Page 1: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the

The Flame Bearer Brown Deer United Methodist Church March 2020

Photo by Josh Wild. Purchased @

Page 2: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


From the Heart of Pastor Ellen March 2020

God is love,

and those who abide in love abide in God,

and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV

Dear Beloved,

You continue to stretch my heart with the

depth of your compassion and love, not only for

one another, but for our neighbors in need. You

opened your arms to Jerica Banks when her

beloved and

cherished son,

Arzel J. J. Ivery,

Jr., passed away

unexpectedly at 21


Baby Zel was

one of our babies—

even if you hadn’t

met him or his

family. We held

him when he and his sisters, Zaniya & Camaria,

came for VBS, along with their

mom and their grandparents,

Acklen and Valeria Banks.

Acklen and Valeria are active

leaders and participants in our

Conversations on Race

ministry. [Please note: C on R now meets

the third Tuesday of every month.]

We held him in life and we held him in death.

Thank you to Jeri Robinson and the God

Squad for providing radical hospitality through

your gifts of presence, tasty treats, and beverages.

Thank you to all who prayed for the family and

for those who shared your gift of presence at the

visitation or the funeral. Thank you, Cheryl

Lingle, for the gift of the bereavement minis-


Thank you, Ronda Paul, for another ministry

that has touched the hearts of many people—the

candle ministry. We lit a turquoise wrapped

candle in worship with a special cross on it for

Baby Zel. When I met with the family for the

funeral planning, the candle was gifted to his

mother, Jerica, and she learned that we were

praying for her and surrounding her family with

love. Beverly Jacquet witnessed Jerica holding

that candle during Baby Zel’s funeral.

On Tuesday, February 18, you responded once

again with open hearts overflowing with love

when we held a prayer service in remembrance of

Jerica, Zaniya, and Camaria. Val asked for a

prayer service with a laying on of hands and we

provided. Thank you again, Jeri Robinson and

the God Squad for your ministry. Thank you,

Ronda Paul, for the prayer stations and the

candles. The pink candle for was Zaniya who was

a great fan of Minnie Mouse and loved pink, red,

and polka dots. The light blue candle was for

Camaria because she loved the movie “Frozen.”

The center turquoise candle was for Jerica be-

cause turquoise/teal was her favorite color. The

candles were part of the display at their funeral

on February 22.

Your love and prayers carry me into challeng-

ing spaces. I am grateful.

Your ministries touch lives beyond our walls in

so many personal and meaningful ways. It mat-

ters that we are here and serving God. Thank you

having an impact.

Love and Peace,

Pastor Ellen

Page 3: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


Different Storms, Same Jesus ~ 2.11.2020

And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. A gale arose on the lake, so great that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep. And they went and woke him up, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We are perishing!’ And he said to them, ‘Why are you afraid, you of little faith?’ Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a dead calm. They were amazed, saying, ‘What sort of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him?' Matthew 8:23-27

Our world, our culture, our church – so many sources of anxiety, discomfort, fear and anger. Truly, people of faith have rarely been more tested than today. Yet, this is what it means to be a people of faith – to stand fast in the conviction that God is in charge, and “even the winds and the sea obey him!” We may not like what we see with our eyes, but in our hearts the Spirit of the living God pre-vails. We may shake our fists in outrage at the injustices, personal or shared, but the Prince of Peace abides. We may worry about our own future, the future of our church, the future of our country, or the future of our world, but the grace of the Redeemer has the final word.

Would Jesus address us as “you of little faith,” or as faithful disciples living in the power and assurance of gospel truth? I wonder. I hope it would be the latter, but I sense for many it would be the first. We seem to be in a place of reactivity where we walk more by sight than by faith. This is not meant as criticism or judgment, but as observation. We are making huge decisions with lasting implications from a place of anxiety, division, and uncertainty, instead of a firm faith foundation.

So, what can we do?

First, let us take our eyes off the storms and turn them back toward Jesus. Let us pray. Let us im-merse our emotions, reactions, energies, and passions in prayer. Let us pray with and for each oth-er, not about each other. Let us actively look for the Jesus in every other human being, especially those with whom we disagree.

Second, let us refocus on our baptism, our connection, and our call. Let us give the greatest measure of our energy to doing all the good we can. The elegant symmetry to doing all the good we can is that is leaves us no time to do harm. There is no limit to the good we can do, only so long as we cease to engage in harm-producing behaviors.

Third, let us work hard for the future in which we want to live. We may never become “one with Christ, one with each other, and one in ministry to all the world,” as our Communion liturgy calls us to pray, but we can continue to align our discipleship and commitment to the transformation of the world. Virtually no one believes the world we have is the best of all possible worlds. We know we can be better. We know we can be more loving. We know we can be more caring. We know that the world will not change if everyone demands their own way puts their own needs above those of oth-ers. Wanting to be better is not enough; taking steps to continuously become more Christlike is a full-time pursuit.

Last, let us simply be kind – kind to ourselves, kind to each other, kind to the stranger, and kind to our opponents. If we should find a way as The United Methodist Church, let us be kind in our differ-ences. If we are to separate, let us be kind in our parting. No matter what, my beloved, beautiful Wisconsin siblings, let us be kind as our basic witness to the world of the love and grace of God. We will face many more storms, but let us do so in the assurance that the Christ is with us.

Grace and Peace,

Bishop Hee-Soo Jung

“Breakthrough to us Ever-creating God!” I say again, “Breakthrough!” You, who are creating in and through us a new Beloved Community, transform our “whatever’s of resistance” into the “Holy Whatever’s” of justice, healing, and hope. Empowered by your immeasurable love

and grace, let us do more than we can possibly ask or imagine through Christ who strengthens us for this adventure. Amen.

Page 4: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


What’s Up In Worship ~ March 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Communion @ both services

“Recognizing Our Reality”

Matthew 4.1-11

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Communion @ 8:30

“Under the Cover of Darkness”

John 3.1-17

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Communion @ 8:30

“In Our Need”

John 4.5-42

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Communion @ 8:30

“I Got You”

Psalm 23 & John 9.1-41


Sunday, March 29, 2020

Communion @ 8:30

“More Than Bones”

Ezekiel 37.1-14 & John 11.1-45

Page 5: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


New Ministry! 5 pm Prayer Meeting in the sanctuary—come as your schedule permits (it’s okay to come after 5) 6 pm Simple Soup Supper in the Fellowship Hall. Share laughter, story, and love with each other. Bonus—great homemade soups PLUS some specials for children. Feel free to bring a dessert to share.

Please RSVP by the preceding Monday so we’re prepared for

dinner for everyone. We’ll not turn anyone away.

7:00 pm Lenten Study— Who Is My Neighbor

OPEN TO THE PUBLIC—Invite and bring your family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, letter carriers, mechanics, teachers, doctors, card playing buddies, …..


Who is My Neighbor? Multigenerational Conversa-tions on Faith & Gun Violence.

This project began to take shape at an Annual Meeting workshop when representatives of many of our member denominations gathered for a dis-cussion on our varied approaches to the crisis of gun violence facing our churches, communities and world. This work was given more urgency in the wake of the Ash Wednesday attack at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. In a Lenten Call to Action, we wrote these words to our members:

We believe it is possible to address the scourge of gun violence as a people of faith, not fear. We believe our faith compels us to act, standing with the traumatized, aligning ourselves with the hope of transformation and new life. This study-action guide is the result of two years of faithful listening, cross generational connection, and continuous commitment to the belief that the Spirit calls us to action in multiple ways. It in-cludes individual testimony to the impact of gun violence, guides to addressing gun violence through worship, single- or multi-session discussions, a list of action steps to consider, church secu-rity and safer church resources, and theological reflections.

We have been selected as a pilot program for this offering by the Wisconsin Council of Churches. Your feedback matters. All Are Welcome to participate.

Page 6: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


General &





The purpose of these gatherings is to provide

information and answer questions about what is

coming before the General Conference in May

and Jurisdictional Conference in July. These are

the Southeast District meetings. There are meet-

ings planned in each of the districts.

March 10, 7:00 p.m.

Fifth Avenue UMC: 323 S 5th Ave.,

West Bend, WI 53095

March 19, 6:00 p.m.

Waukesha: First UMC, 121 Wisconsin Ave,

Waukesha 53186

April 4, 1:00 p.m.

Central UMC, 639 N 25th St,

Milwaukee 53233

April 18, 9:30 a.m.

Milton UMC, 241 Northside Dr,

Milton 53563

FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020

It’s time for a

Let’s take another trip to

Steven’s Point to learn how we can make

an even greater impact.

Departure Time: 7:00 am

Return Time: 6:00 pm (apx.)

Please contact the office if you

want to participate by April 1.

Please let us know if you are willing

to drive and how many can fit in

your vehicle.

Page 7: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


+Servants of Our Hospitality Ministry God appeared to Abraham at the Oaks of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance of his tent. It was the hottest part of the day. He looked up and saw three men standing. He ran from his tent to greet them and bowed before them. He said, “Master, if it please you, stop for a while with your servant. I’ll get some water so you can wash your feet. Rest under this tree. I’ll get some food to refresh you on your way, since your travels have brought you across my path.”

~ Genesis 18:1-5 The Message

Marks of Discipleship: Radical & Inclusive Hospitality Is God calling you to serve in this capacity? Talk with Pastor Ellen as you explore

the next steps in your discipleship journey.

Page 8: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


Page 9: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


Page 10: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


On-Going List (BDUMC Members & Constitu-ents)

Bob Adkins

Pastor Paul Armstrong

Wava Belter

Dennis DeVoy

Chuck Gloor

Dawn Haney

Mary Anne Herrick

Jack Kennedy

Doug Paul

Don Peters

Jim Polk

Anna Guri-Tamm

James Thomas

Christine & Robert White-side

Robert Crawford

Caregivers of those with

on-going concerns

Others with Health Con-cerns (BDUMC Mem-bers & Constituents)

...with important medical


3.2 Sherudo Dzimano

3.5 Mark Krueger

3.7 Hilary Forbes

3.8 Kevin Lyman

3.9 Cole Henrics

3.15 Karen Seward Roger Werner Josh Stanford Cameron Irwin

3.16 Eric Belter

3.17 Troy Bowen Elise Ittner


Amy Timm 3.21

Zachary Zenge Paige Shurilla

3.23 Ethan Ngandu

3.24 Cindy Schroeder

3.25 Jim Lyon

Henry Ocampo 3.26

Arthur Luse Laura Grisson

3.30 Shelly Bourassa

3.31 Maria Hernandez

Nombulelo Dzimano & Gwinyai Dzimano Sr.

March 7th

Page 11: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the



For those doing the hospitality “assignment” for Pastor Ann...

Visit another worship place and fill out a report about your experience.

The worship reports are available in one of the bottom mailboxes upstairs by the bathrooms.

Completed reports can be sent to Heather by email ([email protected]) or put in the office manager mailbox.

Reports are due by the end of March. Please be sure to include your name on the report!!

Chili Bowl XXIX was a success!!

A big thank you to the congregation for their support of a very suc-

cessful Chili Bowl XXIX held on February 1, 2020. A special thanks to

all who provided food item donations and the volunteers that made

the night a great eating and fellowship success.

Chili Bowl XXIX raised $1,070.00, with all expenses being donated. These funds will be

used towards meeting our 2020 General Budget.

Thanks again for the outstanding support and see you all again next year!!

~ Kim and Jim Hubbell ~

BDUMC Family, Thankyou so much for the care package. I am so blessed to have you all looking out for me. My roommates and I are really enjoying all of the tasty snacks! School is going great. I am still pursuing an exercise science pre-physical therapy major with a neuroscience minor. Thank you again, I really appre-ciate it! ~Emily Lyman

Thank you for the care package. It came at a really good

time, as I have finals next week!

~Christopher Hubbell

Brown Deer UMC - We so appreciate your leadership, the con-

gregation, the worship service, and the won-derful welcome. We are blessed and grate-


~Rev. Joel and Youth from Superior Faith UMC

Page 12: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the




"The Serenity Prayer" reads:

God, Grant me the Serenity

To accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference.

The book arrived and I took a peek. It was hard for me to put the book down. Never have I

felt so anxious as I do now. I welcome the antidote to my anxiety. If there is a path to finding peace;

make plain the vision. The world needs it NOW.

The study encompasses the book of Proverbs and "The Serenity Prayer" as a guide to help

Christians find their way through anxiety, worry, and fear and moves towards God's peace that sur-

passes all understanding. "Using 'The Serenity Prayer' as a scaffold, Finding Peace in an Anxious

World explores ways to discover peace through scriptural and spiritual disciplines

so that we can be rooted in God and energized to live fully as disciples of Christ."

"Rooted in God." Sounds familiar? Sounds good. I look forward to being engaged in this

study "for such a time as this". Stay tuned. Cathryn

Page 13: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the



Saturday, March 14, 9AM @ Brown Deer UMC


SCRIPTURE: 2 CORINTHIANS 8: 13-15 We don’t want others to have it easy at your expense. We want things to be

equal. Right now you have plenty in order to take care of what they need. Then they will have plenty to take care of what you need. The goal is to even things out. It is

written, “The one who gathered a lot didn’t have too much. And the one who gathered a little had enough.” (Exodus 16:18)


I do not mean that there should be relief for others and pressure on you, but it is a question of fair balance between your present abundance and their need, so that their

abundance may be for your need, in order that there may be a fair balance. As it is written, “The one who had much did not have too much, and the one who had little

did not have too little.” (2 Corinthians 8:13-15) O God, we pause to quiet our minds and open our

hearts to that still small voice of God, always available to us if we would but pause. Let us be enveloped in the Spirit of God.


Each year we are called to study, reflect, pray and act on our work in transforming lives for women, children and youth. The emphasis this year will be on the work of our National Mission Institutions, International Partners, and Regional Missionar-ies. These programs offer educational and economic development opportunities to

the underserved and marginalized.

2020 UMW Meetings (as of 2.26.2020) Friday, March 6—World Day of Prayer (BDUMC host)

Saturday, April 4— Conference Social Action Day, Green Bay

Sunday, April 12—Easter

Saturday, April 25—South East UMW Spring Enrichment (BDUMC host)

Friday & Saturday, June 12 & 13—Mission U, Oconomowoc

Monday & Tuesday, July 20 & 21—Mission U , Wisconsin Rapids

Friday & Saturday, August 14 & 15—Mission U, Eau Claire

September—UMW SUNDAY & Collection of the World Thank Offering

Saturday, October 3—South East UMW Annual Meeting, Milton

Friday & Saturday, October 16 & 17—Conference UMW Annual Meeting, Baraboo

2020 5th Sunday Conversations @ 9:30 am

March 29, May 31, August 30, and November 29

Page 14: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


Companions In Christ—Spring 2020

Wednesdays, 9:30—11:00 am


February 26—April 8

What is the image of God? How much faith do I need?

The Bible has passages that are not fully understood

and we often ignore or overlook them.

Audrey Gloor and Cathie Hulder will be leading the

Second half of this Bible Study during the six weeks of

Lent. We will be using the same book we used this fall.

If you were not enrolled in the fall session, please see

Cathie or Audrey as soon as possible.

Everyone who plans to attend this Lenten study, please

sign up on the sheet on the parlor bulletin board. To

prepare for the first session, read chapters 13 & 14. We

look forward to having you with us!

Conversations on Race

Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 6:30 pm

Topic: Domestic Violence

Special Guests To Be announced

MADISON -- With 2020 off to a violent start in Milwaukee, with 20 homicides, 12 of

them involving women or children, city leaders took their message to Madison Tuesday,

Feb. 25. That 20 is seven more homicides than at this point in 2019 -- less than two full

months into the year. Reggie Moore, director of Milwaukee's Office of Violence Prevention,

noted domestic violence was a root cause in many of these cases. Moore spoke at the

Wisconsin Capitol in Madison to Capitol staff, laying out Milwaukee's Blueprint for Peace

and the need for state resources to support local solutions.” - Fox 6

One out of 4 women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. As people of faith, we know

that God has a plan that brings life, life abundantly, to all people. There can be life without violence.

You are invited to join together at the next Conversations on Race as we learn more about what we

can do together to make Beloved Community a reality. We anticipate that Val & Acklen Banks will be

sharing at this meeting, along with other community leaders. Watch the BUZZ for updates.

Come. Learn. Love. Make An Impact.

Page 15: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


Equipping For Ministry


8:30—9:15 am Worship with Communion each

week & prayer stations

9:30—10:15 am

Kids on a Mission

(Fellowship Hall)

Adult Spiritual Formation—

Upper Room Reflections

(Room 21)



10:30—11:30 am Worship with Communion the

first Sunday of the month plus

Weekly Critter (stuffed)

Connection for children

of all Ages

Time for Young Disciples

Conversations on Race

Tuesday, March17

A Faithful Response to the

Harm of Domestic Violence

NOW 3rd Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm Sanctuary Area

NEXT w/Pastor Ellen

Saturdays @ 10:30

Church Library

“UMC Social Principles”

Exploring our identity together.

All Are Welcome.

Gathering ‘Round the Scriptures

Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm


(except the third Tuesday of the month when they

participate in Conversations on Race.)

Wednesday Morning Breakfast Bible Study ~

7 am Parlor

Page 16: The Flame Bearer - BDUMC · God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. 1 John 4.16b NRSV Dear Beloved, You continue to stretch my heart with the


Brown Deer United Methodist Church

5736 W. Brown Deer Road Brown Deer, WI 53223

Facebook: Website:

Phone: 414-354-4477

SUNDAY WORSHIP: 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a. m.

- Pastor: Rev. Ellen Rasmussen 608/451-2000

[email protected]

Office Staff

Heather Forbes

[email protected]

Organist: Cindy Schroeder Choir Director: Cliff Gribble Custodian: Hilary Forbes

- - -

Angel Care — 414-371-9868

Director: Hilary Forbes [email protected]

Next with Pastor Ellen

Saturdays, 11:30 pm,

Church Library

You are invited to participate in Next with Pastor Ellen as we explore the proposed revised

2020 Global Social Principles. You are welcome to come to any of the classes. Materials are ready

and waiting for you. We began with a look at our Social Creeds and are beginning to explore each of

the topic areas: Community of All Creation, The Economic Community, The Social Community, and

The Political Community. Each area has a variety of sections. Updates will be available through the

BUZZ, if there is a particular area of interest, please feel free to come for that session. If you would

like to know more, please contact Pastor Ellen, Joe Masterson, Holly Hamilton, or Audrey Gloor.

Topics for March include: Economic Challenges, Responsible Consumerism, Farming & Agri-

culture, The Dignity of Work, Sabbath & Renewal Time, and Corporate Responsibility.

Please RSVP to Pastor Ellen. All Are Welcome.

Come. Learn. Love. Make an Impact.

Mark Your Calendars

& Invite Guests:

2020 Holy Week Schedule

Sunday, April 5 @ 8:30 & 10:30 AM


Thursday, April 9 @ 7 pm

Holy (Maundy) Thursday

Friday, April 10 @ Noon

Friday, April 10, @ 7 pm

Good Friday

SUNDAY, APRIL 12 @ 8:30 & 10:30 AM


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