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The Agenda of the Mission Community Heritage Commission meeting to be via video conference on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 6:00 pm.




(a) Minutes of the Mission Community Heritage Commission meeting held on Wednesday, June 2, 2021.

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(a) Val Billesberger, Branch Operations Coordinator for the Mission Community Archives

Re: Opportunities for hiring students to do research on behalf of the Mission Community Heritage Commission


(a) Funding a student to work at the Mission Community Archives

(b) Komagata Maru Society request to Council. Update from K. Hood

(c) Adding properties to the Heritage Register. Update from K. Hood

(d) Strategic Plan: Goal 2.2 - Review available sources and circulate information. Update from K. Hood. See 3 items attached

Page 5

(e) Waterfront Revitalization Project. Update from Mike Dickinson

(f) - Update from Tim Pippus


(a) Welcome Ken Herar as our new alternate to the City of Mission Council. See attached

Page 8

(b) Staff Report - Museum Rehabilitation update. See attached

Page 9

(c) Renewal of National Trust of Canada membership



Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 6:00 pm via Video Conference


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The Minutes of the Mission Community Heritage Commission meeting held via video conference on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 commencing at 6:00 p.m.

Members Present: Ken Hood – Acting Chair / Chair Cal Crawford, Councillor Shelley Carter Tim Pippus Kim Sutherland Loretta White

Members Absent Michael Nenn Others Present: Mike Dickinson, Manager of Long Range Planning and Special Projects Ken Herar, Councillor Monica Stuart, Planning Assistant


The Chair called the meeting to order.


1. That the following item be added to this agenda under “New Business”:

(a) Funding Summer Student Hiring under the Mission Community Archives

2. That the June 2, 2021 Mission Community Heritage Commission agenda be approved as amended.



Moved and seconded,

That the minutes of the May 5, 2021 meeting of the Mission Community Heritage Commission be approved.



(a) Komagata Maru Society Request to Council. Presentation by Councillor Herar regarding the South Asian Community in Mission.

Councillor K. Herar presented information to the Commission regarding the South Asian Community, predominately men, that settled in Mission City in the early 1950s to work primarily in the lumber industry. The Commission was informed that Mission


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City was the first community in North America, to vote in the first South Asian, Mr. N. Grewal, to the Board of Commissioner’s back in the 1950’s. He was re-elected two more times with the third time as the Chairman of the Board. It was noted that the South Asian community grew larger in the 1970s once immigration opened up and how some of the community migrated to Abbotsford following the opening of the Temple.

The Commission discussed the preference of using a story board as an educational piece versus a street naming sign as other communities have already committed to street naming signs for the Komagata Maru.

(b) Plaque replacement at St. Mary’s Park, 34033 Lougheed Highway. Report by K. Hood.

K. Hood provided a summary of a meeting with the District’s Parks and Recreation staff where a discussion was held on the plaque removed at St. Mary’s Park, the Commission’s upcoming story board projects, location ideas or options for this project, past removal of old story boards and plaques, and the Parks and Recreation plans for replacement of any boards and plaques.

The Commission also discussed existing recognition programs that include heritage recipients such as Sports Hall of Fame located at the Leisure Centre, the Mission Archives program called the Paths and Pathfinders: Women of Mission to document the lives and contributions of women.

Further discussion was held on the preservation of two existing buildings. The past Montessori School on Dewdney Trunk Road, originally built as a Japanese school, was discussed. The St. Anthony’s Church located in Silverdale, originally relocated by barge from Langley, was also discussed. It was noted the original bell is still rung, by the Donatelli family, every New Years Eve.

(c) Heritage BC Online Conference follow-up. Reports by K. Hood and T. Pippus.

K. Hood presented information to the Commission regarding the 2021 Heritage BC Online Conference attended online in May. Both members participated in various online webinars that included: Breaking Barriers: why people with interest do not visit and what to do about it, Maintaining Respectful Workplaces, Gaining Community and Political Buy-in, Climate Adaptation: it’s time for action, Intangible Heritage in a Tangible World: writing the playbook, and Setting the Bar: a guide to achieve new standard for reconciliation within the heritage sector.

Interesting points from the conference included information about a virtual platform used in the Yukon providing users with an online experience to visit heritage sites which has the capability to charge an admission fee. Under indigenous reconciliation it was mentioned that there is a pledge signed by communities with the First Nation’s elders. It was mentioned that Mission has signed such a document

T. Pippus left the meeting – 7.04 pm


(a) Adding properties to Heritage Register. Process discussion by K. Hood and M. Nenn.


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K. Hood informed the Commission the sub-committee is still in the education phase and has not yet produced a process or list of local assets for adding properties to the Heritage Register.

(b) Strategic Plan: Goal 2.2 – review available funding sources and circulate information. Report by K. Hood.

K. Hood informed the Committee the previous grant application was not accepted for the $7500 funding for the On-the-Spot walking app. It was mentioned that Heritage Abbotsford will be promoting their On-the-Spot walking app as a regional project which may include Mission heritage sites in the future.

(c) Report by T. Pippus.

No information provided.


(a) Funding Summer Student Hiring under the Mission Community Archives

K. Hood presented information to the Commission regarding the availability for the Mission Community Archives to hire a summer student under the direction of the Heritage Commission to do research for the 4 projects identified at the workshop. Discussion was held on the need for a framework to be created prior to hiring a student and the possibility of hiring a student outside of the summer months. Members were informed the Archives currently have a walking tour as a current research project which the Commission will have access to when completed. The Commission decided to create a framework for Century Homes as the first project to corelate with research the Archives will be undertaking for the walking tour. Part of this framework would be to create a cataloque of Century Homes.

Action Item: Staff to contact BC Assessment to provide a list showing age of buildings and addresses.


S. Carter would be willing to be vice chair for Commission.

M. Dickinson shared information relating to an article called Indigenizing Planning which will be forwarded to the members after the meeting. This article is written by Gwen Bridge, who is the District’s consultant to advise on preparing an engagement strategy for the District with First Nations. Also mentioned was the development application on 3rd Avenue (old McRae House) that the developer plans to incorporate the old house within its design.

M. Dickinson informed the Commission that a company called O2 out of Calgary has been retained as the planning and design consulting firm for the waterfront project. Public engagement is scheduled to launched next week and staff target July 2022 for completion.

Action Item: Staff to send information and links to the Commission for waterfront public consultation when they are posted on the website.


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September 8, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via Video Conference.


Moved and seconded, Loretta and Shelley

That the meeting be adjourned.


The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


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From: Ken Hood <[email protected]> Sent: June 16, 2021 5:29 PM To: [email protected]; Monica Stuart <[email protected]>; Sharel Isabella <[email protected]>; Mike Dickinson <[email protected]> Subject: On This Spot - Walking Tour - Grant Application

Attention: R.D. (Bob) Ingram

Dear Bob,

Thank you so much for your reply regarding the Mission Community Heritage Commission's grant application. I understand and respect the reasons for your decision at this time. I look forward to reapplying at the next available opportunity and providing a much clearer picture of how the On This Spot app program works. Thank you too for the work you do as the Mission Community Foundation.


Ken Hood


Mission Community Heritage Commission

cc Monica Stewart, Sharel Isabella, Mike Dickinson


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Digital Interactive Heritage Walking Tours Of Abbotsford

Heritage Abbotsford Society

The aim of this project is to commission On This Spot Enterprises (OTS) to create

two free-to-use app-based historic walking tours examining Abbotsford’s rich

industrial, immigration, railway, and community history. The app's concept is based

on its unique interactive then-and-now photographs of public spaces corresponding

with each tour stop, paired with 300-600 word write-ups examining aspects of local

history in an engaging way. The app will also include a number of stand-alone then-

and-now photographs spread across the community for further self-guided audience

engagement and exploration. The scope of the work for OTS includes: Coming to

Abbotsford to conduct then-and-now photography, working with Heritage Abbotsford

Society to research and write the tour content, inputting tour data and launching the

app, and promoting awareness of the app through social media and press

initiatives. Once launched, the Abbotsford tours will remain in the app and the OTS

website indefinitely.


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STAFF REPORT Page 1 of 1

To: Chief Administrative Officer Date: July 5, 2021

From: Christine Brough, Executive Assistant

Subject: Mission Community Heritage Commission – Proposed Change in Council Representation


That Councillor Herar replace Councillor Hamilton as Council’s alternate representative on / liaison to the Mission Community Heritage Commission.


The purpose of this report is to bring forward for consideration a proposed change to Council’s representation on the Mission Community Heritage Commission.


At the November 1, 2018 Inaugural meeting of Council, Councillor Crawford was appointed as Council’s representative on / liaison to the Mission Community Heritage Commission, with Councillor Hamilton appointed as his alternate. While committee appointments often remain constant throughout a term of Council, from time to time adjustments are required to ensure that duties are balanced and that schedules and personal interests are accommodated.

This report is coming forward at the request of Councillors Hamilton and Herar. Councillor Herar expressed an interest in sitting on the committee as he has a keen interest in the subject matter. In light of this, Councillor Hamilton offered to step aside.

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications associated with this report.


The staff liaison to the Mission Community Heritage Commission will be notified of any changes to Council representation.

Report Prepared by: Christine Brough, Executive Assistant

Reviewed by: Jennifer Russell, Corporate Officer

Approved for Inclusion: Mike Younie, Chief Administrative Officer



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To: Chief Administrative Officer Date: July 5, 2021

From: Jason Kinch, Engineering Technologist III – Asset Management

Subject: Museum Rehabilitation Update


This report is provided for information. No staff recommendation accompanies this report and Council action is not required.


The purpose of this report is to provide Council with an update regarding rehabilitation work for the Mission Museum building.


The Mission Museum (“Museum”) is one of the most significant heritage buildings in Mission. The building’s historical importance is evident in that it was protected by Heritage Designation Bylaw 1033-1981(Bylaw) in 1981. The Museum is listed on the Community Heritage Register and was one of six properties listed when the Heritage Register was established by Council on March 2, 2009.

As part of the 2018 capital budget, $35,000 was allocated to undertake some repairs to the Museum; however, prior to undertaking these repairs and renovations the facilities maintenance staff inquired with planning staff on whether there was any special work that needed to be done prior to undertaking repairs on a building protected by Heritage Bylaw.

Considering legislative changes and current best management practices, staff had a heritage consultant prepare a “Heritage Conservation Plan” for the Museum. The purpose of the plan was to provide guidance for the restoration and maintenance of the interior and exterior of a building in accordance with the document “Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada” (Standards and Guidelines). The Heritage Conservation Plan included a detailed approach to the restoration, repair and/or replacement of each character defining element, as well as a general maintenance schedule. Council received the Museum Heritage Conservation Plan at the February 3, 2020 Council meeting.

Staff subsequently applied for a Unique Heritage Infrastructure grant offered as part of Heritage BC’s Community Economic Resiliency Infrastructure Program (CERIP) towards the end of 2020 to help fund the Museum rehabilitation work outlined in the Heritage Conservation Plan. In March 2021, Heritage BC advised Mission that the application was successful, resulting in the award of a $96,000 grant for Mission Museum rehabilitation work.

Discussion and Analysis

The Heritage Conservation Plan identified the need for exterior components of the building to be assessed by a qualified expert before any work is carried out. Since receiving the Unique Heritage Infrastructure grant, staff have solicited proposals from consulting engineering firms specializing in heritage rehabilitation work to assess the building components as outlined in the



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Heritage Conservation Plan. The successful proponent (RJC Consulting Engineers) has been retained to assess the building condition, refine the scope of rehabilitation work needed, and prioritize repair efforts prior to the works being initiated.

RJC will be completing their assessment and providing a report outlining their findings and subsequent scope of work for contractors to bid on in the coming weeks. Following receipt of RJC’s report, staff will invite qualified contractors to bid on the rehabilitation work, with the intent of completing the work in the 2022 calendar year. This will meet the conditions of the Heritage Infrastructure grant which requires the work be completed by March 31, 2023.

It is anticipated that the consultant’s review and our subsequent engagement with a rehabilitation contractor will help clarify the impact of the planned repairs on the life of the building (add ten years, five years, or other) and if there is anything we can do to extend the life of the building for another 25 years, or if this building is at the end of its life and therefore not worth putting additional money into.

The Heritage Infrastructure grant specifies it is to cover the following activities:

Assess and undertake work to the exterior of the Mission Museum to ensure that thisprotected building and its character defining elements are preserved and maintained.

The importance of undertaking this work will allow for the preservation of this heritagebuilding, prevent costly damage from leaks, protect artifacts, and allow for the continueduse of the building to serve as a depository of Mission's history.

Re-assessment of exterior building damages, and prioritization of repair efforts prior toinitiating works.

Replacement of exterior cedar shingles.

Repair and or replacement of upper floor window trim (repair where possible).

Repair of lower floor exterior horizontal wood cladding, which has sustained waterdamage.

Installation of new metal wall flashing prior to shingle installation; and

Installation of metal flashing around all dormer windows.

It is intended to have contractors provide alternate pricing for “regular” level repairs vs “heritage” repairs as part of their bids to help staff better understand the financial difference between “heritage repairs” and “regular repairs”. Completing all remedial work to a “heritage” level, while it may be desirable, would likely be cost prohibitive and it may be that certain ‘non-character defining’ items can instead be remediated to an age appropriate level in keeping with the style of the time for substantially less.

Staff will update Council with the order or magnitude of total repair costs to review options at a later date.

Additional work may be found to be required following RJC’s assessment and input from museum staff, including, but not limited to, interior refinishing (flooring, painting etc.), foundation repairs, roof replacement, electrical and plumbing upgrades, etc.

Financial Implications

There are no financial implications associated with this report. Future reports will provide details of longer-term work needed and financial implications thereof.


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Staff have been in regular correspondence with the museum manager regarding the planned work, and will continue to keep the museum manager informed as things progress. The next Heritage Commission meeting is not scheduled to take place until September 1, 2021 and in the meantime, the museum manager will update the Commission on the rehabilitation project status.

Further update reports will be provided to Council as the project progresses.

Summary and Conclusion

The City of Mission has received a Heritage Infrastructure grant for rehabilitation work on the Mission Museum and staff are working with consulting engineers specializing in heritage rehabilitation work to assess the building components as outlined in the Museum Heritage Conservation Plan and refine the scope of rehabilitation work needed.

Following the engineering assessment, staff will invite qualified contractors to bid on the rehabilitation work, to be completed in advance of the March 31, 2023 Heritage Infrastructure grant deadline.

Report Prepared by: Jason Kinch, Engineering Technologist III – Asset Management

Reviewed by: Allen Xu, Manager of Engineering Planning & Assets

Approved for Inclusion: Mike Younie, Chief Administrative Officer


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