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The favoring of one side over

another Bias

Prejudice Assumptions made without

knowing the facts

Appealing to people’s feelings to promote your point

of view


History The study of the past, based on


JC History – A Historian’s Work

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Evidence from the

past, which can be in written, visual, aural, oral or tactile form


Written sources

Sources that you can read, e.g. books,

Snapchat messages

Sources that you can see, e.g. video

recording of a concert, Instagram photos

Visual sources

Aural sources

Sources that you can hear, e.g. Voice

messages, all sounds from the past

JC History – A Historian’s Work

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Sources that come from

human speech, e.g. interviews, Instagram

voice recordings

Oral sources

Tactile sources

Sources that you can touch, e.g.

historical buildings, ruins

Original source from time being studied, e.g. an original diary

Primary Source

Secondary Source

Source from after time being studied, based on

primary sources e.g. the film based on an original diary

JC History – A Historian’s Work

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Objects made by humans E.g. coins, tools and pottery


Rescue Archaeology

Digging sites before a road or new building is

built to rescue historical objects

Dating objects based on the depth at which they were



Radiocarbon Dating

Dating once- living objects by

measuring carbon levels

JC History – Archaeology

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Dating wooden objects by studying

their ring pattern


DNA testing Test used to examine skeletons, by taking

samples of DNA from bones

The protection and preservation of

ancient objects from decay


JC History – Archaeology

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Where historical

objects are maintained and



Archives Where historical

objects are stored

Where historical books are often kept, ex. The Book of Kells in Trinity

College Dublin


Interviews Eyewitnesses to historical

events and verbal accounts of such events can be recorded via interview

JC History – Archives & Museums

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What happens in a

country after the colonial power


Post-colonial experience

Colonial Power

A European country that controlled an Asian or African


A country controlled by a colonial power


British East India Company

A company set up to control

trade with India

JC History – EU/WW 1960s

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A political party that wanted Home

Rule for India

Congress Party


A league set up to defend the rights

of Muslims in India

British India would be partitioned into

two countries, India, and Pakistan

Mountbatten Plan

Decolonisation When colonial powers give up

JC History – EU/WW 1960s

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Space technology

competition between the US and

the USSR

Space Race

Sputnik The first satellite

sent into space, by the Russians in 1957

The first man to orbit the Earth Yuri Gagarin

Neil Armstrong

The first man to walk on the


JC History – EU/WW 1960s

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The US believed in 'containing' the

spread of communism

Policy of containment

President Johnson

US President during the

Vietnam War

Leader of the North Vietnamese

Army Ho Chi Ming

Racial segregation

The public separation of black people and

white people

JC History – EU/WW 1960s

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Famous Civil Rights Leader, who delivered the ' I have a dream'


Dr. Martin Luther King

Civil Rights Act 1964

Act banning voting efforts to discriminate against black people

American author who wrote 'The Feminine Mystique' criticizing the view that women should only be


Betty Friedan

National Organisation for


Organisation aimed to stop discrimination employment

discrimination against women

JC History – EU/WW 1960s

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Communist dictator

of the People's Republic of China in


Mao Zedong

Cultural Revolution

Mao aimed to wipe out traditional and

capitalist elements of Chinese culture

Mao's communist

guards Red Guards

JC History – EU/WW 1960s

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Name of schools in ancient Rome


Insulae Apartment blocks

where most Romans lived

Private houses where wealthy Romans lived


Patricians Wealthy Romans

JC History – EU/WW Ancient/Medieval Civilisation

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Marketplace in Rome city


The Forum

Cena Main meal of the

day, in the evening

Underground cemeteries


Aqueduct Bridge carrying water over long


JC History – EU/WW Ancient/Medieval Civilisation

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Slaves who fought

other slaves or animals for



Toga Garment worn by Roman men

A long woolen tunic worn by

Roman women Stola

Atrium An open courtyard with a pool in the


JC History – EU/WW Ancient/Medieval Civilisation

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Designs with tiles


Murals Wall paintings

Paintings done on wet plaster


Hypocaust Underground

heating system in wealthy Roman


JC History – EU/WW Ancient/Medieval Civilisation

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Free supply of grain supplied by the

Roman emperors Dole

Via Sacra Holy Road that ran through the middle

of the Forum

Building where the government

of Rome met


Tepidarium Warm room in the public bath


JC History – EU/WW Ancient/Medieval Civilisation

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Hot steam room

in the public bath houses


Frigidarium Cool room in the

public bath houses

Famous racetrack where chariot

races were held

Circus Maximus

The Colosseum

Famous stadium where gladiator

contests were held

JC History – EU/WW Ancient/Medieval Civilisation

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Division of 5,000 soldiers in the Roman Army


The River Styx

Mystical river where a dead person’s spirit

was rowed to the next world

Common Roman people Plebeian

The Twelve Tables

The Roman written code of


JC History – EU/WW Ancient/Medieval Civilisation

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Executing every tenth soldier as

punishment Decimation

The Army Commander

Julius Caesar, famous for his role in the

Gallic Wars and The Civil War

Spartacus led a rebellion against


The Rebel Slave

Concrete Lime with

volcanic ash and rocks

JC History – EU/WW Ancient/Medieval Civilisation

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A machine which planted seeds at equal

distances and at the correct depth

Seed Drill

Selective Breeding

Breeding from only the best animals to improve meat/milk


Large buildings where poor people were given basic accommodation

and made to work


Urbanisation People leaving the countryside to live and work in towns

JC History – EU/WW Contribution of Tech

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This act stated that all cities must install proper

sewage systems and water pipes

Public Health Act

Public Works Scheme

Scheme set up by the government to allow the poor to earn money to

buy food

Invented the Spinning Jenny

James Hargreaves

John Kay Invented the Flying Shuttle

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Made improvements to the steam engine

James Watt

Abraham Darby

Used coke for smelting iron

instead of charcoal

Invented the Water Frame

Richard Arkwright

Samuel Crompton

Invented the Spinning Mule

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Invented the power loom

Edmund Cartwright

Jethro Tull Invented the seed drill

Improved road surfaces

John McAdam & Thomas Telford

Richard Trevithick

Adapted the steam engine to run on an

iron track

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Built the first train carrying


George Stephenson

Thomas Newcomen

Built the steam engine

Most important engine in the

industrial Revolution

Steam engine

The Railway Age

The development of railways changed transport forever

JC History – EU/WW Contribution of Tech

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increase in Britain from 1850-1900

35 million

Sir Robert Peel

Founder of London's first professional

police force

Old method of responding to crime

with execution

The Bloody Code

Criminal Transportation

New method of punishment after the Bloody Code

JC History – EU/WW Contribution of Tech

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Act separating prisoners by gender and crime category

Gaol's Act 1823

Pentonville Prison

First prison built with improved

living conditions

Discovered that germs cause


Louis Pasteur

William Roentegen

Discovered the X-Ray

JC History – EU/WW Contribution of Tech

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Vaccinating patients to

prevent disease Inoculation

Anaesthetics Prevented pain during surgery

Helped prevent infection Antiseptics

Florence Nightingale

Established Britain's first nurse

training school

JC History – EU/WW Contribution of Tech

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Called on the British government to

improve public health conditions

Edwin Chatwick

Public Health Act 1848

Permitted local councils to improve their public health


JC History – EU/WW Contribution of Tech

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Deliberately killing many people from a

different nationality or ethnic group


Armenian Genocide

1.5 million Christian Armenians were killed

by the Turkish Government

From 1975-1979, 2 million people were killed by the Khmer


The Khmer Rouge

Rwandan Massacre

In 1994, up to 800, 000 people were

killed in Rwanda by Hutu


JC History – EU/WW Genocide

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From 1992-1995 Bosnian-Serb forces killed up to 100,000


Bosnian Genocide

Darfur Genocide

In the early 20th century, Sudanese militia killed up to 400,000 people

In War II, approximately 6

million Jews were killed by the Nazis

The Holocaust

Anti-Semitism Hatred of Jewish people

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Violent ant-Semitic

riot, encouraged by the Nazis against



The Master Race

Nazi racial idea of the superior 'Master'

Aryan race

31 out of 32 countries refused to allow

Jewish immigrants into their countries

The Evian Conference

The Final Solution

The Nazi decision to exterminate all European Jews

JC History – EU/WW Genocide

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Conference to organise the mass

killing of Jews

The Wannsee Conference

Zyklon- B Poisonous gas

used by the Nazis to kill Jews

The transportation of Jews at the end

of the war

Death marches

Roma Almost a quarter of a million Roma were killed by the Nazis

JC History – EU/WW Genocide

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Persecution of Nazi leader war


The Nuremburg War Trials

Israel Israel was founded for displaced Jews post World War II

Generations of Germans would

struggle with Germany's dark past


JC History – EU/WW Genocide

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Hitler’s secret police


Nuremberg Laws

Laws introduced in Germany against

Jewish people

The German invasion of the Soviet Union

Operation Barbarossa

Squadristi Mussolini's

uniformed followers (The Blackshirts)

JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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Hitler’s plan to wipe out all the Jewish people

The Final Solution

The Night of Long Knives

When Hitler had the leaders of

the SA murdered

This act allowed Hitler to rule by


The Enabling Act

Weimar Germany

The name given to the period of German

history between 1918 and 1933

JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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German parliament


Der Fuhrer Title of Hitler which meant


Prisons used for political prisoners and

later the Jews in Europe

Concentration camps

Third-Reich Nazi-controlled

Germany between 1933

and 1945

JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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Hatred of and discrimination against

Jewish people


Ghetto A part of a city where a minority group was

kept separate

Where a single dictator holds

most of the power


Dictatorship When one person or a

small group have power, rule of a


JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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When people elect their own government,

rule of a majority Democracy

Nationalism Believing one's

country is superior to all others

Believing one's race is superior to

all others


Censorship Limiting the power of free speech and


JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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Leader of the

Nazi Party

Adolf Hitler

Joseph Goebbels

Hitler's Propaganda


The use of biased information to

influence people's views


The SS Hitler's feared paramilitary organization

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Head of the SS

Heinrich Himmler

Hermann Goering

Chief of the German Airforce

The German Airforce

The Luftwaffe

The People's Radios

Cheap radios provided by Goebbelsto

brainwash the German people

JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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Seeing someone as a god-like


Cult of personality

The Führer What the Germans

called Hitler, meaning 'the leader'

Massive Nazi Party Propaganda


The Nuremburg Rallies

Triumph of the Will

Film covering 1934 Nuremburg


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Director of Triumph of the

Will, and Olympia

Leni Riefenstahl

Knight of the Long Knives

When Hitler ordered the SS to murder

opposing members of the Nazi Party

Nazi youth organisation for

boys 14-18

Hitler Youth

League of German Maidens

Nazi youth organisation of

girls 14-18

JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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Children, Kitchen, Church, the Nazi expectations of


Kinder, Kuche, Kirche

Marriage loans

A reward for marriage, to improve Germany’s birth-rate

Wave of anti-Semitic violence by the Nazi Party

Night of Broken Glass

With Burning Anxiety 1937

Pope Pius' XI criticism of Hitler's

treatment of Catholics

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'Living space', German



Communism A one party

dictatorship, where the Government owns


Leader of the Communist



Stalin Took over from

Lenin as Communist Party Leader

JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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The Soviet Union


The gulags Forced-labour

camps in Siberia

Stalin's removal of Communist Party

members he saw as threats

Stalin's purges

Show trials Public trials falsely

accusing Senior Party Members

JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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Stalin's plans to modernise


Five Year Plans

The Stakhonavite movement

Glorifying Soviet workers for doing

impossible amounts of labour

Huge Soviet controlled



Kulaks Wealthy farmers

that opposed collectivisation

JC History – EU/WW Life in Fascist/Communist Country

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A craftsman who has completed his



Jousting A contest between

knights on horseback with


An association of craftsmen

A Guild

Curfew The time when all fires had to be put out in the evening

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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A monk who was in charge of a



Serf A farm worker at

the bottom of social ranking

The first stage in training to be a



Charter A royal document granting certain


JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

Page 50: The favoring of Bias -

Framework used to restrain people during

public punishment


Chivalry A knight’s code of conduct

A person who received a fief

from a king


Demesne The piece of land a lord kept for his own personal use

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

Page 51: The favoring of Bias -

A monk's dining room


Dubbing The ceremony at

which a squire became a knight

Sacred place where a fugitive was safe

from arrest


Tithe 1/10 of a worker’s produce that was given to the priest

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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The land held by a vassal


Manor A village and its farmland

The main tower or stronghold of a


The Keep

Moat A water-filled

ditch around a castle

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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A small tower on

the outer walls of a castle


Portcullis Iron grill that was

raised to allow people to enter and


Spaced openings on top of curtain



Bailiff Man appointed by the lord to collect rents and enforce

the laws

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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A big grassland area where the animals of the peasants grazed


Bailey Courtyard in front of the


An area ruled by a bishop


Feudal System/ Feudalism

How the ownership and control of land

was organised in the Middle Ages

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

Page 55: The favoring of Bias -

A bubonic plague that

spread across Europe which was spread by

fleas on black rats

The Black Death

The purpose of building churches

To glorify God and symbolise the power and influence of the


Where food was given to the poor


Cloisters Covered walkway around the garden

where monks prayed

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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Where the sick were treated


Dormitory Where

monks slept

Where manuscripts were copied and



Dowry Money or goods that a woman’s family gave to her husband when

they got married

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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Period between the Roman Empire and

the 16th Century

Medieval era

Feudalism Organisation and control of land

Lords who protected the

King's land


The Bayeux Tapestry

Tapestry depicting the Battle of


JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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Land held privately for



Peasant Farmers who

were tenants of the knights

Book recording land ownership

The Doomsday Book

Squire Second stage of training to be a


JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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Walls made of sticks and mud

Wattle and daub

Freemen Paid rent, could

live as they pleased

Craftsman who trained apprentices

in a trade

Master craftsman

Journeyman Next stage after

becoming an apprentice

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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Punishment by fighting

Trials by combat

Trials by ordeal

Punishment by surviving pain

Men who patrolled medieval towns at



Monastery The home of


JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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The home of nuns



Hatred of Jewish people developed

after the Black Plague

JC History – EU/WW Medieval Times - Life & Death

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A convention which set out the basic freedoms that all citizens were guaranteed

such as freedom of speech

Council of Europe

European Convention on Human rights

An organisation set up to distribute the money given by

the United States (Marshall Aid) to help rebuild Europe after

World War 2

A customs union set up by Belgium, The Netherlands and

Luxembourg. Goods, money and people could pass freely from

one country to another

Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC)

The Benelux Union The European

Monetary System

A community set up by France and Germany to pool their coal and steel industries. Italy and

the Benelux countries joined as well

JC History – EU/WW Movement/Organisation in International Coop

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The members of the EEC

agreed to keep the value of their currencies in line

with each other

European Coal and Steel Community


The Maastricht Treaty

The members of the EEC agreed to reduce the remaining barriers

to trade

This treaty turned the EEC into the European Union. Members

agreed to have a common currency (euro) and to have

closer political ties

The Single European Act

Economic integration

Closer international economic co-operation and


JC History – EU/WW Movement/Organisation in International Coop

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European Economic



Treaty of Rome

Established the EEC

The EEC established a shared common market in the EU

Common market

Free movement

The EEC established a free movement of goods within the EU

JC History – EU/WW Movement/Organisation in International Coop

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The ECC has been referred to as the

EU since 1993


The Single European Act


Established a single European


This treaty further solidified

European unity

The Maastricht Treaty

Charter of Fundamental


Legally binding rights on EU

State members

JC History – EU/WW Movement/Organisation in International Coop

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Members of the European Parliament are elected every 5



Council of Minsters

Body of governmental ministers that decide

EU laws and manages the budget

EU civil servants who propose laws and

oversee EU policies

European Commission

Court of Justice

Court comprising of EU Judges from

each country

JC History – EU/WW Movement/Organisation in International Coop

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Treaty making the

Charter of Fundamental Human Rights legally binding

Treaty of Lisbon

European Agency for Fundamental


Agency protecting the fundamental

rights of EU persons

Year Ireland joined the EU


Hard border If strict border controls were

established between Northern Ireland and the Republic, violence could


JC History – EU/WW Movement/Organisation in International Coop

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Greek medical theory

that the body had four bodily fluids, which must be balanced for health

The four humours

Bloodletting Bleeding the body to achieve balance of the four humours

Sick people often went on pilgrimages

in hopes of being cured


Antiseptic In the Middle Ages,

doctors used wine as an antiseptic to

prevent infection

JC History – EU/WW Patterns of Change

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Belgian-born doctor who

was the first to dissect bodies to further medical



William Harvey

Established that blood circulated around the

human body

Began the use of X-rays in medicine

William Roentgen

Inoculation By the 19th century, doctors

began infecting patients with a small strain of certain

diseases to provide immunity

JC History – EU/WW Patterns of Change

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Child mortality has been

dramatically reduced in the 20th century due to

medical advances

Child mortality

The Twelve Tables

The Roman written code of


If a Roman soldier abandoned the army,

every tenth solider would be executed


Trials by combat

The criminal had to fight to be proven right in the Middle


JC History – EU/WW Patterns of Change

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The criminal had to survive bodily

punishment to repent in the Middle Ages

Trials by ordeal

Peelers The name of 19th

Century policemen in London

Prisoners were imprisoned by gender

and crime category

Gaols Act 1923

Cybercrime Modern-day crime on the online world

JC History – EU/WW Patterns of Change

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The giving of church positions to

one’s relatives


Absenteeism Cardinals and bishops who had more than one diocese

could only live in one of them, so they were absent

from the others

Holding more than one church office

at a time Pluralism

Simony Buying and

selling of church positions

JC History – EU/WW Reformation

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Luther 's criticism of the Catholic Church's sale of indulgences

95 Theses

Papal Bull An official letter from the Pope

Issued by Emperor Charles V calling Martin Luther an

outlaw and heretic

Edict of Worms

Heretic Belief or practice against Catholic


JC History – EU/WW Reformation

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Declared that each ruler could decide

their state's religion

Peace of Augsburg

Predestination Where God selects

those going to heaven or to hell

A meeting where Luther refused to

withdraw his beliefs

Diet of Worms

Elders Teachers who

offered advice to wrong-doers

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Those who went to heaven

The Elect

Presbyters Elders who were involved in the

punishment of wrong doers

Thrown out of church


Justification by Faith Alone

Belief that a person was saved

by faith alone

JC History – EU/WW Reformation

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Name given to Geneva by John


‘The City of God’

‘City of the Devil’ Name given to Rome by John


Meeting of bishops and cardinals to

reform the Catholic Church

Council of Trent

Reformation Effort to reform

the Catholic Church

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Court established by the Catholic Church

Court of Inquisition

The Jesuits Order of priests established by

Ignatius Loyola, an ex-soldier from Spain

Paying for forgiveness of



Act of Supremacy

Act establishing Henry VIII the Supreme Head

of the Church of England

JC History – EU/WW Reformation

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Professor of Theology, and important figure in

the Reformation

Martin Luther

Sale of Indulgences

Paying a price to get into heaven

Theologian who entered a public

debate with Luther John Eck

John Calvin Founder of the Presbyterian


JC History – EU/WW Reformation

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Paintings done on wet plaster


Sfumato The technique of allowing tones and colours to blend gradually into one another

Technique that gives an impression of depth to paintings


William Harvey Discovered that the heart made blood

circulate around the body

JC History – EU/WW Renaissance

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Developed the theory

that the Sun was the centre of the universe,

not Earth

Nicolaus Copernicus

Johannes Gutenberg

Invented the printing press

Means ‘rebirth’ because the ideas of

Rome and Greece were being ‘reborn’


Patron Wealthy person

who financial supports artists

JC History – EU/WW Renaissance

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Famous patron who

helped artists i.e. Leonardo da Vinci and


Lorenzo de Medici

Sculpture Statues carved from wood or


The renewed interest in ancient

learning Humanism

Cosimo de Medici

Established the Platonic Academy

where scholars could study


JC History – EU/WW Renaissance

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Painting of a religious subject as an object of prayer


Anatomy Study of the human body

Small metal letters used to

print words

Moveable type printer

Leonardo da Vinci

Considered the 'ideal Renaissance


JC History – EU/WW Renaissance

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One of the greatest Renaissance artists


Sofonisba Anguissola

An influential Renaissance

woman- painter

Proved and disproved

Copernicus' theories

Johannes Kepler

Galileo Known as 'the

Father of Modern Science'

JC History – EU/WW Renaissance

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Belgian doctor who dissected bodies for

medical research


William Harvey

English doctor who discovered the heart

circulates blood

Widely considered the greatest playwright


JC History – EU/WW Renaissance

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Rivalry between the USA and the USSR to have

more and better weapons than the other

Arms Race

Truman Doctrine

USA would give military aid to any country resisting


Massive economic aid was offered to countries in

Eastern Europe, but Stalin forced them to refuse it

Marshall Aid

Buffer Zone An area from

which troops are forbidden

JC History – EU/WW The Cold War

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USA and USSR agreed

to stop testing nuclear weapons on land or at


Partial Test Ban Treaty

The Berlin Wall

Wall built by Soviets to stop East Germans fleeing to the West, it became a symbol of division between East and


An alliance of communist countries was formed in

response to West Germany joining NATO

The Warsaw Pact

United Nations (UN)

This organisation was set up after World War

2 to preserve peace

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The name of West Germany during

the Cold War

Federal Republic of Germany

German Democratic


The name of East Germany during

the Cold War

A new currency introduced in West

Germany as part of the Marshall Aid programme


North Atlantic Treaty


Organisation formed by the USA, Canada and most

Western European countries to oppose the USSR

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With the support of the British, the USA

flew supplies to Berlin

Berlin Airlift

Berlin Blockade

Stalin ordered the closing of all roads,

water and rail access to the city

Term used by Winston Churchill to describe the spreading communist control and the

division between Western and Eastern Europe

Iron Curtain

Satellite States

This is what the countries under Soviet control

became known as

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Where Korea was divided after


38th Parallel

Democratic Republic of


North Korea

Overthrew Cuba's dictator


Fidel Castro

The Bay of Pigs

Failed CIA invasion of Castro

occupied Cuba

JC History – EU/WW The Cold War

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The peace settlement signed after World War 1

The Treaty of Versailles

War Guilt Cause

Term of the Treaty of Versailles which forced Germany to accept full

responsibility for World War 1

Compensation paid by Germany to the Allies

for all the damage done during the war


Anschluss Union of Germany

and Austria (banned by the Treaty of


JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

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German air force


Maginot Line French defence line of fortifications along its borders with Germany

An agreement between Italy and the Pope which recognized the Vatican as an independent state

The Lateran Treaty

OVRA Organization for

Vigilance and Repression of Antifascism

JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

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Title used by Mussolini which means leader

Il Duce

The Pact of Steel

The military alliance that Hitler and

Mussolini signed in 1938

British rescue mission of Abyssinia

The Abyssinia Campaign


Policy of British and French leaders of giving in to Hitler’s demands in

order to avoid war

JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

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After the Nazi invasion of Poland, no major Allied or

German military operations took place for 8 months

The Phoney War

D-Day The day Allied forces

landed in Normandy in France on June 6th,


They were blamed for agreeing to Germany’s

surrender in November 1918

November Criminals

The SS Hitler’s personal bodyguard

unit who were later responsible for running concentration camps

JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

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The portion of France left under the control

of the French government

Vichy France

League of Nations

Set up to prevent another war and to settle

disputes between countries peacefully

Law that allowed the party with the largest votes to get 2/3 of the

seats in Parliament

Acerbo Law

Blackshirts Name given to

Mussolini’s Fascist followers or to

Hitler’s SS

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German troops that

operated in North Africa under General


Afrika Corps

Rome-Berlin Axis

Agreement signed by Mussolini and Hitler over Austria.

Mussolini permitted German annexation of Austria if

Germany did not claim South Tyrol

Nazi policy of living space, to use Eastern Europe and

Russia to provide raw materials and workers for

the Nazis


Nazi-Soviet Pact

Signed by Germany and the Soviet Union, they agreed

to a 10 year non-aggression pact and to secretly divide

Poland between them

JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

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British and French troops evacuated

to England


Lend-Lease USA provides

Britain with military materials

Russian war tactics during World War 2 to burn crops,

destroy bridges an towns as they retreated before the


Scorched Earth Policy

U-Boat German


JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

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Marked the end of Germany’s advances into Eastern Europe

and Russia

Battle of Stalingrad

Condor Legion

Unit of the German air


Treaty signed after the war between Germany

and the victorious Allies

Treaty of Versailles

Munich Conference

Where Hitler and other European leaders forced

Czechoslovakia to surrender Sudetenland

JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

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Ineffective League established after WWI to prevent

further war

League of Nations

The Polish Corridor

'Corridor' separating East Prussia from


The Japanese attacked this fleet in Pearl Harbour, bringing America into WWII

The US Pacific Fleet

1939 Year Hitler

invaded Poland

JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

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German war tactics


1940 Year Hitler invaded France

Hitler's plan to invade Britain

Operation Sea Lion

The Battle of Britain

Battle between German and

British Air forces

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Britain's Royal Air Force


The Blitz German

bombing of British cities

British defeat of German forces in Egypt, marking a turning point in the war

El Almein

Operation Barbarossa

The German invasion of


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When German U-Boats tried attacking

US supplies to the Allies

Battle of the Atlantic

Operation Overlord

Operation of the Allied invasion of

the continent

German resistance to Allied invasion

near the end of the war

Battle of the Bulge

Battle of Midway

Japanese navy defeat by American navy in the Pacific

JC History – EU/WW WWI&II - Rest of the world

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The Americans dropped atomic bombs on

Hiroshima to make Japan surrender


15/08/1945 VJ-Day

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An American protest against British taxes which involved throwing tea into the Boston


Boston Tea Party

Guillotine An execution

instrument, mainly used in France

Wrote an argument on behalf of the

Catholics of Ireland

Theobald Wolfe Tone

The Treaty of Paris

The Treaty signed by the Americans and British which recognised America as an

independent country

JC History – EU/WW. Pre-Twentieth Century Revolutions

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A period of executions without trial in France

between 1793 and 1794

The Reign of Terror

No taxation without


The slogan which opposed the

Stamp Act

When British soldiers opened fire and killed

five people

The Boston Massacre

Croppies Nickname of the

rebels fighting for independence in


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The laws passed by the British

against Boston

Intolerable Acts

First Continental Congress

When representatives from the colonies met

in Philadelphia

A country whose head is a President

and not a king


Battle of Bunker Hill

The British attempt to end the American

siege of Boston

JC History – EU/WW. Pre-Twentieth Century Revolutions

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A document written by Thomas Jefferson which

declared America’s independence from Britain

Declaration of Independence

The Battle of Yorktown

The last major battle in the war of independence when

British troops were outnumbered and


Law passed to punish anyone who was

against the French Revolution

Law of Suspects

Law of Maximum

Law passed to control the rising prices in France by

setting maximum prices for many goods

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Liberty, Equality and Fraternity

Slogan of the French


Committee for Public Safety

A committee created to organise

the defence of France

Priests and bishops


Absolute Monarch

The monarch did not have to consult

anyone before making laws or raising taxes

JC History – EU/WW. Pre-Twentieth Century Revolutions

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Taxes that peasants

had to pay to their local lord

Feudal Dues

Estates General

A parliament that contained members

of all the Three Estates

A document issued by the Assembly that gave the ordinary people of

France more rights

Declaration of the Rights of Man and


Civil Constitution of the Clergy

A law which brought the Church under the

control of the government

JC History – EU/WW. Pre-Twentieth Century Revolutions

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The name of the French parliament during the Reign of


The National Convention


The name given to poor men who wore long trousers instead of

kneebreeches which were worn by the wealthy

Henry Grattan helped to achieve an almost

completely independent Irish parliament

Grattan’s Parliament

The Defenders

A secret society formed to protect catholic farmers

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An order set up to defend Protestants and British rule in


The Orange Order

Yeomanry An army set up by the British government

People were hung until they lost



Pitch-cap A method of torture, a cloth

cap filled with tar was placed on a suspect’s head

and then set alight

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A supporter of the British



Republicanism The use of violence to end British rule in


Law passed by Prime Minister William Pit

which closed the Irish Parliament

Act of Union

Catholic Emancipation

Removal of the remaining Penal


JC History – EU/WW. Pre-Twentieth Century Revolutions

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A spear-like weapon commonly used by

the rebels


Navigation Acts

British Act controlling the sale of American


British-American war against the French colonies

Seven Years War

British National Debt

The British taxed Americans after the

Seven Years War

JC History – EU/WW. Pre-Twentieth Century Revolutions

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Act requiring Americans to

accommodate the British

Quartering Act

Sugar Act British tax on American sugar

Americans had to pay the British to have their documents


Stamp Act

Sons of Liberty

Group protesting the

Stamp Act

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Appointed as leader of the

American Army

George Washington

Battle of Saratoga

First major American victory, encouraging

other countries to join the war effort

Lowest point in the war, where many soldiers died or


The Valley Forge

Nationalists Wanted to be

independent of Britain

JC History – EU/WW. Pre-Twentieth Century Revolutions

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Wanted British rule to continue

in Ireland


Protestant Ascendancy

A small minority in control of the Irish Parliament

Belfast group who wanted to limit British power

Society of the United Irishmen

An Argument on Behalf of the Catholics in

Ireland 1791

Famous pamphlet written

by Tone

JC History – EU/WW. Pre-Twentieth Century Revolutions

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Instrument used to

calculate latitude (how far north or south of

the equator)

Astrolabe/ Quadrant

Logbook Used to record details of the voyage such as the direction, winds

and current

Instrument used to measure


Log and Line

Sand-Glass Instrument used

to measure speed

JC History – EU/WW Impact of Conquest and Colonisation

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Earliest maps used by sailors

Portolan Charts


The name given to the 15-17th century Spanish and Portuguese soldiers who conquered much of the


A common disease among sailors

caused by lack of Vitamin C


Caravel A small

lighter ship

JC History – EU/WW Impact of Conquest and Colonisation

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Instrument that points

north, showing sailors the direction they are



Ferdinand Magellan

Circumnavigated the world

Discovered India

Vasco da Gama

Prince Henry the Navigator

Started a school for sailors in

Sagres, Portugal

JC History – EU/WW Impact of Conquest and Colonisation

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Conquered the Aztecs in Mexico

Hernando Cortes

Francisco Pizarro

Conquered the Incas of Peru

Columbus’ voyage was sponsored by King

Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain

Sponsors of Columbus’


Bartholomew Diaz

The first man to reach the Cape of Good Hope

JC History – EU/WW Impact of Conquest and Colonisation

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Emperor of the Aztecs when it was

conquered by Cortes


Firebox Box used to cook food on the deck

of a ship

The Portugese and Spanish exploration

of the World

The Age of Exploration

Carrack Larger than the

caraval ship

JC History – EU/WW Impact of Conquest and Colonisation

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The degrees east and west


Latitude Degrees north or

south of the Equator

Treaty where Spain and Portugal divided

all the newly-discovered land

The Treaty of Tordesillas

Bartholomew Diaz

Went around the Cape of Good


JC History – EU/WW Impact of Conquest and Colonisation

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Rebuilt by Cortes as Mexico City after

conquering the Aztecs


Plantations Where African slaves

worked on the estates of Europeans in the

New World

Large Spanish estates


Mission churches

Churches built for mass conversion of

native peoples

JC History – EU/WW Impact of Conquest and Colonisation

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Home of monks


Convent Home of nuns

First Irish monastery established by St.


Monastery on Inis Mór

Clonmacnoise Monastery established by St. Ciarán near the

River Shannon

JC History – Christianity in Ireland

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Place where monks had their



Scriptorium Place where

manuscripts were copied by the


Place where the monks lived


Scribes Name of monks who

copied and illuminated manuscripts

JC History – Christianity in Ireland

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Vellum (calf skin), or parchment (sheep skin)

What manuscripts

were made of

The Book of Kells

The most famous Irish manuscript; featuring the four gospels and kept in

Trinity College

Educational scenes carved by Monks

from the Bible

Stone crosses

Dark Ages Period after the

fall of the Roman Empire

JC History – Christianity in Ireland

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Period of religious fulfilment and

prosperity in Ireland

Golden Age

Abbot Monk who in charge of the


First missionary sent to Ireland Palladius

St. Patrick Missionary sent

to covert the Irish to Christianity

JC History – Christianity in Ireland

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Book written by St. Patrick about

his life

The Confession

Skellig Michael

Monastery famous for its stone beehive huts

Famous copy of psalms in Latin

The Cathrach

The Book of Durrow

Famous copy of Gospels in Latin

JC History – Christianity in Ireland

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This was a much more

enjoyable decade than the hardship of

the fifties

The Swinging Sixties

Latin Mass The churches changed

their language to English or Irish to make service

more accessible

Later known as RTE was

established in 1961

Teilifís Eireann

Gaye Byrne Famous early

presenter of the Late Late Show

JC History – IRL 1960s

Page 129: The favoring of Bias -

Musician and

composer who modernised traditional

Irish music

Seán Ó Riada

Terence O'Neill

Northern Ireland's Prime Minister in 1963

The controversial building of this university further

separated Catholics and Protestants in NI

The University of Coleraine

Rev. Ian Paisley

Extreme Unionist and Protestant leader,

opposed to O'Neill's reconciliation efforts

JC History – IRL 1960s

Page 130: The favoring of Bias -

Only houseowners in

NI could vote

Property qualification

NICRA Northern Ireland

Civil Rights Association

Conflict between Catholics and

Protestants in Derry, 1969

Battle of the Bogside

JC History – IRL 1960s

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A convention which set out the basic freedoms that all citizens were guaranteed

such as freedom of speech

Council of Europe

European Convention on Human rights

An organisation set up to distribute the money given by

the United States (Marshall Aid) to help rebuild Europe after

World War 2

A customs union set up by Belgium, The Netherlands and

Luxembourg. Goods, money and people could pass freely from

one country to another

Organisation for European Economic Cooperation (OEEC)

The Benelux Union The European

Monetary System

A community set up by France and Germany to pool their coal and steel industries. Italy and

the Benelux countries joined as well

JC History – IRL Ireland and Europe

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The members of the EEC

agreed to keep the value of their currencies in line

with each other

European Coal and Steel Community


The Maastricht Treaty

The members of the EEC agreed to reduce the remaining barriers

to trade

This treaty turned the EEC into the European Union. Members

agreed to have a common currency (euro) and to have

closer political ties

The Single European Act

Economic integration

Closer international economic co-operation and


JC History – IRL Ireland and Europe

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European Economic

Community EEC

Treaty of Rome

Established the EEC

The EEC established a shared common market in the EU

Common market

Free movement

The EEC established a free movement of goods within the EU

JC History – IRL Ireland and Europe

Page 134: The favoring of Bias -

The ECC has been referred to as the

EU since 1993


The Single European Act


Established a single European


This treaty further solidified

European unity

The Maastricht Treaty

Charter of Fundamental


Legally binding rights on EU

State members

JC History – IRL Ireland and Europe

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Members of the European Parliament are elected every 5



Council of Minsters

Body of governmental ministers that decide EU laws and manages the


EU civil servants who propose laws and

oversee EU policies

European Commission

Court of Justice

Court comprising of EU Judges from

each country

JC History – IRL Ireland and Europe

Page 136: The favoring of Bias -

Treaty making the

Charter of Fundamental Human Rights legally


Treaty of Lisbon

European Agency for Fundamental


Agency protecting the fundamental

rights of EU persons

Year Ireland joined the EU


Hard border If strict border controls were

established between Northern Ireland and the Republic, violence could


JC History – IRL Ireland and Europe

Page 137: The favoring of Bias -

When people were sent to prison without a trial


Unionists People who wanted to

keep the Union between Britain and


People who wanted Irish people to run

Irish affairs


Republic A country not ruled by

a monarch, where power rests with the

citizens who vote

JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

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Trade union set up by Jim Larkin to fight for better

wages and working conditions for Irish workers

Irish Transport and General Workers’

Union (ITGWU)

Irish Republican

Brotherhood (IRA)

A secret society of extreme nationalists who wanted to

gain independence by using violence

Leader of the Home Rule


John Redmond

Viceroy A

representative of the king

JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

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Party that represented

the unionists, their leaders were Edward

Carson and James Craig

Unionist Party

Irish Citizen Army

An army set up by James Connolly to defend workers from attacks by the police

during the Lockout

A social system that promotes equality among citizens through shared ownership of land and



Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA)

Organisation set up by Michael Cusack to

promote Irish sports

JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

Page 140: The favoring of Bias -

Organisation started by Eoin MacNeill and Douglas Hyde

to stop the decline of the Irish language

Gaelic League

Liberal Party One of the major parties

in Westminster which was led by prime

minister, Herbert Asquith

One of the major parties in Westminster which was led by Andrew Bonar Law They

supported unionists and were against Home Rule

Conservatives (Tories)

Veto The right of the House of Lords to reject bills passed by the House

of Commons

JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

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An act which ended the veto of the House of Lords, it meant that they could reject a bill

twice, but it would become law the third time

The 1911 Parliament Act

Solemn League and Covenant

Agreement signed by 500,000 people to use any means possible to

prevent Home Rule

An armed group set up to train men to

resist through force

Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF)

Irish Volunteers

Nationalist group led by Eoin MacNeill

to defend Home Rule

JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

Page 142: The favoring of Bias -

Dividing a

country into two parts


Arthur Griffith

Founder of the Sinn Féin


A document forged by Joseph Plunkett which

stated that the government was going to arrest the

leaders of the Volunteers

Castle Document

Blood Sacrifice

The idea that deaths would inspire the Irish

to fight for independence

JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

Page 143: The favoring of Bias -

A proclamation signed by the seven members of the Military Council declaring

Ireland a republic

Proclamation of the Irish Republic

Conscription Being forced to

join an army

Helped rebuilt the Irish Volunteers as an army to fight the


Cathal Brugha

Dáil The parliament set up in Dublin by Sinn Féin TDs who refused to take their

seats in Westminster

JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

Page 144: The favoring of Bias -

The police force in Ireland

Royal Irish Constabulary


The Squad A group of assassins set

up by Michael Collins which murdered anyone

who was a British spy

A type of fighting that consists of

surprise attacks and ambushes

Guerrilla Warfare

Flying columns

Groups of full time Volunteers who moved from

place to place to help the local commanders set up


JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

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Former British soldiers who were

sent to Ireland

Black and Tans

Auxiliaries Ex-army officers

recruited to help the Black and Tans

The IRA made many hit and run attacks against the British

Guerrilla war tactics

1916 Rising The Irish Republican Brother's attempt to

overthrow British rule

JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

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Known as the leader of the 1916


Patrick Pearse

Blood Sacrifice

Pearse hoped the rebel's death would

inspire more nationalism

Ship with German-provided arms for

the Rising

The Aud

Eamon de Valera

President of Sinn Fin and the Irish Volunteers (IRA)

JC History – Nationalism & Unionism (1911-1923)

Page 147: The favoring of Bias -

A secret society formed to protect catholic farmers

The Defenders

The Orange Order

An order set up to defend Protestants and British rule in


An army set up by the British government


Half-hanging People were hung

until they lost consciousness

JC History – IRL Pre 20th Century Revolution - Ireland

Page 148: The favoring of Bias -

A method of torture, a cloth cap filled with tar was

placed on a suspect’s head and then set alight


Loyalist A supporter of

the British government

The use of violence to end British rule in



Act of Union Law passed by Prime Minister William Pit

which closed the Irish Parliament

JC History – IRL Pre 20th Century Revolution - Ireland

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Removal of the remaining Penal


Catholic Emancipation

Pike A spear-like weapon commonly used by

the rebels

Population explosion Raw materials from the colonies New farming methods Coal

and iron ore Inventions

The Factory Acts

Turnpike Trusts

Laws introduced during the Industrial Revolution to regulate employment

conditions in industry

JC History – IRL Pre 20th Century Revolution - Ireland

Page 150: The favoring of Bias -

Wanted to be independent from Britain


Unionists Wanted to

remain part of Britain

Church of Ireland members, a

minority in Ireland

Protestant Ascendancy

Penal laws Discriminatory laws

used by the Protestant Ascendancy against


JC History – IRL Pre 20th Century Revolution - Ireland

Page 151: The favoring of Bias -

Catholics were inspired by the

motto of the French Revolution

Liberty, equality and fraternity

The Society of United Irishmen

Belfast group who wanted to limit

English influence in Belfast

Founding member of the United Irishmen

and prominent revolutionary

Wolf Tone

General Hoche

French general who attempted to aid the

Wolf's revolution

JC History – IRL Pre 20th Century Revolution - Ireland

Page 152: The favoring of Bias -

This was a

Protestant group

Peep-o'-Day Boys

Lord Edward Fitzgerald

Revolutionary leader who was arrested, dying of wounds


126 mostly Protestants were

massacred in Wexford

Massacre at Scullabogue

Act of Union 1800

This Act moved the Dublin parliament to


JC History – IRL Pre 20th Century Revolution - Ireland

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Planters who were

given land in Ireland on certain conditions


Penal Laws Laws which

discriminated against Catholics

Civil servants or army officers who were

given land from the king/queen


Bawn A stone wall around an enclosure which was

built because of fear of attack by native Irish

JC History – IRL Settlement & Plantations

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The plantation caused by the rebellion of the

O’Moores and O’Connors, led by Queen Mary I

Plantation of Laois-Offaly

Plantation of Munster

The plantation caused by the Desmond Rebellion, led by Queen Elizabeth I

The plantation caused by the 9 Years War, led by King James I

Plantations of Ulster

Cromwellian Plantation

The plantation caused by the Rebellion of 1641, led by Oliver


JC History – IRL Settlement & Plantations

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Gaelic Irish people who had not taken part in the rebellion

Loyal Irish

The Pale A small area of land

around Dublin controlled by the king

of England

Ancient native Irish law

Brehon Laws

Lord Deputy The king’s

representative in Ireland

JC History – IRL Settlement & Plantations

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Descendants of Norman lords who hoped to

make their fortune by occupying Irish land


Nine Years War

The war fought by Gaelic clans led by

Hugh O’Neill and the English

Supporters of King Charles


Parliamentarians Opposers Of King Charles

JC History – IRL Settlement & Plantations

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King of England

Lord of Ireland

The two most powerful Gaelic


O'Neills and the O'Donnells

English victory over the Irish, aided by

the Spanish

The Battle of Kinsale

Flight of the Earls

When the Ulster chiefs fled to the


JC History – IRL Settlement & Plantations

Page 158: The favoring of Bias -

The King's land

Crown land

Church land The Protestant clergy's land

How land was categorised and


Articles of Plantation 1610

Plantation of Londonderry

Merchant settlers from London who

came to Derry

JC History – IRL Settlement & Plantations

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Labourers who rented from the tenant farmers


Conacre Plot of land

rented to the cottiers

House where extremely poor

people lived


Blight Disease that

caused the potato crop to fail

JC History – IRL The Great Famine

Page 160: The favoring of Bias -

Ordered the

importation om Indian corn to


Sir Robert Peel

Laissez-faire policy

British policy of no interference

regarding the famine in Ireland

Ships bound to North America had

a high death-toll

Coffin ships

Irish diaspora Irish immigrants

and their descendants

JC History – IRL The Great Famine

Page 161: The favoring of Bias -

Giving law-making

power to a group of elected


Parliamentary tradition

Act of Union 1800

British act abolishing parliamentary tradition

in Ireland

'The Liberator' who believed in using non-

violent means to achieve political aims

Daniel O'Connell

Catholic Association

Founded by O'Connell to achieve Catholic


JC History – IRL The Parliamentary Tradition

Page 162: The favoring of Bias -

Act allowing Catholics to take seat in parliament

Catholic Relief Act 1829

Repeal Association 1840

O'Connell's campaign to establish parliament

in Dublin

Insistence by Irish MPs that parliament

address Irish matters before business

Parliamentary obstruction

The Land League

Campaigned for more reasonable rent and private ownership

JC History – IRL The Parliamentary Tradition

Page 163: The favoring of Bias -

Leader of the Home-Rule


Charles Stewart Parnell

The Land Act 1881

British Act improving rent in


British improvement of the Land Act in

return for decreased violence

The Kilmainham Treaty

O'Shea Divorce Case

Political scandal involving the divorce of Parnell's mistress,

and her husband

JC History – IRL The Parliamentary Tradition

Page 164: The favoring of Bias -

Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association


British Commonwealth

An association of countries consisting of

the UK and its colonies

A self-governing state within the British Commonwealth

where the king was head of state


Free State Army

The name for the pro-treaty


JC History – IRL The Troubles

Page 165: The favoring of Bias -

The name for the anti-treaty


Republicans (Irregulars)

Special Powers Act

An act passed by Kevin O’Higgins that allowed

Irregulars to be executed for offences such as having a


The king’s representative in

the Irish Free State


W. T. Cosgrave

Leader of Cumann na nGaedhael

JC History – IRL The Troubles

Page 166: The favoring of Bias -

Provided loans to

farmers to modernise their


Agricultural Credit Corporation (ACC)

The Shannon Scheme

A hydroelectric power station on the Shannon built

by the government and provided cheap electricity

A commission set up to decide the border between

the Irish Free State and Northern Ireland

Boundary Commission

Garda Síochána

Unarmed police force set up by Kevin O’Higgins

JC History – IRL The Troubles

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When shares on the US stock exchange fell, the US economy collapsed and this

caused a worldwide economic depression

Wall Street Crash

Statute of Westminster

Allowed the Free State to pass any law without interference

from Britain and they could also change laws that the British had

made for them without the approval of Britain

Party led by Eamon de Valera Fianna Fáil

Army Comrades Association (ACA)

A group of ex-Free State soldiers formed by Cumann

na nGaedheal to protect them against attacks from

the IRA

JC History – IRL The Troubles

Page 168: The favoring of Bias -

The ACA became known as the blue shirts when Eoin O’Duffy became head of it. Members

wore blue shirts and followed a fascist-style organisation

The Blueshirts

The Emergency Powers Act

An act passed by the Dáil to ensure that

Ireland remained neutral during World War 2

A force set up by the government during the

Emergency to train young people to fight in case Ireland was invaded

Local Defence Force

Glimmer Men Men appointed to ensure that people used only the

amount of gas and electricity that was allowed

JC History – IRL The Troubles

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A government formed

with more than one political party


TB Eradication

A national health scheme promoted by Dr. Noel Browne as Minister for Health

A scheme which ensured free medical care for all

mothers and their children up to 16 years

Mother and Child Scheme

Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement

An agreement which removed all tariffs on Irish Industrial exports

to Britain

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This was a phrase used to describe Ireland during the period of rapid economic growth that began in the


Celtic Tiger

Government of Ireland Act

Act passed by the British government that divided Ireland

into two parts. On part had 6 Ulster counties called Northern Ireland and the other part was

Southern Ireland

Being treated unfairly because of your religion


Gerrymandering Rearranging voting

districts for the benefit of a political party

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A mainly Protestant police force in

Northern Ireland

Royal Ulster Constabulary


B-Specials A reserve police force who were all Protestants

This provided free secondary education, free health care and generous pensions

Welfare State

Northern Ireland Civil Rights

Association (NICRA)

An association set up by Nationalists in Northern

Ireland to end discrimination against Catholics

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A society that commemorates the siege of

Derry, in which the Protestants faced a Catholic


Apprentice Boys

Official IRA Socialist and

favoured peaceful methods

Wanted a united Ireland, using


Provisional IRA (Provos)

UVF Ulster

Volunteer Force

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Ulster Defence Association


Direct Rule Northern Ireland was ruled directly from Westminster

When 13 unarmed Catholics protesting against

internment were shot dead by the British army

Bloody Sunday

Sunningdale Agreement

An agreement to set up a power-sharing government

and a Council of Ireland consisting of politicians from

both sides of the border

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An agreement signed by Garret Fitzgerald and Margaret Thatcher to

work together for peace

Anglo-Irish Agreement

Gerrymandering Unionist rigging of voting to ensure unionist majority

Unionist extremist

Ian Paisley

Terence O' Neill

Northern Irish Prime Minister who made efforts to reconcile Catholic relations

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Violence between the Apprentice Boys and

Catholics in Derry

Battle of the Bogside

Bobby Sands IRA prisoner who went

on hunger strike to gain political prisoner


JC History – IRL The Troubles

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Key earner of the household was nearly always the man in the

early 20th Century


Hanna Skeehy-Skeffington

Founder of the Irish Women's

Franchise League

Women who campaigned for

their voting rights Suffragettes

Cumann na mBan

Women's organisation that aided the Independence


JC History – Women 20th Century

Page 177: The favoring of Bias -

One of the most famous Irish suffragettes

Countess Markievicz

A marriage bar

Woman had to give up their jobs

after marrying

Commission which improved gender

inequality and lifted the marriage bar

Commission for the Status of Women 1970

Mary Harney The first woman Tanaiste

JC History – Women 20th Century

Page 178: The favoring of Bias -

Ireland's 7th President

Mary Robinson

Mary McAleese

Succeeded Mary Robinson

Helped lead the People's Democracy

march in 1969

Bernadette Devlin

JC History – Women 20th Century

Page 179: The favoring of Bias -

An act passed by the

Dáil to ensure that Ireland remained neutral

during World War 2

The Emergency Powers Act

Local Defence Force

A force set up by the government during the

Emergency to train young people to fight in case Ireland was invaded

Men appointed to ensure that people used only the

amount of gas and electricity that was allowed

Glimmer Men

Éamon de Valera

Taoiseach of Ireland in 1939

JC History – WWI&II Impact on Ireland

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Minister of Supplies

Sean Lemass

Curragh camp

Internment camp for servicemen in


The Irish Navy kept supply lines open during WWII

Merchant Navy

Harland and Wolff

Northern Irish company that

produced military equipment for Britain

JC History – WWI&II Impact on Ireland

Page 181: The favoring of Bias -

Northern Irish

Company that produced airships

for Britain

Shorts company

Belfast Blitz Belfast came

under attack from the Luftwaffe

JC History – WWI&II Impact on Ireland

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Gaelic Athletic Association,

founded in 1884


Maurice Davin

First President of the GAA

Patron of the GAA and leader of the Home-Rule Party

Charles Stewart Parnell

Irish Republican Brotherhood

GAA was used as a cover for the


JC History – Impact of Sporting etc.

Page 183: The favoring of Bias -

The GAA did not allow members of the Royal Irish Constabulary to



The Camogie Association

Separate from the GAA, but enjoys

GAA support

Founded in 1974 for women

Ladies Gaelic Football


Rule 42 of the GAA

This rule prohibited foreign sports being played in GAA stadiums, amended in 2007 for a rugby match between

Ireland and England

JC History – Impact of Sporting etc.

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