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opportunity to ski Stowe freshman year when the conditions were sup-posedly better. A temperature of neg-ative twenty with high winds and ice resulted in a day of displeasure and discomfort. Last year five lucky students includ-ing myself embarked on a cross coun-try trip to Breckenridge, Colorado over the duration of spring break. Even though the snow was melting and temperatures were high, we made the most of it and enjoyed three days of quality skiing. The terrain was both open and exploratory: there were no limits, making the variety of skiing even greater. Also, the pleasant town‟s night life offered a break from the slopes. Each year, the students that attend the trips represent Upper Moreland in a respectable way, and Mr. Scheuren and I could not be more appreciative. Good luck to the Upper Moreland Ski Club‟s future! - Matt Barrett

Unfortunately, this past weekend marks the end of my ski club experi-ence at the high school. The past three ski seasons have been the best of my life thanks to Mr. Todd Scheuren and the Upper Moreland Ski Club. From the trails of Okemo to the peaks of Breckinridge, I have been able to experience some of the best skiing that is within the club‟s limits. I have been able to enjoy the luxuries of the ski club since my sophomore year. During this time I have visited five remarkable and panoramic moun-tains: Okemo, Jay Peak, Stowe,

Killington, and Breckenridge. From a personal perspective, I thought that Killington was the best and most challenging mountain of the four in Vermont. This may be slightly biased because we had ideal conditions on both days of our stay; we got about a foot of snow the night before we skied. Although the snow was a little „sticky‟ the first day, it was perfect on Sunday. A strong and close second experience would have to be the trip to Jay Peak. Jay Peak offered some of the best and unique glade skiing (skiing in a wooded area) that I have ever seen. Howev-er, for future reference, the water park gave way to even more exhaus-tion than relaxation. In third place, I would have to say Okemo takes the cake. Okemo offered a variety of terrain, but was not comparable to Killington or Jay Peak. Stowe is fourth on the list. I did not have the

The 2013 jazz band season is com-ing up fast! Upper Moreland‟s Jazz Festival will take place on March 1st, and you won‟t want to miss it! The jazz festival is a great opportunity to

hang out with friends. You can grab a bite to eat at the concession stand and watch some great performanc-es. Tickets only cost ten dollars, and students and seniors have a reduced price of seven. All of the bands scheduled to compete at the event have been working very hard and are well prepared to show off for a crowd. The lineup for the show includes: Central Bucks West Jazz Band Two, Upper Dublin, Hatboro-Horsham, New Hope Solebury, Bensalem, Marple Newtown, Boy-ertown, Lower Merion, LaSalle, Council Rock South, and Central Bucks West Jazz Band One. All of

the Upper Moreland jazz ensembles will perform in exhibition, including the Middle School‟s Lab Band, the Middle School‟s Jazz Band One, the High School‟s Lab Band, and the High School‟s Jazz Ensemble. If you know a friend performing for one of these schools, come see them in action! Every band has been preparing music from various genres such as swing, funk, rock, big band, bebop and Latin. With so many different styles, each tune will be an exciting listening experience. Come out and support the music program at Upper Moreland! It will be a fantastic night full of memories and music. -Sydney Halberstadt

Ski Club Memories

Jazz Festival 2013

The Bearprint F e b r u a r y I s s u e V o l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 6


Editor in Chief Matthew Dummeldinger

Sport Editor

Matt Mastrogiovanni Assistant Editor

Noah J. Landers


Alysa Madrid Augustina Sosa

Cameron Pulliam

Corey Gallagher

Donna Hoang

Emily Hopf

Esther Moon

Josh Choi

Kurt Lindhult Matt Nissenfeld

Morgan McDermott

Natalie Swartz Shannon Choi Triniti-lynn Thornhill

Page 2: The Bearprint - Upper Moreland School District...FC Porto and Malaga CF. Malaga should consider themselves lucky for getting as far as they have in this tournament. The outcome of

P a g e 2

UFEA Champions League, Pt. II

Cheerleader Profile: Rachel Agasar Rachel Agasar is a senior cheer-leader for the Upper Moreland squad. She got into cheering be-cause her mom was a cheer coach for the Willow Grove Bears football team. She said that her sister, also a cheerleader during her time in high school, influenced her as well. When asked if she planned to continue her cheerleading in col-lege, she responded without hesi-tation: “definitely”. When asked what her favorite high school cheerleading memory was, she took a second to think, but then said that it was a cheer competi-tion freshman year in which the squad performed extremely well.

The photo to the right shows the squad after a big win, with Rachel seated directly to the right of the trophy Looking back over her time cheering for the Bears, her favorite things were the football and basket-ball games. The games get loud with the fans and the cheerleaders roaring in the gym and out in the stands. Lastly, I asked her what she would miss most after she‟s left the squad. “All the people that I‟ve met and just cheering for the teams at school,” she told me. Here‟s wish-ing Rachel the best of luck with her cheering through college and per-haps beyond! -Matt Mastrogiovanni

Celtic FC faces off against Juventus FC. Celtic was one of the only two teams this season so far to defeat Barcelona in the Group Stage. They should be able to pull another upset against Juventus, because their own loss to Barcelona is still fresh in their minds. Club powerhouses Arsenal and Bayern Munich will go head to head, and it is likely that Bayern will be victorious. They are determined to win the Champions League after a disappointing loss in the final to Chelsea in last year‟s competition. Arsenal‟s stockpile of talent will be no match for Bayern Munich. Last year‟s Bundesliga Champions, Borussia Dortmund look to take on FC Shaktar Dontesk. Although struggling, the prior champions should overcome their opponent and move on to the next stage. Next, AC Milan comes up against FC Barcelona. Although Milan is considered a challenge, Barcelona is considered to be the greatest team in the world and a huge favorite in this

matchup. Another match is Manchester United versus Real Madrid. The Premier League is led by the Manchester powerhouse, and the struggling Real Madrid should not be much of a match for the league leaders. PSG FC and Valencia CF meet on the pitch in what should be a close game. The French side have luck in striker Zlatan Ibrahimovic when it comes to scoring goals, but they should have more difficulty when striking from angles. The last matchup is between FC Porto and Malaga CF. Malaga should consider themselves lucky for getting as far as they have in this tournament. The outcome of their upcoming match with Porto might not be to their liking. Regardless of the outcomes of the matches, soccer fans around the world should sit back and enjoy the action they are about to see on the pitch. -Kyle Purchase

Now that the Group Stage of the 2012 UEFA Champions League is complete, the fun part follows: we come to the knockout phase. The knockout phase includes the teams who advanced from the Group Stage – the top two from each group. The teams are drawn and play two games, one home and one away, and the winner moves on. A winner is determined by the number of away goals scored or by winning both games. The first leg games will be played in February, the second in March. Sixteen teams remain in the Champions League and are now drawn. The following teams will play each other in the knockout round of the championship. The first match-up is Galatsaray S.K. vs. FC Schalke 04. Schalke, one of the top Bundesliga clubs, will come out on top because striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar should be able to score goals against the Turkish side. Looking ahead,

T h e B e a r p r i n t


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Nissenfeld’s MLS Preview P a g e 3

V o l u m e 1 2 , I s s u e 6

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MLS Preview Cont.

Page 5: The Bearprint - Upper Moreland School District...FC Porto and Malaga CF. Malaga should consider themselves lucky for getting as far as they have in this tournament. The outcome of

Sam Levson on Love

MLS Preview Cont.

Love is in the air. Life, love, liberty. Truth, knowledge, acceptance. What's new? What's different about this year? Nothing some say, nothing others say. I say different. This year is different. The love that is pulsing through our beings is unlike anything that has ever been felt. The love that one human feels for another isn't perfect. Love isn't Romeo and Juliet. It isn't declaring love on a balcony. Love is real, tangible. Love is the soft silence after a long day. Love is remembering your childhood toys, that mutilated, one-eyed teddy bear that now smells of moth-balls and vague memories. Love is hope. Hope that one day you will make your own dreams come true. Love is trust and caring. Love is drinking your favorite hot beverage while listening to the newest single from your favorite band. Love is looking into someone's eyes and knowing them, letting yourself melt into them. Love is the way someone holds their pencil, the dents and bumps on their fingers from continued pressure, gathering over a decade. Love is accepting that no one is perfect. Love is accepting that if you hold your standards to high, no one will ever match them. Love is self-acceptance. Love is finding out that your parents had different lives before they had you. Love is not choosing wisely. Love is illogical. Love is kissing, maybe not in the rain while music plays, but just regular fireworks on the inside. Love is both everyday and magical. Love is impatient and it wants to run free. Love is resuscitation from cardiac arrest and seeing the people you care about worry about you. Love is both pure and dark like an M&M sugar cookie. Love is mysterious- is it your heart or your brain? Your "soul", your psyche, your spirit? Is there love at first sight? Is there such a thing as soul mates? Love is whatever you want it to be and whatever you believe it is.

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The onset of the illness is extremely slow, usually taking about seventeen years to show any symptoms, of which lethargy and apathy are only two of examples. Research has shown that the disease is present in upwards of ninety percent of high school seniors, but awareness of its development is at an all-time low - the malady takes most by complete sur-prise. Dreaded by parents and teachers alike, senioritis renders even the most scholarly of students unable to complete basic assignments. Although the severity of the condi-tion varies greatly from student to student, studies show that the symp-toms increase in strength as the school year progresses, with a marked augmentation as spring ap-proaches. Some scientists theorize that senioritis lies dormant until it compounds with what is commonly known as spring fever, creating even

more serious complications for the patient. “My son was such an ambitious boy… until the spring of ‟11,” says local parent Tracey Smith between sobs. “He was a straight-A student his entire school career, and few were the times where he missed a homework assignment.” It was in the second semester of his senior year that Andrew Smith started to experi-ence some of the symptoms of sen-ioritis. “He said he simply didn‟t feel up to completing his homework, and studying was just out of the question!” Mrs. Smith continued, “There were some days where he said that all he felt able to do was play his Xbox.” Smith continued, “He must have felt extremely poorly if he didn‟t feel up to his homework, so I figured I would let him play and enjoy the only thing he could while in the clutches of this horrible affliction.”

The syndrome‟s symptoms appear to linger for about the duration of a semester, and suddenly improve upon the coming of summer. Doctors sus-pect that the warmer climates, alt-hough seeming to make the disease worse at its onset, actually improve the condition later in its life cycle. “After his graduation, Andrew perked up and got his life back from that hor-rid illness. The battle was hard-fought, but in the end, my Andrew triumphed.” This personal testimony shows that there is hope for senioritis victims. Andrew Smith went on to major in mechanical engineering and graduated fourth in his class from the University of Texas. The symptoms of senioritis appear to alleviate when a parental figure steps in and tells the sufferer to snap out of it. However, this cure is only in its developmental phase. -Matt Dummeldinger

What Makes Dummeldinger Tick

What Makes Dummeldinger Tick

Note From The Editor I hope you enjoyed the February edition of the Bearprint! If you did, please pass its URL on to a friend and continue reading! If you would like to join the Bearprint, we typically meet the first Wednesday of every month. Feel free to pop on in and have some animal crackers! Thanks for reading! -Matt Dummeldinger

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