Page 1: The days of elijah (part 3)

The Days of Elijah

Page 2: The days of elijah (part 3)

Introduction• Throughout the land BATTLES LINES are DRAWN

for the next skirmish of the greatest SPIRITUAL WAR in history. On ONE SIDE stands the ADVERSARY, a demonic spirit that seeks to destroy every element of a godly society. ARRAYED AGAINST this demonic force is the ARMY of the KING of Kings, the CHURCH, anointed by the grace of God and endowed by the Holy Spirit POWER and AUTHORITY. The CHURCH, bearing the same prophetic presence that was on ELIJAH, stands as an absolute antithesis to the AHAB and JEZEBEL SPIRIT. The ONLY ANSWER for this Ahab’s and Jezebel’s influence in the CHURCH or anywhere else is COMPLETE REPENTANCE and TRUE REVIVAL.

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Introduction• This entails HOLY ABANDONMENT and

AUTHENTIC HOLY REVOLUTION. Spiritually sensitive and burdened believers everywhere should go before the LORD in TOTAL REPENTANCE on behalf of the Body of Christ for its part in allowing the SPIRIT of AHAB and JEZEBEL to become so perva sive in the land. Coupled with this should be intense inter cession for the breaking of these demonic strongholds, so that the words of Isaiah 60:18 will come to pass: “Violence will not be heard again in your land, nor devastation or destruction within your borders; but you will call your walls salvation, and your gates praise.”

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Introduction• Unprecedented PRAYER and FASTING on the

part of God’s people are in order if the SPIRITS of AHAB and JEZEBEL SPIRIT are to be broken. JESUS said that there are some demonic forces that CANNOT BE CAST OUT EXCEPT BY PRAYER and FASTING (Matthew 17:21). We will either face JUDGMENT or REVIVAL. How the CHURCH RESPONDS in this hour will be CRITICAL in determining which way the scale tips. There has to be a CHANGE. There has to be a REVOLUTION. What is a “REVOLUTION”? The Webster’s Dictionary defines “REVOLUTION” as a RADICAL and PERVASIVE CHANGE in society and the social structure.

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Introduction• It is an OVERTHROW and the thorough

REPLACEMENT of an ESTABLISHED GOVERNMENT or political system. It is a SUDDEN, COMPLETE or MARKED CHANGE in something. It is a CHANGE of PROCEDURE or COURSE, as if in a circuit, BACK to a STARTING POINT. The ELIJAH REVOLUTION is focused on EXPOSING and BREAKING the AHAB SPIRIT and CASTING DOWN the JEZEBEL SPIRIT and BRINGING RESTORATION and REVIVAL to the land. It happened in ELIJAH’S DAY, and it is happening today, in the DAYS of ELIJAH!

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Page 7: The days of elijah (part 3)

Challenge The System• In the midst of a land established with godly

roots, JEZEBEL KILLED EVERY PROPHET of the LORD she could get her hands on. Apart from ELIJAH, none survived except for 100 PROPHETS whom OBADIAH, an official in Ahab’s court, hid in two caves and took care of (1 Kings 18:3-4). JEZEBEL also supported an entire school of 450 PROPHETS of BAAL and 400 PROPHETS of the ASHERAH, who ate at her table (v. 19). The SPIRITUAL CORRUPTION under JEZEBEL and AHAB was so thorough that eventually, out of a population in Israel of perhaps 10 million, only 7,000 had never bowed down to Baal (v. 18).

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Challenge The System• Whenever the AHAB and JEZEBEL SPIRITS rise

up in a nation, it SEEKS to DESTROY the PROPHETIC ANOINTING on the land, ROB the people of their GODLY INFLUENCE, TURN them ASIDE FROM their GODLY ROOTS, and PULL them DOWN into SPIRITUAL BLINDNESS and BONDAGE to the powers of darkness. The UNGODLY influence of AHAB and JEZEBEL must NOT GO UNCHALLENGED. No matter when or where these SPIRITS strut onto the stage, GOD always HAS a CHAMPION waiting in the wings, ready to enter and do battle. God always raises up an “ELIJAH” to go “HEAD to HEAD” with AHAB and JEZEBEL.

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The Elijah Revolution• In 1 Kings 17:1, ELIJAH comes before AHAB and

announces a DROUGHT throughout the LAND that will con tinue until he says otherwise. Already the BOLDNESS of God’s ANOINTED messenger is clear. The gauntlet has been thrown down; the contest has been joined. Suddenly, two mighty forces have arisen to contend with each other, and to the VICTOR goes the NATION. Opposing AHAB and JEZEBEL, ELIJAH came forward in the POWER and AUTHORITY of GOD and with a PROPHETIC ANOINTING to STAND in the GAP challenging the SYSTEM of DARKNESS with a REVOLUTION of righteousness. Despite the severity of the DROUGHT and FAMINE, AHAB and ISRAEL did NOT TURN to the LORD in REPENTANCE or for HELP.

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The Elijah Revolution• There is NO RECORD of their willingness to

REPENT of their sinful, wicked ways; NO RECORD of their willingness to TURN AWAY from idolatry and false worship; NO RECORD of a DECISION once again to WORSHIP the LORD genuinely and wholeheartedly. Nevertheless, the LORD instituted the DROUGHT and FAMINE to PROVE that He alone would MEET their desperate NEEDS (Philippians 4:19). In MERCY and GRACE, the LORD God commanded ELIJAH to go and present himself to AHAB, for it was TIME for the LORD to SEND RAIN upon the land (1 Kings 18:1). It was TIME for the FAMINE to END and for the NEEDS of the PEOPLE to be met. In obedience to the LORD, ELIJAH left to confront AHAB (v. 2).

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The Elijah Revolution• Sometime earlier GOD had placed OBADIAH in

AHAB’S court (1 Kings 18:2-6). OBADIAH was STEWARD of the ROYAL PALACE, which meant that he was the chief administrator of the king’s properties. This means he was SECOND in COMMAND to the king. As a committed servant of the LORD, OBADIAH risked his LIFE to save 100 PROPHETS from JEZEBEL’S bloody PURGE of God’s servants (v. 4). Note she had launched a MURDEROUS CAMPAIGN against the LORD’S PROPHETS, seeking to KILL them all in order to ELIMINATE the WORSHIP of the LORD God throughout the land. Doing all he could, OBADIAH saved 100 PROPHETS by HIDING them in TWO CAVES, fifty in each, and providing food and water for them (v. 4).

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The Elijah Revolution• After almost three years, the effects of the

FAMINE were reaching into the ROYAL PALACE. Caring more for the royal horses and mules and cattle than for the people, AHAB sent OBADIAH on a desperate SEARCH to find PASTURELAND to keep them from starving (1 Kings 18:5-6). Dividing the land between himself and OBADIAH, AHAB went in one direction and OBADIAH in the other. Sovereignly, GOD had arranged the events so that OBADIAH and ELIJAH would cross paths (vv. 7-16). When they finally reached other, OBADIAH humbled himself by BOWING to the ground out of respect for GOD’S PROPHET.

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The Elijah Revolution• With a sense of urgency, ELIJAH immediately

charged OBADIAH to go and summon AHAB to meet him (v. 8). But stricken with fear, OBADIAH sensed that the SPIRIT of the LORD might call ELIJAH elsewhere, and he would not be there when Ahab arrived (vv. 9-16). The result would be catastrophic, in ANGER, AHAB would execute OBADIAH. ELIJAH assured OBADIAH by swearing an OATH that he would REMAIN there to confront AHAB (v. 15). Being assured, OBADIAH carried the CHALLENGE to AHAB and the king immediately accepted (v. 16).

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The Elijah Revolution• ELIJAH’S confrontation with AHAB paints a

picture of JUDGMENT due to SIN (1 Kings 18:17-20). As soon as the two men met face-to-face, AHAB angrily and sarcastically charged ELIJAH with being a TROUBLEMAKER, the person responsible for the severe DROUGHT and FAMINE sweeping the land. Immediately, ELIJAH fired back that AHAB and his FATHER’S HOUSE were the real TROUBLEMAKERS (v. 18). They had FORSAKEN the LORD and His Word committing IDOLATRY following after BAAL (v. 18).

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The Elijah Revolution• Giving AHAB no time to respond, ELIJAH

challenged the king to summon the people to a CONTEST on MT. CARMEL, a contest between himself and the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of Asherah (v. 19). AHAB accepted the CHALLENGE (v. 20). Mount CARMEL was regarded by the Phoenicians as the SACRED DWELLING place of BAAL. Undoubtedly, AHAB was highly PLEASED with this suggested SITE for the CONTEST because it would have given the BAAL PROPHETS a definite ADVANTAGE. So, AHAB excitedly SENT WORD of the CONTEST throughout all of ISRAEL, summoning the people to attend. Obviously, there were multiplied thousands who gathered together to witness the contest.

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LORD, Send The Fire• Once the people assembled, ELIJAH publicly CHALLENGED AHAB and PROPHETS of BAAL and ASHERAH (1 Kings 18:21-24). The CONTEST was to ESTABLISH who was the ONE TRUE GOD. Elijah issued a CHALLENGE of the GODS- the LORD verses BAAL. Each side would prepare to SACRIFICE a BULL as a BURNT OFFERING to its god. They were CALL on their GOD and the GOD who ANSWERED by FIRE would be the ONE TRUE GOD.

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LORD, Send The Fire• Note BAAL was said to be a FERTILITY GOD, the one who sent RAIN, caused the CROPS to GROW, and provide FOOD for his people. He was also said to be the one who sent FIRE (lightning) from heaven. Certainly, the 3½ year DROUGHT and FAMINE embarrassed the PROPHETS of BAAL. It seemed as if ELIJAH and his GOD were in control of the FERTILITY of Israel. This CONTEST was a good OPPORTUNITY to vindicate BAAL; so, they readily agreed. When the preparations were completed, the test began (vv. 25-26).

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LORD, Send The Fire• Beginning in the MORNING, the PROPHETS

of BAAL called on BAAL and danced around his ALTAR to arouse him to action (1 Kings 18:26). At noon, ELIJAH began to MOCK their ineffectiveness (v. 27). Sarcastically he suggested that BAAL was thinking about other things, or busy (lit., relieving himself), away on a trip (the Phoenician sailors believed Baal traveled with them on the Mediterranean Sea and elsewhere), or even sleeping (v. 27). Surprisingly Baal’s prophets responded by increasing the fervor of their appeals, working themselves into a frenzy (v. 28).

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LORD, Send The Fire• To propitiate their god, they MUTILATED their own BODIES as the custom of pagan worshipers has been for centuries (v. 28). This continued for THREE HOURS (the time for the Israelites’ evening sacrifice was 3:00 p.m.), but still there was NO RESPONSE (v. 29). No one answered or paid attention; that is, Baal did not respond to their nearly eight-hour chanting for lightning, though rain and lightning often come readily to the Carmel mountain range near the Mediterranean Sea.

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LORD, Send The Fire• At this point, ELIJAH invited all the PEOPLE to draw

near (1 Kings 18:30). He REPAIRED the ALTAR of the LORD; an ALTAR to the LORD had been built on the site long before but it was in disrepair. ELIJAH selected 12 STONES, one for each of the tribes (v. 31). With these stones he BUILT an ALTAR and DUG a TRENCH around it to hold about one-third of a bushel of SEED (two seahs = about 13 quarts) (v. 32). After the bull had been slain and laid on the wood, ELIJAH gave another STRANGE DIRECTIVE (v. 33). He called for the whole SACRIFICE and its WOOD to be SOAKED with FOUR BARRELS of WATER (v. 33). He then commanded it to be done a SECOND and THIRD TIME (v. 34).

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LORD, Send The Fire• The excess WATER FILLED the TRENCH (v. 35).

After creating an impossibility, ELIJAH stepped forward and PRAYED (vv. 36-37). He simply asked GOD to SHOW the PEOPLE that He is the TRUE GOD and to TURN their HEARTS back to Him. Instantly, FIRE FELL DOWN from HEAVEN (lightning), CONSUMING the sacrifice, wood, altar, water, and stones (v. 38). The LORD God ANSWERED by FIRE (Hebrews 12:29). Reverently, the PEOPLE ACKNOWLEDGED that He is the LORD was the TRUE GOD (1 Kings 18:39). At the command of ELIJAH, the PEOPLE SEIZED and KILLED the PROPHETS of BAAL (1 Kings 18:40; Deuteronomy 13:12-15).

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The LORD Is Sending The Fire• The ANSWER from Heaven can only be found in the HOLY GHOST, the Spirit of GOD. As a mature, Spirit-filled PROPHETIC PEOPLE, we are AS fire (Joel 2:5). A Holy Ghost people who are becoming AS FIRE are GOD’S ANSWER to the earth. In 1 Kings 18:25-29, the FALSE PROPHETS of JEZEBEL (the harlot systems of religion) practiced their WITCHCRAFT from the “MORNING” (the apostolic beginning of this age) until the “MIDDAY” (the Middle Ages).

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The LORD Is Sending The Fire• BAAL WORSHIP is a RELIGIOUS SYSTEM that points to CUSTOM or RELIGIOUS TRADITION. It magnifies the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). Jezebel’s prophets leaped in the excesses of their CHARISMATIC experience (having a GOOD TIME), and then CUT themselves in the raw, fleshly, emotional and frenzied fervor of traditional CLASSICAL PENTECOSTAL styles and customs when “having church”, not to mention glamourizing the flesh.

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The LORD Is Sending The Fire• In 1 Kings 18:30, we are told the KEY to TRUE

REVIVAL and RESTORATION is the REPAIRING of the ALTAR, the “PLACE of SACRIFICE” - complete surrender in PRAYER, WORSHIP, DEDICATION as well as SERVICE and GIVING (Romans 12:1-2; Hebrews 13:15-16). The word “REPAIRED” (rapa) means “to MEND by stitching, to CURE, to HEAL, to MAKE HEALTHY or HEALTHFUL”. God’s HEALING power is RELEASED at the ALTAR (Isaiah 53:5). Our RELATIONSHIP with the LORD must be REPAIRED FIRST (Matthew 6:33) then we shall be HEALED! The “ALTAR” on Mount CARMEL speaks of the CENTRALITY of the CROSS and all its principles. This ALTAR on Carmel, a LOCAL ALTAR, is a picture of the LOCAL CHURCH, “thrown down” by Jezebel’s TRADITIONS (1 Kings 19:10; Revelation 2:20).

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The LORD Is Sending The Fire• The BODY OF CHRIST is an ORDERED ALTAR (1

Kings 18:31-32; 1 Peter 2:5). The NAMES (and meanings) of the TWELVE TRIBES could be here inserted to describe the many aspects of the ISRAEL nature, our NEW nature in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). There must be a restoration of the REVELATION of WHO we are in JESUS Christ as the Seed of Abraham and the Seed of David. The MANY STONES became ONE altar (the “ONE BREAD” of 1 Corinthians 10:17 with the SAME MIND 1 Corinthians 1:10). The TRENCH (a channel for irrigation, conduit) speaks of FOUNDATIONAL MINISTRIES or ORDERED MINISTRY- discipline. The number TWO denotes the WITNESS of Christ in the fullness of His BODY- the “HOUSE” or corporate measuring for “TWO MEASURES (gallons) of SEED”.

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The LORD Is Sending The Fire• This TWO SEAHS went around the ALTAR,

illustrating the FOUNDATIONAL SEED contained in the MAN Christ JESUS- the trench “HOUSED” the Seed- Christ, the HEAD and the BODY. The LORD JESUS Christ, the SEED of GOD (John 1:1-4,14; 12:24; Galatians 3:16) MANIFESTED and TABERNACLED in human FLESH, came to the FULL MEASURE. So His CHURCH will mature to His SAME measure and image (Romans 8:14-23,29; 2 Corinthians 3:18-4:7; Ephesians 4:13; Hebrews 2:6-13). May God DIG us until we are a HOUSE containing the FULL MEASURE of His life and ministry! May we become the CHANNEL for God’s LIFE to flow into this generation!

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The LORD Is Sending The Fire• The THREE outpourings of the WATER of the

WORD (Ephesians 5:25-27) reveal THREE LEVELS of PROVING our FAITH. The applications of FOUR BARRELS each picture THREE GLOBAL OUTPOURINGS, the THREE REFORMATIONS of 1517, 1906, and the present day. This operation also shows that the three-fold FAITH of the ELIJAH MINISTRY will dispel the GLOBAL, UNIVERSAL dilemma of the DOUBT and UNBELIEF of the nations. The TIME is MARKED at the END of the DAY and the END of the CONTEST, pointing to the END of this AGE. The LORD is ANSWERING by FIRE!

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The LORD Is Sending The Fire• This ALTAR was BAPTIZED with WATER,

with the SPIRIT, and with FIRE! This entire scenario on Mount Carmel is a vivid picture of JESUS’ FINISHED WORK on the CROSS- HE is the FIERY ANSWER (1 Kings 18:24) from Heaven for every human problem!

• The REPAIRED ALTAR foreshadows His CROSS.


• The TRENCH was the impasse between God and man that could only be filled with WATER- JESUS the WORD!

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The LORD Is Sending The Fire• The BULLOCK pictures JESUS’ supreme


• The CUTTING of the bullock describes His being CUT for our sins in BLOOD COVENANT (berith- covenant).

• The BULLOCK was LAID upon the WOOD- JESUS was NAILED to the TREE.

• The FIRE from Heaven LICKING UP the sacrifice. This shows that JESUS was CONSUMED the perfect, sin-less Offering.

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The LORD Is Sending The Fire• The FIRE from HEAVEN also shows that a

righteous and holy God vented all His FIERY WRATH upon Himself.

• The SLAYING of the 450 FALSE PROPHETS reveals that ALL ENEMIES were dealt with in His finished work!

• The GREAT OUTPOURING OF RAIN that immediately followed this scene points to PENTECOST and the UPPER ROOM (Acts 2) - the BLOOD predicates the OIL!

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Conclusion• ELIJAH appeared on Mount Carmel and

CHALLENGED the PROPHETS of Baal to a contest (1 Kings 18:17-40). After Baal’s prophets utterly failed to get their god’s attention, ELIJAH CALLED on the LORD God, who SENT FIRE from Heaven to consume the sacrifice that Elijah had prepared. In the wake of this demonstration that exposes Baal as a false god, the Israelites reaffirm their faith in the LORD as God, and ELIJAH SLAYS all the PROPHETS of BAAL. Such ZEAL for God alone is the only kind of spirit that can TURN people BACK to Him. The people of God must be FIRED with the SPIRIT of Elijah.

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Conclusion• They must BURN with a HOLY PASSION for the

things of God: His NAME, His reputa tion, His purposes, His presence, the welfare of His peo ple, and for His glory to fill the earth. The SPIRIT of ELIJAH is ALIVE in the land, rising up in the hearts of more and more believers. The ELIJAH GENERATION boldly cries out, “O LORD… today let it be known that You are God… that this people may know that You are God, and that You have turned their heart back again” (1 Kings 18:36-37). “Oh, LORD, burn us up in Your fire! Consume us in Your Flames! Ignite our hearts with revival! Set us ablaze with Your fire!”

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The Days of Elijah

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