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Office of Extension,Engagement, and

Economic Development

November 17, 2006McKimmon Conference and Training CenterNorth Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Presented by:

Leadership from the Top:Shaping the Organizational Culture

The Fifth Annual

General Hugh Shelton Leadership Forum

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General Hugh Shelton General Hugh Shelton,U.S. Army, Retired,served as the 14thChairman of the JointChiefs of Staff from1997 until his retire-ment in 2001. The NC State alumnusand Tarboro native is adecorated combat vet-

eran of the Vietnam War and was the first memberof the elite U.S. Army Special Forces—the GreenBerets—to rise to the nation’s top military post.Before serving as the principal military advisor tothe President, the Secretary of Defense and theNational Security Council, General Shelton wasCommander in Chief of the U.S. Special OperationsCommand, overseeing the Green Berets and theNavy Seals. General Shelton earned his commis-sion through the Reserve Officers Training Corps atNC State, where he graduated in 1963 with adegree in textile engineering. He also earned aMaster of Science degree from Auburn Universitybefore completing his training at the Air Commandand Staff College and the National War College.The General now leads NC State’s General HughShelton Initiative for Leadership Development andserves as a powerful example of leadership excellence. In September 2002, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal by the United States Congress.


General Hugh Shelton Leadership Forum


The General Hugh Shelton Leadership Forum is an annual seminar series which focuses attention on the importanceof leadership development. The Forum is one program offering of the General Hugh Shelton Leadership Initiative administered by theOffice of Extension, Engagement, and Economic Development at NC State University. As Executive Director, General Shelton is com-mitted to developing values-based leadership skills to enhance corporate, government, education, nonprofit, and youth developmentorganizations. The Initiative offers scholarships, as well as executive, faculty, student, and youth development conferences.

Our mission is to inspire, educate and develop values-based leaders committed to personal integrity, professional ethics, and selfless service. To learn more visit our website at

Schedule At A Glance

Shelton Leadership Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Concurrent Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Keynote Speaker: The Honorable William S. Cohen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Biographical Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Board of Advisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Future Conferences and Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

8:00-8:45 a.m. Registration and Refreshments

8:45-10:00 a.m.— Room 2Shelton Leadership Address: General Hugh Shelton, Suzanne M. Burns, Stephen P. Zelnak, Jr.Leadership From the Top: Shaping the Organizational Culture

8:45 a.m.-3:00 p.m.— Room 2Research Poster Session on Community LeadershipSubmitted by North Carolina A&T State University's Leadership Studies Ph.D. Program, directed by Dr. Alexander Erwin

10:15-11:45 a.m. Concurrent Sessions:• Creating Cultures Promoting Globalization—Room 3• Creating Family-Friendly Work Environments—Room 7B• Contemporary Leadership Challenges for Senior Administrators—

Room 7A• Service Learning: Creating Supportive Campus Cultures—Room 6• Enhancing Professional Learning Communities—Room 8A• Community Leadership Research—Room 8B• When Crisis Happens: Team Leadership—Room 5

12:00-1:30 p.m.—Room 1Luncheon: General Hugh Shelton, presiding

1:45-3:00 p.m.—Room 2Keynote Speaker: The Honorable William S. Cohen

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Shelton Leadership Address: 8:45-10:00 a.m. Room 2

“Leadership From the Top: Shaping the Organizational Culture”As exemplary leaders in their fields, General Hugh Shelton, Suzanne Burns, and Steve Zelnak will provide experiences and practices that have shaped the culture within organizations they have led and are now leading. The breadth of knowledge and expertise of these leaders willprovide you with greater understanding of how they have modeled values-based leadership and supported the organizational culture towardhealthy sustainability.

Suzanne M. BurnsThroughout her 20-yearcareer, Suzanne Burns hasspearheaded numerousgrowth and turnaround ini-tiatives in 30 countries onsix continents.

Ms. Burns serves as VicePresident and GeneralManager for EatonCorporation’s global powerquality business servinghealthcare, IT and telepho-ny markets. Formerly, shewas Integration Director forEaton’s $2 billion acquisi-tion of Aeroquip-Vickers

and Director-International Development where she established fifteenstart-up investments in China, Korea and Brazil. She has extensiveexperience in selecting, integrating and running global businesses and,as a former consultant with A.T. Kearney, Inc., advised companies suchas General Electric, Xerox and Bayer.

Under Ms. Burns’ leadership, Eaton Corporation received Frost &Sullivan’s “Power Quality Company of the Year” award in both 2004 and2005. She was nominated to Wall Street Journal’s 2005 Top 50 Womento Watch, named International Executive of the Year by Women inInternational Trade and Woman of Professional Excellence by theYWCA.

Ms. Burns is actively involved in her community and serves on a varietyof for-profit and non-profit boards. Locally, she is a board member ofPrevent Child Abuse North Carolina, Artspace, Council forEntrepreneurial Development and NCCBI. She is also a member of thenational Women President’s Organization and on the National Board ofAdvisors for Enterprising Women magazine. She holds an M.B.A. fromCase Western Reserve University and a Bachelor of Science degreefrom the University of Wisconsin.

Stephen P. Zelnak, Jr.Stephen P. Zelnak, Jr. isChairman of the Board ofDirectors and CEO ofMartin Marietta Materials,Inc. Materials consists ofthe Aggregates Company,which is one of thenation's leading producersof crushed stone, sand,and gravel for use in con-struction; MagnesiaSpecialties, which pro-duces dolomitic lime forsteel making and magnesiachemicals for a wide rangeof customers; and a fledg-

ling composites business focusing on applications such as ballisticpanels, bridge decks and truck trailers.

Mr. Zelnak joined the Martin Marietta Corporation in 1981 as VicePresident, Planning and Business Development for the AggregatesCompany. He was appointed President of Martin Marietta Aggregatesin 1982, elected an officer of the corporation in 1989, and promoted toPresident, Materials Group in 1991. In 1994 Martin Marietta Materials,Inc., became a publicly traded corporation listed on the New York StockExchange, with Mr. Zelnak as President and CEO. Mr. Zelnak was elect-ed Chairman of the Board of Directors in 1997.

Mr. Zelnak received his B.S. in Industrial Management from GeorgiaTech and holds M.S. degrees in Administrative Science and BusinessAdministration from the University of Alabama system. He served threeyears in the U.S. Army as an explosive ordinance disposal officer.

Mr. Zelnak serves on the Board of Beazer Homes, a leading home-builder throughout the U.S. He is also active in civic affairs and busi-ness groups. A few most recent organizations he serves with are:Georgia Institute of Technology, President’s Advisory Board; NorthCarolina State University, Board of Visitors; and North Carolina StateUniversity College of Management, Advisory Board.

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Concurrent Sessions:10:15-11:45 a.m.

Room 3

Creating CulturesPromoting GlobalizationIntroduction:

General Hugh SheltonSpeakers:

Mr. Gregory N. AkersSenior Vice President and Chief TechnologyOfficer, Cisco Systems, Inc. Mr. Tom B. Rabon, Jr.Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs,Red Hat, Inc.


BG Frank H. Akers, Jr.USA (Ret.)Associate Laboratory Director, Oak RidgeNational Laboratory


Some corporations have cultures that areresponsive to global conditions resulting inglobal competitiveness. What sets theseorganizations apart? Session leaders willshare the behavior of senior executives thatinfluences success in the global environmentwhile maintaining a values-based orientation.

Room 7B

Creating Family-FriendlyWork EnvironmentsSpeakers:

Ms. Cathy “Cat” FriedenLineberryPresident and Co-founder, LineberryResearch Associates, LLCMr. Jeff ChambersVice President of Human Resources, SAS


Rear Admiral Benny Suggs USN (Ret.)Director of Field Service Operations,Harley-Davidson Motor Company

What’s the value of happy employees? Senior executives of large and small corporations will share their personal philosophy of workplace environments,strategies for implementing family-friendlypractices, and assessment of impacts onproductivity, recruitment, and retention.

Room 7A

Contemporary Leadership Challengesfor Senior AdministratorsIntroduction:

Dr. Steve JonesChancellor, University of Alaska Fairbanks


Dr. Kathryn M. MooreDean, College of Education, North CarolinaState University

Mr. Mark HamiltonPresident, University of Alaska SystemTitle, Workplace


Dr. Leila Gonzalez SullivanDirector of Graduate Programs, W. DallasHerring Professor, North Carolina StateUniversity

Institutions of higher education are complexsystems with ever increasing expectations forproductivity and accountability. What are thecontemporary issues facing leaders in theacademy? Seasoned administrators willshare their observations related to issuesaffecting leadership, ethics and characterdevelopment in higher education and engagethe audience in discussion of contemporaryleadership challenges.

Room 6

Service Learning:Creating SupportiveCampus Cultures


Dr. Robert G. BringleDirector, IUPUI Center for Service andLearning


Dr. Katie B. PerrySenior Vice Provost and Professor, North Carolina State University

Effective service learning quite often requiresinstitutional change that senior administra-tion must lead. Structural and culturalchange recognizing the scholarship of well-informed teaching that embraces civicengagement is a prerequisite for success.The reward in both learning and civic out-comes can be powerful for the student, cam-pus and community.


The NC State's Service-LearningProgramBuilding capacity for learning, leadership, and change

Room 8A

Enhancing ProfessionalLearning CommunitiesSpeaker:

Ms. Anne JollyProject Director, Professional LearningTeams for SERVE Center, UNC-G


Dr. Joseph W. PeelExecutive Director, Triangle LeadershipAcademy

Educational administrators and teachers willbe energized by this session focusing onprofessional learning teams and their role increating effective learning cultures. You willdevelop a greater understanding that leader-ship in effective learning communities is dis-tributed among teachers and focuses onimproved instruction and student achieve-ment and a commitment to advancing poli-cies and conditions that produce healthyschool cultures.



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Room 8B

Community LeadershipResearchSpeakers:

Dr. Susan MadsenAssociate Professor, Management, UtahValley State College

Dr. Terry PriceAssociate Professor, Jepson School ofLeadership Studies, University of Richmond

Mr. David ClarkPh.D. Candidate, NC A&T State UniversityLeadership Studies Ph.D. Program


Dr. Tim G. HatcherAssociate Professor and Coordinator, Adultand Higher Education, North Carolina StateUniversityExciting research presentations highlight the

importance in using contemporary leader-ship research to develop more effective lead-ership practice in community organizations,agencies and companies. Included will bestudies of developmental strategies that havebeen effective in higher levels of leadershippreparation for women. In addition, the roleof character and ethics in everyday commu-nity leadership will be explored.

Room 5

When Crisis Happens:Team LeadershipSpeakers:

Lt. Gen. John W. RosaUSAF (Ret.)President, The Citadel

Lt. Gen. Russel L. HonoréCommanding General, First Army


Col. J. Quincy Collins, Jr.USAF (Ret.)Vice President, Southern Real Estate

Crises happen! This dynamic sessionexplores the leadership traits and behaviorsthat are deemed to be most successful indealing with organizational, local, state, ornational crisis situations. Best practices forestablishing command and control will bediscussed using real-world examples andconditions that produce healthy school cultures.


Welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Hugh Shelton

Posting of Colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Army ROTC, NC State University

Introduction of Guests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chancellor Jim Oblinger

Recognition of Scholarship Recipients . . . Dr. Mike Davis

Entertainment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82nd Airborne Division, All American Chorus

Sponsor Remarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Steve Parrott, Embarq

Closing Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Hugh Shelton

Luncheon Agenda: 12:00-1:30 p.m Room 1

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The Honorable William S. CohenSecretary Cohen is the chairman and CEO of The Cohen Group, a strate-gic business consulting firm based in Washington, DC, which assistsmultinational clients from all sectors of the economy to develop andimplement strategic plans, identify and pursue business opportunities,identify and manage risks, and overcome problems in quickly changingmarkets around the world. The Cohen Group has a strategic alliance withDLA Piper Rudnick Gray Cary, the world's second largest law firm.

William S. Cohen served as the 20th U.S. Secretary of Defense, fromJanuary 1997 to January 2001, where he oversaw the largest organiza-tion in the U.S. with a budget of $300 billion and three million militaryand civilian personnel. As Defense Secretary, he was responsible for:reversing a decade-and-a-half of continuous decline in the defensebudget and the defense procurement budget, which he increased bynearly 50%; the largest military pay raise in a generation; and adoptionof electronic commerce and other best business practices in the defensedepartment. In addition, under his leadership, the United States Militaryconducted the largest air warfare campaign (Bosnia/Kosovo) since WorldWar II and conducted other military operations on every continent.

Keynote Speaker: 1:45-3:00 p.m. Room 2

“Positioning U.S. Leadership to Thrive in Global Affairs”Keynote Speaker: The Honorable William S. Cohen

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Mr. Gregory N. Akers

Mr. Gregory N. AkersGreg Akers runs aglobal governmentorganization toaddress the uniquerequirements of gov-

ernment’s core business. His organizationdelivers solutions, platforms, capabilities andvalue-added support, allowing Cisco govern-ment customers to achieve and enhance theirmission goals.

Mr. Akers also plays a crucial role as anInternet security and critical infrastructureprotection interface with the U.S. FederalGovernment and Cisco customers. He servedas the President of the IT-InformationSharing and Analysis Center (ISAC) organi-zation in 2002 and Vice President in 2001.Mr. Akers is also a member of the NationalWhite-Collar Crime Board and the Board ofDirectors of the East Carolina Infraguard.Other partnership involvements include,NSTAC, NIAC, NSTISS, NRIC and NationalCyber Security Alliance. Mr. Akers joinedCisco in 1993. In addition to his executiveleadership roles, he has held a variety oftechnical roles at Cisco, including network-ing engineer, and Vice President for theWorldwide Technical Assistance Center.

Dr. Robert G. Bringle

Robert G. Bringle,Ph.D. is theChancellor’sProfessor ofPsychology andPhilanthropic Studies

and Director of the IUPUI Center for Serviceand Learning at Indiana University-PurdueUniversity Indianapolis. Dr. Bringle has beeninvolved in the development, implementa-tion, and evaluation of educational programs

directed at talented undergraduate psycholo-gy majors, high school psychology teachers, first-year students, and the intro-ductory psychology course. As a social psychologist, he is widely known for hisresearch on jealousy and close relationships.His work as Director of the IUPUI Center forService and Learning has resulted in numer-ous national recognitions for his campus andhimself. For his scholarly journal articles,chapters, and books on service learning, Dr. Bringle was awarded the Ehrlich FacultyAward for Service Learning, and he was rec-ognized at the International Service-LearningResearch Conference for his outstandingcontributions. He was the Volunteer of theYear in 2001 for Boys and Girls Clubs ofIndianapolis. The University of the FreeState, South Africa, awarded him an hon-orary doctorate for his scholarly work oncivic engagement and service learning.

Mr. Jeff Chambers

As Vice President ofHuman Resources atSAS, the world'slargest privately-heldsoftware company, Jeff Chambers is

responsible for the company's humanresource programs, policies and initiatives fora global work force of nearly 10,000 employ-ees. Mr. Chambers implements and managesprograms that have brought SAS nationalrecognition as an innovator in providing andunderstanding the benefits of a work environ-ment that supports work/life issues. SAS hasreceived numerous accolades for its corporateculture, including a segment on CBS' 60Minutes and placement on Fortune's list ofthe “100 Best Companies to Work for inAmerica” since the list's inception. A strongadvocate of SAS' unique corporate culture,Mr. Chambers strives to shape the culture tofit today's business challenges and establish

SAS HR as a service-oriented, strategic part-ner, aligned with corporate objectives. Afterhandling labor and employment matters withMassMutual Life Insurance Company, Mr.Chambers joined SAS in 1992 as CorporateCounsel. He calls on his extensive legalknowledge to help guide the company's poli-cies and communications in functional areassuch as employee relations.

Mr. David K. Clark, Jr.

David K. Clark, Jr. is asecond-year graduatestudent at NorthCarolina A&T StateUniversity in theLeadership Studies

Ph.D. Program and Manager of Sales andMarket Development for Antronix Distribution& Supply, Inc. in Greensboro, NC. He has aBSEE from Southern University in BatonRouge, LA and an M.B.A. from ElonUniversity. He has also performed additionalundergraduate studies at MassachusettsInstitute of Technologies (MIT) in ElectricalEngineering. Mr. Clark has over 25 years ofexperience in designing communications net-works, sales, and sales support in commercialand federal markets. He has served in numer-ous professional and civic leadership rolesduring his career and was once selected asone of “America’s Best and Brightest YoungBusiness and Professional Men” by Dollars &Sense magazine. In addition to solving designproblems, Mr. Clark has always been fascinat-ed with issues facing leaders, organizations,and teams. He has combined his backgroundin technology and his interest in understand-ing leadership into his research interest ofexploring the challenges of leadership in virtual organizations. His poster presentationwill cover his potential dissertation topic.


Biographical Summaries

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Mr. Mark R. Hamilton

After 31 years of serv-ice to this nation,Mark Hamilton retiredas a Major Generalwith the U. S. Army inJuly of 1998. Just

prior to accepting the chief leadership posi-tion of the University of Alaska, Mr. Hamiltonwas in charge of national recruiting duringthe “Be all that you can be” era. He wasappointed by the University of Alaska Boardof Regents as the 12th president of theUniversity of Alaska on August 10, 1998.The president oversees the operations of theUniversity of Alaska system covering an areaone-fifth the size of the contiguous UnitedStates. The university's 16 campuses acrossthe state, including three urban campusesand a dozen community campuses, enrolls32,000 students, employs 7,900 faculty, staffand students, and has an operating budget ofover $714 million. Mr. Hamilton received aBachelor of Science degree from the U.S.Military Academy at West Point, a master'sdegree in English literature from FloridaState University, and graduated from theArmed Forces Staff College in Virginia, andthe U.S. Army War College in Pennsylvania.

Lt. Gen. Russel L. Honoré

Lieutenant GeneralRussel L. Honoré isCommanding Generalof the First Army. In that role, he isresponsible for thetraining, readiness

oversight and mobilization of National Guardand Reserve units in the Continental UnitedStates and two U.S. territories. Lt. Gen.Honoré has commanded at all levels toinclude the 2nd Infantry Division in Korea;1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division at FortStewart; and a battalion in the 1st InfantryDivision during Desert Storm. Other generalofficer assignments include: Commander,

Standing Joint Force Headquarters-Homeland Security, U.S. NorthernCommand; Vice Director for Operations, J-3,on the Joint Staff; Deputy CommandingGeneral and Assistant Commandant, UnitedStates Army Infantry Center and School; andthe Assistant Division Commander, 1stCavalry Division. Most recently while serv-ing as First Army Commander, Lt. Gen.Honoré commanded Joint Task Force-Katrina, leading the Department of Defenseresponse on the Gulf Coast for HurricanesKatrina and Rita.

Ms. Anne Jolly

Anne Jolly is ProjectDirector forProfessional LearningTeams (PLT) with theSERVE Center atUNC-G. In this roleshe designs and

directs projects to promote collaboration,increase teaching quality, and producehealthy school cultures. Ms. Jolly developspractical facilitation materials, conductsinteractive workshops, and provides ongoingfollow-up as she trains, supports, and moni-tors Professional Learning Teams throughoutthe Southeast. Her work is based on eightyears of research, development, and evalua-tion with the SERVE Center. An experiencedpresenter and keynote speaker, Ms. Jollyconsults and conducts PLT workshopsnationwide.

Ms. Jolly has been a member of the NationalCommission on Math and Science Teachingfor the 21st Century (the GlennCommission), the National Academy ofSciences Committee on K-12 ScienceEducation, the National Steering Committeefor America Goes Back to School, and aPanel Member for the President’s SouthernRegion Economic Conference. She is a for-mer Alabama Teacher of the Year and cur-rently serves as advisor to the AlabamaGovernor’s Commission on Quality Teaching.Her best-selling book, A Facilitator’s Guide

to Professional Learning Teams, is publishedby the National Staff Development Council.

Ms. Cathy “Cat” FriedenLineberry

Cathy (“Cat”) FriedenLineberry is Presidentand Co-founder ofLineberry ResearchAssociates (LRA), a contract researchorganization and

consulting firm in Research Triangle Park,NC that provides drug development servicesto pharmaceutical and biotechnologycompanies.

Ms. Lineberry has more than 25 years ofpharmaceutical experience. Prior to LRA,she was at Burroughs Wellcome Co. (nowGlaxoSmithKline) for 14 years where sheheld various positions in Clinical Research,Commercial Operations and Public Affairs.Her background also includes academictraining in pharmacy administration. Ms.Lineberry is Phi Beta Kappa from theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Since LRA’s inception in 1995, LRA has beencommitted to creating and maintaining a corporate culture that attracts and motivatestheir employees. LRA is proud to havereceived numerous awards over the pastdecade for corporate culture, people devel-opment and family friendliness. The LRAcommitment also includes an ongoing focuson community service.

Recent breaking news, Lineberry ResearchAssociates announced on October 19, 2006that it agreed to be purchased by ConstellaGroup, a Durham-based, global professionalhealth services company dedicated toenhancing human health around the world,every day.

Dr. Susan R. Madsen

Susan Madsen is an Associate Professor ofManagement at Utah Valley State College.She has recently interviewed 10 women uni-

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versity presidents and10 women governorsfor two qualitativeresearch studies onthe development ofhigh level womenleaders. Her past

research is widely published in scholarlyjournals, and she is currently writing andpublishing two books on the results of thesein-depth interviews. Dr. Madsen presentsnationally and internationally on her work.She obtained her doctorate degree from theUniversity of Minnesota in Work,Community, and Family Education with aspecialization in Human ResourceDevelopment. For the past 15 years she hasalso been an independent management con-sultant focusing on leadership, individualand organizational change, training anddevelopment, wellness, and work-life issues.She enjoys facilitating seminars and work-shops in a variety of settings.

Dr. Kathryn M. MooreKathryn “Kay” Mooreis Dean of the Collegeof Education at NCState University inRaleigh. The Collegecurrently has 149 fac-ulty and staff and

1,329 students. Degrees offered include B.S.,M.A., M.Ed, Ed.D. and Ph.D. The Collegehas an annual budget of approximately $10million and grants and contracts totalingmore than $6 million. Dr. Moore led thedevelopment of and fundraising for TheWilliam and Ida Friday Institute forEducational Innovation on NC State’sCentennial Campus. The $10-millionInstitute is a state-of-the-art research anddevelopment facility for educators focusingon teaching and learning in technology-enabled environments. This facility was builtentirely through private funds. It opened infall 2005. Prior to becoming Dean in 2000,Dr. Moore was professor and founding direc-tor of the Center for the Study of AdvancedLearning Systems in the College of

Education at Michigan State University(MSU) in East Lansing. In addition, Dr. Moore has served on the faculties ofPenn State University and Cornell University.She received her B.A. and B.S. degrees inEducation and M.A. degree from The OhioState University, and Ph.D. degree from theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison inEducational Policy Studies. She is chair electof the Board of Directors of the Institute forthe International Education of Students (IES),a Chicago-based study abroad provider.

Dr. Terry L. Price

Terry L. Price isAssociate Professor atthe Jepson School ofLeadership Studies atthe University ofRichmond andVisiting Associate

Professor in the Department of Philosophy atthe University of North Carolina at ChapelHill (2006-2007). He has degrees in philoso-phy, politics, and psychology from theUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hilland the University of Oxford, and he com-pleted his doctorate in philosophy at theUniversity of Arizona. Dr. Price's work hasbeen published in outlets such as AmericanPhilosophical Quarterly, Encyclopedia ofLeadership, Journal of Political Philosophy,Journal of Value Inquiry, Leadership andOrganization Development Journal, andLeadership Quarterly. He is co-editor of thethree-volume reference set, The InternationalLibrary of Leadership and The Quest forMoral Leaders. Dr. Price is the author ofUnderstanding Ethical Failures in Leadershipon Cambridge University Press. His currentwork includes a book project entitled AnIntroduction to Leadership Ethics, which isunder contract with Cambridge UniversityPress.

Mr. Tom B. Rabon, Jr.

Tom Rabon is Executive Vice President,Corporate Affairs, for Red Hat, Inc., a leadingsoftware technology company headquartered

on NC StateUniversity'sCentennial Campuswith satellite officesspanning the globe.He serves as a mem-ber of Red Hat's

Executive Management Team and has globalresponsibility for Red Hat's corporate affairsactivities. Prior to his position at Red Hat,Mr. Rabon was Vice President of GlobalGovernment Affairs for Lucent. Congruentwith his experience in working with manycountries and cultures at Red Hat, Mr. Rabonserved as Executive Sponsor of theGlobalization Team in Red Hat's internalleadership program. Under his direction, theGlobalization Team implemented cultural andeducation awareness projects designed toimprove how Red Hat conducts businessglobally through the definition of a commoncorporate identity, standardization of busi-ness processes, and the promotion of cultur-al diversity company-wide.

Lt. Gen. John W. Rosa

Lt. Gen. John W. Rosais President of TheCitadel in Charleston,SC. His return to hisalma mater follows adistinguished 32-yearcareer with the U.S.

Air Force during which time he compiled animpressive record of more than 3600 flyinghours as a command fighter pilot. Hebecame a familiar face on national newscastsduring the early stages of the war inAfghanistan when he held daily press brief-ings as spokesperson for the Joint Chiefs ofStaff. His final active duty assignment was assuperintendent of the United States Air ForceAcademy. While at the Academy, he madesignificant strides in creating a more tolerantculture in the midst of national media scruti-ny over allegations of sexual assault.Gen. Rosa has continued his work on respectand values at The Citadel, asserting his con-viction that respect for self and for others is afundamental requirement of leadership.


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General H. Hugh Shelton, USA (Ret.)Executive Director

BG Clara L. Adams-Ender, USA (Ret.)Woodbridge, VA

BG Frank H. Akers, Jr. USA (Ret.) Associate Laboratory DirectorOak Ridge National LaboratoryOak Ridge, TN

Mrs. Marie C. Allen Lillington, NC

Mr. Michael D. Anthony, M.A.Coordinator for Student Leadership Programs University of LouisvilleLouisville, KY

Mrs. Sarah Shelton BalkcumIRT and IB CoordinatorFarmington Woods IB/PYP MagnetElementaryCary, NC

Mr. August A. Busch IVPresidentAnheuser-Busch, Inc.St. Louis, MO

Dr. Franklin ClarkPresidentVillage Green Related Companies, LLCFayetteville, NC

Col. J. Quincy Collins, Jr.USAF (ret)Vice PresidentSouthern Real EstateCharlotte, NC

The Honorable Bob EtheridgeUnited States CongressWashington, DC

Mr. Ed GoreSunset Beach, NC

Mr. Jack P. Jordan Jordan LumberMt. Gilead, NC

Mrs. J. Kay LeonardHQ USSOCOMDirector of ProtocolMacDill AFB, FL

Mr. Paul W. Martin, Jr.Chief Managing Member Clarity Resources, LLCKnoxville, TN

Dr. Tony L. MitchellAsst. Dean, Director, Minority ProgramsCollege of Engineering, NCSURaleigh, NC

Mr. Randy NelsonPresident & CEO NSTAR Global ServicesClayton, NC

Dr. Mary PattonPupil Personnel Services CoordinatorDepartment of Defense Educational

Activity (DODEA)Arlington, VA

Mr. Brent Rowe 2003 NCSU AlumniResearch EconomistTechnology Economics & PolicyResearch Triangle InstituteChapel Hill, NC

Mrs. Crystal W. Sides Landvision Design, Inc.Franklinton, NC

Mr. Gary SteimleAnderson Creek Golf ClubSpring Lake, NC

Ms. Connie StevensCEO, Forever Spring Los Angeles, CA

Mr. Peter B. Stewart PresidentPeter Stewart EnterprisesFayetteville, NC

GEN Carl StinerUSA (Ret.)LaFollette, TN

Rear Admiral Benny SuggsUSN (Ret.)Director of Field Service OperationsHarley-Davidson Motor CompanyCedarburg, WI

Mr. Fred ThomasPinch a Penny Pools and SpasClearwater, FL

Ms. Nova Thomas Faculty, New School UniversityNew York, NY

Mr. B. Thomas Ward, Jr. Senior Vice PresidentCitigroup Global Markets Inc.Greensboro, NC

Ms. Carie Windham2005 NC State University AlumnaMitchell ScholarCoats, NC

Mr. Alan T. YuhasChairman and CEORoll and Ross Asset Management, L.P.Blue Bell, PA


Dr. Mike DavisAssistant Vice ChancellorDirector, General Hugh Shelton Initiative

for Leadership DevelopmentOffice of Extension, Engagement andEconomic Development

North Carolina State UniversityRaleigh, NC

Mr. David HaysSpecial AssistantHugh Shelton Initiative for Leadership

DevelopmentOffice of Extension, Engagement and

Economic DevelopmentNorth Carolina State UniversityRaleigh, NC

Dr. Debbie RenoCoordinator for Educational Programs

& TrainingHugh Shelton Initiative for Leadership

DevelopmentOffice of Extension, Engagement and

Economic DevelopmentRaleigh, NC

Mrs. Carolyn SheltonMorehead City, NC


Shelton Leadership Board of Advisors

Page 11: The Fifth Annual General Hugh Shelton Leadership … Shelton Leadership Address: 8:45-10:00 a.m. Room 2 “Leadership From the Top: Shaping the Organizational Culture” As exemplary

July 17-22, 2007 – UNC-Charlotte, Charlotte, NCJuly 22-27, 2007 – Eastern 4-H Environmental Education and Conference Center, Columbia, NC

The General Hugh Shelton Leadership Challenge Institute is a one-week summer experience for rising freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniorsin high school. General Shelton's cornerstones of values-based leadership are integrated throughout the experience. These cornerstones are hon-esty, integrity, compassion and diversity. NC State University's General Hugh Shelton Leadership Initiative collaborates with professionals associat-ed with K-12 education, higher education, military and high school students who attended the camp previously, to develop and implement thisyouth summer experience focusing on leadership skill development. The scope and sequence of the curriculum intentionally plans for develop-ment of leadership skills for all levels of participants: Students, Peer Leaders and CMT's (Coach, Mentor, Trainer). These skills include facilitation,individual and team reflection and evaluation. The core curriculum focuses on Leadership Roles and Accountability, Team Building, Leadership Styles and Situations, Motivating Others, CitizenResponsibility, Integrity as a Leader, Public Speaking, Changing Behaviors, and Goal Setting. Reflection is a key component for each exercise anddaily review. Students are placed in leadership roles and participate in a 360° evaluation conducted by the Coach, Mentor, Trainers (CMTs) andPeer Leaders.

Requirements of participants: Need to be a rising 9th to 12th grade student; GPA of 3.0 or better; and Previous leadership experience in clubs orother organizations is desired.

If you would like to sponsor a youth scholarship, please complete the information below.

Shelton Leadership Challenge Institute Scholarship Form

Sponsor Name:



City State/Zip

Phone Number:

I would like to make a donation to support ___ youth to attend the Shelton Leadership Challenge Institute.

I would like my donation to go to the general scholarship fund: ❑ yes ❑ no

Payable to: Shelton Leadership Challenge InstituteSend to:General Shelton Leadership InitiativeCampus Box 7401NC State UniversityRaleigh, NC 27695-7401


Page 12: The Fifth Annual General Hugh Shelton Leadership … Shelton Leadership Address: 8:45-10:00 a.m. Room 2 “Leadership From the Top: Shaping the Organizational Culture” As exemplary

Shelton Leadership Forum“Shaping the Game:The Power of TEAM Leadership”Friday, November 16, 2007

Shelton LeadershipChallenge InstituteJune 17-22, 2007UNC-Charlotte, Charlotte, NC

July 22-27, 2007Eastern 4-H Environmental Education andConference Center, Columbia, NC

For information contact the Shelton Leadership Initiative at 919.513.0150 or

Upcoming Shelton LeadershipInitiative Events

Shelton Forum Sponsorsas of November 10, 2006

****CENTURY 21 Sunset RealtyEmbarq

***Anonymous DonorBioSignia, Inc.Cisco Systems, Inc.Mulkey Engineers and ConsultantsNorth Carolina State Grange

**Pro2ServeCommunity Foundation of Greater GreensboroHarris Wholesale, Inc.Red Hat, Inc.

*Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc.NSTAR Global Services, Inc.Oak Grove Technology, LLCUnited States Steel CorporationWomble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice PLLC

**************************************************Educational Partners:

McKimmon Center for Extension & Continuing Education

NC A&T State University Leadership Studies Ph.D. Program

NC State Service-Learning Program

NC State University Center for Student Leadership, Ethics, & Public Service

NC State University Department of Adult & Higher Education

NC State University Office of the Provost

NC State University Office of Research & Graduate Studies

NC State University Office of Extension, Engagement, andEconomic Development

The Caldwell Fellows Program

The William and Ida Friday Institute for Educational Innovation

Triangle Leadership Academy

NC State University Foundation

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