  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    The 5 Components of the 100m sprint

    The 100m sprint comprises five separate but interlinked components which the athlete must be trained to recognise,

    understand and train to negotiate if s/he is to become a competent performer and maximise true potential in the event.

    The five components:

    Reaction time: The athlete is required to make a rapid physical response to the external stimulus of the starting

    pistol which allows a smooth clearance off the starting blocks. Reaction time is measured by the time taken between

    the introduction of the stimulus and the first muscular reaction or movement performed by the athlete.

    Starting ability: The ability to clear the starting-blocks cleanly and powerfully is crucial to success in a 100m sprint.

    The athlete must adopt a mechanically sound starting position and generate great power in order to overcome inertial

    and frictional forces in the opening strides.

    Acceleration: The athlete must accelerate from the starting blocks to maximum velocity in as short a time as

    possible. A low body position should be maintained in the first 20m, with most of the upper body above and forward

    of the centre of mass. There should be a sense of driving the track behind the body as the athlete gradually rises to

    an upright posture. The athlete must then strive to increase velocity over as great a distance as s/he is able.

    Maintaining speed: Maintenance of horizontal speed (speed endurance) may be achieved through a mechanically

    sound striding technique, which allows an equal emphasis on work performed behind and in front of the centre of

    mass (e.g. high knees in front, full leg extension behind). There is a feeling of bounce in the lower limbs as the

    athlete embarks on a brief period of flight in the recovery phase of each rapid stride.

    Overcoming deceleration: The athlete must stay relaxed but strive to resist an inevitable decline in velocity in the

    final stages of the sprint performance. There should be an emphasis on work performed ahead of the centre of mass

    (e.g. high knees, high hands in front). The purpose here is to lighten and reduce the duration of foot -strike in order

    to sustain the rate of cadence in the tiring legs.

    Condensed from the article, 'Five components of the 100m sprint', by Robin Saunders

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Junior Sprint Phase 1 - Early to Mid Winter


    Objectives and methodology: to develop aerobic capacity via steady continuous runs and relaxed repetition

    running; to improve muscular endurance via circuit training; to progress limb speed and coordination via sprint


    Week 1 Session


    Tuesday 3x 6 min grass rectangle: 60m x 30m:stride, walk, stride, jog

    [3 min rest between sets]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training: 3x 6 exercises x 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest: [2.5 min

    between sets] press ups, sit ups, lunges, step ups, torso roller, skydiver,

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) Sprint drills: 3-4 x 10-15m walking sprint, skip A, heel to bum,skip B,straight

    leg swings,fast high knees

    b) 2x 2x 70m: relaxed striding, focussing on sound technique 70- 75% effort; [walk

    back recovery; 6 min]


    Week 2 Session


    Tuesday 3x 6 min grass rectangle: 60mx 30m:


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b)2x 2x 70m

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Week 3 Session


    Tuesday 2x 10 min of 400m track laps: 100m each x stride, walk, stride, jog

    [3 min rest]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 2x 80m: relaxed striding focussing on sound technique, 70-75% effort;

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Week 4 Session


    Tuesday 2x 10 min of 400m track laps; 100m each x stride, walk, stride, jog

    [3 min rest]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training: [increase rest to 3 min, but skip rope for 30 sec between sets]

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 2x 80m


    Week 5 Session


    Tuesday 2x 250m, 150m: relaxed pace, focussing on sound technique, c 70% effort[walk back recovery; 6 min]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 8 min easy run on grass

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint



    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 2x 90m: relaxed striding focussing on sound technique, 70-75% effort;

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Week 6 Session


    Tuesday 2x 250m, 150m

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 2x 90m


    Week 7 Session


    Tuesday 1x 120m, 150m, 180m, 150m, 120m

    Fast relaxed, c 70% effort

    [walk back]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training: 3x 7 - add star jump exercise

    c) 6 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 3x 70m: relaxed striding focussing on sound technique, 70-75% effort;[walk back; 6 min]


    Week 8 Session


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Tuesday 1x 120m, 150m, 180m, 150m, 120m

    Fast relaxed, c 70% effort

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;b) circuit training:

    c) 6 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 3x 70m


    Week 9 Session


    Tuesday 2x 250m, 150m

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a) 6 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training: 3x 8: add high knee skip exercise

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x40-60m

    OR 3-4 shallow grass hills x 60-80m [walk back]


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 3x 80m: relaxed striding focussing on sound technique, 70-75% effort;

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Week 10 Session


    Tuesday 2x 250m, 150m

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a) 6 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass

    OR 3-4 shallow grass hills [walk back]


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 3x 80m


    Week 11 Session


    Tuesday 1x 120m, 150m, 180m, 150m, 120m

    [walk back]


    Thursday a) 6 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass

    OR 3-4 shallow grass hills [walk back]


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 3x 90m: relaxed striding focussing on sound technique, 70-75% effort;

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Week 12 Session


    Tuesday 1x 120m, 150m, 180m, 150m, 120m


    Thursday a) 6 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass

    OR 3-4 shallow grass hills [walk back]


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 3x 90m


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Week 13 Session


    Tuesday 10-12 min relaxed run on grass (c 60-70% effort)


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 6-8x 40-60m relaxed strides on grass

    OR 8-10 shallow hills x 60-80m


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 70m, 80m, 90m: relaxed striding, focussing on sound technique, 70-75% effort

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Week 14 Session


    Tuesday 10-12 min jog on grass


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    6-8x 40-60m relaxed strides on grass

    OR 8-10 shallow hills x 60-80m


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 70m, 80m, 90m


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  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Junior Sprint Phase 2 - Late Winter


    Objectives and methodology: to maintain aerobic capacity via steady runs on grass; to introduce low-levelanaerobic training by increasing intensity or duration of repetition runs; to develop muscular endurance via circuit

    training; to develop specific sprinting skills via cadence and acceleration drills.

    Week 15 Session


    Tuesday a) Sprint drills

    b )2x 3x 120m: fast relaxed,

    c 75-80% effort;

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training: 2x double sets x 6 exercises

    c) 8 min steady run on grass


    Saturday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm and

    90cm apart

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point startx 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch

    [full recovery]


    Week 16 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 3x 120m


    Thursday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart

    [full recovery]

    b) 2x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; 8 min]

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint



    Saturday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart

    [full recovery]

    b) 2x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; 8 min]


    Week 17 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills

    b) 2x 3x 120m


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;b) circuit training: 2x double sets x 6 exercises

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday Sprint Drive technique:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm and

    90cm apart

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch


    Week 18 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 4x 90m @ 75% - 80% effort

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;b) circuit training: 2x double sets x 8 exercises

    c) 3-4x 60-80m relaxed strides on grass


    Saturday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) ) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart

    [full recovery]

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    b) 2x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m, 50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; 6 min]


    Week 19 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 4x 90m


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training: 2x double sets x 8 exercises

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday Sprint Drive technique:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm and

    90cm apart

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch


    Week 20 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 4x 90m


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training: 2x double sets x 8 exercises

    c) 3-4x 60-80m relaxed strides on grass


    Saturday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:a) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart

    [full recovery]

    b) 2x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m, 50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; 6 min]


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Junior Sprint Phase 3 - Early Spring


    Objectives and methodology: to develop specific sprinting skills via cadence and acceleration drills; to maintain

    strength endurance levels with reduced volume in mini-circuit training sessions; to develop competitive ability

    through Timed Trials x 60m

    Week 21 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills

    b) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart

    c) 5x 30-40m sprint from 10m rolling start


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) mini circuit:2 x4x 30/30 sec

    Torso roller, scissor squat thrust,

    Step up, skip rope

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground 50cm,60,cm, 70cm, 80cm, and

    90cm apart

    b) 3x 60m Timed Trials from blocks or crouch


    Week 22 Session


    Tuesday 2x 3x 120m @ 80- 85% effort[walk back; 6-8 min]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) mini circuit:

    2 x4x 30/30 sec

    Torso roller, scissor squat thrust,

    Step up, skip rope

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground

    50cm, 60,cm, 70cm, 80cm, and 90cm apart

    b) 4-6 block or crouch clearances

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch

    [full recovery]


    Week 23 Session


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Tuesday a) sprint drills

    b) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    c) 5x 30-40m sprint from 10m rolling start


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) mini circuit:

    2 x4x 30/30 secTorso roller, scissor squat thrust,

    Step up, skip rope

    c) 8 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm and

    90cm apart

    b) 3x 60m Timed Trials from blocks or crouch


    Junior Sprint Phase 5 - Early to Mid Summer


    Objectives and methodology: develop competitive ability through occasional competition or regular Timed trials

    (60m-200m); to develop specific sprinting skills through sprint, cadence and acceleration drills; to maintain aerobic

    capacity through relaxed recovery runs and strides on grass; to develop basic speed through short repetitions from

    rolling start.

    Week 34 Session


    Tuesday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sprint-drive sticksb) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch [full recovery]


    Thursday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 1x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b)1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m from 5m rolling start

    [slow walk back]


    Week 35 Session


    Tuesday 10-12 min easy run on grass, 60-70% on grass


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Thursday 8-10 relaxed strides on grass, 60-80m from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 3x 100m Timed Trials


    Week 36 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 120m, 90m, 75m

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday 8-10 relaxed strides on grass x 60-80m


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m from 5m rolling start


    Week 37 Session


    Tuesday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sprint-drive sticks

    b) 3-4 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch


    Thursday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:a) 4-6 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 1x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]


    Saturday a) sprint drills

    b) 2x 200m Timed Trials

    [full recovery]


    Week 38 Session


    Tuesday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sprint-drive sticks

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch


    Thursday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    a) 4-6 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 1x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m from 5m rolling startSunday

    Week 39 Session


    Tuesday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sprint-drive sticks

    b) 3-4 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch


    Thursday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:a) 4-6 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 1x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolli ng start

    [2 min]


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 3x 60m Timed Trials

    [full recoveries]


    Week 40 Session


    Tuesday 8-10 min relaxed recovery run on grass, 70% effort


    Thursday 8-10 relaxed strides on grass x 60-80m


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m from 5m rolling start


    Week 41 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 120m, 90m, 75m

    [walk back; 6 minutes]


    Thursday 8-10 relaxed strides on grass x 60-80m


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 200m Timed Trials


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Week 42 Session


    Tuesday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sprint-drive sticks

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point startx 30m drive from 3 point start


    Thursday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 1x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m from 5m rolling start


    Week 43 Session


    Tuesday 10-12 min easy run on grass


    Thursday 8-10 relaxed strides on grass x 60-80m


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 3x 100m Timed Trials

    [full recoveries]


    Week 44 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 120m, 90m,75m


    Thursday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 1x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m

    from 5m rolling start


    Week 45 Session


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 120m, 90m, 75m


    Thursday 8-10 relaxed strides on grass x 40-60m


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m from 5m rolling start


    Junior Sprint Phase 6 - Mid to Late Summer


    Objectives and methodology: This phase represents an extension of the previous phase with reduced volume,increased but controlled effort in all runs and shorter distance timed trials as a more reliable indication of increasing

    velocity in a competitive environment

    Week 46 Session


    Tuesday 8-12 min easy run on grass


    Thursday 6-10 min easy run on grass


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 3x 60m Timed Trials

    [full recoveries]


    Week 47 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 1x 90m, 2x 75m, 3x 60m

    [walk back between runs; 6 min between sets]


    Thursday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 1x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]


    Saturday Rest

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    Week 48 Session


    Tuesday 10-12 min easy run on grass


    Thursday 8-10 min steady run on grass


    Saturday Rest


    Week 49 Session


    Tuesday a) sprint drills:

    b) 1x 90m, 2x 75m, 3x 60m

    [walk back between runs; 6 min between sets]


    Thursday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 1x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b)3x 60m Timed Trials

    [full recoveries]


    WEEK 50, 51 and 52

    TRANSITION: The final three weeks of the training year should be regarded as a period of rest, recovery and

    regeneration in which the athlete is encouraged to recharge batteries between one training year and the next.

    Light, occasional training at much lower volume and intensity, or relaxed participation in different activities (e.g.

    swimming, tennis, basketball) will allow the athlete to enjoy an active break from the customary sprint training

    practised throughout the previous twelve months.

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Junior Sprint Phase 4 - Mid to late Spring


    The objectives and methodology: of this phase represent a return to the aerobic base of earlier GeneralConditioning (seeEARLY-MID WINTER) and further development of the work introduced in the initial Specific

    Conditioning phase (seeLATE WINTER)

    Week 24 Session


    Tuesday 2x 250m, 150m

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a a) 6 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training: 4 x 6 exercises: 30/30 sec; 3 min with 30 sec skip rope between sets

    c) 8 min easy run on grass

    FridaySaturday 3x 6 min grass rectangle: 80m x 40m: stride, walk, stride, jog

    [3 min rest] OR

    15-20 min shallow hill runs x 60-80m with walk down recovery


    Week 25 Session


    Tuesday 2x 250m, 150m,

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a) 6 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass

    c) 10 min easy run on grass


    Saturday 3x 6 min grass rectangle: 80m x 40m: stride, walk, stride, jog

    [3 min rest] OR

    15-20 min shallow hill runs x 60-80m with walk down recovery


    Week 26 Session


    Tuesday 2x 2x 180m


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training

    c) 10 min easy run on grass


    Saturday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm, and

    90cm apart

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start
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    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch

    [full recovery]


    Week 27 Session

    MondayTuesday 2x 2x 180m

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training

    c) 10 min easy run on grass


    Saturday 2x 4x 90m

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Week 28 SessionMonday

    Tuesday 1x 120m, 150m,180m, 150m, 120m

    [walk back]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c)6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 40-60m


    Saturday 2x 4x 90m


    Week 29 SessionMonday

    Tuesday 2x2x 180m

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 40-60m


    Saturday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 2x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; 8 min]


    Week 30 Session


    Tuesday 2x 2x 180m


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training

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    c) 10 min easy run on grass


    Saturday 2x 4x 90m


    Week 31 Session


    Tuesday 1x 120m, 150m, 180m, 150m, 120m

    [walk back]


    Thursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training

    c) 10 min easy run on grass


    Saturday Sprint Drive technique


    a) 4-6 accelerations through

    sprint-drive sticksb) 3-4 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch


    Week 32 Session


    Tuesday 2x 4x 120m

    [walk back; 6 min]Wednesday

    Thursday a)4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training:

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 40-60m


    Saturday 2x 4x 90m


    Week 33 Session


    Tuesday 2x 4x 120m

    WednesdayThursday a) 4 min easy run on grass;

    b) circuit training

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 40-60m


    Saturday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles

    b) 2x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m,50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; 8 min]

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    Intermediate Sprint - Phase 1- Early - Mid Winter

    Objectives and methodology: to develop aerobic capacity via steady continuous runs and relaxed repetition

    running; to improve muscular endurance via circuit training; to progress limb speed and coordination via sprintdrills; to increase range of mobility (ROM) via home-worked flexibility routine.


    Week 1 Session

    Monday 2x 10 min grass rectangle:

    80m x 40m: stride, walk, stride, jog

    [3 min rest between sets]


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit Training: 3 x 8 exercises x 30 seconds work/30 seconds rest: [2.5 min rest

    between sets]

    Press ups, Sit ups, Lunges, Step ups, Torso roller, Skydiver, Seated leg extension,

    Scissor squat thrust

    c) 10 easy min run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 3x 70m relaxed striding, focussing on sound sprinting technique c 75% effort;

    [walk back recovery; 6 min]


    Week 2 Session

    Monday 2x 10 min grass rectangle:

    80m x 40m: stride, walk, stride, jog

    [3 min rest between sets]


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit Training:

    c) 10 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 3x 70m


    Week 3 Session

    Monday 2x 12 min of 400m track laps:

    100m each x

    stride, jog, stride, jog

    [3 min rest]


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit Training:

    c) 10 easy min run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 3x 80m relaxed striding, focussing on sound sprinting technique c 75% effort;

    [walk back recovery; 6 min]


    Week 4 Session

    Monday 2x 12 min of 400m track laps:

    100m each x

    stride, jog, stride, jog

    [3 min rest]


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit Training: [increase rest to 3 min but skip rope for 30 sec between sets]

    c) 10 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint



    Saturday a)Sprint drills

    b) 2x 3x 80m


    Week 5 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 2x 250m: fast relaxed pace

    focussing on sound technique @ c 70-75% effort

    [walk back recovery; 6 min between sets]


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit Training:

    c) 10 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 3x 90m relaxed striding, focussing on sound sprinting technique c 75% effort;

    [walk back recovery; 6 min]


    Week 6 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 2x 250m


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit Training:

    c) 10 easy min run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 3x 90m


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Week 7 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 180m, 2x 150m, 2x 120m fast relaxed pace @ c 70-75% effort focussing on

    sound technique

    [walk back between reps; 6 min between sets]


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit Training: 3x 9add Burpees exercise

    c) 10 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a)Sprint drillsb) 2x 4x 70m

    relaxed striding, focussing on sound technique c 75% effort;

    [walk back recovery; 6 min]


    Week 8 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 180m, 2x 150m, 2x 120m


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit Training:

    c) 10 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 4x 70m


    Week 9 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 2x 250m fast relaxed pace @ c 70-75% effort focussing on sound technique

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    [walk back recovery; 6 min between sets]


    Wednesday 5 min easy run on grass

    Circuit training: 3x 10: add Squat exercise

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75mOR 4-6 shallow grass hills x 60-80m [walk back]

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 4x 80m relaxed striding, focussing on

    sound technique 70- 75% effort;

    [walk back recovery; 6 min]


    Week 10 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 2x 250m


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit training:

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grassOR 4-6 shallow grass hills

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 4x 80m


    Week 11 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 180m, 2x 150m, 2x 120m fast relaxed pace

    @ c 70-75% effort focussing on sound technique

    [walk back between reps; 6 min between sets]

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint



    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit training:

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass

    OR 4-6 shallow grass hills

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 4x 90m relaxed striding, focussing on

    sound technique c 75% effort;

    [walk back recovery; 6 min]


    Week 12 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 180m, 2x 150m, 2x 120m


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit training

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass

    OR 4-6 shallow grass hills

    Thursday MobilityDynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 4x 90m


    Week 13 Session

    Monday 12-15 min relaxed run on grass (c 60-70% effort)


    Wednesday 5 min easy run on grass

    Circuit Training

    6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    OR 6-8 shallow hills x 60-80m

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drillsb) 2x 70m, 80m, 90m, 80m, 70m relaxed striding, focussing on sound technique c

    75% effort;

    [walk back recovery; 6 min]


    Week 14 Session

    Monday 12-15 min jog on grass


    Wednesday a) 5 min easy run on grassb) Circuit Training

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    OR 6-8 shallow hills x 60-80m

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 70m, 80m, 90m, 80m, 70m


    Intermediate Sprint - Phase 2 - Late Winter


    Objectives and methodology: to maintain aerobic capacity via steady runs on grass; to develop low-level anaerobic

    training by increasing intensity or duration of repetition runs; to develop muscular endurance via circuit training; to

    develop specific sprinting skills via cadence and acceleration drills; to increase range of mobility (ROM) via home-

    worked flexibility routine

    Week 15 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 1x 5x 150m

    fast relaxed c 75-80% effort

    [slow walk back]

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint



    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit training:

    2x double sets x 8 exercises

    c) 8 min steady run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    i) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground - Girls: 50cm, 60cm, 70cm,80cm and 90cm apart Boys: 50cm, 65cm, 80cm, 95cm, 110cm, 125cm apart

    ii) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    iii) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch [full recovery]


    Week 16 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 1x 5x 150m


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit training

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    OR 4-6 shallow grass hills x 60-80m [walk back]

    Thursday MobilityDynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart [full recovery]

    c) 2x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m, 50m, 60m to full speed from 5m rolling start

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Week 17 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 1x 5x 150m


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit training:

    c) 8 min steady run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    i) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground - Girls: 50cm, 60cm, 70cm,

    80cm and 90cm apart Boys: 50cm, 65cm, 80cm, 95cm, 110cm, 125cm apart

    ii) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bendiii) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch

    [full recovery]


    Week 18 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 120m:

    Rep 1of each set:

    Acceleration run: each 40m becoming faster (e.g. 75%, 80%, 85%)

    Rep 2 of each set:

    Rhythm run: 40m fast, 40m relax, 40m fast

    [slow walk back; 6 min]


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit training

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    OR 4-6 shallow grass hills x 60-80m [walk back]

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart [full recovery]

    c) 2x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m, 50m, 60m to full speed from 5m rolling start


    Week 19 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 120m

    Rep 1 each set:

    Acceleration run, each 40m becoming faster

    Rep 2 each set:

    Rhythm run: 40m fast, 40m relax, 40m fast

    [slow walk back; 6 min]


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit training:

    c) 8 min steady run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    i) 4-6 accelerations through sticks placed on ground - Girls: 50cm, 60cm, 70cm,

    80cm and 90cm apart Boys: 50cm, 65cm, 80cm, 95cm, 110cm, 125cm apart

    ii) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    iii) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch

    [full recovery]


    Week 20 Session

    Monday a) sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 120m

    Rep 1of each set:

    Acceleration run, each 40m becoming faster

    Rep 2 of each set:

    Rhythm run: 40m fast, 40m relax, 40m fast

    [slow walk back; 6 min]


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) Circuit training

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    OR 4-6 shallow grass hills x 60-80m [walk back]

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart [full recovery]

    c) 2x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m, 50m, 60m to full speed from 5m rolling start


    Intermediate Sprint - Phase 3 - Early Spring


    Objectives and methodology: to develop specific sprinting skills via cadence and acceleration drills; to maintain

    strength endurance levels with reduced volume in mini-circuit training sessions; to develop competitive ability

    through Timed Trials x 60m; to increase range of mobility (ROM) via home-worked flexibility routine.

    Week 21 Session

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Monday a) sprint drills

    b) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart

    c) 5x 30-40m sprint from 10m rolling start


    Wednesday a) sprint drillsb) mini circuit: 2x 6x 30/30 sec

    Press up, sit up, skydiver, lunges, step ups, torso roller

    [2 min rest]

    c) 12 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    6-8 accelerations through sticks placed on ground

    Girls: 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cm, 90cm apart

    Boys: 50cm, 65cm, 80cm, 95cm, 110cm, 125cm apart

    c) 3x 60m Timed Trials from blocks

    [full recovery between ]


    Week 22 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 120m @

    fast relaxed @ 80-85% effort

    [slow walk back; 6-8 min]


    Wednesday a) sprint drills

    b) mini circuit:

    2x 6x 30/30 sec

    c) 12 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    b) Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    i) 6-8 accelerations through sticks placed on ground

    ii) 4-6 block or crouch clearances

    iii) 3-4x 20 -25m drive from 2 point start

    x 30-40m drive from 3 point start

    x 40-60m from blocks or crouch

    [full recovery]


    Week 23 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart

    c) 5x 30-40m sprint from 10m rolling start


    Wednesday a) Sprint drills

    b) mini circuit:

    2x 6x 30/30 sec

    c) 12 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    6-8 accelerations through sticks placed on ground

    c) 3x 60m Timed Trials from blocks


    Intermediate Sprint - Phase 4 - Mid Late Spring


    The objectives and methodology: of this phase represent a return to the aerobic base of earlier General

    Conditioning (seeEARLY-MID WINTER) and further development of the work introduced in the initial SpecificConditioning phase (seeLATE WINTER), with the additional introduction of low-intensity plyometric exercises

    and resistance work to develop elastic strength and special strength levels.

    Week 24 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills:

    b)2x 2x 250m
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    fast relaxed

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec work/rest

    Inc. med ball work,

    e.g. lunge with med ball x 3 kg

    side-twists x 2 kg

    c) 6 min steady run on grass

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 4x 90m

    fast relaxed @ 80-85% effort, focussing on sound sprinting technique

    [slow walk back; 6 min]


    Week 25 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 2x 2x 250m


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec


    Inc. low-intensity

    Plyometrics work

    e.g. in-place jumps,

    bunny hop into bench (step back down),

    bench astride jumps)

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75mThursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart [full recovery]

    c) 2x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m, 50m, 60m to full speed from 5m rolling start

    [2 min; 6 min]


    Week 26 SessionMonday Sprint drills:

    5x 180m

    Fast relaxed @ c 80% effort

    [walk rest of lap]


    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec work/rest

    Inc. med ball work,

    e.g. lunge with med ball x 3 kgside-twists x 2 kg

    c) 6 min steady run on grass

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    i) 6-8 accelerations through sticks placed on ground - Girls: 50cm, 60cm, 70cm, 80cmand 90cm apart Boys: 50cm, 65cm, 80cm, 95cm, 110cm, 125cm apart

    ii) 3-4 harness runs x 10-15m


    Week 27 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 5x 180m


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec


    Inc. low-intensity

    Plyometrics work

    e.g. in-place jumps,

    bunny hop onto bench (step back down),

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    bench astride jumps

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 4x 90m

    fast relaxed @ 8085% effort, focussing on sound sprinting technique

    [slow walk back; 6 min]


    Week 28 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 180m, 2x 150m, 2x 120m

    fast relaxed effort

    [walk back; 6-8 min]


    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec work/rest

    Inc. med ball work,

    e.g. lunge with med ball x 3 kg

    side-twists x 2 kg

    c) 6 min steady run on grass

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart [full recovery]

    c) 2x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m, 50m, 60m to full speed from 5m rolling start [2

    min; 6 min]


    Week 29 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 180m, 2x 150m, 2x 120m

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint



    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec


    Inc. low-intensityPlyometrics work

    e.g. in-place jumps,

    bunny hop into bench (step back down),

    bench astride jumps

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    i) 6-8 accelerations through sticks placed on ground - Girls: 50cm, 60cm,

    70cm, 80cm and 90cm apart Boys: 50cm, 65cm, 80cm, 95cm, 110cm, 125cm


    ii) 3-4 harness runs x 10-15m


    Week 30 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 5x 150m

    fast relaxed @ 80-85% effort

    [walk rest of lap]


    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec work/rest

    Inc. med ball work,

    e.g. lunge with med ball x 3 kg

    side-twists x 2 kg

    c) 6 min steady run on grass

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 4x 90m

    fast relaxed @ 80- 85% effort, focussing on sound sprinting technique

    [slow walk back; 6- 8 min]


    Week 31 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 5x 150m


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec

    Work/restInc. low-intensity

    Plyometrics work

    e.g. in-place jumps,

    bunny hop into bench (step back down),

    bench astride jumps)

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    6-8 x cadence runs through 6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart [full recovery]

    c) 2x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m, 50m, 60m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; 6 min]


    Week 32 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 120mRep 1of each set:

    Acceleration run, each 40m becoming faster (e.g. 75%, 80%, 85%)

    Rep 2 of each set:

    Rhythm runs: 40m fast, 40m relax, 40m fast

    [walk back; 6-8 min]


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec work/rest

    Inc. med ball work,

    e.g. lunge with med ball x 3 kg

    side-twists x 2 kg

    c) 6 min steady run on grass

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    i) 6-8 accelerations through sticks placed on ground - Girls: 50cm, 60cm,

    70cm, 80cm and 90cm apart Boys: 50cm, 65cm, 80cm, 95cm, 110cm, 125cmapart

    ii) 3-4 harness runs x 10-15m


    Week 33 Session

    Monday a) Sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 120m

    Rep 1of each set:

    Acceleration run, each 40m becoming faster (e.g. 75%, 80%, 85%)Rep 2 of each set:

    Rhythm runs: 40m fast, 40m relax, 40m fast


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) circuit training

    4x 8 exercises: 30/30 sec


    Inc. low-intensity

    Plyometrics work

    e.g. in-place jumps,

    bunny hop into bench (step back down),

    bench astride jumps)

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 2x 4x 90m

    fast relaxed at 80 -85% effort, focussing on sound sprinting technique

    [slow walk back; 6 min]


    Intermediate Sprint - Phase 5 - Early to Mid Summer


    Objectives and methodology: to develop competitive ability through occasional competition or regular Timed

    trials (60m-200m); to develop specific sprinting skills through Sprint Stride and Sprint Drive drills, plus

    Acceleration and Rhythm runs; to maintain aerobic capacity through relaxed recovery runs and strides on grass; to

    develop basic speed through short repetitions from rolling start; to increase range of mobility (ROM) via home-

    worked flexibility routine

    Week 34 Session

    Monday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 6-8 x cadence runs through

    6x 6 hurdles

    b) 2x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed

    from 10m rolling start

    [2 min between reps; full between sets]


    Wednesday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through

    sprint-drive sticks

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bendc) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch [full recovery]

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 90m:

    Rep 1of each set:

    Acceleration run, each 30m becoming faster(E.g. 80%, 85%, 90%)

    Rep 2 of each set:

    Rhythm runs: 30m fast, 30m relax, 30m fast

    [slow walk back; 6 min]


    Week 35 Session

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Monday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 6-8 x cadence runs through

    6x 6 hurdles

    b) 2x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed

    from 10m rolling start


    Wednesday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through

    sprint-drive sticks

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch [full recovery]

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 90m:

    Rep 1 of each set:

    Acceleration run, each 30m becoming faster

    Rep 2 of each set:

    Rhythm runs: 30m fast, 30m relax, 30m fast


    Week 36 Session

    Monday a) sprint drills

    b) 2x 120m, 90m, 75m fast relaxed @ 80% effort

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Wednesday a)4 minute easy run on grass

    b)Mini circuit 2x 6 x 30/30 sec Inc mad ball work

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday Sprint drills:

    3x 100m Timed Trials from blocks

    or Minor Competition


    Week 37 Session

    Monday a) sprint drills

    b) 2x 120m, 90m, 75m fast relaxed @ 80% effort

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    [walk back; 6 min


    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) Mini circuit

    Inc low-intensity plyometric work

    c) 6-8 relaxed bend runs, c 60-80m

    [full recovery]

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m

    drive and relax from 5m rolling start


    Week 38 Session

    Monday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sprint-drive sticks

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch [full recovery]


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) Sprint drills:

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m from 5m rolling start


    Week 39 Session

    Monday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 6-8 x cadence runs through

    6x 6 hurdles

    b) 2x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed

    from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; full]

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint



    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) Mini circuit: 2x 6x 30/30 sec

    Inc med ball work

    c) 6-8 relaxed bend runs, c 60-80m

    [full recovery]

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 120m:

    Rep 1of each set:

    Acceleration run, each 40m becoming faster

    (E.g. 80%, 85%, 90%)

    Rep 2 of each set:

    Rhythm runs: 40m fast, 40m relax, 40m fast

    [slow walk back; 6 min]


    Week 40 Session

    Monday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sprint-drive sticks

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch [full recovery]


    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) Mini circuit

    Inc low-intensity plyometric work

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills

    b) 3x 2x 120m:

    Rep 1of each set:

    Acceleration run, each 40m becoming faster

    (E.g. 80%, 85%, 90%)

    Rep 2 of each set:

    Rhythm runs: 40m fast, 40m relax, 40m fast

    [slow walk back; 6 min]

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint



    Week 41 Session

    Monday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 6-8 x cadence runs through

    6x 6 hurdlesb) 2x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed

    from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; full]


    Wednesday a) 4 min easy run on grass

    b) Sprint drills

    c) 6-8 relaxed bend runs, c 60-80m

    [full recovery]

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday Sprint drills:

    2x 200m Timed Trials from blocks

    Or Minor Competition


    Week 42 Session

    Monday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 120m, 90m, 75m fast relaxed @ 80% effort[walk back; 6 min]


    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) Mini circuit: 2x 6x 30/30 sec

    Inc med ball work

    c) 6-8 relaxed strides on grass x 60-75m

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday Sprint drills:

    b) 1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m from 5m rolling start


    Week 43 Session

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Monday a) sprint drills:

    b) 2x 120m, 90m, 75m fast relaxed @ 80% effort

    [walk back; 6 min]


    Wednesday a) 4 minute easy run on grass

    b) Mini circuit

    Inc low-intensity plyometric work

    c) 6-8 relaxed bend runs, c 60-80m

    [full recovery]

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday a) Sprint drills:

    b) 1x 50m, 60m, 70m, 80m, 90m from 5m rolling startSunday

    Week 44 Session

    Monday Sprint Stride technique rehearsal:

    a) 6-8 x cadence runs through

    6x 6 hurdles

    b) 2x 20m, 50m, 30m, 40m,50m to full speed

    from 10m rolling start

    [2 min; full]


    Wednesday Sprint Drive technique rehearsal:

    a) 4-6 accelerations through sprint-drive sticks

    b) 6-8 block or crouch clearances on straight and bend

    c) 3-4x 20m drive from 2 point start

    x 30m drive from 3 point start

    x 40m from blocks or crouch [full recovery]

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday Sprint drills:

    3x 60m Timed Trials from blocks

    [full recovery]


    Week 45 Session

    Monday 8-10 min relaxed recovery run

    on grass, 70% effort


  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Wednesday 8-10 relaxed strides on grass x 60-80m

    Thursday Home-worked mobility routine

    Dynamic flexibility:

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday 8-10 min relaxed recovery runon grass, 70% effort


    Intermediate Sprint - Phase 6 - Late Summer


    Objectives and methodology: This phase represents an extension of the previous phase with reduced volume,

    increased but controlled effort in all runs and varied distance timed trials as a reliable indication of increasing

    velocity and speed endurance status, with easy recovery runs on grass to regenerate a sound aerobic base in a

    relaxed training environment.

    Week 46 Session

    Monday 8- 12 min easy run on grass


    Wednesday 6- 10 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday Sprint drills:

    1x 100m, 200m, 60m Timed Trials from blocks

    [full recovery between]

    Repeat one of above TT, distance to be chosen by athlete


    Week 47 Session

    Monday Sprint drills:

    1x 120m, 2x 90m, 3x 75m:

    fast relaxed

    [slow walk back; 6-8 min between sets]


    Wednesday a) Sprint stride technique rehearsal:

    4-6 x cadence runs through

    6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart

    b) 1x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m, 50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday Rest


    Week 48 Session

    Monday 8- 12 min easy run on grass


    Wednesday 6- 10 min easy run on grass

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday Rest


    Week 49 Session

    Monday Sprint drills

    1x 120m, 2x 90m, 3x 75m:

    fast relaxed

    [slow walk back; 6-8 min between sets]


    Wednesday a) Sprint stride technique rehearsal:

    4-6 x cadence runs through

    6x 6 hurdles placed 1m apart

    b) 1x 30m, 40m, 50m, 40m, 50m to full speed from 10m rolling start

    [2 min]

    Thursday Mobility

    Dynamic flexibility

    Active static flexibility work beyond present ROM


    Saturday Sprint drills

    1x 100m, 200m, 60m Timed Trials from blocks

    [full recovery between]Repeat one of above TT, distance to be chosen by athlete


    Weeks 5052 :

    TRANSITION: The final three weeks of the training year should be regarded as a period of rest, recovery and

    regeneration in which the athlete is encouraged to recharge batteries between one training year and the next.

  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Light, occasional training at much lower volume and intensity, or relaxed participation in different activities (e.g.

    swimming, tennis, basketball) will allow the athlete to enjoy an active break from the customary sprint training

    practised throughout the previous twelve months.

    High Knee Lift

    Lift the knees as high as you can Pump your arms Stay on your toes throughout


    Move sideways on and cross the trailing leg in front Uncross the legs and move the trailing leg behind Increase the speed as you get the hang of the footwork!

    Heel Flicks

    Kick one leg out in front of you Hop forwards slightly on the other leg Swap legs

    Heel to Bum

    Kick your heels up to touch your bum Stay on your toes and pump your arms Works the hamstrings and stretches the quads
  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Skip B

    Raise one knee and kick the foot out in front At the same time hop forwards on the standing leg Bring the foot quickly back to the floor

    High Kicks

    Kick one leg up high in front of you Touch your hands under your leg At the same time hop forwards on the standing leg before swapping legs

    Walking Lunges

    Take a large step forwards Bend the back knee towards the floor and front knee to 90 degrees Step forwards with the back leg and repeat

    Side Steps

    Stand sideways on and step out with the lead leg Side-step and bring the trail leg to meet the lead leg Repeat to work the groin muscles

    Heel to Bum

    Kick your heels up to touch your bum Stay on your toes and pump your arms Works the hamstrings and stretches the quads

    Skip B

    Raise one knee and kick the foot out in front At the same time hop forwards on the standing leg Bring the foot quickly back to the floor

    High Kicks
  • 7/16/2019 The 5 Components of the 100m Sprint


    Kick one leg up high in front of you Touch your hands under your leg At the same time hop forwards on the standing leg before swapping legs

    Walking Lunges

    Take a large step forwards Bend the back knee towards the floor and front knee to 90 degrees Step forwards with the back leg and repeat

    Side Steps

    Stand sideways on and step out with the lead leg Side-step and bring the trail leg to meet the lead leg Repeat to work the groin muscles

    Jumping Lunges

    Bound forwards with the leading leg bent Land both feet at the same time and drop into a lunge position Swing the back leg forwards and repeat

    Heel to Hand

    Lift one knee up and out to the side Touch the side of the heel on your hands Then immediately hop forwards on the other leg and swap legs

    Straight Leg Swings

    Keep on your toes throughout Swing one leg forwards keeping the knee straight When you land, swing the other leg forwards and repeat

    High Knees with Leg Swing

    Raise one knee and return it back to the floor as fast as you can Swing the other leg through, keeping the knee straight Swap legs

    Toe Flicks

    Keep the knees straight as you push off from your toes Flick the leg forward Use only your calfs and don't let the heels touch the floor

    Dynamic Hamstring Stretch

    Take one leg out in front, keep it straight and bend the other leg Reach forwards with the hand as you bend forward to increase the stretch Stand up slowly and step forwards to swap legs
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    Dynamic Quadriceps Stretch

    Bend one knee and grab the foot behind you Pull it in tight to feel a gentle stretch Lower the leg, step forwards and swap legs

    Dynamic Gluteal Stretch

    Lift one ankle so the outside ankle is on the lower thigh Bend the standing leg and lean forwards to increase the stretch Stand up slowly, step forward and change legs

    Dynamic Side Stretch

    Take the right leg forwards and cross it over the left Raise the left arm over your head and stretch to your right Stand upright, step forward with the right leg and perform to the other side

    Walking Squat

    Stand sideways on, feet wider than shoulder width Perform a squat Stand up, spin round on the lead leg to face the back wall and repeat

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