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    The Brookfield Journals

    The Elf of Edinburgh

    By Mrs. Drusilla P. Lane

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    Copyright 2005 Richard O. Fyler Jr.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of

    the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or

    dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved.

    This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any manner currently available or

    yet to be invented without written permission from the copyright holder.

    Cover art by Mark McDonald

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    Authors note

    First, let me start by saying that this is a work of fiction. The characters in it are creations

    of my imagination with two exceptions, Historical figures and Samantha; who is based on a real


    Second, if you enjoy this little bit of nonsense then you need to thank Mrs. PatriciaAlbert. The reason, if it were not for her constant nagging over three fortnights not a single word

    would have ever met the page.

    Third, I want to thank Mrs. Toni Williams for her special help while I traveled.

    A special thanks to Dr. Simon Gibbs and Scot Reynolds.

    Also thanks to my test readers, Holly, Linda, Donna, Laurie and Ben for their feedback

    and support.


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    It was an odd sort of early summer morning. The winds were fair although the sky held athreat of rain. The field was packed with the invited. All the others pressed the fences with the

    reporters and the traffic jam went on for miles. Had she seen it she most likely would have

    laughed and called it a spectacle.

    I thought that the hole in the ground looked rather small compared to what was going into

    it. When I told Great Uncle Henry this he merely replied, Wullie says it will do.

    She always said that a good story always starts at the beginning. However as I think back,

    all her best stories somehow always started near the middle. She would utter something like, I

    once saw a white elephant. then you would have to pry a bit to get the whole story out of her.

    Mind you, with a life like hers its often hard to tell the fact from the fiction. I have read

    their Journals and talked with those who knew them. Some knew them well and others not so

    well. Hopefully while writing this I have gotten rid of most of the fiction by following each

    section with the appropriate notes from their Journals. So dear reader as near as I can tell this

    was her life.

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    Chapter 1

    If it is true that all good stories start at the beginning, then the question iswhere is the

    beginning? Does it start that warm summer afternoon in August when her mother was headed to

    Mr. Peabodys Ice Cream parlor or does it start with Mr. Henry Finnich, who started his day with

    a half pint of Scotch? Perhaps it started earlier in the day with the pipe fitters apprentice, who in

    his hurry to get to lunch, didnt check the knots of the ropes that held the piping to the side of the

    van. It could have started the night before with Mr. Caldwell who stayed very late at his office

    finalizing the deal of a lifetime that would spill over into the next day.

    According to the constables report it all started when the barman at the Leaky Bucket

    refused to serve Mr. Finnich. What happened next was like something out of French Cinema.Upon leaving The Bucket Finnich as he attempted to cross the street missed the curb

    and stumbled into traffic, right in front of Mr. Caldwells car. Caldwell at the time was

    rummaging in his briefcase. He almost, but not quite, struck Finnich. This distracted him enough

    not to notice that the traffic light had changed to red. The pipe fitter in his van saw the light

    change to green. While chatting with his apprentice he sped up and through the intersection just

    in time for Caldwell to strike his front fender. The rather large lorry just behind the pipe fitters

    van was following too close. It struck his rear bumper and the pipes he was carrying. Pipes flew

    everywhere. One pipe pinned Samanthas mother to the side of Mr. Peabodys building like a

    butterfly on display.

    Enter now the first of Samanthas heroes, Corporal Reginald A. Johnson, a Medic for the

    men of the twenty fourth Regiment of H.M. Special Air Service. In his statement Cpl. Johnson

    wrote that he was the first to reach her mother. The pipe had entered through her mothers right

    breast. Upon lifting her head, her mothers eyes flickered, she then said the word, Pregnant and

    then a name, then died. In his statement the Corporal wrote, Just by looking at her it was

    impossible to tell that she was pregnant. Placing his hand on the dead womans abdomen, he felt

    movement as the child inside struggled to get out. Amid the shouts and screams and with a slight

    hesitation he performed a rather crude Caesarian section.

    So it was that on nineteenth of August, nineteen sixty two, a very tiny Samantha

    Elizabeth Brookfield entered the world by spilling out into the waiting hands of a nervousstranger.

    Or, does the story start a little over two years earlier, with a seventeen year old boys

    decision not to follow in his fathers footsteps and become a nurse instead.

    I think it all really started several years later at the Robertson School of Nursing in

    Edinburgh, Scotland. The day on which his professors and Mr. Eaton gave the now young man

    their final talk then assigned him to his Internship. It was on that fateful Friday that the hands of

    fate plucked the life strings of two people.

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    They met in an old-fashioned room, you know the kind, the ones designed to intimidate

    the person being questioned. Sitting quietly and facing the long table was the newly graduated

    and licensed Charge Nurse Rupert Timothy Harris. Professor Douglas took one last draw on hispipe then set it down; he did most of the talking.

    Right then, we all know why we're here. First let me say congratulations Rupert. You

    made it through what was no doubt a rough four years. We know that it wasnt easy for you.

    However you stuck it through and youre almost out of the woods. After a pause so he could

    study Ruperts reactions Professor Douglas continued, On to business. Due to your extra studies

    you qualify as a Charge Nurse well talk more of that later. While your grades werent top

    marks they were well above average particularly your lab work. Your diagnostic technique is

    quite good and you appear to be smart enough to know when youre in over your head on most

    things. The professor paused again, tapping his pipe clean to quiet the murmuring. One place

    we are a bit worried about is your compassion. I know that this may sound strange. Its alright toempathize with the patient. However if you take it too far, wellthats not a good thing. You

    have to learn to put a bit of distance between the patient and yourself. All Rupert could do was

    nod his head in agreement.

    Now, Charge Nurse Harris, you were on the City of Edinburghs Grants program, which

    means that Mr. Eaton here can place you in any of the citys facilities for the next three years.

    However we have something a little different in mind for you.

    Mr. Eaton took over at this point and simply said, Id like to place you at Sunny Brook.

    Rupert felt his stomach clench and a touch of panic set in. Sunny Brook was well known as

    being the worse public facility in all of Edinburgh if not the whole of Scotland, with some

    claiming the whole of the United Kingdom.

    Seeing the fear and panic in Ruperts eyes Professor Douglas became more reassuring,

    Its not as bad as all that. Dr. Taninbum is there and he very good. Youll have your own rooms,

    free meals and a twenty Pound a week stipend. Now, Ive saved the best part for last, all you

    have to do is eighteen months. Just eighteen months and you are free and clear with the city.

    The three previous Charge Nurses who had been offered the position had all refused to

    spend three years at Sunny Brook. All had made other arrangements to pay off the city. The

    eighteen month decision for Sunny Brook came shortly afterwards.

    The mid-January winds came sweeping down from the highlands and gripped the city of

    Edinburgh in their icy claws. Rupert shivered in his thin outer coat, though not entirely from thecold as he stood looking at the front doors of Sunny Brook Assisted Living Facility. Standing

    there he did his best to summon up the courage to go inside. Sunny Brook was a four story brick

    building built in the late nineteen forties. The ground or zero floor held the administration

    offices, a kitchen and dining hall along with a public clinic. The basement contained the laundry

    and storage. The upper three floors were for housing the pensioners. Each floor held two

    common rooms and two elevators. There were mens and womens lavatories on each floor as

    none of the rooms except Ruperts had a private loo. In the center of the building was a small

    courtyard. Sunny Brook had been designed to house one hundred seventy residents currently it

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    was housing two hundred and seven. The building itself looked as if it had been slowly decaying

    ever since it had been built.

    Eighteen months, only eighteen months. Rupert kept repeating to himself as he pulledopen the door of Sunny Brook then crossing the threshold he entered. Rupert checked in with the

    administrators secretary and filled out what to him felt like a hundred forms. Afterwards he

    stood looking into what should have been and would be in about a week or so, his quarters. An

    electrical fire which happened two weeks prior hadnt quite gutted the bedroom although it had

    made a good go of it. Stowing his gear in the kitchen area he then went downstairs.

    Rupert stood at the end of the hall watching the activity for a moment. Looking braver

    than he felt he went into the clinic and introduce himself to the staff. As he was doing so Dr.

    Taninbum emerged from behind a curtain of one of the examination rooms and introduced

    himself to Rupert.

    Dr. Taninbum was in his early sixties, slightly shorter than Rupert, a thin man with saltand pepper hair. He had emigrated from India shortly after World War II.

    Do not get me wrong, I am grateful that you are here. I can only hope that you are better

    than your predecessors. Sunny Brook did not always look like this, seven years ago when I came

    here it was much nicer. Watching Rupert carefully the good Doctor went on, Now I have heard

    nice things about you Charge Nurse Harris. So let us put a good foot forward. I would like you to

    take over the rounds of the residents and you will be in charge of staff. We will go over all that

    later. Let us start with the evening rounds.

    With those slightly reassuring words from Dr. Taninbum they began rounds on the third

    floor. By the time they had returned to his office on the ground floor the good Doctor had given

    Rupert a crash course on the workings of Sunny Brook as well as his duties.

    Friday, 15th of Janurary, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    When they told me where I would be paying off my debt to the city I

    wanted to vomit. My fault really, I should have keep the night jobs and not

    taken the grants. Of all the places why did have to be Sunny Brook? Just

    when you think it cant get any worse, someone pulls the rug out from

    under you. A wreck of a building, peeling paint and burnt out living

    quarters; I suppose I could learn how to tend bar and pay the City off that

    way, or worse, go back to work for Da

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    Someone give me strength, I think I am going to need it before this is

    thru. Come on Rupert just Brass it out the time here will pass quick

    enough. You can do this, just stick it out and look ahead there should be a

    light at the end of this the tunnel then you can get a real job.

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    By 10:00 PM the second night after a quick shower Rupert stood next to his kitchen sink.

    His Journal lay open on the counter top while his mind formed the words he would write.

    Picking up his blanket and pillow from the rooms only chair he left. Walking away fromthe nurses station he crashed and burned on a couch in one of the first floor common rooms. As

    he lay there the previous days events and tomorrows schedule clashed in his head. Sod it all.

    he thought, Just sleep. After a bit of tossing and turning he ended up on his stomach with his

    right arm dangling to the floor. Deep from within his sleep he thought he felt something on his

    arm. Drifting slowly upwards he stopped at that perfect point of being half-awake and half-

    asleep. Then opening one blurry eye ever so slightly he found himself looking directly into the

    eyes of what his mind could only describe as the worlds smallest person. The head barely

    topping the cushions of the couch, he saw the pure white hair and green eyes, it was then that he

    noticed the ears. Im dreaming he thought and rolled over drifting back into a deeper sleep.

    Saturday, 16th of January, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    What have I gotten myself into? I just hope the couch in the other

    common room is better than the one last night. Please let them finish my

    rooms soon.

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    By the end of week one Rupert had settled into some sort of routine. Dr. Taninbum and he

    were able to adjust their routines here and there to make life became more bearable for the both

    of them. When his scheduled off day, Thursday, rolled around he was about ready to scream.There was too much information to digest, no quarters to live in and rotten food. With no better

    option, he spent the day wandering about his new neighborhood.

    In Ruperts little slice of the North Side of Edinburgh there was not much hope left.

    Worldwide the economy had gone into another a slump. It showed here, the row houses and the

    locals looking much like the walls of Sunny Brook, peeling and beat down.

    He had spent the war years on the family farm just outside of Durbininaglen. Due to that

    and being young, he didnt know about the food rationing that was going on at the time. It was

    only when his father had returned home after the war and moved them to Inverness that he found

    out. While they were better off than most because the family would send food packets regularly,

    times were still hard. Food rationing continued until about nineteen fifty nine. Six years later hefelt as if his whole life had been spent in some sort of chaos. At least here in Edinburgh it wasnt

    like London where they were still clearing out the last of the holes and still finding the

    occasional UXB (unexploded bomb).

    Most of the locals stared at him with mixture of emotions. About the time he felt the urge

    to go back to Sunny Brook he spotted a small park. It was natty like the rest of the area but the

    children played as their mothers watched on. So instead of going back he sat in the afternoon sun

    and watched the children play.

    Nurse Harris? said a voice behind him.

    Rupert gave a start at the sound of a voice so close. He turned and next to him was Nurse


    Hello. Nurse Wilson isnt it? he inquired.

    Yes, its good to see you outside Rupert. she said boldly to her new boss.

    Yes, thank you. Headed home? he asked awkwardly.

    In a bit, I like to stop and watch the kids, wouldnt mind having one meself. Not now

    though, times being bad and all. she confessed.

    Could be worse, least your working. was all that Rupert could think of. They talked for

    about ten minutes before she headed home. He stayed watching the children for a bit more then

    returned to Sunny Brook for supper.

    As the thin face in the mirror stared back at him as he shaved it, Rupert wondered whatwould have happened if five years ago he knew that he would be standing here. It was just an

    interesting thought knowing there was nothing he could do about it. There was no way he could

    get a loan to pay off the city besides that he didnt even have another job lined up and with no

    practical experience there was little hope of finding one. Spit and rinse then gargle, one last

    check in the mirror then off to the couch. Rupert nodded to Nurse Evans as he passed the nurses

    station. He then reflexively ran a head count of who was on duty. He made a mental note to try

    and talk the administrator, of whom he had an uneasy feeling about, into hiring three more

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    people. Nurse Evans had set out his blanket and pillow. He reminded himself to thank her the

    next time he saw her.

    Thursday, 21st of January, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Starting to get the hang of things around here but it was good to have

    the day off. Went exploring, tried not to wander too far but got lost

    anyway. Found a nice little park and chatted with Nurse Wilson. Mybiggest problem at work is staff; we need more to run properly. I can not

    wait until payday the first thing I am going to do is get a real meal the

    food here is barely eatable, but I suppose Ill get used to it. Also I had the

    oddest dream last night.

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    Due to the commotion of Winston Churchills death and the following services the whole

    of the U.K. was in upheaval. So during the first few weeks at Sunny Brook Rupert mostly

    watched to get a feel of sorts for the place. In truth he thought places like this only existed inthe flickers. Here there was the smell of decay and death. This was a place where people lived

    clinging to the edge; hope had left all but the strong of spirit.

    Rupert did his best to keep a sunny disposition. He was slowly trying to meet all of the

    residents. Of the bedridden he now knew most of their names.

    It had given him a bit of a start when he met Robert Baxter the first time. Mr. Baxter had

    slipped while taking his evening shower and sprained his left wrist. Rupert not finding the proper

    bandage in the room left to get one. The shock came just as he stepped from behind the curtain.

    Who should be standing there waiting on the other side but Mr. Baxter. Rupert was saved from

    making a fool of himself when Mr. Baxter asked how his brother was. Identical twins, Rupert

    had never met a set before. He managed to scurry off and get the bandage. When he returned thebrothers were talking and he found it impossible to tell one from the other and had to ask.

    Saturday 30th of January, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Got a shock today when I met the Baxter twins never met a true setbefore.

    Work, it makes my heart ache at times, the sheer poverty. Help them,

    find strength, you took an oath. Help them. How? Ive tried asking for more

    supplies. I see Dr. Taninbum waver every now and then and hes a strong

    willed man. Will I also fall into the rut? Sink to a level so low that no

    one sees you.

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    Chapter 2

    The rounds were getting easier; Rupert for the most part no longer had to think about

    where he was in the building. Life had settled into some sort of routine. A depressing routine

    here the old got older and those that were bedridden got worse. There were very few relatives

    that visited and it had been explained quite bluntly to him that Sunny Brook was a dumping

    ground. The place that you got stuck in when there was no place left to go.

    As Rupert sat at the desk in his very first office he thought about his coworkers. Dr.

    Taninbum was easy to get along with and always willing to give advice when asked. The nurses

    and orderlies, while he had not met them all as yet, had seemed to have accepted the change in

    command.At night, while turning over on the couch, Ruperts dreams both comforted and scared

    him. Almost every night his visitor came to him in his dreams. As he rolled over for the tenth or

    so time he thought about his little visitor. Every night he would feel a tug on his arm. Each night

    he would float up, open one eye and there she was. She stood next to the couch, her eyes looking

    up at him. She would just stand there, hands resting on the edge of the couch, smiling at him with

    an odd twinkle in her green eyes. Then after a furtive glance over her shoulder she would flee.

    As he lay there he thought, This is a dream, so why dont I ask a name? So when he felt

    the now familiar tug that announced her arrival, he opened one eye, then the other and tried to

    get a clearer picture. Much to his surprise his dream world became clearer. He chuckled to

    himself and thought, But of course it would, this is a dream after all. Lifting up his hand he

    wiggled her nose and she giggled. What a delightful sound. Rupert thought. Well my little

    Pixie, whats your name? he asked out loud. As with most dreams that you try to interact with

    the last thing he expected happened, she pushed his hand away. In a small child like voice she

    said something that sounded like, Samantha not Pixie, Samantha Elf!

    Rupert gave a startled, Sorry. Then he waited watching her. He then wondered out

    loud, What am I supposed to do now?

    Hide! was her answer to his question.

    You want me to hide? whispered Rupert.

    Hide Samantha! she said as she quickly glanced over her shoulder.Hide you? he questioned.

    Her head bobbed yes. Even as Rupert lifted Samantha up by the back of her bib overalls

    sliding her under the blanket he chuckled and asked himself, Why do we do the things we do?

    He drifted back into deeper sleep so fast that he never heard her tiny voice say, Tank ou.

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    Tuesday, 2nd of February, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    It is a madhouse all around, short on supplies and staff. I wonder

    if Ill make the next eighteen months, will I go mad as well. I must hold on

    even though I think I am already losing it. Its only my little dream

    visitor that helps; I dont dare tell anyone, I fear that they will think me a

    looney, I made her mad last night. Yes, she is a she. I called her a pixie, I

    was wrong and her name is Samantha and how she can giggle. How odd, thedreams about her seem so real.

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    While it was gloomy outside at least it wasnt snowing. Rupert did not hurry as he

    walked down the sidewalk. Pausing now and again to stare into some shop window he spent the

    better part of the morning wandering. As it neared lunch time the twenty Pound note in hispocket which was his weekly stipend seem to be calling to him. Finally he stopped at small caf

    and went in, the meal was better than hed hoped for. As he was finishing dessert he realized just

    how much he had enjoyed it and just how bad the food at Sunny Brook really was.

    By mid afternoon Rupert suddenly found himself lost. After getting directions from a

    constable he did his best to stay on course. As he walked down the sidewalk he glanced down a

    side street and at the far end saw a shop he thought he recognized. Changing course he went

    down the side street and while doing so he stumbled upon a flea market. Going inside he walked

    the aisles for the better part of an hour. Once outside he turned left and then stopped and turned

    around and headed in the right direction. Unfortunately the shop at the end of the street was not

    one he knew. So he retraced his steps back to where he had made the detour and started fresh.After getting directions four more times he made it back to Sunny Brook in time for dinner.

    Thursday, 4thof February, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    It was good to have a day off if you can call it that, just twelvehours from eight in the morning to eight at night but it helps. I am not sure

    if I want to eat out again it was too good, if I do I will never get used to the

    food here. I got lost again but at least I can find my way about the building

    well enough. I plan on buying a city map next time out; I still remember

    how to read.

    Why does Mr. Brinkley give me such an uneasy feeling, one almost

    comes away feeling like you need a bath after talking with him.

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    Late in the evening Rupert stood looking at his finished rooms. If you walked in from the

    hallway you entered a kitchen/living room. The kitchen part was an electric fry pan, a cube

    icebox, one cupboard and a sink. The door to the left led to his bedroom and at the far end of thebedroom was the door to his private loo. The smell of fresh paint hung in the air, still strong

    enough to sting his nose, Oh well. he thought, one more night on the couch then I can move in

    and get a real nights sleep.

    He spent part of the next morning stowing his gear properly then wandered off to the

    dining room. The breakfast was just as bad as usual, barely edible only lunch was tolerable. After

    breakfast and back in the clinic, Dr. Taninbum popped his head into Ruperts office and said,

    One for you.

    Sarah Wilson stood in the examination room and waited with nervous anticipation. When

    Rupert entered she gave a start. Hello Sarah, what can I do for you today? her nervousness

    stood out. Right then, whats wrong? he asked sympathetically.She blurted it out, I think Im pregnant! I cant be, really. We cant afford! Rupert

    watched as the tears started to form, Alright. Calm down, its a simple test. Crossing the room

    he picked up a specimen glass and handed it to her. Go on and Ill have the results by Friday.

    as she was leaving Dr. Taninbum entered, Good news, bad news, Rupert.

    Really, Im not sure which one I want to hear first. he said off handily however his

    insides quivered at the words, Bad News.

    Over the next several minutes, Dr. Taninbum told him of the administrators suicide and

    the rumors surrounding it, then informed him that he Rupert would be in charge until the

    replacement showed up because he Dr. Taninbum would be busy with the clinic.

    And my duties until then? asked Rupert.

    Nothing, maybe a signature or two. was the answer from Dr. Taninbum. Rupert walked

    over to the front office and checked on things. The rest of the day went smoother than he would

    have thought possible. The best part was the news that a new administrator would be assigned

    the next day and things would get back to normal, whatever that was.

    Tuesday, 9th of February, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Well my rooms are done and Ive moved in but the real news is that

    the administrator killed himself last night and while I held down the fort

    today the council will be sending someone over in the morning to take

    charge. It seems Mr. Brinkley was skimming money, a lot of money and

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    the audit people were just about to have him arrested. Work is now starting

    to settle in but I feel as if I will never get caught up with the paperwork.

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    His alarm went off at seven AM and Rupert had showered and dressed and was standing

    at the front desk watching the clocks minute hand slowly move to the top, when it did he signed

    himself out. Rechecking his map as he rode the bus the twenty or so blocks then getting off heheaded straight for a caf he knew about from his school days that made a great breakfast at a

    cheap price.

    As he rode the bus back he chuckled to himself that he had just spent almost a half hour

    each way just to get a decent meal. Pulling the map out he studied it some more. The bus slowed

    and the driver reminded him that it was his stop.

    Looking down the street he could see the entrance to Sunny Brook and taking out his pen

    marked the spot on the map with a B. If you looked at the map you would have noticed other

    marks. Rupert had spent the past week studying it along with the telephone directory marking

    landmarks. Walking in circles around each nearby block he started to learn his new

    neighborhood. When he had gone as far as he dared he turn around to start back but as he did hethought he saw the entrance to the flea market he had stumbled upon the week before. Walking

    down the side street he was pleased with himself that he had been correct. Going in he looked

    about and seeing a vendor that sold clothes went over in hopes of finding a better outer coat.

    The man had one that fit him and after fifteen minutes of dickering he traded his coat and

    eight Pounds, ten Shillings and four Pence for the new one. It was more than he had wanted to

    spend but the new coat was a great deal warmer than his old one.

    After lunch he stood at the bus terminal and picked out several route maps and while

    doing so heard the One Oclock gun fire. He wondered what it had been like a hundred and fifty

    years ago without the roar of the cars and buses, the retort most likely would have been easily

    heard everywhere in the city then people would scurry and adjust their clocks to the correct time.

    Back on the bus again he headed towards Sunny Brook by a different route. He almost

    missed it but had looked up just in time to see the Sainsbury grocers as the bus went past. Getting

    off he walked back and went inside the store. Checking his monies he carefully shopped, mostly

    he bought snacks however the most important thing he got was a decent box of tea, Sunny Brook

    even managed to muck that up.

    Thursday, 11th of February, 1965Rupert T. Harris

    Went to Dudleys for breakfast it was worth the time, there and back.

    I found the flea market again and traded/bought a used outer coat but its a

    lot warmer than the one I had. Spotted a couple of cafs that look good and

    most importantly the local Sainsbury and picked up a few things. The most

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    needed was tea what they have here is barely drinkable. Odd I havent had a

    Samantha dream in a couple of days now; I miss them, so comforting.

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    Rupert still had not gotten used to his new quarters. While it was quieter in his rooms

    than the common room the odd noise or two would still wake him up. Late in the night he sat up

    in bed and for no real reason he decided to get a glass of water. As he stood at the sink with glassin hand, he turned and went to the door. What was that? he wondered out loud as he opened

    his door and looked out into the hallway for what had caused the strange sound. He first looked

    right then left, just in time to see Nurse Evans come around the corner from one of the common

    rooms. The expression on her face was that of someone searching for something. She saw him,

    he nodded, she nodded back and then she turned back towards the common room. Odd. he

    thought as he closed his door, what could she be looking for at this time of night. He finished the

    glass of water and went back to bed. His head had barely hit the pillow when he started to drift

    off. Then it came. The tug; Rupert rolled over and looked down. There she was his little dream


    Where have you been my little Elf? he asked. With a look that was just short of panicon her face, she said, Hide! Without hesitation, Rupert reached down and lifted her up and

    under the covers. Half out loud he thought, Maybe Im just wishing I was a parent. then drifted

    back to a deeper sleep.

    The telephone on the nightstand next to the bed screamed in Ruperts ear and he snapped

    awake. Yes! he was terser then he meant to be. Calmer he asked, What is it?

    I have a bit of a problem Sir! said Nurse Evans; her voice was filled with apprehension,

    mostly from the fear of losing her job.

    Problem, what kind of problem? he inquired.

    Ive lost a resident Sir. Rupert was suddenly caught up by the emotion in her voice, not

    knowing her self centered nature yet.

    Wait a Tic, there is no way you can lose a resident. They have to be on this floor, too

    many safeties in place. Who did you lose anyway? he asked her.

    Miss. Brookfield. she told him.

    Rupert thought for a moment, Miss. Brookfield?

    Yes. Samantha Brookfield, Sir! with her last statement, the gears in Ruperts head

    slowly started turning.

    Is she about fourteen to fifteen inches in height, pure white hair and green eyes, slightly

    pointy ears? he half giggle as he spoke, his dream had taken some strange twist.

    Yes Sir! Have you seen her?! the relief in Nurse Evans voice was quite clear.Oh yes, shes hiding under my covers as we speak.

    Rupert giggled to himself as he placed the receiver back in its cradle. Then he muttered,

    This has got to be the oddest dream Ive ever had. and not knowing it drifted back to sleep.

    The rapping on Ruperts bedroom door became more insistent and someone was calling

    his name. Alright! he said as he opened the door. There stood nurses Evans and Adams. Is

    she really here? There was a mixture of both panic and hope in Nurse Evans voice as she

    glanced about his bedroom. What are you talking about? replied a slightly confused and half

    asleep Rupert. Nurse Evans brushed past him towards his bed and pulled back the covers. The

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    tiny figure hiding under the blanket said something that sounded like, Rats in an attempt to

    express out loud her dislike of Nurse Evans. Sorry sir, shes a bit of a scamp. We let her run the

    two halls and a common room at night. Less chance of her getting hurt you see. explainedNurse Evans quickly in an attempt to cover her tracks.

    All the stunned Rupert could say was, This is not a dream and shes really real?

    Yes sir, shes been with us over two years now, straight from hospital.

    While still confused Rupert reached over and brushed Samanthas cheek. Samantha

    reached out to Rupert with both arms. Taking her, Samantha buried her face in his neck and

    sniffed deeply then said, Ood smell!

    You like how I smell? questioned Rupert. Samantha bobbed her head with all the

    enthusiasm she could muster. The nurses exchanged glances of surprise. With a puzzled look on

    his face Rupert asked, What?

    Nurse Evans chimed in quickly, She rarely makes a peep, and I dont think anyonesever heard her try to talk. For a reason unknown Rupert stooped and picked up a shirt that was

    hanging over the edge of his hamper and gave it to Samantha. Then looking at Nurse Evans he

    asked, Alright, wheres her room?

    This way sir. she answered as she turned to lead the way. Across the hallway and one

    door down she stopped. In here Sir. Nurse Evans whispered because the rooms other

    occupant, Mrs. Harmon was sleeping. Looking at Samantha, Rupert held a finger to his lips,

    Ssh, quiet now. Walking over to the single crib against the wall Rupert placed Samantha in it.

    Quietly he said, Not another peep out of you until I come get you in the morning, alright? his

    reply from Samantha was, Batroom.. Rupert picked her up, turned and handed her to Nurse

    Evans then he stumbled back to his bed.

    The morning alarm screeched in Ruperts ears and he turned it off. He sat up stiffly and

    stretched. What a night! his dreams had taken a slight turn toward the surreal he thought; at

    least he was pretty sure it had all been a dream. No more dreams like that please! he begged

    the gods as he spoke to the ceiling. As he exited his rooms heading for the stairwell the Day

    Nurse at her desk next to the elevator called to him. When he walked over, she held up what

    appeared to be a note. Taking it he read simply, Room 102, it was signed by Nurse Evans.

    Room 102, why is that familiar? He wondered out loud. Glancing to his left at the door

    numbers, 102, thats? Nurse Collins just pointed back the way he had come. Walking back and

    glancing at the door numbers he came to 102 and paused. Wait a Tic! Rupert said out loud,that was his door there so that meant that this door. Turning he poked his head around the corner

    and called to Nurse Collins, This is morning and I am awake arent I? Nurse Collins just

    smiled to herself and nodded her head then pointed again.

    With a slight trepidation he opened the door. There she was, grasping a bar of the crib

    with one hand and sucking the thumb of the other, his shirt crudely draped about her. As he

    walked toward her, she let out a squeal of delight.

    As Rupert walked across the room towards the crib his mind spun with all the

    possibilities. Lifting more carefully than the last time he tucked Samantha to his shoulder, there

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    she hugged tightly and sniffed deeply. Reaching into the crib he retrieved his shirt and draped it

    over his free side.

    What am I going to do with you? he asked out loud to no one but himself.Batroom. her tiny voice said.

    Reflexively as his hand moved to her bum to feel the nap, he asked, Did you go to the

    loo? Samantha shook her head no, Do you have to use the loo? her head bobbed a yes.

    Looking at her and realizing her need, Rupert could think of no closer place then his own rooms.

    He smiled with amusement as Samantha gave him step by step instructions with her hands as to

    how to help her use the u-bend.

    Back in Samanthas room as Rupert tried to put on a fresh nap, Samantha said something

    that sounded like, Panties. and pointed to her dresser. As Rupert rummaged through the

    drawers tossing clothes into the crib as he found them, he noticed a complete lack of footwear.

    He helped Samantha struggle into her outfit and then asked, Hungry? her response was avigorous nodding of Yes!

    In the dining hall Rupert set Samantha on his lap and fed her and himself at the same

    time. When he was finished he watched in amazement as she continued to eat. When she showed

    signs of slowing he rubbed her tummy until he got a little burp.

    Full up? his answer was a big smile and a bob of her head.

    A bit later, after Rupert had dropped off Samantha back in her room, he sat in Dr.

    Taninbums office and they talked about her. Rupert now confessed how he had thought it had

    all been a dream. All Dr. Taninbum could do was laugh.

    Laugh if you like. said Rupert sheepishly.

    How precious. the good Doctor chuckled, She was only two months old when she

    came here. A tiny thing, barely twelve inches long. between patients Dr. Taninbum gave Rupert

    the short version of Samanthas stay at Sunny Brook, later in the day he dropped her file on

    Ruperts desk. This will tell you more. Dr. Taninbum said; in between patients Rupert read her


    The Doctors at Western General had first thought Samantha was premature because of

    her size, then seeing hair and teeth they marveled. They had run the barrage of tests, all this

    revealed was that her body temperature hovered just above hundred degrees. As for her ears they

    had no quick explanation and they could only conclude that physically she was healthy. The

    doctor in charge, Dr. Allman, noted that she did not make any sounds at all, not even crying. Inhis report Dr. Allman stated, The child just lays there waiting to be fed. The facial features, the

    flatted Malar area, her ears lead me to believe the patient has Elfin Syndrome. Add in the length

    of time between her mothers death and her birth, I can only conclude that there is a strong

    possibility of brain damage. Because of the lack of any family I recommend an assisted living

    facility. After two months of constant care, Samantha was placed in Sunny Brook. The part that

    fascinated Rupert most was her eating habits. As an infant they had been feeding her with an eye

    dropper every half hour. Now, thirty months later, she ate six times a day. The notes showed that

    at one point in time they thought that she might be deaf, but simple tests proved them wrong.

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    While Samantha giggled and smiled a lot, no one could recall hearing her cry. Nor until Rupert

    had come along had anyone ever heard her try to speak.

    Friday, 12th of February, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Well at least Dr. Taninbum got a chuckle out of the whole mess. The

    question is what do I do now? It turns out that my little visitor is very

    real and also very human despite the shape of her ears. Dr. Taninbum saysthat it is called Elfin Syndrome; Ill have to do some research on that. I

    think Ill call Dr. Allman and ask a few questions.

    The new administrator is quite a nice chap. I dont envy him, what

    a mess hes got to wade through; however with a bit of luck though things

    should start moving in the right direction. The audit people are everywhere,

    as far as Im concerned they mucking up the work around here.

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    Rupert had just finished his call to Dr. Allman. Returning the receiver of his telephone to

    its cradle, Rupert just sat and stared at it, What arrogance! he thought. How could any Doctor

    act that way with a fellow professional, didnt he realize that the nurses actually ran things? Ashe shook his head the phone rang, it was Thomas Clarke asking him to stop by.

    Thomas W. Clarke, the new administer was not that much older than Rupert, young,

    bright, with his head squarely placed on his shoulders. Rumors had abounded, although it was

    not until the staff meeting that some of these rumors proved true and others false. The first big

    revelation was that the old administrator had been dipping in the well. During the staff meetings

    Rupert had sat quietly off to the side and said not a word. Thomas, Dr. Taninbum and Rupert had

    spoken many times in the past week and it seemed they all thought alike.

    Monday, 15th of February, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    The nerve some Doctors have, Allman what an arse. Thomas seems to

    know his stuff. Now if he can keep the audit people out of his hair. And

    what am I to do about Miss. Brookfield she still bothers me. Our research

    library is nonexistent; Ill have to go over to Western General for the booksI want.

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    The wind funneled between the buildings and Rupert stopped long enough to put his

    gloves on. Hurrying across the street he waited at the bus stop that would take him over to

    Western General. The early morning sun shone through the windscreen and as it glinted off of itRupert realized that he was headed in the wrong direction, getting off he moved to the opposite

    side of the street and waited.

    The bus stopped and Rupert got off and walked up the stone steps to the main doors of

    the hospital and went inside. After getting directions several times he found the research library.

    Once he had registered with the librarian he went to the card index and ten minutes later stood

    scanning the shelves for what he wanted. Sitting in a carol he read the reports twice through

    and did not like what he read.

    Later in the day he had a late lunch of a loaf of Italian bread from a corner shop called

    Pasqulies as he walked hopefully in the direction of Sunny Brook. Suddenly as he turned a

    corner he saw the stone archway of the park and knew immediately where he was. Going into thepark he dusted a bench off and sat down and stared aimlessly in the direction of the merry go


    Back at Sunny Brook he place three of the four books he had borrowed on a shelf in his

    office and went upstairs to a first floor common room and read up on pregnancies.

    Thursday, 18th of February, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Had a long talk with Thomas and Dr. T; a bit hope and a small ray

    of sunshine and one large black cloud. I just finished reading the reports by

    Williams and Beuren, the mortality rate is quite high in children and

    there is also a very high percentage of mental retardation. Cardiovascular

    problems are my main concern right now, I think Ill send Miss.

    Brookfield over to Western General and have a CKG run. While there arecertain similarities, Miss. Brookfield does not by any means have enough

    of the items described. I think it a severe Pituitary problem.

    I can be such a stick in the mud at times, just a creature of habit I guess.

    I dont know way I stopped at the park today, had the place to myself because of

    the weather but somehow it felt good being alone for a while.

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    When Ruperts off day came round again, he spent an hour or so helping Thomas get

    caught up on the past weeks events and then went out to wander the streets of Edinburgh.

    He was now becoming more familiar with his part of Edinburgh and the suburb of Leith.Venturing farther with each day off, slowly he discovered the various shops. After a quick stop at

    Pasqulies for a loaf of bread he headed over to the flea market. Slowly, he wandered down the

    aisles looking at the various wares to be had for small prices. Bells, books, and candles along

    with various house items; some of the stalls had a permanent feel about them.

    Rupert stopped and stared at all the things on the table in front of him. Thinking real

    hard, he tried to remember what his little sister had played with when she was young. With more

    guess than remember Rupert started to choose. A small rubber ball then a rag doll and on

    impulse, he bought a stuffed orange tabby cat with pink whiskers. Afterwards he wandered back

    to Sunny Brook in time for lunch.

    Having collected Miss. Brookfield and when they were finished eating Rupert surprisedher with the presents. One by one he placed them on the table. She stared first at the ball then the

    doll however it was the stuffed cat that she reached out for. First she held it out in front of her,

    staring at it and then she sniffed it then hugged it. All that afternoon Rupert smiled to himself as

    he watched Samantha play with her new toys.

    Back in his common room the six inch rubber ball seemed to confuse her. Rupert tried

    rolling it to her but when the ball stopped at her feet she just stared it. He then bounced it a few

    times hoping she would get the idea. Finally, he bounced the ball at her; Samantha swatted at it

    with her free hand and missed. The ball bounced off her chest and knocked her on her bum. She

    giggled, then getting up chased after the ball. Samantha tried to pick the ball up however as she

    did, because she was clutching the cat with the other arm, it simply rolled away. Rupert laughed

    out loud as he watched her race about the common room trying to catch the ball. Each time

    Samantha got close she would kick it away and have to chase it some more. Rupert spent the rest

    of the afternoon laughing as Samantha ran about hugging the cat with one arm and trying to pick

    up the ball with the other.

    Thursday, 25th of February, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    I know I shouldnt have but I bought Miss. Brookfield a couple of

    toys today. It was fun watching her chase the ball about the common room

    and she absolutely loves the stuffed cat what I dont understand is why all

    she did was glance at the ragdoll as if it held no interest for her. I also got

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    her CKG report today and everything looks fine. What am I missing? Her

    growth rate is like a snail; even her hair should be longer at this point in

    time. I think next Thursday Ill make another trip over to Western

    Generals library and do some more research.

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    As Rupert sat at his desk working on the staffs schedules, he suddenly thought of Miss.

    Brookfield. Somehow he felt that it was wrong that the nurses had adjusted the childs schedule

    so it was convenient for them. So while he was making changes to the staffs scheduling hedecided to change Miss. Brookfields as well.

    After over a month of looking at the disarray that was called the filing system, Rupert set

    about bringing some sort of order to the clutter. He then laid out a general plan for the overall

    health care of the residents and after talking with both Dr. Taninbum and Thomas, he put his

    plan into motion. First, he set up weekly staff meetings for the three shifts of nurses and


    Listen up people. I have noticed that there is a complete lack of notes on the residents.

    Im having file cabinets placed at each of the nursing stations. We will set up folders for each of

    the residents and you will make notations in them. Over the next couple of weeks I will be

    assigning each of you a group of residents. That group will be your primary concern. On Mondaynext, I will start giving each of the residents complete physicals. Again, a reminder, check your

    schedules, there are some changes.

    This statement was greeted with a collective moan. I know, but over the next month or

    so you will be seeing more schedule changes. I am also told by Mr. Clarke that we will be

    getting some new staff. Exactly when, he didnt say however he did hint it would be within the

    month. Check daily for bulletins posted at the nurses stations. One other thing, its come my

    attention that there are a couple of relationships going on among the staff. I personally dont

    approve of relationships in the work environment, specifically within the same department.

    Anyone that is in a relationship, do not, I repeat, do not let it interfere with your work. If it does,

    you will find yourselves in Mr. Clarkes office faster than you can ever imagine. Over the next

    three days Rupert gave the same basic speech to the other shifts.

    Work was going as well as could be expected. Ruperts morning and evening rounds

    consisted of visiting the bed ridden. Then the rest of the day he saw patients. While mostly he

    handled the residents of Sunny Brook he also tended the overflow from the clinic. Most of these

    were colds, scrapes and bruises and shots for the children, a test now and then. Strangely most of

    these were simple pregnancy tests. One young woman after another mostly scared, mostly


    Saturday, 27th of February, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Things are looking up in more ways than one. Got a letter from

    mum, Das still pissed at me but other than that alls well. Also, it looks

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    likely that most or all of the purloined moneys will be coming back to us.

    Miss. Brookfield is getting used to her new schedule, though it seems she

    still has a hard time sleeping through the night.

    I dont know why I bothered, but I sent Da his birthday card


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    Chapter 3

    Rupert sat in his office and in between patients he gave thoughts to his current problem of

    still being short handed. What he needed was two more L.P.N.s although he would settle for

    orderlies. Speaking of which, he could use two part-time orderlies as well. So he sat at his desk

    and laid out an overall plan to show to Thomas. Rupert knew that he was getting too involved

    with Miss. Brookfield. He told himself that once he got more staffing he would pass off the

    duties to them. At least, thats what he kept telling himself.

    Later that day Rupert talked with Thomas, Ive talked with the kitchen staff and Cook

    tells me part of the problem is the quality of the food supplies shes given.

    Yes, I looked into that, it seemed Mr. Brinkley had a shady deal going on with ourcurrent provider but that will change at the end of the month. His contract will be up and Im

    getting bids from several providers now. replied Thomas.

    Good, while youre at it can you check on vitamins, Ill make you a list? said Rupert.

    How about this, Ill find the providers and you check them out. suggested Thomas.

    Done. said Rupert in agreement.

    Samantha had pushed her pillow and blanket into the corner of her crib; there she sat

    holding the stuffed cat as she watched the open doorway of her room. While Samantha sat she

    listened to the sounds coming from the hall. When she heard voices she stopped stroking the

    cats nose and listened harder to the nurses talking by her door.

    Honestly Betty I really dont like working the clinic; it breaks my heart, every time you

    tell one of them theyre pregnant, they panic.

    Talk with Nurse Harris, maybe he Nurse Collins voice trailed off as they moved

    further from the door. Samantha looked down at the cat and said, Tapril dona panic. then

    kissed the top of its head.

    In the evenings after supper when Samantha was tired of chasing her ball she would curl

    up next to Rupert and watch the television; every now and then she would feel his hand stoke her

    hair. She liked how he giggled at the antics of Steptoe and Son.

    Wednesday, 3rd of March, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    I see things changing for the better and for better or worse, Miss.

    Brookfield occupies my mind more then she should. Perhaps its because she

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    is such a loveable little tyke, so bright and inquisitive. Try as I might I can

    not help myself when it comes to her. She is relief, sanity, home and all

    good things wrapped up in one tiny package.

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    All in all work had now settled into a true routine. The schedule changes were met with

    the usual cries of foul play even though the system was working. One day the clinic was slow, so

    after checking with Dr. Taninbum, Rupert set off to do the evening rounds a little early. Latelyhe had found himself walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator. His habit for rounds was

    to start on the third floor and work his way down. Thomas had asked him why he didnt move all

    the bedridden onto one floor. Rupert explained that by being spread out there were more chances

    of the other residents stopping by for a chat.

    As Rupert neared the first floor landing he slowed then stopped at the door. As he stood

    there he rethought one of his problems then opened the door. Going over to Samanthas room he

    knocked and announced himself in case Mrs. Harmon was napping. Samantha hearing his voice

    stopped playing with the stuffed cat that she had now named, something that sounded like,

    April. Scooping her up Rupert got his expected, Weeee and then headed upstairs. As they

    climbed the stairwell he watched her as she squirmed looking about as if trying to memorizeeverything. So he took her on the evening rounds for the first time. The overall reaction was

    better than he had hoped for. The residents of the other floors not having met Samantha before

    inquired if she was his daughter. Most were more shocked to learn that she was a resident than

    were concerned about her ears.

    Wednesday, 10th of March, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Had another long talk with Thomas about the supply and staffing

    problems. Speaking of staff I have been hearing subtle rumors, Nurse Evans

    seems to provide the most. Also I took Miss. Brookfield with me on the

    evening rounds, interesting reactions.

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    As he left the nearby caf and breakfast Rupert let his feet carry him where they wanted

    to. He passed Pasqulies by as he still had a warm glow in his belly, suddenly he found himself at

    the flea market. Walking slowly down the rows he spotted a small stuffed bear and the price wasright. Most of the vendors knew he was just window shopping. Near the back of the market he

    found a used book seller and after searching for some time, he finally settled on a childrens


    In the early afternoon he studied his map and after checking his watch he headed for the

    Museum of Natural History. There he spent several hours walking the halls, for some reason he

    suddenly felt lonely. Leaving the museum he headed back to Sunny Brook. Once there he

    collected Miss. Brookfield and they went to supper.

    Later that night in a first floor common room Rupert let her chase after her ball. It

    amused him that she and the stuffed cat were now inseparable from each other. Near her bed

    time he read to Samantha. I have often wondered what it was like for her, how she felt, that firstbook. A simple story book with pictures, it was called, Tommy the Squirrel finds a home. her

    sitting on his lap, him pointing out the words as he read. The back of the book was marked, For

    five years and older.

    Thursday, 11th of March, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Good news, at last we have talked the counsel into the extra funds;

    look out Sunny Brook time for an overhaul. Plus the possibility of an x-

    ray machine for the clinic.

    I know I shouldnt have but I bought Samantha some more toys and

    also picked up a childrens book. It was fun listening to her try to

    pronounce the words. And what a giggle she has.

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    The news of the remodeling spread like a wildfire, faster than the news of Aleksei

    Leonov doing the first walk and somersault in space. Thomas and Rupert spent most of the week

    exchanging ideas on the best approach. Then Rupert went around and talked with the residentsabout the plan.

    That afternoon Rupert sat across the desk from Thomas with Dr. Taninbum sitting off to

    the side. Thomas started things off by explaining the rumor he had heard about Rupert taking

    Samantha with him on the rounds.

    Rupert countered with, Havent we always said that the welfare of the residents is our

    primary concern? You should see how they brighten when I bring her into their rooms. For most

    of these people the only visitors they have are the staff! Rupert then waited for the response.

    Thomas turned to Dr. Taninbum and asked, What do you think?

    I agree with Rupert, I have seen it when I do the rounds on his off day. In truth, knowing

    this I would be tempted to take her along myself.Thomas thought for a moment, Alright, take her on the rounds if it helps the residents.

    The meeting was shorter than expected and as they were leaving Thomas motioned for

    Rupert to stay behind for a moment.

    Just so you know it was Nurse Evans that told me. Keep up the good work Rupert.

    To this Rupert nodded and left.

    That night, as Rupert sat in the common room with Samantha on his lap watching Not

    Only on the tellie he couldnt help but notice the number of residents that stopped to chat with

    him and play with Samantha. Miss. Parker had even managed to sneak down from the third floor.

    When Samantha had fallen asleep, Rupert carried her to her crib and tucked her in.

    Friday, 19th of March, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Sent Aunty Rita her Birthday card and got a letter out to Wullie.

    Samantha is turning into quite the little chatter box; I am amazed on howquickly she picks up on things. She is even pointing out words in her books.

    Yes, I bought her more books.

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    The morning rounds had ended as usual with the last stop being room 102. After placing

    Samantha back into her crib Rupert fished into his pocket. As he leaned down he handed her apiece of biscuit wrapped in a paper napkin and with a quiet voice said, Dont you let Nurse

    Collins see that. then he rubbed her on the head and went down to the clinic.

    While Rupert was working on his plan to free up half of the third floor he noticed the

    time. Quickly he realized that he was almost late for his first appointment of the day. Over the

    past several weeks he had been seeing the residents one by one and giving them each a complete

    physical. The first one of the day was to be Miss. Grealy.

    Miss. Grealy at seventy one years of age was still feisty and stubborn; this would be the

    third time he had tried to see her. A quick look into the waiting room told him that he would

    have to send for her. Miss. Grealy and Colonel Pickering gave the staff the most headaches. She

    fussed over the laundry and the Colonel about the food and they both were stubborn as oxen.Also they were both bypassed by the other residents as too much trouble even to talk to. The

    Colonel, during his physical, had muttered nothing but oaths not so quietly under his breath.

    Rupert expected much the same from Miss. Grealy. He had been right even with the help of

    Nurse Baxter it had taken twice as long as normal to do the physical. Only one hundred sixty

    two more to go. thought Rupert as he finished the paper work.

    Mrs. Harmon was next. At eighty seven years old Mrs. Harmons mind was awake

    however her body was slowing down to a crawl and it was having a hard time even doing that.

    The medicine for her blood pressure was not working properly. Rupert had mugged up on what

    was available and consulted with Dr. Taninbum about it. Her file showed that lately she had

    started to talk to herself. Rupert noted in the file that she seemed to have a little trouble recalling

    current events however other than her blood pressure she was as fit as could be expected for

    someone her age.

    The weather had warmed up for the past week and now most of the snow in the courtyard

    was gone and the grass was threatening to turn green with the false spring. A quick trip out to

    reception showed no appointments for two hours and the waiting area was empty. As it was near

    lunch Rupert poked his head into Dr. Taninbums office and offered up his plan. With the good

    Doctors approval he went upstairs and collected a giggling Samantha. When they were finished

    eating he looked down and said, Well, my little elf, guess what? Samantha tilted her head

    slightly to the right which Rupert now knew meant, What?For you and myself, I am prescribing fresh air and sunshine. The sounds Samantha

    responded with could have been interpreted as Fresh air, Sunshine? Rupert slowly repeated the

    words and she tried to get them right. Taking her back up to her room he rummaged her dresser

    for suitable clothes; again for whatever reason the lack of footwear bothered him. Carrying her to

    his rooms, he dug out a pair of old wool socks and put them on her. The socks looked more like

    baggy leg warmers however they would work. They went downstairs to the ground floor and out

    to the courtyard.

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    How she wiggled and squirmed, after Rupert set her down Samantha just stood there

    gripping his trouser leg with both hands. Rupert squatted down and stroked her hair, What do

    you think Fresh air and sunshine? All Samantha could do was blink and stare. Then sheglanced this way then that; in the end she took off running for a small bank of snow that was

    hiding in one of the corners. For the next half hour she played on the grass. Outside the rubber

    ball proved more and less of a challenge to her; she caught it easier than inside because outside

    she found that she could just pounce on it. The pounce had one immediate effect; she bounced

    off of it flopping to the ground giggling. When she tired of pouncing she sat on the grass and

    played with April the Cat.

    Finally Rupert picked her up and checked her cheeks to make sure she didnt get to

    much sun the first time out. Carrying her upstairs he placed her back in her crib and slipped her

    another piece of biscuit.

    Monday, 29th of March, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Weve had to rearrange the residents to accommodate the remodel, not

    a single complaint even Miss. Grealy seemed pleased.

    More good news, I now have a new R.N., Nurse Baxter. Thomas, Dr. T

    and I have worked out a good plan. In six months or less Sunny Brook

    should be back to her old self. Wrote to Mum on how things are going and I

    got a letter from Aunty Rita. I took Samantha outside to the courtyard.

    Most of the snow has gone; what a time she had.

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    Chapter 4

    Work had started on the third floor; those residents that had single rooms now had

    temporary roommates. The construction crew had split the floor in half with a plastic barrier and

    the elevator in the work area was now for the construction crew only. None of the staff reported

    a single complaint. It was as if a breath of fresh air had swept through Sunny Brook. For Rupert

    there was also a slow change, there was a new confidence with himself. Granted most of the

    patients he saw were mundane and routine, a cold here and test there, then there were patients

    like Mary Ellen Barnes.

    Miss. Barnes, soon to be Mrs. Edwards, was a little over eight months pregnant and as

    one of Ruperts first recurring patients and mother-to-be, he felt extra time was necessary withher. Reading or rereading anything and everything about pregnancies had become a pastime.

    When he saw her name on the days appointment list, he bumped the next patient fifteen minutes

    just to be safe. At the appointed time he entered the examination room. Well Miss. Barnes how

    are you feeling today? he inquired.

    I feel like a beached whale sometimes. proclaimed Mary Ellen as she tried to adjust

    herself on the examination table.

    I wouldnt know anything about that, chuckled Rupert as he turned and opened her file.

    Suddenly, Mary Ellen leaned forward and groaned loudly. Rupert looked over his

    shoulder just in time to see her water break. Moving quickly but surely he made her comfortable

    on the table and called for Nurse Baxter. Going into his office he called the ambulance service.

    Because it was a non-emergency they said it would be anywhere from a half-hour to an hour

    before they would arrive. Back in the examination room it soon became apparent that Mary

    Ellens baby was not going to wait that long. Dr. Taninbum calmly told him, It is most likely

    routine Rupert; I have faith in you. If things get complicated, call me. With the unexpected

    words of confidence from Dr. Taninbum, Rupert returned to the frightened Mary Ellen. A little

    over thirty minutes later mother and child were resting comfortably.

    Later in the day when the fuss and the paperwork were over, Rupert found himself alone

    in the clinics small lab. While he prepared some throat cultures he looked back on the past

    events; the silly little fears that he had felt during the delivery were a thing of the past. While nottotally routine, the birth had gone smoothly and a new confidence came upon him and Rupert

    smiled to himself when he realized it.

    Instead of going to the first floor after dinner, Rupert took Samantha up to the third floor.

    There were fewer people and they seem to brighten when they entered the common room. The

    first thing he did was visit with Mr. Watson. Mr. Watson was seventy three years old and had

    been an electrician for the city. In the early part January he had slipped in the mens loo and

    fractured his hip, nothing that required a cast however he was confined to bed for most of the

    day. The healing was taking a little longer than it should. While he talked with Mr. Watson

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    others stopped by to say hello. After spending an hour or so on the third floor he moved

    themselves down to the second floor and spent another hour talking with the bedridden, then to

    the first. On both floors of the lower floors he had been asked how the construction was goingbut because the plastic obscured the view he could not tell them.

    Saturday, 3rd of April, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    I am amazed even amidst the confusion of the construction thingsare running smoothly. Oh, did I mention I delivered my first baby today?

    Our common room is a bit livelier even the old Colonel seems less grumpy.

    I cant help but wonder at Samantha, how quickly she picks up on things.

    And Ive got to start reading the papers more often; I just found out that

    Stan Laurel died a week ago. Laurel and Hardy, I grew up on them.

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    During meal times Rupert had been slowly giving Samantha more solid foods. That

    morning he gave her a small piece of sausage. With the first bite her eyes rolled with pleasure.

    She swallowed so quickly that he had to remind her to chew her food. He watched fascinated asshe held her mouth open for the next bite, her lower jaw quivering with anticipation.

    Later after lunch when Samantha had tired of playing with her ball, she curled up on

    Ruperts lap and napped while he read the latest medical journals; every now and then he would

    reach down and remove her thumb from her mouth. While she slept Samantha would wiggle and

    squirm making herself more comfortable. Nearing the end of the journal, Rupert noticed that she

    now lay face down on his chest, her toes stuck in his belt, one hand gripping his shirt pocket and

    sucking the thumb of the other. The sounds she made in her sleep could not really be called

    snoring but more like a purr. He watched her for a moment then removed her thumb and rubbed

    his chin. Glancing at his watch he decided he had time for a quick shave. Carefully getting up he

    lifted her to his shoulder and carried her back to his rooms and gently laid her on his bed. As heshaved he glanced out into the bedroom every now and then. Washing the excess cream off his

    face he turned back into the bedroom and froze. The bed was empty! Glancing about quickly he

    noticed that the covers by the pillows were disturbed; slowly pulling them back he found the

    sleeping Samantha cuddled up next to his pillows. He let her sleep for another half hour then

    woke her and then headed downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen staff having met the child the

    week before was now familiar with Rupert bringing her into the kitchen to pick up her two

    oclock snacks. At first Cook had been suspicious that Samantha could be eating it all until she

    watched the child consume the food. She had been slowly adding more each snack time until she

    found the right amount. Even then the staff would still slip Samantha something as they passed

    by. That day it was a cherry tomato.

    Thursday, 8th of April, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Even the nurses are remarking on how lively Samantha is of late.

    There is a rhythm at work now and with some of the rooms getting finished

    we are slowly easing the overcrowding. We have managed to get a couple of

    the residents moved to other facilities. I am still fascinated by how much

    Samantha can eat.

    Barely got Uncle Erwins Birthday card out and Portia wrote. It

    seems little sister is starting to think about boys. Wullie on the other hand

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    still bypasses the girls, I dont blame him though. I was much the same

    myself; come to think of it Im still skittish around them.

    Talked with Thomas about the rumors and Nurse Evans, he says just

    keep my ears open and that he too has heard certain things but he didnt


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    As Rupert scanned the notes from the nurses and orderlies on the residents he paused. He

    reread the note by Mr. Potter, an evening orderly. It read, I just saw the Colonel and Miss.

    Grealy talking. I checked on them again about an hour later and they were still talking. Readingthe notes on Miss. Grealy, Nurse Suitland had noted that she had also seen them together, Good

    for them. thought Rupert.

    The work on the third floor was almost done and Rupert made up the list of second floor

    residents that would be the first to be shuffled upward. Then he checked the staffs schedules

    while he was doing so his telephone rang, it was Thomas asking him to stop by. After talking

    briefly to Dr. Taninbum, he walked over to Thomass office and knocked.

    Thomas waved a hand toward one of the chairs. Glad you could stop by so quickly

    Rupert. I just got off the phone with Bergman at District office. Youre now approved for your

    two part timers.

    Brilliant, now I can make a permanent schedule. Rupert replied.That would be nice, just so you know Ive had a couple of small complaints about the

    scheduling. This comment earned Thomas a look from Rupert.

    Dont worry about it; I know what you have been up against when it comes to staffing

    and I have passed your concerns upward to District. I want you to lay out a plan, something that

    would cover our needs completely. In fact, why dont you make a couple, a wish and want even,

    then well go over them and see whats best all round. Also I stopped by this morning and visited

    your Miss. Brookfield. Any doubts I had about taking her on the rounds are gone, that was a

    smart move on your part.

    Thank you. said Rupert coloring slightly.

    Amazing, if it werent for the hair you would swear she was a newborn. Oh and by the

    way just a heads up, Bergman says that some of the Brass from District will be stopping by

    tomorrow, sort of an inspection tour. They want to make sure were not wasting a brass

    farthing. Fifteen minutes later back at his desk Rupert scrapped the current schedule and a

    started fresh one.

    The day had been warm so after dinner Rupert took Samantha out to the courtyard and let

    her play. After pouncing on her ball for a while she then sat on the grass and played with April

    the Cat. Rupert half kept his eye on her as he wrote to his Aunty Rita. Her letters were

    welcomed as much as those from his mother however more to the point, his aunt did not

    sugarcoat her questions as much as his mother did. The only thing that bothered him was thatboth she and his mother were constantly asking about girlfriends. To say that Rupert had an

    acute shyness when it came to women would be an understatement. He had never thought of

    himself as good looking or handsome just average at best which was a lie because he was good

    looking. However when he turned thirteen he had had the usual bout with acne and one day as he

    was walking up the steps of his Junior Academy a pretty older girl stopped him and told him that

    she thought he was very handsome. She had not gotten out of earshot when she told her friend

    how ugly and repulsive she thought he really was. After that he had become more and more

    insecure around girls.

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    Looking up from the letter because he caught a flicker of Samantha moving, Rupert

    watched as Samantha chased after the ball and soon saw the she was kicking it on purpose, just

    so she could chase it. Rupert smiled to himself for a moment as an idle thought wanderedthrough his mind.

    Tuesday, 20th of April, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    What a surprise, it seems that our two biggest grumps are smittenwith one another. I got and sent letters, from and to home and Aunty.

    Also I took Sam out to the courtyard again. What a live wire she can be,

    must have chased her ball for twenty minutes before she got tired.

    What bothering me right now is the staff, for some reason I feel its

    not proper for me to get to friendly with them but I some cases its not

    hard. Evans bothers me, so overly friendly and willing to help, its almost

    condescending. The main trouble is I havent caught her at anything, yet,even though somehow I feel as if I should have.

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    With the third floor finished the next big shuffle would be residents from the second floor

    being moved temporarily to the third floor. It soon became clear to the staff that the new living

    arrangements were having a profound effect on the residents. New friends were being made,before someone from the first floor rarely or never ventured to the third. The main elevator was

    now in constant use as those, with rooms yet to remodeled, traveled upstairs to see the finished


    Rupert sat at his desk and reviewed his notes, so many complaints about hours, part of

    him didnt want to be involved in the staffs personal problems but it was part of the job. He tried

    to express that one did not take work home or home to work however he still had to listen to the

    major problems of their lives.

    After lunch Rupert went through provider packets. When he was done he reworked the

    staffs schedule. He wished Thomas could speed up the hiring process. He knew that Thomas

    was doing his best. Again he braced himself for the usual barrage of complaints as he got up andheaded out to post the schedule for the next week. When he had finished posting the schedules at

    the nurses stations, he went down to the first floor and collected Samantha for the evening

    rounds. When they were done, Rupert carried Samantha into the dining hall for supper. Going in

    he noticed that the chatter slowed and then stopped as they were entering. There was a group of

    residents standing in front of the table that Samantha and he used regularly. Walking up he

    paused and looked at them quizzically. The group was a mixed lot made up of residents from

    every floor, all of them smiling.

    Alright, whats all this then? Rupert asked politely. Miss. Parker stepped forward and

    said, Were all so very proud of you and the things youve done for us. All the slightly

    embarrassed Rupert could say was, Im just doing my job.

    That may be young man, but you do it so very well. with that said, the group slowly

    parted revealing a highchair. A place card had been put on the table, it read Reserved. Leaning

    his head down Rupert whispered into Samanthas ear, Say, thank you.

    Looking up at Rupert, Samantha said, Tank ou.

    Rupert wiggled her nose, Say, thank you to them, they gave you the gift.

    Gif? asked Samantha with her head slightly tilted.

    Yes, you now have your very own chair. as he spoke Rupert placed Samantha into the

    highchair, for several moments she was fascinated with it then squirming around and looking at

    the crowd she said, Tank ou. It was then that Samantha wrapped her arms around herself andhugged tightly then bringing her hands up to her mouth she blew them all kisses. Rupert watched

    her as she did the little stunt, it was Samanthas first Hugs and Kisses, it would not be the last.

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    Wednesday, 21st of April, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    Good news, the inspection went off with out a hitch and we got

    approved for the x-ray machine, the bad news is that it will be last on the

    list. The remodeling is going well, the third floor is done. Is it me or are the

    residents getting livelier? Some of them got together and bought Samantha a

    highchair and she thanked them in the cutest way.

    What is it about Evans that bothers me?

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    Chapter 5

    That morning, while going through his paperwork, Rupert came across a schedule change

    request from Nurse Evans. Most such requests were usually first given to him verbally, a day off

    for this or that or a heads up that the person might be late or may have to leave early. This was

    something completely different, a shift change from evenings to days, even a change of days off.

    That afternoon Rupert talked with Nurse Evans about the request. There was something about

    her attitude during the conversation that hadnt quite set right with him.

    Samantha sat in her crib turning the pages of one of her books but stopped as the voices

    came nearer to her door.

    Dont you ever go down there? Terry Jay asked Mike another second shift orderly.Only once when Higgins was out sick, all I remember was a girl all emotional when

    Nurse Harris told her she was pregnant. the voices trailed off after the orderlies had passed the

    door. Thinking for a moment Samantha returned to her book. Spotting a word she knew she

    looked down at April the Cat and said the word out loud, Ponder.

    Thomas Clarke sat at his desk and gave thought to the words he would say, You do

    understand thats its not his fault, were understaffed and considering just how badly

    understaffed, I personally think hes doing a stand out job of things. Thomas paused to let his

    last statement sink in then made another pitch to Mr. Bergman. I know that you have to deal

    with the counsel, but honestly were over crowded and understaffed and I positively shutter

    every time someone calls out sick. We need at least two more full timers just to run normally.

    Ive talked with Rockwell over at Dunning House and he says that hes got people standing

    around doing nothing. Send them to me! Thomas took the receiver away for his ear and stared

    briefly at it as he listened to Mr. Bergman gave him the same worn out excuses.

    Please, just send some of them over and let them have a look at the place then this entire

    cods wallop about Sunny Brook being a cesspool will go up like a puff of smoke.

    Nurse Wilma Evans blood started to boil as she looked at the next weeks schedule.

    When it came to being self centered and selfish there were few in her league however when it

    came to dropping the exact poisoned word into the right ear no one else came close. Her talent

    she had started developing when she was young. Now at twenty four, Wilma was a master at theart of getting her own way. She had already caused two people she disliked to be fired. She knew

    that she had made a minor slip with Harris but he was small fry, her sights were set much higher.

    Just like Terry Bergman was just another stepping stone, she had only one more hurdle to reach

    the Upper Class. If Harris thought he would stand in her way, he had best think again. Where to

    begin? that was the question that went through her mind as she pushed the trolley of medicine

    down the hall.

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    Tuesday, 4th of May, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    I am glad that there has been so little trouble about the room

    changes. The bad news is that I now have a staffing problem; it seems that

    Nurse Evans wants to shift to days and is claiming seniority. Ill have to

    check with Thomas about that.

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    The next day, after having talked with Thomas, Rupert called Nurse Evans into his office

    and calmly explained that it would be several weeks before he could possibly grant her request.

    Her response was just as predicted: anger. Back in Thomass office Rupert played the taperecording of the meeting.

    Listen to her; shes right on the edge of being insubordinate. Rupert looked over at

    Thomas as he spoke.

    Thats obvious, what Im more concerned with is why she thinks she can be. looking

    back at Rupert Thomas added, Lets cover our backsides. Thomas rewound the tape and

    continued, Im going to make a copy of this then give you back the original, keep it in a safe

    place. Rupert gave his friend a quizzical look, Rupert, the hardest thing about catching a rumor

    monger, a liar, is getting them to say it on tape. Back in his office Rupert loaded a fresh reel of

    tape onto the recorder under his desk.

    Samantha spent her day like most others sitting in the corner of her crib listening. I dontthink anyone including Rupert understood just how much she listened. Earlier that day she heard

    more new words, Full Monty and men showing me their Willies. She just sat quietly trying to

    put the pieces of the verbal puzzle together.

    Wednesday, 5th of May, 1965

    Rupert T. Harris

    It seems Nurse Evans claim of seniority is not quite correct I will

    have to address that issue on Friday. The shift to the third floor is going

    smoothly and the crews are now starting on the second floor. Strange how

    Samantha is picking up on things; I have talked with Dr. T and he gave his

    insight both as a parent and professional also a list of books I should read

    on child development. Oh well another trip over to Western Generals

    library wont hurt; besides I need to return the two I have now. When the

    remodel is done we need to start building are own.

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    Rupert was pleased with himself that he had made it over to the west side and Western

    General without a single detour. As he walked the rows of books with note pad in hand his eyes

    searched for the titles. Later at one of the carols in the library he scanned the pile, he thenselected four and checked them out.

    Stopping at Pasqulies for a loaf of bread he slowly walked the eight blocks back to

    Sunny Brook. Collecting Samantha he took her out to the courtyard and let her play on the grass.

    After supper they went up to the third floor and visited then down to the second and watched a

    bit of tellie. Back on the first floor Rupert read to her till she had fallen asleep then he tucked her

    in for the night.

    Thursday, 6th of May, 1965Rupert T. Harris

    Went over to Western General again and checked out some more

    books. Managed not to get lost, I dont know what it is about Pasqulies

    bread but I love it. Samantha was like a little whirlwind in the cou

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