
The Best Ways To Screw Up A Relationship


Life is just Life

There’s no ‘perfect way’ to hold a healthy relationship together.We all have successes as well as failures.When your partner is happy and contented, you will be too!

The Big 3 Killers

Trust IssuesInsecurityJealousy


It’s a leap of faith.You have to trust your special someone who can hurt you, to not hurt you …

Resist all those urges to check up on them.They’ll definitely call you if they need you.


Your security comes from within YOU.Do you love yourself for who you are and what you represent?Do you love your partner for who they are, what they’re about and what you gain from them as both a person as well as your partner?


He / She loves you for who you are now.Neither of you are Mind Readers - ask questions.

Immediately!Insecurity is like a cancer in a relationship.


Jealousy stems from self-doubt.They are with you because you are THEIR ONE, not anybody else’s.Put away those inner demons, gaze into their eyes and honestly believe and trust they want YOU.

Know What’s Common?

Communication - or a lack of it.Quell the voices and negative thoughts through conversation - honest and transparent.Healthy communication leads to a healthy, full, loving and stable relationship.


Writer / Director / Producer:Martin Cooney

Check more great information on: Relationships, Dating, Sex and Lifestyle at:http://www.geekandjock.comBeautiful Music by:“Revolve” by hisboyelroy -

Thanks to Apple Inc for:Keynote / Garageband

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