

Year 4 Home Learning Plan – Week beginning 11.5.20 Please be aware this is a list of suggested activities for the week ahead. Don’t forget to continue reading at home regularly, both reading to an adult and enjoying books together. On the school’s website is an additional list with a range of website you can access for further ideas.

English Maths Other

Activity 1- Summarise events from a book and to write in a newspaper style.

Carried over from last week because of the BANK HOLIDAY

Read extract 4. Using extract 4 to write a newspaper report about the race. This should be about 6 - 8 sentences long. If you are unsure what to write, look at the example. (REMEMBER Perilus is pretending to be Scorcha)

Remember to include:

• a heading (can you use alliteration? eg Racing Romans)

• Introduction (brief who, where, what)

• A paragraph with more detail

• Interview with someone from the race (don't forget inverted commas around speech "I won!" shouted Perilus.)

• A picture with a caption

• Adventurous word choices

Task 1: Times Tables

Spend 15 minutes a day practising your times tables

If you prefer to practise on paper, there is a multiplication grid included in this pack.

Task 1: DT- Design and build a bridge

You have the challenge of building the strongest bridge you can using only paper (maximum of 3 A4 sheets). You can cut/bend and glue the pages however you like.

Below are some videos that give examples of approaches you could take to building your bridge: Try these, but test out your own ideas too. You will need to experiment in order to be sure you have chosen the strongest bridge as your final design. You can test which structure is strongest by recording the heaviest item you can find that the bridge can carry.

Once you have chosen your strongest design, complete the evaluation form attached.

Task 2: Interpreting the picture

1. Look carefully at the picture attached. 2. Jot down or talk with a partner about everything you can see in the picture. 3. Label all the things you can see in this picture. 4. What do you think is happening in this picture? Explain using the word because to extend your sentences.

Task 2: Calculation review

Work out

1. 40 + 40 =

2. 20 + 60 =

3. 140 + 30 =

4. 120 + 30 =

5. 223 +20 =

6. 256 +300 =

7. 1456 + 1000=

Fill in the gaps

40 + ____ = 100

130 + _____ = 200

190 + _____ = 300

300 - _____ = 100

450 - _____ = 250

Work these out.

Task 2: Art- Decorative Door Steps

Take a stroll for your daily exercise, either after breakfast, lunch or even dinner. Gather some pine cones, pebbles, sticks or leaves which you can paint or decorate.

Decide how colourful you want to go and paint your items. If you do not have paint, see if you can place your items in colour order, size order or in a placement that creates a pattern or familiar image, like a smiley face.

Finally, once you have decorated your items or decided on pattern/picture, place them outside your door, window or even by your garden gate or fence. Eventually you may be able to do a stroll later on in the week where you can spot other year 4 children's front doors.

Task 3- Retell the story (Part 1)

You are going to retell the story of Jack and his dog Harry.

1.Using the link attached, watch the video entitled ‘megacity’. If you cannot watch the video, the story summary is attached below for you to read. 2.Generate ideas and plot points for the story.

3.Think about the vocabulary you will use for each plot point (paragraph). Use the sheet attached to help plan and generate.

Task 3- number bonds review

Complete the number bonds sheet attached. Have a go at completing the bar models and creating four number sentences for each question.

If you finish, see if you can make some of your own addition questions. You could even create bar models for them.

Task 3: Family Cartography Adventure You are going to be a cartographer, that means a mapmaker this week. You and your family will have fun exploring and thinking about where you live.

👀 Watch the video of the book, "Me on the Map" by Joan Sweeney. As you listen to the story, think about where you have seen a map. What are maps used for? Remember it is an American book so we do not have states, we have counties.

For the next two tasks you will make two maps. You can use the templates attached or draw on paper and take pictures of your maps.

178 14

262 41


- 412 56

+ 552 136


Task 4- Retell the story (Part 2)

Start writing the start of the story. Only focus on plot point one and two. This means you will have two paragraphs by the end of today. Use the WAGOLL for support.

Task 4- Adding with a formal method Choice:

Task 4: Geography- Map of your community Go on a walk with your family to draw a Community map. Add as many details as you wish. Think about: Where is your home located? What buildings, roads and other features are around?

Option: Create a map key that uses symbols to show things on your map. Note cardinal directions: north, south, east, and west.

Label your map. Talk to your family about what makes your community special.


Task 5:Geography-Map for your room/house/flat

Draw a map of your home, room or flat. How many rooms do you need to include? Create a scale so you can tell which rooms are bigger or smaller? You can use a ruler or a piece of string to help you.

Show your map to a family member. Do they recognise your room. What details make your map clear?

Task 5- Retell the story (Part 3)

Start writing the plot point three and four. Again this means you will have written two paragraphs by the end of today. Use the WAGOLL for support and guidance. Remember to edit your whole story once you have finished.

Task 5- Adding with carrying Task 5 - Federation Activity: Drawings From Lockdown These pictures are by children having to stay in their homes because of the Coronavirus. Here is a link so you can see them more closely: /drawings-from-lockdown Have a look with your family. Which pictures do you like? What picture would you draw?

You could use pencils, paper or an electronic drawing.

English Task 1:Carried over from previous week

English Task 2:

English Task 3 -story summary

The TV ad tells the story of busker Jack and his furry companion, Harry. We travel with the struggling pair as they try desperately to bring joy

and happiness to their cold, dark world. Littered with looming skyscrapers and devoid of nature, the pair struggle to break through to the

busybodies caught up in the rush of city life.

Jack desires one thing more than anything in life – to escape to the countryside. Using this desire to push himself forwards, he busks through

the harsh days and weary nights; slowly but surely, day after day, saving up the money he needs to buy a motorbike, to get his canine companion

out of the city.

Eventually, with enough fight and dedication, Jack scrapes every last penny together and sets out to ride away into the sunset. But not all is as

it seems – even though Jack put everything into buying the motorbike, he realised that wasn’t important. As long as Harry is back in the

countryside, by any means possible, and back with nature, that’s the best thing he can do for his closest friend.

How do Jack and Harry feel at the start of the video?

What do you see and notice about the setting of the story?

What can you hear?

What is Jack saving money for? How is he earning money?

How does Jack feel at the end?

What is important for Jack? What are they doing and enjoying?

English Task 3: Story Map plot points

English Part 3 and 4: WAGOLL

Plot Point one(Paragraph 1): What I notice…

Screeching noises of horns and sirens travel through the air, twisting and bending around corners. Skyscrapers stand tall, shading the streets

below. Secret glimpses of light make appearances, as polluting cars pass by. Eventually, they reveal a gloomy boy and his dog.

Plot Point two (Paragraph 2): What they feel…

Jack and Harry dream of the sun smiling on them. They imagine flowers blooming and dancing in the wind. They fantasise about the freedom

that an open field provides. Often playing his guitar in dark street corners, Jack desperately grips onto the hope of life in the countryside.

Plot Point three (Paragraph 3): What you notice/What do they do…

After many nights busking, Jack and his furry companion nearly fill a glass jar with the coins of freedom. Each coin added fills their hearts with

excitement. They cannot wait to purchase the bike of dreams and start their journey across green fields.

Plot Point four (Paragraph 4): What happens/How do they feel…

Finally, the day comes when the jar is full, but Jack’s dream bike is not what fills his heart with joy. As Harry places his delicate paw on the

freshly cut grass, Jack beams with happiness. All they needed was the countryside.

Maths Task 1 – Multiplication

Maths Task 3:

Start first by practising your number bonds to 1000.

Then you can write down the four number sentences that

Can be made, for example:

200 + 800 = 1000

800 + 200 = 1000

1000 – 200 = 800

1000- 800 = 200

Maths Task 4 and 5

Other Task 1:

Other Task 4 and 5

You can create a bar model to show the scale. One

block could represent a metre.

Think about creating a map key to show the symbols

for houses, shops, roads, fields, woodlands or

community centres.

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