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The Days of Elijah

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Introduction• PRAYER that is EARNEST and FERVENT will

accomplish and work EFFECTIVELY. “The effectual, fervent (energeo- active, efficient, mighty, operative) prayer- the earnest, working power of prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16). To emphasize POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE PRAYER of a righteous person, James gives a well-known example to his Jewish audience- ELIJAH. He identified ELIJAH as a FELLOW SUFFERER. “A man just like us” could be translated “a man of like feeling” or “of similar suffering” (v. 17). ELIJAH experienced all the FRAILTIES of human nature. But “he prayed”, that is, “he prayed earnestly, and rain was withheld” (1 Kings 17:1).

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Introduction• He later “prayed again” and the RAIN was

RESTORED (18:41-46). EARNEST and PERSISTENT PRAYER are essential to SEEING the MIRACULOUS. James points out that ELIJAH EARNESTLY PRAYED for it NOT to RAIN, and it did NOT RAIN for THREE YEARS and SIX MONTHS (James 5:17). Then he PRAYED AGAIN for it to RAIN, and it RAINED and the EARTH BORE its FRUIT (1 Kings 17:1; 18:41-46; James 5:18). The point is this: EARNEST and FERVENT PRAYER are EFFECTIVE; it works. GOD HEARS and ANSWERS PRAYER.

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Effectual Fervent Prayer• Just PRIOR to ELIJAH’S PRAYER for RAIN and

the END of the DROUGHT, he CONTESTED with the PROPHETS of BAAL (1 Kings 18:20-39). In this instance, his PRAYER demonstrated that the LORD ANSWERS BY FIRE (vv. 30-39). After killing the prophets of Baal (v. 40), ELIJAH commanded AHAB to EAT and DRINK because the DROUGHT and FAMINE had come to an END (v. 41). The RAIN was COMING! While Ahab did as instructed, ELIJAH climbed to the top of Mt. Carmel (v. 42). There he BOWED DOWN to the ground and put his FACE BETWEEN his KNEES, here he PRAYED and CRIED out to the LORD to SEND RAIN to END the DROUGHT (v. 42).

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Effectual Fervent Prayer• Arising, ELIJAH SENT his SERVANT to LOOK toward the Mediterranean Sea for RAIN CLOUDS. But the SERVANT saw NO CLOUD (v. 43). Again and again ELIJAH PERSEVERED in HEARTFELT PRAYER; and again and again the SERVANT was SENT to the summit. The APPEARANCE seemed to LACK results; but ELIJAH did NOT GIVE UP; rather, he CONTINUED FERVENTLY in PRAYER (v. 43).

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Effectual Fervent Prayer• SEVEN different TIMES ELIJAH BOWED down to the GROUND and put his FACE between his KNEES CONTINUING to CRY OUT to the LORD for RAIN, to END the DROUGHT and FAMINE. After SEEKING the LORD for the SEVENTH TIME, ELIJAH was dramatically HEARD. The LORD ANSWERED his prayer. When the SERVANT RETURNED for the SEVENTH TIME, he reported that a CLOUD as SMALL as a MAN’S HAND was RISING out over the SEA (1 Kings 18:44).

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Effectual Fervent Prayer• With this news, Elijah warned Ahab to rush back to the palace before the TORRENTIAL DOWNPOUR caught him. As he was speaking, DARK CLOUDS began to APPEAR and STRONG WINDS began to blow (vv. 44-45). Ahab and the massive crowd on Mt. Carmel were witnessing another proof of the LORD’S power and sovereignty: the LORD who ANSWERS BY FIRE also SENDS the RAINS. He is the ONLY LIVING and TRUE GOD.

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Effectual Fervent Prayer• At the news of the COMING RAINS, Ahab jumped in his chariot and headed off toward Jezreel. RAINS normally came from the WEST off the Mediterranean Sea, so ELIJAH INSTRUCTED his SERVANT to LOOK in that DIRECTION. GOD ANSWERED ELIJAH’S PETITION as he PERSEVERED in PRAYER. At first the RAIN CLOUD was SMALL (like a man’s hand), but soon the WHOLE SKY GREW BLACK and HEAVY RAIN descended.

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Effectual Fervent Prayer• The TORRENT evidently OVERTOOK AHAB as he RODE in his CHARIOT to Jezreel, his winter capital about midway between Mount Carmel and Samaria. ELIJAH OVERTOOK him, RUNNING the approximate (25) TWENTY- FIVE MILES with DIVINELY given ENERGY. Tucking his cloak into his belt enabled him to run without tripping over his long garment to the entrance of Jezreel. This was DVINE ACCELERATION.

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The Curious Girdle Ministry• The ELIJAH MINISTRY wears the CURIOUS GIRDLE which is part of the THIRD layer (there was the foundational LINEN COAT, the BLUE ROBE, and the EPHOD) of the HIGH PRIESTLY garments. This GIRDLE speaks of STRENGTH for THIRD DAY PRIESTLY MINISTRY, the “MORE EXCELLENT MINISTRY” (Hebrews 8:1-6), and the WORD and MINISTRY of RECONCILIATION (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).

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The Curious Girdle Ministry• Note the SONS of AARON (the priests) wore TWO girdles- INNER and OUTER. But only the HIGH PRIEST (the MOST HOLY PLACE ministry) wore the uniquely ornamented CURIOUS girdle, which was the OUTWARD and VISIBLE girdle, pointing to the MANIFESTATION of the SONS of GOD (Romans 8:14-23). Those who will GIRD up the LOINS of their MIND will RECEIVE DIVINE ACCELERATION when they ENTER the MOST HOLY PLACE.

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The Curious Girdle Ministry• 1 Peter 1:13 states, “Gird up the loins of your mind,

being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of JESUS Christ”. In ancient times, MEN often wore ROBES, and they wore a BELT around their waist. When they were set on some strenuous action, they GATHERED UP their ROBE and TIGHTENED it under the BELT so that the ROBE would NOT FLOP around and HINDER their work. The BELIEVER is to GATHER UP the LOINS of his MIND. This means to GATHER UP all LOOSE THOUGHTS; to GIRD UP the MIND and THOUGHTS; to CONCENTRATE and FOCUS the ATTENTION upon the KINGDOM of GOD.

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The Curious Girdle Ministry• He is to RESTRAIN and CONTROL every THOUGHT, to FOCUS upon “whatsoever things are true… honest… just… pure… lovely… of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8). Note how clearly and simply Scripture states this: we are NOT to ALLOW our THOUGHTS to ROAM about and/or HARBOR thoughts of ungodliness. We are to FOCUS our THOUGHTS upon the KINGDOM of GOD (Matthew 6:33).

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The Curious Girdle Ministry• THOUGHTS upon the KINGDOM of GOD (Matthew 6:33). The very WARFARE of the BELIEVER is SPIRITUAL and MENTAL. We must NOT ALLOW THOUGHTS that TEAR DOWN or APART our MORAL and GODLY fiber. Therefore, the BELIEVER must CAST DOWN “imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

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The Curious Girdle Ministry• Note the HAND of the LORD was on ELIJAH (1 Kings

18:46). The Jewish Targum (translation) says, “the Spirit of strength”. This is POWER PUT FORTH (compare Ephesians 4:11 as well as the prophets ELISHA in 2 Kings 3:15 and EZEKIEL in Ezekiel 1:3; 3:14,22; 33:22; 37:1; 40:1). Let us as the CHURCH of the LORD JESUS Christ GIRD UP the loins of our MINDS and RUN AHEAD of the world and OUT THINK the world, taking the LEAD and being the EXAMPLE (salt, light, and city) in every dimension (1 Peter 1:13; Daniel 1:15-20). ELIJAH with his FEET OUTRUN the CHARIOTS of AHAB with its HORSES. The CHURCH with the MIND of CHRIST must OUT THINK the Kingdoms of this World (1 Corinthians 2:16; Philippians 2:5). We need DIVINE ACCELERATION!

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Rain In Due Season• The LORD PROMISED HIS PEOPLE, upon their obedience to His Covenant, He would GIVE them the RAINS in their DUE SEASON, “the first rain and the latter rain” that they would GATHER in CORN, WINE, and OIL (Deuteronomy 11:10-17). He also PROMISED that He would also WITHHOLD the RAINS and ALLOW the LAND to be BLIGHTED if they FAILED to OBEY HIS LAWS.

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Rain In Due Season• The RAINS were always the SEAL of the

PALESTINIAN COVENANT, the token of God’s blessing (Deuteronomy 11:16-17; 1 Kings 8:35-43; 17:1-7; 18:41-46; Proverbs 16:15; Amos 4:6-13; Joel 1:10-12). The OUTPOURED RAINS and SHOWERS of BLESSING were symbolical of the OUTPOURING of the HOLY SPIRIT (Joel 2:21-32; Hosea 10:12; James 5:7; Hosea 6:3; John 7:37-30; Revelation 22:1-3) and the REVELATION of the WORD of GOD (Deuteronomy 32:1-3; Isaiah 55:8-12).

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Rain In Due Season• The remarkable prophecy of Joel 2:23 promises the

FORMER and the LATTER RAIN in the FIRST MONTH- the FEAST of TABERNACLES. That is, a DOUBLE PORTION of RAIN! Note the RAIN of the SPIRIT and the WORD so far have been but “showers of blessing” (Ezekiel 34:26). In the LAST DAYS, the FEAST of TABERNACLES is to see a MIGHTY DELUGE of the SPIRIT, a universal OUTPOURING of the SPIRIT (Joel 2:28-31). This will be accompanied by SIGNS and WONDERS and GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRIT, as well as REVELATION and ILLUMINATION in the WORD of GOD beyond all that has ever been in Church History. It will touch every nation, both Jewish and Gentile.

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Rain In Due Season• This DOUBLE PORTION RAIN of the

SEVENTH DAY is equivalent to the RAIN which came at the “SEVEN TIMES” praying of Elijah (1 Kings 18:41-46). Let’s SEEK the LORD and ASK HIM to SEND the THIRD DAY and SEVENTH DAY RAINS on His people (Zechariah 10:1; Hosea 6:3; 10:12; James 5:7; Joel 2:23-32; Psalm 65:9-10; 48:4; Jeremiah 5:24; 31:10-14). Note the OUTPOURING of the SPIRIT does not come without PRAYER and SUPPLICATION (Acts 1:12-14; 1 Kings 18:41-46; Joel 2:1,15-17).

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was most IMPRESSIVE and gives a DRAMATIC picture of the LORD JESUS Christ (John 7:37-39). Note there were SEVEN FEASTS of the LORD and the SEVENTH FEAST- the FEAST of TABERNACLES- lasted for SEVEN DAYS. On EACH of the SEVEN DAYS, the people came to the TEMPLE and brought some FRUIT as an OFFERING and a few PALM and WILLOW BRANCHES. The BRANCHES were used to form a ROOF over the ALTAR. Then the PRIEST took a GOLDEN PITCHER and led the people in a PROCESSIONAL down to the POOL of SILOAM where he filled the PITCHER with WATER.

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LORD, Send The Rains• During this MARCH the people PLAYED the FLUTE

and SANG the HILLEL, which was Psalms 113-118. On the RETURN MARCH, as the PITCHER of WATER passed through the WATER GATE, the people repeated in unison: “With joy shall you draw water out of the wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3). When the PITCHER reached the ALTAR, the WATER was POURED OUT over the ALTAR as an OFFERING unto the LORD. While this was being done, the people waved PALM BRANCHES and recited the words: “Save now, I beseech You, O LORD! O LORD, I beseech You, send now prosperity!” (Psalm 118:25) Note they ASKED the LORD to SEND the RAINS (Zechariah 10:1).

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LORD, Send The Rains• The idea of the PROCESSIONAL was to

THANK GOD for RAIN and to OFFER PRAYER unto the LORD for MORE RAIN and for a FRUITFUL SEASON in the COMING YEAR. In this way, the people ACKNOWLEDGED their need and dependence upon GOD for the RAINS, the WATER that gave them the FRUIT of the GROUND and the BOUNTY of LIFE. The LAST DAY of the FEAST was highly active, in that the people repeated the PROCESSIONAL SEVEN TIMES. Note ELIJAH PRAYED for RAIN SEVEN TIMES (1 Kings 18:43-44).

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LORD, Send The Rains• Prophetically, the FEAST of TABERNACLES will

be CELEBRATED and FULFILLED in the LAST DAYS as the LORD returns. The FEAST of TABERNACLES symbolizes the JOY, LIBERTY, and VICTORY of the BELIEVER through the wilderness experience of life and the GLORIOUS PROVISION of GOD. In that DAY, the LORD will ETERNALLY PROVIDE for HIS PEOPLE as He will PERMANENTLY DWELL among them as LORD and KING (Zechariah 14:16; Revelation 20:4-6; 21:3,7). In this SEVENTH DAY, we must CRY OUT to the LORD for the RAINS (Zechariah 10:1). Only He can HEAL our BARRENNESS! (2 Chronicles 7:14)

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Ask For The Rains• It is TIME for GOD to POUR OUT the LATTER RAIN and FORMER RAIN on all that you have planted! Why do you plant a garden? Because there is a LAW of SEEDTIME and HARVEST! (Genesis 8:22) You must DRESS for the SEASON you are in. You must PREPARE for the OUTPOURING of RAIN that GOD is RELEASING on you! PRINCIPLE: But why ASK for RAIN in the TIME of LATTER RAIN, when RAIN is already on GOD’S AGENDA?

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Ask For The Rains†We must LINE UP (position, posture) our lives with what GOD has MANDATED- covenant people.†We must discern HIS AGENDA at HIS TIME = what HE is doing in the earth. We cannot expect SUNSHINE if we are asking for RAIN - there will be CLOUDS and THUNDER; the sky will be DARK and STORMY.

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Ask For The Rains• Deuteronomy 11:7-9 says, “But your eyes have seen all the great acts of the LORD which He did. Therefore, shall you keep all the commandments which I command you this day, that you may be strong, and go in and possess the land, whither you go to possess it. And that you may prolong your days in the land, which the LORD swore unto your fathers to give unto them and to their seed, a land that flows with milk and honey.” GO IN and GET IT! It ALREADY belongs to you!

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Ask For The Rains• Verses 10-11 continue, “For the land, which you are

going in to possess, is NOT AS THE LAND of EGYPT, from whence you came out, where you sowed your seed, and WATERED IT WITH YOUR FOOT, as a garden of herbs: But the land, which you are going to possess, is a land of hills and valleys, and drinks WATER OF THE RAIN OF HEAVEN”. What GOD has promised us is BIGGER than a GARDEN of HERBS. It is BIGGER than our WATER CANS; it requires the RAINS of HEAVEN! The TIME of the LATTER RAIN is a NEW DIMENSION. It is nothing like what you’ve come from. It’s too BIG to water BY HAND (...laboriously..., AMP). Throughout this ministry, we must be delivered from a WATER-CAN MENTALITY.

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Ask For The Rains• The END-TIME HARVEST will necessitate the

RAIN OF HEAVEN! It is TIME to ENTER the THIRD DAY of the CHURCH and the SEVENTH DAY of the LORD! It is TIME for the THIRD DAY and SEVENTH DAY OUTPOURING! It is TIME for the THIRD LAYER of GLORY! It is TIME for the THIRD DIMENSION of POWER! It is TIME to ENTER the FEAST of TABERNACLES. “LORD, send the rains of Heaven on our lives! Rain on our churches, homes, families, communities, regions, nations! Fill us up! Soak us! Send a mighty deluge! May Your seed grow in us until we advance the Kingdom for You! In JESUS NAME! Amen!”

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Conclusion• Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness (sedaqa- right

acts, justice) exalts (ramam- lifts up, promotes) a nation: but sin (hatta’t- offence, habitual penalty) is a reproach (hesed- wicked thing, reproof) to any people”. That is to say, RIGHT ACTIONS among a group of people have beneficial and uplifting effects. However, when people CONTINUALLY DO WRONG it becomes THEIR DISGRACE and SHAME. Nevertheless, when PEOPLE REPENT of their sins, the LORD promised to RESTORE them (Hosea 6:2). To heighten the anticipation, He promised to do it QUICKLY- within TWO or THREE DAYS (v. 2). This expression indicates that REVIVAL QUICKLY occurs. That is to say, they would immediately LIVE in GOD’S PRESENCE unbroken fellowship.

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Conclusion• The idea suggests being restored to an Edenic

environment or Promised Land- flowing with milk and honey. Note if the PEOPLE REPENTED of their SINS, then the LORD would QUICKLY accept and RESTORE them (2 Chronicles 7:14). As a matter of fact, the LORD will EMERGE like the SUNRISE from His hiding place (Hosea 6:3). He will POUR OUT HIS BLESSINGS like the EARLY and LATE RAINS that water the earth (Hosea 6:3; Joel 2:23). In other words, He would COME LIKE the RAINS- restoring prosperity (Joel 2:24-27; Hosea 6:3; Zechariah 10:1; Deuteronomy 11:13-15).

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The Days of Elijah

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