047 T: 01202 290986

E: [email protected] E: [email protected]

Collect: Almighty God, to whose glory we

celebrate the dedication of this house of

prayer: we praise you for the many

blessings you have given to those who

worship you here: and we pray that all

those who seek you in this place may find

you, and belong filled with the Holy Spirit,

may become a living temple acceptable to

you; through Jesus Christ your Son our

Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in

the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for

new and for ever. Amen


Post-Communion Prayer: Father in heaven,

whose church on earth is a sign of your heavenly

peace, an image of the new and eternal

Jerusalem: grant to us in the days of our

pilgrimage that, fed with the living bread of

heaven, and united in the body of your son, we

may be the temple of your presence, the place of

your glory on earth, and a sign of your peace in

the world: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Genesis 28.11-18

He came to a certain place and stayed there for the night,

because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones of the place,

he put it under his head and lay down in that place. And he

dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth, the top of it

reaching to heaven; and the angels of God were ascending and

descending on it. And the LORD stood beside him and said, "I am

the LORD, the God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac;

the land on which you lie I will give to you and to your offspring;

and your offspring shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall

spread abroad to the west and to the east and to the north and

to the south; and all the families of the earth shall be blessed in

you and in your offspring. Know that I am with you and will keep

you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will

not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." Then

Jacob woke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this

place--and I did not know it!" And he was afraid, and said, "How

awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God,

and this is the gate of heaven." So Jacob rose early in the morning,

and he took the stone that he had put under his head and set it

up for a pillar and poured oil on the top of it.

1 Peter 2:1-10

Rid yourselves, therefore, of all malice, and all guile, insincerity,

envy, and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure,

spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow into salvation- if indeed

you have tasted that the Lord is good. Come to him, a living stone,

though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God's

sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual

house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices

acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in scripture:

"See, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and

precious; and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame."

To you then who believe, he is precious; but for those who do not

believe, "The stone that the builders rejected has become the very

head of the corner," and "A stone that makes them stumble, and

a rock that makes them fall." They stumble because they disobey

the word, as they were destined to do. But you are a chosen race,

a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people, in order that

you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of

darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, but

now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy,

but now you have received mercy.

John 10. 22-29

At that time the festival of the Dedication took place in Jerusalem.

It was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple, in the portico

of Solomon. So the Jews gathered around him and said to him,

"How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell

us plainly." Jesus answered, "I have told you, and you do not

believe. The works that I do in my Father's name testify to me; but

you do not believe, because you do not belong to my sheep. My

sheep hear my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give

them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch

them out of my hand. What my Father has given me is greater

than all else, and no one can snatch it out of the Father's hand.

Notices for the week ….

Bible-Study and Prayer Groups, focussed

ecumenically around the booklet ‘Living the

Lord’s Prayer’ have commenced. Please feel free to join in any, or all, of the sessions. St Peter’s St Augustin’s 7.30 pm 11 am 12

th October 14

th October


October 21st

October 26

th October 28

th October


November 4th

November 9

th November

Please note, that anyone who wants to can use these groups as part of preparing for confirmation,

and that copies of The Rector’s ‘Living the Lord’s

Prayer’ are available at the Gift Stall at the back

of St Peter’s or from Angela, his P.A. Price £3.95.

Confirmation in the Cathedral, 6 pm, Sunday,


November. Tell the Rector

[email protected]) if you’d like to prepare for

confirmation. All welcome!

Saturday, 24th October, Bishop Michael Marshall will lead a study day at St Peter's Church on praying and reading the Bible, and he will preach, on Bible Sunday, 25th October, at the 10 am Sung Eucharist. Book this into your diaries now!

Arts by the Sea Festival - St Peter’s is hosting

‘Ophelia’s Ghost’ for the full duration of the festival in the Chapel

of the Resurrection until 18th October, 12pm-4pm daily.

St Peter`s Frost Fayre November 14th10.00- 13.00 YOU can help whether buying Raffle Tickets, providing

goods for the stalls e.g. bottles, home made cakes etc., or

by publicising this event to your friends, colleagues or neighbours. Over the next few weeks we will give more

details of how we can all get involved in some way. More

details from:- Carol Fidler, Lynda Mayne, Charlotte Wells,

Emma Scotson, Jane Macdonald, Peter Hardyman, John


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