Page 1: The best ways to Improve Your Vocal Strategies

The best ways to Improve Your Vocal Strategies

You might ask yourself: Can I enhance my singing and how should I tackle it? The answer to the veryfirst part of the concern is absolutely yes. The answer to the second part will certainly be given inthis post.

Singing breaks down to a few single skills which act together for good singing. Such skills are:.



Strong vocal cords.

Vocal range.

Vocal control.


Quality of tone.

Vocal agility.

Page 2: The best ways to Improve Your Vocal Strategies


Singing has a lot to do with breathing. So your posture should support breathing in every possibleway. Best is to stand in an upright position. Particularly the upper body, belly, chest and head sholdbe upright signalling self self-confidence.

Try to find your best singing posture in front of a whole body mirror.

Avoid thight clothes, so the air can stream easily in and out of your lungs.


As pointed out before singing has a lot to do with breathing. Attempt to breathe down in thedirection of your belly AND up towards your shoulders. But do not overdo. If you identify theslightest pain, you are doing something wrong. Appropriate yourself to get back to your comfortzone.

A workout to enhance lung capability is following: Get a piece of rubber or plastic tubing of about1/4 inch. inner diameter. Stick one end in a glas of water. Take a deep breath as explained aboveand breathe out with the tubing producing bubbles in the water. So you breathe out against a smallresistance boosting your lungs and improving your lung capability.

You can increase the back pressure by sticking the tubing in deeper water (eg. A container insteadof a cup or glass).

Strong vocal cords.

Actually I indicate by this the whole vocal device concisting of the vocal cords AND the musclessurrounding and regulating them.

Like other muscle system in the body you can boost them by training, i.e. by singing and doing vocalexercices.

Like for other muscular exercises it's best to warm up. To do this you can sing up and down yoursignificant scales in half tone steps.

To reinforce those muscles sing the vowels "e" and "a" as loud as you can.

You can extend this exercice and sing following vowels as loud as you can: phonetic: �� (as infather), e�ª (as in face), i�� (as in fleece), ���� (as in no), u�� (as in goose). Sing themas loud and as long as you can. Stop if your voice starts to break or fade.

Do this once again but this time go up and down in pitch.

Vocal variety.

The right method to extend your vocal variety is to go slowly and carefully about it. Go to the highestor most affordable tone you are able to sing plainly without feeling pressure or breaking voice. Thenattempt half a tone higher or lower.

Page 3: The best ways to Improve Your Vocal Strategies

Practice singing that tone up until you are able to sing it clearly without breaking voice or the tonefalling apart. Once again go gradually. If you feel any strain or discomfort stop with this exercice.

This way you will go up or down one half tone at a time. And gradually you will certainly haveextended your vocal variety.

While doing this you will certainly discover that you'll sing greater tones with your head voice. Thechange from normal voice to head voice is commonly gone along with by some sort of crack in yourvoice. To conquer this you can train especially that shift by singing a huuu up and down that shift.Sounds a bit like a siren.

Vocal control.

I don't have seperate exercices for this. Just follow the other exercices given and focus on exercisingthe shift from chest voice to head voice up and down.

Sing up and down your variety. Attempt to sing every tone in the exact same quality.


The standard thing to do to gain control over your pitch is practicing the scales. Foremost theSignificant Scale however likewise Significant Arpeggio, Minor Scale, Minor Arpeggio etc. Practicenot only the scales however likewise jumps between notes within the scale like Major Periods.

Another thing you need for pitch control is a great ear. If you have problems with this you can hearvarious instruments playing the exact same tone. Then attempt to sing the exact same tone. A voicerecorder would be a wonderful thing to have for this exercise. We usually hear our own voice in adifferent way than surrounding individuals. So check your voice and pitch with help of a recorder.

After having practiced with different tones, begin singing melodies. Check with the voice recorderwhether you are in secret.

Next practice singing with music or tune accompaniment. Attempt to pay attention to the music andyour voice simultanuously and compare them constantly. If you notice that you are off key try toremedy yourself instantly. Once more a voice recorder is of terrific helpo right here.

Clarity of tone.

Different authors have various terms to describe tone manufacturing mistakes be it speaking orsinging. Among them are: nasal-, mouth-, chest-, breathy, throaty or pressed voice.

Right here are some suggestions to improve the clearness of your tone:.

Once again I need to stress the significance of breathing. Breathe into the stomach and produce thenoises with breathe coming from your belly. This is called in some cases the diaphragm voice.

Next pronounciate various english words at different pitches. You'll observe that typically spokenwords come out more clearly than if they wer sung.

Tongue and lip thrills can likewise help to get rid of breathy tones.

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A voice recorder once again assists to regulate what you are doing.

Vocal agility.

Sing Arpeggios with different ranges. Pay special focus on keeping your voice even with all vocalbreaks.

Begin with doing this on a hum. Then use 2 syllable words. Start at moderate speed. Then increasethe speed over a couple of days and inspect versus a metronome and, you think it, a recording with avoice recorder.


In this article we provided a quick summary of the vocal methods and ways to enhance them. On theinternet or in various courses you'll find more in depth pointers. However the most crucial thing is toexercise every day.

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