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The Affirmation Christian Fellowship Church Newsletter

The Affirmation May they all be one, just as, Father, you are in me and I am in you, so that they

also may be in us, that the world may believe it was you who sent me.

- John 17: 21

April 2010

In This Edition … Pg 3 – The Intimate Friendship of Jesus Pg 4 – Aiden Wilson Tozer Pg 5 – Oneness of the Body of Christ Pg 8 – Life Changing Power in Prayer Pg 10 – Recipe Centre

Pg 11 – Bible Crossword Pg 12 – Bible Word Searches Pg 13 – Children’s Coloring Pages Pg 15 – God’s Omnipresence & Omniscience Pg 16 - Gardener’s Corner Pg 17 – Books, Books & More Books Pg 18 – CFC Business Section

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The Affirmation April 2010


From The Editor’s Desk

My husband and I have been attending Christian Fellowship Church for about 14 or 15 months now. We have been adopted into a “Healthy and Healing” church in which God’s presence graces us. We have a gifted pastor who loves each and every one of us there. We have strong and faithful members in our congregation that the Holy Spirit has touched. We have Elders that are strong in prayer and a Leadership Board that is comprised of faithful followers of Christ. We have a worship team that feels and

acknowledges the Spirit of God and praise is abound

each time they praise the Lord in song. This is a church that the Spirit resides. This is a church that is comprised of members of the Body of Christ. This church is part of the Body of Christ.

To feel the Spirit of God make His presence known brings emotions to me every time. My heart is full of the Lord’s love and there are many times that I want to let that love flow from me into others – building them up. His grace is overflowing and each of the members of the congregation that feels that love that our God, the creator of the Heavens and the earth and all creatures great and small, bestows upon us is

greater than anything I can even imagine.

Prayer is so vital. Having a conversation with our Lord can open up so many new doors that we can walk through. We must remember that nothing is more important than Him.

He must always come first in our lives. He gives us the strength to continue on when circumstances seem to be running us over. He gives us that over-flowing love that we are to share with others. We must love each other, our neighbours, our enemies. We are to leave those thoughts of despair, worry, hatred, judgment, ridicule, or gossip

behind – repent and nail it to the cross for He will handle it.

He is stronger than us, wiser than us, He is our God, our Saviour, our Justice, our Redeemer.

My trust is in God and God alone. There is no one greater than He and He has graced me

with His love and compassion. He has built me up. He has shown me that there is more to life when He is with me than if I turn my back on him. He’s wrapped His arms around me more than once and there is no greater feeling of security and love than in my Highest Father.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless

you with His love, His kindness, His graciousness, His wisdom and His guidance through your life. May he give you Peace!

There is no one greater than He!

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The Affirmation April 2010


The Intimate Friendship of Jesus By Thomas A Kempis

When Jesus is near, all is well and nothing seems difficult. When He is absent, all is hard. When Jesus does not speak within, all other comfort is empty, but if He says only a word, it brings great consolation.

Did not Mary magdalen rise at once from her weeping when Martha said to her: “The Master is come, and calleth for thee”? Happy is the hour when Jesus calls one from tears to joy of spirit.

How dry and hard you are without Jesus! How foolish and vain if you desire anything but Him! Is it not a greater loss than losing the whole world? For what, without Jesus, can the world give you? Life without Him is a relentless hell, but living with Him is a sweet paradise. If Jesus be with you, no enemy can harm you.

He would finds Jesus finds a rare treasure, indeed, a good above every good, whereas he who loses Him loses more than the whole world. The man who lives without Jesus is the poorest of the poor, whereas no one is so rich as the man who lives in His grace.

It is a great art to know how to converse with Jesus, and great wisdom to know how to keep Him. Be humble and peaceful, and Jesus will be with you. Be devout and calm, and He will remain with you. You may quickly drive Him away and lose His grace, if you turn back to the outside world. And, if you drive Him away and lose Him, to whom will you go and whom will you then seek as a friend? You cannot live well without a friend, and if Jesus be not your friend above all else, you will be very sad and desolate. Thus, you are acting foolishly if you trust or rejoice in any other. Choose the opposition of the whole world rather than offend Jesus. Of all those who are dear to you, let Him be your special love. Let all things be loved for the sake of Jesus, but Jesus for His own sake.

Jesus Christ must be loved alone with a special love for He alone, of all friends, is good and faithful. For Him and in Him you must love friends and foes alike, and pray to Him that all may know and love Him.

Never desire special praise or love, for that belongs to God alone who has no equal. Never wish that anyone’s affection be centered in you, nor let yourself be taken up with the love of anyone, but let Jesus be in you and in every good man. Be pure and free within, unentagled with any creature.

You must bring to God a clean and open heart if you wish to attend and see how sweet the Lord is. Truly you will never attain this happiness unless His grace prepares you and draws you on so that you may forsake all things to be united with Him alone.

When the grace of God comes to a man he can do all things, but when it leaves him he becomes poor and weak, abandoned, as it were, to affliction. Yet, in this condition he should not become dejected or despair. On the contrary, he should calmly await the will of God and bear whatever befalls him in praise of Jesus Christ, for after winter comes summer, after night, the day, and after the storm, a great calm.

Thomas A Kempis (1380-1471) and was born at the Lower Rhine region in Kempen (Germany), County of Cleves in 1380 and died in 1471 near Zwolle in the Prince-Bishopric of Utrecht. His paternal name was Hemerken.

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The Affirmation April 2010


A.  W.  Tozer  has  been  an  inspiration  to  me  since  November  2009.  I  ran  across  some  quotations  that  many  authors  of  today  use  and  found  that  he  wrote  extensively  and  published  8  books  as  well  as  many  compilations  of  sermons  and  other  writings  which  were  edited  and  published  by  Christian  Publications,  Inc.  after  Tozer’s  death.  

In  December  of  2009,  I  purchased  “Tozer  for  Today  –  Tozer  on  the  Holy  Spirit”  which  is  a  366-­‐day  devotional.  No  greater  inspiration  besides  God  has  instilled  in  my  heart  a  desire  for  more  of  Him  in  my  life.  

One  of  the  most  special  in  my  heart  is  “The  Pursuit  of  God”  which  is  also  available  for  online  viewing  at  

Another  very  popular  book  worth  reading,  among  all  the  others,  is  “The  Knowledge  of  the  Holy”.  

One  thing  that  Tozer  has  instilled  in  my  heart  is  the  passion  for  God,  the  passion  to  get  to  know  Him  as  He  really  is,  and  to  realize  that  He  loves  

everyone,  both  believer  and  non-­‐believer  alike.  As  a  closing  of  this  brief  introduction  to  Tozer,  from  Chapter  10  –  The  Divine  Omniscience  from  this  book  The  Knowledge  of  the  Holy:  


God  Knows  and  Cares  as  No  One  Else!  

Our  Father  in  heaven  knows  our  frame  and  remembers  that  we  are  dust.  He  knew  our  inborn  treachery,  and  for  His  own  sake  engaged  to  save  us  (Isaiah  48:8-­‐11).  His  only  begotten  Son,  when  He  walked  among  us,  felt  our  pains  in  their  naked  intensity  of  anguish.  His  knowledge  of  our  afflictions  and  adversities  is  more  than  theoretic;  it  is  personal,  warm,  and  compassionate.  Whatever  may  befall  us,  God  knows  and  cares  as  no  one  else  can.  

“He  doth  give  His  joy  to  all;  He  becomes  an  infant  small;  He  becomes  a  man  of  woe;  He  doth  feel  the  sorrow  too.  

Think  not  thou  canst  sigh  a  sigh  and  thy  Maker  is  not  by;  think  not  thou  canst  weep  a  tear  

And  thy  Maker  is  not  near.  

O!  He  gives  to  us  His  joy  That  our  griefs  He  may  destroy;  Till  our  grief  is  fled  and  gone  He  doth  sit  by  us  and  moan.  

-­‐  William  Blake  


Aiden Wilson Tozer April 21, 1897 – May 12, 1963

By Krystal Savage

A.W. Tozer was an American Christian pastor, preacher, author, magazine

editor, Bible conference speaker, and spiritual mentor. For his work, he received two honorary doctorate


Verse:  For  my  own  name’s  sake  I  delay  my  wrath;  for  the  sake  of  my  praise  I  hold  it  back  from  you,  so  as  not  to  cut  you  off.  (Isaiah  48:9)  

Thought:  His  knowledge  of  our  afflictions  and  adversities  is  more  than  theoretic;  it  is  personal,  warm,  and  compassionate.  

Prayer:  Thank  You,  Father,  that  You  know  and  care  for  us  as  no  one  else  can.  

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The Affirmation April 2010


Oneness of the Body of Christ By LaVyne Hombert

Oneness  of  the  Body  of  Christ  is  one  of  the  passions  of  my  heart.    

I  will  be  mentioning  a  few  of  the  many  New  Testament  scriptures  regarding  the  Oneness  of  the  Body  of  Christ,  quoting  from  four  translations  of  the  bible.      

Wuest’s  New  Testament,  John  17:9-­‐11,  “As  for  myself,  I  make  request  concerning  them.  Not  concerning  the  world  do  I  make  request,  but  concerning  those  whom  you  have  given  me,  because  they  are  yours  and  all  things  that  are  mine  are  yours,  and  the  things  that  are  yours  are  mine,  and  I  stand  glorified  in  them.  And  as  for  myself,  no  longer  am  I  in  the  world,  but  they  themselves  are  in  the  world,  and  I  am  coming  to  you.  Oh  holy  Father,  maintain  a  watchful  care  over  them  in  your  Name,  which  you  have  given  me,  in  order  that  they  may  be  one  even  as  we.”  

John  17:19-­‐23,  “And  on  behalf  of  them  I  am  setting  myself  apart,  in  order  that  they  themselves  also,  having  been  set  apart  for  God  in  the  sphere  of  the  truth,  may  continually  be  in  that  state  of  consecration.  But  not  concerning  these  only  am  I  making  request,  but  also  concerning  those  who  believe  on  me  through  their  word,  in  order  that  all  might  be  one,  even  as  you,  Father,  are  in  me  and  I  in  you  in  order  that  they  themselves  also  might  be  in  us,  to  the  end  that  the  world  may  be  believing  that  you  sent  me  on  a  mission.  And  as  for  myself,  the  glory  which  you  have  given  me,  I  have  given  them,  in  order  that  they  might  be  one  even  as  we  are  one,  I  in  them  and  you  in  me,  in  order  that  they,  having  been  brought  to  the  state  of  completeness,  to  the  end  that  the  world  might  be  understanding  that  you  sent  me  on  a  mission  and  that  you  loved  them  even  as  you  

loved  me.”  

John  17:25-­‐26,  “O  Righteous  Father,  though  the  world  did  not  know  you,  yet  I  knew  you,  and  these  knew  that  you  send  me  on  a  mission.  And  I  made  known  to  them  your  Name,  and  will  make  it  known,  in  order  that  the  love  with  which  you  loved  me  might  be  in  them  and  I  might  be  in  them.”  

John  17    has  become  known  as  the  High  Priestly  prayer  that  Jesus  prayed  at  the  Passover,  before  He  and  His  disciples  went  to  the  Garden  of  Gethsemane.  However,  the  truth  in  Jesus’  prayer  has  in  time  been  diminished  in  meaning  in  the  Church.  

We  have  read  this  chapter,  and  have  agreed  to  it,  with  our  mind  but  it  has  not  become  a  fervent  prayer  of  Christians,  as  Jesus  prayed,  “That  they  might  be  one  even  as  we  are  one,  I  in  them  and  you  in  me,  in  order  that  they,  having  been  brought  to  the  state  of  completeness  with  respect  to  oneness,  may  persist  in  that  state  of  completeness,  to  the  end  that  the  world  might  be  understanding  that  you  sent  me  on  a  mission  and  that  you  loved  them  even  as  you  loved  me.”  

Have  you  ever  thought  that  the  same  night  Jesus  was  betrayed,  His  desire  was  towards  you,  as  He  prayed,  not  only  for  the  disciples,  but  for  you  and  I?  Such  an  important  prayer,  but  it  has  become  mediocre  to  the  church.  

Certainly,  the  Apostle  Paul  experienced  first  hand  about  the  Body  of  Christ.  As  Saul,  on  his  way  to  Antioch  to  persecute  the  Christians,  he  had  a  personal  encounter  with  the  resurrected  and  ascended  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  

Reading  from  the  New  International  Version,  Acts  9:3-­‐5,  “As  he  neared  

Damascus  on  his  journey,  suddenly  a  light  from  heaven  flashed  around  him.  He  fell  to  the  ground  and  heard  a  voice  say  to  him,  “Saul,  Saul,  why  do  you  persecute  me?”  “Who  are  you  Lord,”  Saul  asked.  “I  am  Jesus  of  Nazareth,  whom  you  are  persecuting,”  He  replied.”  

So  you  see  in  these  scriptures,  the  Lord  did  not  ask  him  why  he  was  persecuting  His  people,  or  His  church,  but  Him.  “Saul,  Saul,  why  do  you  persecute  me?”  “I  am  Jesus  of  Nazareth,  whom  you  are  persecuting.”  

Just  in  these  two  scriptures,  Jesus  fully  identified  Himself  with  the  Christians,  He  as  the  head  in  Heaven  and  the  Christians,  here  on  earth  as  His  Body.  

Acceptance  of  the  oneness  of  believers  as  members  of  the  Body  of  Christ  was  a  part  of  the  Early  Church,  until  the  Roman  church  took  over  in  the  300’s  A.D.  century.  The  belief  that  all  believers  were  members  of  and  thus  made  up  the  oneness  of  the  Body  of  Christ  was  lost,  and  the  Church  that  once  was  a  spiritual  living  organism,  became  an  organization.  But  for  the  past  decade  or  so,  believers  are  seeing  themselves  as  active  members  of  the  Body  of  Christ.  Today’s  Church  is  seeing  the  restoration  regarding  the  truth  about  the  vitality  of  the  Body  of  Christ,  and  the  need  for  our  understanding  of  the  Oneness  of  that  Body.    

In  today’s  terms,  here  and  throughout  the  world  the  Body  of  Christ  in  action  is  a  partnership  with  other  members  of  the  Body.  Here  are  a  couple  of  chapters  that  you  might  to  look  further  into  -­‐  Ephesians  4,  Romans  12,  and  1  Corinthians  12.  In  a  

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The Affirmation April 2010


nutshell,  these  scriptures  speak  about  allowing  each  person  to  exercise  his  gifts,  and  in  doing  so,  increases  the  power  and  the  credibility  for  effectiveness  of  all  of  us  as  part  of  the  Oneness  of  the  Body  of  Christ.  

In  Ephesians  4:16,  speaking  about  Jesus  as  the  Head,  the  King  James  Version  reads:  “For  whom  the  whole  body  fitly  joined  together  and  compacted  by  that  which  every  joint  supplieth,  according  to  the  effectual  working  in  the  measure  of  every  part,  maketh  increases  of  the  body  until  edifying  of  itself  in  love.”  

The  thought  here  is  a  lot  of  different  members  with  different  functions  and  different  abilities  as  God  in  His  sovereignty  as  given  to  His  adopted  sons  and  daughters  that  make  up  the  Body  of  Christ.  All  are  brought  together,  joined  and  united  in  such  a  powerful  and  effective  way  that  they  become  fully  one.  This  was  the  purpose  of  God  in  the  Early  Church  and  continues  in  our  day  –  to  compact  together  the  various  members  to  make  one  single  functioning  Body  –  all  united  with  the  Head.  

Every  person  that  accepts  for  himself  (or  herself)  salvation  as  made  possible  by  what  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  did  for  us,  becomes  part  of  the  Body  of  Christ,  which  is  united  with  its  Head,  Jesus  Christ.    

The  physical  body  has  many  members,  but  the  head,  through  the  nervous  system,  controls  all  members.  Likewise,  the  Head,  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  through  the  Holy  Spirit,  joins  the  many  members  together  in  the  spirit  into  the  One  Body  of  Christ.  

One  of  the  characteristics  of  a  natural  blood  line  family  is  DNA.  

There  is  a  spiritual  equivalent  to  the  natural  DNA.  Birthed  by  the  Spirit  of  God  into  Christ,  and  receiving  the  Spirit  of  Christ,  implants  the  family  line  spiritual  DNA  of  God,  which  transforms  our  spiritual  DNA  to  the  family  blood  line  of  God  by  the  Spirit  of  adoption.  By  the  Holy  Spirit,  the  very  life  of  Christ  carrying  the  spiritual  DNA  of  the  Father  abides  with  His  adopted  sons.  Are  we  then  not  a  family  of  God?  And  then  are  we  not  all  the  part  of  the  Body  of  Christ?  

Let’s  look  at  some  of  these  scriptures  pertaining  to  the  same.  And  again,  I  will  be  reading  these  scriptures  from  Wuest’s  New  Testament.      

John  1:12  …  “But  as  many  as  appropriated  Him,  He  gave  them  the  legal  right  to  become  born-­‐ones  of  God,  to  those  who  put  their  trust  in  His  name,  who,  not  out  of  a  source  of  bloods,  nor  even  out  of  a  desire  of  the  flesh,  not  even  out  of  a  desire  of  a  male  individual,  but  out  of  God  were  born.”  

Galatians  4:4-­‐6  …  “But  when  there  came  the  fullness  of  time,  God  sent  off  His  Son,  woman-­‐born,  made  subject  to  the  law,  in  order  that  He  might  deliver  those  under  the  law  to  the  end  that  we  might  be  placed  as  adult  sons.  And  because  you  are  sons,  God  sent  forth  the  Spirit  of  His  Son  into  your  hearts  crying,  Abba,  my  Father.”  

Members  of  our  natural  body  are  interdependent,  so  the  members  of  the  Body  of  Christ  interdependent.  All  the  members  are  fitted  together  and  coordinate  with  one  another  in  the  Holy  Spirit.  As  every  member  of  the  physical  body  has  a  particular  function  or  contribution  to  make  the  body  function  the  way  God  created  it,  so  does  each  member  of  the  Body  of  Christ  have  his  (or  her)  particular  function  and  contributes  to  the  whole  of  the  Body  of  Christ.  No  one  is  to  say  


that  what  they  are  to  contribute  in  the  Body  of  Christ  is  not  necessary.  It  is  absolutely  necessary  for  each  member  to  do  its  part.  If  any  member  does  not  function  the  way  that  it  should  the  whole  body  is  immobilized.    

Here  in  our  church,  we  see  ministries  and  gifts  in  operation.  I  enjoy  it  and  rejoice  in  my  spirit.  It’s  great!  What  we  often  don’t  realize  is  that  those  with  ministries  and  gifts  are  anointed  by  the  Holy  Spirit  to  move  in  their  ministries  and  operate  their  gifts.  To  mention  a  few.  When  Dave  Hammond  prays  the  compassion  you  see  on  his  face  and  you  hear  in  his  voice  is  divine  compassion  and  he’s  anointed  as  he  prays.  The  same  with  David  Fisher  in  his  sermons,  and  in  his  prayers.  The  ministry  of  intercession  here  in  the  church  is  an  anointed  ministry,  as  well  as  the  ministry  of  helps  or  needs.  Those  in  the  teaching  ministry,  or  those  operating  their  gifts,  such  as  the  gift  of  healings  must  also  be  anointed.  When  people  await  for  guidance  or  directions  from  the  head  of  the  Body  of  Christ  –  as  given  by  the  Holy  Spirit  –  and  are  obedient  to  those  directions,  their  ministries  and  gifts  are  anointed,  and  we  are  blessed  –  such  as  that  time  when  Wayne  had  a  word  for  Dave.  Although  Wayne  may  have  not  understood  why  he  was  given  that  word,  and  what  it  meant,  nor  did  we  know,  but    Dave  certainly  did.  Wayne  was  operating  as  a  member  of  the  Body  of  Christ.  

Some  of  you  may  not  know  what  your  ministries  (  the  Call  of  God  on  you)  or  your  spiritual  gifts  are,  which      God  has  put  in  you  since  the  time  of  your  conception.  In  the  seminar  on  Spiritual  Gifts  that  Pastor  David  Fisher  teaches  sometimes  on  a  Saturday,  that  opportunity  is  given  to  you  to  learn  about  what  ministries  and  spiritual  

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gifts  you  have.  If  you  have  not  taken  this  session,  I  urge  you  that  the  next  time  the  Spiritual  Gifts  seminar  is  taught  at  our  church  here  that  you  take  it.  It  will  make  a  big  difference  in  your  life.  This  church  here  also  gives  you  the  opportunity  to  use  these  gifts  and  operate  in  the  ministries  you  have.  

The  Lord  Jesus  Christ  is  the  Head  of  the  Body  of  Christ,  and  the  Holy  Spirit  teaches  us  what  we  are  to  do  in  our  place  as  that  particular  member  of  the  Body,  using  the  spiritual  gifts  He  has  given  us  that  are  exercised  through  the  fruits  of  the  Holy  Spirit  especially  through  love  -­‐-­‐    and  all  for  the  glory  of  God.  

Understanding  that  if  Christ  lives  in  me,  and  Christ  lives  in  you,  and  in  everyone  in  the  world  that  has  accepted  the  only  begotten  Son  of  God,  there  should  be  no  division  between  us.  We  are  oneness  in  the  Body  of  Christ,  with  Christ  as  our  Head.  

When  we  hear  of  persecution  of  Christians  in  the  world  (  Uganda,  Sri  Lanka,  or  other  countries),  our  spirits  should  be  deeply  concerned.  We  should  not  act  as  if  they  are  group  of  Christians  far  away  from  us.  But  they  are  members  of  the  Body  of  Christ  as  we  are  members  of  His  Body.  You  know  that  in  the  physical,  if  your  lower  back  is  hurting  you,  it  isn’t  long  until  your  whole  back  and  your  body  is  out  of  sorts.  As  our  physical  body  members  feel  pain  and  doesn’t  function  properly  because  of  other  members  of  our  body  feeling  pain  and  are  not  functioning  properly,  so  we  too  should  be  spiritually  concerned  –  we  should  have  compassion  –  about  the  members  of  the  Body  of  Christ  suffering  in  other  countries.  

Beyond  the  scope  of  our  local  church,  we  are  part  of  the  Oneness  of  the  Body  of  Christ  worldwide.  That  is  why  when  Dave  Hammond  prays  the  pastoral  prayer  on  Sunday,  he  prays  for  those  missions  outside  of  Canada  and  for  the  people  heading  up  these  missions,  as  well  as  for  others  we  hear  about  in  other  countries,  such  as  in  Haiti.  What  Dave  shows  is  not  just  normal  caring  for  people,  but  he  is  full  of  divine  compassion  as  he  obeys  I  Corinthians  12:25-­‐27.  

In  the  Amplified  Version,  these  verses  read  as  follows,  “So  that  there  is  no  division  or  discord  or  lack  of  adaption  (of  the  parts  of  the  body  to  each  other),  but  the  members  alike  have  mutual  interest  in  and  care  for  one  another.  And  if  one  members  suffers,  all  of  the  parts  (share)  the  suffering;  if  one  member  is  honoured,  all  the  members  (share  in)  the  enjoyment  of  it.  Now  you  (collectively)  are  Christ’s  Body  and  (individually)  you  are  members  of  it,  each  part  severally  and  distinct  –  each  with  his  own  place  and  function.”  

As  members  of  the  Body  of  Christ,  all  of  us  here  should  desire  intimacy  with  our  Heavenly  Abba  Father,  to  know  of  God’s  love,  so  that  we  may  show  forth  God’s  love,  flowing  through  us,  and  to  have  Christ  formed  in  us.  

Last  summer,  we  showed  our  caring  for  members  of  the  Body  of  Christ,  by  our  congregation  raising  more  than  $3,125.00  to  pay  the  cost  of  four  Africans  to  go  the  College  of  Prayer  in  one  of  the  countries  in  Africa  -­‐-­‐  that  was  our  love  in  action.  

Just  recently,  Daughters  of  Infinite  Worth  –  a  women’s  ministry  in  our  church  –  raised  $2,000.00  for  Jesus  Wells  in  India  provided  by  Gospel  for  Asia.    

We  also  should  encourage  one  another  to  seek  that  intimacy  with  the  Father  as  


well,  and  to  experience  God’s  love  for  themselves.  If  all  the  members  of  the  Body  of  Christ  throughout  the  world  sought  that  intimacy,  until  Christ  was  formed  in  all  of  us,  and  we  became  that  Oneness  in  the  Body  of  Christ  that  Jesus  prayed  about  in  John  17,  we  would  turn  today’s  world  upside  down,  as  the  Early  Church  did  in  the  world  of  that  day!  Think  about  it!  

We  would  then  fulfill  that  part  of  Jesus’  prayer  in  John  17,  where  he  prayed,  “That  they  might  be  one  even  as  we  are  one,  I  in  them  and  you  in  me,  in  order  that  they,  having  been  brought  to  the  state  of  completeness  with  respect  to  oneness,  may  persist  in  that  state  of  completeness,  to  the  end  that  the  world  might  be  understanding  that  you  sent  me  on  a  mission  that  you  loved  them  even  as  you  loved  me.”  

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Life Changing Power in Prayer

Can you pray for a friend without the details of his or her need? A friend may simply ask you, “Just pray for me.” Other times, the Holy Spirit may burden you with a desire to pray for someone. How can we ask God for something when we don’t know what it is?

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to talk with God (Luke 11:1). We have the incredible opportunity to converse with the Creator of this universe, so naturally we want to know how. The awesome truth is that we can have a positive and powerful impact on the life of someone else, even when we lack all the information we think we need.

We can bless the life of anyone through prayer god will hear us and answer us. We will have an impact on those lives that will in turn, impact countless other lives.

“For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray and make request for you, that ye may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, to walk worthily of the Lord unto all pleasing, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to the might of his glory, unto all patience and longsuffering with joy; giving thanks unto the Father, who made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light; who delivered us out of the power of darkness, and translated us into the kingdom

of the Son of his love; in whom we have our redemption, the forgiveness of our sins…” Colossians 1:9-14

Supporting scripture:

• Luke 11:1 • Ephesians 4:1 • John 15:7-8

Scriptural Principles:

1) What is the life-changing prayer? Most of us know the magnificent Lord’s Prayer, the one that Jesus taught His disciples. The Scriptures offer us another amazing prayer that we can offer on behalf of others. While writing to the Colossian church, Paul revealed his prayer for that fellowship of believers. We can accommodate this model prayer for our own uses, interceding for everyone we know while being confident that God will answer it every time. This prayer is found in Colossians 1:9-14. Paul prayed for his friend’s wisdom, for their daily walk, for the bearing of fruit, and for their strengthening.

2) What makes this prayer so powerful? This prayer is powerful because, first, each part is in perfect line with the will of God as revealed in His Word. We already know this will be answered positively. Second, this is a prayer that can be prayed for anyone on earth. There is no one who isn’t in need of the blessings that are listed here. Third, this is a prayer that fits every single need we can have in life. Fourth, Pauls prayer for the

Colossians is an encouraging one. Simply hearing that someone is praying it for us, we feel new strength. Finally, this is a God-centered prayer. There is nothing selfish about any part of it, but every word magnifies the Lord.

3) We pray for the knowledge of God’s will. In Colossians 1:9, Paul prays that his friends “may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.” This is his first request; what does it mean? Paul is asking that the Colossians would clearly know God’s will for their lives. Oftentimes we see that our children or loved ones are experiencing difficult times, and we can use this prayer to help them clearly see God’s desire for their lives. Again, we need not wonder if we should make this request. At all times, He longs for every one of His children to have the wisdom and understanding of His will. What a joy to be able to make this request for others!

4) We pray for a walk that is worthy of the Lord. Paul’s second request is that his readers “will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects” (v. 10) This is the whole idea of living in a manner worthy of our Lord. We are extensions of the life of Jesus, exhibitions of His character and demonstrations of His power. Our actions, our words, our

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attitudes and our relationships reflect the God we serve, so that we must walk in a manner worthy of the life to which He has called us. Considering all that He has done for us, how could we do otherwise?

5) We pray for the bearing of fruit in every good work. Also in v.10, we find the next request: that Paul’s friends might always be “bearing fruit in every good work”. This is not a question of merely being busy, but productive in the things that matter o God. In John 15:7-8, Jesus tells us that He desires us to bear much fruit as proof of being His disciples. That means that as each week goes by, we should be asking ourselves, “What have I done this week that has eternal significance?” How have I borne fruit for God’s kingdom?” we should also be praying for God to help others bear fruit. Particularly as parents, we should pray each day that our children would be involved in “every good work”.

6) We pray for an increase in the knowledge of God. Can you honestly say that you have a hunger to know God? If you have that desire for yourself, you will also pray for the same result in the lives of those you care about. Most people are hungry to learn trivia about sports or entertainment, but what about matters of eternity? We should yearn to have greater knowledge of God by reading and applying

the Word, and then by observing the results. Our wisest action each day is to feed the spirit before feeding the body, because no source but God can satisfy our deepest desire.

7) We pray for strengthening with God’s power. Paul prays that the Colossians would be “strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience” (v.11). the prayer means simply this: that the power of God would work in someone’s life. Perhaps a couple is going through a divorce, or someone has just lost a job. When someone we know is living through difficult times, we pray that our friend would feel God’s power released in the midst of their struggles. Sometimes the Lord is simply waiting for one person to make that prayer. We all want to have others pray for us in that way, so we should do the same for them.

8) We pray joyfully in giving thanks. Finally, Paul asks God to fill his friends with joyful gratitude, “joyously giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints” (vv. 11-12). We ask God to show our friends all the good things He has done for them. We want our friends to have joyful, thankful hearts. Our motivation for giving thanks is fourfold, as we read in verses 12-14. First, we have been qualified to share in God’s inheritance. Second, we have been rescued from darkness. Third, we have been transferred to the kingdom of

His Son. Fourth, we have been forgiven. We are the sons and daughters of God – how can we help but have joyful, greatful hearts?

Conclusion: It should be very clear that the prayer in Col 1:9-14 is one of life-changing power. Wouldn’t you like to know that someone is offering it to God, with your name on it, every single day? Parents, can you think of a more awesome gift to your children than to make this prayer over them each morning?

Think of someone whose life you would like to see blessed. mark this prayer in your Bible, commit it to your heart, and begin to bring the name of your friend before God every day. Then you enjoy watching God work, because this prayer is always His will.

It will mark the beginning of countless blessings for every day of your life.

We must be able to love each other within the church body as well as outside of it. We must love our neighbour and we must be able to love a stranger that we’ve never met. This love brings unity to the Body of Christ. This is our Lord and Saviour’s greatest desire!

Prayer can strengthen us and can bless us as well as those who we pray for. And the results will make you rejoice in our Lord!

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Recipe Centre

Tomato Bisque

4 Tbsp. unsalted butter 1 Tbsp. minced bacon 1 Spanish onion, chopped 1 carrot, chopped 1 stalk celery, chopped 4 cloves garlic, minced 5 Tbsp. flour 4 cups chicken broth 1 (28-oz) can whole peeled tomatoes, roughly chopped 2 Tbsp. Cream sherry 3 parsley sprigs 3 fresh thyme sprigs 1 bay leaf 2 cups heavy cream 1 ¾ tsp. kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper

Heat the butter in a large soup pot over medium-high heat. Add the bacon and cook, stirring, until crisp and most of the fat has rendered, about 1 minute. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the bacon to a paper towel-lined plate and set aside. Lower the heat to medium, add the onion, carrots, celery, and garlic and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, until soft and fragrant, about 8 minutes.

Stir in the flour and cook, stirring, for 3 minutes. Pour in the broth and tomatoes and bring to a boil while whisking constantly. Tie the parsley sprigs,

thyme, and bay leaf together with a piece of kitchen twine and add to the pot. Lower the heat and simmer for 40 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

When the soup base is cool, remove and discard the herb bundle. Working in batches, transfer the mixture to a blender and puree until smooth. Using a sieve over a large bowl, strain the tomato puree. Return the puree to the pot add the sherry and reheat over medium heat.

Whisk the heavy cream and salt into the soup and season with pepper to taste. Divide among warm soup bowls and serve immediately.

Tiramisu Cheesecake

1 (12 ounce) package ladyfingers 4 tablespoons butter, melted 4 tablespoons coffee flavored liqueur 3 (8 ounce) packages cream cheese 1 (8 ounce) container mascarpone cheese 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs 4 tablespoons all-purpose flour

1 (1 ounce) square semisweet chocolate

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Place a pan of water on the bottom of oven.

Crush the package of ladyfingers to fine crumbs. Mix the melted butter into the crumbs. Moisten with 2 tablespoons of the coffee liqueur. Press into an 8 or 9 inch springform pan.

In a large bowl, mix cream cheese, mascarpone, and sugar until very smooth. Add 2 tablespoons coffee liqueur, and mix. Add the eggs and the flour; mix SLOWLY until just smooth. The consistency of the mascarpone can vary. If the cheesecake batter is too thick, add a little cream. Do not overmix at this point. Pour batter into crust.

Place pan on middle rack of oven. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until just set. Open oven door, and turn off the heat. Leave cake to cool in oven for 20 minutes. Remove from oven, and let it finish cooling. Refrigerate for at least 3 hours, or overnight. Right before serving, grate the semi-sweet chocolate overtop.

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Bible Crossword


1 A book of books

4 Shortest book in the Old Testament

7 The number of chapters in Philemon

8 This testament contains 39 books

9 Jesus’ brother, who wrote a letter

11 In authority before the kings

12 His epistle contains one chapter

13 Successor to Queen Vashti

14 David wrote many of these set to music

17 Wrote about the restoration of the temple

18 Originator, writer of a book

21 Number of letters written by John

23 Number of chapters in 13A

24 Galilee, Dead, for example

26 Paul wrote many of these

27 He prophesied the birthplace of Jesus


1 There are 66 of these

2 Behold

3 Revelation comes in this part of the New Testament

5 Donation of money to the poor

6 This letter lists the faithful

9 He prophesied of the ‘day of the Lord’

10 A faithful Moabitess

13 He foretold the regathering of Israel in prophecy of dry bones

15 A prophet who was a herdsman

16 One of the gospel writers

19 A prophet, reluctant to

go to Nineveh

20 Adam & Eve ate from this in the garden

22 The border of a garment

25 Joshua writes about this city near Bethel

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Bible Wordsearchs



















































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Children’s Coloring Pages

Joshua 10

And all at once Joshua lifted his voice in the sight of his troops and cried out in a powerful explosion of faith :

"O sun -- stand though still over Gibeon; O moon, over the valley of Ajalon!"

And while Joshua and his men fought the battle the sun was still for 23 hours!

Miracle of miracles!

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And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and

the waters were divided." (Exodus 14:21)

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God’s Omnipresence & Omniscience

Psalm 139

O LORD, You have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You understand my thought from afar. You scrutinize my path and my lying down, And are intimately acquainted with all my ways. Even before there is a word on my tongue, Behold, O LORD, You know it all. You have enclosed me behind and before, And laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is too high, I cannot attain to it. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will lay hold of me. If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, And the light around me will be night," Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day Darkness and light are alike to You. For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written The days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was not one of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand When I awake, I am still with You.

O that You would slay the wicked, O God; Depart from me, therefore, men of bloodshed. For they speak against You wickedly, And Your enemies take Your name in vain. Do I not hate those who hate You, O LORD? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You? I hate them with the utmost hatred; They have become my enemies. Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.

The Excellency of Brotherly Unity Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!

It is like the prescious oil upon the head, coming down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard, coming down upon the edge of his robes.

It is like the dew of Hermon coming down upon the mountains of Zion; for there the Lord commanded the blessing – life forever.

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The Affirmation April 2010


The Gardener’s Corner

Peony seeds are special. Each seed represents a new and unique peony!

A few facts about Peony seeds:

• Peonies are heterozygous and do not come true from seek.

• Peony seeds have a double dormancy and require a sequence of specific environmental conditions to germinate.

• Warm moist conditions will produce a root. When followed by cold moist conditions, a shoot will appear.

• Flowers may not appear for several years.

• The first flowers of peony seedlings are often different than those that will develop as the plant matures. Don’t judge too quickly!

• New peonies can be registered with the American Peony Society.

How to Germinate Peony Seeds

Collect the seeds as pods begin to open. The harder the outer shell, the longer the first dormancy period.

Wash the seeds in soapy water followed by a ten minute soak in 9 parts water to 1 part household bleach solution.


Place seeds in a sealed plastic bag with barely moist vermiculite or peat moss.

Place the sealed bag in a warm area of the house (not in the sun) and check them every week to see if the root has emerged and ensure they remain moist (but not wet!)

Leave them in the warmth until the roots appear (Anywhere from a few weeks to several months).

Once the roots appear and

are about 3 cm in length, move the bag to a cool location. The temperature should be approximately 40 degrees F.

After 12 weeks, remove the bag and pot up the partially germinated seeds in a soilless germination mix.

Depending on the time of year, you may have to place seedlings under grow lights for a few months before being able to transfer outside.

Keep seedlings under grow lights and ensure they are moist but not soggy.

Apply a balanced liquid fertilizer every few weeks.

Transfer outside slowly as you would any other tender seedling. Too much sun, too rapidly will result in burnt foliage.

Seedlings should be outside in a sunny, well drained seedbed by September at the latest.

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Books, Books & More Books

Victory Over The Darkness by Neil T. Anderson ISBN 0830725644

When we begin our Christian walk we are overwhelmed with joy, but it does not take long before the darkness of intellectual doubt, emotional confusion and physical pain threaten to separate us from our Savior. In the updated edition of his contemporary classic, Neil Anderson explains that our identity in Christ, the power of Scripture and the love of the Christian community will help us to experience Victory Over the Darkness. Let this gifted pastor and counselor teach you how to "live as children of light" (Eph. 5:8).

The Bondage Breaker by Neil T. Anderson ISBN 073691840

Featuring a new introduction and cover, Anderson's bestselling book The Bondage Breaker leads you away from the shadows and shackles in your life and toward the freedom that comes when you: realize you have the right to be free confront the power of Satan fight the temptation to do it your way trade deception for grace affirm your identity

in Christ Anderson ultimately helps you break negative thought patterns, control irrational feelings, and break out of the bondage of sinful behavior. If you're struggling, discover how to embrace the promise of Jesus to win the spiritual battles confronting you.

Who I Am In Christ by Neil T. Anderson ISBN 0830728902

Embark on a Scripture-based journey that reveals and defines your special place in God's family. This inspiring devotional delivers a warm and embracing reminder that God's love for you is unconditional and the gift of life-which He freely gives to all who accept Christ-comes with no strings attached and lasts for eternity.

Authentic Christianity by Ray C. Steadman ISBN 1572980179

Authentic Christianity proclaims the most liberating secret in all of Scripture. Jesus died for us so that He might live in us. That's a life big enough to carry the loads, strong enough to face the demands. A life so attractive and compelling that men and women are drawn to seek its Source.

An in depth study of II Corinthians, this Christian classic avoids popular religious trends and jargon to reveal the genuine purpose, simplicity, and joy of true Christianity.

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CFC Business Connection The CFC Business Connection is an advertising area of our newsletter for members of our congregation who have businesses of their own.

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The Affirmation c/o Christian Fellowship Church

445 King Street Spruce Grove, Alberta

T7X 2C6

Email: [email protected]

The Affirmation April 2010

The Affirmation Newsletter

This newsletter is a ministry of Krystal Savage that is supported by the Congregational Christian

Fellowship Church of Spruce Grove.

Articles submitted by fellow Christians and all content is reviewed before publishing.

Any articles that are copyrighted are noted with the article including author and copyright date.

To submit an article or comments, write to us at:

Submitting  articles  or  comments  to  The  Affirmation:  


The  Affirmation  Scheduled  Release  Dates  

• July  2010  –  Issue  4  (all  articles  must  be  submitted  by:  June  20,  2010)  • October  2010  –  Issue  5  (all  articles  must  be  submitted  by:  September  20,  2010)  • January  2011  –  Issue  6  (all  articles  must  be  submitted  by:  December  20,  2010)    

If  submitting  an  article,  please  note  the  cut-­‐off  date  for  each  issue.  

I  would  like  to  thank  all  those  individuals  who  have  contributed  to  the  content  of  this  newsletter.  God  bless  all  of  you!  

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