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The future of general practice

Dr Robert Varnam@robertvarnam

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One of the things motivating me as I first looked outside the walls of our practice, to lead some local service redesign for diabetes, was fear. A fear that general practice, despite being a service depended on by the country, had a very uncertain future.

In fact, I was afraid that general practice was being run into the ground. Although NHS spending was rising, with growing amounts of staff and money, the majority was going elsewhere in the system. Even though we were talking increasingly about the importance of providing more care outside hospital, the investment was going inside hospital.

Does general practice have a future?

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So why are people talking about change? It’s partly about the pressure we’re under right now, and partly about the huge opportunity to do something better. And, for once, the same changes that would help with one are also necessary for the other. Pressure Opportunity

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UK general practice is one of the world’s most comprehensive embodiments of the founding principles of primary care…

Personal care built on a relationship from cradle to grave

Community based responsible for prevention and care of a registered population

Holistic perspective understanding the whole patient not just a disease

Comprehensive skills to diagnose & manage almost anything

Personal and population-orientated primary care is central … if general practice fails, the whole NHS fails. Simon Stevens, General Practice Forward View

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Non-specialist / failed consultantGatekeeper / door-holderKing of my castleIt’s all in me

Community services

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Community services


Non-specialist / failed consultantGatekeeper / door-holderKing of my castleIt’s all in me

Excellent continuity (by default)

The GP is there for everything

Complex care often disjointedGPs professionally isolated and undervaluedThe GP is there for everythingBiopsychosocial needs often met in medical wayOverdiagnosis & overtreatment

GPs & patients have been imprisoned within the walls of a castle that is too small.

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Improving access

“Right access 2016”

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Collaborative working Whole system approach Self-care Broader workforce Tech

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We’re a federation.

So… ?Dr Robert VarnamHead of General Practice



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What size ? What structure & legal entity?

We’re a federation. What now?

Prime Minister’s GP Access Fund: 2,500 practices

New care models vanguards: 1,023 practices

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4 400

We need the best of both worlds

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What size ? What structure & legal entity?

We’re a federation. What now?

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Whitstable medical practice

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AT Medics, London

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• staff pooling• shared training• common policies &

procedures• new specialist input

e.g. Wakefield, S Cotswolds, Richmond

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What size ? What structure & legal entity?

We’re a federation. What now??

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Purpose > function > form Purpose > function > form Purpose > function > form Purpose > function > form Purpose > function > form Purpose > function > form Purpose > function > form Purpose > function > form

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What shall we achieve?Who is ‘us’?

What capabilities will we need?

What ways of working will

serve us best?

How should we lead?

What infrastructure

will support us?

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Creating shared purpose

Strategic planning &


Leading through change

Being a leader


Patients as partners

Process design

Using data for improvement

Rapid cycle change


Team leadership

Operations management



At-scale working




Business intelligence

Capabilities for the future

Interdependent capabilities for leaders & organisations

Robert Varnam
Ops & team management
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Pick something to achieve

Do it together

Build relationships & capabilities as you go

Build structures & contracts to sustain new things

So …?

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Creating shared purpose

Strategic planning &


Leading through change

Being a leader


Patients as partners

Process design

Using data for improvement

Rapid cycle change


Team leadership

Operations management



At-scale working




Business intelligence

General practice capability framework

Interdependent capabilities for leaders & organisations

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o Urgent help

o Reduce it

o Manage it

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Vulnerable practice schemePractice resilience programme

• Flexible approach• Rapid help AND sustainable solutions

• beyond short-term ‘gap-filling’• Looking beyond individual practice

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Simplify reporting and regulationStreamline payment systemsMove away from micro-incentives

Greater specialist support

Self-help and GP Online

Better sign posting• Care navigation• Social prescribing• Minor ailments• Remote triage/care• Open access AHPs

Reformed 111/Urgent Care

Collectiveworking and MCP contract


Community services

Changes to

Standard Contract


Access hub

Demand Management

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@robertvarnam[email protected]

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Self-rating by GPs

5,128 consultations [email protected]

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@robertvarnamTypical practice 6,700 patients [email protected]

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Local Time for Care programmes• Bespoke 9-12 month

programme to support a group of practices to implement innovations that release time for care.

• Training for reception and clerical staff, for active signposting and document management (£45m over 5 years).

• Funding towards purchasing online consultation systems (£45m over 4 years, from 2017).

• CCG transformational support (£171m over 2 years, from 2017).

General Practice Improvement Leaders• At least 400 free places a

year for three years.

• Skills and confidence in designing and implementing improvements within the practice rapidly and sustainably.

• RCGP Supporting Federations Network and NHS Collaborate (NAPC & NHS Alliance) for leaders of at-scale primary care.

• Funding facilitated peer networking for practice managers of all 7,800 practices, with support to develop professional skills.

• 24 regional GPFV roadshows• 30 local High Impact Actions

showcase events• Web resources (60 and

growing)• Fortnightly webinars• Network of champions

10 High Impact Actions to release time for care

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10 High Impact Actions

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10 High Impact Actions

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10 High Impact Actions

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• Bespoke 9-12 month programmes to support groups of practices to implement innovations that release time for care.

• Open to all 7,800 practices in England. Registrations received from practices in 35% of CCGs in first 3 months. Expected total of 200 local programmes to run over three years.

• Evidence indicates most practices can expect to release 10% of GP time through programme.

• Each programme designed to align with existing local initiatives.

Time for Carechange programmes

Can be aligned with new transformational funding:• Training for reception and clerical staff, for active signposting

and document management (£45m over 5 years).

• Funding towards purchasing online consultation systems (£45m over 4 years, from 2017).

• CCG transformational support (£171m over 2 years, from 2017).

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General Practice Improvement Leaders programme• Training for clinicians and managers in service

redesign and change leadership. Creating at least 400 free places a year for three years.

• Focus on techniques for designing and implementing improvements within the practice rapidly and sustainably.

• Learn-while-doing approach gives immediate as well as longer term benefits..

Fundamentals of change and improvement (2-day session)

Human dimensions of change (2 x 1-day sessions)

Facilitation skills (2 x 1-day sessions)

Primary care improvement community


• Funding the RCGP Supporting Federations Network. 750+ members, 3 national events a year, 6 webinars, growing library of online resources.

• Funding NHS Collaborate (NAPC & NHS Alliance) network for leaders of at-scale primary care. Bi-monthly face-to-face networking, aiming to grow to 200 members in next year.

• Funding facilitated peer networking for managers of all 7,800 practices, with support to develop professional skills.

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Self Care

Broader skillmix

Self management /

social prescribing


Collaborationwith specialists

At scale

Population wellbeing management and holistic person-centred care provided by a multiprofessional team led by the GP, supported by at-scale collaboration and efficiencies.

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Self Care

Broader skillmix

Self management /

social prescribing


Collaborationwith specialists

At scale

Population wellbeing management and holistic person-centred care provided by a multiprofessional team led by the GP, supported by at-scale collaboration and efficiencies.

A model of care no longer solely defined by or limited to the contribution of the GP

Continuity (by design)Extended team provides joined-up comprehensive carePartnership working with patient & community

Big redesign journeyChange needed across whole systemNew capabilities neededLoss of some aspects of professional identity (for

some GP partners)

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Innovators are here(already)

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The future of general practice

Dr Robert Varnam@robertvarnam

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