  • 1. The Death of the B&B Are you on life support?

2. Were in crisis The economy The competition Discounting OTAs Trip Advisor Amazon Whats next? 3. But first.Housekeeping Please turn off Facebook, emails and all distractions for the next 40 minutes Have a pen and paper ready to take notes 4. Who am I? 5. Why should you listen to me? Built my own B&B in France from almost nothing to making over US $130,000 a year with just 4 rooms, in less than 2 years I use no OTAs, directories or third party marketing companies Built my whole business on relationships and expert/trusted advisor model 6. More about me.. Award winning online marketer Author of Bed and Breakfast Magic! How to Transform your B&B into a Booming Six Figure Business, available on Amazon Speaker Coach and mentor B&B owners just like you, around the world I dont have any special powers 7. I recently did a survey heres the results 8. Survey results 79% are focussed mostly on getting more guests, and only 14% are focussed on selling more to existing guests (the easiest money) 68% are overwhelmed or dont know what to do on a daily basis in their business 68% are either not growing at all or growing just a little bit 9. More survey results 68% are either procrastinating, distracted or not doing what they know they need to do because they are not accountable to anyone 74% dont have a sales and marketing system to consistently attract guests and invite them to buy more, and most are using OTAs 83% are concerned in some way about money 10. So please stay with me because Im going to show you how we got here and the opportunities that now exist for you should you choose to take advantage of them 11. Plus After Ive walked you through this, if you feel you need help, you will have the opportunity to get that help at the end 12. Heres what well cover The good old days How did we get here? What are the problems we face? The enormous opportunity for you 13. Lets get started 14. The good old days Before the internet We made our own decisions We had the choice We felt in control of our businesses 15. So what happened? The internet Online booking Online review sites Trip Advisor Online travel agents You gotta be in the club 16. The downward spiral Lost control of our business Lost our power Paying commissions Dependent on them Making less money Feelings of helplessness 17. Why? 18. Outside circumstances v inner thoughts 19. Inside = Outside Thoughts Feelings Beliefs 20. Beliefs Thoughts Yourexperience/yourlife Feelings 21. Fact - Everyones looking for a deal Thought = I have to discount my prices Feeling = Fear of losing business/money Belief = Ill have no guests, Ill go out of business and Ill lose everything 22. Fact I dont know how to do marketing Thought = Its not my thing Feeling = I feel stupid, because I ought to know Belief = Someone else needs to do it for me 23. Fact I feel overwhelmed Thought = I dont know what to do Feeling = poor me (victim) Belief = Im safer if I stay where I am 24. Fact Im worried about money Thought = I have to take any guest at any cost Feeling = anxiety and frustration Belief = Its better to fill my beds with anyone rather than have them empty 25. Youre vulnerable To online travel agencies To other directories and their promises At the mercy of the economy As a price-driven commodity Dis-empowered and dependent 26. The business model that corresponds with that thinking is 27. Online Travel agents Directories Others peoples busineses CRM system to offer more products and services and keep in touch Generate more leads, blogs and share on social media You get some good reviews and some bad You deliver an experience that could be exhausting you Your website 28. Online travel agents Trip Advisor Amazon Anybody who else who we allow to swallow us up making all the decisions and taking ALOT of commission leaving you totally dependent B&B SH B&B InnSH Inn SH InnInn B&B 29. Heres the horrible truth When youre using that business model, you dont really have a business You are a supplier of beds to the OTAs You are a commodity Your guests are not even your guests You are at the mercy of them You are not sustainable And heres the biggie people are not being served 30. The magic happens inside first What got you to point A where you are now, will not get you to point B where you want to go Nothing changes, unless YOU change It begins with your thoughts 31. Back in the day when I was making around 10k a year my thought process went something like this. 32. Someones asking for a discount.. Thought - I wonder how low I need to go to get this sale Feeling Anxiety Belief - Theres no more money coming, so I have to get this guest at whatever cost to me 33. And the result of that thinking? Resentment on my part because Id discounted my price Betrayal of myself and the value of my B&B Low energy because of my fear Which resulted in poor customer service No repeat business More people asking for discounts 34. I have to be around ALL THE TIME Thought my guests are special and they need me all the time Feeling fear of not being liked Belief Im selfish if I put my own needs first, and I dont deserve to have a life outside 35. And the results of that thinking? Resentment on my part because I have let myself down by having no boundaries Sense of frustration which guests subconsciously feel Becoming tired and irritable over time Eventual burn out 36. Guests dont want me to sell to them Thought They wont like me Feeling Inadequate and at the same time, superior Belief Selling is sleazy anyway, and its beneath me 37. And the results of that thinking? Afraid to offer guests something else in case they dont like it, or its not good enough Staying small and preventing expansion Feeling stuck and trapped Poor results in business and in life 38. So what changed? Thoughts Feelings Beliefs 39. Example Thought I am taking care of myself first Feeling Empowerment Belief I am valuable , and I deserve to have a life 40. Another example Thought My private time is important for me and my guests Feeling rested and energised Belief I deserve to take time out 41. Final example Thought What else can I offer my guests? Feeling In service to others Belief Selling is helping others to get what they want 42. Results of THAT thinking Business boomed to over 100k Greater self esteem Self confidence Expanded skill set which I can use anywhere Happy guests who come back again and again, write great reviews and refer their friends and family Thriving business 43. Which in turn allowed me to develop this business model, and help others 44. What does it mean? My business belongs to me I dont rely on anyone else to bring me guests My guests are my guests and I take care of them very well I have a valuable business asset that I can sell I am in control 45. Whats happened? To your vision of working for yourself, getting out the rat race and having the freedom and lifestyle you dreamed of? Have you traded your dream to become a mattress company 46. Is it time to ask yourself some questions? 47. Why did I start this business? What is it I want to accomplish? Whats not working for me right now? What do I believe is preventing me from getting what I want? Why do I think I have that problem Whats going to happen if I dont resolve it? 48. The opportunity for you 49. Your competitors are doing this: Discounting their prices to get guests at any cost Working themselves to death Have become a commodity based on price alone Have become mattress companies Do not have a Customer Relationship Management System to really take care of their guests 50. And this. Are afraid of selling, so are not meeting their guests needs Relying on OTAs to bring them guests, Are constantly worried about money Anxious and frustrated Are not doing the things they know they need to do to move forwards 51. And this. Have no idea what to do to move forwards Have no systems in place to attract more guests Are working the dysfunctional business model I showed you earlier Have become mattress suppliers Are habitually thinking negative and fear-based thoughts Are not taking responsibility and playing small 52. Can you see the ENORMOUS opportunity for you? 53. So where do you start? 54. 5 Step Magic! Plan + 10 Tips 55. 5 Step Magic! Plan Step 1 Become the Beacon of Hope for your area claim your place! Research what people are looking for when they come to your area and be the answer to their prayers. Start promoting your area, instead of promoting yourself. Become the expert on your local area, the one that everyone looks to. Come from a giving energy, rather than what can I get energy 56. Step 2 Upgrade your website with the words they use and make it easy for them to find their way to the booking page. Stop talking about you and start inspiring your visitors with whats possible for them, with you. Make it easy for them to choose you 57. Step 3 Cure Disposable Guest Syndrome! And start building long-term relationships Focus on increasing customer spend, by offering more of your products and services before they arrive and during their visit. Get good at selling help your guests to get what they want no-one else is doing this!! 58. Step 4 Focus on increasing your personal network, rather than trying to sell rooms. The bigger your network, the safer youll be. Stop discounting, and de-valuing yourself and your B&B. Find people online you can help. Connect with leaders and become one of them yourself 59. Step 5 Use technology to automate the sales process and the upsell process, and the asking for referral process Get some help in your B&B (if you havent already) and make a decision to really focus ON your business, instead of being IN it all the time Focus on marketing 60. 10 tips for you. Begin to catch yourself when you think badly of yourself, dont judge, just notice Start changing those thoughts around into something more empowering for you Put some boundaries in place so you get some time off every day Book a vacation and close during the low season Make a decision that youll reach that goal this year 61. More tips. Reach out and add at least another 500 people to your network within the next 30 days Get in touch with your past guests and start re- building that relationship Ask your past guests to help you out and take a quick survey to find out what they want Develop something that they would buy from you Put a real sales and marketing system in place 62. Get some help You just cant do it on your own You dont know what you dont know You need accountability otherwise you wont do it 63. My invitation to you Work with me to change your life Well implement your new tailor-made business model together Gain new-found confidence in yourself and your ability to run a successful business 64. If youre even a little worried about money Your network is everything Your reputation is everything Your integrity is everthing Your leadership is everything Stop hiding and being annoymous 65. Its only going to get worse The OTAs are taking over Amazon have started offering hospitality deals now More and more people are giving up and becoming a supplier of mattresses How long before the independent lifestyle you dreamed of is gone forever? 66. If you feel you need help 67. Book a confidential 1:1 call with me Lets talk

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