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The English language as ideological state apparatus: the ideological influence of the Brazilian state in the formation of the student’s

conception about the English language acquisition in the present social educational context of “Escola Estadual Professor Antenor Sarmento


Carlos Eduardo Oliveira Ramos (UNINORTE) [email protected]

Prof. Esp. Hilton Monteiro Dias Júnior (UNINORTE) [email protected]


O presente trabalho, desenvolvido no Centro Universitário do Norte – UNINORTE, Amazonas, teve como objetivo principal a análise da influência ideologica do Estado brasileiro na concepção dos alunos sobre a aquisição da língua inglesa, dentro de um contexto local. Com essa intenção, buscou fundamentação em trabalhos desenvolvidos com o intuito de verificar o poder ideológico cultural e comercial da língua inglesa dentro do país, bem como um apanhado historico da difusão da língua. Como fechamento, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de campo e bibliográfica, para o qual foram aplicados questionários a alunos da Escola Estadual Professor Antenor Sarmento Pessoa para a verificação das expectativas, do trabalho efetivamente desenvolvido e dos resultados obtidos.

Palavras-chave: difusão do idioma; aquisição de língua estrangeira; influência ideológica.


The present work, developed at the “Centro Universitário do Norte” – “UNINORTE”, “Amazonas”, had as main objective analysis of the ideological influence of Brazilian State in the conception of the students about the acquisition of English within a local context. With this intention, sought rationale in work undertaken in order to verify the cultural and commercial ideological power of English language within the country, as well as a brief history of diffusion of language. Closing, was developed as a field and bibliograph reserch , for which they were applied questionnaires to students from the “Escola Estadual Professor Antenor Sarmento Person” for verification of expectations, work effectively developed and results obtained.

Key words: difusion language; foreign language acquisition; ideological influence.

1. Introduction

Since the territorial expansion of Britain which had began around VXI Century, they had spread their economic, military, politics and culture influence for almost a fourth of the whole world and therefore the English Language was and until our days is consider the most influent language of the world. Several authors had written in this language even they were not from Britain. James Joice was Irish, Edgar Allan Paul was American, Joseph Conrad was born in Poland, Vladmir Nabokov was Russian, V. S. Naipaul was born in Trindad, Dilan Thomas was Welsh, Robert Burns was Scottish, many classics of the Literature was written in the English Language but the great triumph of the English Language happened after Second World War, when the United States of America become the most powerful economy of the world and have used the English Language to promote and project as much they can of his

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way of life. We can confirm it in many ways, for example the language has penetrated deeply into the international domains of political life, business, safety, communication, entertainment, the media and education.

The delimitation of the theme of this work is about a critical analysis the ideological influence of the Brazilian state in the formation of the student’s conception about the English language acquisition in the present context of the students of the “Escola Estadual professor Antenor Sarmento Pessoa”. This part talks more specifically about the purpose of the Brazilian State to create and support two types of schools, those that make labors and others to form bosses, and we are aware that a common Brazilian school is not able to prepare the most of the student class to the job market or to the university entrance exam in a faculty as engineering or medicine. Actually what happens in the most of prestigious university courses, called elitist courses, is that the major of those who can enter at these courses do not represent the major of the Brazilian student class but just a small percentage of the society.

The problematic consists of an idea regarding to the ideological influence of the Brazilian State in the formation of the student’s conception about the academic formation for creation and development of a productive citizen in Brazilian society.

If the current educational methods proposed by the Public Education normalize what must be taught based on the demands of the State, determining the type of knowledge to be developed and passed and also establishes two types of schools: those that make labors and others to form the bosses.

The relevance of this issue is closely linked to the need to promote the development of critical thinking in high school students from public schools whose grade literary applied in a way holds students to predetermined texts where the content, despite the vast collection of major works Brazilian authors, is generally descontextualized and uninteresting to most students.

The great need for disseminating general culture in public schools prevents a large portion of class students and faculty has access to the literature of informal stamp until universal and timeless, taking into account aspects of the local reality.

The general aim of this article is: to identify that the critical sense at the school is not stimulated and to realize that the ideological influence at school is applicable, recognizable and true, and as this kind of problems concerned to the individual and society are universal, hence the position of facing these issues are similar and in the case of this work that it is education, the critical position is not stimulated, so there is no deal with the problem.

The specific aims are divided in two: At first we will demonstrate that the State manipulates the concept of education to its favour. The main purpose is not educate for development of a critic sense and political participation but instead of it just mere instruments to support the current economic system; Finally we will demonstrate that the State excludes the idea of freedom thinking at the school of our country.

2. Theoretical references

2.1 Historical contexts

The movement of English around the word begins the pioneering voyages across the Atlantic Ocean bound for the American continent. According to David Cristal the spreading of English beyond the U.K begins with the first navigations commissioned by Walter Raleigh in 1584 as was described in his book English as a global language (CRYSTAL, 1997).

“The first expedition from England to the New World was commissioned by Walter Raleigh in 1584, and proved to be a failure. A group of explorers landed near Roanoke Island, in what is now North Carolina, and established a small settlement.

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Conflict with the native people followed, and it proved necessary for a ship tore turn to England for help and supplies. By the time these arrived, in 1590, none of the original group of settlers could be found. The mystery of their disappearance has never been solved.”

After American continent was fixed as a colony, the expansion by navigations expeditions occurred in almost all the South hemisphere expansion which continued with the nineteenth century colonial development in Africa and the South Pacific and after that in the mid twentieth century, English become as an official or semi-official language by many newly independent states. At this time English already is represented in every continent which makes English a global language (CRYSTAL, 1997).

2.1.1 The New World

The permanent English settlement happens in 1607 when an expedition arrived in Chesapeake Bay, called Jamestown (after James I) and the area Virginia (after the ‘Virgin Queen’, Elizabeth), twenty-three years later after the first attempt of territorial conquering, which was a failure by conflicts with the native people. In November 1620, a group of thirty-five members of the English Separatist Church, all Puritans, and sixty-seven other settlers arrived on Mayflower; they landed at Cape Cod Bay, and established a settlement at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts. Details of the settlers can be seen at the quote below:

“The group was extremely mixed, ranging in age from young children to people in their 50s, and with diverse regional, social, and occupational backgrounds. What the ‘Pilgrim Fathers’ (as they were later called) had in common was their search for a land where they could found a new religious kingdom, free from persecution and ‘purified’ from the church practices they had experienced in England. It was a successful settlement, and by 1640about 25,000 immigrants had come to the area. (CRYSTAL, 1997, p. 31)”.

There were two settlements one in Virginia to the south and the other to the north, in the present day New England each one with linguistic different backgrounds and in the seventeenth century a shipload of immigrants brought a significative increasing variety of linguistic backgrounds into the country.

Then, when the eighteenth has come there was a vast wave of immigration from Northern Ireland according to the description of David Crystal (1997). The following centuries there were a massive increase in American immigration. It was the results of revolution, poverty, and famine in Europe. Most of these immigrants’ families had come to speak English by a natural process of assimilation and as result of it was a massive growth of English language. There was a need of intelligibility and the need for identity for the birth of a new Country and this two matters support of English as the official language of the USA.

The advance of English happens in Canada almost in the same time than USA. According to David Cristal it happens early as 1497 (CRYSTAL, 1997).

“Meanwhile, the English language was making progress further north. The first English-language contact with Canada was as early as 1497, when John Cabot is thought to have reached New found land; but English migration along the Atlantic coast did not develop until a century later, when the farming, fishing, and fur trading industries attracted English-speaking settlers. There was ongoing conflict with the French, whose presence dated from the explorations of Jacques Cartier in the 1520s; but this came to an end when the French claims were gradually surrendered during the eighteenth century, following their defeat in Queen Anne’s War (1702–13) and the French and Indian War (1754–63)”.

English language was also spreading in the south arriving in the Caribbean islands where were ships from Europe travelled to the West African coast, exchanged cheap goods for black

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slaves. For first African slaves arrived in Virginia on a Dutch ship in 1619. During the American Revolution in (1776) their numbers had grown to half a million, and there were over million by the time slavery was abolished, at the end of the USA Civil War (1865). The use of the English by the slaves created a new dialect called “Creole English”.

Based in Crystal (1997,p.40):“It is this Creole English which rapidly came to be used throughout the southern plantations, and in many of the coastal towns and islands. At the same time, standard British English was becoming a prestige variety throughout the area, because of the emerging political influence of Britain. Creole forms of French, Spanish and Portuguese were also developing in and around the Caribbean, and some of these interacted with both the Creole and the standard varieties of English. The Caribbean islands, and parts of the adjacent Central and South American mainland, thus came to develop a remarkably diverse range of varieties of English, reflecting their individual political and cultural histories”.

2.1.2 Australia and New Zealand

According to Crystal (1997), Australia was visited by James Cook in 1770, and after twenty years of establishment of the English Sidney became the first penal colony of England as we can see below.

“About 130,000 prisoners were transported during the fifty years after the arrival of the ‘first fleet’ in 1788. ‘Free’ settlers, as they were called, also began to enter the country from the very beginning, but they did not achieve substantial numbers until the mid-nineteenth century. From then on, immigration rapidly increased. By 1850, the population of Australia was about 400,000, and by 1900 nearly 4 million. In 2002, it was nearly 19 million”. CRYSTAL (1997.p.40, 41).

In New Zealand the spread of English start later and moved more slowly. The Christian missionary work had begun about 1814 among the Maori people but the colony was not official until 1840.

According to Crystal (1997), three special linguistic consequences have happened as we can see:

“Three strands of New Zealand’s social history in the present century have had especial linguistic consequences. Firstly, in comparison with Australia, there has been a stronger sense of the historical relationship with Britain, and a greater sympathy for British values and institutions. Many people speak with an accent which displays clear British influence. Secondly, there has been a growing sense of national identity, and in particular an emphasis on the differences between New Zealand and Australia. This has drawn attention to differences in the accents of the two countries, and motivated the use of distinctive New Zealand vocabulary. Thirdly, there has been a fresh concern to take account of the rights and needs of the Maori people, who now form over 10 per cent of the population. This has resulted in an increased use of Maori words in New Zealand English”.

2.1.3 South Africa and South Asia

Africa was colonized at first for the Dutch around 1652, and British arrived only in 1795, during the Napoleonic wars. The British control was established in 1806 and in 1822 English become the official language.

Based in Crystal (1997. p.43):“The English language history of the region thus has many strands. There was initially a certain amount of regional dialect variation among the different groups of British settlers, with the speech of the London area prominent in the Cape, and Mid land sand northern British speech strongly represented in Natal; but in due course a

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more homogeneous accent emerged – an accent that shares many similarities with the accents of Australia, which was also being settled during this period”.

Today Asia has the largest population on World and several countries of Asia was colonized by British. David Cristal explains the origins of English in Asia.

According to Crystal (1997):“The origins of South Asian English lie in Britain. The first regular British contact with the subcontinent came in 1600 with the formation of the British East India Company – a group of London merchants who were granted a trading monopoly in the area by Queen Elizabeth I. The Company established its first trading station at Surat in 1612, and by the end of the century others were in existence at Madras, Bombay and Calcutta. During the eighteenth century, it overcame competition from other European nations, especially France. As the power of the Mughal emperors declined, the Company’s influence grew, and in 1765it took over the revenue management of Bengal. Following a period of financial indiscipline among Company servants, the 1784 India Act established a Board of Control responsible to the British Parliament, and in 1858, after the Indian Mutiny, the Company was abolished and its powers handed over to the Crown”.

2.2 The English Legacy

Renato Ortiz says in his article The Social Sciences and the English Language, that English is the language of science. The reasons for that, besides the previously submitted, related to the profound transformations that occurred after the War. The science and technology, until then evolved into spheres relatively separate from knowledge, integrate in a single system (ORTIZ, 2004).

“Historians teach us that the Industrial Revolution was the result much more pragmatic inventions of some individuals, than the result of a scientific knowledge widespread and systematic. The panorama at the end of nineteenth century becomes the second revolution industrial. The electrical industry is a consequence direct scientific research, as well as inventions of the telegraph, the dynamo, the electric motor and radio. But one can still observe the reverse, in other words, a clear and persistent influence technological research on the functioning of the scientific world. This trend imposes itself throughout the twentieth century and the term ‘techno science’ and reveals its new dimension. Technologies assume a continued investment in capital, training of specialized personnel and establishment of research laboratories.”

At first all this apparatus begins at the USA because at the end of the Second World War, the USA was the only the industrialized country with his technological and educational structure remained intact. (ORTIZ, 2004).

According to Ortiz (2004):“With the expansion of higher education and the development of research institutes, there has to an unprecedented flourishing scientific, combined with a technology policy in which the scientific creations are linked to discoveries and advanced techniques.”

According to Ortiz (2004), the history of the computer is the example of how the economic dimensions, military and scientific was arranged in a way to stay in dependence of one another.

About the computer Ortiz says:“As processor data and information, will drive an entire field of activities, from laboratory experiments to the management of companies (whose radius of action is often transnational). Science, technology and management - different spheres of practices and knowledge - are approaching as well as units which feed and

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reproduce from the manipulation, control and processing information. I believe that it is no exaggeration to say that key elements of what we mean for information society were initially prepared in English (concepts, models, formulas and procedures).”

Ortiz says that the writing is the base and concretization of the conceptual model. The same information can be joined in different ways by different authors and the composition is decisive for the intellectual work and the publications about technology are increasingly being written in English. But there are differences among the globalization and “worldlization”. He says:

“When we talk about economy and technology we refer to processes that reproduce equally around the world. There is only one global economy, capitalism, and a single technical system (computers, Internet, satellites, etc.). Global refers us therefore the idea of uniqueness. However it would be inappropriate support this same idea when it enters the sphere culture. There is not a global culture, but a process of globalization of culture, which is expressed on two levels: a) articulate the transformations economic and technological globalization, the world-modernity is the base material; b) space for different conception of the world, in which diverse and conflicting ways of understanding live”

According to Ortiz (2004), the English language has the power of “delay” the debate in global scale and on journalism, which is a significant way of information spread "delay" means to select, among many, some existing problems, making them relevant and visible. He says:

“This type of procedure favors the existence of a set hegemonic representation of globalized, they become accepted as valid, naturalized methodological procedures and many problems. For example, "studies cultural "or" multiculturalism "as no longer thought in relation to the context in which they were gestures, and which make sense to impose as ‘universal’”.

According to Ortiz (2004), there is a difference among what is global and universal. The economists to insist on saying the global capitalism help the universalization of the spirits; while the literature pointed to marketing and business do not hesitate in affirm that the individuals consume global products because it satisfy their universals wishes. Ortiz says that there is a difference, he says:

This approximation between global and universal improper derives from the recurring use of the spatial metaphor. In other words, everything what is expanding spatial limits. However, "universal" is a philosophical category, and "global", a sociological category. The first means transcendence, the relationship that abstract is not necessarily immediate way – that is what enables enlightenment speaks in "humankind".

2.3 The Manufacturing Consent

Crystal says that one of the most important reasons why so many nations have in recent years made English an official language or chosen it as their chief foreign language in schools is education. Today English is considering de main language in terms of Educations and Knowledge especially in such areas as science and technology. According to Crystal (1997), the access to knowledge is made by the business of education.

As we know the capitalism is the main economic system in the world settled down in several areas of the behaviour and thinking, until becoming in a social order which dominate some breeding spaces. The government in vigour in Brazil takes part of this social order hence to keep the power in the hands of the dominant class is a subject of great interest to them.

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The public school is one of these places, a breeding spaces, consequently those who are part of a social class which has no access to the knowledge of transformation do not know that this social order, the capitalism, is the cause of the unequal social.

According to Souza (2005), among the months of June in 1964 to January of 1968 the “Ministério da Educação e Cultura – MEC”, from Brazil, and the United States Agency for International Development – USAID, from USA, was reached an agreement about education in Brazil whose the main aim, at first, was unravel the student resistance movement to the military coup and to prepare the educational system to the new cultural and economic table, linking the education to the economic development, as well as to relieve the demand to the public universities.

At this moment the Brazilian State was living in a military dictatorship and it continue in the following decades. The deal made between Brazil and USA resulted in the Law 5.540, in November 28th 1968. This law created the departmentalization and the credit system, according to Souza (2005): “It was embraced the classificatory and unify university exam entrance, then the ‘surpluses problem’ was eliminated by usurpation of the right of registration of the approved”.

According to Guiraldelli Jr (2003, apud SOUZA, 2005, p. 160):“Such measure seems apparently simple, but resulted the years along, a deep change in the university life and in the quality of the education – it is what happens until our days, when tables formed by weak universities, or even tables formed by public universities, begin to administrate important sectors of the university degree, even the post-graduated coordination”(p. 134).

According to Souza (2005), the departmentalization broke the union between teaching and researching. The university-company model, reached by MEC-USAID, brought a bureaucracy increase which absorbed the resources of education to the own maintenance.

According to Guiraldelli Jr (2003, apud SOUZA, 2005, p. 161):“The principles of Taylorization, present in the theory administration business nestled in the theoretical ideas of USAIDA and Brazilian responsible university for reform, supported the splitting of the system jobs Undergraduate ,’rationality, officially and productivity’ desired in any company in funs of what has introduced the division of the work with Taylors consonance on-variants were requested from universities to the reconsider qualification of educated the activities of teaching and research in general following addition to the inevitable was the fragmentation of school work, the isolation of researchers and also to disperse the students by the credit system and triggering the impossibility depolarized student organization from basic nucleon which was the ‘class’.”

At the military dictatorship Médice government, the laws about education became even more in consonance with the regulations of the USAID. In August 11th 1971, was created the law 5.692 which established the vocational education to attend the demands of the market, what broked up the humanistic formation as well as subjects of critical analyses.

According to Souza (2005), “the new LDBEN (Law 5.692/71) was implemented in a moment of a big repression by the military dictatorship and of a great economic growth […] the new LDBEN had the rationalization of school work and the adoption of the universal vocational education at the 2º grade, aiming the ‘work qualification’”:

Article IV. The education of the 1st and 2nd grade have the objective to provide to the student a necessary formation to the development of his own potentialities as a element of self realization, qualifying to work and staging for the conscious exercise of citizenship.

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According to Guiraldelli Jr. (2003, apud SOUZA, 2005, p. 164), the 2nd grade became vocational to several qualifications:

The private school, targeted to the clientele interests, in other words, to provide the access of then to the universities, overrides (by fraud) the vocational education and they continued to offer the 2nd grade preparatory to the university. The public school was forced to comply with the law (p. 144).

According to Souza (2005), after the term of the Law 5.540/68, which reformulate the higher education there was the proliferation of private universities, many of them with low quality. At this time the poorest students paid for the higher education and the students of private schools had their places at the public university. When the changes of education terms were modified at the Law 5.540/68 and confirmed at the Law 5.692/71 the education was separated of the social and political context for a technocratic way. The rationality, effectiveness, and productivity are the representations of objectives of the reforms to weaken the social movements by the repression.

According to Souza (2005), after the term of the Law 5.692/71, the government reduced the obligation of the compulsory education to 12 for 11 years, he says:

“This reduction allied to the reduction in the hours of the foreign language education blow up in the school classes of modern languages. The final act comes with the Federal Education Council when it affirmed that the foreign language will be studied ‘by increase’ (LEFFA 1999)”.

The changes made the government compromised some advances in education. According to Souza (2005), the legal permission to organize classes with different students of different levels to foreign language did not work because many schools took out the foreign languages to the 1nd grade and in the 2nd grade there was not more than one our per week of studies. Many students finished the high school without see a foreign language.

Today we live in a clear division among the public and the private schools. The government established what we know as a fork of the studies of the English language in our country. According to Souza (2005), by one way we have the English of the linguistic market, a capitalist cultural symbol of well successful. The English of the science and market, even more studied at the private idioms courses which proliferate in national and international franchises, a product and fundamental element in the process of world economic liberalization. In the other hand we have the English of the public school, reduced to a status of a basis of inefficiency, a waste of time, with pour hourly charge and in the most of times with teachers without graduation in the area. This language has not credibility because the school system has lost the credibility at all.

3. Methodology

According to Lakatos (2001, p. 105) the specification of the methodology is the one containing the greatest number of items, it says, at the same time, the questions: how? What? Where? How many? And divided into five main aspects.

We need the application of methodological procedures with the intent to develop, modify and expand knowledge that can be tested through research and transmitted. (FACHIN, 2001)

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3.1 Type of research

The study in question, according to its goals, is an exploratory, descriptive field research.

According to Gil (2002, p. 162) the type of research should clarify whether the research is exploratory, descriptive or explanatory. It is also clear about the type of design to be adopted, such as experimental research, survey, case study, literature and so on.

The concept of exploratory research, the way it is traditionally understood, who best describes the Theodorson and Theodorson (1970).

"Exploratory study. A preliminary study the major purpose of which is to become familiar with a phenomenon that is to investigate, so that the major study to follow may be designed with greater understanding and precision. The exploratory study (which may use any of a variety of techniques, usually with a small sample) permits the investigator to define his research problem and formulate his hypothesis more accurately. It also enables him to choose the most suitable techniques for his research and to decide on the questions most in need of emphasis and detailed investigation, and it may alert him to potential difficulties, sensitivities, and areas of resistance."

As for the studies it can be classified as descriptive research, and one of its most significant features is the use of standardized techniques of data collection such as questionnaire and systematic observation (DIEHL e TATIM, 2004).

The literature of secondary sources, according to Lakatos (op. cit. MANZO 1971, p. 32) covers the literature already published in relation to the subject of study, from one-off publications, newsletters, newspapers, magazines, books, research , monographs, theses, cartographic material, by means of oral communications, such as radios, tape recordings and audiovisual works, such as movies and television. A literature search was aimed at providing the means to define, not only to resolve known issues, but also explore new areas where the problems were not sufficiently crystallized, allowing researchers to strengthen the parallel analysis of their research or handling of such information.

3.2 Data collect

Data was collected from primary and secondary sources. The primary source data was collected through a questionnaire. Meanwhile, data from secondary sources was collected through a literature search.

For the data collection were used questionnaires containing questions on the subject developed in the project in question. They were closed and double so that the participants feel free to answer questions.

Silva, Weiduschat and Tafner (2007) argue that the questionnaire it is an ordered series of questions, limited in scope and be accompanied by instructions that should clarify the intent of its application, emphasizing the importance of collaboration between informant and facilitate the completion.

According to Lakatos (1991) the main advantages of the questionnaire are: saving time, travel and staff, get faster and more accurate answers, there is freedom in the responses as a function of anonymity, less risk of distortion by no interference of the researcher.

3.3 Population and sample

As the sample is worth mentioning that it is non-probabilistic intentional, since these sample elements are already selected, in other words, the elements to be investigated are already known. The elements to be investigated

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According to Lakatos and Marconi (1992) a non-probability sample does not use a random selection cannot be subject to certain statistical treatment, which reduces the possibility to infer the whole the results obtained for the sample.

4. Results

The basis of studies that was realized with literature search, it was made in three different points of view concerned to the spread, importance and imposition of English language, each one with its respective specific characteristics, what give us the possibility to develop a satisfactory judgment of the issue in this work. It was interesting to see the different speeches in the three references about English and its influence in this work.

The first work called English as a global language, was almost totally made showing the importance and a descriptive spread and of English in the world which served to contextualize the spread of English. What we cannot denied is the ideological charge when it describes the advance of English along the history despite what we have of history literature, but as we know the history is made by victors, what can seems to this work a little biased, what is not true despite all speeches have a ideological content. The second work called Social Sciences and English, served as grounding to demonstrate the economic, political and cultural influence of English in the world establishing a significant difference among a “world English” and a “universal English” and for the last we used the work “O Movimento dos sentidos sobre línguas estrangeiras no Brasil: discurso, história e educação”, where we found the most part of the theoretical grounding concerned to the historical aspects of English in Brazil. According to the research in that work we could affirm since from the interventions of the United States through USAID, where the interests was to impose that the nature, basis and objective of the education is only for work instead of a education structure directed to promote the self realization and the individuality; the conception of the individual as a participative social being concerned to his own environment.

In the field research made at a public school we could detected in the answers of the questionnaire the confirmation of the problematic exposed with a total disbelief in the English teaching and in the government in support and develop programs, methods or incentives for make the English not only a tool of social inclusion but also and why not a tool for make the individual a participative citizen concerned in change his own environment, and consequently a self development and the self realization.

The questions was conceived in a way to make the students free to choose what they think about English and their opinion about the support of the government in the education of English. Here we expose and comment the questions according to the aspects of each one and the results were obtained through a questionnaire for the students. According to the answers of the students we could see that their point of view about English education in the public school is extremely necessary but it is not motivated by the government.

The first question of the questionnaire 100% of the students agree about the importance of the acquisition of the English language, while on the second question just 70% of the students did know that the English language is the most non-native language used in the world.

The third, fourth and fifth questions are about the motivation given by the government to the acquisition of the English language, and 100% of the students agree that the public school is not able to offer a quality of education of a foreign language as the English.

The sixth question ask if there is any advantage of the student who study at a English course compared who one study English at public school, and 100% of the students agree that in a English course the learning is much better.

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The seventh question there is a double point of views, 50% of the students think that what is given at the school is an incentive of the government, while 50% of the students think that the subject given at the school does not help the acquisition of the English language. The eighth all the students agree that is easier enter at the university who one knows English.

The ninth question, the 100% of the students agree that who have a command of the English language has more advantage in the job market in comparison with that one who have the command of a foreign language as English. Finally the last question is about the supposed interest in acquiring English language for free. The answers were that 100% of the students were interested in study in any government program of learning English.

According to the answers of students and the bibliography research we could confirm the problematic of this work which was concerned to the influence of the State in the conception of the students about the acquisition of English in a public school.

The strengths of this work is the relevance that it contains, not for the work itself, but for the possibility of open news points of view and new researches in other articles, books and mainly field research concerned to the problem of education in our environment.

The weaknesses was the superficial approach of the issue for the time of research and a dissatisfaction for the miss of enough literature about the problem, what do not take the credibility of this article.

As future actions this work propose stimulate the critical analysis and the social action, with propose to develop groups concerned in the problems of the community where the meeting could be at school on the weekends and also to use the classes as places to workshops of literature and English language.

The intention to develop a new research from the issues quoted in this work is linked to the necessity to always create new ways of reinvent the manner of seeing life and the subordination of what we do not believe that we live.

Others works of research can demonstrate with more details the subtlety of ideological influence of the State in the school. For example demonstrate that the public school does not prepare the students to the university exam entrance or to the work market.

There is a idea to believe that the education is directed only to work, but it does not work because if a individual go to the university just for the obligation of conquer a university diploma, all the society will pay for the bad that it cause, or the most part of society will still live with a doctor who does not mind if the patient will live or die until to know that he paid the health plan, or the engineering that does not mind if a build is made using the beach sand, or a social worker that persuade a humble to sign the resignation with no rights, or even a teacher who does not mind if theirs students can follow a right way or a wrong way, in short we can say that anyone can and have the obligation to be a participative citizen in the community.

5. Conclusion

It was possible demonstrate in this work by data collect from primary and secondary sources that in our country the concept of the students of the acquisition of English language was naturally molded along decades by a ideology of super-valorization of a foreign language represented in a mix of supremacy of the countries of the first world imposed by the a dictatorship of science and technology guided through a economic system that just aim at profits and a lateral vision of the science and technology that in turn eliminate all the rest of others point of views.

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BRASIL. Lei 5692 de 11 de Agosto de 1971. Fixa as Diretrizes e Bases para o ensino de 1° e 2° graus, e dá outras providências.

BRASIL. Lei 9394 de 20 de Dezembro de 1996. Estabelece as Diretrizes e Bases da educação nacional.

CRYSTAL, David. (1997), English as a global language. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.[acesso em 2010 Abr 9]. Disponível em:

DIEHL, A. A.; TATIM, D. C. Pesquisa em ciências sociais aplicadas: métodos e técnicas. São Paulo: Prentice Hall, 2004.

FACHIN, Odília. Fundamentos de metodologia. 3. ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2001.

GARCIA, Eduardo Alfonso Cadavid. Manual de sistematização e normalização de documentos técnicos. São Paulo: Atlas, 1998.

GIL, Antonio Carlos. Como elaborar projetos de pesquisa. 4. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2002.

LAKATOS, E. M., Metodologia científica, São Paulo, Atlas, 1991.

LAKATOS, Eva Maria; MARCONI, Maria de Andrade. Metodologia do trabalho científico: procedimentos básicos, pesquisa bibliográfica, projeto e relatório, publicações e trabalhos científicos. 6. ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 2001.

ORTIZ, Renato. As Ciências Sociais e o inglês. In: Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais. Vol. 19, nº 54, fev. 2004. [acesso em 2010 Abr 9]. Disponível em:

SILVA, Antônio César da; WEIDUSCHAT, Íris; TAFNER, José. Metodologia do Trabalho Acadêmico. 2. ed. Indaial: Ed. ASSELVI, 2007.

SOUZA, Sérgio Augusto Freire de. O Movimento dos sentidos sobre línguas estrangeiras no Brasil: discurso, história e educação. 2005. 237 f. Tese (Doutorado em Linguística) – Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 2005. Orientadora: Dra. Eni Puccinelli Orlandi. [acesso em 2010 Mai 4]. Disponível em:

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1. Você acha que a língua Inglesa é importante para sua vida?

( ) sim ( ) não

2. Você sabia que a língua Inglesa é o idioma não nativo mais falado no mundo?

( ) sim ( ) não

3. É possível aprender a língua Inglesa na Escola Pública?

( ) sim ( ) não

4. É possível aprender Inglês no material dado pela escola pública?

( ) sim ( ) não

5. Você conhece algum projeto do governo para aprender a língua Inglesa?

( ) sim ( ) não

6. Os alunos de curso de Inglês têm mais possibilidades de aprender a idioma do que alunos da escola pública?

( ) sim ( ) não

7. O governo incentiva de alguma forma para o aprendizado da língua Inglesa?

( ) sim ( ) não

8. Quem estuda ou estudou em cursos de Inglês tem mais chance de entrar na Universidade Pública?

( ) sim ( ) não

9. Quem domina a língua Inglesa tem mais chance no mercado de trabalho do que aquelas pessoas que não dominam o idioma?

( ) sim ( ) não 10. Se existisse um curso de Inglês gratuito na escola nos fins de semana você faria?

( ) sim ( ) não

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Manaus, ____ de _____ de 2010.

TEMA DO TRABALHO: _______________________________________________

AUTOR: ____________________________________________________________

Eu, , estudante da Escola Estadual ___________________________, da série _______, turma __________, turno ________, autorizo publicarem a minha entrevista, para o referido artigo científico, supracitado acima. Assim como a veiculação da minha imagem.


Assinatura do aluno


Assinatura do responsável do aluno

OBS.: Eu, _______________________________, me responsabilizo a relatar todas as respostas dadas a mim, sem denegrir, sem mudar, sem caluniar o teor do referido questionário.

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