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The Biodiversity Heritage LibraryProgram Director's Report: September 2012

Martin R. Kalfatovic | BHL Staff and Technical Meeting27 September 2012 | Museum of Comparative Zoology | Cambridge, MA

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The cultivation of natural science cannot be efficiently carried on without reference to an extensive library

Charles Darwin, et al (1847)

The Wherefore of BHL

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The Biodiversity Heritage Library: 2006

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BHL Founding DirectorTom Garnett retires, March 2012

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Chris Freeland, architect of the BHL and founding Technical Director leaves the Missouri Botanical Garden, July 2012

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BHL Executive Committee, 2007-2011Cathy Norton | Graham Higley | Connie Rinaldo

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BHL Executive Committee, 2011-Nancy Gwinn | Connie Rinaldo | Susan Fraser

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New BHL Governance Structure

Executive Committee - Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary - Program Director (ex officio) - Technical Director (ex officio)

Steering Committee - Direct monetary support of BHL central activities - 10 institutions (subset of the Institutional Council)

Institutional Council - Interested institutions who sign participation agreement- 14 institutions

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Secretariat and Technical StaffAugust 2011Program Director

Program ManagerCollections Coordinator

Technical DirectorProgrammerData Analyst

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BHL Funding

Steering Committee duesMacArthur carryover (partly restricted)JRS and Lounsbery grants (meetings)Moore, NSF, NEH grants (restricted)DonationsOther grants (restricted)Member subvention (restricted)Smithsonian Federal funds (restricted)

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BHL Member Participation Staff FTE

16.22 FTE from the 14member institutions(does not include Secretariat or Technical staff)

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Summary Contributions

68% Staff 32% Other

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In-kind Participation Contributions




Internal Grants

External Grants







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39,536,784 pages107,931 items56,769 titles

September 2012

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User Statistics: 2007 - 2012Visitors: 3,628,088Page Views: 17,604,395New vs. Returning: 48.88% vs. 50.12%


2012112,584 visitors | March 2012

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233 countriesUsers in 233 Countries

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TheMachineIsUs/ingUs<Response xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><Status>ok</Status><Result><Item><ItemID>16800</ItemID><Volume/><Contributor>MBLWHOI Library</Contributor><Sponsor>MBLWHOI Library</Sponsor><Language>English</Language><LicenseUrl/><Rights/><DueDiligence/><CopyrightStatus/><CopyrightRegion/></Item></Result></Response>

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“Thank you much for your help. It is so useful as I am right now working on the fishes of Ganges. Moreover it is so great that the library provides classic literature on fishes and it was a dream to me [when] I started my taxonomy ten years back. It is marvellous [what] you did for us which are badly in need of old literature. Thanks a lot.”“Thank you much for your help. It is so useful as I am right now working on the fishes of Ganges. Moreover it is so great that the library provides classic literature on fishes and it was a dream to me [when] I started my taxonomy ten years back. It is marvellous [what] you did for us which are badly in need of old literature. Thanks a lot.”

What an absolutely wonderful site. It is a treasure trove of information. Thank you!

May I compliment you on this splendid service? The Library's invaluable for my work on seasonal

variability of climate and vector-borne disease in British India, 1875-1940.

I really appreciate your work. The Biodiversity Heritage Library is an excellent resource that regularly helps my assistant and I obtain original descriptions for plants .... I feel so privileged to be working in a day in age when such resources are so readily available and easy to obtain.

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3rd Global BHL Meeting: Berlin 2012

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Global BHL Steering CommitteeAugust 2011 Vice Chair SecretaryChair

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233 countriesUsers in 233 Countries

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BHL Africa

Thanks to the generosity of the JRS Foundation, an initial meeting with potential African BHL participants was held in Chicago (Nov 2011).

10 librarians, researchers, and informaticians traveled to attend the Life and Literature meeting and a follow on planning meeting for BHL Africa.

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June 2012

Over 30 librarians, scientists, informaticians gathered in Cape Town, South Africa to start the formation of the BHL Africa node; funded by JRS Foundation

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Anne-Lise Fourie Assistant Director SANBI Libraries

Ashah OwanoResource Centre Manager

National Museums of Kenya

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2,567,169 total views | 45,222 images (Sep. 2012)

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More Outreach

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BHL & EOL BoothAmerican Library Association MeetingDallas, TX, January 2012

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Looking Forward

In any well-appointed Natural History Library there should be found every book and every edition of every book dealing in the remotest way with the subjects concerned.

Charles Davies Sherborn Epilogue to Index Animalium, March 1922

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Thanks … Questions and Discussion

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