
The Challenges of Adolescence !

What is the main task for adolescents ?

Finding their identity

So they try different roles in life

Who should I be now ?


Which leads to even more confusion

They face three main problems !

Conflicts with parents

Peer become more important

Why do we even exist !

Mood changes

Risky Behavior


While influencing, the adolescents are influenced by their parents or by their friends. As the studies showed they cannot be influenced by both.

Who influences Adolescents more
Parents, or peers?

Best friend smoker

As adolescents mature, the effect of friends smoking shows a tendency to increase

As a result it was found out that its very important to reduce smoking is from the parents smokers to stop smoking and have more conversation with their children

Adolescent and Self-esteem

39% suffer from low self esteem

First stage is between ages 9-13

The second drop is between ages

When life gets harder..
and they cannot handle it

They make a wrong choice

They feel guilty that they already messed up in life

And they spend more time on penance than on recovery

Online text book.

Janet M Distefan, B.A, Elizabeth A Gilpin, M.S, Won S Choi, Ph.D, John P Pierce, Ph.D.(1998, June). Parental influences predict adolescent smoking in the United States, 19891993.Journal of Adolescent Health. Retrieved from Pickhardt, Ph.D. (2010, September 6). Adolescence and Self-esteem. Journal of Psychology Today. Retrieved from


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