
The Ruff House: play time for your pups

Murphy Dogs: grab a bite to eat in historic


Simply Irresistible: check out the new bakery

in town

The Park Effect: find out what happens when

people get together

Bee Friendly: learn how to care for your bees

Kickin’ It in Klamath: take a tour of what

Steen Sports Park has to offer

Puppies of Klamath: community submissions

of the cutest pups around

Welcome to

It seems that spring is slowly coming to the

basin. Amidst rain, snow, and often cold weather,

it’s not uncommon to see residents out enjoying the

(albeit brief) bouts of sunshine. It’s an exciting time to be out

and about enjoying the weather!

Play time is an important concept in our everyday lives. It helps us breathe better, encourages bonding

with our friends, family, and pets, and as we will discover, creates common grounds between strangers.

Have you ever wondered what park is right for you? Well, we have created a list of parks both in the city

and the county, from playground to campground, so you can pick the one that is just right for you!

Don’t forget, many of the parks in Klamath are now dog friendly. Got a busy day ahead of you? See our

friends down at The Ruff House, staff with fully trained specialists to fit you and your dog’s needs. We

have even listed local outdoor eateries just for you and man’s best friend for a treat after playtime!

So how will you choose to play? Some quality time with the family at the park, over a fire pit roasting

marshmallows, or romping with a new animal friend? How about hitting a ball out of the park down at

Steen Sports Park? Or better yet - stroll downtown in the sunshine, visiting local businesses, and stop in

and get a one-of-a-kind Murphy Dog from our local hot dog establishment. As a matter of fact, while

you’re there, stop by Michele’s Simply Sweet, a new bakery opening the end of April!

Klamath has so much to offer to

make your play time more

memorable, from parks, to pups, and

even people. So what are you

waiting for? Get out there and PLAY.


Princess, 9-month-old Chihuahua mix, the

new addition to The 13th Floor family

Ruff It Up: A place in Klamath for pups to play

One Hot Dog: A review of Murphy Dogs and their delicious


Simply Irresistable: Check out the upcoming bakery in town

Parkin’ It: View this detailed list of parks in Klamath

Water for Wiard: Update on the Wiard Spray Park

Date Night: Ideas for mother-son bonding

Park Effect: Find out what happens at the park!

Bee Friendly: A look at beekeeping with Tracy Fields

Superb Sushi: Find out the best place to get sushi

Kickin’ It: Just for kicks (and bats!)

take a tour of Steen Sports Park

A unique and cozy

café in the heart of

downtown Klamath

Falls specializing in

espresso, gourmet

deli sandwiches,

sustainable grocery

items and gifts.



Women’s and men’s Boutique Petri’s Interiors Large and small ballroom and dining rooms Social Supper Clubs on Friday nights

Known for decadent cakepops

and unique cake flavors and

designs, we talked to Michele

Mead of Michele’s Simply Sweet

about her products, her new

store front, and how she felt

about being the inspiration of

local business. But we never did

get to ask… why are the cakepops

so addicting?

Wildly popular in the community, Michele’s Simply Sweet has made a name with their creations. Most often known as “The cakepop lady”, Michele Mead started her business about 2 years ago, after she raised about $1,000 for a local school fundraiser. Back then, she made cheesecakes, cakes, and cupcakes in order to raise money.

After looking up different baking techniques on YouTube, she came across a tutorial for cake pops. In a community with many different established bakeries, she wanted something new and unique that no one else had. After a few attempts, she perfected her incredibly dense and delicious cake pops. Now that she had the cakepops, she had to figure out how to advertise them. She looked to social media for the solution. By plugging in to several local groups with over 3,000 members each, she was able to successfully market her cakepops. Opportunities for bazaars and other events arose, and soon she was a household name. But why did she choose cakepops? “Because no one else was doing it!” she excitedly told us. In a town dense with other unique bakeries, it’s important ob e unique and creates something that no one else has.

Known for her “non-traditional cake flavors,” to date Michele has created over 63 flavors of cakepops, including: banana split, pina colada, almond joy, chocolate chip, rocky road, white chocolate peanut butter, and much more.

Michele has

Created 24,000


to date!

Michele has also built a name for her business with a variety of baked goods besides her cakepops, including cakes and cookies. Her days are also filled with custom orders. She can make a variety of cheesecakes in any flavor, and enjoys the challenges of themed birthday cakes, from princess to Captain America, and even Reese’s peanut butter cups. Recently, she completed a kit-kat inspired special order (pictured below). She also enjoys creating wedding and baby shower cakes on request.

On spring and summer days she can be found making raspberry lemonade cheesecakes and colorful cupcakes, along with her full array of cakepop flavors.

After years of baking out of her own kitchen, Michele has recently

decided to pursue her dream of opening a bakery. But the search for

the right location was difficult. After a few disappointments, she

decided to help out a fellow business owner, and split a store front.

But that was just the first step to opening her new bakery. She still had

to obtain stoves, new counter space, and build up her supplies.

Being and established business with a following has its advantages,

especially in our small town. Michele received help from an unlikely

source: the Internet. An avid business Facebook user and blogger,

Michele used this medium to express the need for a stove for her new

storefront. Almost immediately, not one but TWO stoves were

donated to her bakery!

Opening a new business can be rough for many, but she with the

benefit of having a customer base already, she was determined to

take her time. In fact, to Michele, taking the time to do it right and be

consistent is one of the most valuable pieces of advice she can give to

other business owners. “Don’t be afraid to change your plans,” she


It’s very exciting to see another new business open in town, one that

has spent a few years building their supply, perfecting their craft, and

finally, understanding principles of advertising. Please welcome

Michele’s Simply Sweet storefront, opening late April!

For a complete menu and list of cakepop flavors, as well as additional

information about the new store front, visit Michele’s Simply Sweet on



In previous edition, we talked with

Garrett Stewart of It’s A Chocolate

Thing, who said his business had

been inspired by Michele’s Simply

Sweet. This kind of connection is

importation in our little community!

We asked Michele to share some of

her thoughts on being such an

inspiration to other business owners

in the community:

“I am humbled and amazed to be an

inspiration to Garrett. I feel like I am

just a person who loves to bake, but

to give others confidence to get

going is a precious gift my God gave

me. The skills and personality He

bestowed upon me and shaped

within me are being used in ways I

never expected. I am proud to serve

a God that uses me when I feel less

than successful. Good rapport with

other businesses is extremely

important to the success of mine. All

of us struggle with confidence and

lack of customers and money. Each

of us has something unique and we

each have our own talents. I don't

want my reputation to be known as

someone that is snotty or bad

mouthing my competition. I want to

be known as someone that is always

happy and willing to help others.”

We may never know what makes

your cakepops so addicting, Michele.

But we know we like you because

were humbler words ever spoken?

A staple of the downtown

community, El Palacio has

become go-to place for friends

and family of all ages. With a full

restaurant, full service bar, and

family friendly nights like their

buffet on Mondays, there is

something for residents of all


For 10 years, Elizabeth and Antonio Cisneros have been running the Klamath Falls family-owned and operated restaurant, El Palacio (The Palace). El Palacio, located on Main St., is known for its authentic Mexican dishes, affordable meals, scrumptious Happy Hours, and inviting nightlife as a place for people of all ages to meet. El Palacio’s success is the result of a lifetime of family-related restaurant work, willingness to try new ideas, whole-hearted family participation, customer satisfaction, dynamic social media interaction and lots of heartfelt prayer. That the Cisneros family chose to go into the restaurant business was no accident. Both Elizabeth and Antonio grew up working in restaurants with their families and decided since that was how they met, although Elizabeth was a registered nurse, they would open their own restaurant here in town and work together. “I was 12 years old when we first met,” said Elizabeth. “I was working in my family’s restaurant serving chips and salsa, just like my girls do here, when Tonio came into the restaurant with his brother Francisco. I always looked forward to serving him. One day we went into the restaurant where he was working with his family. I used to see him all the time. He was just 16 when we started dating.” Needless to say, 27 years and 5 kids later, Tonio and Elizabeth have not regretted the day they said, “Let’s do it.” Just as they were included in all aspects of their families’ restaurant businesses, the Cisneros’ children are actively involved in all aspects El Palacio’s business.

When you come to El Palacio, do not be surprised if you are seated by a professional, friendly, albeit young hostess, or are served food or cocktails by someone who looks like they just might be a family member. Only 4 of the 25 current restaurant employees are not related.

Sometimes people ask why does a

Mexican restaurant have zebra decor?

Because Elizabeth is Cuban and they

serve Mexican and Cuban food. El

Palacio is not just another Mexican

restaurant. Also, zebras are the

symbol for Club Havana. Why be like

all the rest when you can be different?

In Elizabeth’s opinion, “Zebras are so

beautiful and they run free. Their

designs are different. No two zebras

are the same. El Palacio is different

than any other restaurant. Every visit

is a different experience. Every visit is

a happy experience. With all the zebra around you, you feel beautiful and glamorous.” And don’t forget

how cool it looks in the black light.

The “Funday Monday Night All-You-Can-Eat Buffet” has become so popular you’ll probably want to call in with reservations if you are bringing several people with you. The buffet was introduced a few months ago as an affordable way for families to go out to eat together. It is a great opportunity for large families or foster families to fill their bellies with great food and their hearts with joy. Kids Eat Free on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from the 12 and under kids meals. At El Palacio, family is what it is all about!

Some of the services El Palacio

offers are catering for events or

weddings. They also provide

buffets for events, for the

younger generation, the middle

generation and for the older

generation… That is the charm

of El Palacio and the key to its

success. Although individual

events might be geared toward

certain age groups, the

restaurant caters to all ages, all

palates and can fit just about any pocketbook. It is a family-

friendly environment where everyone is welcome.

What Elizabeth loves the most about owning the restaurant is

the social aspect of it and she has become quite proficient at

making her guests happy. Her belief is that we are all God’s

children and all deserve to be loved, respected and happy.

Elizabeth spends countless hours posting guests’ pictures on

Facebook and her heart smiles when she sees how many of them make El Palacio’s pictures their profile

pictures. El Palacio is the place for Klamath Falls’ nightlife. So far there is no real competition. This is

probably due in part to how much people feel welcome and special at El Palacio. Check out El Palacio’s

Facebook page. It doesn’t matter what age they are…people are smiling, and it is real. That is the truest

reward for these business owners.

So, whether you come to El Palacio for the Karaoke,

To eat, drink and hang out with the girls …or the boys…

To make new friends, hang out with your best friend,

Or just want your picture taken with a big Sombrero…..

Whether you come celebrate or to dance

Or romance…. Or to feel glamorous at the picture wall….

Whether you come for an event……

Whether you’re young….or young at heart….

You’ll find something to smile about at El Palacio. And make sure that you’re watching Facebook, because El Palacio Elizabeth may just post the happiest picture of you…EVER…


Hot diggity dog!

Stop by Klamath’s one and only

indoor hot dog vendor and enjoy

a variety of tasty treats, sure to

satisfy any picky palate.

A few years ago, Barbie and Mark Murphy had a dream. Mark dreamed of owning his own business, selling hot dogs. Barbie, a resourceful mother of 6, observed the ever changing Klamath Falls weather, and crossed her fingers that it would be somewhere indoors. In 2010, they purchased their first hot dog cart, and made a compromise by leasing a storefront downtown on Main St. Three years later, they have expanded and gained another hot dog cart. This is a huge asset, since they can both operate the store front as well as have a cart on the street in front of the building. “Third Thursday we are just packed,” Barbie said. “It definitely helps to have more than one cart going at a time.”

Although they have only been in business for just a few years, this determined couple seems to have a good handle on what it takes. “You have to be consistent, especially with your hours, and you have to be there when you say

You will be,” Barbie said. “Also, it takes more money

and time than you think, be prepared to work 60 hours

a week, or however long it takes!”

Both Barbie and Mark

confirmed that their

favorite thing about

owning their business was

no only about being their

own bosses and having

something to take pride

in, but also about the

people. They love seeing

family, kids, and the

general public of Klamath

coming in, to relax, enjoy

a good hot dog and chips, and enjoy the scenes of downtown.

Murphy Dogs isn’t your traditional hot dog stand.

Their unique variety of hot dogs offers a change

in the traditional meat-and-bun option. Their

biggest seller is the Murphy Dog.

So what goes into a Murphy Dog? Well, they

start with a 1/4 lb hot dog in a fresh bun (both

purchased locally), add caramelized onions and

bacon, and top it off with a special sauce, a cross

between thousand island and chipotle.

Besides their famous Murphy Dog, they also

have traditional ketchup and mustard, chili

dogs, and a sauerkraut option as well. They

also offer a variety of chips, nachos, and

fountain drinks. One of their specialties is the

Klamath Dog, which demolishes the

traditional bun and uses a potato instead.

That’s right, a hot dog stuffed potato, with

chili to top it off.

Whether you’re craving a quick snack or a

drink with lunch, head on down to Murphy Dogs, you won’t be disappointed. Their spacious dining area

and professional staff is waiting for! And don’t forget to try Klamath’s very own hot dog, Klamath style!

Located in Historic Downtown in one of Klamath’s most monumental buildings, Yesterday’s Plaza Offers 3 unique departments:

Boutique: stylish formal wear, including dresses, suits, scarves and hats, for everyone in the family

City Club: Have a drink in this newly remodeled spacious sports bar

Petri’s Interiors: Shop locally for your flooring, shades, and other interior needs

Ask us about our ballroom and dance floor rentals for special occasions!

125 N. 9th St.

(541) 882-8543

Klamath Falls has many different

international food choices. But

being 200+ miles from a body of

fresh water makes seafood a

variety. This edition, Garrett,

reviews local sushi and how to

get the best bang for your buck

(or should we say crab?)


オブセッション (Sushi Obsession)

Sushi is one of the oldest dishes on the planet, dating back to the 8th century. Believe it or not, it actually started in China. Farmers dried raw fish to help preserve their fermented rice, and when the sushi was served, they only ate the rice and disposed of the fish. In the early 8th century, this dish came to Japan, but was altered to include the rich diet of the Japanese that was common even back then. The earliest known mention of sushi is in the year 718, where it was recorded as being used for currency to trade items in coastal cities.

Sushi didn’t consume Japan until the 18th century, when Tokyo became a bustling metropolis. It was served with not only raw salmon, but other seafood, such as eel, fish eggs, and crab. Sushi became an important staple of the Japanese diet, and by the late 1800’s there were 18 different names for sushi in the Japanese language, as well as over two dozen different varies. By 1873, Tokyo boasted nearly a dozen sushi restaurants. Known as the “fast food of Japan,” Sushi became a mobile vendor’s dream come true. Much like the hot dog vendor of America during the same period, sushi was easy and quick to prepare. It was also simple to consume, and can be eaten with fingers or chopsticks, on the street or in the theater. In the 1930’s, Japanese immigrants flooded America, especially the Pacific Northwest and Northeastern U.S. Sushi stands and restaurants flooded the coast lines. By the 1950’s, American sushi was created, with the invention of the “California roll.” This

non-traditional sushi is comprised of cooked crab, avocado, and celery, and can be served seaweed-wrapped with white or brown rice. Modern American sushi, also called

“fusion sushi” is served in a variety of

ways with special dipping sauces, and

with various Japanese side dishes.

Sushi first came to Japan from China in the 8th century.

Centuries later, America has taken this dish and made

it something of their own.

Many people don't realize that Klamath Falls has a well diverse selection of sushi. After trying five different locations with five different takes of a simple California roll, I have laid out my favorite sushi by taste in order for you.

Tobiko was my favorite mainly because the texture was nice and the favors from not just imitation crab but also some real crab were very tasty. Unfortunately, the steeper price of $9.50 for a simple roll makes Tobiko not gain my 'Best Value' vote.

Coming in for a close second was Hanayori. Their sushi had a similar texture like Tobiko. It wasn't just a hard chunk of imitation crab. It was flaky. It was hard to find something that wasn't pleasant about this roll. With the cheap price of only $4.50, and the fact that it gets you 8 good size pieces earns Hanayori my vote for 'Best Value'.

QQ Hibachi came in third because of the authentic taste and price. I just wish it had a couple more pieces with it.

Asia Buffet and Fred Meyer were the last two. It was more of a wash between these two but I would say neither of them was bad. I had Asia Buffet above Fred Meyer mainly because wasabi could get rid of the seaweed taste easier than the strong cucumber taste inside the Fred Meyer roll.

Overall, all the rolls were good and some were great. For being a town that doesn't get fresh seafood shipments daily, we have gotten lucky with so many choices for sushi. I would recommend trying all of these rolls for yourself to see what fits you best.


Pros: Imitation crab/ real crab mixture brings a nice texture, fresh taste(veggie taste)

Cons: Rice was dry, expensive Price: $9.50 Quantity: 8

Hanayori: Pros: Great taste, authentic flavor, inexpensive Cons: Crab taste at times was too strong Price: $4.50 Quantity: 8

QQ Hibachi: Pros: Authentic taste, fresh taste, inexpensive

Cons: Vinegar taste more present, only 6 pieces Price: $4.50 Quantity: 6

Asia Buffet: Pros: Big, sweet, fair priced Cons: Hard to eat in one bite, seaweed taste is overpowering the rest, imitation crab was bland Price:$6.50 Quantity: 8

Fred Meyer: Pros: Fast and convenient, large amount of rolls are included Cons: Cucumber taste is abundant, a little salty and very ricey flavor Price: $8.49 Quantity: 16

With the weather warming up,

more and more people are out

and about. After a long and often

harsh winter, many people can’t

wait to stretch their legs – and

your pets want to, too! Klamath

has more than a few outdoor

areas for you to get a bite to eat

with man’s best friend.

Wubba’s Express Location: 1745 Austin St

(541) 273-0434


Enjoy a delicious traditional BBQ menu, featuring fresh prepared baked beans and coleslaw, and sandwiches including French dips, pulled pork, and homemade sausage.

C&D Burger

Location: 1302 Oregon Ave

(541) 882-8470

$ Traditional burgers & shakes served your way. Duck out of the sun with their intimate indoor dining or share with the pooch on the outdoor dining. Don’t forget to try the French fries smothered in brown gravy!

K’s Purple Onion Location: 729 S. 6th St (downtown) $ (Cash only) Serving a variety of Greek and American food, from lamb and beef gyros to French fries and burgers, as well as Greek salad and baklava. For a full menu and list of hours, visit their Facebook page.

Green Blade Bakery

Location: 1400 Esplande


7am – 5:30 M-F (541) 273-8999

Enjoy fresh baked bread, pastries, rolls, and other goodies such as sticky buns, turnovers, giant cookies, and coffee cake await at Klamath’s very own locally owned bakery. Fresh sandwiches made daily, and a full espresso bar available. Subway Location: 625 Main St, 2883 S. 6th St, & 3450 Washburn Way $$ 6am-11pm S-S Take advantage of this locally owned franchise, which serves salads, famous foot-long sandwiches, cookies, and pizza.

Starv’n Marv’n Family Restaurant

Location: 1822 Austin Street

6am-3pm S-S (541) 850-4840


This traditional “Hungry Man’s Café” diner

serves everything from burgers, to fish &

chips, and a full breakfast menu served all

day. Now featuring fresh made desserts!

Red’s BBQ

Location: 3435 Washburn Way

11am – 9pm S-S (541) 883-2175


With an enclosed outdoor patio, Red’s is the

ideal place to enjoy an ice cold beer with a

BBQ meal. Try one of their 5bbq sauces to

create a unique flavor, from the mustard

based South Caroline to the habeneros of the

“Betcha Can’t Eat This” sauce.

Mia & Pia's Pizzeria & Brewhouse

An expansive patio offers the opportunity for hot pizza, cold beer, as well as chicken, potatoes, and hot wings, served right to the table year round.

Location: 3545 Summers Lane 11:30am-10pm S-S (541) 884-4880 $$

Check out our new

dessert items starting

Feb 20th.



Hi friends,

I'm Tracy Fields, general manager at Starv'n Marv'ns Family Restaurant. Yes its' true, we will begin serving some of the best desserts in town. We will have famous homemade pies and "drum roll please" . . . . . . the richest, died and gone to heaven cheesecake ever! Coming to your favorite restaurant on Wednesday Feb 20th. mark your calendar!

Did you know dogs need as much

social time, if not more, as their

human owners? This edition we

asked our guest writer, Max, to

share with us about The Ruff

House, Klamath newest place for

pups to play.

This week, my hoo-man found this amazing place in town where I can go play. It is called The Ruff House. I am pretty excited to go there. My mommy told me there are lots of German Shepherds like me, and I can make a ton of friends. I get bored at home a lot just running around the yard, and I am excited to play with some other dogs like me. Daddy told me that there is even stuff I can play on, like a red toob thing I can crawl through (oh boy, I love crawling!) and a big round thing called an “in-ter-toob” that I can jump through (oh boy, I love jumping!). The Ruff House is important for me because sometimes I am broken. I have these things that make me dizzy, and dad calls them “see-sures.” I love to run, but I get bored and bark a lot, so my mom always tells me to be quiet. Mr. Jerry told my mom that I need a “job” and I am so glad I can go play at The Ruff House with other boys like me!

The Big Boss of The Ruff house is Mr. Jerry and Ms. Liz, and they don’t let us get away with anything. (Here’s a picture of Mr. Jerry too.) They are really nice people. I heard Mr. Jerry telling my mom that he opened The Ruff House about 4 years ago, and at first they only had training for boys like me. But 3 years ago they opened to the public. They have play time for everybody, even for my little sister! (Mom calls her a “chi-weenie” and I call her annoying and bite-sized. I always forget she’s there). They also have classes for things like learning how to run and walk better, and be obedient, and learning how to sniff things, just like the puppies do in those detective shows on TV!

Mr. Jerry said his favorite thing about The Ruff House is that he gets to play with dogs. Oh boy! I love play time! Did I say that already? Well, I love play time. And Mr. Jerry is a great guy. I think he knows so much about dogs because he was in this thing called the Air Force. I tried to look it up on the internet, but my paws are too big. So I looked over my mom’s shoulder once and I found out that this Air Force thing is where guys with guns and dogs protect our Country. I like living here, and mommy said it’s because of people like Mr. Jerry that we have a thing called fweedom. Not sure what that is, but thank you, Mr. Jerry!

Max is a 5-year old purebred German

shepherd. A very intelligent breed, he

was kind enough to share this article

with us, after we translated it of


My mom showed me this picture of The Ruff House. See, there’s the red thing and the red and white thing for playing with. But that’s not even the best part! Wait until you see all the friends waiting for you at The Ruff House! These guys look just like me!

Probably the best part about The Ruff House is play time. I can’t wait to start classes so I can learn to be a better puppy for my mom and dad, but I also like to play with friends, too. Mr. Jerry also said there’s play time just for big dogs like me, and I can make friends like labs, and poodles, and retrievers. We can all play together at The Ruff House!

Hi hi hi hi hi!! My name is Princess, and I even though I am only a Chihuahua puppy still, I am pretty tough. I mean, I gotta be tough because my brother, Max, is a 90lb. German Shepherd. He’s a big bully and knocks me over sometimes - he’s a jerk! But I can take care of myself. My mom told Max and me that there are special play days just for us at The Ruff House. Mr. Jerry is the hoo-man who owns and it, and he knows a lot of about dogs. In fact, he even made a day especially for little puppies like me! On Sundays from 2-4pm, me and lots of other little dogs get to go and play, and no bullies allowed! I can’t wait to go and meet other cuties like me! I know we will have fun. I hope some of them have bows and painted nails like I do! Playing is one of my favorite things. I am excited about some girl time.

I wonder what it’s like to big a big hoo-man and own a very cool place like The Ruff House. Mr. Jerry says he does it because he loves to play with puppies all day. I heard him tell my mom that for new businesses, it’s important to “do something you love, and not chase money.” What’s this money thing? Is it like a ball? I love chasing balls! But I mean, it sounds like good advice to me. I should open a sleep-all-day-puppy hotel, because that is something I love to do!

Mr. Jerry also had some advice for my mom on how to choose a good puppy for your tiny hoo-man. I love my tiny hoo-man, he is 10 hoo-man years old (I can’t do math yet but that is a lot different than puppy years) and he takes good care of me. Sometimes he even feeds me under the table, which I looooove! But sometimes I don’t like him because he squeezes me and makes me sit with him. I love my mommy and daddy too and I want to sit with everyone, not just my tiny hoo-man. So if you want to get a puppy for your tiny hoo-man, here’s what Mr. Jerry says: talk to a trainer first (there’s lots of them at The Ruff House!) because all kinds of dogs are different. Also, take your new puppy to obedience classes as soon as you can, because puppies like me are easier to train than big stubborn brats like my brother. Also you know what Mr. Jerry said was super important? Let us have play time when we are 10-12 weeks old. This teaches us puppies to be okay around other puppies and owners, so we don’t get grumpy and think our hoo-man is in danger. Okay, well I gotta go cuz it’s dinner time now, and afterwards I think we are going to play this game called fetch. It’s really entertaining because my silly hoo-man throws a ball and if I go get it they give me lots of pettings and treats. I love pettings and treats! Then after that I think we will go and have some play time at The Ruff House with other puppies. Next time your puppy gets bored, bring her (or him) to The Ruff House, for classes, or play time, or just to talk to Mr. Jerry or Ms. Liz. See you there!

For years, dogs have been called

man’s best friend. Bred to hunt,

fish, and protect, many originally

dog breeds had a job but were

also the family pet. Why is having

such a pet beneficial? Can it lead

to a longer life?

A tiny puppy, warn out from a long day of playing at the park with its humans, flips over onto his back, exposing his tan and black spotted belly. Who can resist his big, swimming eyes? His silent plea

for food, or simply attention, certainly tugs on the heart strings. No matter the age or breed of the pet, when they portray “that look”, petting is irresistible. Most dogs (and cats, too, for that matter) have their owner wrapped around their little paw. The owner is unable to resist the universal sign of a belly rub, when the animal shows its tummy and flips their innocent paw as if to beckon and entice them.

Little does that adorable ball of fluff know - they could be saving their owner’s life! Petting an animal has been proven to reduce blood pressure and stress, which prevents heart attacks. Pets are smarter than they often get credit for. Who knew such intelligence could be wrapped in such a cute package?

From the whipping tail of small dog to the furry body of a fat cat, no matter what kind of pet, they are good for everyone. Petting a furry friend can also be a great stress relaxation technique, an excellent resource when trying to stay healthy. Lowered stress levels increases the levels of endorphins to the brain, which results in feelings of happiness. As previously discussed, happiness, acceptance, and higher self esteem all lead to healthier habits, such as more exercise, socialization, and less bad habits, like eating and inactivity. A wonderful thing happens when the world outside those doors is experienced. There is communication, friendships, and relationships to be formed just around the corner, either with 2 legged or 4 legged friends. Playing at the park or petting a pup isn’t just a key to happiness; it’s a key to healthy and longer life. We asked people of the community to share with us their pets, a little behind why they chose them. Here are their stories:

Ashely and Madison have been animals lovers

since they were very young. Besides their dog

Chevy, they also own 2 lop-eared rabbits, Hershey

and Pepper. When they aren’t chasing down

Chevy, they are at home playing dress up with

their bunnies. Way to go, Ashley and Madison!

This is our dog Cocoa from the Klamath Falls

animal shelter. She's a 3 month old

Patterdale Terrier and she's the perfect dog

for our family. We got her for our daughter

Rachel but she fast became the family dog who

spends her time one of two ways: running around

the house at top speed or cuddling up in our arms

fast asleep. -- Jessica

Jake is my 7 year old German shorthair pointer and my best friend. I raised him from just a tiny puppy. He loves to go get the birds when I go duck hunting. He especially loves car rides, and his favorite thing to do is cuddle. I couldn’t imagine life without him. - Garrett

I've wanted an Alaskan Malamute of my own for quite some time now. They are one of the most beautiful dogs. One of the best things about them is their wolf-like talking and howling. It's all fun and games until they start talking smack ;)) [Pictured above] is Freedom's Ray of Light aka “Luxer” at just shy of 6 months old. This was his very first beach trip!

He absolutely loves the coast just like his mommy & daddy! When he's not catching everyone's attention, he loves to play with our other dogs and loves to lick the kids to death! He is a very big joy in our lives and we are lucky to have him! --Jenn

Editor Note: Jenn is a HUGE animal lover. It was hard to pick which puppy she wanted to feature. Besides Luxer, she also 3 other dogs: Kai, Nala, and White Sox, as well as a precious kitties, too. If you’re looking for one of Klamath’s most devoted animal enthusiast, look no farther. -- Staff

From the expanse of Moore Park

to the tranquility of Hagelstein,

the parks of Klamath Falls have

something to offer everyone.

Whether it’s to get the kids out of

the house or a lazy weekend

camping and fishing, there are

dozens of parks to choose from.

Follow our diagram for the

perfect park.


Klamath is blessed with many different parks – over two dozen in the city zone alone. We have listed a few of the more popular ones. We have also listed the county parks, for the adventurous outdoorsman (or woman). As the weather gets warmer, we hope you get out and explore what Klamath has to offer!

*Pets must be on a maximum of 6ft. leash. For more info and detailed maps, please visit Klamath Falls City Parks.

City Parks Location Playground Boat Launch

Covered Area / Tables

Outdoor Grilling

Sports Area

Hiking Indoor Bathrooms

Pets Okay*

Moore Park Oregon Ave


Wiard Wiard St. X X X X X

Kit Carson Pacific Terrace


Veteran’s Memorial

Downtown X X X X X

Stukel Mills X X X

Southside Gatewood X X X

Mills Mills X X X X X

Eldorado & Esplande

Pacific Terrace


Warford Orindale Rd


Fairview Oregon Ave


Conger California Ave


Krause Pelican Rd. X X X X X

Henderson Main St. X X X

Some areas are seasonal. Pets allowed at all county parks. For more information, please visit Klamath County Parks.

County Parks

Location Boat Launch

Covered Area / Tables

Outdoor Grilling

Overnight Camping

Hiking Indoor Bathroom


Crystal Springs Park

Lost River (Hwy 39)


Cy Bingham Park

Crescent (40 miles north)


Eagle Ridge Park

Hwy 140 (15 miles west)


Ft. Klamath Park Museum

Hwy 62 (36 miles west)


Hagelstein Park

Hwy 97 (10 miles north)


Henzel Park Hwy 427 (15 miles north)


Petric Park Hwy 427 (26 miles north)


Stevenson Park

Lost River (Hwy 140)


Wocus Bay Boat Launch

Doak Mt. (Hwy 140)


LIVE music from professionals

all around the state

Food vendors from hot dogs

and nachos, to ice cream and


Train rides

Bouncy houses

Local vendors from Klamath


… And Much More!

The park is a great place to take

the kids on a lazy Saturday

afternoon. It’s a great place to get

a morning run in, just before the

sun comes over the horizon. And

it’s also a great place to place

with your pup. But something

amazing things happens at the

park when people get together.

In a world plagued by obesity, it’s not hard to find unhealthy habits in a local community. Look down the street: there’s an overweight child who doesn’t get enough exercise, a family on a strict budget with poor eating habits. Billboards advertising cheap fast food plasters city streets and highways. Is it any wonder why both children and pets in society today have a problem with obesity? When video games reign supreme over family time, and burgers and fries appear cheaper than a home cooked meal? There are many things that contribute to obesity, but it can be a winning war. There are always advocates for healthy eating, exercising, and staying fit. This battle cry has become so common place that people are apt to ignore it before they consider the positive messages they offer. For a minute in time, ignore the daily bombardment and consider a place where communication flows freely, children play excitedly, and exercise takes place in every moment. Imagine this scene:

A mom talks to another mom about the trials of raising children. Dads exchange sports scores, and talk about outdoor activities, and how to grill the perfect steak. Children work together to dig a hole, push each other on swings, and take turns on the slide. The occasional altercation occurs, which leads to parents exchanging silent mouthed apologies and knowing looks across the playground.

Running partners, who have never met before, jog down the trial. Their headphones swing freely about their necks as they share a jovial conversation that transcends the nearby din. A remarkable event occurs at public parks. Strangers talk to strangers – willingly, often, and with more effort than can be seen in other public venues. Parks can offer an occasion to boost communication skills for all ages, which is needed for emotional and social well-being. (Emotional well-being is an essential part of avoiding the stress that leads to obesity.) The park, like many other community areas, provides an atmosphere that encourages positive interactions among strangers.

Parents interact about their children, although they most likely have never met or will have no further interactions. Children learn about each other in the process of developing small group roles, from the leader to the functioning group member. Adults find running partners, basketball teams, and horseshoe score keepers, all with require a significant amount of communication in order to work together. Besides the amazing social interaction, the park is good for two more healthy behaviors: breathing and exercise. It’s no secret the breathing fresh air creates more oxygen in the blood stream. The more oxygen, the better blood flows, and the more opportunity for burning fat. What’s a more convenient way to lose weight than by breathing? Parks offer a chance to get outdoors, and breathe in fresh air. Take a break from the rat race and find a partner at one of the park’s areas for public sports, such as basketball or volleyball courts. Even for the most uncoordinated, there are also areas that offer trails for jogging, walking, or hiking. Many parks also offer large play structures for children. But it doesn’t have to be limited to just children. For a chance to feel like a kid at heart again, it’s a wonderful time to go down the slide backwards or swing as high as possible. Climb to the top of the metal beast, and watch the children scatter when the “king of the park” is declared. There is nothing more delightful than a child’s laugh and excitement when an adult takes pleasure in their games. Out of breath, defeated, and needing a long break, the king of the park is eventually bested. After a long day of playing, interacting, and exercise, both adults and children have practiced healthy habits and will go home exhausted but happy.

It’s no secret that Klamath Falls

has a need in the area of

children’s entertainment. It

seems every day another

children-oriented area has

disappeared. The Wiard Spray

Park has been in motion for 3

years, how close is it to becoming

a reality?

While we have a few parks and theaters, there aren’t many - child-friendly areas in town. Recently, a local business even removed its children’s play area, which devastated many families who attended the establishment regularly to enjoy a good meal while their children played. Here at The 13th Floor, we are always saddened when we hear about children’s activities that are lost in our community. Part of our mission has been to create a new and exciting community for people of all ages. With this in mind, we are always on the lookout for exciting upcoming projects such as The Wiard Spray Park, which has been planned for several years. The spray park has been a long time in coming. The planning stages began over 6 years ago, when the previous wading pool had to be removed for various reasons. After the removal, in order to install any new equipment, the park needed a few updates. One of them was the ADA compliant restrooms, currently under construction. In the future they will also be removing the tennis courts to create more open space and parking. Their biggest improvement will be adding the spray park, which will be placed where the current restrooms are located. The spray park has been a long time in coming. Many residents have become worried that delays may cause the project to be abandoned or forgotten by the community. But the Wiard Renovation Project is still in full swing. One of the major delays is, of course, budget. In order to complete needed renovations, Friends of Wiard Park are seeking over $350,000, for 2 phases of renovations, which comes from grants, public funding, and private donations. Phase I, updates and removals, has raised over $170,000 needed to continue the project. Phase II is currently underway in terms of funding. Of the $180,000 needed, Friends has raised a little over half. As of publication date, they had also submitted another grant, and should expect to hear back later this year. Although Friends of Wiard Park does have some hurdles to overcome, they also have made leaps and bounds considering the current state of the economy. They also have many positive volunteers, and currently have no paid employees or board members, and have operated within their budget since the beginning. Gwen Halverson, Manager for the Wiard Memorial Park District said, “We don't have any full-time, full-year employees, we don't staff an office, and do our best to operate well within budgeted amounts. And, like most public boards, members of our Board of Directors serve without compensation.” They are currently operating six parks on a tax rate of 21 cents per thousand, which provides a very small budget to work with.

Friends of Wiard Park have

been tireless in their fund-

raising and promotion efforts

in support of this project. But

how much more do they have

left to raise?

Despite budget and time issues, Friends of Wiard Park is hoping that with grant approval, the spray park ground breaking will be in late 2013, and will be finalized in late summer 2014. Here are some of the concept images that the Friends of Wiard Park are considering for design of the Spray Park: It’s difficult to imagine how this investment is useful to a community such as Klamath Falls. Due to it being outdoors, there are only about 3-4 months of good weather in this area where the spray park could be feasibly used. Despite the concerns over weather, what are the pros and cons of a spray park?


All Ages: A spray park is a good idea because it can attract all ages, from 2-18, and provide hours of entertainment, for toddlers to high schools kids

Location: Wiard park is located close to 3 elementary schools, as well as in a neighborhood dense with school-aged children, making it a popular location for kids

Cost: because the renovation cost is coming from grants, the spray park will be free to everyone


Weather: In June-August, weather in Klamath Falls is typically hot and dry. However, it can change rather rapidly, with increasing winds and lower temperatures

Environmental concerns: last year, due to forest fires in surrounding areas, the air quality in the city quickly reached dangerously low levels

Hygiene: A few parents have expressed concerns about allowing toddlers in diapers and barefoot children to play, which can cause unsanitary conditions

Despite these issues, we are still excited to see plans are moving forward for this spray park! The Wiard Park Spray Park is certainly a desirable investment and all the renovations will greatly improve the park, which is much needed in this community. It’s very exciting to learn that the Spray Park is moving closer to completion!

Anyone wishing to help us reach the finish line for this project is encouraged to contact the Friends of Wiard Park System for more information about direct donations or donating volunteer time. Stop by and pick up a copy of the Friends of Wiard Park Tasty Traditions Cookbook. This recipe collection includes many different dishes from contributors around the Basin. Each book is $20 and all proceeds go directly to the fundraising efforts of Friends of Wiard Park! Cookbooks are available at The Oregon Gift Store, Jack's Color Chip, and Diamond S Meats.

As far as a publicly funding low cost alternative, there really isn’t an alternative to a spray park. Due to the recession, it’s hard to determine if, or what, would be an appropriate alternative to the spray park at this point. But we would like to share with you the concept of bringing an indoor water park to Klamath Falls. This investment would provide entertainment for entire families, and bring much needed revenue to our small town.

There are currently less than 100 indoor water parks in the United States, and even less in Canada. One of the reasons for this is water parks are usually attached to resorts, in densely populated areas, and as a result are very expensive to build and maintain. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

The costs for bringing a water park to Klamath may be high, but it would be a

worthwhile investment to help our town blossom into the thriving community it deserves to be.


Revenue: A water park would bring much revenue to this community. The immediate effects would include employing many excavating, construction, and water installation professionals who are currently out of work, and could put their paychecks back into our economy

Affordable Property: there are several large warehouses perfect for this venture available to lease or purchase for less than $200,000 in Klamath Falls and surrounding areas – many water parks have to be built and commercially zoned, which can cost upwards to $800,000! Commercial taxes are also much less than surrounding Oregon and California locations

Employment: once opened, the water park would employ approximately 50-100 employees and provide needed jobs to stimulate our economy

Business Owners: tourists coming into town would also be able to shop at local businesses, and would be putting outside monies into the economy, boosting business owners’ income, who can re-invest into other local businesses

Multiple Financing Options: instead of just grants, which can be used but are very time consuming, other forms of traditional lending can also be sought, such as commercial loans through banks and private investors

Family Atmosphere: instead of just focusing on children, the facility could be used for family events, such as birthdays, reunions, or just recreation. Also, it would apply to children of all ages, with wading pools for smaller children, and large water slides for older children


Cost: compared to the Wiard Spray Park, with a budget of about $180,000 for completion, an indoor water park would have a heavy start-up cost of at least 3x that amount, and require a 20-30 year turn around for profit

Location: many of the appropriate properties on the market are currently located in surrounding communities such as Merrill, Tulelake, and Bonanza. Although this could really be an asset to boost the economies of these outlying towns, from a tourism perspective it would be difficult to navigate, and defeats the purpose of bringing revenue to Klamath Falls

Zoning & Permits: it’s no secret that Klamath Falls is sometimes resistant to change. Because of this, even preparation to open can be delayed for years due to trying obtain proper permissions

Difficulty in Obtaining Financing: Because water parks are typically built from the ground up and have a long return rate, they are often considered “high risk” by lenders. David J. Sangree, President of the law firm Hotel and Leisure Advisors, recommends that those seeking finances be very well educated on the risks and returns, since they will most likely have to educate the lender on why this venture could be lucrative. (For more information on Hotel Leisure Advisors, see their “Financing Your Indoor Water Park” packet.)

The view from Steen Sports Park

on Foothills Drive is amazing. All

of Klamath and surrounding areas

are displayed, including a majestic

shot of nearby mountains. It’s

more than just a great view and a

sports park, offering indoor and

outdoor soccer, baseball/softball,

a skate park, and even lacrosse.

The Surgeon General recommends at least 60 minutes of exercise a day for children. After school, homework, and daily routines, it can often be difficult to work in those 60 minutes. Most children certainly receive less than that in recess during a typical school day. Worried about how to get your children more exercise? Don’t be. Klamath has one of the best sports parks in the State of Oregon!

Located off Foothills Drive, Steen Sports Park is the most versatile sports park in the area, offering a full skate park, indoor and outdoor soccer, baseball/softball, skating, and lacrosse teams, as well as many other opportunities for fun and exercise in Klamath County, including Frisbee, walking/running, and much more. Upon entering Steen Sports Park, the layout can be a bit confusing. There is a skate park, full playground, indoor soccer stadium, indoor baseball stadium, and 4 outdoor fields. This expansive park covers over 60,000 acres. No wonder that is a lot of offer! Let’s take a tour around Steen Sports Park.

One of the first things visible upon entrance is the skate park. Steen Sports Park boasts one of the best skate parks in the state, with an expansive concrete area that attracts skateboarders, BMX riders, and rollerblade enthusiasts. The skate park offers an alternative to traditional outdoor sports, attracting both professionals and amateurs of all ages.

To the left of the skate park, is an large play structure. The playground is welcome to groups of all ages. On Fridays and Saturdays, during games, the playground is packed with children enjoying the clean crisp Klamath air.

Past the playground and up the hill, sits Mike’s Fieldhouse, which offers a variety of indoor options for all ages. Home of Basin United Soccer, children ages 4-12 can enjoy both indoor and outdoor sports. Basin United offers seasonal league and soccer recreation, and also hold semi-annual camps featuring professional teams like the Portland Timberwovles. (For more information on Basin United, see their webpage.) Mike’s Fieldhouse also offers walking and running in their indoor area, which is open Monday-Friday, from 8am-10am, for 50¢ per drop in.

To right right and at the end of Steen Sports Park is the baseball complex. There an opportunity to stay fit and in practice in the off season, featuring 4 baseball pitching machines, 1 softball pitching machine, and a variety of individual cages.

Finally, trek back towards the indoor stadium for a visit with the Klamath Falls Lacrosse team. This ancient stick-and-ball game dates back centuries, but the Klamath Falls team brings back a competitive and vibrant edge to an age-old game. So no matter what sport is the favorite, Steen

Sports Park has something for all ages. Get out

there and get Kickin’ It.

Blowing Bubble isn’t just for kids.

It can provide many different

health benefits, and helps clear

passageways in the nose, mouth,

and lungs. Who knew blowing

bubbles could be so healthy for


Water & Soap. Two completely normal ingredients that make such a magical component: bubbles. This spring and summer activity is so popular among children, that simply showing them the brightly colored container can cause squeals of delight. Bubbles provide hours of

entertainment, are inexpensive, and require little to no skill, so even the youngest member of the crowd can revel in the remarkable multi-hued bubbles. But bubbles aren’t just for kids anymore. Bubbles actually have long-term health effects. They can reduce stress, help breathing, and clears mouth and nose passageways. In fact, blowing bubbles creates the “pursed lips effect” which works to clean air out of the lungs and take in clean air to replace it. The more clean air in the lungs, the more endorphin levels (the “happiness hormone) are more likely to raise. Bubble can be very easy to make, cheap, and a good family experience on warm spring and summer nights. Here’s a simple recipe to get started: 2/3 cup dishwashing soap (Joy works best)

1 gallon water

2 to 3 tablespoons of corn syrup (or glycerin, found at any local


For a uniquely shimmering bubble, add just a couple of drops of food coloring to the solution. Create

bubble wands from household supplies, such as pipe cleaners bent into interesting shapes, cookie

cutters, and yogurt lids with the centers

cut out, and so on. For a giant bubble

maker, cut off the top and bottom of a

large metal can with a can opener and

hammer the inside edges until they are

smooth (a parent's job). Dip either end in

the solution and wave through the air.

Check out more interesting bubble ideas

at the Bubble Town Website.

So get started lifting your spirits with a

little help from a bubble!

This simple breathing exercise will help you to re-establish calm

breathing. It’s a great “quick-fix” exercise to get you through a

stressed moment or an emotional situation.

Sit or lie in a quiet room with your eyes closed. Visualize your

thoughts as a mass of bubbles and exhale slowly through your

mouth. As you do this, imagine all those thought bubbles being

blown away; you will already begin to feel more relaxed. If there

is a specific thought or issue that you cannot stop thinking

about, imagine a large bubble blowing up from your head.

Visualize a “word” written across the bubble that represents this

issue or specific thought. Then imagine taking a huge needle and

bursting that bubble and see the “word” melt away in the mist

created by the bubble bursting. Imagine yourself saying:

“I will not waste any more energy thinking about this now,

I cannot solve this today.

I am putting it aside and allowing myself to relax.”

Ever wonder the difference

between the furry bees and the

non-furry ones? Why some can

make honey and some can’t?

Tried to figure out why some

sting and some don’t? Beekeeper

Tracy Fields tells us some tips and

facts about bees.

If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, Man would have no more than four years to live

Albert Einstein

Are you a “bee friendly” person? Do you know what a bee friendly person is? For the past couple of years, I have become more and more curious about these little insects. Did you know that man cannot create honey? All the scientists in the world cannot get the concoction right. The honey bee is the only creature that can produce something as perfect as honey. Honey bees are also the only insect that man can eat the product it makes. It takes a special stomach and cooling and getting the honey to the exact right the specifications for the bee and our scientists cannot recreate that perfect mixture. I’m sure that you have heard the news stories about the Colony Collapse Disorder or CCD. CCD is the complete abandonment of hives by the colony. They fly off and just die, thousands of hives annually. They’ve studied and studied the reasons as to why and there is no known reason. Global warming has been blamed, the overuse of pesticides and GMO products has been blamed, but there really is no reason as to why this massive loss of bees is happening. Personally, I believe it’s the massive abuse of pesticides and GMO (genetically modified organisms) and people everywhere who are unaware of how necessary this insect is. BEE!! The word can send people into a screaming fit, swatting the air and hollering “kill it, kill it!!” Bringing out cans of Raid and emptying them all over the place. People swear that mean bees have attacked them and stung them over and over, or they’ve been to barbecues where the “bees” wouldn’t leave the meat alone. And then there are the Africanized honey bees. Yes, they are mean and temperamental but they could not exist in the cold climate of the Klamath Basin! In South America, they have even learned how to keep the Africanized honey bees in hives and get the honey from them. (I’ve heard that It is excellent honey and they produce a huge amount). But bear in mind that the Africanized honey bee was bred by scientists. Where man meddles, mistakes are made. The “bee” that everyone swears is bugging their barbecues are actually yellow jackets or wasps. Both are carnivores and they can be very aggressive, especially in the fall. And they can sting multiple times, whereas the honeybee cannot sting you multiple times. They can only sting you once and then the honey bee will die. Their venom sack however they will leave behind, pumping the venom into you and they will also leave behind the “alarm” pheromone that let’s other honey bees know to sting this animal or person. The honey bee will not be aggressive towards you unless you are aggressive towards it first. Swinging your

arms and swatting at them is almost a sure way to make sure you get stung. The best way to avoid being stung is to simply ignore it and leave the immediate vicinity. Don’t panic when you see a honey or bumblebee, either ignore them or calmly leave the area until they are gone. Here is some pictures of the differences in the bee species:

Yellow Jacket Here is the yellow jacket, a close cousin to the hornet. They will sting and you can have a reaction from their venom, if you are allergic. Unlike honey bees, they do not have fine brown fur on their body, and since they do not carry pollen, also lack the brown furry legs of the honey bee.

Honey bees As I’m sure you can see there is a huge difference in body types between the yellow jacket and the bees. Honey bees carry pollen to make honey, and are covered in fine brown fur that helps the pollen stick to their body and legs. When they sting, the barbed stinger is broken off into the skin and must be removed. The most popular type of bee for beekeepers.

TheB umble Bee

Most closely related to the honey bee, the

bumble bee is often bigger, hairier, and also

produces honey (though it is only to feed their

young). Unlike the honey bee, however, their

stinger is not barbed so they can sting multiple

times. They are mostly used in green houses

and organic fields to aid in pollination.

How can you “bee” friendly? When planting your flower gardens and your vegetable gardens purchase only GMO free seeds. There are environmentally safe herbicides and insecticides. Purchase beneficial insects (ladybugs, praying mantis) that will eat the bad bugs in your gardens. If you must spray do so in the evening after the bees have returned to the hive, this gives the spray a chance to settle. Seeing bees in your garden is a very good thing they are pollinating your flowers and crops, if you sit and watch you can see them loading their pollen baskets on their hind legs on pollen bearing plants. If you have a neighbor that has hives, ask them questions about their bees. Become educated. Honey bees are a primary pollinator, they are the makers of honey; if they are gone that is gone. Beeswax is used for many many items. Pollen is used for medicinal purposes and is a great additive to vitamins. If our government has its way everything will be pollinated by mechanical drones. Hmmm reminds me of a movie that came out not to long ago. Hunger Games maybe? When man interferes with nature things go horribly wrong.

For more information about bees or if I’ve triggered an interest in keeping hives The Klamath Falls Beekeepers Association on their webpage Or come to one of our meetings the last Saturday of every month beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the OSU extension office on Vandenberg Road.

We all need to get away from it

all once in a while. Dawnielle

Tehama, owner of Botanica

Creations, did just that – with a

new job at Grand Canyon West.

Join Carola Roufs, as she talks

about the wonders in store,

whether you go there for work or

for just a vacation!

Dawnielle Tehama, owner of Botanica Creations, 2223 N. Eldorado Blvd, is living proof that it pays to keep your online presence and social networks up-to-date so good things can come to you when you least expect them to. Dawnielle was recently recruited via LinkedIn for an exciting new career opportunity with Grand Canyon West. Their LinkedIn search brought them here to Klamath Falls, to Dawnielle Tehama, owner of Botanica Creations, a full-service floral and gift shop, whose popularity blossomed during Third Thursday events with the introduction of the Rainbow Rose. “We are unique. We offer our customers a more modern and contemporary design and cater to every

budget,” says Dawnielle, who welcomes custom orders. “We don’t stick to the florist’s rule book because we like to be creative. We listen to what our customers want and go outside of the scope of what people think flowers should look like. We want to wow people with our creations.” Tehama’s background includes casino marketing, casino hospitality, state tribal representation, a position on the Discover Klamath tourism board, as well as owning her own floral business locally. Botanica Creations is a young-thinking flower shop. It was her forward-thinking attitude and youthful exuberance, as well as her knowledge of the value of a strong online presence that inspired the Hualapai Tribe to offer Tehama the Marketing Director position. Grand Canyon West is owned by the Hualapai Tribe in Peach Springs, AZ, (the inspiration for Radiator Springs in Disney’s movie Cars) as part of their 1,000,000 acre reservation in the Arizona desert. One hundred and eight miles of their land is on the west rim of the Grand Canyon, along the Colorado River, and


Creations is

famous for




has been turned into an amazing tourist destination. To share the spirituality of their land with the rest of the world, the Hualapai built a U-shaped glass bridge above the west rim of the Grand Canyon, called the Skywalk. The Skywalk faces sacred Eagle Point and provides tourists with a unique bird’s-eye view, 4,000 ft. above the Grand Canyon floor of some of the most impressive and untouched geological formations in North America.

In order to generate revenue and increase awareness of their one-of-a-kind tourist destination, the Hualapai were looking for someone with a tribal background as well as marketing and tourism experience. Grand Canyon West is a destination that is not as well known to tourists as the National Parks sections of the Grand Canyon and the Tribe was looking for someone to help them promote their very unique and “grand” Grand Canyon experience. Grand Canyon West encompasses not only the Skywalk experience, but the opportunity to explore the rim of the Grand Canyon in as natural a manner as possible, without guard rails. A visitor can go to Guano Point, to the old guano mines and see miles of colorful canyon walls and the snaking waters of the mighty Colorado River as it winds its way through the magnificent canyon.

Visitors can also be part of the Native American experience through photo ops, ceremonial performances, and replications of native dwellings, native art and the history of the Hualapai Tribe. They have a chance to experience the wonder and awe of what American Indians historically encountered in the wide open panorama at the top of the Grand Canyon.

Near the Skywalk is the Hualapai Ranch, where visitors can book a stay in quaint little cabins facing east, welcoming the colorful sunrises that paint the canyon with exquisite morning light. On the ranch, visitors are treated to interactions with cowboys, native dancers and good old fashioned barbecue meals in the Dance Hall. Another option for lodging, the Hualapai Lodge, on the world-renowned historical Route 66, in Peach Springs, AZ, is about two hours from the Grand Canyon. All along Route 66 are several fun photo ops for

tourists too.

If you plan to go on the only one-day whitewater Grand Canyon rafting trip, the best place to stay is at the recently remodeled Hualapai Lodge on Route 66. Diamond Creek Road, by the Hualapai Lodge, is the only road to the bottom of the Grand Canyon that can be taken on a one-hour bus trip down a bumpy road. It is an 1,800 ft. drop down to the bottom to the Colorado River. Experienced Hualapai River Runners host the one-day whitewater rafting trips which include helicopter rides, showcasing the Grand Canyon in the most exciting way.

With tourist season close at hand, Tehama is looking forward to communicating the Grand Canyon West experience both locally and globally and inspiring people who have never been there to come and participate in this awesome adventure. To do this she has been bringing business back to the Basin by contracting out to local companies, because Klamath is her home. She wants to remind everyone that Botanica Creations will remain open. It is a family-run business and will continue to operate as it always has. While actively promoting Grand Canyon West, Dawnielle will still be able to remain involved in her family’s hands-on business.

“Business will carry on as usual. I will come up on weekends and for big events.” says Tehama. -------------------- To find out more about the Grand Canyon West experience visit: Please visit the Botanica Creations Facebook page for more amazing pictures of their work!

Relay For Life needs your help to WIN the fight against Cancer and create a world with more birthdays

now! You might be asking yourself, “How can I make a difference - I am only one person?” Here are

some ways you can help us work together to fight cancer:

- Start a team and recruit your family, friends, neighbors and coworkers to join you in this battle.

Make something very serious be extremely fun and rewarding.

- Join a team that is already registered

- Create an event at your local high school, middle School or elementary school (we have

programs for every age group)

- Recruit business owners to become corporate sponsors and encourage their employees to


- Host an independent fundraiser at your business or place of employment

- Join the Relay For Life Event Planning Committee

- Make a donation of goods or services to be auctioned off at Relay For Life’s July Event

- Make a cash donation in any amount to Relay For Life, because every dollar literally does help!

- Contact us with your idea for getting involved with Relay for Life

There are many ways to be a part of defeating this beast, it just takes us all being engaged and working

together to make that difference happen.

Please get involved today, and I promise you won’t regret it! For more information on how you can get

started, contact Erika George, Event Chair, 541-880-8704, [email protected] or Becky Collins,

Team Development Chair, 541-281-4050, [email protected]

One day…One night…One Community…One FIGHT!

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