

LET’S GO TOGETHER BEFORE THE THRONEThis has been an incredibly difficult year, so it would be

easy to become “nearsighted” and only give attention to

our own problems, but we want to outwardly focus our

prayers toward others, especially that they may know the

glory of God through Jesus. This prayer guide includes

video links (to inform our prayers), prayer points, and ques-

tions to ponder for further application. Let’s go together

before the throne of our King and pray for the gospel to

have an impact in our communities, our region, our nation,

and our world!

Watch this video on how a movement of prayer can change

a nation.

Pray over your own heart. Maybe at this time you need to confess and repent of

evangelistic apathy, misplaced priorities, an idolatrous heart, fear, laziness, etc.

Write down the names of your neighbors. Pray for them to know Jesus.1

List unsaved friends and family members by name. Pray for their salvation in

Jesus. (The pandemic has created openness in people to spiritual conversations2.)

How can you build bridges with people from other cultures or backgrounds? Pray

that the Lord would give you opportunities to pour into others and point them to


What are some major sin areas in your community? (Consider things like

addictions, divorce, injustice, abuse, pornography, prejudice, human trafficking,

materialism, idolatry, etc.). Pray for Christ to demolish these strongholds and set

people free.4

What are the needs in your community, and how can these inform your prayers?

(Consider groups like schools, families, first responders, healthcare workers,

marginalized, impoverished, widows, orphans, internationals, etc.)

1 See Ephesians 6:18-20, Romans 1:16


3 See Colossians 4:2-6

4 See Galatians 5:1



Pray for gospel unity among God’s people to be a glorifying witness to the world.

5How can you personally work toward promoting unity through Jesus in the


Pray for gospel urgency for yourself and others, namely, that God’s people would

value and prioritize praying for and ministering to those who do not know Jesus.6

Pray for City Life Center in Gary as they minister to kids and families through

mentoring, afterschool programming, food distribution, tutoring, camps, and


Pray for The Women’s Center of NWI as they minister to and provide care for

women and their families who are vulnerable to abortion or abortion-determined

by promoting the value of unborn human life through education, emotional and

spiritual support, prenatal care, counseling, community groups, and more.

Pray for Child Evangelism Fellowship, which has afterschool programs and Bible

clubs in schools to proclaim the gospel to children.

5 See John 13:35, 17:22-23

6 See Matthew 9:35-38




What struggles do you see in our region and in the Chicagoland area? Where do

you see the need for the light of the glory of Jesus to shine through?

Pray for New Life Centers of Chicagoland, our ministry partner with locations

around Chicago, particularly in Little Village/South Lawndale. They connect

youth and young adults with Christ and community through mentoring,

education, gang intervention, counseling, sports camps, and street outreach.

Pray for Baptist Children’s Home, which engages in foster care and adoption, and

operates several group homes in Indiana, Michigan, India, Southeast Asia, and


Pray for The Welcome Network. They provide resources, spiritual mentoring, and

community to internationally-born residents of NWI and South Chicago, including

refugees and immigrants.7

Pray for the International Student Ministry, which facilitates connections/

friendships between Christians and international students in NWI, as well as

community-based English programs, Bible discussion groups, and conversation

partner programs.

7 See Leviticus 19:33-34




This has been such a difficult year, but what if God might be using 2020 to refine

and sanctify his church? How might the Lord use current circumstances to bring

about revival in his church? Pray for repentance and revival among Christians in

our nation.8

Historically, when revival among God’s people happens through repentance and

reprioritizing God’s values, then spiritual awakening occurs soon after and many

get saved in Christ. Pray for spiritual awakening, namely, that God’s Word and the

Holy Spirit stir people’s hearts..

Pray for Ashraf Abuatieh (Isaac/Ishmael Initiative) as he trains and equips

churches/Christians to minister to Muslims.

Pray for Drew and Andrea Kirk (Campus Outreach) who do gospel outreach and

provide discipleship strategies to college students at Purdue.

8 See James 4:1-10; Psalm 51





Watch this video on the need for more disciple-makers among least-reached


“Experts predict that the number of people facing acute hunger will double by

the end of this year. COVID-19 has affected all of us, but the 3 billion people

living on less than $3 a day have been devastated.”1 Please pray for Christians to

show the love of Jesus to their communities and to have opportunities to point

unbelievers to Jesus.

Pray for the 3.5 billion people with no access to the gospel. Pray for the

thousands of least-reached people groups around the world, especially in areas

such as Northern Africa, Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. (For a

powerful tool to pray over least-reached people groups, go to Joshua Project’s

Unreached of the Day App.)

Strategically, the best way to multiply disciples is by pouring into leaders who

then multiply more leaders. Pray for pastors and church leaders to grow and be

trained and multiply more church leaders all over the world, sparking disciple-

making movements.





Pray also for our ministry partners (listed below), who primarily do local leader

training with pastors and church planters all over the world:

• Global Action

• Leadership Resources International

• Multiplication Network Ministries

Pray for our ministry partner seminaries:

• Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Lebanon

• LOGOS College of Theology in India

• Central American Theological Seminary in Guatemala

Churches desperately need to be planted all over the world. For example,

in Russia alone, there are over 130,000 communities that do not have any

evangelical Christian presence; 130,000 communities without a church! And that’s

just one country. Pray for more churches to be planted in places where Christian

communities are sorely lacking.

• Agape Royal Ministries (Abraham Thomas) across South Asia

• Source of Light International Ministries (Scotte Staab)

Pray for Lane Lareau with Discipling for Development as they equip leaders

among communities of internationals, refugees, and displaced peoples toward

holistic discipleship and community transformation.

Pray for Ty Stakes with Reach Beyond as he works on an online project to reach

Muslims with the gospel and help start new church communities among them.

Pray for Wes and Lori Taber with Life in Messiah International as they seek to

make disciples among Jewish communities around the world.

Pray for Bill and Christina Widup with Up and Up Ministries as they minister in

Vanuatu and help support church planting and Bible translation efforts.




Obviously, the most important thing anyone can do is pray. Pray daily for your lost

friends and family members, your community, region, state, country, and world.

Use this prayer guide to pray over these areas and over our ministry partners on a

regular basis.

Additionally, here are some next steps you can take to grow in your missional


• Take our next Cultivate Workshop to train you on how to have spiritual conversations with others. Watch for an upcoming offering of the class on the Bethel website.

• Sign up for our Bethel Missions Update monthly newsletter to receive prayer


• Seek ways to meet needs in your community in Jesus’ name. You can go to Bethel’s Outreach page to see volunteer opportunities and outreach resources.

• Watch for upcoming missions and outreach initiatives:

• Look for ways you can help with campus-specific local outreach efforts in 2021.

• We will be setting up Zoom calls with missionaries for families or small groups.

• Learn more and pray with people around the globe through our upcoming virtual mission experiences.

• Utilize our Family Missions Guide (coming soon) to teach your kids about global missions and various cultures and pray together as a family.

• Dive into cross-cultural ministry experiences through one of our domestic 2021 GO Trips (details coming soon).

• For questions or additional information, please email Pastor Jared Bryant at [email protected].


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