Download - The Denominator


PowerPoint Presentation

The DenominatorBy Erick,Thirein,Aaliyana, Lucas

Our ride is powered by solar power. Our ride is a roller coaster.

Our ride starts off with a loop and the entrance looks Like a tornado with lots of wind.

Friction will stop the ride.Gravity will pull the passenger car downs steep hill

Our ride is an example of variable motion because it goes in different speedS.

Fossil fuels can pollute the air which makes air harder to breathe. WhileRenewable energy doesn`t harm us in any way.

Solar power will work by connecting a cord into a panel to the ride which will power the ride

Solar power is a good source because our ride will not pollute the earth and it will NEVER RUN OUT!We Chose this ride and the renewable energy source because the rollercoaster is powered by solar energy and hooks up the sun.

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