Page 1: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

The Age of Jackson

Page 2: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Focus Question:

Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States.

Page 3: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Andrew Jackson, Man of Conflict

• Violent Individual (“Gentleman Savage”)• Frontiersman• Used to a rough and tumble life• Served in the War for Independence at the age

of 11• Fought a series of duels• Brought up with life as a struggle

• War Hero• Defeated the Creek in 1811• Defeated the British at New Orleans• Defeated the Seminole in 1819

Page 4: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Conflicting Nature

Man of the People Fabulously wealthy

Intensely Loyal to family, friends, and soldiers

Extremely Bigoted

Distrusted the National Government Expanded the National Government’s Power

Page 5: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

The Return of the Two-Party System• The Federalist Party Collapsed in 1816• Could not win in national elections• Jeffersonian Republicans adopted many of their

ideas• The time period was called the Era of Good Feelings

Party loyalties now stressed personality

Page 6: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Election of 1824• Four-way race for President

• John Quincy Adams, Massachusetts, Secretary of State

• Andrew Jackson, Tennessee, War Hero• Henry Clay, Kentucky, Speaker of the House• William Crawford, Georgia, Secretary of the


Page 7: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Nation Divided on Sectional LinesPOPULAR VOTE ELECTORAL VOTE

JACKSON 153,544 99ADAMS 108,740 84CLAY 47,136 37CRAWFORD 46,618 41

Page 8: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

The “Corrupt Bargain”

• The House of Representatives elected Adams president

• Henry Clay was appointed Secretary of State• Jackson’s supporters began campaigning almost


Page 9: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Election of 1828

Page 10: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Jacksonian Democracy

• Jackson brought a new style to the White House• Designed government to “restore power to the

people”• Saw the government as reflecting the common man• Promoted the “Spoils System”• Government positions given to political supporters

Page 11: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Jackson despised “Eastern Elites”

• Felt that the powerful held too much power• Felt that the “common people” were left out• Despised distinctions based on class

Page 12: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Decentralized Government

• Shift power from Washington to the states• Reduce tariffs• Restrict spending on “internal improvements”• Close the 2nd Bank of the U.S.• Promoted a “rotation in office”

• Age of the Common Man

Page 13: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Mixed Record

1. Role of Political Machines2. The Bank Crisis and the Panic of 18373. The Nullification Crisis4. Indian Removal

Page 14: The Age of Jackson. Focus Question: Identify three changes the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 brought to the United States

Answer in a short, 5-7 sentence paragraph:

Based on class discussion, your understanding of history and the documents, determine the validity of the following statement:

The Jackson Administration was generally positive for Americans.

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